2810 house avenue ( cheyenne, wy 82001


NO. 06-CB-0011



Issued By:

Purchasing Department

Sharyn M. Guthridge, CPPB/CPPO

Business Services Administrator

Phone: (307) 771-2128

FAX: (307) 771-2154


This service bid has been developed specifically for FLOORING MATERIALS. Therefore, all bidders are urged to review this package in detail before submitting their bid.

Sealed written Replies to this bid must be received by Purchasing no later than the date, time and location indicated. Submittal by fax is not acceptable.

To enhance your odds for positive delivery and proper handling of your reply, we ask that you duplicate the following label and affix it to the outside of your submittal envelope.

LCSD#1 Purchasing Department

2810 House Avenue, Room 118

Cheyenne, WY 82001

Bid Number 06-CB-0011

Due: March 16, 2006 – 10:00 AM (MST)

It is YOUR complete responsibility to meet the submittal requirements. We recommend you verify the label data with the title page; the latter prevails.



LCSD#1/The District - These terms refer to Laramie County School District Number One, a duly organized public entity

You/Your/Vendor/Bidder/Contractor - These terms refer to all recipients of this Invitation.

Bid/Proposal - Refers to the entire process and includes the invitation, special provisions, specifications or requirements.

Invitation - Includes this document and any related attachments or amendments.

Invitation Clarification

Questions regarding this Invitation should be directed in writing, preferably by fax, to the Buyer specified on the title page, as soon as possible after you receive the invitation. If applicable, answers citing the question(s) asked but not identifying the questioner, will be distributed simultaneously to all known prospective bidders. Note: Written requirements in the Invitation or its amendments are binding, but any oral communications between you and us are not.

Bidder Responsibility

We expect you to be thoroughly familiar with all specifications and requirements of this Invitation. Your failure or omission to examine any relevant form, article, site or document will not relieve you from any obligation regarding this Invitation. If at any time we discover deviations in your reply that are not identified, you will be subject to disqualification from consideration or cancellation of contract.

General Instructions

Bids received after the time and date specified, whether delivered or mailed, will not be considered and will be returned unopened.

No bids will be considered which are not submitted on the attached bid form signed by a proper official of the company and submitted in a sealed envelope marked Bid Number 06-CB-0011.

Failure to respond (submission of bid or notice in writing that you do not wish to bid on that particular transaction but would like to remain on the applicable active bidder’s list) to this Invitation to Bid will be understood by the District to indicate a lack of interest and may result in the removal of the bidder’s name from the applicable active bidder’s mailing list for the items concerned.

The District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities, irregularities or technical defects in bids, and unless otherwise specified by the District to accept any item or groups of items in the bid, as may be in the best interest of the District.

Preparation of Bids

If erasures or other changes appear on the bid forms, each erasure or change must be initialed by the person signing the bid.

The bid number shall appear on any technical data or other information furnished by your firm with this bid.

Receipt of amendments/addendum by bidders must be acknowledged prior to the bid opening. Amendment/addendum received prior to bid submittal should be acknowledged in the appropriate space on the bid document. Amendment/addendum received after bid submittal should be acknowledged by letter or facsimile.

Any documents intended to supplement or deviate from the express requirements of this bid solicitation may result in a rejection of that bid. Manufacturer quotation forms duplicating the items listed on the enclosed bid can be confusing and are not requested.

Modification or Withdrawal of Bids

A bid that is in the possession of the Business Services Administrator may be altered by letter or fax transmission bearing the signature or name of the person authorized for bidding, provided it is received prior to the time and date of opening. A facsimile should not reveal the bid price but should indicate the addition, subtraction, or other change in the bid.

A bid that is in the possession of the Business Services Administrator may be withdrawn by the bidder in person or by written request up to the time of the bid opening. Bids may not be withdrawn after the bid opening.

Tax Exempt Status

Public schools are exempt from manufacturer’s federal excise tax and states sales tax. Tax exemption certificates will be issued upon request.


Direct purchases of materials by the State of Wyoming or its political sub-divisions (including Laramie County School

District Number One) are exempt from Wyoming Sales and Use Tax. Contractor's purchasing and consuming materials,

equipment and supplies for their performance of alteration, improvement or repair of real property are subject to the

Wyoming Sales and Use Tax. Purchases by contractor's of equipment, materials and supplies consumed in contracts

with the State of Wyoming, its departments and institutions and the political sub-divisions thereof (including Laramie

County School District Number One) are subject to Wyoming Sales and Use Tax. Comply with Sales and Use Tax Laws

per Wyoming Statutes 39-6-401 through 39-6-417; W.S. 39-6-501 through 39-6-518 and W.S. 39-6-601 through 39-6-


Obtain a Sales and Use Tax License from the Department of Revenue and Taxation, State of Wyoming, for the

County in which the materials, goods, fixtures and furnishings and all other tangible personal property required by

this project are consumed.

Report the use, installation or transfer of such property into the project as a sale by licensed vendor and pay any

and all taxes due, unless this tax was already included in the purchase price paid to the supplier.

The proposer shall require each sub-contractor to comply with the same statutes and provisions and shall so

stipulate in any agreement or contract with them.

For additional information contact the Department of Revenue and Taxation, Contracts Sections, Herschler Building,

Cheyenne, WY 82002.


Time in connection with prompt payment discounts offered will be computed from the date of delivery or from the date your bill is received on a Laramie County School District Number One voucher with itemized invoice, whichever is later.

Percentage discounts for payment of invoices in 20 days or more will be considered in the evaluation of bids. Shorter discount periods will not be considered in the evaluation of bids.


When applicable a percentage preference of five percent (5%) will be allowed. The preferential, when applied, will be accomplished by adding the five percent (5%) to the total bid price of the non-resident bidder. Discounts offered will be taken into consideration and deduction of the discount amount will be made before application of the preferential (W.S. 16-6-105), as amended.

Expenditures or contracts involving federal funds are subject to Federal Rules and Regulations. Under these conditions, a percentage differential will not be allowed.

Material Availability

Bidders must accept responsibility for verification of material availability, production schedules, and other pertinent data prior to submission of bid and delivery time. It is the responsibility of the bidder to notify the District immediately if items specified are discontinued, replaced, or not available for an extended period of time.

The District reserves the right to charge back additional costs (freight, special handling, difference in purchase price, etc.) to the successful bidder when items are not supplied as offered. In addition, failure of the successful bidder to supply the products/services specified in this Invitation may result in removal of the vendor from the active bidder’s list for a period to be determined by the Business Services Administrator.


The purpose of a specification is to serve as a basis for obtaining goods and/or services which are adequate and suitable for the District’s needs in a cost effective manner, taking into account, the costs of ownership as well as initial acquisition costs.


A “qualified products list” is a form of specification in which various brands are examined, approved, and placed on a list. The purpose of this type of specification is to determine in advance those products which meet the requirements of the District.

If you desire to have your product considered for future inclusion on the qualified products list for purchase by the District, it will be necessary for you to provide adequate samples, free of charge, for testing and evaluation prior to the bid process.

Trade Name Provisions

Bids will only be accepted for those brands on the bid proposal sheet that have been pre-qualified by the District

through a testing and evaluation procedure.


All flooring materials must comply with O.S.H.A and all Safety Regulations and other standards for educational use in public schools as required by the U.S. Government, State of Wyoming, Laramie County, City of Cheyenne. This includes various safety and flammability regulations and it is the bidder’s responsibility to meet the necessary requirements.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

Laramie County School District No. One requires, if applicable, bids must be accompanied by Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each item. (OSHA Hazardous Communication Standard 29 CFR, Part 1910.1200).

Bidders must be certain the brand(s) they are offering are labeled by the manufacturer with appropriate hazardous material symbols.

All MSDS sheets must be identified in the upper right hand corner with the bid number 06-CB-0011 and bid item number.

During shipment of item(s), Department of Transportation rules will prevail. No Product containing asbestos in any form will be considered for award by the District.

Pursuant to award of this contract, successful contractor shall provide necessary MSDS sheets 10 days following notification of award or subsequent contract may be withdrawn.


Time (days, weeks, etc.) required for delivery is a significant consideration with respect to this award process. The realistic time required for delivery must be indicated in the space provided or your bid may be ruled non-responsive and may not be considered.

The Business Services Administrator must be given advance written notification if delivery schedules are expected to change for any reason that might affect delivery times. Failure to provide notice of altered delivery schedules, may be due cause for forfeiture of the balance of the contract and subsequent removal from the active bidder’s list for a period to be determined by the District.

All items are to be delivered as specified on the purchase orders. All items will be shipped F.O.B. to 316 South Lexington Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82007. Freight charges are to be prepaid and will be paid by the District as per the appropriate invoice.

Vendors are required to furnish packing slips with all shipments made to the District.

Performance – Force Majeure

Successful bidders shall be excused from performance hereunder during the time and to the extent that bidder is prevented from obtaining, delivering, or performing in the customary manner by acts of God, fire, war, loss or shortage of transportation facilities, lockout or commandeering of raw materials, products, plants, or facilities by the government. Bidder shall provide the District substantiating evidence that non-performance is due to other than fault or negligence on his part.

Conflict of Interest

Vendor warrants it has no interest, and shall acquire no interest that would directly or indirectly conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of this proposal. For violation or breach of this warranty, LCSD#1 shall have the right to annul this contract without liability or, at its discretion, to deduct price for consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee.

Each signatory avers that to his/her knowledge, no Laramie County School District Number One employee has any personal or beneficial interest whatsoever in the service or property described herein.

Laws to be Observed

The successful vendor shall keep fully informed on all federal and state laws, all local bylaws, regulations and all orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority which in any manner affect those engaged or employed on the work or which in any way affect the ordinances, regulations, orders and decrees in force at the time of award. The successful vendor shall protect and indemnify the District and its representatives against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, bylaw, ordinance, regulation, order or decree whether by himself or by his employee(s). No extension of time or additional payment will be made for loss of time or disruption of work caused by any actions against the successful vendor for any of the above reasons.

The parties expressly agree and understand that the provider is not an employee or agent of the District in any sense,

but is a sole independent contractor.


The District hereby notifies all Bidders it will affirmatively insure that, in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit Bids in response to this Invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry in consideration of an award. Bidder hereby agrees that should he/she be awarded this contract, Bidder will not discriminate against any person who performs work there under because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or ancestry.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

By submitting their Bid, Bidders certify they do not and will not during the performance of this contract employ illegal alien workers or otherwise violate the provisions of the Federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.

Substance Free Environment

The use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol is prohibited in all District buildings, vehicles, and on the grounds of all District facilities.

Bid Application

If you are a new vendor, you must complete a Vendor’s Bid Application. This application is available at Bids received without this application may not be considered.

Certification and Compliance

The undersigned agrees to furnish the commodity and/or services stipulated in the attached invitation, at the prices and terms stated, subject to the general conditions outlined and the specific conditions identified.

A signed contract furnished to the successful bidder results in a binding contract without further action by either party.


The failure of the successful bidder to comply with the terms and conditions of this bid will subject this contract to revocation.

Sharyn M. Guthridge, CPPO

Sharyn M. Guthridge, CPPB/CPPO

Business Services Administration

This electronic signature is intended as an equal to an original signature.

SECTION 2. Special Provisions


It is the intent of this bid to establish pricing for Flooring Materials on an annual firm, fixed cost contract basis.

Contract period

The contract period shall commence April 4, 2006 and end April 3, 2007.

LCSD#1 Representatives

Questions concerning the bid process relative to this bid package should be directed to:

Sharyn Guthridge, Business Services Administrator, 307-771-2128, email:

Commercial Warranty/Manufacturer’s Recommendations

The bidder agrees that supplies or services furnished under any resultant purchase order issued by Laramie County School District Number One, shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warranties the bidder gives to any customer for such supplies or services. All warranty information and certificates shall be furnished and become the property of the District upon delivery of said items and all rights and remedies stated in the warranties must be honored by the contractor or his manufacturer.

All items are new manufacture unless otherwise specifically stated or called for in the bid.

All products offered must have passed the first line quality standard as set by the manufacturer and no seconds,

blemished articles, or items containing defective workmanship are included.

Warranty shall also cover any problems due to manufacturing and/or installation of the floor covering.

A certificate of warranty for the products specified in this bid shall be submitted to the District ten (10) working days

after notification of award.


Product prices quoted are to be firm for the duration of the contract period. No escalation is provided and price adjustments will not be allowed.


It is the intent to make an all or nothing award for the purchase of flooring materials by the District.

Although awards may be made for the purchase of flooring materials, Laramie County School District Number One

will not be obligated to make any purchases.


LCSD#1 specifically reserves any claim it may have to sovereign immunity as a defense in any action arising in conjunction with this agreement.


In the event the provider is unable to continue to supply flooring materials to the District, the provider shall not substitute another product or sub-contract this agreement to another provider without prior written notification and the consent of the Business Services Administrator.

Failure on the part of the provider to inform the District of such action shall be cause for revocation of the contract.

SECTION 3: flooring materials


It is the intent of the District to purchase all flooring materials. Any materials not supplied by the District to the installation contractor will be supplied by the contractor and will be subject to Wyoming Sales and Use Tax.


Flooring materials to be purchased include VCT, Resilient Base, Sheet Vinyl, Carpet and Walk-Off Carpet.


Successful bidder shall notify LCSD#1 Planning and Construction immediately of any changes to specifications

made by the manufacturer.

Failure on the part of the provider to notify the District in advance of any changes in specifications for the flooring

materials being provided as the result of this agreement may result in revocation of this agreement.


Samples for Selection: Upon award, successful bidder must provide standard sample sets consisting of sections of units showing full range of colors and patterns for each type of product indicated.


VCT: Vinyl Composition Tile: FS SS-T-312B (1), Type IV, Composition 1, and ASTM F 1066, Composition 1, MIL

STD 1623D, unless otherwise indicated, and as follows:

1. Size: 12" x 12"

2. Composition: Asbestos-free

3. Gage: 1/8"

4. Flame Spread:

ASTM E-84 Tunnel Test - Less than 75

ASTM E-648 (Federal Test Method 372) Flooring

Radiant Panel Test - 0.45 watts per square centimeter or more.

5. Smoke Developed (ASTM E-662): Less than 450

Qualified Products:

Custom Cortina - Azrock Floor Products Division., Azrock Industries, Inc.

Mannington, Inc.


RESILIENT WALL BASE (Must meet or exceed US Minimum Flammability Requirements)

Rubber Wall Base: Products complying with FS-SS-F-1861, Group 1 (solid

Rubber Accessories and Edge Strips or Transitions

Premanufactured, Standard Toe Inside and Outside Corners

Qualified Manufacturers:

Armstrong World Industries, Inc. V.P.I

Burke Industries, Burke Flooring Products Flexco

Johnsonite Mercer

Mannington, Inc, - Mannington Commercial Roppe



Sheet vinyl as follows: 6’ wide x up to 94.5’ long, guage - .085” overall, .050” wear layer; ASTM F 1303 Type II, Grade 1, Class A Backing; ASTM E 648 Critical Radiant Flux, Class I; ASTM E 662 Smoke – 450 or less; ASTME F 970, 500 psi

Qualified Product: Armstrong Classic CORLON


Walk Off Carpet as Follows: Nonwoven, Hobnail, Blend of 17-240 DPF solution dyed, UV Stabilized ASOTA Polypropylene, 37 oz/yd, backing – composite rubber; total weight – 78 oz/yd; Meets or Exceeds US Minimum Flammability Requirements

Qualified Product: Atlas NOP



Purchase and Install flooring Materials

Bid # 06-CB-0011

1. Undersigned proposes to provide the Purchase of and Installation for Carpet and Vinyl Composition Tile to Laramie

County School District Number One in compliance with the Request for Proposal, Special Provisions, and Minimum


2. By submission of this bid, the bidder certifies that:

A. Prices in this invitation have been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication or agreement with any other person, firm or corporation for the purpose of restricting competition.

B. Prices have been verified by the supplier and the conditions of this proposal have been reviewed and accepted by all appropriate parties constituting this offer.

C. Prices in this invitation have not knowingly been disclosed, by the bidder, to any other bidder, and will not be prior to award.

D. No attempt has been made nor will be by the bidder to induce any other person or firm to submit a proposal for the purpose of restricting competition.

E. The individual signing this proposal certifies that he/she is a legal agent of the supplier and is further authorized to represent the offering and is legally responsible for the decision as to the prices and supporting documentation provided.

|Company Name | |

|Name of Assigned Representative/Agent | |

| | |

|Company’s Principal Place of Business | |

| | |

|City, State, Zip Code | |

| | |

|Phone Number (800 preferred) | |

| | |

|Fax Number | |

| | |

|Email Address | |

| | |

|Time period bid prices will be held firm after bid opening | |

|for evaluation | |

| | |

|Taxpayer Identification Number | |

| | |

|Employer Identification Number | |

| | |

|Social Security Number (If applicable) | |

| | |

|Incorporated: θ Yes θ No |If Yes, specify State of Incorporation: |

| | |

|Discounts allowed for prompt payment |20 Calendar Days ______% 30 Calendar Days ______% |

| | |

|Guaranteed delivery days after receipt of order | |

| | |

|Company website (if applicable) | |

| | |

|Company Bid Identification or Quotation Number | |

|(If Applicable) | |

| | |

|Bid prices are established for the contract period? |θ Yes θ No |

| | |

|Will your firm accept Visa? |θ Yes θ No |

Required Bid Submittals/Acknowledgements:

_____ Bid forms, pages 11-12 are completed and signed

_____ Check to acknowledge receipt of addendum/amendment, if applicable

PRODUCT PRICING: (Reference Known Summer Project Plans)

Vinyl Composition Tile (VCT):

$_____________________________ per square foot ___________________________ Manufacturer

$_____________________________ per square foot ___________________________ Manufacturer

Resilient Base (RB) - Installation of coved or straight base, including normal wall preparation as required.

4” RB $______________ per linear foot (rubber)

6” RB $______________ per linear foot (rubber)

4” Premanufactured, Standard Toe Inside Corner: $ ____________

4” Premanufactured, Standard Toe Outside Corner: $ ____________

6” Premanufactured, Standard Toe Inside Corner: $ ____________

6” Premanufactured, Standard Toe Outside Corner: $ ____________

Sheet Vinyl: $__________________ per square yard

Transition or Reducer Strips: $__________________ per linear foot

Walk Off Carpet: $__________________ per square yard

______________________________________ _______________________________________

Company Name Name of Authorized Rep. – Typed or Printed

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

Street Address/P.O. Box Signature of Authorized Representative

_______________________________________ _______________________________________

City/State/Zip Date


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