Selecting a Journey to Map - Heart of the Customer

Selecting a Journey to Map – Guidelines to ConsiderA successful journey mapping initiative requires deliberate thought as to which journey to map, whether an end-to-end experience or a specific journey. Below are some considerations for this critical decision. Some clients prefer to start with selecting the customer, whereas others find it more intuitive to begin with selecting the specific journey (if you prefer to start with the customer, see “Select a Customer to Map – Guidelines to Consider”).CategoryEnd-to-End ExperienceSpecific JourneyDescription:An end-to-end experience map typically uses a buyer model to map customers’ experience from awareness through purchase and ongoing loyalty. As such, it is at a higher level of abstraction than a specific journey map. This makes it a strong input to a long-term strategy.A specific journey map dives more deeply into one phase of the customer experience, such as pre-sales, product usage, or renewal. As such, it is typically more detailed. This makes it a strong input to a shorter-term initiative more linked to immediate ROI.Good for:Input to a new customer experience (CX) capabilityDiscovering the overall moments of truth for creating loyaltyUnderstanding a new customer type (such as a new generation or geography)Identifying why customer losses occur in a specific phase of the experienceInnovating against specific customer needsAdding a new product or service lineWhen your Voice of the Customer points to loyalty issues with a specific segment of the end-to-end experienceUses:Establish a Voice of the Customer (VOC) strategyCreate a relationship surveyEngage the overall employee culture in CXCreate a CX roadmapBegin the process of breaking down silosAttacking specific loyalty issuesCreating quick winsAdding to an existing CX roadmapMore thoroughly breaking down silos through customer-focused changeConsiderationsOften surfaces issues which require deeper research and analysisTypically requires C-Suite sponsorshipROI is typically more indirect, since you are at a higher level of abstractionTo avoid “boiling the ocean,” you should only do an end-to-end experience map for a specific subset of customersDoes not address the entire customer experienceRequires a sponsor who can drive action through the entire selected journeyRequires more active participation from teams responsible for the touch points in the journey, as well as the ability to take action on the resultsExamplesTop 10 Home Builders: Building a new development experienceBe The Match member experience Cancer Screening: Physician end-to-end experienceMeridian Health: Radiology patient journeyYMCA: New member journeyManufacturer: Employee learning and development experienceABC Software: Pre-sales journeyAfter reviewing the options, document your selected journey to map: ................

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