Ment and the American Revolution?

[Pages:51]SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt


E-Learning- Day 1

7-3.1 Explain the causes, key events, and outcomes of the French Revolution, including the storming of the Bastille, the Reign of Terror, and Napoleon's rise to power.

Learning Targets/I Can Statements

"I can explain how Napoleon's rise to power in France was a direct result of the events before, during, and after the French Revolution."

Explain the causes of the French Revolution.

Essential Question(s) How was the French Revolution Influenced by the Enlightenment and the

Resources Learning Activities or Experiences

American Revolution?

CNN10, newspaper, television news station, CNN10 log, power point, graphic organizer

- CNN Student News--students will identify 2 geographic locations discussed in the news and

what is newsworthy about that place on their CNN10 log. (see attachment below). (10-15 minutes) - Read the attached power point on the Influences of the French Revolution. (5-10 minutes) - In the graphic organizer, describe how the Enlightenment and the American Revolutions,

inspired the people of France to start a revolution. (15 ? 20minutes)

Closure: Reflect on what you learned from today's lesson. Using the space below of your graphic organizer, answer the essential question, located at the end of the power point, in 3 complete sentences. (5 minutes)

SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt

SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

The Enlightenment

Type notes in ovals below

Influence on the French Revolution

Mrs. Pratt

American Revolution

Answer the essential question here in 3 complete sentences:

SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt

Name: _______________________

Today's episode or other news source features (what topics)?

List topic, then explain what happened.

List 3 geographical locations mentioned.

Random Facts mentioned.

Click Here

Today's Date: __________

The news in Cartoons

Add photos to summarize today's news events in the space below.










SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt


E-Learning- Day 2

7-3.1 Explain the causes, key events, and outcomes of the French Revolution, including the storming of the Bastille, the Reign of Terror, and Napoleon's rise to power.

Learning Targets/I Can Statements

"I can explain how Napoleon's rise to power in France was a direct result of the events before, during, and after the French Revolution."

Essential Question(s) Resources Learning Activities or Experiences

Explain the causes of the French Revolution. CNN10, newspaper, television news station, CNN10 log, quizlet, French Revolution Vocabulary

- CNN Student News--students will identify 2 geographic locations discussed in the news and what is newsworthy about that place on their CNN10 log. (see attachment below). (10-15 minutes)

- French Revolution vocabulary (see attachment below) Write a sentence for each word. It must be a sentence that you created. (10-15 minutes)

- Review French Revolution vocabulary on Quizlet or see attachment below to review terms. (15 ? 20minutes)

Closure: Reflect on what you learned from today's lesson. Using your French Revolution vocabulary words, create a French Revolution wordle by clicking the link, or design one on anew blank page in this word document. . Copy and paste your wordle on the correct page provided below. See sample below. (5 minutes)

SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt

Name: _______________________

Today's episode or other news source features (what topics)?

List topic, then explain what happened.

List 3 geographical locations mentioned.

Today's Date: __________

Click Here

Random Facts

The news in Cartoons


Add photos to summarize today's news events in the space below.










SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Mrs. Pratt

Review French Revolution Vocabulary Terms and Definitions

1. human rights--basic rights given to all people 2. American patriots--people who favored independence from Great Britain 3. tyranny--unjust use of power 4. estates--social classes 5. aristocracy--nobles 6. bourgeoisie--middle class 7. Estates-General--an assembly made up of representatives from all 3 estates 8. National Assembly--a gov't consisting of delegates from the Third Estate 9. Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen--stated that gov't got its power from the people, not the king 10. radicals--people who favor quick & far-reaching changes

11. Reign of Terror--the killing of anyone who was suspected of being disloyal to the revolution or who might favor the return of the monarchy 12. Directory--5-person council set up to run the gov't 13. coup d'?tat--swift seizure of gov't 14. Napoleonic Code--new legal system created by Napoleon

SMS 7th Grade Social Studies

Write a sentence for each word. It must be a sentence that you created.

1. human rights-2. American patriots-3. tyranny-4. estates-5. aristocracy-6. bourgeoisie-7. Estates-General-8. National Assembly-9. Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen-10. radicals--

11. Reign of Terror-12. Directory-13. coup d'?tat-14. Napoleonic Code--

Mrs. Pratt


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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