Headteacher: - Moor First School

Moor First School

School Lane

Biddulph Moor

Stoke on Trent. ST8 7HR

Headteacher : Mrs. S. J. Mayes Tel. No. 01782 512350

e-mail: headteacher@moor.staffs.sch.uk.

March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

With all the concerns over the coronavirus outbreak and how this might impact schools and your child’s learning, we wanted to offer you some ideas to help you continue their education during any potential school closures.

We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared perfectly matched content for your child that can be completed both independently or with adult support. See below for website details.

For more practical resources and worksheets, we have included a learning pack matched to your child’s year content and literacy and maths ability. With a range of resources, these packs will help continue the learning inside your home. Your child has also been allocated with extra reading books and library books.

We appreciate that we may seem to be issuing your child with many resources, but we are preparing for every eventuality and as guidance, we suggest that your child completes one piece of literacy, maths and topic per day, alongside regular reading to an adult. We will be adding challenges onto Tapestry, which your child can complete alongside the pack of resources. Please upload the work that your child completes onto Tapestry.


Classroom Secrets Kids: Kids.classroomsecrets.co.uk/-packed with fun and engaging content.

Twinkl: offer code-CVDTWINKLHELPS-unlimited worksheet downloads for 2 weeks if you sign up.

Educationcity: login as usual (passwords included in pack)-free 24-hour access-(we will title any assigned tasks within the homework area as ‘School Closure week 1, etc.’)

Discovery Education: login username- student28038, password- espresso. There are games, videos, news and coding (scratch).

: These 10-minute bursts of fun will really get your kids moving and count towards the 60 active minutes they need every day!

Joe Wicks for Kids (you tube).

Cosmic kids yoga -

- at present you can have a 2 weeks free reading app if you sign up. Lots of activities and books from 2 year to age 13

Phonics Play games - username: march20

Password: home

We hope that you have everything that you need to support your child at home and that you remain fit and healthy during this difficult time.

Yours faithfully

Miss A Whittaker and Mrs E Butler

Class teacher Nursery Nurse

Staffordshire County Council





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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