Sixth Grade Mathematics Syllabus

School Year 2014-2015Course NameWorld StudiesCourse CodeSchool NameThe Champion Theme Middle SchoolTeacher NameMrs. L. LewisSchool Phone Number678-875-1502Teacher Emaillatoshia_s_lewis@ School Website Website Course Description Students will continue a study of major world regions this year. The world regions that will be studied this year are: Africa, Southwest Asia, and Southern and Eastern Asia. Students will be taught using an interdisciplinary approach to the four strands: history, civics, geography, and economics. Curriculum Overview The following academic concepts will be covered. THIS IS ONLY A GUIDE AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE.CURRICULUM OVERVIEWUnit 1 – Connecting the Themes and Geography of SW AsiaUnit 2 – The Development of SW AsiaUnit 3 – Political Developments of SW AsiaUnit 4 – Economic Developments in SW AsiaUnit 5 – Geography of AfricaUnit 6 – The Development of AfricaUnit 7 – Political Developments of AfricaUnit 8 – Economic Developments of AfricaUnit 9 – The Geography of Southern and Eastern AsiaUnit 10 – The Development of Southern and Eastern AsiaUnit 11 – Political Development of Southern and Eastern AsiaUnit 12 – Economic Development of Southern and Eastern AsiaUnit 13 – JA Finance: Personal Finance (Field trip Feb. 2015)BOARD-APPROVED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSTitle Pearson: My World StudiesAn additional book, Georgia Experience: 7th Grade Social Studies, is used as the main resource for our class. It is highly recommended that this book be purchased. It is explicitly aligned with the standards. The publishing company is Gallopade International. The ISBN number is (ISBN #- 978-0-635-06713-5,)ISBN978-0-635-06713-5Replacement Cost$70.97Online book and/or resourcesWill be given out in class.Online student access code (school specific)Will be given out in class.GRADING SYSTEM: The DeKalb County School District believes that the most important assessment of student learning shall be conducted by the teachers as they observe and evaluate students in the context of ongoing classroom instruction. A variety of approaches, methodologies, and resources shall be used to deliver educational services and to maximize each student’s opportunity to succeed. Teachers shall evaluate student progress, report grades that represent the student’s academic achievement, and communicate official academic progress to students and parents in a timely manner through the electronic grading portal. See Board Policy IHA.GRADING CATEGORIES*GRADE PROTOCOLFormative Assessment - 0%Assessment During Learning – 25%Guided, Independent, or Group Practice – 45%Summative Assessment or Assessment of Learning– 30%A90 – 100 ~P (pass)B80 – 89 ~F (fail) C71 – 79 D70 FBelow 70Notes: *English Learners (ELs) must not receive numerical or letter grades for the core content areas in elementary and middle school during their first year of language development. A grade of CS or CU must be assigned. This rule may be extended beyond the first year with approval from the EL Studies Program. English Learners must receive a grade for ESOL courses.~Elementary schools will utilize P (pass) and F (fail) in Health/Physical Education, Music, World Languages, Visual Arts and Performing Arts. DISTRICT EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESSSTUDENT PROGRESSSemester progress reports shall be issued four and a half, nine and thirteen and a half weeks into each semester.? The progress of students shall be evaluated frequently and plans shall be generated to remediate deficiencies as they are discovered.?Plans shall include appropriate interventions designed to meet the needs of the students. See Board Policy IH.ACADEMIC INTEGRITYStudents will not engage in an act of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, providing false information, falsifying school records, forging signatures, or using an unauthorized computer user ID or password. See the Code of Student Conduct - Student Rights and Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook.HOMEWORKHomework assignments should be meaningful and should be an application or adaptation of a classroom experience.? Homework is at all times an extension of the teaching/learning experience.? It should be considered the possession of the student and should be collected, evaluated and returned to the students. See Board Policy IHB.MAKE-UP WORK DUE TO ABSENCESWhen a student is absent because of a legal reason as defined by Georgia law or when the absence is apparently beyond the control of the student, the student shall be given an opportunity to earn grade(s) for those days absent. Make-up work must be completed within the designated time allotted. See Board Policy IHEA.SCHOOL EXPECTATIONS FOR SUCCESSCLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS1.Students are expected to respect everyone and everything in class/school at all times 2.Arrive on e prepared and ready to work, 4. Monitor all deadlines5.Raise your hands before speaking, 6. Follow all directions. 7.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself8.Follow all rules as outlined in the DeKalb County Students Code of Conduct handbookMATERIALS AND SUPPLIESBlack Pen, Pencil, College ruled lined paper, 5 Subject Spiral Notebook, ruler, crayons/markers/colored pencils, construction paper, eraser. (EVERY DAY)EXTRA HELPI will be available for tutorial by appointment only.PARENTS AS PARTNERS“Children have the greatest chance of reaching their potential and becoming positive members of the school community if schools treat parents as partners” (Wood, 2011, p.98) Studies have shown students who have involved parents typically do better at school in comparison to students who do not. Learning starts at home with the parents please partner with us to ensure your child reaches their full potential.Academic honesty- Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating and when caught in the act students will not receive credit nor receive the opportunity for a chance of make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable: If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism and will result in a reduction in grade. Safety Net Opportunities- Any opportunity afforded to students to ensure mastery of required standards. Suggested safety nets may include but are not limited to: after school tutorial, special projects, teacher tutorials, and other extended learning opportunities (ELT). HomeworkAll homework will be relevant to the unit of study. All homework must be completed as assigned. Students should note ALL homework assignments in the agenda planner daily. Students are expected to study concepts and information daily.Make-up work- Announced work, such as homework, quizzes and major assessments are due the day the student returns. For each day’s excused absence, students will have one day to make up missed work. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE CALENDAR AND/OR REQUEST MISSED WORK.Policies / Regulations Nothing but MasteryNothing but Mastery (NBM) is a program designed to increase expectations of students that fail to complete assignments with mastery (80% or better). At Champion, it is first and foremost an expectation of high academic standards for all students. NBM, which involves the entire staff, clearly emphasizes the belief that assignments and assessments are important and must be completed on time and with mastery. This program will direct students to utilize their abilities to acquire self-disciplined/ work habits that will serve them in this educational setting. The development of positive work habits thus, becomes transferable when entering their next educational environment or workplace. When the belief is expressed and maintained that a student can and will be successful, it follows that the student will meet the level of expectations. He/she will take pride in completing an assignment and doing it to the best of his/her ability. Students will hopefully adopt the same value, which translates to success in all areas.NBM Guidelines:Students earning below 80% on an assignment will be given the opportunity to participate in NBM. Assignments subject to NBM will be graded as follows:Work submitted by the NBM deadline will receive a maximum grade of 80. Assignments that were redone, will receive the higher of the 2 grades. Work submitted after NBM due date will receive the original grade on the assignment.Students may redo up to 2 assignments during the assigned NBM period. Students may be asked to make-up tests/quizzes and assignments after-school. In order to prevent students from procrastinating on taking advantage of the opportunity to re-do an assignment with a grade below 80 percent, NBM periods are given every grading period. Students must complete and/or submit assignments during the grading period in which the assignment was given. Failure to do so may result in the original grade for the assignment inputted in the teacher’s grade book. *One NBM Project will be assigned at the end of each semester and will replace up to 2 assignments/lowest grades in the teacher’s grade book. There will be one due date that will not be changed, modified, or extended.Late WorkAlthough our goal is for students to complete assignments and submit on time, we realize children are children. Therefore, students who did not complete an assignment will be given an opportunity to submit the work late. Students must complete late assignments within a week’s time. Teachers will enter a ‘0’ on parent portal to reflect that the assignment has been missed. A replacement grade of no more than 80 percent will be entered when or if the assignment is submitted. A 10 point penalty will be accrued for each subsequent late day. Late work is not eligible for NBM participation. Students who fail to complete long term projects or assignments will not have the opportunity to submit the projects or assignments after the next class period. With proper planning, students have plenty of time to complete projects and/or assignments.****Please note that students who habitually submit late work will not be able to make up all of the assignments. Please check your child’s agenda planner and the parent portal often for 0’s and notifications about missing work. Make-up PolicyNBM is different from the make-up policy. Students failing to complete an assignment, due to an excused absence will be given the opportunity to make-up an assignment for full credit. Excused absences are defined by the district. Failure to make-up an assignment by the teacher determined due date will result in a grade of ‘0’.Extra Credit Extra credit may be assigned on occasion throughout the year. It will be posted on my website. Students will not be given “special” extra credit opportunities on an individual basis. G. Notebooks/Portfolios - ISSNThe Interactive Social Studies Notebooks (ISSN) will be the student’s portfolio. ISSN’s are expected to be organized. All assignments, vocabulary, handouts, and notes must be placed in the ISSN in a timely manner as instructed. ISSNs will be collected and graded. Most major assignments will be kept in the students’ ISSNs and students are responsible for keeping up with them. Students will create a new ISSN for each unit of study: Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Course materials should NOT be discarded after the unit even after it has been graded. All materials will serve as a study guide for unit tests, chapter tests, Benchmark tests, and the Georgia Milestone. H. Standards for PreparationPlease take pride in the work (classwork, homework, and projects) that you will hand in. All work must be neat (legible, no torn edges, or “just got it out the trash” look). If I can not read it, I can not/will not grade it. Please proofread for grammar and spelling. If excessive errors are in the paper, points will be deducted accordingly. Students may write in blue or black ink or pencil. Students that submit work in other colors will be asked to redo the assignment before it is graded and/or points will be deducted. I. Supplies: Please check to ensure that your child has all needed supplies on a daily basis. Agenda Planner (required to be purchased)#2 Pencils with Erasers2 Pens (Black ink)Red Ink pens (for grading)Colored Pencils (1 pack)Highlighters (1 pack)1 5-Subject spiral notebooks (11”x9”)College Loose Leaf Notebook PaperConstruction Paper- 1 pack of assorted (Donation for class)Paper Towels- 1(Donation for class)Hand Sanitizer- 1 (Donation for class)1 Ream of Copy Paper- white and/or colored (Donation for class)Jump Drive IV. Rules and Consequences Standards for Success – these are some guidelines that I believe, when practiced, will lead to success.1.Be Responsiblea.Bring all materials to class (working pen, sharpened pencils, agenda, textbook, paper, etc...) No one will be allowed to go to a locker after class begins. b.Homework and class work should be completed when assigned, and it should be written in the agenda book along with other important dates to remember. c.Students who are absent from class should have a written excuse from a parent, and the student is responsible for completing all missing homework and class work in a timely manner (one day for every absence). e to class on time. Unexcused tardies between classes will count as a mark. 2.Treat yourself and everyone with dignity and respecta.Follow all rules as outlined in DeKalb County’s discipline handbook. b.Do not interrupt others when they are speaking. c.Raise your hand to gain permission to get out of your seat or speaking in class. d.Violence, stealing, profanity, put downs, and other negative gestures will not be tolerated. If something does not belong to you, don’t touch it. e. Mind your own business. Sometimes it is important to keep your opinion to yourself.f.Take care of yourself and do what is right for everyone involved (not just you).g.Follow directions the first time they are given. 3. Always trya. Thinking about trying does not count. Take action. b. You are capable of more than you realize. Don’t sell yourself short, just do it!4.Do Your Best5.Cooperate with Othersa.You can’t change who is or isn’t in your class and sometimes you have to work with someone that you may not like for whatever reason. Focus on the work, not the person. Learn to put differences aside for the purpose of a common learning goal. You will be a better person for it. “If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”b.There is more than one way to “skin a cat.” You have your way, and that is great! Someone else has a different way, and that is great, too. You think your way is better, but ultimately, it’s just different. Different is ok. Learn to work through differences. 6.Be part of the solution, not the problema.If “everybody is doing it” and you are as well, then be responsible and accept the consequences for your action(s). You have a choice. b.The solution is what it is, and even if you think it should be handled differently, that does not justify why you chose to be part of the problem…don’t try to buck the system in the midst of a problem. If you want to change something, be proactive.Class RulesRespect your teacher, yourself, your peers, your class, and your school.Be prepared to work every day.Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.Follow directions.Raise hands before speaking.Class/School ConsequencesVerbal WarningReassigned seat/relocation to another classTeacher assigned detention or silent lunch and parent contactTeam parent conference/Counselor referralAdministrative referralPositive ReinforcementVerbal reinforcementTreats/IncentivesPositive Note from teacher/administratorStudent of the Month recognitionImportant Websites and Dates:Please see county / school website to access my classroom website DeKalb County School System: Theme Middle School: . Lewis class website: websites and other resources for 7th Grade Social (Georgia Department of Education) (See GPS for Parent's section) (Current Events) (U.S. Government) (American Revolution) resource list*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success.PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND RETURNI have read the 7TH Grade Social Studies syllabus.Student Signature___________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________________Date_____________________________ Additional information to support continued contact:InformationParent/GuardianDay Time Phone NumberCellular Phone NumberHome Phone NumberEmail Address ................

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