Texas State University

CAUSE NO. _________________________________________________ § IN THE JUSTICE COURTPlaintiff§§v.§PRECINCT NO. ________________________§______________________________§Defendant§______________________ COUNTY, TEXASPRETRIAL DISCOVERY ORDERThe Court having considered the written motion of ? Plaintiff ? Defendant for pretrial discovery and the Court having reviewed the discovery requests submitted to the Court for approval pursuant to Rule 500.9 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, the Court considers the following discovery to be reasonable and necessary and authorizes such discovery to be served on the responding party:NoneThe following Interrogatories: Nos. ________________________________________________________The following Requests for Production of Documents: Nos. ____________________________The following Requests for Admission: Nos. _____________________________________________Other discovery: ____________________________________________________________________________The discovery attached hereto.The responding party shall respond to the discovery requests within _____ days and shall serve the responses on the party making the discovery requests in a manner permitted under Rule 501.4. Failure to comply with this Pretrial Discovery Order may result in sanctions, including dismissal of the case or an order to pay the other party’s discovery expenses. ISSUED AND SIGNED this the ____________ day of ________________, 20____.________________________________________________JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, PRECINCT ____________________________ COUNTY, TEXAS ................

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