Discussion Board Reading Responses


Blog Reading Responses (20%)

Every class period we have readings, you will be expected to respond to one of the readings for the day. You are also responsible for reading the responses of your peers. On days when more than one work is assigned, you’ll be responsible for responding to only one. Unless I provide you with a prompt, your responses should follow the guidelines below:

1. You should clearly indicate the response type.

2. Your response must be around 6 to 10 sentences.

3. You should vary the types of response you provide.

4. Your response will be counted only if you send it at least one hour before class.

5. Your response will not be counted if you don’t follow directions.

Your grade will be determined by the number of responses you complete correctly:





7 or below=55.

Types of responses:


Choose a quotation from the work that you think is important. Give the page number and explain why the quotation is important.

Critical Theory

What are the most important ideas the theory puts forward, and why do you think they are important? How is this theory important to an understanding of literature in general or to a specific literary piece?


Identify a theme or issue and discuss how a work addresses it.


Even after carefully reading a work, you may have some questions. Your response should clearly show that you have struggled with understanding the work.


You should always think about how the works we read are similar to or different from one another in style, in content, and in the issues they deal with. Compare and contrast the reading with a work we read previously.


How does the reading reflect on or address the cultural/political conditions in which it is set? Is the work relevant to our cultural or political conditions here and now? In what way(s)?

Peer Response

You are responsible for reading the responses of your peers. You may address their responses by disagreeing, furthering a point, or attempting to answer a question.


Discuss authors’ use of specific literary techniques such point of view, characterization, metaphor, meter, rhyme, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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