Fishbowl discussion prompts

Name: ___________________________________ Date:_____________ Advisory: _______

“Fishbowl” Discussion!

The name “Fishbowl” comes from the way in which we sit in the class, and the way that a larger group on the outside watches the actions of a smaller group on the inside (like people watching fish.)

← The class will be split up into 3 groups, each group has roughly 8 in it.

← The Fishbowl will have 3 rounds, and in each round a group of students in the center of the Fishbowl will all participate in a 7 minute discussion while the larger group around the outside will silently take notes on your Observation Sheet. Students in the Fishbowl will receive a quiz grade.

← For those outside the Fishbowl, the expectation is clear and simple: you are silent, and you take notes on the comments of those in the Fishbowl (use your Observation Sheet).

← Inside the Fishbowl, the expectation is that every student will contribute to the discussion at least twice. The 1st time around, each student will take a turn to voice what they think about the quotes and statements from last night’s homework.

← After every student in the Fishbowl has taken their turn to voice their opinion, we will open up the discussion for a 2nd round, where students will raise their hand to respond to the ideas of another student or to follow up on a specific point.

← At the end of the 7 min Fishbowl time, the group in the Fishbowl will rotate out and the next group will take their place. Members of first group are now spectators on the outside, and are taking notes on their Observation Sheet.

General Expectations when you are in the Fishbowl:

You have to say something new or respond to what someone else said. If you agree with someone, you must expand on their point, not simply restate it. If you disagree with someone, explain why and be able to restate what they said.

1. DO Listen attentively to those who are speaking

2. DO Speak loudly and clearly

3. DO Keep the conversation going by asking questions

4. DO Refer to information from the text, The Color of My Words

5. DO Build upon and refers to other people’s comments

6. DON’T Interrupt others or use disrespectful language/body language

7. DON’T Repeat information already said; makes irrelevant comments

Question you have about the Fishbowl Discussion:



Observation Sheet


Directions: As students in the Fishbowl discusses the book, take notes and answer the questions below.

ROUND 1: Answer questions 1 -4

1. What are the speakers doing right? Make a list of every positive discussion technique they use.



2. Watch body language. Do the speakers use their hands? Do students fidget in their desks? Are they making eye contact?



3. Write down the major points of the conversation.



4. Which question or comment was the most interesting? Who said it?



ROUND 2 QUESTIONS ( See next page

ROUND 2: Answer questions 5-9

5. How often does the group refer to the text? Do they get off topic?



6. Does the group speak to each other or to the teacher?



7. Write down the major points of the conversation.



8. Which question or comment was the most interesting? Who said it?



Name: ______________________________ Date: ______________ Reading 7

Fishbowl Reflection

|AMAZING!!!! |Eh? Not so much… |

|In the space below, list all of the positive discussion techniques you|In the space below, list all of the not-so-positive observations: |

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Now, think about your own participation yesterday.

Did you participate as much as you wanted to? Why/why not? Write a brief reflection:


What made you uncomfortable in the fishbowl ? What made you comfortable?


What confused you about the fishbowl discussion? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What would you do differently next time we discuss something (in our Book Club unit starting in December)? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Create two personal discussion goals that you will focus on during our Book Club unit.

|Personal Discussion Goals |

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