Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Adventures of Tom Sawyer Date________________

Final Assessment—Socratic Seminar

Students are expected to prepare responses in preparation for the seminar discussion. This will count as a final TEST grade.

|Opening Question: |

|What factors contribute to an individual leading a balanced and healthy life? |

|Core Questions: |

|Which personal relationships affected Tom most? Huck? |

|(Consider both positive and negative experiences with family members, friends, and others.) |

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|What was the response of the community to Tom? Huck? How were the two boys perceived by the town and which child fit society’s |

|expectations for proper behavior? |

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|Closing Questions: |

|How does life in the 1800s compare with life today? Was it simpler? Better? More or less challenging? |

|Support your response with details from the novel. |

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Adventures of Tom Sawyer Date________________

Final Assessment—Socratic Seminar

Students are expected to prepare responses in preparation for the seminar discussion. This will count as a final TEST grade.

|Opening Question: |

|What factors contribute to an individual leading a balanced and healthy life? |

|Core Questions: |

|Which personal relationships affected Tom most? Huck? |

|(Consider both positive and negative experiences with family members, friends, and others.) |

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|What was the response of the community to Tom? Huck? How were the two boys perceived by the town and which child fit society’s |

|expectations for proper behavior? |

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|Closing Questions: |

|How does life in the 1800s compare with life today? Was it simpler? Better? More or less challenging? |

|Support your response with details from the novel. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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