Disease Report:

8th Grade Health:


Disorder/Disability Unit

Name: ________________________________

Teacher: ______________________________

Days: _________________________________

Disease/Condition/Disorder Project:

Due Dates and Grading


• Notes/Research pages – 40 points (4 different sources – 10 points per notes page)

• Health Fair Presentation – 100 points

• Health Fair Presentation Questions – 2 points per presentation

1. Notes/research pages to be shown to your teacher on or before:


2. Your health fair presentation will be due on:


Please have this paper signed by your parent or guardian and returned to your teacher by:



Disease/Condition/Disorder Project Requirements:

1. 4 Notes Pages: This is where you will gather your information and research for your report.

**Research Guidelines**

2. Bibliography: You must have at least 4 different sources for your project. One of your sources MUST be a book or encyclopedia source.

You may find information in:

• Encyclopedias

• Internet Sites – You must have at least 2 internet sites with at least an 8 out of 10 score on the web evaluation forms.

• Internet database

• Medical encyclopedias

• Reference books

• Periodicals (magazines and newspapers)

• Interviews

• Pamphlets from doctors or support groups

Be sure to use reliable source materials that contain current information about your topic. If you have questions about internet sources reliability and how to complete a web evaluation form ask your teacher.

3. Graphics: is pictures, diagrams, charts, maps, etc… that will be used to place emphasis or better explain important ideas in your project.

** Late projects will receive severe penalties.

Projects received one class late will receive 10 points off the total grade. Beyond one class late, the project will receive a zero.**

If you have any problems or questions please see your health teacher as soon as possible.

|Name: |

|Days: |

|Teacher: |

|Disease Project Topic Ideas Assignment |

|List 4 possible disease topics you would like to research. Under each topic list the reason you would like to research and |

|present on that topic and three (3) websites where you can find information on the topic. (Wikipedia, , Webmd etc. do |

|not count) |

|Topic 1: |

|Reasoning: |

|Website 1: |

|Website 2: |

|Website 3: |

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|Reasoning: |

|Website 1: |

|Website 2: |

|Website 3: |

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|Reasoning: |

|Website 1: |

|Website 2: |

|Website 3: |

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|Reasoning: |

|Website 1: |

|Website 2: |

|Website 3: |

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|Source: ______________ |

|Date written/updated/reviewed: |

|Date you looked at info on the website: |

|Name of publisher (ex. The Nemours Foundation): |

|Title of the web page (ex. Diabetes): |

|URL address: |

|Title of website: (ex. KidsHealth): |

|Description: |

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|Signs and Symptoms: | | | | | | |

|Signs: Observable and objective. Please try to list at least 5. | | | |

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|Symptoms: What a patient feels and are subjective. Please try to list at least 5. | |

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|Causes: |

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|Transmission: | |

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|Is this disease/condition/disability non-communicable (non-transmittable)? If so, why? |

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|What are the risk factors that might make an individual more likely to get this disease/condition/disability? |

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|Treatment: |

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|If there are medications or therapies that are used to treat the disease, how do they work? What do they do for the patient? |

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|Prevention: | |

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|History: |

| |

|Other interesting facts: | | | | | | |

|Statistics, celebrities that have suffered from the disease, random facts about the disease that don’t fit into any other category. |

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|Print Source Notes Page |

|Print Source (print source: ex. book, encyclopedia, etc.) – | | | |

|Author or Editor: |

|Title of book: |

|Page numbers or chapters used: |

|Name of publisher: |

|City the book was published in: |

|Most recent copyright year: |

|Edition (*leave blank except if the book has been published more than once) : |

|Volume (*only if it has a volume number): |

|Description: |

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|Signs: Observable and objective. Please try to list at least 5. | | | |

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|Causes: |

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|Transmission: | |

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|Treatment: |

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|If there are medications or therapies that are used to treat the disease, how do they work? What do they do for the patient? |

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|History: |

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|Other interesting facts: | | | | | | |

|Statistics, celebrities that have suffered from the disease, random facts about the disease that don’t fit into any other category. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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