Final, csit801 –Fall 2008

CSIT801 Chapter 7 & 8

Chapter 7: Storage

1. To start up, a computer locates ____.

|a. |application software in storage and loads it into memory |

|b. |application software in memory and loads it onto storage |

|c. |an operating system in storage and loads it into memory |

|d. |an operating system in memory and loads it onto storage |

2. The ____ is the user most likely to store faxes, presentations, travel records, homework assignments, and quotations.

|a. |home user |c. |large business user |

|b. |mobile user |d. |power user |

3. Examples of nonvolatile storage media include all of the following except ____.

|a. |memory |c. |microfiche |

|b. |floppy disks |d. |PC Cards |

4. Storage devices access items in ____.

|a. |tenths of a second (teraseconds) |c. |billionths of a second (nanoseconds) |

|b. |thousandths of a second (milliseconds) |d. |trillionths of a second (picoseconds) |

5. Transfer rates for disks are stated in ____.

|a. |KBps (kilobytes per second) and MBps (megabytes per second) |

|b. |MBps (megabytes per second) and GBps (gigabytes per second) |

|c. |GBps (gigabytes per second) and TBps (terabytes per second) |

|d. |TBps (terabytes per second) and PBps (petabytes per second) |

6. With respect to a storage medium, the term ____ means users can remove the medium from one computer and carry it to another computer.

|a. |volatile |c. |nonvolatile |

|b. |fixed |d. |portable |

7. A hard disk that is mounted inside the system unit sometimes is called a ____.

|a. |fixed disk |c. |portable hard disk |

|b. |Zip disk |d. |removable hard disk |

8. Experts estimate that hard disks using perpendicular recording will provide storage capacities about ____ than disks that use longitudinal recording.

|a. |10 times greater |c. |100 times greater |

|b. |10 times less |d. |100 times less |

9. All of the following are characteristics of hard disks, except ____.

|a. |write-protect notch |c. |sectors and tracks |

|b. |read/write head |d. |capacity |

10. Access time for today’s hard disks range from ____.

|a. |8 - 10 KBps |c. |3 - 12 ms |

|b. |3 - 12 MBps |d. |5,400 - 15,000 rpm |

11. Depending on the type of hard disk, transfer rates range from ____.

|a. |12 -24 MBps |c. |15 - 320 MBps |

|b. |125 - 200 KBps |d. |4,500 - 15,000 rpm |

12. An advantage of portable hard disks and removable hard disks is that users can ____.

|a. |transport a large number of files |

|b. |add storage space to a notebook computer or Tablet PC |

|c. |share a drive with multiple computers |

|d. |all of the above |

13. The primary advantage of the ____ interface is the cables are thinner, longer, more flexible, and less susceptible to interference.

|a. |EIDE |c. |SCSI |

|b. |SATA |d. |FireWire |

14. Some manufacturers market their ____ interfaces as Fast ATA or Ultra ATA.

|a. |EIDE |c. |FireWire |

|b. |SATA |d. |SCSI |

15. If a personal computer has one floppy disk drive, it is named drive ____.

|a. |A |c. |D |

|b. |C |d. |F |

16. Most computers today do not include a floppy disk drive as standard equipment and on those computers, you can use a(n) ____ floppy disk drive.

|a. |removable |c. |basic |

|b. |external |d. |integrated |

17. The average time it takes a floppy disk drive to locate an item on a disk is ____.

|a. |84 milliseconds |c. |8 seconds |

|b. |8 milliseconds |d. |1/10 of a second |

18. A typical floppy disk stores data on ____.

|a. |one side of the disk, has 80 tracks on each side, and 18 sectors per track |

|b. |one side of the disk, has 18 tracks on each side, and 80 sectors per track |

|c. |both sides of the disk, has 80 tracks on each side, and 18 sectors per track |

|d. |both sides of the disk, has 18 tracks on each side, and 80 sectors per track |

19. A floppy disk has storage capabilities up to ____.

|a. |1.44 KB |c. |1.44 MB |

|b. |1.44 GB |d. |1.44 TB |

20. Smaller computers and devices use ____ discs that have a diameter of 3 inches or less.

|a. |minor |c. |magnetic |

|b. |track |d. |mini |

21. All of the following may scratch or damage an optical disc except ____.

|a. |holding a disk by its edges |c. |touching the underside of a disc |

|b. |stacking disks |d. |exposing disks to any type of contaminant |

22. A standard CD-ROM is called a ____ disc because manufacturers write all items on the disc at one time.

|a. |multisession |c. |unisession |

|b. |single-session |d. |compound-session |

23. A typical CD-ROM holds from ____ of data, instructions, and information.

|a. |450 MB - 650 MB |c. |650 GB - 950 GB |

|b. |45 MB - 100 MB |d. |650 MB - 1 GB |

24. Manufacturers measure the speed of all optical disc drives relative to the original CD-ROM drive, using an X to denote the original transfer rate of 150 ____.

|a. |KBps (kilobytes per second) |c. |GBps (gigabytes per second) |

|b. |MBps (megabytes per second) |d. |TBps (terabytes per second) |

25. Current CD-ROM drives have transfer rates ranging from ____.

|a. |4X - 8X |c. |48X - 75X |

|b. |24X - 48X |d. |100X and faster |

26. A ____ overcomes the major disadvantage of CD-R disks, which is being able to write on them only once.

|a. |CD-ROM |c. |CD-RW |

|b. |DVD-ROM |d. |DVD-R |

27. Manufacturers state the speeds of CD-RW drives in this order: ____.

|a. |rewrite speed, write speed, and read speed |

|b. |write speed, read speed, and rewrite speed |

|c. |read speed, rewrite speed, and write speed |

|d. |write speed, rewrite speed, and read speed |

28. A mini-DVD that has grown in popularity is the ____, which works specifically with the PlayStation Portable handheld game console.

|a. |DVD+RAM |c. |Blu-ray |

|b. |UMD |d. |HD-DVD |

29. The storage capacity of a DVD-ROM is ____ that of a CD because images are stored at higher resolutions.

|a. |greater than a CD, and a DVD’s quality far surpasses |

|b. |less than a CD, but a DVD’s quality far surpasses |

|c. |greater than a CD, but a DVD’s quality is far less than |

|d. |less than a CD, and a DVD’s quality is far less than |

30. A storage technique that a DVD-ROM can use to achieve a higher storage capacity than a CD-ROM is to ____.

|a. |make the disc more dense by packing the pits closer together |

|b. |use two layers of pits |

|c. |be double-sided |

|d. |all of the above |

31. All of the following are competing rewritable DVD formats except ____.

|a. |DVD-RW |c. |DVD+RAM |

|b. |DVD+R |d. |DVD+RW |

32. One of the first storage media used with mainframe computers was ____.

|a. |Zip disks |c. |optical disks |

|b. |tape |d. |microfilm |

33. Tape ____.

|a. |no longer is used as a primary method of storage but is used most often for long-term storage and backup |

|b. |is used as a primary method of storage and for long-term storage and backup |

|c. |no longer is used for long-term storage and backup but is used most often as a primary method of storage |

|d. |no longer is used as a primary method of storage or for long-term storage and backup |

34. All of the following use direct access except ____.

|a. |CDs |c. |tape |

|b. |DVDs |d. |hard disks |

35. The difference in size among PC Cards and ExpressCard modules is their ____.

|a. |diameter |c. |length |

|b. |circumference |d. |thickness |

36. Common types of flash memory cards include ____.

|a. |CompactFlash (CF) |c. |xD Picture Card |

|b. |Secure Digital (SD) and Memory Stick |d. |all of the above |

37. The cost of a 4 GB CompactFlash card is the same as a ____ GB SATA hard disk.

|a. |100 |c. |500 |

|b. |250 |d. |1000 |

38. One popular use of ____ is to store a prepaid amount of money, as in a prepaid telephone calling card.

|a. |smart cards |c. |PC Cards |

|b. |floppy disks |d. |hard disks |

Chapter 8: Operating Systems and Utility Programs


39. Two types of system software are ____.

|a. |application software and utility programs |c. |operating systems and utility programs |

|b. |Web browsers and application software |d. |operating systems and Web browsers |

40. A cross-platform program is one that runs ____.

|a. |only on one operating system |c. |the same on multiple operating systems |

|b. |differently on every operating system |d. |differently on one operating system |

41. With Windows Vista, a warm boot can be performed by ____.

|a. |pressing the power button on the computer |

|b. |clicking a button on the task bar, then a Start menu button, and then a Lock menu button |

|c. |pressing the restart button on the computer |

|d. |all of the above |

42. During a cold boot on a personal computer, the POST (power-on self test) results are compared with data in a ____ chip.

|a. |CMOS |c. |BIOS |

|b. |UNIX |d. |SCSI |

43. In Windows Vista, the ____ consists of several files that contain the system configuration information.

|a. |buffer |c. |platform |

|b. |driver |d. |registry |

44. In Windows Vista, the ____ contains a list of programs that open automatically when users boot the computer.

|a. |Restore folder |c. |Swap folder |

|b. |Startup folder |d. |Backup folder |

45. With a ____, users interact with menus and visual images such as icons, buttons, and other objects to issue commands.

|a. |command-line interface |c. |performance-monitor interface |

|b. |menu-driven interface |d. |graphical user interface (GUI) |

46. PDAs, smart phones, and other small computing devices often use a ____ operating system.

|a. |single user/single tasking |c. |multiuser |

|b. |single user/multitasking |d. |multiprocessing |

47. Networks, servers, mainframes, and supercomputers allow hundreds to thousands of users to connect at the same time, and thus are ____.

|a. |single user |c. |multiuser |

|b. |single processing |d. |multiprocessing |

48. If a new device, such as a printer or scanner, is attached to a computer, its ____ must be installed before the device can be used.

|a. |driver |c. |manager |

|b. |platform |d. |kernel |

49. A(n) ____ is a communications line between a device and the processor.

|a. |disk operating system line (DOS) |c. |interrupt request line (IRQ) |

|b. |preemptive multitasking line (PMT) |d. |fault-tolerant computer line (FTC) |

50. The person overseeing network operations, called the ____, uses the network OS to add and remove users, computers, and other devices to and from a network.

|a. |network administrator |c. |network performance monitor |

|b. |network operator |d. |network server |

51. While entering a ____, most computers hide the actual characters by displaying some other characters, such as asterisks (*) or dots.

|a. |user name |c. |user ID |

|b. |password |d. |all of the above |

52. ____ is the process of encoding data and information into an unreadable form.

|a. |Encryption |c. |Transmission |

|b. |Formatting |d. |Spooling |

53. Utility programs included with most operating systems provide all of the following functions except ____.

|a. |managing files and viewing images |

|b. |uninstalling programs and diagnosing problems |

|c. |removing viruses and compressing files |

|d. |backing up files and defragmenting disks |

54. Windows Vista includes file managers called ____.

|a. |Viewers |c. |Windows Controllers |

|b. |Windows Explorer |d. |Managers |

55. A ____ is an icon on the desktop that provides a user with immediate access to a program or file.

|a. |kernel |c. |buffer |

|b. |spooler |d. |shortcut |

56. Windows Vista includes an image viewer called ____.

|a. |Windows Photo Gallery |c. |DriveSpace |

|b. |Windows Explorer |d. |the Documents Explorer |

57. In Windows XP, the uninstaller is available through the ____ program command in the Control Panel.

|a. |Add New Hardware |c. |Add/Remove Programs |

|b. |Uninstall |d. |Power Management |

58. ____ a disk, or reorganizing it so the files are stored in contiguous sectors, speeds up disk access and thus the performance of the entire computer.

|a. |Formatting |c. |Spooling |

|b. |Defragmenting |d. |Compressing |

59. Windows Vista includes the diagnostic utility, ____, which diagnoses problems as well as suggests courses of action.

|a. |Disk Cleanup |c. |DriveSpace |

|b. |Windows Explorer |d. |Problem Reports & Solutions |

60. Many backup programs ____, or shrink the size of, files during the backup process.

|a. |restore |c. |fragment |

|b. |register |d. |compress |

61. Screen savers originally were developed to prevent a problem called ____, in which images could be permanently etched on a monitor’s screen.

|a. |thrashing |c. |ghosting |

|b. |paging |d. |hacking |

62. Some stand-alone operating systems are called ____ because they also work in conjunction with a network operating system.

|a. |embedded operating systems |c. |multitasking operating systems |

|b. |client operating systems |d. |server operating systems |

63. Examples of stand-alone operating systems include all of the following except ____.

|a. |Windows Vista |c. |Mac OS X |

|b. |NetWare and Solaris |d. |UNIX and Linux |

64. Released in 2006, ____ is an upgrade to Windows XP.

|a. |DOS |c. |Windows Vista |

|b. |Windows Professional x64 Edition |d. |Windows Millennium |

65. ____ is available in five editions: Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate, Business, and Enterprise.

|a. |Windows Vista |c. |UNIX |

|b. |Linux |d. |DOS |

66. A new feature of Windows Vista is ____, which helps users locate documents by showing thumbnails that previews documents’ content.

|a. |Document Explorer |c. |Virtual Folders |

|b. |Windows Explorer |d. |Business Folders |

67. ____ includes features from previous Apple computer operating systems, such as large photo-quality icons, built-in networking support, and enhanced speech recognition.

|a. |DOS |c. |Linux |

|b. |UNIX |d. |Mac OS X |

68. Bell Labs licensed ____ for a low fee to numerous colleges and universities, where the operating system obtained a wide following.

|a. |Linux |c. |UNIX |

|b. |DOX |d. |Windows XP |

69. The two most popular GUIs available for ____ are GNOME and KDE.

|a. |DOS |c. |Mac OS X |

|b. |Windows XP |d. |Linux |

70. Examples of network operating systems include all of the following except ____.

|a. |Windows Server 2003 |c. |Windows Vista |

|b. |NetWare and Solaris |d. |UNIX and Linux |

71. The Windows Server 2003 family includes ____ for the typical small- to medium-sized business network.

|a. |Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition |

|b. |Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition |

|c. |Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition |

|d. |Windows Server 2003, Web Edition |

72. The Windows Server 2003 family includes ____ for medium- to large-sized businesses, including those with e-commerce operations.

|a. |Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition |

|b. |Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition |

|c. |Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition |

|d. |Windows Server 2003, Web Edition |

73. The Windows Server 2003 family includes ____ for businesses with huge volumes of transactions and large-scale databases.

|a. |Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition |

|b. |Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition |

|c. |Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition |

|d. |Windows Server 2003, Web Edition |

74. Like Linux, ____ is a multipurpose operating system because it is both a stand-alone and network operating system.

|a. |NetWare |c. |Mac OS X |

|b. |UNIX |d. |Windows XP |

75. Popular embedded operating systems include all of the following except ____.

|a. |Windows CE |c. |Windows Mobile |

|b. |Palm OS and Symbian OS |d. |NetWare |

76. ____, which is used on PDAs and smart phones, includes handwriting recognition software called Graffiti.

|a. |Palm OS |c. |Windows Mobile |

|b. |Symbian OS |d. |Windows CE |

77. ____ is software that acts without a user’s knowledge and deliberately alters a computer’s operations.

|a. |Malware |c. |System software |

|b. |A utility program |d. |A diagnostic program |

78. A ____ does not replicate itself to other computers.

|a. |virus |c. |Trojan horse |

|b. |worm |d. |all of the above |

79. ____ is a program placed on a computer without the user’s knowledge or consent that secretly collects information about the user, often related to Web browsing habits.

|a. |Spyware |c. |Spam |

|b. |A pop-up ad |d. |A filter |

80. ____ is a program that removes or blocks certain items from being displayed.

|a. |Spyware |c. |Spam |

|b. |A pop-up ad |d. |A filter |


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