7090-20023-01, SR2500 TMI/Rework Instruction for corrupt ...

Rework Instruction for Customer Sites corrupt/unbootable 2nd drive

7090-20023-01, Rev C to D

1. Copy the diskBootStatus.exe application onto a thumb drive.

2. Attach keyboard, mouse, & monitor.

3. Power up the server, and let it boot to Windows.

4. Run the diskBootStatus.exe program from the thumb drive by double clicking on the icon:


5. If the system is good, it will look like the below. If the system is good, go to My Computer(Manage(Disk Management and verify that the disks are healthy and mirrored.


Good/Healthy System

6. If disk 1 is non-bootable, it will look like this:


Bad Disk 1

7. You may remove the thumb drive if needed.

8. Before you remove the drive mirror double click on My Computer >double click on the Boot (C:) disk> than locate the boot.ini file, right click on file and do a copy than paste to your desktop. If the boot.ini file is hidden or not visible you need to click tools at the top of boot C: window>folder options> click the view tab and check to see that show hidden files is checked/selected. And also make sure that Hide protected operating system files is unchecked/deselected.

9. Right click on the My Computer icon, and select Manage.

10. Select Disk Management.

11. Right Click on the C: partition of Disk 1 and select Remove Mirror. The remove mirror window will open. Select Disk 1 and click on Remove Mirror.


Click on Yes to the “Are you sure you want to remove the mirror” dialog box.

12. Repeat the above for the D: partition of Disk 1.

13. In the Disk Management Window, Disk 1 should now be black and labeled as Unallocated.

14. Right click on Disk 1, and select Convert to Basic.

15. After you have removed the mirror it also removes the secondary plex boot option from your boot.ini file. You need to copy and paste the boot.ini file that you previously put on your desktop back into your Boot (C:) Local Disk located in My Computer, when you paste it back it will prompt a message that this text file already exist do you want to replace it with the new one? Click Yes.

16. Close all windows, and shut down the server.

17. Unlatch the Bottom Left Drive 0 (your known good boot drive).

18. Keep the Top left Drive 1(bad disk) in the server.

19. Power on server and insert the Disk Wiper Utility CD at power on.

20. This utility will auto launch during boot up.

21. The 1st Confirmation message will appear telling you that this utility will erase the 1st hard disk connected to the system. If you wish to erase the hard disk type yes. Otherwise type No. Type yes

22.A 2nd Confirmation message will appear saying once started this process is irreversible. Are you certain that you wish to erase the hard disk? If you wish to erase the hard disk type yes. Otherwise type no. Type yes

23.The disk wipe process will begin. At this point it’s highly recommended that you eject the Disk Wipe Utility CD out of the server. Let disk wipe complete to about 5% this will be long enough and the disk will be made raw or all 0’s.

24.Shutdown the server by pressing and holding the power button down on the front panel control until the server is fully powered down.

25.Re-insert the known good boot drive back into the server. Having both drives inserted back into the server power on the server and log on.

26.Right Click on My Computer than navigate to Disk Management.

27.The Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard should open. Click on Next.

28. Click/Check Disk 1(to make dynamic) in the Select Disk to Initialize window. Click on Next. Repeat if required.

29.Click on Finish in the Completing the Initialize and Convert Disk Wizard.


30.If the new disk is not labeled as Dynamic, make it Dynamic. Right click on Disk 1 and Convert to Dynamic Disk. Click OK in the Convert to Dynamic Disk dialog box. Before you continue on to add the mirrors to drive 1 run the disk boot status exe tool to be sure that your disk 1 is all 0’s or raw(healthy). Keep the Disk Management window open.

31.Run the diskBootStatus.exe program from the thumb drive. And make sure both drives appear as “healthy”



Good/Healthy System

Note: After you have ran the disk wipe utility on disk 1 the disk status tool may read something different than the above picture. As long as you see that the drive sectors are now all 0’s and the disk or drive appears to be raw .You have a good/healthy system.

32. From the Disk Management window right click on the C: partition of Disk 0 and select Add Mirror. Click OK to the Logical Disk Manager warning.

33.The add mirror window will open. Select Disk 1 and click on Add Mirror.

34.The resynching mirror process starts on Volume Boot C: let resynch finish (disk reading Healthy) before adding mirror to volume D: this takes between 5 to 10 minutes.

Right Click on the D: partition of Disk 0 and select Add Mirror.

35.The add mirror window will open. Select Disk 1 and click on Add Mirror.

36.Let the drives resynchronize. This takes 2-3 hours!

37.Once complete, the drives will show as Healthy and partitions as Mirrored Volumes.

38.Run the diskBootStatus.exe program from the thumb drive. And make sure both drives appear as “healthy” [pic]


Good/Healthy System

39.Remove thumb drive by clicking on the icon in the system tray.

40.The server now has a functioning drive mirror redundancy.

41. Re-label the revision on the system and on the shipping carton:

7090-20023-01 Rev D


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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