Mr. Level's Sophomore English Website

Vocabulary List 1NAME: Affinity - n.RootsDefinition: 1. A natural attraction or liking for a person/thing2. A close connection marked by similar interests or natureSynonyms:Connection, kinship, similarity, closeness, fondness, leaning, sympathy, attraction, rapportPublished Sentence“We analogize ourselves into understanding our place in the world, looking for affinities between our existence and the larger existence of animals, objects, ideas, and rituals.” Washington Post Aug 11, 2019My SentenceMuch to my mother’s chagrin, I have an affinity for hamburgers and pizza.Ambiguous - adj.AmbiguouslyAmbiguityRoots Ambi- (both)(Ambidextrous)(Ambivalent)Definition 1. permitting more than one interpretation2. not clearly definedSynonymsCryptic, dubious, vague, enigmatic, equivocal, inconclusive, obscure, opaque, puzzling, uncertain, unclearPublished Sentence“Britain should confront the contradictions long inherent in Northern Ireland’s ambiguous status.”The Guardian Aug 21, 2019My SentenceThe ending to the movie was ambiguous; viewers weren’t sure if the hero lived or died.Amiable - adj.AmiablyAmiabilityDefinitionHaving or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualitiesSynonymsAffable, amicable, friendly, sociable, agreeable, charming, cheerful, cordial, engaging, genial, gracious, pleasantPublished SentenceMy SentenceAnimosity - n.DefinitionA feeling of strong dislike or ill will that tends to display itself in actionSynonymsAcrimony, animus, antipathy, bad blood, bitterness, enmity, hatred, hostility, malice, rancor, resentmentPublished SentenceMy SentenceArdent - adj.ArdentlyArdencyDefinitionCharacterized by intense emotion or enthusiasmSynonymsPassionate, zealous, eager, dedicated, enthusiastic, intense, vehement, ferventPublished SentenceMy SentenceVocabulary List 1Belittle - v.BelittlerBelittlementBelittlinglyDefinitionTo make something seem less impressive or important than appearances indicate it isSynonymsCriticize, minimize, disparage, downplay, squelch, decry, deprecate, deride, scorn, dismiss, Published SentenceMy SentenceCajole - v.CajoleryCajolerCajolinglyCajolementDefinitionTo persuade by flattery or promisesSynonymsCoax, wheedle, persuade, entice, sweet-talk, flatter, dupe, delude, entrap, seduce, deceivePublished SentenceMy SentenceCapitulate - v.CapitulantCapitulatorrecapitulate (which means to summarize or recap).DefinitionTo surrender or cease resistingSynonymsBow, cave in, cede, concede, defer, give up, relent, succumb, surrender, submit, yield Published SentenceMy SentenceCapricious - adj.CapriciousnessCapriciouslyDefinitionCharacterized by or liable to sudden unpredictable changes in attitude or behaviorSynonymsFickle, impulsive, unpredictable, changeable, whimsical, unreliable, volatile, unstable, temperamental, erratic, flighty, mercurialPublished SentenceMy SentenceDearth - n.DefinitionAn inadequate supplySynonymsScarcity, lack, paucity, shortage, want, insufficiency, deficiency, absence, faminePublished SentenceMy SentenceVocabulary List 1Despot - n.DespoticDespotismDefinitionAn oppressive monarch or ruler with unlimited powerSynonymsTyrant, oppressor, autocrat Published SentenceMy SentenceEmulate - v.EmulativeEmulatorEmulationDefinition1. To imitate, trying to equal or surpass2. To rival with some degree of successSynonymsImitate, mimic, copy, mirror, one-up, rival, match, outdo, contendPublished SentenceMy SentenceFallacy - n.FallaciousFallaciouslyDefinitionA false or mistaken idea based on faulty knowledge or reasoning.SynonymsFalsehood, myth, misconception, error, delusion, misjudgementPublished SentenceMy SentenceFortuitous - adj.FortuitouslyFortuityDefinitionHappening by chance, especially by a lucky chanceSynonyms Lucky, fortunate, unexpected, incidental, unplanned, accidental, serendipitousPublished SentenceMy SentenceFurtive - adj.FurtivelyFurtivenessDefinitionCharacterized by stealth and secrecySynonymsClandestine, covert, sly, sneaky, secretive, surreptitious, cautious, Published SentenceMy Sentence ................

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