
Activity 5.2.2: Student Resource SheetMatch the description of a bone break or dislocation to the X-ray that shows this injury. Follow the directions described on the Activity sheet to label what is shown in the X-ray. Femoral shaft fracture – The fracture shown was the result of an accidental gunshot (pieces of lead can be seen in the X-ray), but motor vehicle accidents are more commonly to blame for this type of injury Radius fracture – The fracture shown is commonly caused by falls onto outstretched hands. These are the most common fractures in pediatrics.Supracondylar humerus fracture – This fracture was caused by a fall onto a fully extended arm that hyper-extended the elbow joint (bent the joint the wrong way).Phalangel fracture – This type of break is most often treated with splints, but surgery may be required if a break is severe or does not heal properly. Patella fracture – This common injury can be caused by a fall or an impact, such as the knees hitting the dashboard in a car accident.Ulna and radius fractures – The fractures shown are usually caused by a fall or a direct strike to the arm.Fracture of lumbar spine – This very painful injury is most often caused by a hard fall to the buttocks. Tibia/fibula fractures – Fractures such as these are often caused by direct strikes to the leg, often in car accidents.Clavicle fracture – A common sports injury, this fracture is also the most common injury to a child during birth. Metatarsal fracture – This type of injury usually results from dropping something on the foot. Skull fracture – The fracture shown resulted from a blow to the head. This type of fracture can sometimes be associated with underlying damage to a major organ. Hip dislocation – This type of dislocation is most commonly caused by high-energy impacts in car accidents, but can also be caused by a fall from a significant height. Dislocated shoulder – This very common sports injury is treated by sedating the patient and manipulating the joint back into place. ................

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