62 11Walt Disney.docx

 62. Who was Walter Elias Disney? Introduction1 When people hear the name Walter Elias Disney, they usually don’t have much of a response. Yet the name Walt Disney brings a smile to almost every face. Known in households around the world, Walt Disney spent most of his life bringing entertainment and pleasure to people.Early Life2 Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. When he was young, his family moved from the city to a farm in Missouri. Disney was excited about the move, but he soon learned that living on a farm was hard work.3 The children in the family had many chores to do. Young Disney also helped his father and brothers deliver newspapers to earn money for the family. To earn a few pennies for himself, he worked extra jobs. One of his jobs was delivering medicine for a pharmacy. Another job was working in a candy store during lunchtime at school.4 Despite having to work most of the time, Disney still found time to do the things he enjoyed. He spent much of his spare time observing and drawing pictures of the animals on the farm. He studied the way they moved and sometimes imagined them to have human qualities. He then combined his two favorite pastimes. He began drawing pictures of animals and making up stories about them. After a while he even began taking art classes on Saturdays.Turning Point5 According to one story, Disney reached a turning point when he was in the seventh grade. His homeroom teacher noticed his great skill in art, his delightful imagination, and his keen intelligence. She soon found a way to encourage his talent. On Friday afternoons, when both he and the class had finished their work, the teacher let him entertain the class. He drew cartoons on the blackboard and told stories about them. Disney’s classmates enjoyed his performances, and he discovered that he liked entertaining them.Talents Grew6 As he grew older, Disney’s artistic talent also grew. He began using a new process called animation to tell his stories. To do this, he drew the same picture many times, changing each one a little bit. Using his camera, he took a photograph of each drawing. Next he put the film through a machine called a movie projector. As the pictures ran quickly through the projector, they were reflected onto a screen. The characters looked as though they were alive and moving. Disney soon began using animation to make his drawings into cartoon movies.Making a Profit7 The next thing Disney had to learn was how to earn a profit at making movies. This took him a long time to do. With the revenue from his cartoon movies, Disney was then able to establish other forms of entertainment. He produced family movies featuring real people instead of animated characters. He even built an amusement park that became popular throughout the world.Success 8 It was only after many years of hard work that Walt Disney found success. Starting as a child artist and storyteller, he became one of the world’s greatest entertainers. His creations continue to delight millions of people every day.Walt Disney with the mouse that made him famous.Walt Disney. Digital image. Disneylania. Web. 26, Jan. 2013.Author’s Note:9 Walt Disney is a legend; a folk hero of the 20th century. His worldwide popularity was based upon the ideals which his name represents: imagination, optimism, creation, and self-made success in the American tradition. He brought us closer to the future, while telling us of the past, it is certain, that there will never be such as great a man, as Disney.1. Information in this passage suggests that Disney’s seventh grade teacher— a. assigned too much homework b. taught several different grades c. supported her students’ special abilities d. always looked for a way to fill time 2. How is this article organized? a. Disney and other seventh graders with their talents and their skills b. How Disney became a great artist and how it affected his family c. A description of Disney’s life in the order in which it happened d. All the problems Disney faced with the solutions3. Based on information in the passage, the reader can conclude that Disney— a. had a great deal of ambition b. wasted time on unpleasant activities c. was active in sports and other school related activities d. spent a lot of time alone4. The photo is included to support which idea? a. Walt Disney can recreate farm animals. b. Walt Disney was great with animation. c. Walt Disney was a great cartoonist. d. Walt Disney was a great man.5. What is the purpose of the subheadings (bold-faced print)? a. to break up the page to make it easier to read. b. to add contrast to the type set c. to make the article seem far more important d. to hint at the main idea of the section6. What is the author’s perspective of Walt Disney? a. He could have done more for the entertainment field. b. He could have studied harder in school. c. He is irreplaceable. d. He could have earned money faster than he did if he had wanted to work harder.7. Which of these is the best summary for the passage?In spite of having to work most of the time when he was young, Disney still found time to do the things he liked, such as observing nature, drawing animals, and storytelling. Because he was the world’s greatest entertainer, he was able to turn his talent into a successful businesses.Disney’s seventh-grade teacher recognized his intelligence, imagination, and artistic skill and had him entertain his fellow students with drawings on the blackboard and stories on Friday after all the students work was completed.Over the years, Disney established many different forms of entertainment for people. These ideas had their roots from his seventh grade experiences. If it hadn’t been for the interest of the seventh grade teacher, Walt Disney might have done something besides drawing.Working hard as a young person trains the youth for future successful businesses. Developing an imagination, fostering optimism, being creativity can lead to self-made success in the American tradition. Holditch 2014-2015 ................

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