
Coupon redeemable for:Girls Night OutDad has to babysit tonightCoupon redeemable for:Boys Night OutMom has to babysit tonightCoupon redeemable for:1 home cooked dinner w/ dessert from Momnot redeemable until 2 months after baby is bornCoupon redeemable for:1 home cooked dinner w/ dessert from DadCoupon redeemable for:1 night of video games free from guiltMom has to babysit tonightCoupon redeemable for:Disney Movie Marathon Coupon redeemable for:Date NightPlanned by MomCoupon redeemable for:Date NightPlanned by DadCoupon redeemable for:1 night of babysitting for Mom and Dad’s date nightIf person(s) do not accept this coupon please call (555)555-5555 for free babysitting service by ‘name’.Coupon redeemable for:1 night of babysitting for Mom and Dad’s date nightIf person(s) do not accept this coupon please call (555)555-5555 for free babysitting service by ‘name’.Coupon redeemable for:1 night of babysitting for Mom and Dad’s date nightIf person(s) do not accept this coupon please call (555)555-5555 for free babysitting service by ‘name’.Coupon redeemable for:1 night of babysitting for Mom and Dad’s date nightIf person(s) do not accept this coupon please call (555)555-5555 for free babysitting service by ‘name’.Coupon redeemable for:15 minutes of backrubCoupon redeemable for:15 minutes of foot rubCoupon redeemable for:Sleeping in 1 morningDad has to wake up with babyCoupon redeemable for:Sleeping in 1 morningDad has to wake up with babyCoupon redeemable for:1 Dozen flowersCoupon redeemable for:Favorite chocolatesCoupon redeemable for:Ice Cream shop visitCoupon redeemable for:Dinner at a restaurant of Moms choice ................

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