Musselman Messenger - Berkeley County Schools

4566285-355600 Funny Stories 400000 Funny Stories center139065Fall 201600Fall 201634289992524125Musselman Messenger07300Musselman MessengerMy Awesome Fishing Tripby Grant C.Over the summer I went to Duck, North Carolina. I did a lot of things there but did plenty of relaxing as well. Getting there took forever though because of the traffic. We ended up in the car for eight hours on a trip that should have only taken four. When we got to the house my grandma, uncles, and aunt were already there. The first thing I did was relax after being in the car for eight hours.This was our 7th time at the beach house, because we go every year for vacation. The next day we went to the sound which is like a very shallow beach, which I didn’t enjoy very much. But on the 3rd day, I woke to Duck Donuts, which are delicious, and we went to the beach. The water was freezing but really clear, except for the little things in the water which we found out were sea angels, which are tiny sea slugs. It was like that for most of the week we were there.One day we went fishing in the sea. We went out on a boat deep into the water where we caught a lot of Mahi Mahi which is a type of fish. Gladly, I don’t get seasick so being on the boat didn’t bother me. We keep the fish we get to eat at home.Sadly, we eventually had to leave, which is always sad to do but at least we will go next year. I’m just hoping that next year it won’t take us eight hours to get there.Sunrise at the beach. Digital image.?Bethany Beach Ocean Suites. Bethany Beach Ocean Suites, 2016. Web. 30 Aug. 2016. < Seasonby Nathan-635158496000So Fall is right around the corner and football season comes along with that. This means Madden, fantasy football, college, and of course the NFL. Madden gets better every year; it’s a fun game to play with your friends. I love to play fantasy football and draft the best team. For college I am a Michigan State Spartan fan and love to watch them play. With the NFL I am a big Lions fan and I get picked on for that. But the team is looking really good this year, even though some may not agree. At least, that’s what I think and so do other Lions fans all over the place. To be a lions fan you have to show dedication to a team that doesn’t do very well that often, people seem to have forgotten that we were in the playoffs just a season before last, but we lost to the Cowboys who cheated. But this year we started 1-0 against the Colts, which is showing a promising start. If we can keep this going, it will be huge! Our defense needs to step up a little, but once they do, I think we’ll be fine. Hopefully we win the Super Bowl. These are the things I love about football season and I can’t wait till the season really gets underway to see if players will maintain it. HyTwentyman, Tim. CBS Detroit. Digital image. Detroit.cbslocal. CBS, 2016. Web. 12 Sept. 2016. The Flying Menby Gage FarleyDuring my summer the most interesting thing I did during the summer was my trip to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The trip there was about four hours, but at the end of the trip we went underwater! In order for us to get to Kitty Hawk, we had to go into a bridge that went underwater. After that we got to our hotel, we unpacked and got comfortable. After we finished unpacking, we went to the beach that was near my hotel. After about an hour of playing around in the ocean we went back to the hotel and went to bed. The next day we went to the Wright Brothers’ Memorial. At the memorial they had a building with the history of their invention, a full sized model of their glider, and of course a gift shop. But outside on the field they had stones where the glider landed, and on top of this giant hill they had a huge stone building with the faces of the Wright Brothers on it. The hill is where the Wright Brothers “launched” their plane. After we were done at the memorial we went to some of the stores near there; the stores were nice but I didn’t have enough money to buy anything. On our final day there we went to the beach and had some more fun, and when we were done on the beach we packed up and loaded all of our stuff into the car. Nothing happened during the trip home except my family and I talking about all the fun we had.The Outer Banks by Michelle AlarconHave you ever been to the Outer Banks? If you haven’t, it’s a beach in North Carolina, about five, six, or maybe seven hours away from Berkeley County. If you have been there, I think you can agree with me when I say it’s a very nice place! As for the drive to the Outer Banks, it’ll probably consist mostly of a bunch of smaller naps, listening to music, eating, or taking pictures maybe of your outside surrounding. That’s how it was for me, basically. But, I can’t speak for everyone! Anyway, I went this summer for my birthday with two of my friends on my “birthday weekend,” since we stayed at the hotel for a weekend. The hotel room was small, but expensive. Although there were about six of us, my parents rented a room for two people, so there were only two king beds, which could barely fit three people each. It was less expensive that way. Although the hotel was expensive, there were many features that came with it! For breakfast, there was a choice for free coffee/tea, there were indoor and outdoor pools, and there was a really big beach. It was hard to see, especially from the apartment complex, but when you got close to it, it looked pretty cool! We remained in one small area to put our towels, cover-ups, etc., in the sand for the whole weekend. The beach wasn’t crowded at all, but it wasn’t necessarily empty. The sand still had some pretty big rocks and shells, so it wasn’t the usual soft sand I’m used to. Maybe the sand was still in the process of being weathered; I don’t know. The waves were pretty big there. That was the fun part, I loved getting into the refreshing water, in the heat especially, and diving underneath the waves. The waves were tall when they rose and strong when they crashed. One of my friends would like to sit at the shore and just wait until the wave crashed and carried her onto the sand. Sometimes the water wouldn’t calm that fast, and I could barely reach the floor, but I still had fun. It was relaxing, and I’m so glad my friends got to experience it with me. If you’re planning on taking a vacation, in the summer, or for winter break, I suggest the Outer Banks, especially if you like beaches, and water, and summer/ hot weather! Catching a Cold by Alayna ScottIt was 1:00 P.M., and Calvin has been in his room all day. His roommate, Niall, has been worried about him for days. It has been days since he came to say “Hello” or “How’s your day been, Niall?” Niall decided to go and check up on him. He climbed up the stairs and walked down the hall to Calvin’s room. He knocked on his door, “Hey? Calvin? You there?” No response. Niall knocked louder, “Cal?” Again, no response. But, after a minute, a mumble came from the door.“Don’t come in,” the voice said in a tired tone. “Don’t care,” Niall said loudly, as he pushed the door open. The room was dark, and it was quite hard for Niall to see. He walked over the window and opened the blinds. Light spilled over the room. A small groan escaped Calvin’s mouth. “Close it!” Calvin groaned. 412369059944000Niall shook his head as he walked over to Calvin’s bed. He noticed, as he walked over to his bed, that there were empty boxes of tissues and bunches of crumpled up tissues. “Sick! You seriously need to clean up after yourself, ya pig.”“Shut up!” Calvin yelled, aggressively. “Okay, okay!” Niall replied, as he sat by his bedside. “So, what’s up with the tissues? Have you been watching the Little Mermaid, again?” Niall nagged, in a teasing tone. “No. I don’t cry, Niall. You know this,” Calvin mumbled. “Stop mumbling, you know I hate it. Turn around, and face me,” Niall demanded, in a sweet tone. “Ugh, fine!” Calvin swiftly turned around, but took the sheets and covered his face. “Uncover it, NOW.”Calvin sighed, as he uncovered his face. His face was pale, and he lacked sleep. His brown eyes were barely open, and underneath them they were circled black. His button nose was a bright pink. Calvin had definitely caught a cold.Niall looked at him, with a smile. “Aw, did someone catch a cold?” “Shut up!” Calvin yelled, with a sniffle, followed by a sneeze. Niall smiled, as he caressed Calvin’s hair. “You’re so cute, Cal.” Calvin rolled his tired, brown eyes. “Shut up.” Leafy, Dreamy.?Calvin Smiling. Digital image.?. DreamyLeafy, n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2016.Interview with Mrs. Lam by Zach SpiggleWhat drove you to become a teacher? “I love kids and I love school.” Do you do anything outside of the building? “I am a mother and that is all I have time for.” Do you have a favorite thing about teaching? “I just love to make kids love reading.” Do you have any interesting pets? “I have a fish. Does a two year-old count as a pet?” What college did you go to and what degree did you get there? “I went to Shenandoah University for two degrees.” If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? After a minute or two of hard thinking, she responded, “The power to touch any book and instantly know what’s inside. Wouldn’t that make school so much easier?” Overcooked by Grant L.There’s something I’ve learned over the past few years. I can’t cook! I’ve burned, blown up, even melted things as many times as I’ve tried to cook. I can’t even count how many times I’ve messed up a simple task that involved food. Here are two of the worst/best screw-ups I’ve somehow managed to achieve.I remember a few months back when I was trying to perform the simplest of tasks: microwaving a hotdog. You would think that it would be hard to mess up, right? Well, me being the genius that I am, I put it in for a minute. You can probably assume what happened. As you probably guessed, it exploded. But that’s not the worst part. To make things worse, I put ketchup on it before I put it in the microwave. Ketchup was everywhere. And I mean everywhere. This, however, isn’t the worst thing I’ve done. I’ve managed to do much worse. right41529000Have you ever tried to follow a recipe, found the directions to be too unclear, and end up getting it wrong? Well, this has happened to me before, except for one thing. The directions were very clear. It was an average recipe for some chocolate chip cookies. Simple, right? Well, I managed to leave out almost half of the ingredients. I needed, three or so eggs and I only put in one, from what I remember. It told me to mix it all in, but I only mixed for a minute. Needless to say, I messed up. When I took it out of the oven, it basically looked like a few small piles of compost. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it even moved. That was probably the dumbest time I’ve messed something up.I think it’s quite obvious that you should never leave me alone in the kitchen with a cookbook. I’ll most likely set your house on fire by using cold ingredients, because I’m just that brilliant. Anyway, those are essentially the two worst two messes I’ve created while making food. Just remember: read the directions, and take your time. If you don’t, you’ll end up doing this stuff. And trust me, the last thing you want is food that is overcooked.Pellot, Emerald. Cooking Fail. Digital image.?College Candy. N.p., 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 31 Aug. 2016.Amazing Dogs by Trenton Davis396240078549500 What is there not to like about dogs? They’re cute, fluffy, and smart too. Whether it’s a Yorkie, Pit Bull, or Scottish Terrier, it is always fun to have a dog. Some people might be like, “you’re wrong, cats are the best,” but let me tell you that dogs are the best animal. A companion, is someone who lets you rub his or her belly. You can play with them and maybe give them treats! Cats, when they get older, will just lie around saying, “I hate Mondays”. Man’s best friend will play with you, even when they get older. Maybe you even prefer another animal for a pet. We humans like animals that play with us, not just sit around in our house, hogging all the comfortable couch cushions. I have had a cat and hamsters who got sick. Over the years, I have owned more cats than my friends. Dogs rarely get sick and when they do, there are a lot of animal hospitals to care for them. When dogs chase cats it proves that they’re the dominant race. They are not even really chasing them; they just want to play, but cats are too lazy to play. When a Yorkie barks, some people think it’s annoying, but it’s actually adorable. They are letting you know that they’re there. Cats just purr and you have no idea what they’re saying. I have an amazing Yorkshire Terrier, otherwise known as a “Yorkie,” during our yearly RV trip to Pennsylvania. We got him on a really hot day at an Amish farmhouse. It was about 110 degrees outside when we picked him up. We got him for a good deal and drove to PetSmart. At PetSmart, he threw up because he was not used to air conditioning. Normally, the Amish do not use electricity due to their culture. We took him back to the RV. He was an automatic hit with my bull dog and my Yorkie poodle mix. That was three years ago and he has only gotten more adorable. Cute Yorkie dog. Digital image.?Dogs. Heather, n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2016.The Girl and the Wolf by Grace Broy Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a little house on a little farm. No one really knew the girl because she never played in the village like the normal kids would. She would venture into the woods. Nobody has stepped foot in that forest since 30 years ago, when a little boy disappeared in the woods. There has been a rumor going around ever since: 31146755524500“The forest is forbidden, For the wolf is on the prowl, Anyone who dares to enter, Will never learn the way out.”But this girl has heard that rumor so many times in her life that she doesn’t care what anyone says about it anymore. So, she played in the “forbidden” woods each day. One day, the girl entered the forest once more. But when evening hit, she never came out. At dusk, she still didn’t come out. Midnight, no one. Her parents were worried sick as they paced the house. “Where is she?” questioned the girl’s mother. “I don’t know,” answered the father,” but this is scary. I don’t want to lose another child.”They eventually thought that she’ll just come back, and they went off to bed. As the moon rose from the sparkling crystal waters, a wolf howled. A beautiful wolf emerged from the thick forest. It had remarkable, soft, smooth, moon-grey fur. Its right eye was a beautiful crystal blue that darkened to a navy towards the pitch black pupil. Its left one was an oak brown that darkened to a spruce color towards the pupil. As her eyes sparkled into the night, she howled at the moon.Staring into the night, the girl thought deeply, “I’m free. Away from stress, away from sadness. I’m now part of the forest. This forest is not forbidden, it’s enchanted.” She howled once more and trampled back into the gifted forest. As she was walking along the moisturized soil, a child ran out of the forest and into a house. In the window, the wolf noticed the missing boy hugging some strangers. Wait, those strangers were his parents, her parents. Then she ran back into the thick wooded area, ready to wait for her next playmate.(image) “Small Farmhouse.”?Www.standout-Cabin-, Stand Out Cabin Designs, 2016, Craze by Andrew BischoffI have a cat named Bandit. He loves to play. Bandit is very energetic and crazy! He is very fast and strong. He has a cat tower with a scratching post, a ringing toy that hangs over a platform, and a bed with a pillow. Bandit does not have front claws, but he doesn’t care! He also likes to use our trashcan as a scratching post. He eats a lot. Our cat goes crazy when a bird is outside the window. He is the greatest cat in the universe. He loves to eat treats. His birthday is on October 8th. He loves to play with my laser light. Bandit loves to sleep between my legs. He also loves to watch me play video games. Bandit loves his family!He has lots of toys. Bandit has a ball with a squeaky mouse inside it. He has a pink and purple bell ball. He has a yellow and orange bell ball as well. He also has a blue and green bell ball. He has a light up Christmas light on a string connected to a stick. Bandit has a catnip stick as well. He loves his toys! right41846500One time my dad tried to teach Bandit how to play Fruit Ninja! My mom has a game on her iPad for Bandit that he can play. Bandit does lots of funny stuff! One time Bandit was chasing his tail and he did a front flip! He does love to bite feet! He is so cute. I just love him so much! Bandit is the cutest, most adventurous, and most lovable cat in the whole wide galaxy!The Endby Madison GrayYou have no capability of helping anyone,yourself, family, loved ones, people who moved you.People who now are useless, useless to you and the whole world. How are you going to fix it?Well, the answer is you can't! You can't because it's physically impossible to help the billions of people in our world. But think, would they help you? The Duelby Heather PorterOne day a Jedi was born. His name was Jack and he started going to middle school when he was eleven. On his 8th day of eighth grade, a Sith walked into Mrs. R’s classroom when Jack was working very hard. “Who are you?”, Mrs. R asked.Now let me tell you about the Sith. His name was Trevon and he was about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was 5’ 3” tall and had dark hair. Trevon was also a very mean person.Jack sprang from his seat and drew his lightsaber. Trevon didn’t leave, but instead drew his lightsaber as he leaped towards Jack unexpectedly. Jack quickly force pushed him to the other side of the room. The Sith swung his lightsaber, but the Jedi blocked. left3492500Trevon was getting tired and started to grow weaker. This was his first battle in three years, so this one wasn’t so good. However, Jack practiced quite often, so he was very good and wasn’t rusty. The fight quickly ended as Jack wounded the Sith. Jack claimed victory as Trevon ran off. All the teachers cheered and decided to throw a party! They invited the principal and even the president. Jack was showing off his lightsaber skills, and his teachers decided they should call him something epic! After three hours of deciding, they decided on Baby Deadbush. Most thought it was a silly name, but it was a name of great honor. To this day The Baby Deadbush still lives and saves the school from danger.(Image) Hinson, K. Lightsaber from 2000. Digital image. Deviant Art. Deviant Art, 2016. Web. 6 Sept. 2016. My Trip to Busch Gardens by Jack ArnoldAs my family and I entered the park, we were amazed by what we saw. The giant roller coasters were roaring with screams as we walked through the park. The line for the Mach Tower was surprisingly short, so my sister and I decided to go on it. As we waited in line, we observed the people that were going before us. When they reach the top, they spun slowly around, and got a spectacular view. Then the ride stopped spinning, they sat there for a few seconds, then all of a sudden they drop over one hundred feet! And as we got on the ride, got strapped in, we were excited. Then the ride started and we spun around. When we are almost to the top, we see what appears to lake or the beach. It looks very peaceful, then the ride stopped spinning. Somehow, I didn’t notice that we stopped, and then we dropped. I have never screamed louder in my life. When we reached the bottom and got unstrapped, I was engulfed with joy. I spotted the roller coaster called Verbolten. Its line was about a five-minute wait, so I decided to go on it. Row four was absolutely barren. When the metal doors opened to enter the ride, I hopped right in the seat and pulled the harness down. We took off and shot around a turn, went into a tunnel with creepy lights, up went a hill and crept forward slowly. The nose started to point forward, we started to accelerate, then we went around a turn. Creepy lights appeared as we went into a tunnel. Then 2324100151447500we stopped and we heard a creepy voice say, “GET OUT.” Next, we dropped straight down fifty feet, while remaining seated level. Finally, we went around with the nose going down vertically. There were a lot of amazing roller-coasters at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Virginia such as Alpengeist or the Griffon. Additionally, there were a lot more activities to do there, such as basketball or soccer. The food stalls had some very good desserts such as gelato. Overall this is a good place to go for a fun family trip.Mach Tower. Digital image.?. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Sept. 2016. Interview with Miss Diaz by Emma MillerWhat made you interested in teaching music?“I like to encourage students to express themselves and I think they can do that through music.” What was your favorite subject in college? “Choir.” What is your favorite book? “Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.” Are you interested in any sports? If so, what? “I am not interested in any sports.” What do you and your family like to do after school? “We like to hang out and watch television. We also take part in singing at our church.” Do you like it here at MMS? Why? “Of course I like it here. I like it because the kids are excellent and the staff really works together.” Did you ever play any type of instrument? If so, what? “Yes, I played the violin for 8 years (with Mrs. DelGallo who happens to work at this school). Plus, in middle school, I played the flute.” What is your favorite type of music and why?“My favorite type of music is jazz. It is my favorite because there are so many things you can learn through jazz and you don’t even know it.” Cinnamon’s Dilemma by Katarina G.Cinnamon reared in fury. She was not going to let herself be ridden. She bucked until her rider fell off. Bolting for the meadow, she soon realized that the saddle was still on. She’d forgotten to puff up, when the boy was putting it on. When she does that, the saddle will be loose and will fall off with the rider. She would have to go back so the humans could take it off. She glanced at the forest, Soon, she thought. Soon I’ll be free.456247522860000As she trotted into the barn Prancer whinnied at her, “Came back again.” Cinnamon snorted, “Be quiet, Prancer.” He whinnied again and the boy looked up. “Hi Cinnamon, girl. You came back. Couldn’t get your saddle off, huh girl?” he smiled, thinking he was clever. She wished she could bite him. She had done it before, but the boy’s father threatened to sell her if she did it again. She snorted and walked up to him. “It’s ok, girl” he said. He unsaddled her and led her into her stall. He locked her in. “How long you think you’ll stay, Cinnamon?” Prancer asked. “Does it really matter to you? You don’t have the guts. You’d rather sleep inside all day then run in the meadow! You’re a human horse, Prancer! ACCEPT THAT!!!!” Cinnamon snorted at him. Prancer winced and kept quiet the rest of the day. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hard on him. No, he needs to learn. She finally fell asleep.The next day the boy took her riding again. She didn’t puff up. She didn’t want to. She wanted to say sorry to Prancer before she ran away. She’d still run away of course. The boy didn’t like to gallop. They rode around the meadow, slowly. Suddenly she reared, throwing her head high. The boy fell off. She bolted for the barn. Prancer looked up at her confused. “Why did…” He started. “I’m sorry,” she blurted! “Sorry for what?” he asked. “For snapping at you last night” She almost started crying. The boy hopped on one leg, crying. “Cinnamon, you stupid horse!!” he choked out. Prancer looked at her “What did you do?!” he practically yelled at her. “I…I… don’t know,” Cinnamon started. “Save it.” He looked at her darkly.Turns out the boy broke his leg. Everyone’s blaming Cinnamon. How was I supposed to know? She asked herself. Prancer was the worst to deal with. The only company had hated her. Now she hated herself. If only I hadn’t bucked that hard. I was trying to make things better between me and Prancer. Instead I just made it worse. Prancer kept glaring at her. She tried to make herself smaller. “I didn’t mean to!” she finally blurted. “Yeah right” Prancer snorted. “I was just trying to get back here to say I’m sorry to you,” she said, “I keep talking to myself saying I shouldn’t have bucked so hard.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. For everything, Prancer.” He didn’t say anything. Maybe he forgave me. I don’t know. I hope he did. (Image) Mah, Jamie.?Rearing Horse. Digital image.?. FineArtAmerica, 24 Aug. 2012. Wed. 7 Sept. 2016.Destination Disney by James Foy IIIThis summer, I went down to Florida, mainly for football, but I did a lot more than just that. One thing, it’s completely off topic, but it is not as hot as people say it is! I personally didn’t think it was that bad. After football, I went to Orlando, Florida, where we went to Disney with my sister, Brielle, and my cousins, Xavier and Priscilla. The way we found out we were going to Disney, was awesome! We made reservations at this amazing restaurant and my grandmother gave us boxes, we had no clue what was inside them. Keep in mind they were massive boxes, about two feet tall! They were really light, so I assumed there wasn’t much in there. We counted to three and ripped the boxes open. Balloons with all the Disney characters popped out. The balloons were taped to the bottom of the boxes so we didn’t lose them. There were neat backpacks in the boxes too. The girls got princess styles and the boys got a gold mickey mouse style. Later that day we drove to Orlando from Miami, about a two or three-hour drive. When we got there we stayed at the Pop Century Resort in the 60’s section. There was a pool in the shape of a flower. Our bedrooms were connected, because they didn’t have a room to fit all of us. The first thing we did was sleep, because it was nine o’clock at night. -635126047500We woke up and went to Epcot. Epcot is a part of the park that has different places from all around the world. There, you can see the traditions, food, and even learn a bit of each language! Next, we went to the Magic Kingdom, which is also known as the main part of the park. It was awesome! I went on most of the rides, but I chickened out on Space Mountain. That was because I don’t like spinning. At the beginning of the wait line, it said, “If you have motion sickness you should not go on this ride.” Therefore, I didn’t get to enjoy the ride. Then one day, Xavier and I got to eat with Donald Duck! Later that day, we also saw the fireworks because it was the fourth of July! The girls, Brielle and Priscilla, got to eat with Cinderella, inside of the Magic Kingdom! I was so jealous! On the last day, we stayed at the hotel and enjoyed the swimming pool. Xavier and I met this really cute girl and we called her “Winky,” because she winked at us. The trip was super fun and I’m looking forward to going back. Taylor, Tim. Fireworks Above Castle. Digital image. 4k HD Wallpapers. 4k HD Wallpapers, 2016. Web. 31 Aug. 2016.The Epic Frisbee Failby Kendall ShepherdIt all started one day in gym class 2016 they went outside to play Frisbee. McPoo and Belch partnered up and started throwing the Frisbee back and forth. Then McPoo threw the Frisbee at her leg. Belch moved her leg to reflect it back, but instead it hit her in the shin. She screamed,” You hit my leg! Its broken! Help!” McPoo just stood there laughing and mocking Belch. They continued to throw the Frisbee until the Frisbee struck again. It went soaring and chopped Belch in the throat. They laughed and laughed until starting again. The two of them caught the flying disk of doom (AKA the Frisbee) many times. One throw hit Belch in the tooth, but to their surprise she still caught it. When gym class was over, Belch left in pain. McPoo , however, was perfectly fine. McPoo started to get annoyed when Belch wouldn’t drop it. This concludes The Epic Frisbee Fail.Interview with Mr. Greggby Dennis Jennison Which College or University did you attend? “I attended the University of North Colorado.” How were you inspired to become a teacher? “I had a student teacher during my Sophomore year of High School, who taught English. I am absolutely horrible at English, but this student teacher found ways to make English fun.”Do you have any hobbies outside of school? “I have done Origami for the past five years, Percussion for the last twelve years, and I have played League of Legends for the past five years.” If you could meet a fictional character(s), who would it be and why? “I would like to meet the Lutece Twins from the game BioShock, because in college, I enjoyed talking about theoretical physics, and the Lutece twins know much on the topic.” How long have you lived in West Virginia? “I have lived in West Virginia for about five weeks now.” Do you have any pets? “I have two cats. One of them is named Evangeline, from the Princess and the Frog, and the other one’s name is Atlas, like from BioShock.”The Unluckiest Personby Kendall Shepherd The day started off normal, until the window popped open from a gust of wind and rain. A blast of rain came soaring through the window, as the teacher darted over to close it. She slammed it shut and turned around to a room full of wet children. By the time everyone was dry, the rain stopped and dried up. All over, there were puddles of mud. It was about time for recess. They opened the two wide glass doors and the screaming children swiftly left to go play. Then one girl named Kendall told her best friend, Gracie,” let’s play real life jump the river!” Kendall darted full speed towards a giant puddle and leapt. She made it and then slipped and slid on the mud. The bell rang, so she got up and ran to show Mrs. Ribbbons. Kendall told her what happen and she asked,” Are you sure you didn’t have explosive diarrhea?” Everyone laughed, then they went inside where eventually she went home. The next day when she woke up, she went to school and walked through the breezy doors. She swiftly walked to her seat and sat down. Then someone said,” Hey, its Mud Girl!” Everyone turned and started saying Mud Girl. This went on for more than three months! Then it stopped because of another name. Interview with Mrs. Millerby Lauren StoweWhat is your favorite hobby outside of school? “I love to craft!” Do you have any pets? What is the funniest thing they have ever done? “I have one pug and a cat. They have done many funny things. You never know what to expect from them.” What do you do to make the bad days better? “I try not to focus on what made it bad, I focus on the good things that happened during the day.” If you had any power, what would it be? “I would cure all of the sickness in the world.” What is your favorite thing about teaching? “I love seeing my students reach an accomplishment or goal. It makes my heart melt.”The Boogie Board Mishapleft151701500 by Kristine Ocean City is my favorite place in the world, so when I found out we were going to Ocean City for 4th of July weekend I was really happy. One day while we were there, my cousin, my brother and I wanted to go boogie-boarding. A boogie board is like a surf board, but it’s smaller and you can’t stand on it. Now, I didn’t get to boogie board much, but my cousin and my brother did. I thought even though I didn’t really know how, I would be fine. Big mistake, but I’ll get to that later. We had so much fun! We rode small waves, and everything was fine. Then we saw it, the perfect wave was approaching! It was huge! We had to act fast, so we got on our boogie boards and waited, but I made a big mistake. I was too close to the shore! I tried to move away, but I was too late. Suddenly, the wave crashed on top of me! Terrified, I was tumbling out of control, rolling and rolling and flipping over my boogie board. When my terror ended, I washed up on the shore. My cousin and brother came over to me. Also, my stupid little brother was laughing at me. Ha ha, I thought, very funny. He laughed at me even more when I was trying to shake sand out of my hair. After that, I just put my boogie board away and swam next to them. Unfortunately the situation, wasn’t over. Not even ten minutes after I wiped out, my brother crashed also! Who’s laughing now? (image) people on the Ocean City beach. Digital image.?The Huffington Post. , 22 May 2013. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.Interview with Ms. Shipleyby Madison GrayWhat inspired you to be a teacher? “My own kids”, she replied. Was anybody your hero or inspiration in school? “My math teacher, she had a great way of teaching and was always positive!” What really makes your day when you teach? “Definitely, when kids have that aha moment.” What is your favorite type of food? “Italian”, she said with a smirk. What was the university or college you went to? “Shepherd University and WV University.” If you were to meet a celebrity who would it be? Smiling she quickly responded, “Tom Hanks.” What type of music do you listen to? “Soft Rock”, she replied to conclude the interview. How to be a Photographer by Conlan Trace I am known to solve Rubik’s Cubes, but most people don’t know that I am trying to be a photographer. Most people don’t have expensive cameras and equipment like most pro photographers have. I have decent gear and can take good photos. I have come up with three simple tips and tricks for taking pictures that might help you become a better photographer.To start with, you need a good camera. I have a Canon Rebel T3 costs about $800. Additionally, I also have smaller and cheaper digital cameras that cost around $100. Any camera is fine, but you can save up to get a good DSLR. Whatever camera equipment you have is fine. 311467572898000Next, you need a stable tripod. My tripod is a Sunkist tripod, which was $20 when I purchased it. It works equally well for a camera or a smartphone/GoPro with the extensions it comes with. Rarely do I use it for YouTube videos and pictures. When I do, I use the clip-on lens, for Instagram pictures on my phone. The camera kit comes with fisheye, macro, and wide angle lenses. It's a good starter tripod, but you can save up to get a better one. Finally, let’s talk about the landscape option on your camera. Landscape orientation is important for taking great pictures. I take pictures in the spring and summer, because the outside is beautiful and warm. Often, animals will be out there, so you might get lucky and take a close-up picture of a fawn. It's your opinion on when and where to take your picture, so I'll leave it up to you. That's some of what I know about taking good, high quality pictures. Later this year, I might write another article about cameras, YouTube, or Instagram. Perhaps, I might make a video for fun. ( Image ) "Canon Rebel T3 Review." Canon, See Impossible. Canon Inc, 2016. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.The Reality of Summerby Kyle Jarrettright155448000I know everybody is already thriving for summer to come, but why? Yeah it seems amazing no school, which actually is awesome. When you walk outside, you take a deep breath and, feel the fresh air. You might inhale a bug “yuck”! Now you see a bee, a swarm of bees and you happen to have honey. Next thing you know you’re down the street sprinting. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, you dash right through at least a thousand small bugs. Now they are in your eyes, in your mouth, everywhere. But wait…oh no, the bees! Here you are swatting at them and then you realized well… I’ve messed up. You’re zooming back up the street to your house getting stung in the arm, the leg, the face, everywhere. You make it back inside, feeling relived. But wait, what’s that sound? Oh no, there is one little bee that made it inside. There you are once more running around the house looking for something to hit the bee with. You found a fly swatter. Wait, where is the bee? He is gone. You feel relief. Going to the mirror to look at all your stings, you see a bee on your shoulder… SMACK! You got him. You hear the door open. It’s your mom. You see the bees charging toward the door, trying to avenge their friend. You start screaming “CLOSE THE DOOR CLOSE IT!” Then you get yelled at, once the heat died down you start to tell her about your day and all your stories. She stops you and says, “I have a lot of work to do. Go outside and get some fresh air! You open the door cautiously and gaze at the outdoors thinking, here we go again. (image) “Honey Bee on Flower.”?National Geographic Kids, National Geographic Society, 2016Interview with Mrs. Emmerlingby StaffWhy did you choose to be a teacher? “It’s something I always wanted to do, and I like being with children.” What do you like to do outside of school? “I enjoy reading and puzzle games.” Favorite soft drink? “Cherry Coke.” Do you have any animals at home? “No” How long have you been living in WV? “I’ve lived here for about 7 years.” What is your favorite movie? “My favorite movie is Breakfast Club.” If you could have any power, what would you chose and why? “I’d want the ability to freeze time so I can get things finished.” Terminator or Robocop? “Terminator, although the guy who played Robocop is a history teacher”Marineland by Zakkary Moss 351028047434500This summer I went to Niagara Falls and while we were there we went to Marineland. At Marineland you can feed the Beluga whales, Bears, Elk, Buffalo, and Fish. To feed the animals, the staff provides you with an ice cream cone filled with big food pellets. When you feed the beluga whales you get a fish and you throw it in their mouths. You can see a Killer Whale, Penguins, and Seals. Sometimes a seagull will pretend to be a Penguin to get some fish. Marineland has an animal show at King Waldorf Stadium. During the show they use Dolphins, Beluga Whales, Sea Lions, and a Walrus to do amazing tricks. The staff asks volunteers to interact with the Belugas. Afterwards the whales kiss the volunteers on the cheek. As a reward for helping, you get an inflatable Beluga Whale. They have a roller coaster called Dragon Mountain and it is 5,500 ft. long. That is longer than a mile. When you go to walk inside the entrance, it is really dark, so you are stumbling around in the darkness. There is a gigantic drop tower that’s 400 ft. tall and located on top of a hill. The tower is called The Drop Zone. On the way to the top of the tower, you can see Niagara Falls. At Marineland there is also a deer park, which is a place where you can walk around, touch the deer and feed them. A few deer knew when I had the food and they tried to knock it out of my hand. Image: “How Beluga Whales Communicate through Blowing Bubbles.” n.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept. 2016.A Horrific Encounterby Caidence ClevengerYou hear a loud noise in the middle of the night. You try to think of a logical answer, but you can’t. What could make a sound like that? Who could make a sound like that? When you get up to investigate, your knees wobble so vigorously that you almost fall down. Once you’ve gained enough courage, you scan the long, dark hallway and there is nothing there. Steadily you walk through the hallway, until you know it is safe. At the end of the hallway, you grab the flashlight and your baseball bat. Your baby sister and three-year-old brother are sleeping peacefully, but you can’t. What made that noise? Am I really the only one awake and aware of the disruptive noise? All of these different questions swarm through your thoughts. Now it is 3 A.M. You are walking down the hallway, alert of every single noise that rings through-out the one-hundred-year old house. What am I ready for?Then it feels as if you’re being drowned in a pool of sorrow and anger. It is almost like you had an argument that had spiraled out of control. Why are you feeling this? As suddenly as it all had begun, it stopped! You were relieved from the shockwave of misery. Then you hear another noise. It is loud, startling. It’s … your baby sister! You race down the hallway as fast as you can. Once you reach the nursery, you are glad to see that your siblings are okay. Then you have a sudden urge to look up at the corner right in front of you. Now you know why your frightened sister was waiting for you to come and help! There is a horrifying face reaching out of the wall! It’s heading toward you, but it is speaking to you. “Help me, help me!” Then the horrifying image disappears as rapidly, as it had manifested to show itself. You can’t move, you’re frozen in time and space. Your little sister’s wailing awakens you from your trance and your little brother from his deep sleep. Now both of your siblings are awake, and you are terrified.You decide to go to the local library and do some research the next day. The librarian noticed that you were reading about the paranormal. She told you about a house she used to live in a few blocks away. Then you are overrun with fear. She’s talking about your house! Once you get home, you start to think about everything that the librarian had said and what had happened to you. You now strongly believe in the supernatural, but this encounter helped you find a whole new world of possibilities.What Lies Across the Horizon by Maya Barriere Across the horizon on a cloudless evening, I stared blankly at the orange painted sky. I wondered what was out there. One thing was clear, I was going to find out. I had everything I needed to go on this journey. Some food if I got hungry, lots of water, some rope, and- “Honey! Can you help me take out the trash?” “Sure Mom.” “Thank you, sweetie!” After I finished doing some… things, I continued seeing that I had everything I needed. Now I was ready to leave. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. CRUNCH. That was the sound of me stepping on leaves. I was still proud of myself for how stealthily I snuck out the lower window. I got so lost in thought that I actually tripped on a fallen branch and scraped my leg. Being in the woods alone felt so, so awesome! I smiled to myself. It was getting a little chilly, so I slipped on the hoodie I had with me. Suddenly, I had a strange feeling. It felt like something was staring into my soul. I looked around nervously. To my surprise, it was very quiet. I had expected to hear birds or some kind of animal. Then the strange aura got stronger, and I just ran. I ran faster and farther than ever. What was I running from? I started losing my breath, so I felt like I needed to sit and think. That’s when I saw a dark shadow tower over me, and I felt a cold hand run across my arm. I turned around and all I could see was bright, flashing lights. “Are you afraid, child?” said a strange voice. It sounded like a scratchy, echoing voice all around me. I started seeing strange images in my head. Then I think I passed out. I woke up in my house, staring at the ceiling. I was on the floor. “Are you okay? You fell asleep on the floor.” It was my mom. “Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I have a headache.” I replied. “Do you want me to take you to the hospital?” she asked. “I’m good, thank you.” I said wearily. I walked over dizzily to the hallway. Then I had a strange feeling. I turned around and I saw a dark figure staring at me.The Outbreak by Fiorella Alarcon It was a dark and stormy night, Tom could hear the thunder outside, and the rain pounding against his window. He couldn’t sleep; he wasn’t tired at all. Tom felt something was wrong, really wrong. He got up out of bed and went to his little sister’s room. When he opened the door, he found her on the floor, crying nonstop. “Tess, what’s wrong?” Tom asked. “Mom and Dad are gone!” Tess said. She continued to cry. “WHAT? HOW?” He replied. They heard footsteps tapping slowly against the pavement outside. “Shhh Tess, I think I hear something, maybe mom and dad!” “Tom wait!” Tom grabs Tess’s hand and quietly tiptoes down the stairs. When they got down the stairs, they looked out the window and saw their parents. Something was different about them, almost as if … they didn’t look alive anymore. Tom and Tess were frightened by what they saw. As they looked around their parents, they saw dead people! “I’m so sorry Tom, I didn’t want you to see this,” as she starts to cry again. “You KNEW about this?” Tom said.“Tom don’t shout!” Tess replied, kind of in a whisper.“NO, don’t you DARE tell me to be quiet! You knew about it.” He said.Tom was interrupted by the groans of dead people. “Tom,” Tess says in a whisper, “if you don’t be quiet they will hear, and come for us. I suggest you be as quiet as possible,” “What are you talking about Tess?” Tom said. “Tom, you know how I always bugged you about saying that the zombie apocalypse was going to come?” Tess asked.“Y-yeah…” He replied “Today’s the day…- “She said. “Help me! SOMEONE! PLEASE THEY’RE GONNA EAT ME! SOMONE HELP!!” “TOM! WAKE UP!” Tess yelled. “What?! There is a MAN going to be hurt out there! You-.. wait what?! “wake up”?? Wait, don’t tell me, this is a nightmare?!” Tom asked.Tom woke up from the nightmare he was having. His sister woke him up for school. “Tom!!! We’re going to be late for school! Hurry up and get dressed!” “Oh thank god… wait a minute.” Tom ran to his parents’ room first. His parents were there, not dead. He looked outside, no dead people in sight. Tom went to school and found a sign, it said “CLOSED – DEAD INSIDE “ “Wait WHAT?!” Tom yelled. “Hey Tom” Tess said. “AH! W-WHATS THIS?!” He yelled again. “.. You don’t remember that we go to a zombie school? Wow you’re really lame.” She replied. “W-WAIT! WHAT?!” Tom asked. “Oh, never-mind. I know why you don’t remember, zombies don’t sleep, if they do, they forget a part of their memory. Well, time to bite you again, sorry Tom, this may hurt a little.” Tess replied. “WHAT?! WAIT! THIS IS A PRANK RIGHT?!” He yelled. “No Tom this is real, just let me bite you so you can remember!” She said. “NO!!!” He yelled. “Night night Tom.” Tess said.Bob and the Hookby Sara MunsonOnce there was a catfish named Bob. He loved to eat worms on the random hooks that floated around. Bob was the master of getting worms off of hooks. His technique was to swim really fast backwards, jump under the hook, and grab the worm. He never failed to get a worm he saw. One day there was an unusually small hook, but there was something very big on it. What was it? Bob decided he didn’t care what is was. He would just use his usual technique and eat it. Bob went back extra far and jumped to get it. He was almost there and the hook moved! Bob didn’t know what to do and got stuck. What will he do!The next thing he knew Bob was flying through the water like a jet. He tried to get off the hook, but he couldn’t. Bob somehow managed to eat the food that was on the hook, but it tasted horrible! The flavor was somewhat like chicken and dead crab. How would explain it to his crab friends. Would he never see his friends again? Next Bob was flying in the air up and up! He was soon in a new tank with a fish that had orange and white stripes. Bob decided to call the fish Nemo and befriended him. They later found out they were moving in some sort of a truck. Then they were inside a building. They next fell asleep worried out of their minds. When Bob woke up he and Nemo were both being taken out of the tank. They just fell asleep and didn’t mind until… “Honey, the fish sticks are ready!” ................

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