EDITOR’S NOTE: Thanks go to the many contributors to this set of questions: Stephen Taylor, Fred Morlan, Sarah Mordan-McCombs, Gaius Stern, Ross Ritterman, Bryce Avery, Seth Teitler, Stephen Webb, Phil Blessman, Jeff Hanson, Robert Whaples, Billy Newsome, and especially Chris Borglum. The rest of the questions are by UTC’s own Nikki Poarch, John Kilby, Nick Bradshaw, David Moore, Wally Edmondson, and your genial quizmaster himself, Charlie Steinhice.

1. Parsons, Symes, Ampleforth, and Mr. Charrington are lesser characters in this novel, as is Emmanuel Goldstein, the unseen “Number One Enemy of the People.” Set in the country of Oceania, it focuses on Winston Smith, who gradually rebels against The Party. This rebellion is a failure, as at the end of the novel he still loves Big Brother. FTP, name this dystopian novel by George Orwell.

Answer: 1984

2. It lies directly beneath the optic chiasm, and has two lobes called the neuro- and adenohypophysis (ah-den-oh-high-pah-phi-sis). The anterior section secretes various protein hormones including thyroid-stimulating hormone and adenocorticotropic hormone. The posterior section secretes oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone. FTP name this gland whose most important role is to connect to the hypothalamus, but is more widely known for producing growth hormone,

Answer: pituitary gland

3. This year’s Detroit Tigers fell one loss short of equaling this team’s 1962 premiere season for the worst record in baseball history. The 1968 version went 73-89 only to win the World Series in 1969, giving them the nickname “Amazing.” FTP, this is what National League baseball team from New York?

Answer: New York Mets

4. It is an autonomous community that consists of two provinces and two capitals. Some say that it may have been the location of the Garden of Hesperides from Greek myth. Its name came from the Roman scholar Pliny's report of wild dogs. FTP, name this group of islands off the northwest coast of Africa that lends its name to a bird that is a member of the finch family.

Answer: Canary Islands

5. Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr outlived him – the latter as his widow, the former after (and probably thanks to) their quick annulment. This son of the first Tudor king of England was himself the father of three future English monarchs. FTP name this man, the father of Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I, the husband of six different unfortunate women and the subject of a Herman’s Hermits hit.

Answer: Henry VIII

6. In math, the number e is called e (instead of some other letter) because it was the first letter of the last name of--for 10 points--what legendary Swiss mathematician who discovered it?

Answer: Leonhard Euler [OY-ler]

7. Fans of Dance Dance Revolution will recognize a synthesized version of this piece in the Captain Jack song “Dream A Dream.” The composer once said that it “smacks of so much cow manure, ultra-Norwegianism and self-satisfaction that I literally cannot bear to listen to it.” Part of a suite of incidental music based on a Henrik Ibsen play, this is FTP, what famous song that concludes Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite No. 1?

Answer: “In The Hall of The Mountain King”

8. As a researcher at the US Fish and Wildlife Services, she wrote three books about the sea. Their success allowed her the freedom to write her fourth and most sensational book. When published in 1962, the pesticide industry tried to have the book suppressed, and corporate sponsors withdrew from CBS when they aired reports about her accusations. Now, Al Gore has credited this woman with jump-starting the Environmental Protection Agency. FTP, who is this woman, who bravely wrote about the environmental toxins that eventually killed her in Silent Spring?

Answer: Rachel Carson

9. Partially repealed in 1947 by the Taft-Hartley Act, it was named after the New York senator the introduced it and served as the first chairman of the National Recovery Administration. It allows non-supervisory employees the right to organize, choose their own representatives, and bargain collectively. FTP, identify this 1935 act that in part created the National Labor Relations Board.

Answer: Wagner Act (Accept National Labor Relations Board Act before mentioned... prompt after.)

10. This poet was born to a rich father who ensured a fine education for him. Befriended by one of George III's physicians, he was introduced to Enlightenment writers, such as his future father-in-law, William Godwin. Expelled from Oxford for his pamphlet, The Necessity of Atheism, he eloped with Harriet Westbrook, to his father's rage. After the success of his Queen Mab, he continued to lead a wild life, and after Harriet’s suicide he married his mistress, the former Mary Wollstonecraft. FTP, what poet wrote “Adonais” and “To a Skylark”?

Answer: Percy Bysshe Shelley

11. Paul makes several references to this man as one of his travel companions, and refers to him in Epistle to the Colossians as “the beloved physician.” The Acts of the Apostles is attributed to him, and his authorship of the Synoptic Gospel named after him is widely accepted today. In art, this evangelist is often symbolized by an Ox, while Matthew, Mark and John are represented by a man, a lion and an eagle. FTP name the author of the gospel which follows The Gospel of Mark in modern bibles.

Answer: Luke

12. This law can be considered the magnetic equivalent of Gauss's Law. It says that, for a closed loop, the sum of the elements of the component of the magnetic field along the direction of the element times the element length is proportional to the current that passes through the loop. One of Maxwell's equations, this is, FTP, what physics law whose namesake scientist also provides the name for the SI unit of electric current?

Answer: Ampere's Law

13. When he was 13, his younger brother Allie died, and he kept carrying Allie’s baseball glove around as a memento. He also had an older brother, D.B., and a younger sister, Phoebe, to whom he is genuinely devoted. He lived next door to the pimple-faced Ackley and roomed with the handsome Stradlater, until his expulsion from Pencey Prep. FTP name the cynical narrator of The Catcher in the Rye.

Answer: Holden Caulfield (accept either first or last name ‘cause we’re nice)

14. He served as U.S. minister to Haiti from 1889 to 1891. His first overseas venture was a two-year speaking tour of Great Britain and Ireland in the mid-1840’s. He used the proceeds from that tour to purchase his freedom, as he had escaped the Maryland plantation of his owner in 1838. FTP name this publisher of the North Star and eloquent opponent of slavery.

Answer: Frederick Douglass

15. It was created by Namco employee Toru Iwatani. Buckner and Garcia paid tribute to it in their only hit song. When the game appeared in America, the title character’s name had to be changed as it could easily be modified to create a profanity. The original 4 villains included Clyde, who was ousted for the first sequel by Sue. This is, FTP, what ghost- and pellet-eating arcade legend?

Answer: Pac-Man (or Puck-Man)

16. They punished Penthesileia, queen of the Amazons, because she accidentally killed her sister. They punished Alcmaeon because he killed his mother. They punished Oedipus because he killed his father. FTP, identify this group of mythological avengers that is usually said to consist of Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera.

Answer: Furies -or- Erinnyes -or- Furiae -or- Dirae -or- Eumenides

17. He eventually abandoned fiction to write poetry and an epic-drama of the Napoleonic Wars, The Dynasts. But his reputation rests on novels built around rural life in a region called Wessex. FTP name the author of Jude the Obscure, Far from the Madding Crowd, and The Mayor of Casterbridge.

Answer: Thomas Hardy

18. The arrangement of the figures in this late 18th century painting is purposely reminiscent of many renaissance depictions of the deposition of Christ. The dying central figure, wearing his red uniform, is surrounded by twelve colleagues, while a thirteenth mourner, a native wearing no shirt or pants, crouches and looks at him. FTP name this Benjamin West painting depicting the death of a British general at the Battle of Quebec.

Answer: The Death of Wolfe

19. Gerard Smith headed the U.S. delegation in meetings that began in Helsinki in November, 1969. Sessions alternated between Helsinki and Vienna until May, 1972, when Richard Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. FTP name this round of arms talks between the two old superpowers, a second round of which began in November, 1972.

Answer: SALT I (acc. Strategic Arms Limitations Talks I–need to specify “first” or “one”)

20. Compounds formed by this means decompose on application of heat, have relatively low boiling and melting points, and are the substances from which all life forms are composed. No electrons are transferred, nor is there any excess or deficiency of them, and the result is an electrically neutral molecule. FTP, what type of bond occurs when the

nucleus of two or more atoms share electrons, thus allowing both to reap the benefits of those electrons?

Answer: covalent bond [after the phrase “what type of bond,” accept just “covalent”; before, prompt]

21. In 1638, the first printing press in America was set up here. This city also served as home to such famous writers as James Russell Lowell, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and Oliver Wendell Holmes. FTP name this city, now part of greater Boston, where the first college in America was founded in 1636, namely Harvard.

Answer: Cambridge, Massachusetts [not Boston – it’s sort of become part of it now, but not then]

22. In 1618 this Frenchman enlisted as a mercenary in the army of Maurice of Nassau, and while serving in Ulm he reported having a dream in a “stove-heated room” that became the basis of his methodology. He died in 1650 at the court of Queen Christina of Sweden after finishing “The Passions of the Soul.” FTP name this author who in between wrote the philosophical classics “Discourse on Method” and “Meditations on First Philosophy.”

Answer: Rene Descartes

23. Over six million acres of this mountain chain is set aside as a state park, including the recreation areas at Lake George and Saranac Lake. It is home to the lake in which the fictional Clyde Griffith drowns his fiancee in Dreiser’s An American Tragedy. Abutting the western shores of Lake Champlain, FTP this is what state park that covers one-fifth of New York state?

Answer: Adirondack Mountains (acc. Adirondacks)


1. He has gadgets cooler than Batman’s, such as Draupnir, a golden ring from which identical rings fall every nine nights, and Gungnir, a spear which never misses its mark. Often brooding in silence despite his overwhelming wealth, wisdom and power, he is attended by ravens who roam the world to bring him news while he sits on a high throne that no one else may occupy. FTP, name this Allfather god of Norse mythology.

Answer: Odin or Woden

2. In 1922, 500 copies of this book were burned by the United States Department of the Post Office. The book’s plot follows a Jewish ad-canvasser who acts like a father figure to Stephen Dedalus, who is haunted by his mother’s ghost for not converting to Catholicism. For ten points, name this work by James Joyce that compares Leopold Bloom to Odysseus.

Answer: Ulysses

3. Only two of this band’s four founding members remain, 21 years after they formed in Los Angeles, putting four songs on an L.A. compilation called “Metal Massacre I.” Original bassist Ron McCovney was replaced by Cliff Burton, who was killed in a bus crash in 1986, and was replaced by Jason Newsted. Original guitarist Dave Mustaine left the band to found Megadeth and was replaced by Kirk Hammet. FTP name this band whose two remaining founding members are James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich.

Answer: Metallica

4. In 1861 he graduated at the bottom of his class at West Point, and served as an aid to George McClellan before being assigned command of a Michigan volunteer regiment. Assigned to aid in campaigns against Plains Indians, he was court martialed for dereliction of duty, but was returned to active duty after a year. In 1874, he was assigned to the gold rich Black Hills and two years later made an infamous decision of going into battle before a second command arrived. FTP, name this American soldier famous for his last stand at Little Bighorn.

Answer: George Armstrong Custer

5. While at Oxford on scholarship, he read the work of fellow Scotsman David Hume, with whome he eventually became close friends. In his time he was known not for the work for which he is most famous today, but with The Theory of Moral Sentiments. FTP, name this economist whose The Wealth of Nations introduced the concept of the “Invisible Hand.”

Answer: Adam Smith

6. If you take the limit of one over n as n approaches this, the limit is zero. FTP, name this mathematical quantity that is represented by a sideways eight and also names a car company.

Answer: infinity

7. The garrison lay at the bottom of a bowl shaped valley and was protected by firebases on nearby hills named, supposedly, after the mistresses of the garrison commander, Christian de Castries (cas-tree-ay). The main assault on the garrison began on March 13, and its airstrip was soon destroyed, making resupply nearly impossible, though two American civilian pilots were killed trying to parachute in materials, becoming the first Americans to die in Vietnam. FTP name this French outpost which was overrun by the Viet Cong in 1954, ending French power in Indochina.

Answer: Dien Bien Phu

8. The English and French are jointly credited with discovering and naming this planet, the fourth largest by diameter. Similar to Jupiter, it has a large dark spot, postulated to be caused by a plume from the lower atmosphere. This planet has an odd magnetic field, thought to be due to the conductivity of the water beneath the surface. FTP, name this eighth planet from the sun, named for the god of the sea.

Answer: Neptune

9. In act 4, scene 1, sixteen years pass according to the chorus. Act 3, scene 3, contains the famous stage direction for Antigonus to “exit, pursued by a bear.” The story deals with Polixenes accusation that his wife Hermione is having an affair and the troubles that follow. FTP, identify this chilly Shakespeare comedy.

Answer: The Winter's Tale (also accept A Winter's Tale)

10. Cool things you can do with stuff you learn from quizbowl: Your genial quizmaster once pointed to this, live and in person, and identified Byron McKeeby, a dentist from Cedar Rapids. The models were McKeeby and the artist’s sister. The house behind them still exists in Eldon, Iowa. However, despite its initially genteel appearance, one has to wonder what the woman on the left is staring at, and what the man on the right plans on doing with that pitchfork. FTP, identify this 1930 masterpiece, painted by Grant Wood and named for the architectural style of the house.

Answer: American Gothic

11. Austrian geologist F.E. Seuss proposed its name, which is derived from a historical region of India centering on the eastern part of the Madhaya Pradesh state In 1859, strata closely resembling Indian samples were found in Australia, and similar discoveries followed in the Falkland Islands, Madagascar, and New Zealand. The similarities of these strata suggested that 150 million years ago there existed, FTP what Southern hemispherical continent, the counterpart of Pangaea?

Answer: Gondwanaland

EDITOR’S NOTE: I used to have a bumper sticker that said “Reunite Gondwanaland.” Man, it got some weird looks.

12. His reign was said to be the Golden Age of Medieval France, seeing the completion of Gothic cathedrals at Reims, Amiens, and Chartres and the Arthurian romances of Chretien de Troyes. For the first eight years of his 44 year reign, his mother Blanche of Castile was his regent, but after this he became enamoured with the idea of a Crusade and made an ill-planned and ill-fated attack on Egypt which resulted in a humiliating defeat. FTP, name this French monarch who, despite his vigorous assertion of royal rights even over those of the church, was canonized in 1297, only 27 years after his death.

Answer: Louis IX (accept St. Louis if player signals before last sentence, otherwise prompt for more information)

13. The first step in the formation of one of these symbiotic relationships is the creation of a thallus. These structures come in two different types, foliose and crustose, based on what components comprise it. Often these structures adhere to a tree or rock, and their presence or absence can be a good indicator of clean or polluted air. FTP, what are these symbionts, comprised of a fungus and an alga?

Answer: lichens

14. Her last novel, Sapphira and the Slave Girl, was set in her native Virginia. So it figures that she died in New York, where part of her first novel, Alexander Bridge, took place. She never lived in Quebec or New Mexico, settings for (respectively) Shadows on the Rock and Death Comes for the Archbishop. But she did spend twelve years in Nebraska. FTP name the author of O Pioneers and My Antonia.

Answer: Willa Cather

15. Occurring widely in animal tissues, it is a constituent of blood plasma lipoproteins and of the complexes that form cell membranes. It is also a precursor of some steroids, like the bile acids and sex hormones. FTP name this waxy substance, of which the low-density version can greatly increase your chance of heart disease.

Answer: cholesterol

16. From director Richard Linklater of Waking Life and Dazed and Confused fame comes this new comedy. Dewey Finn is fired from his own band and gets a job as a fourth-grade substitute teacher. He then forms a rock band with the class in order to win a Battle of the Bands competition. This describes, FTP, what recent film release starring Jack Black?

Answer: School of Rock

17. One of the so-called “Sea Peoples” who entered the Near East in the 13th century, this group was likely from Cyprus or Crete. Their nautical background is clear by their main deity, Dagon, a fish-god. One of their main cities was Gaza, where they put out the eyes of Samson. FTP name this enemy of the Israelites whose name has come to refer to anyone who doesn’t appreciate finer things.

Answer: Philistines

18. Kepler's second law is equivalent to the conservation of this quantity. For a particle, it is given by the mass times the cross product of the position and velocity, and its time rate of change is the torque. FTP name this quantity, the rotational analog of linear momentum.

Answer: angular momentum [prompt on momentum]

19. Its five members are appointed to 7-year terms by the President; in 1935 the Supreme Court rules that once appointed they could not be dismissed. Absorbing the earlier Bureau of Corporations, it was originally intended to fulfill planning functions and serve as an information clearinghouse and advisory board. However, its mission has shifted gradually more toward enforcement. FTP name this independent agency created in 1914 as part of Wilson’s antitrust efforts.

Answer: Federal Trade Commission or FTC

20. Ralph Waldo Emerson said this collection was "the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed." When first published in 1855, it contained 12 poems written in free verse, but its author kept making revisions and adding new verse until it eventually included hundreds of poems. FTP, what poetry collection by Walt Whitman contains the famous poems “Song of Myself” and “O Captain! My Captain!”?

Answer: Leaves of Grass

21. It was written in 1892 to coincide with the Columbian Exposition in Chicago. Editors at a magazine called “The Youth’s Companion” selected a former Baptist minister from Boston who’d been forced from the pulpit for his socialist sermons to write a special salute for school children. The author, Francis Bellamy, wanted the word “equality” instead of “Republic,” but was overruled by the editors, and it was memorably amended again in 1954 when “under God” was added. FTP name this American flag salute.

Answer: The Pledge of Allegiance

22. This state is home to the largest building by volume in the United States, a Boeing Manufacturing Plant in Everett. Known as the Evergreen State, it is the birthplace of Bing Crosby, Jimi Hendrix, Gary Larson, and Bill Gates. For ten points, name this 42nd state to join the union, with its capital at Olympia.

Answer: Washington

23. Beneatha wants to use the insurance money for her medical school tuition. Walter Lee wants to use the money to buy a liquor store. Wiley Harris eventually runs off with the money, and the Younger family has to move from its small apartment. The first play by an African-American to be performed on Broadway, FTP, this is what work by Lorraine Hansberry?

Answer: A Raisin in the Sun


1. The low range of this woodwind instrument is called the Chalumeau register in honor of a 16th century predecessor. By 1750 it had five keys and had become a standard part of the orchestra, but keys kept being added to expand its range. In 1844 two French musicians applied the Boehm flute key system to it, creating the modern version. Usually made of ebonite or African black wood, and played by Benny Goodman, FTP name this reed instrument sometimes called the “licorice stick.”

Answer: clarinet

2. Roman Polanski did a grotesque film version of this work after Sharon Tate’s murder. In 1936 Orson Welles set the play in Haiti and used an all-black cast, with tropical trees used for Birnam Wood The goddess Hecate puts into motion the prophetic curse implemented early in the play, and there is a botched assassination attempt on Fleance, though they do manage to kill Banquo. The last act features a battle outside of Dunsinane Castle, before a final battle between the title figure and a man who was “from his mother’s womb/ untimely ripped.” FTP, name this Shakespeare tragedy set in Scotland.

Answer: Macbeth

3. He may be indirectly responsible for the only thing standing between Arnold Schwarzenegger and the presidency. Born in Nevis in the West Indies in 1755 or 1757, this man became a hero in the Revolutionary War, serving as aide-de-camp to Washington and leading an important charge at Yorktown. FTP name this man, who was later the founder of the Federalist Party and first Secretary of Treasury, and whose likeness now graces the $10 bill.

Answer: Alexander Hamilton

[EDITOR’S NOTE: Some correspondence from the time implies that one reason the Founding Fathers put that provision about being a natural born citizen into the Constitution was their fear of Hamilton, whom it disqualified.]

4. Murray Gell-Mann coined its name from a line in James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake. This particle can be found in up, down, top, bottom, charm, and strange varieties. FTP, name this subatomic particle that also happens to be the name of the owner of a bar in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Answer: quark

5. As a poem by TS Eliot, it is an agnostic’s prayer for faith and calm, with the refrain, “Teach us to sit still.” As a novel by Ethan Hawke, it is the story of Jimmy Heartsock and Christy Ann Walker’s cross-country road trip. As a recent film by Ed Burns, it featured Elijah Wood as a 1980’s New York Irish mobster. As a holiday, it fell on March 5 this year. It is FTP the name common to all these, known to Christians as the first official day of Lent.

Answer: Ash Wednesday

6. The average elapsed time between their characteristic phenomena ranges from 4 seconds down to milliseconds for some in binary systems. Anthony Hewish won a Nobel in 1974 for their discovery, despite the fact that he originally dismissed the observation as the result of man-made interference, and the fact that it was his assistant Jocelyn Bell who gathered the data, charted the data by hand, and correctly theorized the source. FTP name these stellar objects that emit regular bursts of radio waves.

Answer: pulsars

7. A Telmarine by birth, he was the tenth of his name in his family line. Raised in the court of his uncle Miraz, he learned from his tutor that Miraz was a usurper who had killed his father. He eventually triumphs over Miraz’s forces, but only after Miraz’s corrupt courtier Glozelle killed Miraz while Miraz was battling Peter, one of the titular prince’s four allies from England. FTP name this nobleman, title character of the second book of C.S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia.

Answer: Prince (later King) Caspian

8. He came from an impoverished patrician family. His service in the Jugerthine (Jew-GERTH-een) War jumpstarted his career. In 81 BC he made himself dictator and reorganized the constitution. FTP name this Roman, most famous for his rivalry with his one time patron, Marius.

Answer: L. Cornelius Sulla Felix

9. QUOTE: “Look mami I got the X if you into taking drugs / I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love / So come give me a hug if you into getting rubbed.” These lyrics follow the statement of where you can find 50 Cent in, FTP, what hit rap song?

Answer: In Da Club [prompt on early buzz with 50 Cent, but if they say One Dollar, don’t make change]

10. Its three establishing principles were travail, familie, and patrie, or work, family and fatherland. Its Commissariat for Jewish Affairs was established in 1941 and helped round up thousands of jewish citizens and deport them to Nazi camps. Led by Marshal Henri Petain, FTP name this German-sanctioned government in unoccupied France in WWII, named for the Southern city in which it was centered.

Answer: Vichy

11. It was first designed for use in a home-entertainment device called the *7 [Star-7] and was called Oak. It is considered simpler than other object-oriented languages because it has automatic memory allocation and garbage collection. FTP, name this programming language created at Sun Microsystems that many web sites use in the form of applets.

Answer: Java

12. Designed by Pythius and adorned by sculptures of Scopas and Praxiteles, it was located in modern day Turkey. This Wonder of the Ancient World was built in 353 BC for the local tyrant -- from whom it receives its name - by his widow. Her name was Artemesia, though she was not the famous Artemesia mentioned in Herodotus. FTP, what was this funeral structure, which like the Taj Mahal stands as an eternal symbol of devotion?

Answer: the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

13. She was a Fulbright scholar at Smith College before mental illness made her take a short hiatus during her academic career.  After her recovery, she would be praised for her volumes of poetry gathered in The Colossus and Ariel. She may be more widely read today, though, for her semi-autobiographical novel that chronicles a young woman’s journey through depression.  FTP name the author of The Bell Jar.

Answer: Sylvia Plath

14. At high concentrations, this mineral is toxic to humans, but it is necessary in small amounts for the formations of certain proteins. More common uses, however, are in copy machines, as a photographic toner, and by the glass industry to decolorize glass and make ruby colored enamel. FTP, name this mineral, with atomic weight 79, atomic number 34 and chemical symbol Se.

Answer: Selenium

15. This country's name means “land of the upright people.” It gained independence from France in 1960 but it did not draft a Constitution until the early 1990's. Its flag consists of a red stripe and a green stripe with a yellow five-point star in the center. FTP, identify this land-locked west African country with capital at Ouagadougou.

Answer: Burkina Faso

16. His sketchy education gave no hint of his future brilliant career, and his efforts at writing fiction never matched the success on his day job. In 1911, he felt he had to advise two clients, the McNamara brothers, to plead guilty to bombing the antiunion Los Angeles Times. This alienated the labor movement, which he had served well for years, so his highest profile cases in his later years were criminal cases such as the Leopold and Loeb trial. FTP name this crusading attorney, best remembered today for his technically unsuccessful defense of John T. Scopes.

Answer: Clarence Darrow

17. Upon its 1899 publication, this novel was widely condemned for the heroine’s extramarital affair with the younger Robert LeGrun, for her suicide at the end, and for even addressing the subject of female sexuality. Largely forgotten for years thereafter, it received new attention and acclaim for its proto-feminist themes, and then people noticed that it was actually well written. FTP name this novel about Edna Pointillier’s journey of self-discovery, written by Kate Chopin.

Answer: The Awakening

18. An attempt has been made to link Arminius, liberator of Roman Germany with this hero of Germanic myth. The link is tenuous, but supposedly the dragon Fafnir represents the Romans and their family bloodbaths bear similarities. FTP, who was this great Germanic hero who pledged himself to Brunhild and wielded a great sword?

Answer: Sigfried or Sigurd

19. Directed by Suri Krishnamma, it stars Erika Christensen, Katherine Heigl, and Aimee Osbourne. The action is set in modern-day California instead of on the moors of Britain, though the moodiness of characters Catherine and Heathcliff remains intact. FTP name this MTV adaptation of a classic Bronte tale.

Answer: Wuthering Heights

20. His first discoveries concerned the asymmetry that distinguishes the organic from the mineral, opening up the field of stereochemistry. However, he is better known for his work on fermentation and spontaneous generation. In 1885, he began studying infections crippling the French silkworm industry, which eventually led him to discover the technique of sterilization, revolutionizing surgery. FTP, name this scientist, for whom a research institute is named in France, and whose namesake process is used to make things like beer and milk safe to drink.

Answer: Louis Pasteur

21. Born in 1854 in Ireland, his personal life was anything but ordinary as he was sentenced to two years of hard labor for sodomy, an experience that led to the composition of The Ballad of Reading Gaol (pron. JAIL). FTP, name this playwright whose only novel was The Picture of Dorian Grey and who also wrote The Importance of Being Earnest.

Answer: Oscar Wilde

22. Its scientific classification is Geococcyx californianus but in various episodes it has been identified as “Accelerati Incredibilus,” “Fastius Tasty-us,” “Burn-em Upus Asphaltus,” and “Birdibus Zippibus.” Its nemesis’s scientific classification is Canis latrans. FTP, name this small desert bird, the subject of dozens of Warner Brothers animated shorts.

A: Road Runner

23. Unlike most plants, plants exhibiting this use PEP carboxylase instead of rubisco, because it has a higher affinity for carbon dioxide. Normally, this type of photosynthesis occurs in plants growing in arid environments because carbon dioxide can be collected at night rather than during the day. Stomata on the leaves can not open during the day because of the high amount of water loss, in FTP, what type of metabolism, found in plants known as succulents?

Answer: Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) (accept C4 metabolism before “arid”)


1. The integral from 0 to Pi of the cosine of x; the derivative of a constant; the displacement of an object that leaves its original spot and then returns to it, and the number on the Kelvin scale equivalent to minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. FTP, these are all what number that also happens to be how many points your team has right now?

Answer: 0

2. Under the pseudonym Mary Westmacott she wrote romantic novels such as Absent in the Spring. Her play The Mousetrap set a world record with its 21-year run in the same theatre. She introduced her second most memorable character, Jane Marple, in Murderat the Vicarage. FTP name this prolific mystery writer, creator of Hercule Poirot [pwah-ROW].

Answer: Agatha Christie

3. They are particles that participate in gravitational and weak interactions. They may also participate in electromagnetic interactions such as e and (e to the + power); but they do not directly participate in strong interactions. FTP, what is this class of particles which includes muons?

Answer: leptons

4. Their names are Jack and Meg. Their first big splash came when the video for “Fell In Love With A Girl,” featuring Lego representations of them, was in heavy rotation on MTV. This is, FTP, what two-piece band who most recently had a hit with “Seven Nation Army”?

Answer: The White Stripes

5. Eight anarchists attending the meeting were arrested and charged with being accessories to the crime, on the grounds that they had publicly and frequently advocated such violence. Seven were sentenced to death and one to imprisonment. This was the result of what fiasco that occurred on May 4, 1886 in Chicago when police attempted to disperse a meeting of disgruntled German reapers, but went horribly wrong when a riot ensued followed by a severe gun battle.

Answer: Haymarket Square Riot

6. When completed, this memorial will be the world’s largest carving, standing 563 feet tall. The brainchild of Korczak Ziolkowski, it has been in development since 1947. FTP name this memorial, found in South Dakota and dedicated to an Oglala Sioux warrior who played a key role at Little Big Horn.

Answer: the Crazy Horse Memorial

7. In 1965 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were doing radio astronomy research for Bell Labs. They initially thought that pigeons roosting in their horn-shaped antenna might be the source of the data. But it turned out to be this phenomenon, which eventually led to them receiving a joint Physics Nobel Prize in 1978. For ten points, their radio telescope’s stubborn background noise turned out to be this.

Answer: Cosmic Background Radiation

8. One of them wrote influential scholarly literary works such as his study “The German Heroic Tale.” The other produced an extensive grammar of the German language and demonstrated the principle of the regularity of correspondence of consonants in genetically linked languages. FTP name these scholars, better known for their efforts to document folk lyrics, particularly fairy tales.

Answer: Jacob and Wilhelm (the Brothers) Grimm

9. In 1838 one of their leaders, Dingane [dean-GAH-nay], ambushed and killed about 500 Boers. The Boers retaliated, beating them at the Battle of Blood River and installing the pro-Boer Mpande [umm-PAHN-day] as king. Mpande’s son Cetshwayo fended off British conquest with a victory at Isandhlwana, but failed in an assault on Rorke’s Drift and were ultimately beaten at Ulundi. They reached perhaps their zenith in the early 1800’s under the skilled leadership of Shaka. FTP name this people of South Africa.

Answer: Zulu(s)

10. Most now refer to themselves as “Dalit,” meaning oppressed or exploited. The status was officially abolished by Article 17 of the Indian Constitution, though in practice not much has changed for them, especially in small towns and rural areas. Gandhi chose to call them “Harijan,” or children of God. FTP what is this lowest group in India’s caste system?

Answer: Untouchables (acc. “Harijan” before mentioned in question)

11. Members of this phylum usually have a complete digestive tract and have some features that are bilateral, such as the shape of their larvae. But the bodies of adults exhibit a characteristic radial symmetry. FTP name this phylum, which includes sea urchins and sand dollars.

Answer: Echinodermata or echinoderms

12. In German it is nicknamed “mit dem Paukenschlag,” meaning “with the drumbeat.” First performed in London in 1791, its German composer wanted to increase his already strong popularity with a novelty that would grab the attention of the knowledgeable public. The composer’s symphony number 94 in G, FTP what is the common nickname of this perhaps most popular Haydn work, so called because of the sudden loud chord that pops up in a quiet movement?

Answer: Surprise Symphony

13. While esteemed in modern times, as in T.S. Eliot’s influential 1921 essay about them, they were given their nickname as an epithet. In 1630 their contemporary William Drummond objected to those who tried to “abstract poetry” and dismissed as “scholastic quiddities” their use of paradox, irony, other complexities, and bold conceits. FTP name this school of poetry, a blend of emotion and intellect, whose leading lights included George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, and John Donne.

Answer: Metaphysical poets

14. This woman, who moved to Michigan about 35 years ago, found her name in the news again in 2001 with the auction of a 1936 model GM 36-seater. The sign on the back says “Cleveland Avenue,” and the number 2857 above the driver’s seat was also found in an archive of clippings from 1955. The bus is famous, FTP, because it was in use in Montgomery, Alabama when what person refused to move, setting off an historic 11-month boycott?

A: Rosa Parks

15. This small nation on the eastern Mediterranean packs over four million people into just 10,000 square kilometers. Most of its foodstuffs are grown in its central Bekaa valley. Prior to the outbreak of civil war in 1975 it was one of the most prosperous Arab nations, but currently it is rebuilding cities demolished by fighting between the Hizbullah, Christian militias and Israeli forces. FTP name this nation with much-ravaged capital at Beirut.

Answer: Lebanon

16. The main characters lived in the same house in San Francisco. Their names were Jesse, Joey, Danny, Michelle, Stephanie, and D.J. FTP, identify this sitcom that starred Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, John Stamos, and the Olsen twins.

Answer: Full House

17. The unrest began in the northern Shandong province, where a drought had created starvation. Men in the province began practicing martial arts together, and soon believed they were impervious to bullets. Originally angry at Ch’ing rule, the Dowager Empress managed to turn their wrath toward foreigners, and a number of missionaries and businessmen were killed. This describes the beginning of, FTP, what Chinese uprising of 1901?

Answer: Boxer Rebellion

18. His major works include Philosophy of History and Philosophy of Right. He saw the social world as being composed of ideas, manifested in the concept of Geist, or world spirit. Despite his apparent conservatism, he heavily influence Karl Marx, both in his critique of commercialism and in his view of history as a continuing process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. FTP name this German philosopher, proponent of the concept of the dialectic.

Answer: Georg Wilhelm Fredrich Hegel

19. Its natural oxidation state is +3 and its reduction potential is –1.66 Volts, so that it cannot be reduced by carbon or other chemical reducing agents. Large quantities of it are obtained from the Hall-Heroult process by removing iron impurities and water from its natural form. What is this element, FTP, which occurs naturally in the form of bauxite and has atomic number 13?

Answer: aluminum

20. His story collections included Winner Take Nothing, The Fifth Column and the First 49 Stories, and Men Without Women, which contained “Hills Like White Elephants.” Works published posthumously include the memoir A Moveable Feast and three closely related novellas published together as Islands in the Stream. FTP name the author of A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea.

Answer: Ernest Hemingway

21. In 1616, she went with Governor Thomas Dale and her husband Thomas Wolfe to England, where she became a social celebrity. However, she died of smallpox and is buried in the chancel of St. George's Chuch in Gravesend under her Christian name, Rebecca Wolfe. Her personal name was Mataoka, and she was the daughter of Powhatan. According to legend, she saved John Smith from execution. FTP, name this heroine of a more than typically dreadful Disney movie.

Answer: Pocahontas

22. Rosemary and her mother spent a summer at a posh hotel in the Rivera, where they encountered many interesting characters including Nicole, Dick, and their children. As this novel progresses, Rosemary discovers the truth about her new friends, and their relationship, and her part in its subsequent demise. FTP name this novel first published in 1933 and written by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Answer: Tender is the Night

23. This classic film stars Olivia de Havilland and Montgomery Clift.  The famous ending scene depicts a woman ascending a staircase while a distraught man pounds desperately on the door, begging for her to let him in.  Catherine Sloper had just jilted Morris Townsend, the man who had abandoned her years earlier, when he discovered that she was not going to inherit all of her father’s fortune.  FTP please name this film based on Washington Square, based on a novel by Henry James.

Answer: The Heiress


1. 15 years before Custer, he graduated dead last in the prestigious West Point class of 1846. But he distinguished himself in the Mexican-American War, becoming the first man to scale the walls of Chapultepec. During the Civil War, he found glory in the Army of Northern Virginia elusive, being wounded at Fair Oaks and held in reserve at Fredericksburg. He believed he again had missed an opportunity during Lee's second invasion of the North, his division being last in the Confederate column. However, Lee called on his men to comprise the bulk of his July 3rd attack. FTP, name this Confederate general associated with the disastrous Gettysburg charge.

Answer: George Pickett

2. It is a vector equation and describes a force of infinite range that follows the inverse square law. One implication of this law is that the electromagnetic field obeys an additive superposition, allowing complex charge problems to be broken down into simpler problems then added. FTP identify this physical law that relates the force between two charged particles, which can be stated simply as “like forces repel, unlike forces attract.”

Answer: Coulomb’s Law

3. Like many of its author’s works, it’s set in a fictional Louisiana plantation area called Bayonne. As a child at the end of the Civil War, the title character survives a massacre by former Confederate soldiers. Several distinct episodes show how she becomes a surrogate mother and steadying influence on many who pass through her life. When one of them, Jimmie Aaron, is killed while trying to integrate drinking fountains, this centenarian calmly leads the other blacks from the old plantation to march into town. FTP name this 1971 novel by Ernest Gaines.

Answer: The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

4. This concept has been revisited by Pierre Bordieu and by Fred Hirsch, who used it to explain the distribution of positional goods – goods with an inherently limited supply. The term was coined by Thorstein Veblen as a key component in his Theory of the Leisure Class. FTP give the two-word phrase for the purchase or use of goods mainly as a demonstration of one’s social status.

Answer: conspicuous consumption

5. He attended Marshall High School in San Antonio, Texas where he was also in the chess club. He attended college at the University of Texas where he played behind Ricky Williams. This also probably explains why he wasn’t drafted. This is, FTP, what NFL running back who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs?

Answer: Priest Holmes

6. She is the daughter of the giant Pallas and the river Styx was sent to fight on the side of Zeus against the Titans. Both Athena and Zeus can be seen carrying small figures of her indicating that she is an attribute of both of them. With Athena she is always wingless but when seen as a separate goddess she is always winged. She appears carrying a palm branch or wreath in works of art. She is not a subject of literature while she is a fairly common art subject, the most famous example being the Victory at Samothrace in the Louvre. FTP, give the name of this Greek goddess of victory.

Answer: Nike

7. Normally taking thousands of year to progress, it has been greatly accelerated due to excessive amounts of plant nutrients added to lakes and streams in various ways. Runoffs from agricultural fields, urban lawns, and golf courses as well as domestic sewage serve as just a few of the sources that contribute to the problem. The excessive growth of algae promoted by these nutrients change the water quality leading to oxygen depletion and resultant fish kills. FTP, identify this ecological phenomenon in lakes and streams that has lead to the disappearance of many native fish species.

Answer: eutrophication

8. One of its subdivisions was the 99th Pursuit Squadron, which operated out of Tunisia in 1943. Another was the 332nd Fighter Group which was led by its first commander, Benjamin O. Davis, who died in July, 2002. Created by the Roosevelt administration in response to pressure to allow more opportunities for blacks, FTP, what name is given to these flyers who trained in Alabama?

Answer: Tuskeegee Airmen

9. Douglas Engelbart conceived it in 1963, but he did not win a major award for it until 1997. He applied for a patent in 1970, describing it as an “X-Y position indicator for a display system.” Newer ones have used infrared sensors to replace the rubber ball. FTP, name this computer input device with a rodent-like name.

Answer: mouse

10. Blah blah blah happy ending, blah blah impoverished blah hard times. Blah blah Edward Ferrars finally proposes, blah blah steady Elinor, blah blah blah more spirited Marianne blah blah sturdy Col. Brandon, not the unscrupulous John Willoughby. FTP blah blah blah Dashwood sisters blah blah anonymously in 1811 by Jane Austen.

Answer: Sense and Sensibility

11. His master architect, Sinan, built the namesake mosque of this ruler, as well as over 300 other buildings in his capital, after his time with the Janissaries. He also empowered Khoja Chelebi to create a formal legal code, earning for this ruler the title of “lawgiver.” Though it was under his rule that his empire reached its furthest territorial extent, his navy did lose at Lepanto. FTP name this Ottoman sultan, nicknamed “the Magnificent.”

Answer Suleiman I (acc. “the Magnificent” on early buzz; they don’t have to say “the first”)

12. First, electrons are excited and passed to the primary acceptor on the thylakoid membrane, replaced by water which splits, giving off hydrogen and oxygen. The electrons are then passed along the transport train, creating ATP. The electrons are passed again, this time to the NADP+ reductase enzyme forming NADPH. The ATP and NADPH are used in the Calvin cycle to turn carbon dioxide into glucose or another organic compound. FTP, name this process that takes place in chloroplasts, which converts light energy into food for plants.

Answer: photosynthesis

13. This poem is a prime example of Blake’s aphorism “As the eye, such the self.” The speaker exuberantly takes in the scenery; describing it with a sense of wonder with lines like “Once again I see/ These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines/ Of sportive wood run wild.” Though the poem is actually called “Lines”, it is known by a more famous title and was, as the subtitle states, composed a few miles above the titular location. FTP, name this poem by William Wordsworth.

Answer: “Tintern Abbey” (accept “Lines” before said)

14. Denis Gabor won the 1971 Nobel in physics for this discovery, though he created the first ones without a laser. Typically, coherent light from a laser is reflected from an object and combined at the film with light from the reference beam. The recorded interference pattern contains much more information than a focused image and creates a 3-D image that can be viewed from any angle. FTP name this type of lensless photography.

Answer: holography (grudgingly acc. “hologram”)

15. The name’s the same, first and last. One was a 20th century British painter who decried the savagery of World War II in such works as Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion and a work simply titled Painting. The other was created Viscount St. Albans in 1621 in recognition for his efforts as Lord Chancellor under James I, but is better known for philosophical writings such as The Advancement of Learning and Novum Organum. FTP give the shared name.

Answer: Francis Bacon (oh, all right, be kind and prompt on a partial answer)

16. In 1978, it was given home rule by its ruling nation, which gave it the right to change the name of cities and other places to its original language; as a result of this, the name of its capital city was change from Godthab to Nuuk, and this colony’s official name is now Kalaallit Nunaat. Its main export is fish, which is fitting, since it is the world’s largest non-continental island. For ten points, names this massive colony of Denmark.

Answer: Greenland (accept Kalaallit Nunaat early)

17. Based on a French comedy called Le Reveillon, this three-act operetta focuses on the wealthy Austrian Gabriel von Eisenstein. The main action focuses on a grand ball given by the Russian Prince Orlofsky, and long story short, Dr. Falke gets his gentle revenge on Eisenstein, at whom he was angry because Eisenstein made Falke walk through town wearing a carnival costume with an animal mask, from which the title comes. FTP name this Johann Strauss work whose name in English is “The Bat.”

Answer: Die Fledermaus

18. Bahadur Shah II was the last of the line, dying in 1862, leading to official status of the empire as a British colony. This royal line began in 1526 when its founder defeated Ibrahim, the sultan of Delhi, in the first battle of Panipat. Other members of the line included Humayun and Jahangir (ZHA-han-geer). Begun by Babur, FTP name this line of Muslim Indian emperors that also included Akbar and Shah Jahan.

A. Moguls

19. QUOTE: “The memory of you emerges from the night around me. / The river mingles its stubborn lament with the sea.” So begins the last poem of this *man’s most famous collection. He was beloved as the people’s poet both in his home country and abroad, as shown in the movie Il Postino. Works such as Odas elemantales and Canto general solidified this man’s international reputation, and he won the Nobel Prize in 1971. FTP, name this Chilean poet, author of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair.

Answer: Pablo Neruda (prompt on Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair until asterisk)

20. This land lies on the eastern side of Belegaer, a great sea, and its farthest northern reach is simply called the Northern Waste, while its most southerly area is called Haradwaith. It is bifurcated by the Misty Mountains, which separate the regions of Eriador and Gondor from Rhoyanion and Rhun. Also including areas like Rivendell and Mordor, FTP name this fictional land of elves, orcs, and hobbits created by J.R.R. Tolkien.

A. Middle Earth

21. One version of his story says he wanted to be "the best steel driver in the whole of Virginia" and could drill a hole 14 feet deep in only 30 minutes. For 10 points--name this folk hero whose final contest against a machine cost him his life.

Answer: John Henry

22. Botanically classified as laphophora williamsii, it has probably been used in spiritual rituals for over 2,000 years by various tribal peoples, including the Nahuatl and Aztecs. Its ingestion by Carlos Castaneda in the first of his Don Juan books led him to urinate all over himself while wrestling with a dog, but he still dug it. Featuring the psychoactive alkaloid mescaline, FTP this describes what southwestern cactus?

Answer: peyote (early buzz on mescaline is just wrong)

23. Almost every one of her novels revolved around the same successful plot format--haunting tales of terror in which apparently supernatural occurrences are explained in the last chapter by natural and rational causes. Many Gothic authors who followed her were inspired by such works as The Italian and A Sicilian Romance. For ten points, name this author whose most popular work is The Mysteries of Udolpho.

Answer: Anne Radcliffe


1. This poem’s first five lines, a series of terse epithets, are repeated as the last five lines. In between the two, its author expresses admiration for the raw vitality of the “City of the Big Shoulders.” FTP name this poem by Carl Sandburg which shares its name with the winner of the 2002 Academy Award for Best Picture.

Answer: “Chicago”

2. Early works included scenes of the South such as The Cotton Pickers and A Visit for the Old Mistress, but he is best known for his evocations of the New England coastal waters, painted after he moved to the family compound at Prout’s Neck, Maine in 1883. FTP, name this artist whose works include Life Line, Breezing Up, and Gulf Stream,

A: Winslow Homer

3. Each has three parts, a sugar, a phosphate and a base. The phosphates form hydrogen bonds to give their polymer its famous double helix shape. FTP what is this class of biochemicals which include guanine and adenosine and from which nucleic acids are made?

Answer: Nucleotides

4. Long before South Carolina, a secessionist movement stirred among New England merchants who were disgruntled with the Embargo Act of 1812. Some northern states refused to supply the federal government with militia and in Dec. 1812 summoned a convention to consider how to deal with the undesired war with England and the issue of states' rights.

FTP, what was this motley assembly which met in Connecticut but was quickly forgotten when the War of 1812 ended?

Answer: Hartford Convention

5. He was a native of the island of Samos, but did not like its tyrannical rule and decided to move to Croton in southern Italy. He and his disciples discovered that the intervals between musical notes can be expressed in numerical form, but he is most well known for a fundamental idea in geometry. FTP, identify this man whose namesake theorem states that for a right triangle, the hypotenuse squared equals the sum of the squares of the sides.

Answer: Pythagoras

6. In Pennsylvania a police dog named Dolpho has been accused of this after biting and dragging a nine-year old black bystander. The Florida Highway Patrol webpage explicitly condemns the practice and insists that all of its officers will only stop vehicles based on a violation being observed. Leading directly to violations like “driving while black,” FTP what is this practice of projecting guilty intentions onto people because of their race?

Answer racial profiling

7. It is the drinking of 15 bottles of this soft drink that makes Forrest Gump need to use the bathroom when he meets with President Johnson in his eponymous movie. Pepsi has recently attempted to copy its flavor with the Mr. Green entry in its SoBe (soh-bee) line. Created in Waco, Texas, a year before Coca Cola was patented, FTP name this soft drink which Coke tries to combat with Mr. Pibb.

Answer: Dr. Pepper

8. In it Paul explains that salvation cannot be earned by obeying Jewish laws or through actions, but only by faith in Jesus Christ. He addresses churches in central Asia Minor, and asserts the quality of converts of Jewish and Gentile backgrounds. FTP name the epistle that includes the line "for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” the New Testament book between Second Corinthians and Ephesians.

Answer: Galatians

9. The average deflection was about 0.87 degrees, but 1 in 20,000 incoming particles were deflected more than 90 degrees. Conducted by Geiger and Marsden from 1909-13, it disproved Thomson’s plum pudding model of the atom, showing that atomic charge is concentrated in a nucleus. FTP, name this experiment, in which an expensive sheet of atoms was bombarded with alpha particles at the direction of Ernest Rutherford.

Answer: the Rutherford gold foil experiment

10. Noted as the heir of Joseph Conrad, he insists that the men and women of the first and third worlds be judged by the same standards, writing, “The world is what it is. Those who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.” These lines begin his novel A Bend in the River. FTP, name his Trinidadian winner of the 2001 Nobel literature prize and author of A House for Mr. Biswas.

A: V.S. Naipaul

11. Eddie Mathews was the first victim, injuring his hand in 1954, one week after his appearance. Vinny Testaverde was hurt in a motor-scooter accident six days following his appearance in 1986. More recently, Eric Crouch’s undefeated Nebraska team was crushed just a day after the magazine touted him as the Heisman favorite. FTP these were all victims of what magazine’s supposed cover jinx?

Answer: Sports Illustrated (acc. any other words with “SI”)

12. Between Reed Hall and the Lowood School, life just wasn't looking so hot. Fortunately, the titular heroine grew up and got the heck out of there—to Thornfield Hall, where all sorts of sordid secrets awaited her.  From the parentage of her charge Adele, to the strange laughter in the attic, many mysteries would be revealed in the course of this novel.  FTP, name this novel by Charlotte Bronte where a governess falls in love with her employer, a certain Mr. Rochester.

Answer: Jane Eyre

13. After his forces were defeated by the Earl of Pembroke in 1306 near Perth, this leader retreated to a cave where he saw a spider continue to re-spin a web after it kept falling apart; he claimed that this inspired him to continue fighting for his people’s independence. In 1314 20,000 soldiers under Edward II moved north to challenge him, only to be routed by his forces at Bannockburn. FTP name this Scottish hero and monarch.

Answer: Robert the Bruce (acc. Robert I)

14. This element’s most common allotrope is a white solid which is stored under water to prevent it from reacting with air. The more stable red form does not react with air, but can be easily ignited via friction. Often used in fertilizers and in fireworks, this Group 5 nonmetal behaves more like arsenic and antimony than nitrogen. Also used in match heads, FTP, what is this element whose name means “bearer of light”?

Answer: phosphorus

15. This deity of mythology was driven from his throne and according to some versions, fled to Italy where he sponsored a Golden Age. Other versions say he was tossed down into Tartarus with the rest of the Titans. FTP, who was this father of Zeus who lost his throne to a revolution which his own wife and mother helped sponsor?

Answer: Cronus or Saturn

16. This “City of Roses” is home to Lewis and Clark College and the famous independent bookstore “Powell’s.” On clear days, citizens of this city can see Mt. St. Helen’s, Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood from one of the cities’ ten bridges crossing the Willamette River. For 10 points, name this largest city in Oregon, home to the NBA’s TrailBlazers.

Answer: Portland

17. He is nicknamed “The Subtle Fox.” Originally a leader among his people, he was kicked out of his tribe for drunkenness, which is enforced by Colonel Munro, the commander of British forces at Fort William Henry. As an act of vengeance against the colonel, he kidnaps Munro’s daughters Alice and Cora, and attempts to marry Cora. However, Cora dies, and he plummets to his death after being shot by Hawkeye. FTP, name this Huron, the villain of Last of the Mohicans.

Answer: Magua

18. These stand in contrast to the prisoner’s dilemma, in which two partners in crime are separated, each is offered a lighter sentence if they confess and implicate the other, and each faces a harsher sentence if the other confesses. Unlike the prisoner’s dilemma, this type of game offers the participant one rational objective, because whatever one gains the other loses. FTP name this type of game central to game theory.

Answer: zero-sum games

19. Having lost the top praetorship to his brother-in-law, this man persuaded the brother-in-law to join a conspiracy to assassinate the head of state. His personal vendetta plunged the state into civil war which caused his suicide. FTP name this Roman who died at Philippi along with his brother-in-law, Marcus Brutus.

Answer: Gaius Cassius Longinus

20. It is spectral class G7 and takes about 200 million years to orbit the center of the Galaxy. Occasionally, people can see Bailey's Beads around its edge when most of the photosphere is covered. Coronal mass ejections can cause intense auroras on Earth. Prominences and flares can be found near the surface of, FTP, what star closest to Chattanooga?

Answer: the Sun or Sol

21. There are three ways one can reach this island, on which no females are allowed: it sometimes presents itself to children on the verge of sleep; baby boys who fall out of prams while nurses aren’t looking are sent there if not found in a week; or visitors can be brought there by its most famous resident, who claims to have run away from his parents on the day he was born. Containing Picanniny Village and the Lost Boys’ House, FTP what is this fictional island inhabited by Captain Hook and Peter Pan?

Answer: Never-Never Land

22. The year’s the same: the Boston Celtics win the NBA championship; Tony Dorsett wins the Heisman trophy; Paul McCartney and Wings’ “Silly Love Songs” is the #1 song of the year; the Concorde makes its first commercial flight; and Mao Zedong passes away. These events all occurred, for ten points, in what year, the bicentennial of America’s independence from Great Britain.

Answer: 1976

23. Historians suspect that their name is an adaptation of the German word Eidgenossen, or “confederates,” as it first was used to designate citizens of Geneva who didn’t accept the claims of the Duke of Savoy over that city. In the 16th and 17th century they were most populous in Southern France, and fear of their influence, and concerns about the accession of Henri IV, led to the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre. FTP who are these historical protestants of France?

Answer: Huguenots


1. The inverse of this unit is the Siemens, which is the SI unit of conductance. It is the SI unit of reactance and impedance. Its namesake found that most materials show a linear relationship between applied voltage and passed current. FTP, name this unit, equal to 1 ampere per volt, the SI unit of resistance.

Answer: ohm

2. While at Abraham Lincoln’s second inauguration, he became so intoxicated that Lincoln insisted, “Whatever happens, don’t let him talk outside”. Elected to the U.S. Senate in 1856, he was the only Senator of the 11 seceded states to remain loyal to the Union, but he would later clash with the Republican Congress over Reconstruction policies as well as his dismissal of Edwin Stanton from his Cabinet. FTP, name this first U.S. President to be impeached.

Answer: Andrew Johnson

3. It introduced the phrase “green-eyed monster.” Roderigo wants the love of a married woman, and enlists the help of Iago to help break up the marriage. Iago’s plans backfire, and the woman, Desdemona, ends up being smothered by her husband, the title character, who believes she is having an affair. Modernized as the movie O, FTP, name this Shakespeare tragedy about jealousy.

Answer: Othello

4. They were formed by a guitarist of the Yardbirds, which explains why they were initially called The New Yardbirds. The drummer and lead singer were 19-year-old kids from the country and the bassist and guitarist were twenty-somethings who were already longtime professional musicians. FTP what band did Page, Plant, Jones and Bonham form in 1968 that eventually gave us such classics as “Kashmir” and “Stairway to Heaven?”

Answer: Led Zeppelin

5. This city’s recent troubles are described in the book Zlata’s Diary. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in this city on June 28, 1914 is generally accepted as the trigger that set off World War I. Seventy years later the city hosted the Winter Olympics, only seven years before it was beset by war. FTP name this current capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Answer: Sarajevo

6. It was first awarded in 1936 in Oslo, but because of World War 2, was not awarded again until 1950. Its creator wished it to recognize both existing mathematical work as well as the promise of future achievement. FTP name this award, the unofficial "Nobel prize for math," that was never awarded to Gerald Lambeau as Good Will Hunting would have us believe.

Answer: The Fields Medal

7. This royal family descended from Edynfed Fychan, a Welsh nobleman. Owen Glendower got the family close to royal power after his revolt when he married the widow of Henry V. Glendower’s grandson Henry, after exile in Brittany, landed on the Welsh coast to claim the throne in 1485. Coming to power after the death of Richard III, FTP name this British royal house whose first ruler was Henry VII.

Answer: Tudor

8. Critics agree that it began soon after 1800 with the Romantic paintings of Walter Allston, though it really came into being after 1825. Works exemplifying the movement include Bingham’s “Fur Traders Descending the Missouri” and Cole’s “Course of Empire” series. The “Letters on Landscape Painting” by Asher Durand summed up this school’s aims. FTP what is this American painting school centered around a New York natural feature?

Answer: Hudson River School

9. According to this concept fossil history should consist mostly of specimens from the extended period of stasis. Therefore, the absence of fossils from intermediate stages of evolution is considered evidence to back this theory. FTP name this theory, advocated by Stephen Jay Gould, which postulates long periods of little or no evolutionary change interrupted by geologically short periods of rapid evolution.

Answer: punctuated equilibrium

10. Mary Chase won a Pulitzer Prize in 1945 for this comedy, which specifies that the title character is 6 feet, 1 ½ inches tall. Two major characters are the fussy sister Veta Simmons and frantic niece Myrtle May, who are convinced they must get the main character, Elwood P. Dowd, committed to an asylum. The title character is Elwood’s best friend, and invisible rabbit. FTP name this classic comedy.

Answer: Harvey

11. Its name comes from the porch in the Agora in Athens where its members liked to congregate to discuss ideas. No full works are extant by any of its great Greek thinkers, including Chrysippus and Cleanthes, so much of our current knowledge of the school’s thought is based on writings by Roman followers like Epictetus. Believing that most emotions are born of false ideas, FTP name this school considered to be founded by Zeno of Citium.

Answer: stoicism (acc. stoics)

12. Bedridden till age seven, he outgrew his weakness to become an outstanding athlete at Trinity College, Dublin. After a 10-year stint as a civil servant, he spent his last 27 years as personal secretary to the famed actor Sir Henry Irving. He published his first short story in 1875, 15 years before his first novel, The Snake’s Pass. FTP name the author of The Jewel of Seven Stars, The Lair of the White Worm, and Dracula.

Answer: Bram (or Abraham) Stoker

13. Sent on Sept. 6, 1899 to London, Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg, it requested that the Great Powers claiming spheres of interest in China should pledge not to close off the ports to one another, nor interfere with any "vested interest" already in their spheres. It also asked that the powers allow the application of the Chinese treaty tariff to the ports under their control without discrimination to nationals of other countries, nor levy higher harbor tolls against nationals of other countries. FTP, what was this note or policy, ever after associated with US Secretary of State John Hay?

Answer: Open Door

14. It was first identified by Ghiorso and his colleagues at Berkeley in 1952 among the debris from the first large thermonuclear explosion earlier that year. Its original isotope was #253, but it was soon produced with an atomic weight of 254 and this has become its most common form. There are now 14 isotopes of this element recognized. FTP name this seventh transuranic element, with atomic number 99, named for the winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics.

Answer: Einsteinium

15. Born Chan Kwong-Sung, he was apprenticed to a Chinese opera school at age six by his parents. He went into the field that he is currently best known for as a small part stuntman; while performing his own stunts, he has broken his nose, ankle, both cheekbones, and his skull, among various other injuries. For ten points, name this star of action films like Shanghai Noon and the Rush Hour series.

Answer: Jackie Chan

16. Its writing was first suggested to the authors at the 1846 London Congress, and it was completed in December, 1847. Just a pamphlet, its famous first line is followed by this: “All the powers of old Europe have formed a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre.” FTP name this short work co-written by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx.

Answer: Communist Manifesto

17. It appears annually in mid-November, but is most impressive approximately every 33.3 years. The reason for this is that the dust and debris from the Temel-Tuttle comet are clumped unequally over the Earth’s orbit. Their last ‘Great’ appearance was in November of 1998. FTP what is this meteor shower, which seems to originate from the constellation governing most of August?

Answer: Leonids

18. It was heard for the first time in Oberndorf, Austria in 1818. As the story goes, it was performed at a Christmas Eve mass that year by lyricist Joseph Mohr and composer Franz Gruber. Organ repairman Karl Mauracher enjoyed the carol, took it with him on his travels, and in 1841 Americans heard this carol about a holy infant so tender and mild for the first time. FTP, identify this Christmas carol, about an evening where all is calm, all is bright.

Answer: “Silent Night” or “Stille Nacht”

19. Her first novel, published in 1982, it chronicled the trials of the Trueba family.  Other novels about other branches of the family, such as Daughter of Fortune and Portrait in Sepia, followed the success of The House of the Spirits. FTP name this Chilean expatriate, the prolific author of Eva Luna.

Answer: Isabel Allende

20. It is a recurring character type in folktales of many cultures, as well as the apocryphal Old Testament Book of Tobit. When a traveler takes care of the burial or debts of a deceased person, soon thereafter the spirit of the deceased shows up in the visage or an animal or angel to help the travel. FTP name this character archetype, which inspired the name of a modern-day band of travelers led by the late Jerry Garcia.

Answer: the grateful dead

21. Home to DePaul and Loyola Universities, it is generally recognized as the world center of modern skyscraper architecture. The city features famous architectural landmarks such as Marina City, the John Hancock Center and the Auditorium Building by Louis Sullivan. Ferris Bueller celebrated his “Day Off” by visiting the Art Institute and Wrigley Field. FTP name this city which has long been surpassed by Los Angeles as the country’s “Second City.”

Answer: Chicago, Illinois

22. This son of Russian Jewish immigrants to the United States was born here in 1940. In the late 1950’s he started a band called The Teddy Bears, but then decided that his real love was producing. FTP name this man behind the famous “Wall of Sound,” a recluse who may or may not have killed actress Lana Clarkson, who was found dead in his mansion.

Answer: Phil Spector

23. Born to Jewish parents in Hanover in 1906, she received a degree from the University of Heidleburg where she taught until Hitler took power. Because of Nazism, she fled to the US where she taught at the New School for Social Research until her death in 1975. It was the regimes of Hitler and Stalin that influenced her work, giving rise to her first major publication, The Origins of Totalitarianism. FTP name this philosopher and author of Eichmann in Jerusalem.

Answer: Hannah Arendt


1. Mayella Ewell triggers racial tensions escalate in a small, Southern town when she accuses a black man of raping her.  While their dad defends the unfortunate Tom Robinson, two children observe the changes in the people around them, when they’re not busy playing with Dill, the boy who lives next door, or speculating on the true nature of the mysterious Boo Radley.  FTP name this novel by Harper Lee about Jem, Scout, and Atticus Finch.

Answer: To Kill a Mockingbird

2. If this quantity is provided only by friction on a curve, an increase in speed could lead to an unexpected skid if the friction is insufficient. This is because this force is proportional to the square of the velocity, so a doubling of speed requires a four-fold increase in it. Meaning “center-seeking,” FTP what is this force directed toward the center of any curved path.

Answer: centripetal force

3. He choreographed “Jeux,” the first ballet to feature dancers in modern dress. After World War I, he slid into mental illness, fearing that a trap door on stage would be left open and that he would plummet through it. Inspired in his athletic movements by Isadora Duncan, FTP name this Russian dancer, the protege of Sergei Diaghilev, and the lead dancer in Petrushka and choreographer of “The Rite of Spring.”

Asnwer Vaslaw Nijinsky

4. This one-time governor of Kansas was hailed as the only rising star of his party in the dismal era of the Depression because he had resisted an oposition landslide to win election to his state White House. The father of a future US Senator Nancy Kassebaum, he was nominated for president but won only two states, Vemont and Maine, ushering in the sarcastic statement, "as goes Maine, so goes the nation." FTP, who was the 1936 Republican nominee against FDR?

Answer: Alf Landon

5. It is said by Vergil that one of Juno's grievances against the Trojans was the firing of her daughter Hebe as cupbearer to the gods so that this handsome Trojan youth might replace her. This innocent boy was spied by

Jupiter on the hill of Mt. Ida and abducted by that god in the form of an eagle. FTP, who was this handsome lad, eternally young and pretty, whose name has been given to one of the larger moons of Jupiter?

Answer: Ganymede

6. Its unusual shape and size are attributable to territorial compromises arising from 19th-century Anglo-French rivalry in western Africa. Ranging from between 30 and 15 miles wide, it is approximately 300 miles long, and entirely surrounded by Senegal except for and 18 mile long coastline. FTP, name this smallest African nation, with capital at Banjul.

Answer: The Gambia

7. Its name was coined by Enrico Fermi. Examples of this particle include the tau, muon, and electron varieties. FTP, name this fundamental particle that is similar to an electron but does not carry a charge, and whose name is Italian for “little neutral one.”

Answer: neutrino

8. The picaresque novel Simplicius Simplisissimus is one of the few literary works set during this war. Important battles in it include White Mountain, at which Duke Maximilian of Bavaria defeated the forces of Frederick V, the king of Bohemia, and Lutzen, at which the Lion of the North, Gustavus Adolphus, was slain. FTP name this devastating war which began in 1618 and ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia.

Answer: Thirty Years War

9. The title character's birth was full of problems, including an accidental circumcision and being given the wrong name. Much of the work is about Uncle Toby and his affair with Widow Wadman. Published in nine volumes from 1759 and 1766, this is, FTP, what Lauerence Sterne reflection about the life and opinions of a gentleman?

Answer: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

10. They had mild success with their cover of “Video Killed the Radio Star” for the soundtrack of The Wedding Singer, though it didn’t reach the level of popularity two songs from their debut album attained. They broke up in 1998, though for a short period of time they considered reforming with Sir Mix-a-Lot; they did reform in 2000 without Mix-a-Lot to release their third CD, Freaked Out and Small. Name this novelty rock group, for ten points, who achieved success with the singles “Peaches” and “Lump.”

Answer: Presidents of the United States of America

11. This title is attached to the first four of the twelve violin concertos the composer published in 1725 as Opus 8, The Conflict between Harmony and Invention. The strict form of the solo Baroque concerto, fast-slow-fast, is the scheme in all four, and the very famous opening notes of the first are meant to evoke the twittering of birds and the rushing of streams filled with melting snow. That first piece is titled La Primavera. FTP what is this group of concerti by Antonio Vivaldi?

Answer: The Four Seasons

12. Pencil and paper ready. You have 15 seconds to find, FTP, the third term of the expansion of (x+y)5 [read: the quantity x plus y raised to the fifth power].

Answer: 10x3y2

13. Though it won the 1979 Oscar for Best Foreign-Language Film, a cinematic version of this novel was deemed obscene in Oklahoma due to its suggestion of sex between a young boy and a teenage girl. That boy, Oskar Matzerath, chooses at the age of three not to grow anymore due to the ugliness of adults. FTP name this novel about Oskar’s attachment to the title object, a work by Gunter Grass.

Answer: The Tin Drum

14. He was designated “venerable” in 1985 by Pope John Paul II, provoking an outcry from Native Americans and others who cited his support of colonial interests and advocacy of flogging “heathen” Indians. After the Jesuits were expelled from Mexico in 1767, this Franciscan was sent to lead missionary efforts in northern California. FTP name this missionary who established nine missions from San Diego to San Francisco.

Answer: Junipero Serra

15. The most massive stars spend the least time on it, as they exhaust their fuel in just a couple hundred thousand years and then become neutron stars or black holes. Lighter stars burn more slowly and can stay in this stage for billions of years. Our sun is only halfway through this phase, thankfully. FTP what is this area of the H-R diagram containing most mature stars and running from the upper left to the lower right?

Answer: main sequence (prompt on “H-R diagram” before said in last line)

16. Selene is a beautiful vampire warrior that is entrenched in a war between the vampire and werewolf races. Although she is aligned with the vampires, she falls in love with Michael, a werewolf who longs for the war to end. This describes, FTP, what newly released move starring Kate Beckinsale?

Answer: Underworld

17. The origins of this theory can be traced to Thomas Malthus' belief that population growth will always outstrip the available food supply. Proponents believed that the most advanced society would outlast all others due to its superior use of resources. FTP, name this 19th-century social theory, developed by Herbert Spencer, which states that primitive societies would become extinct in a process similar to evolution.

Answer: Social Darwinism

18. It involves the formation of nine intermediate products, each of which is then catalyzed by an enzyme; in six of the steps, magnesium ions promote enzyme activity. Summarizing the process, 2 ATP are added, then 2 NADH are produced, then 4 ATP are produced, and finally 2 pyruvate are formed. FTP name this process by which the body decomposes glucose.

Answer: glycolysis

19. Modeled after the conventions of Greek and Roman poetry, it was introduced into England from Italy in the 16th century by Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey. The form was later utilized by Christopher Marlowe in his plays and by Alfred, Lord Tennyson in his Idylls of the King, but it is best known as the medium in which Shakespeare wrote his many famous dramas. FTP name, the type of unrhymed iambic pentameter verse in which each line is composed of ten syllables of alternating stress.

Answer: Blank Verse

20. It was the second “second-class” battleship constructed by the U.S., and it remains the largest ever built completely at a naval shipyard. In its most famous moment it was captained by Charles Sigsbee, who had complained about the placement of the coal bunkers around the perimeter of the ship, to serve as extra defense armor. Its possible that a spontaneous fire from one of these bunkers could have ignited a nearby ammunition magazine, causing the two explosions that led to its sinking. FTP what was this ship sunk in Havana Harbor in 1898?

Answer: USS Maine

READER: Say, “Oh, so you DO remember it.”

21. After making a pile of money in his better-known career, this man became mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut in 1875 and later served in that state’s legislature. His first notoriety came from his promotion of the Fiji Mermaid, the upper half of a monkey sewn to the bottom half of a fish. He made much of his fortune in promoting the tour of Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale, and also from his patronage of “General” Tom Thumb. FTP name this great promoter who later got into the circus business, and who did not first say “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Answer: P. T. Barnum

22. In 1490, Lorenzo de' Medici had him brought back to the pulpit of San Marco, where he predicted the overthrow of the Medici and the invasion of French King Charles VIII. After the downfall of the Medici, he introduced a Christian Republic to Florence and avoided many efforts by Pope Alexander VI to bring him down. In 1497, in the famed Bonfire of the Vanities, he urged Florentines to destroy their worldly possessions by burning them. However, the next year he himself was burned in the Palazzo Vecchio. FTP, name this Florentine monk who sought the reform of the Church.

Answer: Girolamo Savonarola

23. Visited by French missionaries and fur traders in the 17th century, it was given a name meaning "gathering place by the rivers". Settlement began in large numbers in 1800, but the town did not come into official existance until 1836, and became an important Midwest industrial center during the Civil War. Noted for having three socialist mayors in the 20th century, its port on Lake Michigan is one of the busiest in the US. FTP, name this Wisconsin city, home of the Brewers and Bucks.

Answer: Milwaukee


1. It begins on the protagonist’s wedding day, when he is preparing to go and retrieve his bride, O-Lan.  Prosperity follows their marriage, they acquire more land, but then a famine strikes, driving Wang Lung and his family into poverty.  However, their fortunes improve, and they return to their land and begin to amass great wealth.  FTP name this novel by Pearl S. Buck.

Answer: The Good Earth

2. Science doesn’t fully understand the maintenance of this mechanism, essential to plants that exhibit photoperiodism. It is endogenous, meaning it can be maintained in the absence of external cues, although external cues do make it more accurate and serve to reset it. FTP give the term for an internal clock that governs biological activity.

Answer: circadian rhythm(s)

3. Standing about five meters high for most of its length, some of its original sections were built from turf. Beginning at Wallsend-on-Tyne and running west, on its south side is the Vallum, a deep ditch used to control access to its milecastles and parapets. Meant to keep out the northern barbarians, and later the Picts and Scots, FTP this is what famous barrier in England built at the order of a Roman emperor?

Answer: Hadrian’s Wall

4. The video for this song was directed by Mark Romanek and shot at the artist's home and museum. Although it was nominated for six MTV Video Music Awards, it only won for Best Cinematography In A Video. FTP, identify this cover of a Nine Inch Nails song by the late Johnny Cash.

Answer: “Hurt”

5. Pencil and paper may help. For ten points, and within 10 seconds, find the x-coordinate of the vertex of the parabola with equation y = 2x2-5x + 6.

Answer: 5/4

6. She was the wife of Tyndareus, by whom she had a son and daughter, but her children by Zeus are more famous. One fo her daughtrs was the most beautiful woman in the world and her sons were the Dioscuri. FTP name this queen of Sparta whom Zeus seduced in the form of a swan.

Answer: Leda

7. It names both a novel by historian Shelby Foote and a poem by Melville, in which the “swallows fly low” over the eponymous battlefield. After leading his troops from Corinth, Mississippi, Confederate General Albert Johnston attacked somewhat oblivious Union forces on the morning of April 6, 1862, telling his fellow officers “Tonight we will water our horses in Tennessee.” Site of the sunken road and the hornet’s nest, FTP name this Civil War battle called Pittsburg Landing by Confederates.

Answer: Shiloh

8. A Broadway musical based on it solved the problem of its unknown conclusion by allowing the audience to choose from a series of possible endings. After the title character disappears, Neville Landless is arrested for his murder, but is released when no body is found. Landless is in love with the title character’s ex-fiancée, Rosa Budd, but then so is pretty much every man in the story. FTP name this novel, left unfinished and without enough notes to solve it upon the death of its author, Charles Dickens.

Answer: The Mystery of Edwin Drood

9. Some elements in this group are named after Enrico Fermi, Dmitri Mendeleev, Albert Einstein and Alfred Nobel. Many of them do not occur naturally in nature and have very short half-lifes. FTP, identify this group of elements that make up elements 89 to 102 on the periodic table which have similar characteristics to lanthanides.

Answer: actinide series (or just actinides; prompt on transuranic elements)

10. Seven small human figures, mostly in black, stand before a body of water on which the shadows of buildings can be seen. The upper half of the canvas is dominated by a blue sky mostly obscured by clouds. At the right a large, mastless ship is docked in front of the title city. Painted in 1660, FTP, this describes what famous painting of the home of the artist Jan Vermeer?

Answer: View of Delft

11. First, the daimyo were ordered to return their feudal fiefs back to the emperor. Compulsory education was instituted and followed Western models. Shinto experienced a sharp revival and worship of the emperor was encouraged again. Beginning around 1868, FTP this describes what period of Japanese history, in which modernization began in earnest, named for the emperor who took over after the end of the Tokugawa dynasty.

Answer: Meiji Restoration

12. Born in 1875, she was the last of 17 children and the only one born after the end of slavery in South Carolina. In the late 1930s, after successfully establishing a school for African-American children in Florida, she became special advisor to Franklin Roosevelt on minority affairs. FTP name this educator, the founder of the Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Negro Girls, which later became a four-year college after merging with the Cookman Institute.

Answer: Mary McLeod Bethune

13. The magnetic analog of this effect is called magnetostriction and occurs when ferromagnetic materials respond to magnetic fields. Barium titanate, lead zirconate, and lead titanate are ceramic materials which exhibit the effect, and thus they are used in ultrasonic transducers and microphones. Rochelle salts and quartz both exhibit this as well. FTP what is this effect in which a crystal produces a charge when compressed.

Answer: piezoelectricity (acc. piezoelectric effect)

14. In the work that introduced him, this disillusioned former high school sports star leaves his wife and family in hopes of finding meaning in his life. Three sequels followed – [BLANK] Redux, [BLANK] Is Rich, and [BLANK] At Rest. FTP name this most famous creation of John Updike.

Answer: Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom [accept Angstrom; prompt on just Harry]

15. Jim Jr. practices medicine, but the rest of the family has followed in the footsteps of Jim Sr., a scout for the San Francisco 49ers and former college coach. Jay was the starting quarterback for the Orlando Predators in 2003 before a week 4 injury sent him to the bench, where he had previously won two Arena League championships as a coach before serving as an assistant with his brother in the NFL. FTP what is the last name shared by Jon, who won Super Bowl 37 as head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?

Answer: Gruden

16. The only elected office this man held was as an Indiana state representative from Terre Haute in 1885. During that time he was already Grand Secretary of the Brotherhood of Railway Firemen, and eight years later he founded the American Railway Union in Chicago. Jailed for speaking out against American participation in World War I, in 1920 the Socialist Party had buttons made reading “Convict No. 9653 for President.” FTP name this firebrand who ran for president five times in the early 1900s.

Answer: Eugene V. Debs

17. Seen through a magnifying lens, it appears to be a mass of silky fibers of glass, full of small cells separated by larger pores. It forms when lava emerges to the surface, the pressure on the molten rock is relieved and superheated steam is given off, which puffs up the rock. Often used as an abrasive, FTP, name this rock which can float on the water.

A: pumice

18. Among the works of this British author are “History of Spiritualism”, a series of Napoleonic tales centering on the character of Brigadier Gerard, the fantasy “The Lost World”, and some historical novels—the most notable about Saxon archers of the 14th century. After writing “White Company”, this man attempted to kill off his famous detective character, but—FTP—name this author who was never allowed to discontinue writing about Sherlock Holmes.

Answer: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

19. In 1829 this composer made the first of his nine trips to England, where he was a favorite. In London in 1832 he first performed his Capriccio Brilliant and the first six of his Songs without Words. He was also an influential conductor, and his revival of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion helped pull that composer out of obscurity. FTP name this composer best known for his overture to A Midsummer Night’s Dream and his Italian Symphony.

Answer: Felix Mendelssohn

20. Upon reaching its summit in 1893, Katherine Lee Bates was so inspired by the view that she penned “America the Beautiful.” Discovered by its namesake in 1806, his prediction that it would never be climbed was proved wrong just 14 years later. FTP name this mountain in Colorado named for a young lieutenant named Zebulon.

Answer: Pike’s Peak

21. Its two buildings stand at 800 South Halsted Street, and it is now a museum run by the University of Illinois at Chicago. In 1889 Ellen Gates Starr and its most famous occupant moved in and used its space for the first public playground, gymnasium and nursery school in the area. Attracting immigrants, suffragettes and labor organizers, among others, FTP name this social settlement which earned the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for Jane Addams.

Answer: Hull House

22. This dance, originally performed by men as a victory dance, is now more popularly performed by women. With the right arm far out from the body, the dancer jigs and skips about to the tune of a bagpipe. FTP, name this national dance of Scotland.

Answer: the Highland Fling

23. Born in Haiti of partial African heritage, he moved first to France and came to the U.S. in 1803. He conducted the first study of bird migration habits in America, banding a species called the Eastern Phebe. While running a dry goods store in Kentucky, he began amassing a portfolio detailing the various species in his area. FTP who is this influential artist/naturalist, author of Birds of America?

Answer: John James Audubon


1. Provide the following terms which all begin with the same Greek prefix FTPE.

A. Used currently to refer to any agent which cures everything, it originally named the daughter of Asclepius in Greek myth.

Answer: panacea

B. Now meaning a wild tumult or uproar, this term was used by Milton to name the high capital of Satan in Paradise Lost.

Answer: pandemonium

C. Meaning “all-sea,” this is the name given for the body of water that surrounded the Ur-continent Pangaea.

Answer: Panthalassa

2. Identify these chemical elements from old names (5 points each):


Answer: Antimony


Answer: Lead


Answer: Silver


Answer: Iron


Answer: Tin


Answer: Tungsten

3. Watergate stuff FTPE.

A. The men arrested for burgling the headquarters of the Democratic Party at the Watergate in 1972 were all employees of what organization?

Answer: CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President)

B. Perhaps the most famous of the burglars was this author of the autobiography Will and future right-wing radio host.

Answer: G. Gordon Liddy

C. The testimony of this author of the memoir Blind Ambition would have led to Nixon’s impeachment had he not resigned.

Answer: John Dean

4. THE NEWLY DEAD GAME: Katharine Hepburn didn’t win her record four Oscars by accident. Besides her talent, she usually chose good material. FTPE name these dramatists from works featuring the great Kate on film or TV:

(a) Long Day’s Journey Into Night

Answer: Eugene O’Neill

(b) The Glass Menagerie

Answer: Thomas Lanier “Tennessee” Williams

(c) A Delicate Balance

Answer: Edward Albee

5. Identify these Ludwig van Beethoven symphonies, 5-10-20-30:

a) Possibly the best known symphony of all time is this one, famed for its final movement chorale “Ode to Joy.”

Answer: Ninth Symphony

b) Also known at the Pastoral Symphony, this is the only one for which Beethoven wrote program notes.

Answer: Sixth Symphony

c) Though Morse code postdated Beethoven, the code for the letter “V” matches the opening notes to this symphony, leading it to be used as a symbol for victory, especially by resistance groups in World War II.

Answer: Fifth Symphony

d) Beethoven at first admired Napoleon and named this symphony in his honor, but he soon became disillusioned with Napoleon, tore up the title page, and renamed it the Eroica.

Answer: Third Symphony

6. FTPE given the character they play and office they hold on the The West Wing, name the actor or actress.

10) Josiah Bartlett, President of the United States.

Answer: Martin Sheen

10) C.J. Craig, White House Press Secretary.

Answer: Allison Janney

10) Leo McGarry, Chief of Staff

Answer: John Spencer

7. Identify this Shakespeare play, 30 points if you get it on the 1st clue, 20 if on the 2nd clue, or 10 on the 3rd and last. You may guess after each clue.

A. For 30 - The Earl of Gloucester is blinded and his sons Edmund and Edgar fight over birthrights.

B. Other characters include the treacherous sisters Regin and Goneril.

C. A vain old king divides his realm between two unworthy daughers, failing to recognize the love of his true, third daughter, Cordelia.

Answer: King Lear

8. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] F5PE name the President from their picture on .


1. Andrew Jackson

2. Andrew Johnson

3. Franklin D. Roosevelt

4. Franklin Pierce

5. John Quincy Adams [prompt on just Adams, but not on John Adams]

6. John Tyler

9. Answer the following about the cell, FTSNOP.

A. For five points, this organelle sequesters the genomic DNA from the rest of the cell.

Answer: nucleus

B. For ten, these are the energy powerhouses of the cell, where oxidative phosphorylation takes place.

Answer: mitochondria

C. For five points, these organelles, often found in plants, hold water, and help maintain cell rigidity.

Answer: vacuole

D. For ten points, the two varieties of this organelle differ in the number of ribosomes that can be found on their surfaces, and are important for shuttling around proteins.

Answer: Endoplasmic Reticulum

10. Pencil and paper time. FTSNOP, 10 seconds per part, calculate the derivatives of these mathematical expressions with respect to x:

A. For 5, 2x + 3

Answer: 2

B. For 10, tan 8x

Answer: 8 sec2 8x

C. For 15, sec 9x

Answer: 9 sec 9x tan 9x

11. Given the years they were in power and important events associated with them, name the Soviet Premier FTPE.

10) 1958-1964, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Answer: Nikita Khrushchev

10) 1964-1982, the ABM Treaty and SALT I.

Answer: Leonid Brezhnev

10) 1985-1991, the removal of Soviet troops from East Germany.

Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev

12. Given an American novel name the author FTPE.

10) A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court

Answer: Mark Twain

10) An American Tragedy

Answer: Theodore Dreiser

10) The Red Badge of Courage

Answer: Stephen Crane

13. Given a CGS unit name its SI analog FTP five if you require what the unit measures.

(10) dyne

(5) Force

Answer: Newton

(10) gauss or oersted (depending upon usage)

(5) magnetic field

Answer: Tesla

(10) bar

(5) pressure

Answer: Pascal

14. For ten points each, identify the following concerning Judaism.

A) Literally translated from the Hebrew, this term’s English equivalent is “teachings.” This word is more widely used to refer to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible.

Answer: Torah

B) This portion of the Talmud, the earliest document detailing rabbinic tradition, deals with various aspects and interpretations of Jewish law.

Answer: Mishnah (do not accept Talmud)

C) The Hebrew word for “tradition,” this term refers to a body of Jewish mystical teachings and traditions.

Answer: Kabbalah

15. Name the rock band from members FTPE.

10) Izzy Stradlin, Duff McKagen, Steven Adler, Slash, Axl Rose

Answer: Guns N’ Roses

10) Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Timothy B. Schmitt, Joe Walsh, Don Felder

Answer: Eagles

10) Keith Moon, John Entwistle, Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend

Answer: The Who

16. Thirst for power: Given clues, name the ruling dynasty FFPE.

10) This dynasty ruled China from 618-907 CE and also shares its name with a popular drink.

Answer: Tang

10) This dynasty ruled France from 1589-1792 and from 1814-1830 and also shares it name with a popular drink.

Answer: Bourbon

10) Spelled one way, it’s the dynasty that ruled northern China from 265-419. Spelled another way, it’s a popular drink flavored with juniper berries.

Answer: Jin (the dynasty) or Gin (the beverage)

[author’s note: I had to work for this last part. It was worth it.]

17. Name these Latin American novelists from works FTPE.

A. Love in the Time of Cholera; The General in His Labyrinth

Answer: Gabriel Garcia-Marquez (do NOT prompt on just “Marquez”)

B. The Labyrinth of Solitude

Answer: Octavio Paz

C. The Old Gringo; The Death of Artemio Cruz

Answer: Carlos Fuentes

18. Identify the following Nobel Laureates, FTPE.

A. For five points per person, name two of the three men awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962 for the structure of DNA.

Answer: Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins, James Watson

B. This man has a unique one-two Nobel punch: an award in chemistry for his prize in science for his research on the nature of a chemical bond, and a peace prize for his efforts to secure a ban on nuclear testing.

Answer: Linus Pauling

C. This man won the Nobel Prize in Physics for discoveries leading to the classification of elementary particles and their interactions. He recently wrote a book titled The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex.

Answer: Murray Gell-Mann

19. For 10 points each, name the following cities in Canada:

A. This capital of Canada is located in Ontario.

Answer: Ottawa, Ontario

B. This city is just across the river from Detroit, Michigan.

Answer: Windsor, Ontario

C. Vancouver is not on Vancouver Island. This is the island’s largest city:

Answer: Victoria, B.C.

20. Name the sculptors of the following FTPE.

A. The Gates of Hell

Answer: Auguste Rodin

B. Zuccone (aka Pumpkinhead)

Answer: Donatello

C. Ecstacy of St. Teresa

Answer: Gianlorenzo Bernini

21. Answer the following about this year's MLB playoffs FSTNP.

10) This team avoided the Curse of the Bambino by defeating Oakland in five games.

Answer: Boston Red Sox (accept either Boston or Red Sox)

10) This team saw something they haven't seen in a long time... post-season victory. They took out the Atlanta Braves in five.

Answer: Chicago Cubs (must prompt on Chicago)

10) FFPE, these are the other two teams that advanced: one by defeating the San Francisco Giants and another by defeating the Minnesota Twins

Answer: Florida Marlins (accept either) and New York Yankees (must prompt on New York)


1. It begins “The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon.” It ends, many dark pages later, with “The officer, surrounded by these noises, was moved and a little embarrassed. He turned away to give them time to pull themselves together; and waited, allowing his eyes to rest on the trim cruiser in the distance.” FTPE:

A. First, name the novel.

A: Lord of the Flies

B. Who wrote Lord of the Flies?

A: William Golding

C. His name means “supplanter,” and he wrests leadership of the island from Ralph.

A: Jack

2. Answer the following about an outstanding American FTPE:

(a) He remains the only person to have served as Governor of two different states –and in between the two he was President of another country.

Answer: Sam Houston

(b) In a decisive victory here on Apr. 21, 1836, Houston’s forces secured Texas independence and captured Santa Anna..

Answer: San Jacinto [hah-SEEN-toe, but accept plausible pronunciations]

(c) Although a slaveholder, Houston opposed secession and was one of only two Southern Senators to vote against this disastrous 1854 bill that repealed the Missouri Compromise.

Answer: Kansas-Nebraska Act

3. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] 5 points per answer, name the artist & album title. You have 15 seconds.

Answers: 1.Blink 182, Enema of the State

2.Van Halen, 1984

3.Bruce Springsteen, Born in the U.S.A.

4. FTPE name the following substances important in biochemistry:

(a) These consist of two linked sugar molecules; sucrose is an example.

Answer: disaccharides

(b) This is a class of substances, including fats and waxes, that are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar substances such as ether or chloroform.

Answer: lipids

(c) In RNA, this amino acid takes the place of the analogous thymine in DNA.

Answer: uracil

5. The third largest island in the world is divided between 3 countries.

For 10 points, name that island.

Answer: Borneo

Now for 5 points each or 20 for all 3, name the three countries which share Borneo.

Answer: Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia

6. Name these characters from The Great Gatsby given clues FTPE. First or last name is acceptable.

10) This man is mysterious, rich, young partier who falls for Daisy.

Answer: Jay Gatsby

10) This is the narrator friend of Jay Gatsby.

Answer: Nick Calloway

10) This athletic woman is Nick’s love interest at the beginning of the novel.

Answer: Jordan Baker

7. Provide the following terms from the art which Homer Simpson pictured as bears driving around in little cars; yes, I’m talking about ballet. FTPE:

A. This common pose involves extending the leg behind the torso parallel to the floor while the other leg stands straight or bent.

Answer: arabesque

B. This is a high jump in which the legs are kept at 90 degrees to one another.

Answer: grand jete

C. In case you’ve blown the first two, this is just French for a dance for two.

Answer: pas de deux

8. FTPE, answer these questions about the Korean War:

A. This Korean village saw the signing of the 1953 armistice that halted the War.

Answer: Panmunjom

B. On Feb. 1, 1951, the U.S. fought the Battle of the Twin Tunnels against this country's Army.

Answer: People's Republic of China (accept Communist/Red China or equivalents)

C. This 5-star general nicknamed “the G.I. General” was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the War.

Answer: Omar Bradley

9. FTPE, from a definition, give these terms from earth science easily confused with a similar common term:

(a) The deep, roughly round depression at the mouth of a volcano, often containing lakes or secondary cones, distinguished from a crater because the latter’s sides are typically much steeper

Answer: caldera

(b) Hot molten material from deep underground; when volcanic activity brings it to the surface, we call it lava

Answer: magma

(c) The wide part of a coastal river, close to the mouth, where freshwater mixes with ocean water. It may or may not be part of a delta, as the latter term involves the pattern of sediment accumulation.

Answer: estuary

10. Answer the following about a hunt and its participants FTPE:

A. What monster ravaged the countryside of king Oeneus because he forgot to sacrifice to a goddess, until numerous heroes organized a major hunt to kill it?

Answer: Calydonian Boar

B. Which spiteful goddess sent the Calydonian Boar?

Answer: Artemis (accept Diana)

C. FTP name either the warrior woman who wounded the boar, or the hero who dealt its death blow.

Answer: either Atalanta or Meleager

11. 5-10-20-30, answer these about events that happened or were happening 200 years ago in 1803:

A. Britain began a war against this French leader

Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

B. The British fought on request of this island, captured by the French 5 years before

Answer: Malta

C. Folk tales in this country still tell of Toussaint L'Ouverture's saving the U.S. from the French.

Answer: Haiti

D. To raise money for the war, and because he feared more revolts like Toussaint L’Ouverture’s, Napoleon made a bad deal we call the Louisiana Purchase. Name either of the two U.S. ministers involved in sealing the deal.

Answer: either James Monroe or Robert Livingston

12. Given clues, name the European composer FTP.

10) This Polish composer was a master of the piano. He wrote in many different styles, such as waltzes, polonaises, and nocturnes.

Answer: Frederic Chopin

10) This Czech composer is most famous for his ninth symphony called “From The New World.”

Answer: Antonín Dvorák

10) This Bohemian nationalist composer is famous for his symphonic poems like The Moldau.

Answer: Bedrich Smetana

13. FTSNOP answer the following concerning players drafted in the 2003 NBA draft.

A) 5: Taken with the first pick overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers, he has already signed endorsement deals totaling over $100 million, despite never playing a single collegiate game.

Answer: Lebron James

B) 10: Considered by many to be the early favorite for the next Rookie of the Year award, he was drafted third overall after leading Syracuse to the national championship in his only year of collegiate play.

Answer: Carmelo Anthony

C) 15: In his four years at Kansas he reached the Final Four twice but was unable to win a championship. This point guard was the first senior to be drafted and the seventh pick overall by the Chicago Bulls.

Answer: Kirk Hinrich

14. Identify the following contributors to early quantum mechanics whose names grace things FTPE.

(a) He utilized matrix mechanics was equivalent to Schrodinger’s wave mechanics, but more cumbersome and so his fame rests largely upon the principle bearing his name.

Answer: Werner Heisenberg

(b) His formulation of an equation describing the blackbody spectrum led to the conclusion that energy was proportional to frequency by his constant.

Answer: Max Planck

(c) A unit for radiation carries this man’s name, who shared the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics with the Curies.

Answer: Henri Becquerel

15. Identify these figures in the Odyssey FTPE:

A. This son of Odysseus chafes under the arrogance of the suitors.

Answer: Telemachus

B. She keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years but finally sets him free at the bidding of the gods.

Answer: Calypso

C. This wise old king sends Telemachus to go consult Menelaus in Sparta for news of Odysseus.

Answer: Nestor

16. Identify these chemistry processes for 10 pts. each:

A. Polymer chains of rubber molecules are exposed to sulfur and heating (to induce the formation of cross-linkages.)

Answer: Vulcanization

B. Ammonia is manufactured by this process by elevating temperature and pressure on nitrogen and hydrogen.

Answer: Haber-Bosch Process

C. Developed independently in Britain and the U.S., this process made steel economical.

Answer: Bessemer-Kelly process

17. 30-20-10, name the philosopher.

30) His last words when he died on February 12, 1804, were “It is good.”

20) He never left more than 70 miles from his birthplace of Königsberg. In his work, he dealt heavily with how the human mind is needed to give order and see the relationships of the world around us.

10) This philosopher's most famous work is Critique of Pure Reason.

Answer: Immanuel Kant

18. Given that many great composers were born in 1685, name the following in a 5/10/15 basis:

A. (5) This mathematically precise German wrote The Brandenburg Concertos and The Well Tempered Clavier.

Answer: Johann Sebastian Bach [sadly, yes, prompt on just Bach, or even Johann Bach.]

B. (10) He left Germany for England where he wrote oratorios such as The Messiah..

Answer: Georg Friederich Handel

C. (15) This Italian composer learned from his father Domenico. Considered a harpsicord virtuoso, he lived mostly in Spain and wrote musical exercises.

Answer: Alessandro Scarlatti

19. Given the opening line of a well known poem, name both the poem’s title and its author FFPE.

A. “Whose woods these are I think I know”

Answer: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”; Robert Frost

B. Sunset and evening star/And one clear call for me”

Answer: “Crossing the Bar”; Alfred, Lord Tennyson

C. “Thou still unravished bride of quietness”

Answer: “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; John Keats

20. Pencil and paper may be needed, but maybe not. Convert the following FTSNOP.

A. (5 pts.) 2.5 kilometers to centimeters

Answer: 250,000 cm

B. (15 pts.) 4 moles of HCl to grams of HCl

Answer: 144

C. (10 pts.) 1 mole of oxygen in liters

Answer: 22.4

21. For five points each, name six of the seven deadly sins.

Answer: Pride, envy, wrath, sloth, avarice, gluttony, and lust.


1. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] 5 points per answer, name the 20th century artist and the work.


1) Pablo Picasso, Guernica

2) Salvador Dali, (The) Persistence of Memory

3) Edvard Munch [MOONK, but Munch is OK], The Scream (or The Cry)

2. FTPE tell in which phase of mitosis the following occur or appear:

(a) Microfilaments shorten to pull the plasma membrane into the center, forming a cleavage furrow

Answer: telophase

(b) The nucleoli disappear, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and the nuclear spindle is assembled.

Answer: prophase

(c) This phase concludes when the microtubules pull each chromatid apart into two chromosomes.

Answer: metaphase

3. For 10 points each identify these Baz Luhrmann films.

This 1992 film, based on an Australian play by the same title, follows one of Australia’s leading ball room dancer who chooses to use his own steps, rather than the Dance Federation’s.

Answer: Strictly Ballroom

Also based on a play by the same name, this 1996 film was updated from the play version to have a more modern twist. Some lines in the dialogue of this film come from other works written by the playwright, including the lines 'Such stuff as dreams are made on' and 'Experience is by industry achiev'd'.

Answer: William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet [accept if they say “plus” instead of “and”]

This film released in 2001, depicts the activities surrounding a world famous night club. This unique musical is set in the 19th century with music from popular 20th century artists including Elton John and ABBA.

Answer: Moulin Rouge

4. Given the years they were in power name these recent Israeli Prime Ministers

10) 1974-1977 and again from 1992-1995, at which time he was assassinated

Answer: Yitzhak Rabin

10) 1996-1999 from the Likud Party

Answer: Benjamin Netanyahu

10) 2001-present

Answer: Ariel Sharon

5. 30-20-10 Name the American writer from works.

A. (30) “To Helen” “Sonnet–to Science”

B. (20) “Ligeia”; “Israfel”;

C. (10) “Ulalume”; “Annabel Lee”

Answer: Edgar Allan Poe

6. Answer the following about a pentagon (no, not that one) FTPE.

A. A pentagon has four interior angles of 100 degrees each. What must be the measure of the fifth angle?

Answer: 140 degrees (acc. 7 pi/9 radians)

B. What is the measure of a single interior angle of a regular pentagon?

Answer: 108 degrees (acc. 3 pi/5 radians)

C. What platonic solid has regular pentagons as its faces?

Answer: dodecahedron

7. Three nasty sisters of mythology had the power to turn those who gazed upon them to stone. FTSNOP:

A. For ten points, give the collective name of these three sisters.

Answer: Gorgons

B. For five, name the mortal Gorgon.

Answer: Medusa

C. For 15, name either of Medusa's two sisters.

Answer: either Stheno or Euryale

8. Answer the following on acids and bases, FTPE.

10) According to this theory, acids are proton donators and bases are proton acceptors.

Answer: Bronsted-Lowry

10) These solutions act to keep the pH within a narrow range.

Answer: buffers

10) This name is given to substances that can act as either acids or bases in solution.

Answer: amphoteric

9. Name these legendary pirates FTPE:

A. His real name was Edward Teach. He terrorized the Carolina coast until Stede Manyard killed him in 1718.

Answer: Blackbeard

B. Early in the 18th century this British privateer turned pirate. He was caught and hanged as the most infamous British pirate. No one has ever dug up the gold he supposedly buried in New York.

Answer: Captain Kidd

C. Callico Jack Rackham's two fiercest pirates were his girlfriend and her pal. FTP name either of these female pirates whose pregnancies saved them from the noose when Calico Jack was caught.

Answer: either Anne Bonney or Mary Read

10. Identify the authors of these Theater of the Absurd plays on a 10-5 basis.

A. (10 pts.) Jumpers

(5 pts.) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

Answer: Tom Stoppard

B. (10 pts.) Breath; Watt

(5 pts.) Waiting for Godot

Answer: Samuel Beckett

C. (10 pts.) The Bald Soprano

( 5 pts.) The Rhinoceros

Answer: Eugene Ionesco

11. TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE: Your genial quizmaster is on a quest to visit every county in the U.S. These he has. Given a major city, name the county it’s in F5PE or 30 for all 5 correct.

(a) Chicago, IL

Answer: Cook

(b) Miami, FL

Answer: Dade

(c) Atlanta, GA

Answer : Fulton

(d) Anaheim, CA

Answer: Orange [if some smartaleck says “the O.C.”, take it but glower at them in annoyance]

(e) Orlando, FL

Answer: also Orange

12. Answer the following about plants, FTPE.

a) These small holes in plant leaves let carbon dioxide in and water out, and are mediated by guard cells.

Answer: stomata

b) Even though water evaporates from stomata, it is pulled up through the roots and stem to the leaves through this process.

Answer: transpiration

c) Transpiration pulls water through sieve cells in this tissue within the stem of the plant.

Answer: xylem

13. FTPE, given a plot description, name the Steinbeck work.

a) In this work, the Joad family heads out west to start a new life in California.

Answer: The Grapes of Wrath

b) Steinbeck recalls his tour of America in his RV Rocinante and with his French poodle.

Answer: Travels With Charley

c) In this novel, Mack and his gang live in the Palace Flophouse and Grill, owned by the grocer Lee Chong. They plan and botch a surprise party for Doc, a well-loved man in Monterey.

Answer: Cannery Row

14. Given the NFL player on the cover along with a few other clues, name the recently released football video game FTPE.

10) That's a healthy Michael Vick on the cover this best-selling video game franchise from EA Sports.

Answer: Madden 2004

10) You might not recognize the close up of Warren Sapp on the cover, but you might know this game that features a first-person mode.

Answer: ESPN NFL Football

10) Peyton Manning graces the cover this game available only on Xbox. It features the ability to participate in custom leagues online via Xbox Live.

Answer: NFL Fever 2004

15. FTPE, given a statement, identify which Civil War battle it applies to: the first Battle of Bull Run (Manassas), the second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas), both, or neither.

10) It was a Confederate victory.

Answer: Both

10) It resulted in the appointment of George B. McClellan as commander of the Union troops.

Answer: First

10) It was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.

Answer: Neither (That was Antietam.)

16. Name the composers of the following named symphonies FSNOP.

A. (5 pts.) Symphonie Fantastique

Answer: Hector Berlioz

B. (5 pts.) Symphony #9, “From the New World”

Answer: Antonin Dvorak

C. (10 pts.) Symphony #1, “Titan”

Answer: Gustav Mahler

D. (10 pts.) Symphony #100, “The Military”

Answer: George Frederic Handel

17. Supreme Court cases FTPE.

A. This 1896 case validated a Louisiana railroad policy providing “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites.

Answer: Plessy v. Ferguson

B. This 1919 decision used the criterion of “clear and present danger” to determine whether a man’s right to speak against a war during wartime was constitutional.

Answer: Schenk v. U.S.

C. This 1954 case overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and mandated integration of public facilites “with all deliberate speed.”

Answer: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka KS

18. Given figures from the Old Testament, name their father FTPE.

A. Jacob and Esau

Answer: Isaac

B. Reuben, Dan, Joseph

Answer: Jacob

C. Ham, Shem, Japeth

Answer: Noah

19. Identify these forms of Japanese theater FTPE.

A. The oldest form, it originated in the 1400s and actors traditionally wear wooden masks.

Answer: Noh

B. Developed in the 1600s, actors often paint their faces white, and subject matter may include love, jealousy, and heroism.

Answer: Kabuki

C. This is the traditional puppet theater of Japan.

Answer: Bunraku

20. FTPE, answer these about Albert Einstein:

A. He won a Nobel in 1921 not for relativity, but for his discovery of this effect.

Answer: photoelectric effect

B. In 1952, he was offered the Presidency of this country.

Answer: Israel

C. He died while teaching at the Institute of Advanced Study at this Ivy League school.

Answer: Princeton Univ.

21. FTPE, given the statement of a moral rule that shares its name with a chemical element, identify the rule. If you need the symbol for the element, you'll get five.

10) “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

5) Au

Answer: The Golden Rule (Accept Gold)

10) “Do unto others as you like, before they do it unto you.”

5) Ag

Answer: The Silver Rule

10) “Pay homage to those above you and intimidate those below you.”

5) Sn

Answer: The Tin Rule


1. FTPE, name these science-fiction classics.

a) This Robert Heinlein work begins, “Once upon a time there was a Martian named Valentine Michael Smith.”

Answer: Stranger in a Strange Land

b) This Arthur C. Clarke novel is probably more famous for its film adaptation. In it, the computer HAL goes berserk.

Answer: 2001: A Space Odyssey

c) Paul Atreides is the hero of this Frank Herbert work, taking place on a desert planet.

Answer: Dune

2. FTSNOP answer the following about an ancient catastrophe:

A. For 5 points, what dormant volcano erupted on Aug 24, AD 79 and destroyed several Roman towns?

Answer: Vesuvius

B. For 10, name the great Roman encyclopedist killed in rescue operations, whose heroic efforts were described by his nephew in a letter to Tacitus.

Answer: Pliny the Elder

C. 5 for one, 15 for two, name any two of the three towns destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79.

Answers: Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae (accept Oplontis)

3. THE NEWLY DEAD GAME: Besides crossing musical lines with great success, the late Johnny Cash also helped further the careers of some surprising artists. Name the following examples FTPE:

(a) Cash’s influence on this singer/songwriter’s transition from folk to rock is evident in this man’s album Nashville Skyline. Cash and his wife June had a hit with “It Ain’t Me, Babe,” by this man.

Answer: Bob Dylan [if some showoff says Robert Zimmerman, give them ten points but scold them]

(b) Cash helped this Rhodes Scholar get recording gigs and gave him his first hit by recording his “Sunday Morning Coming Down.” He and Cash later joined forces with Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson as the Highwaymen.

Answer: Kris Kristofferson

(c) One of Cash’s biggest hits, “A Boy Named Sue,” helped popularize this songwriter, who also penned such memorable children’s poetry collections as Where the Sidewalk Ends and A Light in the Attic.

Answer: Shel(by) Silverstein

4. Pencil and paper may be helpful. A 2 ohm resistor is connected in series with a 10 volt battery. You have 10 seconds per part, but you must include the unit with your answer. FTPE:

10) How much current flows through the circuit?

Answer: 5 amps or amperes

10) How much power is dissipated in the resistor?

Answer: 50 watts

10) If another 2 ohm resistor is attached in parallel to the first resistor,

how much current flows through one resistor?

Answer: 5 amps or amperes

5. Arguably one of the highwater marks in American literary history was a period in 1884-85 when three noteworthy novels overlapped as serials in the magazine Century. Name the authors of those three novels, 5-10-15:

5) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Answer: Mark Twain or Samuel Clemens

10) The Bostonians

Answer: Henry James (prompt on last name)

15) The Rise of Silas Lapham

Answer: William Dean Howells (sorry, not Howell)

6. Answer the following about the Magna Carta 5-10-20-30.

A. First, what English king signed it?

Answer: John

B. In what year?

A. 1215

C. What was the name of the field where the barons forced John to sign it?

A. Runnymede

D. What pope annulled the charter?

A. Innocent III

7. Even if you’ve never heard of William Graham Sumner, you may know of his work. FTPE:

(a) The title of Sumner’s best-known work was this word which he coined to described the less strongly sanctioned everyday customs of a social community.

Answer: folkways

(b) Folkways are contrasted with these more strongly prescribed and generally understood forms of behavior within the community.

Answer: mores (pronounced “morays” but accept phonetically plausible variants)

(c) Sumner also coined this word for the belief that one’s own group is more important and/or culturally superior to others. Ironically, one reason his work today is seldom read is that Sumner asserted views on the genetic superiority of white people, a classic example of this concept.

Answer: ethnocentrism (accept ethnocentric)

8. 30-20-10 name the author.

30) He told his friend Max Brod to burn all his manuscripts upon his death; luckily, Brod didn’t, and published it along with interpretations of this man’s enigmatic works.

20) Joseph K is sentenced for an unknown crime in The Trial, and the main character of The Castle wanders through a weird village, unable to gain entrance to the title place.

10) His most famous story is undoubtedly the unfortunate tale of Gregor Samsa, as related in The Metamorphoses.

Answer: Franz Kafka

9. There's gold in this here question! FTSNOP:

A. For 5, give the chemical symbol for gold.

Answer: Au

B. For 10, 1940's research found gold compounds can help treat this joint disease.

Answer: rheumatoid arthritis

C. For 15, this poison is used in the process of getting pure gold out of ore.

Answer: sodium cyanide

10. Answer the following about Heracles' trials and labours FTSNOP.

A. For 10, What item was Heracles assigned to retrieve from the Amazons?

Answer: Hippolyta's girdle or belt

B. For 5 points-This would have been accomplished peacefully had a goddess not intervened and provoked several Amazons to violence. Who was this meddlesome goddess?

Answer: Hera

C. For 10, Another time Hera sent this crab to attack Heracles while he was preoccupied fighting another creature.

Answer: Cancer

D. For 5 - what watery monster was Heracles then fighting?

Answer: Hydra

11. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] Again, F5PE name the President from a picture:


1. William Howard Taft

2. William Henry Harrison

3. William McKinley

4. James Polk

5. James Madison

6. James Buchanan

12. 2003 has seen its share of winners and losers at the box office. FTPE, identify these losers.

10) This movie, featuring the winner and runner-up from the first season of American Idol, was fortunate that it didn’t have Simon Cowell quoted on the poster.

Answer: From Justin To Kelly

10) J. Lo and Ben starred in this bomb and then vowed never to work together again.

Answer: Gigli

10) As of last night From Justin to Kelly and Gigli both had a rating of 1.6 on the Internet Movie Database, tying them for worst all time with this dog among dogs, a 1966 film immortalized by Mystery Science Theatre 3000 , directed by a fertilizer salesman from El Paso, about a spooky house with a slow-moving caretaker named Torgo.

Answer: Manos: The Hands of Fate

13. Whole lotta shakin’ going on… FTPE answer these moving questions:

(a) In plate tectonics, this is the term for when one plate sinks under another, which eventually causes it to break apart.

Answer: subduction

(b) A seismic sea wave caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions

Answer: tsunami

(c) From the Latin for “nodding,” this wobbling of the Earth as it turns on its axis follows a 19-year cycle.

Answer: nutation

14. Given characters, name the opera FTP. If you need the composer, you’ll only get five.

A. (10 pts.) Tamino; Papageno

(5 pts.) Mozart Answer: The Magic Flute

B. (10 pts.)_Bardolph; Mistress Ford; Mistress Page

(5 pts.) Verdi Answer: Falstaff

C. (10 pts.) Don Jose; Escamillo

(5 pts.) Georges Bizet Answer: Carmen

15. Answer these questions about Shakespearean characters for ten points each.

A. He is the title character of one of the Bard’s bloodiest works, a Roman general victorious against the Goths, who sacrifices captured queen Tamora’s son.

A: Titus Andronicus

B. In John Everett Millais’s famous painting, she is depicted floating face-up in a pool surrounded by dozens of flowers and plants. Her drowning occurs offstage, however.

A: Ophelia

It is of her that Lear says “Her voice was ever soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman.” However, she lacks the “glib and oily art” of flattery.

A: Cordelia

16. For 10 points each, name the following cities in Germany:

A. With a population of over 3.5 million, this city is the most populous in Germany.

Answer: Berlin

B. This capital of Bavaria features Germany’s most successful professional soccer team.

Answer: Munich or München

C. The European Central Bank is located in this city, considered the financial capital of Europe.

Answer: Frankfurt a.M. or Frankfurt am Main

17. FTPE, answer these about notorious terrorist incidents:

A. An Air France flight to Israel was diverted to this country's Entebbe Airport in 1976.

Answer: Uganda

B. Death squads in this Central American country killed Archbishop Oscar Romero in 1980.

Answer: El Salvador

C. Name either of the 2 African countries where American embassies were bombed in August 1998.

Answer: Tanzania or Kenya

18. Name the museum in which you’d find the following pairs of works FTPE.

A. Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte; The Old Guitarist

Answer: Art Institute of Chicago

B. Liberty Leading the People; Luncheon on the Grass

Answer: Louvre

C. Las Meninas; Third of May, 1808

Answer: Prado

19. Give the names for these common plastic surgery procedures FTPE.

10) A tube is inserted through an incision in the skin, and fat is siphoned out.

Answer: Liposuction

10) Michael Jackson claims to have had only one of these procedures, in which the nose is reshaped to the heart's content. You can frequently see it advertised on a storefront in South Park.

Answer: Rhinoplasty

10) Commonly known as a face lift, a poorly-executed one is responsible for Mary Tyler Moore's current embalmed appearance.

Answer: Rhytidectomy

20. Circle computation stuff FTPE.

A. Find the radius of a circle that has a diameter with endpoints (2,3) and (2,9).

Answer: 3

B. What’s the center of the circle with equation (x+2)2 + (y-1)2 = 9?

Answer: (-2, 1)

C. Find the radius of the circle with equation x2 + y2 = 16.

Answer: 4

21. Answer the following about this year's NFL season FTSNP..

10) There are currently four teams who are undefeated, including two in the AFC and two in the NFC. Name any two FFPE.

Answer: Indianapolis Colts, Kansas City Chiefs, Carolina Panthers, and Minnesota Vikings (city or team name acceptable for all answers)

10) St. Louis has had a mess of a quarterback controversy, as Marc Bulger is starting instead of this two-time MVP.

Answer: Kurt Warner

10) Last weekend, this Arizona Cardinals running back returned to Dallas only to be injured in the second quarter.

Answer: Emmitt Smith


1. Name this influential rock band, 30-20-10:

30) [READER: HAND OUT ATTACHMENT] This handout shows cover art from two of their albums from the 1980’s.

20) Fronted by David St. Hubbins with Nigel Tufnel on guitar and Derek Smails on bass, and pressing on despite the untimely deaths of several drummers, their heavy metal songs include “Rock ‘n’ Roll Creation,” “Big Bottom,” and “Stonehenge.”

10) The band, as portrayed by Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer, has taken on a life of its own after it was created for a 1983 film parody of documentaries directed by Rob Reiner.

Answer: Spinal Tap

2 None of them played drums for Spinal Tap, but they’re dead anyway. 5-10-15, name the member of the Russian Five who composed the following:

A. (5 pts.) “Night on Bald Mountain”

Answer: Modest Mussorgsky

B. (10 pts.) “Scheherazade”

Answer: Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

C. (15 pts.) “In the Steppes of Central Asia”

Answer: Aleksandr Borodin

3. FTPE name these skilled Native American military leaders:

(a) Not so much a warrior as an escape artist, he led the Nez Perce on a 1500-mile trek that fell just short of Canada.

Answer: Chief Joseph

(b) This Hunkpapa Sioux chief was also less of a fighter than most thought, He was not a war leader at Little Big Horn, but he foretold the victory and his followers believed that his magical powers made it happen.

Answer: Sitting Bull or Tatanka

(c) This guy, on the other hand, was a warrior. An Oglala Sioux chief, he blocked Army efforts to secure the Bozeman Trail and forced the U.S. to sign a treaty in 1868, making him the only Native American to win a war against the U.S.

Answer: Red Cloud

4. Given a novel from the heyday of American naturalism, name the author FTPE:

(a) The Jungle

Answer: Upton Sinclair

(b) The Octopus

Answer: Frank Norris

(c) Sister Carrie

Answer: Theodore Dreiser

5. Answer the following about your friend, the virus, FTPE.

A. This is the protein shell that encloses the viral genome.

Answer: capsid

B. Viruses that infect bacteria are known as what?

Answer: bacteriophages

C. The first virus, identified by Wendell Stanley in 1935, was what phage that attacked plants?

Answer: tobacco mosaic virus

6. Answer the following about a certain Russkie 5-10-15.

A. (5.) This Russian count wrote many fictional works, including the massive War and Peace.

A. Leo Tolstoy

B. (10.) What Tolstoy novel’s heroine throws herself in front of a train at the end of the work?

A. Anna Karenina

C. (15) This Tolstoy title character only confronts the big questions of existence when he learns he is dying of cancer.

A. Ivan Ilyich (the novel is The Death of Ivan Ilyich)

7. TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE: Earlier we mentioned your genial quizmaster’s county-collecting obsession. FTPE name these states which have confused the issue for him:

(a) Reflecting the Catholicism predominant among its early settlers, this state calls its 56 judicial divisions parishes instead of counties.

Answer: Louisiana

(b) It was only in the late ‘70’s that this state formed 16 county equivalents called boroughs, among them Sitka, Kenai Peninsula, and North Slope. That still left territory called the “unorganized borough” that’s divided into 11 census areas.

Answer: Alaska

(c) In this state, by law all cities are independent cities apart from the surrounding counties. At last count there were 41 such cities, of which 14 (including Fairfax, Falls Church, and Manassas) let the county maintain their vital records.

Answer: Virginia

8. Given the name of a polyatomic ion, give the formula F5PE and the correct charge for another 5:

A. permanganate

Answer: MnO4- (M-N-O 4-minus)

B. carbonate

Answer: CO32- (C-O-3 2-minus)

C. ammonium

Answer: NH4+ (N-H 4-plus)

9. Answer the following about a dark period in recent American history FSNOP.

A. (10 pts.) Goverment investigations into citizens suspected of communism were led by this Congressional committee, headed first by Martin Dies and then by by J. Parnell Thomas.

Answer: House Un-American Activities Committee (accept HUAC)

B. (5 pts.) This Wisconsin senator is most associated with the harassment of those suspected to have communist ties.

Answer: Joseph (Joe) McCarthy

C. (15 pts.) This name is given to the group of screenwriters, directors and other movie folk who were blacklisted by the major studios after they refused to answer the questions of the HUAC.

Answer: Hollywood Ten

10. Pencil and paper may be helpful. Note the following equation of a circle: (x-2)2 + (y+1)2 = 16. FTPE (10 seconds/part):

10) The point that is the center of the circle

Answer: (2, -1)

10) The diameter of the circle

Answer: 8

10) The radius of the circle

Answer: 4

11. He was Doc Brown’s favorite writer in the Back to the Future movies, and Doc’s sons are named for him.

A. First, for five points, name this author of A Voyage to the Center of the Earth.

Answer: Jules Verne

B. For ten points each, name the Englishman who wins a bet that he can travel around the world in eighty days and his French valet in another Verne work.

Answer: Phileas Fogg, Passepartout

12. Name these South African leaders past and present FTPE.

A. This man is currently president of the African National Congress as well as the nation.

Answer: Thabo Mbeki

B. Mbeki’s immediate predecessor, he headed the ANC during the 27 years he was behind bars before becoming the country’s president.

Answer: Nelson Mandela

C. Mandela’s immediate predecessor as president, this man was less conservitave than his predecessor, Pieter Botha.

Answer: F. W. De Klerk

13. Answer the following about Hinduism FTPE.

A. These earliest Hindu writings can be divided into the Atharva, Sama, Yajur and Rig.

Answer: Vedas

B. This term designates an incarnation of a god, such as Vishnu’s appearance as Krishna or Buddha.

Answer: avatar

C. This is the ultimate goal of all Hindus, a state of release from samsara in which a person is at one with god.

Answer: nirvana

14. FTPE name these types of stars:

(a) Rigel in Orion is an example of this rare type of star, the hottest and most luminous.

Answer: blue supergiants

(b) Subcategories of these include the RR Lyrae, Cepheid, and long-term.

Answer: variable stars

(c) The remnant of a star with a mass between 1.4 and 3 solar masses that implodes, forcing subatomic particles together.

Answer: neutron star

15. Name the actors given the series and character FTPE. If you need other roles, you’ll get five.

10) He is famous for playing T.J Hooker on the television show of the same name.

5) Captain James T. Kirk from the original Star Trek series

Answer: William Shatner

10) He is Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men films

5). Captain Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek:The Next Generation

Answer: Patrick Stewart

10) He was Dr. Sam Beckett in the television show Quantum Leap.

5) Captain Jonathan Archer from Enterprise

Answer: Scott Bakula

16. Name these sites visited by Lemuel Gulliver FTPE.

A. His second voyage ends in this land of giants.

A. Brobdignag

B. During his third voyage he visits this flying island inhabited by absent-minded folk.

A. Laputa

C. This is the island on which Gulliver participates in an argument over how best to open a hard-boiled egg, soon after being tied down by its tiny inhabitants.

A. Lilliput

17. Venus is an enduring subject for painters, perhaps because she’s always buck nekkid. Name the painters of the following FSNOP.

A. (15 pts.) The Toilet of Venus (aka The Rokeby Venus)

A. Diego Velasquez

B. (10 pts.) The Venus of Urbino

A. Titian

C. (5 pts.) The Birth of Venus

A. Sandro Botticelli

18. Answer the following about the Falls of Rome(s) FTPE if exactly correct, or 5 pts. if within 25 years:

A. The Eastern Roman Empire lasted much longer than the Western. In what year that also saw the end of the Hundred Years War did the Eastern Empire fall?

Answer: 1453 (5 pts. for 1428 to 1478)

B. Rome fell many times to barbarians, but what year is traditionally considered the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Answer: 476 (5 pts. for 451 to 501)

C. Rome also was sacked shortly before in what year by Alaric?

Answer: 410 (5 pts. for 385 to 435)

Reader’s note: Do not require them to say A.D. or C.E. with the year, but no points if they specify B.C. or B.C.E.]

19. Name the constant from units and value on a 5, 10, 15 basis:

(5) 6.64 times ten to the minus 34 Joule seconds

Answer: Planck’s constant

(10) 6.637 times ten to the minus 11 Newton Meters squared per kilogram squared

Answer: Universal gravitational constant

(15) 9.31 times ten to the minus 31 kilograms

Answer: mass of an electron

20. Identify the god or creature that will slay the following gods at Ragnarok FTPE.

A. Odin

Answer: Fenrir (acc. Fenris Wolf)

B. Tyr

Answer: Garm

C. Thor

Answer: Midgard Serpent

21. For 5 points each name these tallest mountains of:

A. California

Answer: Mt. Whitney

B. The US

Answer: Mt. McKinley or Denali

C. The Alps

Answer: Mt. Blanc

D. South America

Answer: Aconcagua

E. Antarctica

Answer: Vinson Massif

F. Mars

Answer: Olympus Mons

22. Jay-Z, Sean Paul, or neither? Given a song title and and artist, identify if the featured artist is Jay-Z, Sean Paul, or neither, FTPE.

10) “Crazy In Love”, Beyonce

Answer: Jay-Z

10) “Frontin’”, Pharell Williams

Answer: Jay-Z

10) “Baby Boy”, Beyonce

Answer: Sean Paul


1. Answer the following about some crazy happenings on the Iberian Peninsula FTPE.

A. This tribunal began in Spain in the late 15th century, and contemporary estimates suggest that over 2,000 people were executed by it.

Answer: Inquisition

B. Meaning “act of faith,” this was the elaborate ritual at which prisoners of the Inquisition expressed repentance for their sins, after which they were often burned alive.

Answer: auto da fe

C. The confessor to Isabella I, this man led the Inquisition in Spain from 1483 till his death in 1498.

Answer: Tomas de Torquemada

2. FTPE, identify the cell structure given a description.

(10) Consisting of two types of globular protein subunits, these objects make up cilia and flagella.

Answer: Microtubules

(10) Sometimes called the “suicide bag”, this organelle has been known to destroy the entire cell that it is in, although its primary purpose is of digestion within the cell.

Answer: Lysosome

(10) It could be considered the cell’s shipping and receiving department, as vesicles unite with it. Its shape can best be described as a stack of water balloon pancakes.

Answer: Golgi body or apparatus

3. Name these important US figures of the Mexican War FTPE.

10) He was commander of the northern campaign and the victor of Monterrey, he was also elected twelfth president of the United States in 1848.

Answer: Zachary Taylor

10) He was commander of the southern campaign and the victor of Vera Cruz. He was also General-in-Chief of US forces at the beginning of the Civil war and architect of the anaconda plan.

Answer: Winfield Scott

10) This officer from New Hampshire used his Mexican War fame to be elected fourteenth President of the United States in 1852.

Answer: Franklin Pierce

4. TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE: Last weekend at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, your genial quizmaster saw a 12-minute presentation on the impact of music videos. (Did you know MTV used to show music videos?) The film singled out four artists whose innovative videos helped establish their style. Name those artists from songs featured, 5-10-20-30:

(a) “Material Girl,” “Express Yourself,” “Vogue”

Answer: Madonna (accept Madonna Ciccone)

(b) “Billie Jean,” “Bad,” “Thriller”

Answer: Michael Jackson (yes, prompt on just Jackson or “that noseless freak,” other equivalents)

(c) “Into the Great Wide Open,” “Free Falling,” “Don’t Come Around Here No More”

Answer: Tom Petty (and the Heartbreakers)

(d) “Steam,” “Sledgehammer”

Answer: Peter Gabriel

5. Name these John Irving novels which have all been turned into movies FTPE.

A. This novel about the author of “The Pension Grillparzer” ends in his assassination by childhood acquaintance Pooh.

A. The World According to Garp

B. This novel focuses on the Berry family, including John, the narrator, and his sister, Frannie, whom he incestuously desires, and eventually has.

A. The Hotel New Hampshire

C. In this work orphan Homer Wells is trained in dilation and curettage by father figure Dr. Wilbur Larch.

A. The Cider House Rules

6. Answer the following on the Carnot engine FTPE.

10) 2 steps in the cycle are given this name, because they occur at constant temperature.

Answer: isothermal

10) The other 2 steps are given this name, because they involve no heat flow, hence there is no entropy change.

Answer: adiabatic or isentropic

10) What is the efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between two heat reservoirs at 250 Kelvin and 750 Kelvin?

Answer: 2/3 or 67% or 66.7%

7. I’ll name some nations, and you tell me what one country borders them all FTPE; if you need that country’s capital, you’ll get five.

A. (10 pts.) Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic

(5 pts.) Bratislava

Answer: Slovakia

B. (10 pts.) Turkey, Iraq, Jordan

(5 pts.) Damascus

Answer: Syria

C. (10 pts.) Brazil, Argentina

(5 pts.) Montevideo

Answer: Uruguay

8. Identify these labor unions FTPE.

A. Under its most powerful leader, Terence Powderly, this union brought about Labor Day and opened its membership to all but doctors, lawyers, bankers and liquor manufacturers. It died out before 1900.

A. Knights of Labor

B. Under Samuel Gompers this trade union stayed conservative and didn’t advocate the strike, leading to its stability.

A. AFL (American Federation of Labor)

C. Their name comes from the men who used to drive wagon trains hauling loads, but now this union generally includes truckers, drivers and loaders of all sorts.

A. Teamsters

9. VISUAL BONUS [hand out attachment] Some artists have a distinctive style, so you know it’s their work even when you don’t know the name of the painting. Here are works by 3 such artists; name the artist FTPE:

Answers: 1) Piet Mondrian

2) Rene Magritte

3) M.C. Escher

EDITOR’S NOTE: Your genial quizmaster is currently trying to assemble his jigsaw puzzle of #3.

10. Identify the Dickens’ novels in which you’d find these characters on a 10-5 basis.

A. (10 pts.) Uncle Pumblechook; the Pocket family

(5 pts.) Abel Magwitch; Philip Pirrip

A. Great Expectations

B. (10 pts.) Mr. Murdstone; Mr. Micawber

(5 pts.) Uriah Heep; Agnes Wickfield

A. David Copperfield

C. (10 pts.) Stephen Blackpool; Josiah Bounderby

(5 pts.) Tom and Louisa Gradgrind

A. Hard Times

11. Given a description of a god from mythology, name the god for 5 points and get another 5-points for identifying the chemical compound or element named for him.

A. Egyptian sun god:

A: Amon-Re (accept Re)

Ammonia (NH3)

B. Norse god of thunder:

A: Thor

Thorium (Th)

C. Greek god of the heavens or sky:

A: Uranus

Uranium (U)

12. Logs: they’re better than bad, they’re good! Find these FTPE.

A. log base 3 of x = 2.

A. 9

B. log base 2 of 1/8

A. -3

C. Solve this exponential equation for x: 23x = 16.

A. 4/3

13. Why is science still looking for the missing link? Given the film that starred Brendan Fraser, name it FTPE.

10) This film featuring Fraser as a prehistoric caveman awakened from his frozen slumber also starred Pauly Shore and Sean Astin.

Answer: Encino Man

10) Once again, Fraser is in a foreign time as he leaves a bomb shelter only to be smitten with Alicia Silverstone.

Answer: Blast From The Past

10) Fraser probably wishes he could be in another time period after starring in this bomb as cartoonist Stu Miley who creates the title character. It also starred Bridget Fonda, Dave Foley, and Chris Kattan.

Answer: Monkeybone

14. FTPE, how many carbon atoms are present in one molecule of:

10) calcium carbonate

Answer: 1

10) glucose

Answer: 6

10) ethane

Answer: 2

15. Answer the following related literature questions FTPE:

A. What Irish poet wrote the poems “The Second Coming” and “Sailing to Byzantium”?

A. William Butler Yeats

B. What Chinua Achebe novel takes its title from “The Second Coming”?

A. Things Fall Apart

C. What 2001 Philip Roth novella about David Kepesh takes its name from a line in “Sailing to Byzantium”?

A. The Dying Animal

16. Measurement purists dislike Friedrich Mohs’ scale of hardness because it’s non-linear, but it’s still out there in use by many today. Ten different minerals represent the integers 1 thorugh 10 on the Mohs’ scale. F5PE name any 6.

Answers: any 6 of talc , gypsum , calcite , fluorite , apatite , orthoclase , quartz , topaz , corundum , diamond

17. Time to name that Greek philosopher FTPE.

A. This Sophist is famous for his quote “Man is the measure of all things.”

Answer: Protagoras

B. Mentored by Leucippus, this Greek coined the term “atom” to refer to the ultimately indivisible units of matter.

Answer: Democritus

C. This philosopher thought there were only four elements: earth, air, fire, and water; he probably didn’t really jump into Mt. Etna, though.

Answer: Empedocles

18. Identify these poetic meters FTPE:

A. Unstressed, stressed

A: Iambic

B. Stressed, unstressed

A: Trochaic

C. Stressed, stressed

A: spondaic

19. For ten points each, given an African colony, identify its controlling country in 1914.

A) Cameroon.

Answer: Germany

B) Libya.

Answer: Italy

C) Nigeria

Answer: Great Britain

20. 30-20-10 Name the composer from works.

A. (30 pts.) Variations on a Fugue and Theme from Handel; Tragic Overture

B. (20 pts.) Variations on a Theme by Paganini; German Requiem

C. (10 pts.) Academic Festival Overture

A. Johannes Brahms

21. 30-20-10:, get this guy

30: This Russian scientist’s most famous work began as a study in the digestion process in canines.

20: For this research on gastric juices, he won the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine in 1904.

10: Although his Nobel Prize is for physiology and medicine, his research was more influential in psychology. The results he published in 1903 coined the term “conditioned reflex.”

Answer: Ivan Pavlov

22. The Nine Worthies was a medieval list of the world’s greatest warriors. For ten points each, given a clue about a member of this list, identify him.

A) His conquering of Canaan resulted in that land being distributed amongst the twelve tribes of Israel. The Bible also states that he conquered Jericho by bring the walls down with the rather passive strategy of blowing rams’ horns and shouting with other Israelites.

Answer: Joshua

B) He conquered the Danes, Bavarians, Lombards, Slavs, and Saxons while creating the largest Western empire since the fall of Rome.

Answer: Charlemagne

C) According to legend, he cut the Gordian knot. More historically, he conquered Syria, Egypt, and Persia, and gained control as far to the east as northwest India, at which point in time his men refused to march any further.

Answer: Alexander the Great


1. Answer the following about rookie quarterbacks in the NFL this year FTPE:

(a) The Bengals made this USC grad the #1 overall pick in this year’s NFL draft, but are starting Jon Kitna ahead of him.

Answer: Carson Palmer

(b) The 3rd quarterback picked in the draft, this QB from Cal won the Ravens starting job from Chris Redman in training camp but has been disappointing so far.

Answer: Kyle Boller

(c) The Ravens got Boller only after trying to trade up to get this quarterback from Marshall, who has been impressive while taking over for injured starter Mark Brunell in Jacksonville.

Answer: Byron Leftwich

2. Given a simplified statement of it, name the law of thermodynamics FTPE.

10) Energy used in doing work will equal the amount of work done plus the heat lost in the process.

Answer: First Law of Thermodynamics

10) As temperature goes to absolute zero, the entropy S approaches a constant and thus all motion ceases.

Answer: Third Law of Thermodynamics

10) No heat flows between any two bodies that are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

Answer: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

3. Answer these questions about the US Supreme Court, 5-10-20-30:

A. How many justices were on the original US Supreme Court?

A: Six

B. How many justices are on the current US Supreme Court?

A. Nine

C. What president tried unsuccessfully to increase the number of justices to 15?

A. Franklin Roosevelt

D. What former president served as chief justice of the US Supreme Court after his term as president?

A. William Howard Taft

4. FTPE name these works by Ernest Hemingway, none of which were mentioned in the tossup earlier today:

(a) Cynical members of the “Lost Generation,” exemplified by Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley, aimlessly wander around post-World War I Europe.

Answer: The Sun Also Rises

(b) American teacher Robert Jordan puts his life on the line with antifascist guerrillas in the Spanish Civil War.

Answer: For Whom the Bell Tolls

(c) This stream-of-consciousness short story follows the thoughts of Harry as he is dying of gangrene while on safari.

Answer: “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”

5. Answer the following questions concerning Grace Hopper, the so-called “mother of computers” FTPE:

A. Identify her best-known computer-related invention.

A: Computer compiler (it is the program that translates English instructions into the language that the computer understands)

B. What computer language is Hopper credited with writing?

A: COBOL (Common Business-Oriented Language)

C. Possibly an urban legend involving a moth, but Hopper is credited with introducing what term to our lexicon that indicates a glitch in a computer system?

A: Computer bug

6. 30-20-10 Identify the painter.

A. (30) An ardent communist, he traveled to the Soviet Union twice, but his enthusiasm waned after he was treated poorly on his second visit. He revived the buon fresco technique for use in his public decorations for buildings.

B. (20) His Rockefeller Center mural was covered up after complaints were made about its inclusion of a flattering portrait of Lenin.

C. (10) This Mexican muralist had a tumultuous marriage to another painter, Frida Kahlo.

Answer: Diego Rivera

7. VISUAL BONUS: [hand out attachment] More Presidents from pictures, F5PE.


7. Herbert Hoover

8. Gerald Ford

9. Millard Fillmore

10. Thomas Jefferson

11. Zachary Taylor

12. James Garfield

8. FTPE name these biomes:

(a) Tropical grasslands with scattered trees, typically found in areas of high temperature and moderate rainfall.

Answer: savannah

(b) During the summer, the upper soil becomes soggy and supports grasses and sedges, while a layer of deeper soil called permafrost remains frozen.

Answer: tundra

(c) Snow is the predominant precipitation in these coniferous forests prone to cold winters.

Answer: taiga

9. Identify these figures from The Acts of the Apostles, for ten points each.

Answer: In the first book of Acts, he is selected to replace Judas.

A: Matthias

B. In Acts 6 he is selected as a leader of the Church, in Acts 7 he gives a lengthy speech after being arrested and then becomes the first martyr, as he is stoned to death.

A: Stephen

C. In Acts 21 a mob tries to kill him in Jerusalem and he is arrested for his own safety. In Acts 25 he asks to be tried before the Roman Emperor and in Acts 27, he is shipwrecked on Malta while traveling to Rome.

A: Paul (prompt on Saul)

10. Answer the following about the novel Les Miserables FSNOP.

A. (5 pts.) Who wrote it?

A. Victor Hugo

B. (10 pts.) Who is the police inspector obsessed with the capture of Jean Valjean?

A. Javert

C. (15 pts.) This woman had to turn to prostitution to support her illegitimate daughter, Cosette.

A. Fantine

11. Identify these notable names and things from the Carolingian dynasty FTPE.

10) He ruled the Franks from 751 to 768. This son of Charles Martel was known for his military conquests.

Answer: Pippin III -or- Pippin the Short

10) This most famous Carolingian ruler supplied the name for the dynasty. One notable act of his reign is changing the monetary system used by Pippin the Short.

Answer: Charlemagne (Also acceptable: Charles The Great, Karl der GroßeKarl der Große, and Carolus Magnus)

10) After the death of Charlemagne, this 843 treaty divided the empire into three sections.

Answer: Treaty of Verdun

12. THE NEWLY DEAD GAME: The world was saddened to hear the news about the passing of John Ritter, who was of course best known as Jack Tripper on the popular sitcom Three’s Company. Answer the following about the rest of his career FTPE.

10) Most recently, he was the father on this ABC sitcom.

Answer: 8 Simple Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter

10) Ritter was marvelously evil as Ted, a maniacal yet oddly composed robot on this TV show co-starring Alyson Hannigan and Nicholas Brendon.

Answer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

10) One of his film roles came as the father of Juinor Healy, a disastrous little boy, in this comedy that spawned two sequels, one theatrical and one made-for-television.

Answer: Problem Child

13. So you think you know all your U.S. capitals, eh? On a 5-10-20-30 basis, give the capitals of these U.S. territories:

a) Puerto Rico

Answer: San Juan

b) Guam

Answer: Agana or Hagatna

c) U.S. Virgin Islands

Answer: Charlotte Amalie [prompt on partial answer]

d) American Samoa

Answer: Pago Pago [actually pronounced Pango Pango, but accept phonetically plausible pronunciations]

14. Yes, more ions. Give the chemical formula of the following anions F5PE, and the charge for another 5 pts.:

10) peroxide

Answer: O2, -2

10) phosphate

Answer: PO4, -3

10) hypochlorite

Answer: ClO, -1

15. Given a quote from a famous literary work, name the work and the author of the quote, 5 pts. per each part:

a. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

Answers: Charles Dickens ; A Tale of Two Cities

b. “Rose is a rose is a rose.”

Answers: Gertrude Stein ; ”Sacred Emily”

c. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever.”

Answers: John Keats ; “Endymion”

16. Answer the following questions concerning the European bombing campaign in World War II for 10 points each.

A. Name the German city that was firebombed on February 14-15, 1945.

A: Dresden

B. Identify any one of the incendiary agents used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and US Air Force (USAF) to create the Dresden firestorm.

A: Magnesium, phosphorus or napalm (or naphthene palmitate) (accept any one of the three as correct)

C. The firebombing of Dresden is a central plot point in what Kurt Vonnegut novel?

A. Slaughterhouse-Five

17. FTSNOP, answer these questions about the Planets Suite.

(10) Who composed the Planets Suite?

Answer: Gustav Holst

(5 each), these are the two planets that are not represented in the Planets Suite.

Answer: Earth and Pluto

(10) In the traditional order of performance, this planet comes first.

Answer: Mars

18. Name these parts of your brain FTPE.

A. This is the network of fibers that connects the two hemispheres.

Answer: corpus callosum

B. This structure connects the upper portion of the spinal cord to the brain and is itself the inferior portion of the brain stem.

Answer: medulla oblongata

C. Lying above the medulla and anterior to the cerebellum, this structure, Latin for “bridge,” connects the medulla to the midbrain.

Answer: pons

19.Greek philosophers FTPE.

A. This thinker from Samos proposed a heliocentric theory 1,900 years before Copernicus.

A. Aristarchus

B. This Ionian explained eclipses and proposed that the sun was a burning rock.

A. Anaxagoras

C. This Milesian left no writings and is best known for his theory that water is the primary substance of all things.

A. Thales

20. Provide the -ism with which the following writers are most closely associated FTPE.

A. Andre Breton; Paul Eluard

Answer: Surrealism

B. Stephan Mallarme; Arthur Rimbaud (ram-bo)

Answer: Symbolism

C. Margaret Fuller; Henry David Thoreau

Answer: Transcendentalism

21. Identify the following scientific organizations from their abbreviations, FTPE.


Answer: Human Genome Project


Answer: United States Department of Agriculture


Answer: National Science Foundation


1. TRAVELS WITH CHARLIE: A mere six days ago your genial quizmaster was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, Ohio. Answer the following about some of the more unusual items he saw there FTPE:

a) A 4th grade report card for this man, later lead singer of The Doors, noted that his attitude really needed improvement.

Answer: Jim Morrison

b) A 12-minute multimedia presentation on the impact of music videos took its title from this Buggles song, remembered mostly because it was the first video aired when MTV was launched.

Answer: “Video Killed the Radio Star”

c) A special exhibit celebrated 20 years of this group, composed of Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen Jr., Dave Evans, and Paul Hewson.

Answer: U2 (Evans and Hewson are, respectively, the Edge and Bono)

2. Give these terms from genetics FTPE:

(a) The presence of two copies of each chromosome in a cell

Answer: diploidy

(b) A single strand of RNA that provides the template used for sequencing amino acids into a polypeptide

Answer: messenger RNA or mRNA

(c) A random increase or decrease in alleles due to pure chance and a small population; to kinds of this are the bottleneck and founder effect.

Answer: genetic drift

3. Name these pioneering women, FTPE.

A. As a slave her name was Isabella, but this woman famous for the speech “Ain’t I a Woman” took on another name representative of her search for the real meaning of things.

Answer: Sojourner Truth

B. With Lucretia Mott, this woman helped organize the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848.

Answer: Elizabeth Cady Stanton

C. In 1872 this suffragette was jailed for trying to vote in Rochester, NY. The 19th amendment is sometimes called “her” amendment.

Answer: Susan B. Anthony

4. Name these Muslim sects, none of which is the Sunni, FTPE.

A. This group, prevalent in Iran, can be subdivided into Twelvers and Ismailis.

Answer: Shi’ite

B. This mystical sect is mostly concentrated in Turkey and believes in a direct relationship with god.

Answer: Sufi

C. This group, found mostly in Syria, does not accept converts. They consider the Imam Darazi to be their spiritual founder.

Answer: Druze

5. Name the ancient Greek playwright of the following works on a 10-5 basis.

A. (10 pts.) Iphigenia in Tauris; Alcestis

(5 pts.) Medea; The Trojan Women

Answer: Euripides

B. (10 pts.) Prometheus Bound

(5 pts.) Agamemnon; The Eumenides

Answer: Aeschylus

C. (10 pts.) Ajax; Philoctetes

(5 pts.) Antigone

Answer: Sophocles

6. 30-20-10 Name the event.

A. (30 pts.) The impetus for the event was the forced expulsion of the family of Zindel Grynszpan’s family from Hanover to Poland. Zindel’s son Herschel, who lived in Paris, decided to assassinate an official of the government responsible.

B. (20 pts.) Hershel wanted to kill the German ambassador to France, but since he wasn’t there, he settled on Ernst vom Rath. This led Josef Goebbels to argue that a conspiracy of “international jewry” was out to destroy the German government.

C. (10 pts.) On November 9, 1938, gangs of Nazi thugs and affiliated youth set about beating German jews and destroying their homes and businesses in this event, called the “night of broken glass” in English.

A. Kristallnacht (accept “night of broken glass” on the 30 or 20)

7. Name these artists of the Low Country, FTPE.

A. Really Flemish (and thus Belgian), this much-beloved painter of peasant life is best known for works like “Peasant Wedding” and “The Kermess.”

Answer: Pieter Breughel the Elder (be kind and accept it without asking for more info)

B. His museum is located in Haarlem, where you can see his “Laughing Cavalier.”

Answer: Frans Hals

C. One of his best-known works is actually titled “The Company of Franz Banning-Cocq,” but everyone calls it “The Night Watch.”

Answer: Rembrandt van Rijn

8. FTPE give the name of the change of state from the first listed state to the second in each case.

(10) Solid to gas.

Answer: Sublimation

(10) Gas to liquid.

Answer: Condensation

(10) Gas to solid.

Answer: Deposition

9. Some world capitals are just cool to say. Given such a capital, name the nation F5PE:

a) Addis Ababa

Answer: Ethiopia

b) Tegucigalpa [tuh-goo-chee-GAL-pa]

Answer: Honduras

c) Bratislava

Answer: Slovakia

d) Djibouti

Answer: Djibouti

e) Bandar Seri Begawan

Answer: Brunei

f) Antananarivo

Answer: Madagascar

10. 30-20-10 Name this American female author.

(30) She was born in Washington, D.C. in 1896 but was greatly influenced by her move to north central Florida in 1928.

(20) Her novels include South Moon Under, Golden Apples, The Secret River and her autobiography Cross Creek.

(10) In 1939, she won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for her best-known work, The Yearling.

Anaswer: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings

11. Time to get your asymptotes in gear. FTPE:

A. First, find the vertical asymptotes of the rational equation x/(x-3)(x+4).

A. x = 3 and x = -4

B. Find the horizontal asymptote of y = 1/x3.

A. y = 0

C. Find the horizontal asymptote of y = x2/x+1

A. does not exist (acc. equivalents)

12. 5-10-20-30, name these winds:

(a) Similar to the Alpine foehn, these dry, cool winds blow down the eastern slope from the Rockies after wet winds from the Pacific drop most of their moisture on the western side.

Answer: Chinook

(b) These violent, windy storms of New England stem from intense cyclones centered off the mid-Atlantic coast.

Answer: nor’easter

(c) Caused by mountain terrain effects on strong high pressure systems, these dry, hot winds flow into southern CA.

Answer: Santa Ana winds

(d) Air drawn north from the hot Sahara interior by the leading edge of eastbound storms makes these strong, gusty winds.

Answer: scirocco or sirocco [pronounced shuh-ROCK-oh, but don’t be picky]

Also accept chili, ghibli, or khamsin, local terms in Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt respectively.

13. Given the first few words, give the number of these Constitutional amendments FTPE:

(a) “Excessive bail shall not be required…”

Answer: Eighth

(b) “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on income…”

Answer: Sixteenth

(c) “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude…”

Answer: Thirteenth

14. It’s time to Name that Elizabethan Playwright! FTPE:

A. Often considered number two behind Shakespeare, this man authored Tamburlaine the Great and The Jew of Malta before being killed in a bar brawl.

Answer: Christopher Marlowe

B. Shakespeare acted in this author’s Every Man in His Humour. He also wrote Cynthia’s Revels, Volpone (vol-po-nay), and The Alchemist.

Answer: Ben Jonson

C. Two answers required: These two collaborated so frequently that their names are now generally linked. They co-wrote Philaster and The Maid’s Tragedy, and the guy whose name comes second co-wrote The Two Noble Kinsmen with Shakespeare.

Answer: Beaumont and Fletcher

15. Identify the movie given a former cast member of Saturday Night Live and the character they played in the movie FTPE.

10) Dana Carvey as Garth

Answer: Wayne’s World (or Wayne’s World 2)

10) Molly Shannon as Mary Katherine Gallagher

Answer: Superstar

10) Tim Meadows as Leon Phelps

Answer: The Ladies Man

16. Identify these monsters from Greek myth FTPE.

A. Slain by Bellerophon, it had the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon.

A. Chimaera

B. This daughter of Poseidon was struck by a thunderbolt by Zeus and turned into a vortex that swallows ships.

A. Charybdis

C. Often paired with Charybdis, it has six heads each with a triple row of teeth.

A. Scylla

17. Name these Africans from works and nationality (hint: they’re all Nobel Prize winners). FTPE:

A. The Lion and the Jewel; Madmen and Specialists (Nigeria)

A. Wole Soyinka [pronounced shoy-INK-uh, but accept variants]

B. Palace Walk; The Thief and the Dogs (Egypt)

A. Naghuib Mahfouz

C. The Conservationist; Burgher’s Daughter (South Africa)

A. Nadine Gordimer

18. FTSNOP given the name of a physical constant and its symbol, define it, including SI units of measurement.

5: The force of gravitation; lower-case g.

Answer: 9.8 meters per second squared

15: Boltzmann’s constant; lower-case k

Answer: 1.38 (accept 1.4) times 10 to the negative 23rd joules per Kelvin

10: Neutron mass; lower-case m sub-n

Answer: 1.68 (accept 1.7) times 10 to the negative 27th kilograms

19. Identify these operas FTPE.

A. Set in Peking, in this opera Prince Calaf answers the three riddles of the title character to gain her hand in marriage.

A. Turandot

B. In this opera the title character is placed alive in a tomb with Radames, her love, who has been condemned by Amneris.

A. Aida

C. All ends well in this Bedrich Smetana opera, as Jenik wins the hand of Marenka, the title character who was brokered to marry another.

A. The Bartered Bride

20. Answer the following about an island nation FTPE:

a. 95% of the world’s Maori inhabit part of this country’s north island.

Answer: New Zealand

b. He reached New Zealand in 1840, serving as Lieutenant -Governor until 1841, when New Zealand became a separate Crown colony and he became the first Governor.

Answer: Captain William Hobson

c. While serving as Lieutenant – Governor of New Zealand, Captain William Hobson signed this treaty, along with representatives of English residents of New Zealand and approximately forty-five Maori chiefs. The treaty extended Crown authority to include new parts of both the North and South islands.

Answer: Treaty of Waitangi

21. Answer the following about a big 19th century building project FSNOP.

A. (5 pts.) Connecting Troy to Buffalo in New York, what man-made waterway was built in the 1820s.

Answer: Erie Canal

B. (10 pts.) Early on the Erie Canal was dismissed as “[blank’s] folly,” with the blank filled by the name of this man, the New York governor who advocated its building.

Answer: DeWitt Clinton

C. (15 pts.) All or nothing, name the two rivers connected by the canal.

Answer: Hudson and Niagara (any order)


1. Tell who wrote the following plays FTPE.

A. The Birthday Party

Answer: Harold Pinter

B. Miss Julie

Answer: August Strindberg

C. Our Town

Answer: Thornton Wilder

2. Answer the following about St. Augustine of Hippo FTPE:

A. In what present-day country would Hippo be found?

A: Algeria

B. What is the name of Augustine’s spiritual autobiography that details his early sinful life and conversion to Christianity?

A: Confessions

C. What is the name of Augustine’s theological interpretation of history including the decline of Rome?

A: (The) City of God

3. FTPE answer the following about conflicts between South Carolina and the U.S. government in the 1830’s:

(a) This is the name for the doctrine espoused by South Carolinians that the state could decide not to accept Federal laws.

Answer: nullification

(b) The dominant figure behind nullification was this Vice President, who chose to run for the Senate instead of re-election.

Answer: John C. Calhoun

(c) South Carolinian Robert Hayne’s 1830 denunciation of the 1828 Tariff of Abominations prompted Daniel Webster’s memorable reply, a lengthy speech that ended with this memorable 9-word quote.

Answer: “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!”

4. Can’t we all just get along? Answer the following from biology FTPE:

(a) This term is applied to two species that live together in close contact during a significant portion of their lives.

Answer: symbiosis (or symbiotic)

(b) One of three types of symbiosis, it describes a relationship where one species benefits from the relationship and the other is neither helped nor harmed. A simple example is birds and trees.

Answer: commensalism

(c) Tapeworms and humans exhibit this form of symbiosis, where one species benefits at the other’s expense.

Answer: parasitism (accept forms)

5. Much has been made of the starting pitchers in this year’s baseball playoffs, but what about the guys on the other end of that pitch? F5PE or 30 for all 5, given a catcher who has appeared in the 2003 playoffs, name the team.

[READER: accept either name or city unless otherwise noted in bold below.]

(a) Javier Lopez

Answer: Atlanta Braves

(b) Jorge [HOR-hay] Posada

Answer: New York Yankees

(c) Jason Varitek

Answer: Boston Red Sox

(d) Benito Santiago

Answer: San Francisco Giants

(e) A.J. Pierzynski

Answer: Minnesota Twins

6. Answer the following about a certain French guy FTPE.

A. What 17th century playwright wrote The Bourgeois Gentleman and The Imaginary Invalid?

Answer: Moliere (acc. Jean Baptiste Poquelin)

B. What Moliere play’s title character is a religious hypocrite out to scam the family of Orgon?

Answer: Tartuffe

C. What Moliere play’s title character is Alceste, who comes to hate the hypocrisy of society, though not necessarily all men, as the title suggests?

Answer: The Misanthrope

7. Name these groups who mixed it up with the Romans FTPE.

A. Under Genseric these people formed a vast North African empire, and in 455 CE they sacked Rome, probably doing lots of damage to businesses and homes.

Answer: Vandals

B. These guys defeated Roman armies at Adrianople in 378 CE, and under Alaric I they also sacked Rome in 410.

Answer: Visigoths

C. Led by Theodoric, these people forged an alliance with Eastern Roman Emperor Zeno in 471 CE, and of course they too sacked Rome in 488, after its fall.

Answer: Ostrogoths

8. Identify the class of organic compounds from its general formula FTPE.


Answer: alcohols

B. R-NH2

Answer: amines

C. R-C-O-R’ (read R, C, double bond O, R prime)

Answer: esters

9. Given a Presidential election year, name the losing major party candidate F5PE and their running mate for 5 more:

(a) 1984, losing to Ronald Reagan’s reelection bid

Answer: Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferraro

(b) 1996, losing to Bill Clinton’s reelection bid

Answer: Robert Dole, Jack Kemp

(c) 1948, losing to Harry Truman’s… well, actually, not really reelection since Truman assumed the office on FDR’s death.

Answer: Thomas E. Dewey, Earl Warren

10. Answer the following about an artist FTPE.

10) He studied law and economics at the University of Moscow from 1886 to 1892, but eventually moved to Germany to start a new career. Name this artist who is often considered the father of abstract art because of works such as Autumn in Bavaria, Contrasting Sounds, and Tempered Elan.

Answer: Wassily Kandinsky

10) In 1911, Wassily Kandinsky co-founded this German expressionist group of artists along with Franz Marc.

Answer: Blue Rider Group -or- Der Blaue Reiter

10) He began teaching at this art school in 1922. It focused on several principles, such as that crafts were on equal footing with the arts and that a guild system should be used to teach artists.

Answer: Bauhaus

11. Name the modern philosophers who wrote the following FTPE. And yes, they’re all in that Monty Python song.

A. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Answer: Ludwig Wittgenstein

B. The World as Will and Idea

Answer: Arthur Schopenhauer

C. Thus Spake Zarathustra

Answer: Friedrich Nietzsche

12. Given a recent album release, name the artist FTPE. If you need another clue, you'll get five.

10) Heavier Things

5) Heavier Things is the follow up to his album No Room For Squares, which contained the songs “No Such Thing” and “Your Body Is A Wonderland.”

Answer: John Mayer

10) Grand Champ

5) You may know this hardcore rap star's hit single “Party Up (Up in Here)” or for his film roles in Romeo Must Die, Exit Wounds, and Cradle 2 the Grave.

Answer: DMX

10) Life For Rent

5) She rose to fame after Eminem sampled “Thank You” in his song “Stan.”

Answer: Dido

13. Answer the following from fluid dynamics FTPE.

(a) This quantity, measured in poise, is a measure of the resistance of a fluid to flow.

Answer: viscosity

(b) This equation named for a Swiss mathematician models the pressure, speed and height of a steady-flowing, non-viscous, incompressible fluid.

Answer: Bernoulli’s Equation

(c) This more set of general partial differentials equations models all flow of incompressible fluids, and as of yet has not been analytically solved.

Answer: Navier-Stokes Equations

14. Name these writers of the Harlem Renaissance FTPE.

A. He collaborated with Zora Neale Hurston on the play “Mule Bone,” but is better known for poems like “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.”

Answer: Langston Hughes

B. Though an accomplished poet, this author is best known for the novel “Cane.”

Answer: Jean Toomer

C. He is best known for “The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man” and “God’s Trombones.”

Answer: James Weldon Johnson

15. Provide the capitals of these Asian nations FFPE with a five-point bonus for getting them all.

A. Vietnam

Answer: Hanoi

B. Laos

Answer: Vientiane

C. North Korea

Answer: Pyongyang

D. Cambodia

Answer: Pnomh Penh

E. Thailand

Answer: Bangkok

16. Pencils and paper ready, find the first derivative with respect to x of each of the following FTPE:

A. sin(cos 2x) [read: sine of the cosine of 2x]

Answer: -2 (sin 2x) cos(cos 2x) [read: negative 2 sine of 2x times the cosine of the cosine of 2x]

B. cosh ex [read: Hyperbolic cosine of e to the x power]

Answer: ex sinh ex [read: e to the x power times the hyperbolic sine of e to the x power]

C. tan² x [read: tangent squared of x]

Answer: 2 tan x sec² x [read: 2 tangent x secant squared x]

17. Answer the following about the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk FTPE.

10) It was signed in Brest-Litovsk, now called just Brest, in what European country?

Answer: Belarus

10) As part of the treaty, this country relinquished any control of lands including Poland, Ukraine, and Finland.

Answer: Russia

10) This Russian foreign relations minister announced that Russia what withdraw from treaty negotiations because of German demands to succeed territories.

Answer: Leon Trotsky

18. Given a short story name the author, FTP.

"Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"

Answer: Ambrose Bierce

"Bride comes to Yellow Sky"

Answer: Stephen Crane

"The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg"

Answer: Mark Twain

19. Answer the following biochemical questions FTPE:

a. This chemical plays an important role in addiction, by affecting brain processes that control movement, emotional response, and ability to experience pleasure and pain.

Answer: Dopamine

b. Found in both central and peripheral, this chemical is involved with thought, learning, and memory, and is thought to be linked with Alzheimer’s disease.

Answer: Acetylcholine

c. Otto Loewi called acetylcholine “Vagusstoff” when he discovered it. It was the first known chemical of what type?

Answer: neurotransmitters

20. Name these musical terms from brief description FTPE.

A technically brilliant sometimes improvised solo passage toward the close of a concerto or aria.

Answer: Cadenza

One or more notes or tones preceding the first downbeat of a musical phrase.

Answer: Anacrusis

A musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion.

Answer: Cadence

21. Name these scandals that occurred during U.S. Grant’s administration FTPE.

A. Oakes Ames bribed dozens of members of congress to keep them from stopping him and his cohorts from skimming millions from the building of the Union Pacific railroad.

Answer: Credit Mobilier

B. Grant’s personal secretary accepted bribes to help a group of distillers avoid paying excise taxes on the namesake libation.

Answer: Whiskey Ring

C. Jim Fisk and Jay Gould tried to corner the gold market in the scandal named for the day when speculative trading in gold bankrupted many legitimate businessmen.

Answer: Black Friday

22. 30-20-10 Name this athlete.

A. (30 pts.) He served as a volunteer assistant coach to a Native American school basketball team in the fall of 2000 after a stint as an assistant with the Clippers.

B. (20 pts.) One of the NBA’s 50 Greatest Players, his record for years and games played has only been surpassed by another center, Robert Parrish.

C. (10 pts.) His greatest record is the 38,387 points he scored, many on his patented sky hook.

Answer: Kareem Abdul Jabbar


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