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COURSE:Business Fundamentals & MarketingPROJECT TITLE:An Introduction to SWOT Analysis Topic Overview:SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats Related Career:Business, Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship Estimated Duration in Minutes:65 minutes Content Standard(s):30. Discuss the planning function of management. (Found under Entrepreneurship and Management in the ACOS Handbook)Tools:S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)Primary Concern/Issue/Problem:What is SWOT Analysis and how does it relate to individuals?Why is SWOT analysis so important for businesses?How does S.W.O.T. relate to the planning and functions of management? Materials/Equipment/Technology Resources:YouTube Video: Presentation: Titled “SWOT”; Harcourt: www1.gdufs.jwc/bestcourse/kecheng/.../201091917261814.pptStudent Notes HandoutSWOT Graphic Organizer Activity HandoutSWOT “Me” Graphic Organizer: www3.eboard/.../AttachmentDownloadServlet.docProcedures/Activities/Learning Experiences:Show YouTube video (attention getter/hook) (5 minutes)Handout “Student Notes” sheetHow does this relate to you? Businesses complete SWOT analysis within the business to determine their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. They can use this information for a variety of things. They can use it to lower prices or to raise prices. What would you do if your favorite item increased by $2 every month? What about if it went on sale? (5 minutes)Introduce the lesson and lecture using the PowerPoint presentation. (25 minutes)Define SWOT – what does it mean? What does each individual part stand for? How are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats important for businesses? Which ones are internal? Which are external?Give succinct examples of each using McDonald’s as a reference (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)Strengths (Internal) – good brand image, well-known name, good reputation, customer loyalty McDonalds – great brand, more restaurants than any other chain, coffee compares to Starbucks & Dunkin Donuts, most are 24 hours a day, marketing success (most successful promotion was Shrek 3)Weaknesses (Internal) – falling profits, falling sales of a product, poor reputation, lack of innovation, poor management, customer complaintsMcDonalds – unhealthy menu, have had stock prices fall, some have poor managementOpportunities (External) – development of new products, expansion into other markets, global brand, joint-development, new sources of profitMcDonalds – quality coffee at a fraction of the cost of other coffee shops, high growth in breakfast, connoisseur burgers, bargains (cheap), joint-development with Disney (ref: Shrek)Threats (External) – changes in law/regulation, growing competition from others, new products from other companies, marketing activities stolen from other competitorsMcDonalds – competition from Wendy’s & Burger King, overall social trend toward healthy eating habits, “what –if” scenario“What – If” scenario – What if the U.S. passes a law that states “Unhealthy fast food can only be served between the times of 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. and to only those who are considered “healthy”? How would this affect McDonald’s? Would this “drive” them out of business? Why or why not?Ask students if they have any questions. If so, answer them. (5 minutes)Handout “SWOT Graphic Organizer Activity” and “SWOT “Me” Graphic Organizer.Go over the activity and explain what the activity entails. (15 minutes)Activity: I will read the activity sheet while the students follow. Brief Description of Activity: The students will SWOT themselves. They will list at least three of each describing them: strengths (What do I do well?), weaknesses (What do I find difficult to do?), opportunities (Who or what is in my life that may brighten my future?), and threats (Who or what’s in my life can harm me?). Using “I” is always internal, while using “who or what” is always external. Go around the room and ask for volunteers to give me examples of each aspects of SWOT analysis. Give them appropriate examples of SWOT using myself. (5 minutes)Closing: Debrief what was learned that day. Ask, again, if any of them have any questions. (5 minutes)Provisions for Individual Differences:When I taught this lesson, there were not any provisions that needed to be made. Varied Assessment Strategies:The SWOT “Me” Graphic Organizer Worksheet(Mrs. Bonds and the culinary arts teacher took the graphic organizers up and recorded grades if they met the requirements of the activity.)Integrated Curriculum:Culinary Arts (I taught this content to Mrs. Bonds’ Business class and the culinary students came in there because they were learning about the same thing.) ................

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