Potato Chips in Life - Sacramento State

Potato Chips in Life: Questionable Leisure

Chapter XV written by the very cool Jennifer Piatt

What is questionable leisure?

❑ Questionable leisure is leisure that much of society considers as having little or no value, although there is little consensus in society as to what that actually means.

❑ Questionable leisure is leisure that is really good and gratifying at the time, but in the long term can have detrimental effects.

Prohibition and Illegal Drugs

-Is beer the basis for the amusement park?

Yes actually, in a round-a-bout (British term for Carousel) way. The amusement park traces its main origins to pleasure gardens that sprang up around Europe in the 1600s. In America in the 1800s, these pleasure gardens were called beer gardens (which is also what they were called in Germany). The main activity in the pleasure gardens and especially in the American beer gardens was drinking beer. After time, the inclusion of “amusement devices” at World’s Fairs, the invention of the mechanical Ferris Wheel (by George Ferris), Coney Island and trolley cars, the American amusement park became more recognizable in the late 1800s and early 1900s (Industrial Revolution). All that said, the two Busch Gardens parks (Florida and Virginia) should be the most perfect amusement parks in the United States.


What do The Netherlands know that we don’t?

Contrary to popular belief, many of the “pastimes” that The Netherlands are noted for are only legal in the city of Amsterdam or in Holland (which is actually not the entire country, but only the region of the country surrounding Amsterdam—kind of like a state, but not quite).

*Think of how what a country defines as illegal affects the values of those people within the country. Values change from place to place, and from time period to time period.


Did you know that Anheuser-Busch not only owns the two theme parks called Busch Gardens (in Tampa Bay, FL and Williamsburg, VA), but the world’s largest beer company also owns three of the four Sea World parks (Orlando, San Diego and San Antonio), Discovery Cove in Orlando (a dolphin based experience that cost $219-$399 per day), Cypress Gardens (a garden park) and Sesame Place, a children’s exploratory park in Pennsylvania based on the popular TV show.

All that said, less than 5% of the company’s profits come from the theme parks…they keep them around though because surveys have shown that they parks give the company a positive image in the public eye.


Las Vegas ?? Is it legal?

Actually, no. Some parts of Nevada, yes. But in spite of how it is represented often on television, Las Vegas actually has some rather strict rules regarding prostitution.

Open Containers

New Orleans?? Are they legal?

Actually, no. Carrying alcohol in open containers, even during

Mardi Gras is illegal in New Orleans. Surprisingly, however, the police never enforce

this law.


Gambling has become one of the nation’s greatest pastimes. Las Vegas is either

number one or number two in the city with the most hotel rooms, and two of the

city’s casinos cost one billion dollars to construct. Do they plan on making a lot of

money? Yes!

Pushing the Limits

Extreme Leisure, Extreme Lives

Americans are noted for their “work hard, play hard” attitudes. We push the limits daily at our jobs, trying to make the most of every minute and every dollar. In our playtime, we take the same “go get ‘em” attitude, and love to test the limits of human strength and endurance. Again, it affects our values.

**The information given regarding the five potatoes is not simply a summary of Jen’s chapter, but there is some additional information as well…so definitely read the information that follows regarding the Couch, Techno, Fried, Slot and Extreme Potatoes.


-What’s the big deal?

-Is television really an “idiot box?” In class we discussed kids and television and kids and blank, white walls. Now decide if television is really an “idiot box.”

-Did TV create the theme park?

Naturally, you know I’ll say “yes.” Understanding first that original theme park (Disneyland) and common amusement parks are not the same thing at all, it’s interesting to know that it was ABC television studios that actually gave Walt Disney the money to build Disneyland ($17million back in 1955). Disney’s own studio, Walt Disney Productions refused to back the plan, as did the banks and investors that Walt normally dealt with. At the time, major Hollywood studios feared television, thinking that if people could watch it at home, they’d stop going to the movies. Consequently, they fought to end television. Disney, however, saw it as a valuable promotional tool. No longer would he have to convince theatre owners to play his movies (theatre by theatre—there were no AMC or Regal theatre chains back then), the public would ask theatre owners for him in every city of the country because he would preview the movies on television. He promised ABC a weekly show in 1954 (cleverly called Disneyland) and ABC gave him the money (ABC really cared very little about what Walt did with the money, they just wanted the show for their network). The television show had four sections, Adventureland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland and Fantasyland. By the time the park opened in 1955, all of America knew exactly what Walt Disney had been working on, and as history shows, the place was a raving success. As a side note, it’s also hard to imagine a major theatrical release now-a-days that isn’t promoted on television.


-Is techno any better than TV? In its pure form, no. In many ways, computers and video games have replaced the television as the main way to “zone.” However, the dexterity children develop by playing videos can be valuable. In addition, strategy games help develop problem-solving skills. Never mind that if kids are really using the keyboards, they might actually learn how to type.

-Social effects on children

As one might guess, some researchers are concerned that children are becoming less and less social based on the highly individual nature of most of the time spent on computers. Other researchers (and even some teachers) argue that chat rooms, email and IMs (instant messages) actually assist children in become more able to express themselves in writing. Computers, as we are aware, can be great tools for learning and entertainment. However, moderation and monitoring by concerned parents is key to making sure kids are using this tool in constructive ways without limiting their social abilities.

-The “Porn Chip”

Another issue with the techno potato (chips do come from potatoes after all) is the slice called the porn chip. The Internet has increased the availability of pornography to not only consenting adults, but also do minors and individuals that once lived in parts of the country that frowned upon pornography in more normal outlets (in some places, it’s still illegal to sell, but Internet and cyber laws haven’t caught up, and it’s fully available to view and download online). A recent article in Wired Magazine actually indicates that while many of these sites don’t make much money, the demand for pornography in the United States is practically what built the Internet! (In case you’re wondering, the cover article was on Disney and its destruction of American culture, which is why I bought the magazine ;-)

THE FRIED POTATO (The Stoned, High, Sloshed Potato) [pic][pic]

-Are drugs and alcohol a necessary part of American recreation? Alcohol is widely accepted in American culture. Not only are they the main supporters of sporting events in the United States (ironic, since drinking beer in heavy doses hardly leads one to be athletic), Americans are also noted for getting drunk in order to socialize. Toasting a new couple at a wedding. Ringing in the New Year with a glass of champagne. Alcohol is not only for partiers, but it’s considered high culture. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but where is the line between social drinking and alcoholism? Where does this mentality and support of alcohol begin to extend to thoughts about other drugs?

-What is America’s most popular drug?

Alcohol? Cocaine? Opium? Marijuana? No, all wrong. It’s Caffeine. “So what,” you say? Well, take a look at how much caffeine is in some of the things you consume on a daily basis. Heck, you know it’s in coffee and Coke, but did you know some teas have more caffeine than coffee? And several brands of bottle water add caffeine. Caffeine is horribly addictive, which is why it is added to so many products that normally shouldn’t contain caffeine. Withdrawal symptoms are spearheaded by a drop in body blood pressure, which increases the amount of blood in the head, producing painful headaches for as long as five days. In fact, if you read some “research,” it indicates that with the amount of caffeine shoved into products to make us addicts and therefore continued consumers, all primary headaches we experience (including migraines) are simply withdrawal symptoms from caffeine addiction. It also says that stress might be caffeine-caused anxiety. I personally think this may just be a bit extreme, but here, read for yerself. Regardless, we do know that drinking more coffee can reduce headaches, as can taking painkillers, which happily enough, almost always contain a dosage of caffeine.

- One of the most common beliefs of college students is that caffeine will help them study by helping them stay awake all night. Problem is, after pulling a late-nighter, your performance on the test in question most likely will be severely reduced due to a lack of sleep. Therefore, drink coffee in moderation, and study in moderation over several days. Always get a good night’s sleep before a major test or exam.

All that said…

Peet’s Starbucks Java City Seattle’s Best

And… LaBou


Gambling is not just in casinos (so you football betters stop pointing the finger at those “slot grannies”). If you’re into commercial recreation, as I am, it’s interesting to note that the two places in the world with the most hotel rooms are Walt Disney World in Florida and Las Vegas. People love Mickey Mouse and they love gambling. Which is more destructive to American culture and wholesome family values is entirely up for you to decide…based on your values. ;-)


We are a novelty seeking species…”Been there, done that.”

You may have heard this before, and it’s quite the case. As we progress through the ages, as a species, we tend to become bored with what’s already been done before. Not 100% of the time, but in general, we push towards new experiences. In the travel/recreation/leisure industry, we have a huge problem with giving people a quality product and a good experience, and then having them not want to ever repeat that vacation because they’ve “already done it.” It’s a catch 22 because if we satisfy them completely, they will not return. Therefore, leisure industry businesspeople are leaders in giving the public new experiences to make them come back. We play up to the thrill seekers and extreme sports fanatics in society. Bungee jumping from higher and higher places, snowboarding on increasingly dangerous slopes, skiing in areas specifically labeled as “off limits,” the rise of the X-Games and roller coasters pushing past the limits of physical endurance. It all relates to our desire to create things bigger, faster, better and scarier than before.

Take time to read this chapter and see how Jen Piatt takes these “potatoes” and fleshes the topic areas out with more facts and tid bits on just how questionable leisure activities are related to the choices we make.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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