What are the six organs of the Respiratory system and there function?

|Organ |Function |

|Nose |Air enters |

|Pharynx |Throat |

|Larynx |Voice box |

|Trachea |Wind pipe |

|Bronchi |Division of trachea |

|Lungs/alveoli |Gas exchange |

What are the 3 functions of the respiratory system?

1.Over sees gas exchange between blood and environment of gas that takes place in the alveoli

3. Passage way to lung to purify, warm, humidfy air

What are the 3 functions of sinuses?

1.lighten skull

2.act as a resonance chamber for speech

3. produce mucus

The _epiglotis_________ routs food to the larynx and air toward the trachea.

The __alveoli______ is the site of gas exchange in the lungs. This is were _____Oxygen_______ enters the blood and _Carbon dioxide____________ enters into the air sacs. __Surfactant_______________ coats the gas – exposed alveolar surfaces and keeps them from collapsing.

Pulmonary ventilation___ is moving air in and out of the lungs while _External respiration___ is gas exchange between pulmonary blood and alveoli. The 2 phases of pulmonary ventilation are ___inspiration______________________ and ___Expiration_________________________.

The 3 steps of Inspiration are

1. diaphragm contracts

2. thoracic cavity increases

3.external air pulled into lungs due to pressure changes

The 3 steps of Exhalation are

1.Passive elasticity

2.air pushed out of lungs as muscles relax

3.forec expiration by depressing rib cage

Label the following respiratory graph Labeled graph in powerpoint

__inspiratory reserve volume_ ( IRV ) is the amount of air that can be taken in forcibly over the tidal volume approximately __2100 – 3000 mliters

Expiratory reserve volume ( ERV ) is the amount of air that can be forcibly exhaled approximately ____1200 militers_____________

Residual volume___ is the air remaining in lung after expiration about 1200 mililiters

Vital capacity______________________ The total amount of exchangeable air approximately _4200 mililiters.

Dead space volume is air that never reaches the alveoli and doesn’t contribute to gas exchange______ and accounts for 150 ml.

External Respiration is _Oxygen moving into the blood._________.

The alveoli has more ___Oxygen_________ than CO2 so the oxygen diffuses into the _blood____________. Capillary blood has more __CO2____________ than Oxygen so Carbon dioxide diffuse into the ___alveoli___________. Blood leaving the lungs is __oxygen _________ rich and ___CO2___________ poor. Inside the RBC’s oxygen is attached to hemoglobin. Carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma as _Bicarbonate_____________( HCO3 )

Internal Respiration is _exchange of gasses between blood and body cells______

Carbon dioxide diffused into the _blood_________________ and oxygen diffuses into the ___tissues___________________. This is opposite of what happens in the lungs. ______Carbon dioxide__________ levels in the blood directly affect respiration.

Normal respiratory rate is called _Eupnea______ and is about -__12 to 15__________ breaths per minute in an adult.

Give the characteristics of the following Respiratory Disorders:

COPD _Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease- labored breathing , dysnpea____

Emphysema _alveoli enlarge and burst air way collapses____________

Chronic bronchitis _severe inflammation of lower respiratory passages. Hypoxia pneumonia_

Lung cancer _1/3 of all deaths three types associated with cigarette smoking____

SIDS _Sudden infant death syndrome – otherwise healthy infant dies in their sleep. _

Asthma _chronic inflamed hypersensitive respiratory disease, characterized by wheezing.

_Surfactant________________ lowers the surface tension in the lungs and keeps the alveoli from collapsing it may not be present in premature babies __Cystic Fibrosis____ is a genetic disease in which mucus clogs the respiratory system.

Pg 232 top #15 1.E 2. A, 3. F 4.D, 5. B


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