North Curry Health Centre

North Curry Health Centre

Patients Participation Group

Patients Survey 2012


The survey was conducted over a four week period and was offered to every patient accessing the dispensary service

Number of surveys offered during the four week period = approximately 1000

The number of surveys completed during the four week period = 194

Not all sections were completed by all patients

The survey results have also been represented graphically and can be found on the document titled “2012 Dispensary Survey Results”.

The PPG felt it important to collect positive and constructive feedback from our dispensary users and these have been documented below. The Practice has responded to each constructive comment. Where there is a theme that can be answered collectively, one response from the Practice has been provided. Patient comments are marked with bullet points. The Practice responses have been written in blue.

Patients Comments:

The comments are as supplied by our patients and are in no particular order.

Feedback Regarding Customer Service

What are we doing well?

This section represents a random sample of answers given by patients. Comments were very similar to those below.

• Friendly , efficient service

• Everything

• Taking time with you

• Dealing with the demanding public

• My repeat prescriptions are always ready on time and I seldom have to wait. The staff are always polite

• Great telephone service today

• No complaints whatsoever! A fast, polite, friendly service even when almost overwhelmed with work

• Your website is very good now. The staff are very obliging and are a good advert for the practice.

• Prompt help in everyway

• Dispense efficiently and politely

• Polite and efficient

• Ease of ordering and picking up the prescriptions

• My prescribed drugs are always available when I need them

• Attitudes have definitely improved recently

• Most things very well

• Medicine is on time

• Almost everything is excellent

• Marvellous service, 2 days from ordering very good

• I am happy and satisfied with all aspects of the service of the dispensary

• Quick efficient service

• Overall the service works well

• Very convenient, saves having to go into Taunton for medication

• Helping out in an emergency i.e having to suddenly go away and getting my prescription early, and friendly.

• Provides a good service to patients, with good humour and patience.

• Friendly, obliging etc

• Everything

• Nearly all of it

• Dealing with the demanding public.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We would like to thank all of our patients for taking the time to offer constructive and positive feedback. We are very proud of our dispensing team. They have to work to extremely high safety standards and have strict protocols to follow.

What could we do better?

This section represents all of the answers supplied

• One member of the staff is quite rude to people, someone should have a word with her. It doesn’t cost anything to be rude.

• A training course on interpersonal skills, a reduction in the authoritarian notices, a friendly service with a smile may benefit many who lets face it are there due to ill health and may be a bit “low”.

• Generally staff are very good, one lady in particular can at times be most unfriendly and abrupt. All other staff very nice.

• Occasional delays at the dispensary counter when staff not present.

• One or two could smile

• I wish they would be more cheerful and friendly. A smile costs nothing. Most people are poorly and a bit of sympathy would go a long way.

• Sometimes the dispenser’s staff could look happier

• More personal touch. This is a small pharmacy in a village that know there regular patients but some of the pharmacists seem very distant and unwelcoming. When one is unwell, a little kindness goes a long way; the plethora of notices surrounding the pharmacy is very off putting.

• Some could be more friendly and smile, some ladies are very nice, others would be better at interacting with the human race especially being obviously not well. As collective prescriptions overall, however the service is efficient.

• A free slice of fruit cake or G&T come to mind (ever hopeful)

• Sometimes I feel I am being a nuisance when I collect tablets and you are busy.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: Thank you to our patients who have taken the time to provide constructive feedback concerning problems they have experienced with customer care. Overall, we believe the dispensary team do get it right and this is borne out by the many positive comments that we have received while conducting the survey. However, customer service is paramount on our list of priorities as we appreciate the need to get this right EVERY time. One of the dispensary team has commenced an NVQ2 course in Customer Care, which will be completed over the course of 2013/14. It is hoped that as our new Customer Service Champion for all aspects of the Practice, she will be able to cascade her newly found skills to the other members of the Practice team.

Many patients are unaware that the dispensary deals with 6,500 items of medication per month. Please try to understand that their job is very intense, requires strict protocol adherence and concentration to dispense your medications safely and to tight time scales.

Thank you to the patient who requested “refreshments”, we always appreciate our patients’ good sense of humour. Thank you for making us smile.

Other comments

This section represents answers given by patients where there were helpful comments and feedback given to the Practice.

What are we doing well?

• Most services. Except repeat prescriptions

• Having the medicines in stock, only once in the past 12 months have I had to wait till the next day when the GP prescribed something new.

• Cleanliness, waiting time acceptable

• Medicines are disposed efficiently

• Most things although it can be difficult to call by phone

• Telephone times (this was in the “what could we do better category”, however the response given below is relevant and responds to this comment”).

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: These comments were singled out as they did not relate to customer service specifically or other aspects of the survey that were grouped together. To the feedback “Most Services, Except Repeat Prescriptions”. This is difficult to answer as the participant has not been specific enough for us to comment.

To the comment “Most things although it can be difficult to call by phone” and “Telephone times”. We appreciate that it is sometimes difficult to order repeat prescriptions by telephone. This method of ordering is our least preferred method, as this is the least safe method of ordering, owing to the fact that medications are sometimes difficult to pronounce and problems may arise if the Dispenser mishears what a patient is requesting. Some Practices do not allow ordering over the telephone at all for this reason. However, we appreciate that we do have a lot of elderly and housebound patients for whom the other methods of ordering would not be suitable and this is why we have preserved telephone ordering, but have reduced the hours of access. Please can we request that patients who are able to order by internet, dropping in the tear off slip, posting or faxing that you refrain from telephone ordering to allow easier access for patients who cannot use an alternative method.

What could we do better?

Owing to the variation in comments, each comment will be answered individually

• Take debit cards

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We have been accepting debit cards since April 2012. There are many signs around the Practice that offer this information.

• Stock medicines could be “on demand” rather than 48 hour wait, for all repeat prescriptions particularly. Staff are polite but there never seem to be any warmth or greeting.

• Delivery time of two days

• To be flexible in an odd occasion I have run out of my medication, but still had to wait 2 days before my prescription would be available, I made my concern about not having my medication to the dispensary early morning I would of thought they could of got me my prescription later that day—I think you could have prescriptions (repeat) for a longer period to save staff time and not so many trips to the dispensary.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The reason we request 48 hours to prepare your repeat prescriptions is because there is a process that your repeat prescription request needs to go through before it will be ready for collection. Every repeat prescription request needs to be presented to your GP for checking and signature. Not every item can be kept in stock, this would be impractical, as some items have a short shelf-life and we simply to not have the space to keep a supply of everything. The 48 hour time frame is intended to lessen frustration for patients by arriving to collect medication that may not be ready.

• Answer the phone for repeats

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We try to deal with telephone calls as quickly as possible. There are two lines coming into the dispensary, patients to serve at the hatch and medication to be dispensed. Our dispensers are trained to finish what they are dealing with before moving onto another task; this is a safety requirement. If you are able to use an alternative method of ordering a prescription it would be very much appreciated.

• Would prefer prescription for 2 month instead of monthly

• Due to regular flooding of the moor, come to some duplicating arrangement with doctor, patient and quantity.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The Practice, in line with the Somerset Primary Care Trust’s policy operates a system of 28 day prescribing. This policy is predominantly to reduce waste medications.

• Ensure all ordered medication is actually dispensed informing patients if any medication is not available.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The dispensers try to dispense medications in one batch where possible. Occasionally, there may be problems obtaining supplies of medications and in these circumstances, the dispenser should let the patient know that there is an outstanding item. We apologise if this has not been the experience of this patient.

• Take notice of comments made on repeat prescription form. I crossed out one of my drugs which is no longer needed (ages ago) but it still appears on the form I picked up today.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The dispensary staff will always bring comments to the attention of your doctor who will alter your medical records if this is appropriate. If you believe something is not accurately reflected on your repeat prescription form, please talk to your GP about this when you next have a consultation. We apologise if this causes some patients concern, your GP may be able to offer you a personal explanation of why this is happening.

• The dispensary could be open for collection of prescriptions on a Saturday morning.

• Also a few hours open on a Saturday morning might be an advantage

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The Dispensary is open from 9.00 am until 6.30 pm, Monday to Friday. We appreciate that this may not suit all patients and their working arrangements or commitments. Prescriptions can be collected by a representative. The Practice does not have staffing capacity or resources to extend the dispensary opening hours to Saturday morning.

• Not very user friendly – too many negative notices “don’t do this/that etc”, looks very officious not at all welcoming. No privacy what-so-ever service with a smile would be nice and again.

• Too many notices- especially T-shirt just keep the leaflets- one lot not three people do not read posters.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We try to keep our notices to a minimum and have a policy of only displaying information that we feel is important for patients to know. We concur that the display concerning waste medicines (the one with the T-shirt) was overwhelming, however, we had specifically been asked by the PCT to display this information, as waste medicines is an priority area for the PCT in an attempt to save £2million per year in Somerset alone.

Where we have asked patients to stand and wait to be seen, we understand this may be directive, but this was in an attempt to address the issue of poor privacy at the serving hatch - some patients were literally looking over the person in front’s shoulder. We felt that patients would appreciate an approach similar to that used in banks etc, of waiting until the counter is free.

The message that asks patients not to interrupt the dispensary staff is intended to promote safety. The staff found that intermittent coughs, knocks and key-jangling were not assisting concentration when dispensing medication and after discussing how we could address this, a patient notice was created. We apologise if this has offended anyone, it is purely to enhance safe dispensing.

• I realise the medicines and prescriptions can change as they have to use whatever tablets are available. I currently, out of the many I take have 2 identical boxes same colour, same size but can only be identified by the name on the box and the sheet of tablets I have found this confusing.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: Unfortunately the medication that we purchase from our wholesaler arrives pre-packaged in the packaging you describe. We have no control over this. However, we will pass your comments on to our wholesale supplier.

• I would like to order hearing aid batteries on line as well so I don’t need to worry about fuel running out when I drive over specially to get queue.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: Hearing aid batteries are given to patients via the reception area. We apologise these items do not form part of the dispensary. However, there is always a supply in stock and these can be collected when you collect your medication.

• More comfortable seating for those in need (e.g. cushions)

• Certainly more comfort in seating in dispensary waiting area- slatted seat not especially comfortable.

• Cushions on the seat in the waiting areas

• Make the waiting area higher with arms to get up I have to stand as I would not be able to get up without help from the existing one.

• Tidy up waiting area. Reception area tatty.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We have measured and ordered cushions for the seating area. We anticipate that these cushions will be wide enough and sturdy enough to place two high. This will hopefully assist patients who have difficulties rising from such a low sitting position. Thank you for this feedback.

Comments Particularly Related to the Online Repeat Prescribing

What are we doing well?

• Helpful friendly service good website for reordering repeat prescriptions

• Online order very easy for repeat prescriptions

• Internet system

• Your website is very good now the staff are very obliging and are a good advert for the practice.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: We are very proud of our new website and believe that once patients have registered the features afforded make it far superior to our old website ordering.

What could we do better?

• I do have silly problems with the internet ordering it could be simplified

• Make ordering by email easier

• Website log on – directed to Lisa to reset password

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The Practice Manager has assisted approximately 25-30 patients (currently over 1000 registered for repeat prescribing) when they have experienced difficulties with online repeat ordering. Please contact the Practice if you have problems, we are always happy to discuss these and help you.

• You could select prescription from website list would be easier rather than typing in

• Update change – medication quicker, so that internet correct for placing orders.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: The screen you see when your order your prescriptions via the internet has been generated by you. This does not link in any way to your medical records held at the Practice. We have no access to the screen that you see when you are ordering your medications. If your medication has been amended, please change your screen on the internet. There is always a comment box if you need to tell us that you have done this.

Comments Related to Privacy

What could we do better?

• Perhaps some privacy when discussing problems might be preferred by some.

• Improved waiting area, somewhere to discuss medication when appropriate

• I suppose if there is a fault it is the space at the hatch does not provide privacy for discussions of medication. I don’t mind this but I can see it may worry some patients.

• The dispensary is close to reception should private information be given the potential for being overheard by other villagers is very high.

• Not really – no possible place to discuss medication in private – limitation of building

• Lack of privacy at dispensary window

• Not sure if you can do anything about the privacy element unless the seating area was only just inside the main entrance and not running up to where the dispensary window is.

• Somewhere more private to discuss medication. Some dispensary staff are more polite than others.

• Provide more space between queue and person at the counter – not very private.

RESPONSE FROM THE PRACTICE: This issue of privacy has attracted the largest number of negative comments concerning the dispensary. We appreciate this is difficult and that the space is quite restrictive. We have moved the books that we sell in aid of the Hospice as this was brought to our attention to be causing privacy problems. The books are now in the foyer as you enter the Health Centre. The seating area is, we feel, necessary to be situation near the dispensary as patients often wait for medications if they have been prescribed something while in with the GP.

If you wish to discuss something in private with one of our dispensers, please do ask, where possible we will try and accommodate this request.

There are currently no plans to redesign the hatch collection area, but these patient comments would certainly be taken into account in the future.


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