Assignment Two

Assignment – Dynamic Image Presentation + Login + PurchaseThis assignment further extends your Dynamic Image Presentation + Login assignment.Design and code a new web page as an interactive order and purchase interface for your virtual client.Modify your Dynamic Image Presentation web page to establish a linkage to the new Purchase web page.Your Node/Express/Handlebars/MongoDB/mongoose/JSON/Sessions + Cookies based deliverables must provide the following:Assignment Specification Creating New MongoDB TableSign up and create a new MongoDB Atlas account on your own MongoDB database under your MongoDB Atlas accountSet up a collection (table) by populating it with documents (records) that are in the following format:Gallery CollectionFILENAMEDESCRIPTIONPRICESTATUSabcd.jpgWhatever that is appropriate2000Aefgh.jpgWhatever that is appropriate2500Aijkl.jpgWhatever that is appropriate3200Amnop.jpgWhatever that is appropriate6700ACreating New Order and Purchase Web PageA heading that identifies the web pageAdditional controls of your choice that identifies the selected image and the price The name and description of the image and its price are to be retrieved from the new Gallery collectionTwo buttons: one button with the caption BUY and the other with the caption CANCELWhen clicking the BUY button, a message box showing SOLD is to be displayedWhen clicking the CANCEL button, a message box showing MAYBE NEXT TIME is to be displayedAfter clicking the OK button on either message box, the control is to return to the Dynamic Image Presentation web pageWhen one buys an image from the Gallery by clicking the BUY button, the status of that image on the database must be changed from “A” (Available) to “S” (Sold)The remaining design criteria are to be decided by the web page designerModifying Existing Dynamic Image Presentation Web PageOnly the images that are unsold (available) can be displayed for selectionDouble click on a shown image will invoke the download and display of the new Order and Purchase web pageAll image-related data are now in the new MongoDB collection and no longer hardcoded in either your server file or your Handlebars template file: you are to modify this web page to utilize the new collectionAll other functionalities on this page should remain unaffectedModify Existing Login Web PageWhen one first log on to your web page, be sure to have the status values of all documents initialized to “A” (available)All other functionalities on this page should remain unaffectedTechnical SpecificationCode one JavaScript server application using Node.js for routing, Express.js for framework and Handlebars.js (including usage of partials) for templating Necessary npm modules are: express, express-handlebars, mongodb and/or mongoose, path, body-parser, fs and client-sessionsAssignment RequirementsHand in your assignment by date specified on the weekly schedule in media specified in the course overviewThe completed assignment should include at least one js file, three or more hbs files (including at least one partial), one package.json file, one user.json file and necessary image files all compressed into one zip fileDo not include your node_modules subfolder as part of your zip fileNote: This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. Sample Assignment LayoutSee sample solution on (TBD) ................

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