Sustainability at Wake Forest

Wake Forest University

Sustainable Event Planning Guide

As part of Wake Forest University’s commitment to sustainability, the Office of Sustainability, in conjunction with several departments across campus, has developed these event planning guidelines.

By committing to incorporating sustainable practices into your next event, you help transform the following guiding principles into practices:

• Stewardship – You are taking responsibility for the interdependent environmental, economic and social consequences of your actions. This commitment is the first, crucial step to increased campus sustainability.

• Energy Conservation and Climate Change – Being conscious of the energy consumption of your event not only reduces the carbon footprint of your event, but helps the university keep energy consumption down amid rising fuel costs.

• Dining and Food Systems – Committing to the use of local and organic foods for your event fuels the local food economy and delivers fresher, healthier, better tasting meals to your most important attendees.

• Waste Reduction – The average American generates 4.5 pounds of waste per day; your event can reverse the trend. Recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans is now mandatory in North Carolina, so do your part and encourage your guests to do so as well.

• Procurement –You vote with every dollar you spend. When making purchases for your event, align your money with your values and purchase sustainably sourced take-aways, conference materials and more.

• Transportation - You’ve planned a great sustainable event, don’t stop there. Make sure that your guests contribute to your efforts by providing them with an alternative to single-passenger vehicle travel.

Getting Started

Encourage involvement

There are many organizations on campus and as a result, many great ideas for events. Unfortunately a single club, department, or office may not have the funds to host the event they envision. This is where collaboration becomes important.

Wake Forest student groups can easily connect with other groups using the university’s WakeSync portal at . Anyone with a Wake Forest e-mail address can log on to the site using his/her WFU username and password to access the online community and connect to other people, groups, and departments with similar interests, making collaboration a breeze.

Academic and administrative departments can partner up to share resources and co-promote events. Well attended events are the best use of university resources.

Choose the site for your planning meeting

The Reynolda Campus provides many meeting sites that are centrally located. The campus is pedestrian friendly with no point farther than ten minutes away when walking. Resist the urge to drive from the University Services Building to Benson – enjoy a walk through campus to reach your meeting point. Doing so will save you gas and the hassle of finding parking.

To reserve a room for your next planning meeting, consider using the Benson University Center reservation form online at , or reserve a group study room in ZSR library. Rooms can be reserved for up to 2 hours per day and include great amenities such as smart boards, overhead projectors, and conference tables. Anyone with a WFU username and password can reserve the rooms on the ZSR web site: .

Always consider parking when holding a large planning meeting. Enlist Parking Management if bringing in colleagues from off campus in order to reserve spaces for your guests.

Need to meet with colleagues or fellow enthusiasts who are at a long distance? Consider hosting some of your planning meetings or even your main event in DeTamble Hall. Located in Tribble Hall, this videoconferencing facility has 30 seats with power, data, and microphones and 30 additional gallery seats. The room is acoustically treated and fully ADA compliant. For more information and to schedule your next video conference, visit the DeTamble site at .

WebEx Meeting Center is another alternative for meeting with colleagues at a distance. Simply log in to the university’s WebEx site (wfu.) using your current WFU username and password. Select the “Meeting Center” tab at the top of the page. From there, users can schedule, host and attend meetings with ease. You can even share desktops and applications, collaborate on files and write on a shared “white board.” For more information and detailed instructions, consult the Information Systems WebEx guide.

Publicize your intentions

Let everyone know about your commitment to sustainability. Describe your commitment to sustainability when recruiting potential presenters, sponsors, participants, or contractors. Your partners might not tell you about the creative sustainable options and solutions available if they don’t know you are planning an event with sustainability in mind. If you are establishing a contract for services, you may want to include sustainability criteria, such as recycling, composting, locally sourced food options, or alternative fuel vehicles.

Don’t let your publicity materials contradict your other sustainability initiatives. Reduce waste when publicizing using these helpful tips:

✓ Use the internet for as much publicity as possible to reduce the amount of paper used.

✓ Chose recycled and/or FSC-certified paper for all remaining printed materials and make sure the amount of recycled content and/or the FSC-certification is clearly displayed on the materials to further display your commitment to sustainability.

✓ When mailing information, print addresses directly onto postcards or brochures rather than using stickers or labels.

✓ Make signs and other publication materials timeless by leaving off the dates so they can be reused for future meetings and events.

Planning your Event

Choose a Venue

When possible, host your event on the Reynolda Campus or at Graylyn International Conference Center. Wait Chapel, the largest venue on campus, can hold up to 2250 guests. Many smaller venues exist on campus as well. See “Appendix A: Venues” at the end of this guide for a list of available spaces.

Be prepared for the parking needs of your guests. Contact Parking and Transportation to reserve on-campus parking spaces. After you’ve reserved a lot, you must register the event with University Police. Fill out the WFU Police Services Request Form ( ) and request a police officer if necessary.

If your event must be held off campus, arrange a shuttle service for guests from the university using one of the following:

• University Shuttles: Parking and Transportation (P&T) offers shuttle bus rentals to departments sponsoring university events. Approvals of such requests are subject to vehicle availability and must be requested 48-hours in advance. For information, including pricing, or to request a university shuttle, please visit .

• Private Shuttles: For a listing of private shuttle companies, consult “Appendix B: Private Shuttles and Coach Services” to this document.

• Solar Shuttle: Consider renting the university’s solar shuttle to transport your attendees around campus in sustainable style (this low-speed electric vehicle is not available for off-campus transportation). Contact P&T for more information.

When selecting an off-campus venue, make sure to talk to management at potential sites about your sustainability goals. You may discover many more sustainable alternatives than first advertised. Some questions for the venue include:

✓ How do you conserve energy and water?

✓ Do you recycle, compost and otherwise minimize waste?

✓ Do you use recycled and/or reusable event materials?

✓ Do you consider the proximity of a source when ordering, giving preference to local companies and products?

Identify Presenters

If your event is not planned around a particular speaker, look for local experts to use as presenters to highlight North Carolina’s initiatives. If you are bringing in presenters from a distance, determine whether they can book other engagements in the area. This will make the trip more worthwhile and you may be able to share travel expenses.

Consider offsetting the carbon footprint of speaker travel through , or and encourage attendees to consider this option as well. The cost is low (less than $30 to offset the carbon emissions from flying cross-country) but the impact is high.

Explore the possibility of creating a live webcast for some or all presenters. Distribute biographical information and presentation materials to webcast viewers through e-mail.

Publicize and Begin Registration

For registration and publicity, utilize the internet as much as possible. Make sure that your event is posted on the university calendar using the electronic submission form at . Also consider advertising your event through an online press release to the various university and student news services like the Wake Forest News Service, The Student, The Old Gold & Black, and Her Campus..

Take the opportunity to involve your attendees in your sustainability efforts. To reduce waste at your event, during the online registration process, ask your attendees to pledge to bring:

✓ a reusable water bottle

✓ a tote bag

✓ a lanyard

✓ an internet ready device

You’ll be able to order less, which means lower costs and a smaller footprint for your event.

Prepare Event Materials

• Think before you ink. Only include essential material in the welcome packets for your event and leave out any redundant or extraneous information; it can be uploaded to your event web page. Make sure to print all of your materials double-sided to save paper and reference the university’s Sustainable Printing Guidelines on the Office of Sustainability Resources page for other printing related standards.

• When handing out nametags, request that participants return the plastic covers at the end of the event so that you can reuse them at the next event.

• Instead of purchasing huge flip pads for presentations and signs, consider using a set of dry erase boards with non-toxic markers or select a meeting room equipped with a Smart Board to eliminate paper waste.

• To further reduce waste at your event, ask participants to come prepared with their own paper and pens rather than setting out fresh pads of paper at every seat.

• Planning to distribute commemorative t-shirts for the event? Consider using a local screen printing company. Eretz Design, offers custom screen-printing on tees made from post-consumer recycled bottles or organic cotton and bamboo. If you want to go the extra mile, give TSDesigns a try. Located in Burlington, N.C., they print only on recycled, organic, or locally grown cotton with a water-based ink that is low on pollutants like PVC and phthalates. Consult “Appendix C: T-shirts and Take-Aways” for more information.

• If you plan to provide take-aways for your attendees, remember the mantra – less is more. Select a single, higher quality item instead of many small inferiorly made items. Look for items made from post-consumer recycled content that are either reusuable or recyclable. Source from fair trade suppliers when possible. Consult “Appendix C: T-shirts and Take-Aways” for more information.

Food Services

Contact the Posh Plate (), the catering arm of the university’s ARAMARK food service partnership, for any on-campus event.

• Be sure to ask about the availability of organic and local food menu options for your event. The Posh Plate automatically sources regional food (within a 250 mile radius of the university) when possible, but make sure to find out what will be available when ordering.

• Don’t forget to advertise any sustainable aspects of your food selections. The Posh Plate can provide signage in front of dishes indicating ingredient origin, and organic or fair trade certifications.

• Discuss recycling and other waste disposal options with The Posh Plate and consider either their low-waste or zero-waste catering options. Keep in mind that plant-based disposable bottles cannot be recycled and will end up in the landfill. If you need to serve bottled beverages, choose bottles made from number 1 and 2 plastics and be sure to recycle them.

• For all your catering options through the Posh Plate, see the new catering guide (coming soon!).

• Carefully estimate the amount of food needed for your event to avoid waste. Make arrangements with the university’s Campus Kitchen office to donate any food that is prepared, but not served, to those in need in the Winston-Salem community.

• Despite your best estimates, you may have extra food on the buffet after an event. Bring reusable food containers or large zip closure bags with you to lunch meetings and enjoy the leftovers later. Forgot your containers? Just ask a member of your friendly catering staff for aluminum trays with lids -- he or she should be able to assist you.

At the Event

Conserving Energy

Look for rooms with plentiful natural light and plan for appropriate times of the day to conserve energy. Use artificial light only when necessary. Turn off projectors and audio-video sound equipment in between presentations to save energy and increase the life of the bulbs.

Create an event website where out-of-town participants can contact each other to arrange carpools. Groups like can coordinate this service.

Winston-Salem is served primarily by the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTI) in Greensboro, NC (GSO). Commercial airlines serving the Piedmont Triad Airport include American Airlines, Continental, Delta, Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, USAirways and Allegiant Air. Taxis and rental cars are available, and express shuttle service is operated by PART from the PTI Airport to each major city in the Piedmont Triad. The fare for PART is $2.40 for adults and transfers are free. You can visit or the WFU Visitors’ Center for more information on cabs, limousine services, shuttles and rates.

Choose an event hotel close to your event site for all your out-of-town participants and speakers. Graylyn International Conference Center () is conveniently located within walking distance of the Reynolda Campus, right across from Reynolda Gardens.

Education for Participants

Make your sustainability goals public at your event. Discuss them in your welcome address and ask the guests for assistance in meeting them; they can’t help you if they don’t know what you are trying to accomplish. Report your accomplishments at the end of the meeting or conference in the form of statistics on energy reduction, waste avoidance, and other sustainability objectives attained.

Applaud your venue and vendors if they have made strides to make your sustainability goals a reality.

Recycling and Managing Waste

Request recycling bins when you fill out the electronic Facilities and Campus Services Special Event application form. If it is necessary to provide disposable service ware, communicate clearly with your attendees about what can be recycled. For example, disposable cutlery and plates are not recyclable. For a list of materials that are recyclable on campus, consult the “What to Recycle” table on the Office of Sustainability resources page. Place bins in prominent locations at the event site; always pair a recycling bin with a trash bin. During announcements, remind everyone to recycle and explain where this can be done.

Make sure that the dinnerware used during your event is either reusable or biocompostable. If catering through the Posh Plate, request the Low-Waste or No-Waste catering option. If you need to purchase your own dinnerware, ask the Posh Plate for an up-to-date list of preferred products and consider the following questions:

✓ Are the products made from recycled and/or renewable resources?

✓ Where were the products produced?

✓ How easily will they biodegrade once they have been disposed of?

Evaluate and Celebrate Your Success!

Conduct an online survey asking participants to evaluate the sustainability initiatives and their success. You can display these numbers on the web site after the event.


✓ Getting started:

o Find partner groups for your event

o Choose the site for your planning meetings

o Broadcast your intentions for creating a sustainable event

✓ Choose a date for your event:

o Get it on the master calendar

o Publicize the date electronically

✓ Choose a venue for your event:

o Host your event on campus when possible

o If off-campus, arrange a shuttle service for guests from the university

o Talk to management at off-campus venues about your sustainability goals. Ask questions about their policies:

▪ How do you conserve energy and water?

▪ Do you recycle, compost and otherwise minimize waste?

▪ Do you use recycled and/or reusable event materials?

▪ Do you give preference to locally sourced products and local service providers?

✓ Identify presenters

o Use local experts, when possible

o Encourage your speaker(s) to book other engagements in the area

o Purchase carbon off-sets for travel

✓ Secure registrations

o Ask your guests to commit to bringing the following:

▪ a reusable water bottle and/or coffee mug

▪ a tote bag

▪ a lanyard

▪ an internet ready device

o Use the internet as much as possible, only print event materials when necessary

✓ Prepare event materials

o Think before you ink

o Make signs timeless – leave off the date and reuse next year

o Purchase sustainably-sourced t-shirts and take-aways

✓ Order your food and beverage

o Make your sustainability needs known to the Posh Plate

o Choose the low-waste or zero-waste catering options

o Order only as much as you need

o Ask for local and organic options

o Arrange with Campus Kitchen to donate leftover, un-served food

✓ At your event

o Reduce transportation impacts with shuttle options

o Conserve energy by powering down equipment and using natural light

o Reduce waste and recycle

o Remind guests of your sustainability initiatives

✓ Celebrate! Your event was a sustainable success.

Students – looking for a comprehensive A-Z guide to planning an event on campus? Consult the Campus Life Event Planning Checklist. Contact Kathy Arnett in Benson University Center for more information.

Appendix A: Venues

Wait Chapel

Largest non-athletic indoor seating venue on campus; auditorium seating

Used primarily for academic ceremonies, convocations, concerts, high-profile speakers and weddings.

Capacity: 2250 (can be curtained off to seat 928 with balcony closed)

Contact: Gayle Hartgrove, Chaplain’s Office (x5210;

Davis Chapel

Small, intimate chapel with marble altar and stained glass shutters on each window; church pew seating. Good venue for intimate lectures and discussions.

Located in Wingate Hall adjacent to Wait Chapel

Capacity: 90

Contact: Gayle Hartgrove in the Chaplain’s Office (x5210;

Green Room

Recently renovated furnished reception room

Located on the first floor of Reynolda Hall

To submit a reservation request, visit:

Capacity: 200 for a standing reception (more if the patio is used)

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

Magnolia Room

Recently renovated reception and dining room

Located on the second floor of Reynolda Hall

Seated meal capacity: 150

Standing reception with stations capacity: 175

Contact: WFU Catering/Aramark (x5610; qualkenbush-tanya@)

Autumn Room

Recently renovated meeting and dining room

Located on the second floor of Reynolda Hall

Seated meal capacity: 48

Meeting with conference setup capacity: 24

Contact: Carolyn Winebarger, Administration (x.3121;

Little Magnolia Room

Recently renovated small meeting and dining room

Located on the second floor of Reynolda Hall

Meeting or seated meal capacity: 25

Contact: WFU Catering/Aramark (x5610; qualkenbush-tanya@)

Heritage Room

Recently renovated meeting room equipped with built-in projector and screen

Located on the second floor of Reynolda Hall

Capacity: 20

Contact: Carolyn Winebarger, Administration (x.3121;

Brendle Recital Hall

Designed by acousticians Boner Associates for optimal sound quality

Located on the upper level of Scales Fine Arts Center (Music Wing)

Capacity: 600

Contact: Jay Lawson, Technical Manager of Brendle and Wait Chapel (x5104;

MainStage Theater

Located on the first floor of the lower wing of Scales Fine Arts Center

Capacity: 327

Contact: Carol Lavis (x.5294;

Ring Theater

Located on the first floor of the lower wing of Scales Fine Arts Center

Capacity: 113

Contact: Carol Lavis (x.5294;

Scales Breezeway

Located between the upper and lower wings of Scales Fine Arts Center

Capacity: Outdoor area, no official capacity

Contact: Carol Lavis (x.5294;

Scales Lobby (Art/Theater Wing)

Located on the lower level of Scales Fine Arts Center

Capacity: 150-200

Contact: Carol Lavis (x.5294;

Benson University Center

To browse reservable space, visit

Third and fourth floor meetings rooms have a capacity ranging from 12 to 650

Benson 401 (largest meeting space in Benson; can be partitioned into 4 smaller rooms)

← 6,032 sq. ft.

← Theater seating capacity: 650

← Plated meal capacity: 320

← Buffet meal capacity: 279

Pugh Auditorium

← Located on the second floor

← 2,247 sq. ft.

← Capacity: 285

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

Annenburg Forum

Theater seating with a raised stage and fixed podium; wired for audio and video with

Located on the first floor of Carswell Hall (Room 111)

Capacity: 205

Contact: Patty Lanier, Communications (x6160;

Davis Field

Located next to Scales Fine Arts Center across from Davis Residence Hall

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

Hearn Plaza

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

Manchester Plaza and Stage

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

Map of outdoor areas that can be reserved through Benson administrative offices:

The Garage at the President’s Home

A detached garage that was converted into a casual meeting space for students, faculty and staff

Take a virtual tour:

To submit a reservation request, visit:

Capacity: 25

Contact: Gale Newport, Benson University Center (x5294;

The Barn

A new facility for student functions located in the wooded area near the Golf Facilities. The Barn was completed in May 2011. A well-lit path allows students to walk to The Barn from the residence halls. Two selection lotteries are held each year – the spring and fall. Student organizations can request dates for the upcoming semester at this time. Contact: Meghan Haenn, Campus Life (x2974,

Appendix B: Private Shuttle and Coach Services

Private Shuttles:

Modern Rent-a-Car, 5955 University Parkway, (336) 726-0322

Cars and vans available, no driver provided

Barefoot Transportation, (336) 723-2298

Shuttles and drivers available, mention WFU connection to receive a university discount

Black Tie Transportation, 5628A Country Club Road, (336) 768-5177

Special transportation options for your most important guests including limos, town cars and shuttle buses

Coach Services:

Coach America, (866) 500-0839

Charter buses and airport shuttles catered to your needs

Appendix C: T-Shirts and Take-Aways

| |

|T-Shirts |

|Company Info |Local? |Organic? |Recycled? |

|TS Designs |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|2053 Willow Spring Ln | | | |

|Burlington, NC | | | |

|(336) 229-6426 | | | |

| | | | |

|Eretz Design |No |Yes |Yes |

|102 W. Third St., Suite 470 | | | |

|Winston-Salem, NC  27101 | | | |

|(336) 734-3646 | | | |

| | | | |

|Pages Sports Screenprinting |No |Yes |No |

|4110 North Cherry Street | | | |

|Winston-Salem, N.C. | | | |

| (336) 759-7979 | | | |

| | | | |

| |

|Take-Aways |

|Company Info |Product |Local? |Organic? |Recycled? |

|TS Designs |Tote bags |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|2053 Willow Spring Ln | | | | |

|Burlington, NC | | | | |

|(336) 229-6426 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|One Bag at a Time |Tote bags and reusable shopping|No |Yes |Yes |

|888-478-3886 |bags | | | |

| | | | | |

|Weisenbach Recycled Products |Buttons, containers, bags, |No |No |Yes |

|(614) 251-8585 |bottles, mugs, paper products, | | | |

| |lanyards, pencils, toys and | | | |

| |more | | | |

Appendix D: Contacts

|Department |Contact |Extension |E-mail |

|Catering |

|Catering Director (menu selection, |Jessica Wallace |x3340 |Wallace-jessica@ |

|orders) | | | |

|General Catering Questions |Tanya Qualkenbush |x5610 |Qualkenbush-tanya@ |

|Athletic Venues |

|Athletic Venue Reservations (Bridger|Gregg Boyles |x4468 | |

|Fieldhouse, Deacon Tower) | | | |

|Athletic Venue Catering – ARAMARK |Jessica Wallace |x3340 |Wallace-jessica@ |

|Athletic Venue Catering – Deacon |Jack and Pam Welker, Catered Affairs by |(336) 759-0003 | |

|Tower |Rumac | | |

|Mail Services |

|Mail Services ( |Meri Silveri |x1922 | |

|Spray on addresses from Excel file; | | | |

|Seal; Meter; Fold) | | | |

|Parking Services |

|Davis Field Parking |Gale Newport |x5230 | |

|On-Campus and Off-Campus Lots |Alex Crist |x2558 |Special Event application form |

|Security for Reserved Lot |David Jones |x5147 | |

|Photographer |

|University Photographer |Ken Bennett |x6009 | |

|Printing Services |

|Simple copies, laminating, lay-out |WFU Copy Shop |x5251 | |

|Nametags, placecards, menu cards, |WFU Print Services at BioMed (Medical |336.716.7992 | |

|invitations |School) | | |

|University Calendar |

|University Calendar | | | |


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