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Situational AttributionDispositional AttributionWhile walking to class, Tim trips in the hallway.Sue graduated from Duke but she can has not been hired for the jobs she has applied for.On the way to work Jillian got into a minor accident.Jack tried out for the soccer team but he did not make the roster.Ms. Hall is having trouble with her students’ behavior.Julie was very quiet during the lecture and did not participate in the discussion.Brett tried to help around the house by making dinner, but he burnt the chicken.Natalie wins the poetry writing competition in her school, but fails to get it published in a leading magazine.Jeff gets a bad grade on his science quiz.Monica is standing in line to buy tickets for a movie, when someone pushes her.While at dinner, Jason spills his water all over his date.Manchester United loss the game against Real Madrid.While getting dressed for work, Amanda wears two different colors of shoes to the office.Frank’s golden retriever puppy escaped out of the fenced in yard.Judy shows up to work 20 minutes late.Name: __________________________________________________________ Block: _____________ Date: _________________________________________Situational AttributionDispositional Attribution ................

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