Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Dispositional vs. Situational

Fundamental Attribution Error: social psychological theory that maintains people explain others behavior by __________________________________ and underestimating the impact of situational influences.

Dispositional Example: those who took part in the Abu Ghraib abuse were sadists or prone to _______________.

Situational Example: external influences and the _________________________ mostly explains the abuse that took place at Abu Ghraib.

Social Thinking

How we explain someone’s behavior affects how we react to it

Diffusion of Responsibility

Diffusion of Responsibility is a social phenomenon which tends to occur in groups of people above a ____________________ when responsibility is not explicitly assigned.


Bystander Apathy: _______________ emergency victim when many people around.

“Just following orders”—happens in ___________________

Firing Squads: ________________________.

Group Pressure and Conformity

Conformity: means to adjust your behavior to _____________________

Solomon’s Asch’s study illustrated the power of ___________________________

Obedience to Authority

_______________________ study is most famous for illustrating the powerful situational influence of authority.

Study completed in 1963. Milgram created the study in part because of his ____________________________

“If Hitler asked you, would you execute a stranger?”

Milgram’s Obediance Study

Participants are told they are participating in a study based on the ______________


3 Basic People in Study:

Participant: _________________ who will read word pairs to the “student.”

Student: __________________that will be shocked if answers incorrectly.

Experimenter: ______________ in lab coat that instructs the participant what to do.

Milgram’s Experimental Design

The range of electrical shocks had 30 variables ranging from mild shock (15 volts) to __________________________ and XXX (450 Volts).

Milgram’s Obedience Study

Major Question: how many people would inflict the __________________ on the “learner?”

Prior to the experiment, psychologists believed _________________ would inflict maximum damage.

Actual Results:

__________________________ gave “learner” maximum shock despite feelings of discomfort, no participant stopped prior to 300 volt level.

In studies compliance was as _____________________ and as low as 10% depending on the variables used.

The Power of Obedience: How?

Start with an ___________---purpose is to help science find better ways of learning.

Use authority to legitimate ideology---______________________

Give people desirable roles with meaningful status--___________________

Have rules that channel behavioral options and agree to them before “game” begins---_____________________________ and purpose.

Have initial harmful act be _____________ and subsequent acts escalate gradually---moves from slight shock gradually to severe…____________________________

The Power of Obedience: How?

______________________ for consequences on authority---Experimenter explains he is liable to the “teacher.”

Put Actors in a _________________ they are not used to---laboratory

Don’t allow usual forms of dissent to lead to disobedience---____________________

______________________. “It is absolutely essential that you continue.”

Factors which Influenced Compliance in Milgram’s Study

Obedience highest when:

-person giving orders is _____________ at hand.

-authority figure is supported by _____________________.

-victim is ______________________and in another room.

-there are _____________________ for defiance.


Deindividuation: the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and ___________________.

Women dressed in depersonalizing outfits or masks delivered higher levels of shocks than those who were ______________________.

Some argue the process involved in creating soldiers in the military involves ________________________


Dehumanization: the ability to view the victims of violence as somehow __________________________

Humans find it easier to inflict and rationalize violence against victims who seem _______________________________

Bandura’s Dehumanization Experiments

Group of ______________________ were to help train other visiting college students using shocks when they erred.

Participants overhear 1 of 3 statements:

Neutral: the subjects from the other school are here.

Humanized: the subjects from the other school are here and they seem ___________

Dehumanized: the subjects from the other school are here and they seem like ______.

Results: _______________________ toward dehumanized labeled individuals.

Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment

Ordinary college students were randomly divided into groups of “________________________”

“Prisoners” were “arrested” in their homes by real policemen, strip searched, deloused and put into a “jail” created in the basement of the ______________________________.

Deindividuation and Dehumanization In Stanford Prison Experiment


Referred to only as a _________________

Wore ill-fitting smocks without _________________

Wore nylon panty-hose over head to simulate _________________

Wore small chain around ankle to remind them of their _____________________.

Deindividuation and Dehumanization in Stanford Prison Experiments


Wore military style uniform, ______________________

Given reflective sunglasses to ______________________.

Only referred to prisoners by their ___________________

Results of Experiment

___________________ affected both groups attitudes.

After a revolt on the 2nd day, “Prison Guards” became more and ________________ in enforcing the law.

“Prisoners” broke down and became more _______________

“Guards” most sadistic when thought experimenters were ____________________

Experiment eventually had to be __________________

Day 2

Social Psychology: Attitudes, Group Influences, Social Relations, Attraction, and Altruism

Bump or Jump Illustrates:

Social Trap: a situation in which the conflicting parties, by each rationally pursuing their self-interest gets caught in ___________________________.

Do Attitudes Guide Our Actions?

Attitude: ____________________ that predispose our reaction to objects, people, and events.

Our behavior is affected by our ______ attitudes as well as by ______________social influences:

Attitudes are Likely to Affect Actions When:

Outside influences on what we say and do are ________________

The attitude is ____________________ relevant to the behavior.

We are keenly aware of our _______________.

Do Our Actions Affect Our Attitude?

Foot in the Door Phenomenon: tendency to comply with a _________________ after agreeing to a small one.

Ex: P.O.W.’s in Korean War

Cognitive Dissonance: when our awareness of our attitudes and our actions clash, we can reduce the discomfort (dissonance) by _____________________

Group Influences

Reasons for Conformity:

Normative Social Influence: influence from a person’s desire to _________________________________

Informational Social Influence: influence resulting from one’s ___________________________ others opinions about reality.

Conformity and Informational Influence

Conformity with a group is a highest when the task is _____________________

Group Influences

Social Facilitation: improved performance of tasks in the ________________. Occurs with simple or well-learned tasks but not with tasks that are difficult or not yet mastered.

Why? When others are around us we become physiologically aroused.

Arousal _____________________ but not with difficult.

EX: Running vs. New Math Problem

Group Influences

Social Loafing: the tendency for people in a group to _______________________ toward attaining a common goal than when individually accountable.

Especially common among men in _________________________.

Leads to the “free-rider” problem

Effects of Group Interaction

Group Polarization: the enhancement of a ________________________ through discussion within the group.

Ex: non-racist vs. racist students meeting to discuss issues. Each sides attitudes will be amplified.

Groupthink: the mode of thinking that occurs when the desire ___________ in a decision making group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives.

Power of Individuals

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: occurs when one person’s belief about others leads one to act in ways that induce the others to appear to _______________________

Man who believes woman is attracted to him; women more likely to act that way or vice-versa.

Social Interactions


an ___________________ (and usually negative) attitude toward a group and its members

involves _____________________, negative feelings, and a predisposition to discriminatory action


a ________________ (often overgeneralized) belief about a group of people

Us vs. Them

Ingroup: “Us”---people who one shares a __________________.

Outgroup: “Them”---those perceived as different or apart of ________________

Ingroup bias: the tendency to _________________________

Scapegoat theory: the theory that prejudice an outlet for anger by providing __________________________

Nazis scapegoat jews for economic frustration. “If the Jews did not exist, we should have to invent him.”

Roots of Prejudice

______________________________: the tendency of people to believe the world is just and that people therefore get what they deserve and deserve what they get.

Example: social darwinism…p.666


Causes of Aggression:

Neural Influences: stimulation to certain neural regions can ___________________

Biochemical Influences: ______________________ correlate with aggressive behavior…2-way…testosterone boosts and is boosted by aggressive behavior.

Alcohol: 4/10 _______________…3/4 spousal abuse

Causes of Aggression

Frustration-Aggression Principle: the principle that frustration---the blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal---creates anger, which can _____________________.

Aversive stimuli also increases aggression…ex: more spousal abuse in hotter years and months.

Media and Aggression

Average child sees _________________ and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school on TV…desensitization?

In the U.S. and Canada, homicide rates doubled between 1957 and 1974, coinciding with the ____________________________

“Rape Myth”…pornography that portrays sexual aggression as pleasurable for the victim _________________________ of coercion in sexual relations.

Psychology of Attraction

Importance of ______________: can’t fall in love with someone you’ve never met.

Mere Exposure Effect: the phenomenon that repeated exposure to novel stimuli increases the liking of them…______________________.

Similarity also is a strong determinant of attraction: ____________________, interests, and attitudes.


Passionate Love: an aroused state of intense positive absorption in another, usually present at the beginning of a ______________________.

Companionate Love: the deep _____________________ we feel for those whom our lives are intertwined.

Making Love Last

Equity: a condition in which people receive from a relationship in proportion to what they give to it…decision-making, _______________, etc.

Self Disclosure: revealing ___________________ of oneself to others breeds liking.


Altruism: ______________________ for the welfare of others.

Bystander Effect: less likely to give aid if others are present..__________________

Increasing Altruism & Cooperation

Social Exchange Theory: the theory that our social behavior is an exchange process, the aim of which is to ______________________________. Ex: volunteer at homeless shelter if believe benefits (good feelings, etc.) outweigh costs (time, effort, etc.)

Superordinate Goals: shared goals that override differences among people and require their ______________________. Ex: Remember the Titans


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