Loudoun County Public Schools

Chapter 18- Social Psych NotesFundamental Attribution Error-Dispositional vs. Situational Fundamental Attribution Error ( Fritz Heider)-Dispositional Vs. Situational ( How behaviors are explained)-What causes good people to behave badly?Diffusion of Responsibility-Conformity-Solomon Asch Study-70421517399000Description:Findings of study:Ethical considerations:What factors made people more likely to conform:The Process of Deindividuation-Dehumanizing Others--57404024257000Bandura Study-Description:Findings of study:Ethical considerations:What factors made people more likely to conform:Obedience to Authority-Obedience to Authority and The Milgram Study -7264404699000Description:Findings of study:Ethical considerations:What factors made people more likely to conform:Conforming to a RoleZimbardo Study -7753354953000Description:Findings of study:Ethical considerationsWhat factors made people more likely to conform:Chapter 18 – Social Psychology NotesHow attitudes, groups’ influences, social interaction, attraction and altruism change our behaviorsAttitudes-Self- Fulfilling Prophecy-Foot in the Door-Cognitive Dissonance-Group InfluenceSocial Trap-Normative Vs. Social Influences-Social Facilitation-Social Loafing-Group Polarization-GroupThink-Social Interaction-Prejudice vs. Stereotype-In-group vs. Out-group-Scapegoat Theory-Causes of Prejudice-Categorization-Vivid cases-Just World Phenomenon-AggressionCauses of AggressionFrustration –Aggression Principle-Media and AggressionAttractionWho are we attracted to?Proximity-Mere Exposure Effect-Similarity-LovePassionate vs. Companionate-Making Love LastEquity-Self Disclosure-Being AltruisticAltruism-Bystander Effect-Social Exchange Theory-Super ordinate Goals- ................

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