[TITLE][Author’s Name][DATE Degree will be conferred — DECEMBER 2020 or MAY 2021]A DISSERTATIONSubmitted to the faculty of Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of [Doctor of Philosophy of _______] in the Department of [Department] DISSERTATION COMMITTEE[Instructor’s name], Ph.D. Chief Instructor[Name], Ph.mittee Member[Name], Ph.D. Committee MemberABSTRACTThe text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. The text is repeated to illustrate the layout of an abstract. Abstract should be organized in the following order: Statement of the Problem Procedure and/or MethodsResultsConclusion[WORD COUNT = ~350 – If it results in two pages, count the second page as another page count] ? 2020[YOUR NAME]ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDACADEMIC HISTORYName [in Full]: Date: [Same as on Title Page]Baccalaureate Degree:Source: [Institution Name] Date: [of B.A./B.S. Degree]Other degrees, with dates and sources:Occupation and Academic Connection since date of baccalaureate degree:DEDICATION (IF ANY)[You may wish to use a dedication to thank family, friends, etc. for their support of your efforts…Your dedication may be single or double-spaced and is usually centered.If you have a Dedication Page, this page will be page v.]ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (IF ANY)[I wish to thank Professor ABC, for her/his support of this research and for her/his patience and guidance...][If you do not include a Dedication Page, delete the Dedication Page and make this page v.]Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u LIST OF FIGURES PAGEREF _Toc1562487 \h viiiLIST OF TABLES PAGEREF _Toc1562488 \h ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [IF ANY] PAGEREF _Toc1562489 \h xOUTLINE OF THESIS [IF ANY] PAGEREF _Toc1562490 \h xiChapter 1 [Chapter 1 Title] PAGEREF _Toc1562491 \h 11.1 Heading Styles PAGEREF _Toc1562492 \h 11.2 Numbering of Headings PAGEREF _Toc1562493 \h 21.3 Document Paragraphs PAGEREF _Toc1562494 \h 21.3.1 First Paragraph Following Heading 2 PAGEREF _Toc1562495 \h 21.3.2 Other Paragraphs PAGEREF _Toc1562496 \h 2Chapter 2 – Heading 1 [Chapter 2 Title] PAGEREF _Toc1562497 \h 31.4 [Section 2 – Heading 2] PAGEREF _Toc1562498 \h 31.4.1 [Sub-Section 2 – Heading 3] PAGEREF _Toc1562499 \h 3BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGEREF _Toc1562500 \h 4APPENDIX PAGEREF _Toc1562501 \h 5 TOC \o "1-3" \t "Front_Head,1,Appendix,1" LIST OF FIGURES TOC \h \z \c "Figure" No table of figures entries found.LIST OF TABLES TOC \h \z \c "Table" No table of figures entries found.LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS [IF ANY]OUTLINE OF DISSERTATION [IF ANY][This thesis will review… Chapter 1 will examine…etc.]Chapter 1[Chapter 1 Title]Directions to use this template (you can delete these instructions and insert your text here):Replace all text in parentheses in the front part of the document with your own information.Select the text “Chapter 1 Title” and replace it with the title of your first chapter.Delete the remainder of the body text and replace it with your text.To begin a new chapter select “Heading 1” from the “Styles” menu.To begin a new chapter section (one numbered 1.1, or 1.2 or 3.1, etc.) select “Heading 2” from the “Styles” menu.To begin a new subsection (one numbered 1.1.1 or 3.2.3 etc.) select “Heading 3” from the “Styles” menu.If you have more than 3 levels of headings, you must select the appropriate heading style (Heading 4, Heading 5, etc.) from the “Style” drop down menu. (Note that Chapters are Heading 1 styles, Sections are Heading 2 styles, and subsections are Heading 3 styles).When you are ready to generate/update the Table of Contents, click inside the current Table of Contents area so everything is highlighted, click “Update Field” on the top left corner and select “Update entire table.” An updated Table of Contents will replace the existing one.To generate a List of Figures or List of Tables, select the text under the appropriate heading, click the “References” tab, click “Insert Table of Figures,” under the General section click on the drop-down menu of “Caption Label” and select either “Figure” or “Table.” There are a number of styles used in this thesis template. More details on these styles and others are described below.Heading StylesSix levels of headings have been defined, Heading 1 through Heading 6. For the purpose of this document, Heading 1s are called Chapters, Heading 2s are called Sections and Heading 3 sub-sections. If you need more, you can define more. Word actually permits up to 9 heading levels.The headings have been defined in the Calibri font, and all are aligned on the left, other than Chapters. Varying font sizes and styles have been defined. The alignment (centered vs. left aligned) and the font sizes and weights can all be changed by doing a Format, Style, selecting the desired style, and making any necessary modifications.Heading 1 paragraphs always begin on a new page.Numbering of HeadingsThis template numbers the headings in a legal numbering format. You may choose not to number headings, or to choose a different numbering style, perhaps A, B, C—1, 2, 3 –a), b), c) etc. The numbering style can be changed via Format, Bullets and Numbering.Document ParagraphsFirst Paragraph Following Heading 2All headings will be followed automatically by a paragraph with a style called Body Text. Body Text paragraphs do not have an indent on the first line.Other ParagraphsAll other paragraphs of the document have an indented first line. These paragraphs have a style called Body Text First Indent.Body Text First Indent paragraphs have a first line that is indented. Body Text paragraphs will be followed automatically by Body Text First Indent paragraph.Chapter 2 – Heading 1[Chapter 2 Title][Section 2 – Heading 2][Sub-Section 2 – Heading 3]BIBLIOGRAPHY [May be single-spaced and must appear as the last section unless an Appendix is included]APPENDIXAppendix A [Insert Information Here] ................

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