Table of Definitive Questions for Learning Theories

|Table of Definitive Questions for Distance Learning Models |

| |Online Courses |Blended/Hybrid |Web-facilitated Courses |

| | |Courses | |

|How much content is delivered online? |Online courses consist of most |Combines online and face-to-face |Web-based technology, but less than 30% |

| |content being delivered online. 80%|delivery; 30% to 79% of the course’s |of the content is delivered online |

| |of the content is offered online |content is delivered online (Simonson, |Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S.|

| |(Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & |M., Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S. (2015) |(2015) |

| |Zvacek, S. (2015) | | |

|How much separation is there between the learner and|Separation of teacher and student |Blended/Hybrid Courses combine some sort |There may be face-to-face delivery, but |

|the facilitator? |geographically and in time. |of face-to-face delivery which will |generally there is use of new media |

| |Asynchronous distance education can|consist of some type of same time |technologies like Web 2.0, Learning |

| |be accessed anytime from anywhere |delivery method. Which allows for the |Management Systems, Web Pages, Videos |

| |there is also some form of |student and instructor to have more |and audio in the instructors’ delivery |

| |intellectual separation of the |interaction face-to-face combined with |(Regents of the University of California|

| |student and teacher (Simonson, M., |the normal online format or a more |(2015). |

| |Smaldino, S., & Zvacek, S. (2015) |synchronously and asynchronously learning| |

| | |method (Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., & | |

| | |Zvacek, S. (2015) | |

| | | | |

|In what ways is technology used with each model? |80% of interaction and assignments |A substantial amount of interaction is |1 to 29 percent of the delivery is |

| |are done through the internet |done through internet 30 to 79 percent |through the internet (Allen and Seaman |

| |(Allen and Seaman (2006). |(Allen and Seaman (2006). |(2006). |

|Identify 2-3 pros for each model. |Convenience-relational to study |Collaboration between students and |Easily updated perpetual resource- due |

| |location, time and course duration.|instructor increased via online |to the changes in practice and constant |

| |No commuting, no geographic |platforms- collaboration of online |feedback from students the instructor |

| |location constraints, no learning |discussion, blogs, instant messages etc. |will often update or even alter their |

| |pace constraints can learn at your |Students are able to connect with each |courses (Cook, 2007) |

| |own convenience. |other in or out of the classroom. |Individualized learning- learners are |

| |Less Expensive- Generally these |(Bright, 2015) |given greater control of their learning |

| |courses cost less than your regular|Increased accessibility- improved access |environments in that they are able to |

| |academic or trade school courses. |student attitudes towards learning. |choose numerous ways to learn and at |

| |No travel and housing costs to |Students able to access materials anytime|their own pace (Cook, 2007) |

| |classroom, attendees can continue |and anywhere (Bright, 2015) |Adaptive instruction- individualized |

| |working their jobs while attending |Successful Evaluations- Better student |learning experiences by using |

| |courses. |evaluations via use of online testing and|information about the learner alter and |

| |Technology- You can work on the |assessments with reporting features. |therefore optimize the learning |

| |course just about anywhere you have|Better self-evaluations due to quick |experience (Cook, 2007) |

| |computer and internet access. |feedback (Bright, 2015) | |

| |Opportunity to learn new technology| | |

| |and software (Kumar, 2015) | | |

|Identify 2-3 cons for each model. |Limited Social Interaction, |1. Some students may struggle- students |1. Social Isolation- flexibility in time|

| |Technology cost and technology and |that are less mature and self-directed |and location mean that the learner |

| |effectiveness of assessments |may struggle and perform poorly in this |generally studies alone, which over time|

| |(Kumar, 2015) |sort of learning (Young, 2013) |could be perceived as isolation (Cook, |

| | |2. Student Support- Those requiring |2007) |

| | |additional assistance and support due to |2. De Individualized instruction- often |

| | |disabilities will likely struggle and |WBI fails to respond to the |

| | |need technical supports (Young, 2015) |individualized needs of the learner. |

| | |3. Technological Issues can pose a |3. Poor instructional design- quality is|

| | |problem for both the instructor and the |generally dependent on the teaching |

| | |student (Young, 2015) |settings. Most of the time in WBI there |

| | | |is learning without an instructor for |

| | | |clarification (Cook, 2007) |

|What factors need to be considered when implementing|Content then design- determine the |Instructional method- How can the |Physicality of the Web facilitated |

|each model? |elements and content you intend to |specific learning objective be delivered |course- Appropriate parking for all |

| |use in your course (University of |most effectively (Blended Learning |learners despite disability to include |

| |Arkansas at Little Rock) |Toolbox, n.d.?) |access into buildings, doorways, |

| |Restructuring content for delivery-|Organization of the course content and |bathrooms etc. Reserving appropriate |

| |Engaging the learner in a higher |supporting materials- most suitable |space- cost, size, sound quality |

| |level of learning, encouraging |sequencing and transition between online |Learners access and knowledge of |

| |active participation (Siminson & |and face to face learning. Should |technologies necessary for course |

| |Schlosser, (2009). |existing content of your own or a |Determining which part will be web based|

| |Content should be easy to navigate |publishers package course be used |and designing the curriculum or content |

| |and have high quality images |(Blended Learning Toolbox, n.d.?) |accordingly. |

| |(Siminson & Schlosser, (2009) |Defining a Course Interaction and |Time management- availability for |

| | |Assessment Strategy- Determining the |participants as well as the ease of |

| | |types of activities, assignments, |joining the course and convenience. |

| | |interactive exercises and assessment is |ROI- Determine what form of feedback |

| | |critical for the students understanding |will be used (smile sheets, survey etc.)|

| | |and applicability of what they are | |

| | |learning (Blended Learning Toolbox, | |

| | |n.d.?) | |

| | |Communication- communication and feedback| |

| | |are crucial to building a quality blended| |

| | |learning experience. This includes | |

| | |appropriate student to faculty contact | |

| | |and collaboration and interaction with | |

| | |fellow students to include prompt | |

| | |feedback (Blended Learning Toolbox, | |

| | |n.d.?) | |

| | |Logistical Considerations- Awareness of | |

| | |the technologies, services and supports | |

| | |available to the instructor and students | |

| | |as well as referrals to campus wide | |

| | |supports (Blended Learning Toolbox, | |

| | |n.d.?) | |

|Which model would best fit in your current |In my organization an online model | | |

|organization or learning experience, and why? |would be best. As this particular | | |

| |learning allows for the learner to | | |

| |have the convenience of completing | | |

| |their courses through a Learning | | |

| |Management System, from the comfort| | |

| |of their homes, offices or even | | |

| |while deployed. The other benefit | | |

| |of such learning is the ability to | | |

| |go back and review a video, an | | |

| |activity or designated module as | | |

| |needed. The student motivation is | | |

| |also incorporated in our learning | | |

| |modules as we strive to engage and | | |

| |utilize engaging and interactive | | |

| |means of teaching. We also provide | | |

| |immediate feedback in each of our | | |

| |learning modules making certain | | |

| |that the learner is receiving a | | |

| |teaching moment even when | | |

| |performing the task wrong. Each of | | |

| |our tasks are designed in such a | | |

| |way that the learner whether wrong | | |

| |with the answer or correct is | | |

| |receiving immediate feedback | | |

| |letting them know that there answer| | |

| |may not have been the best choice | | |

| |and this is why with the option to | | |

| |repeat the exercise’s which are | | |

| |similar but never the same. In each| | |

| |of our trainings we also focus on | | |

| |the importance of an emotional | | |

| |connection to the learning being | | |

| |crucial to the learner’s success, | | |

| |which is why we will design an | | |

| |entire story/virtual world for the | | |

| |learner to become a part of (Young,| | |

| |(2013). | | |


Allen and Seaman (2006). Making the Grade: Online Education in the United States, 2006. Retrieved from

Bright, Sarah (2014). Pros and Cons of Blended Learning. Retrieved from

Cook, David, (2007). Web-based learning: pros, cons and controversies. Retrieved from

Kumar, Dhirendra, (2010). Pros and Cons of Online Education. Retrieved from

Online Instruction Resource Website (2015). Retrieved from

Siminson, M. & Schlosser, C (2009). Quarterly Review of Distance Education: Research that Guides Practice, Volume 10 pp 280-283. Retrieved from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S & Zvacek, S (2015). Teaching and Learning at A Distance: Foundations of Distance Education Sixth Edition.

University of Florida (n.d.?). Blended Learning Toolkit. Retrieved from

Young, Michael, (2013). Leading change in public higher education a provost report series on trends and issues facing higher education Exploring the Pros and Cons of Online, Hybrid, and Face-to-face Class Formats. Retrieved from


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