Mrs. Horne's Science Site

38205107400Distance Time graphs (Position time graphs)Show ________________ something travels in a __________________________________ .____________ represents _______________ (_____________________ variable)_____________ represents ______________(_____________________ variable)Use what you learned from the PhET moving man simulation…….3477260107315005190490374652002Describe the type of movement for each line segment listed below. 1.5989955933453003405130018097510012.3.325628010541000Straight lines _________________________________________________________Curved lines _________________________________________________________4737100190500The angle of the line in a graph is the __________. Rank the lines in the graph from highest slope (steep line) to the lowest slope. ________, ________, ________38969955334000A distance time graph may be used to determine __________________.336486512065000What is the speed for each line in the graph?A.B.C.Graph 1a) Two people head out for a walk. Looking at the graph below, which do you think is walking faster?325183515557500b) Using the graph, calculate the average speed of each person. Green person's speed: Red person's speed:Graph 2a) Two people head out for a bike ride. Looking at the graph below, which do you think is faster?325183510414000b) Using the graph, calculate the average speed of each person. Purple person's speed:Yellow person's speed: ................

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