Radionics 2400 Manual

Radionics 2400 Manual

Radionics Program Setup

1. Insert the CD and wait for the popup

2. On popup window, open with “open folders to view files using Windows Explorer”

3. Open the folder “Radionics 2”

4. Double-click “setup.exe”

5. On the popup that follows press “OK”

6. On the next popup, press the button to install

7. Keep program group “Radionics” or name your own – you will get the message “Radionics installed successfully”

8. Using the “back” button, go back to see all folders

9. Highlight the “Radionics Images” button by clicking it once

10. Hold down the “control” key, then press the “C” key to copy this folder, then exit the CD

11. Go into “My Documents”

12. Hold down the “Control key” and press “V” to install the Radionics Images into “My Documents,” then exit

Ready to go!

Folders of the

“Images” Directory

(1) The “Structural Link” directory contains a transfer diagram to your chi generator®. You received one laminated card with your program that is the hard copies of this file. This diagrams is unique, i.e., only you possess it.

When running the radionics program, set this transfer diagram into the “orgone transfer” image and put the hardcopy onto your orgone generator. After the program is started, this image will move from image to image (structural link to structural link), energizing those with life force (orgone energy).

Into the same directory you may install as many of your own transfer diagrams as you wish. Design any diagram you like, save it in .jpg or .gif format (the two formats supported by this program), and print a copy to put onto your orgone generator. You may run as many instances of your radionics program as you wish simultaneously, simply by clicking the appropriate shortcut in your start menue. For each instance that you run simultaneously you need a separate transfer diagram and, ideally, a separate orgone generator.

If you own a RAD 5 orgone generator, you may run up to 5 radionics operations simultaneously, with an ATGS 3000 you may run up to 12 operations simultaneously.

(2) The “People” directory is set aside for pictures of target persons. Again, these pictures should be in .jpg or .gif format. You can get these pictures with a scanner off a photograph or with a digital camera. Be sure that these files have a reasonable size, ideally not more than 40k. We also suggest that these images are square, so that they will not be distorted when you install them into the image boxes.

A distorted image, however, is just as effective as a non distorted one. Square images are for esthetical purposes.

(3) The “Action” directory is contains diagrams representing the Basic Action. Into the Basic Action field you can put any image that represents the category of work that you are doing. For many operations, I am using the “Universal Pentacle” (pentuni.jpg) which amplifies any energy used in the trend and environmental trend fields.

A subdirectory of “Action” is “Planets” which contains the “seven” planetary energies.

(4) All other directories contain sets of symbols with specific purposes of each. See the section concerning the symbols.

The Program

The program is set up like a multiple radionics device with an orgone generator and five specific stations for radionic settings. The pentagram shape adds to the dynamic nature of the program. In addition, once you start the program after setting all images, text boxes, and radionic rates, the orgone transfer diagram will move through the pentagram from image to image.

You can use any number of stations, a minimum being two, i.e., target and trend: use as many as you see necessary and leave the other stations empty.

Image Boxes

Click on the square box and select a file representing the subject-matter of the box:

(1) Orgone Tansfer: Pick a symbol from the “Structural Link” directory. Put the identical hard copy onto your orgone generator.

(2) Basic Action: Select a diagram that represents the category of action taken. A neutral design is the universal pentacle (Action/Pentuni.jpg).

(3) Main Trend: Select a diagram representing the main trend that you are sending, e.g., a symbol from the “Alphabet of Desire” directory (Aodnew).

(4) Trend Environment: Select a diagram that sets the “atmosphere” in the environment of the target.

(5) Main Target: Select a picture of the target person, signature, or the like. If t\you have none of that, leave the box empty, but write the person’s name into the text-field below and set the rate by pushing the “main target” button.

(6) Alternate Target: Set another target to prevent repercussion back to you. You may also use the file “images\keysolnew\mars\

againstrepercus.jpg” to block any repercussion.


Text Boxes

Use the text boxes to write added specifics concerning you operation. For instance, if you use “charisma” on “main trend”, you may add into the text box: “charisma in religious meetings”. This will put the main focus of all charismatic action toward duties as a preacher. In these situations the trend will be especially strong!

Rate Boxes:

The three small boxes on top (or side) of each image. Focusing on the image, text box, and what it means, click on the button below the image. You will get three numbers between 00 and 99.

You CAN also establish the rates with an external stick pad such as the stick par on your radionics device, click on each rate box and write the number into the popup window.

To use the program as an interface with a RAD 1000, RAD 2000, RAD 2400 HDS, or with the RAD 5:

Establish the rates for trend and target on your RAD 2400 or RAD 5, then enter them onto the program.

In this case, you can use the program to refine the radionics operation.

Put the Structural Link diagram onto the stick pad or well of the RAD 2400. If you work with a RAD 5, put the transfer diagram hardcopy into its center.

To use the program as an electronic stick pad of your RAD 1000, RAD 2000, RAD 2400 HD, or with the RAD 5

(1) Connect with the RAD 2400 or RAD 5 using the Structural Link diagram.

(2) Describe trend and target on the RAD 2400 in the appropriate text boxes, perhaps use identical images

(3) While focusing on trend or target, set the rates by pushing the rate buttons below the images.

(4) Set the same rates on your radionics device.

Starting the Program:

When everything is set, you can now start the program: Click the “Start” button once (and only once!). Run the program for a few hours. The program can run in the background of your computer while you work on something else. The length of time depends on the strength of the machine that you are using and the amount of programs that you run simultaneously. When you want to stop, simply click the “stop” button.

Note: you can run as many programs simultaneously as you wish.


(1) The “print” button allows you to print a copy of your operation, for your records (if you wish so. Personally I do not keep records)

(2) The “copyright” button tells about the copyrights. Passwords and similar games that you find with most commercial programs are not needed. The built-in anti-ripoff radionics settings will do a much better job to get the predators!

The above instructions will help you to set your radionics program and get it to do its work.

Karl Hans Welz

If you have additional questions, call the distributor from whom you received your program or go into


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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