Terms of Reference for Midterm Evaluation Of

37484051022350Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition (RAIN+)Terms of Reference for a Consultancy to Design a Baseline Survey and Monitoring Tools and provide analysis and recommendationsBackgroundConcern has been working in Zambia since 2002 implementing livelihoods, HIV and AIDS and nutrition programmes. In Mumbwa District, Central Province, Concern Zambia is implementing the Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition Project (RAIN) that focuses on reducing the prevalence of stunting in children by promoting improved nutrition during the critical period from conception to 23 months of age. Concern is also a member of the consortium (SUN Fund) responsible for the scaling up of nutrition under the Most Critical 1000 Days Programme through capacity building and support to the key line Ministries, nutrition planning and activities in 14 pilot Districts and support for related operations and innovations research. In Western Province, Mongu, Limilunga, Luampa, Kaoma, Nalolo and Senanga districts, Concern is implementing the Integrated Poverty Reduction and Women Empowerment Programme (IPRWEP) that mainly targets women and focuses on household asset strengthening, capacity building of local institutions, women’s empowerment, nutrition promotion and disaster risk reduction (DDR). The Conservation Agriculture (CA) Project promotes sustainable agriculture with the poorest farmers in these marginal areas. In the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement in Kaoma District, Concern also partners with UNHCR to support the local integration of former Angolan Refugees.The first RAIN project is coming to an end in August 2015, but a second RAIN project (RAIN+) will start in 4 different wards within Mumbwa district funded by DFID. The RAIN+ project will have stronger women empowerment component, including increasing the linkages of farmers with markets. Using best practice, emerging evidence and current experience, the RAIN+ project will develop a sustainable model to effectively reduce child and maternal under-nutrition through a multi-sectoral approach that integrates agricultural and nutrition interventions with women’s empowerment and the systematic promotion of gender equality. The project will be implemented in close coordination with Mumbwa Child Development Agency (MCDA), Women for Change (WfC) and key line government departments at district level. The project will target 6000 women and their household members and will start on the 1st of April 2015. The RAIN+ has a logframe with quantitative output and outcome level indicators, including IYCF, WASH and agriculture production indicators. It also includes a women’s autonomy index and gender attitude scale. A consultant is required to finalise the impact pathways for RAIN+ and develop a Theory of Change. The project will be evaluated through pre and post assessment of beneficiaries and the consultant will be responsible to design a sampling framework and data collection tools for each indicator (both through baseline and ongoing monitoring) and analyse the baseline data. The project includes a “Stories of Change” longitudinal study with a group of chosen women and men (purposive selection) from across different socio-economic groups, age groups and household types. The groups will meet bi-annually for qualitative discussions concerning the project process, exposure, adoption and changes. It is anticipated that the stories of change will provide deep insights into how gender equality and women’s empowerment interventions are effecting change at the level of individuals, household, relations and structures and how incremental changes occur over time. Objectives of the Consultancy General Objectives To generate quantitative and qualitative date for project indicators in line with proposal logframe and project impact pathway to clearly show the status before the project intervention. To ensure that monitoring data collected during project implementation is in line with the logframe.Specific Objectives The specific objectives of the consultancy are:With project management, technical advisors and stakeholders, to adjust the current RAIN project impact pathway based on adjustments in programme activities that will show project results (input, output, outcome, and impact) and develop a Theory of Change which interrogates the programme logic (based on available evidence), risks and assumptions made, key indicators of success and analysis of key stakeholders that contribute to this. To put in place baseline values for each of the indicators.To ensure the tools and methodologies are in place for monitoring during project implementation to collect data relevant to the logframe and project results.Specific tasks Desk review based on available materials including the RAIN+ Project proposal and RAIN project documents (Baseline report, process evaluation results, project briefs)In close consultation with Concern team refine the project impact pathway clearly defining project impact, outcome, and outputs with a SMART indicators at each level.Develop data collection grid for each agreed indicator, providing a clear definition, the data requirements, data sources and the methods of data collection Work with gender equality advisor from HQ Dublin on developing/refining the women’s autonomy scale, gender attitudes scale and other related indicators.Outline the quantitative and qualitative data needs for implementation to feed into the development of monthly data collection tools and Stories of Change methodology.Design data collection tools (in collaboration with the digital team in Concern) and get approval from Concern;Define sampling method, sampling size and get approval from Concern; Train enumerators for the primary data collection at field level using the agreed methodologies and data collection toolsAnalyse the data and submit a draft report to Concern with all necessary attachments.Present key findings of the survey in a Powerpoint format.Produce and submit final report based on feedback from Concern and partnersIt is envisaged that Concern will prepare the survey screens for Digital Data Gathering and take responsibility for cleaning data.The Study Framework and Methodology The survey will use both quantitative and qualitative methods depending on the data requirement of proposed indicators. For the quantitative method, it will use a standardized questionnaire to address agreed indicators. To maintain the quality of the data, all quantitative data will be collected using Digital Data Gathering Devices by project staff and Concern will be responsible for uploading the survey questions onto the devices. A statistically representative sample will be taken from the list of beneficiaries registered for project target. Expected Outputs ( Deliverables)An inception report clearly outlining the impact pathway, methodology of the survey, data collection tools and updated work schedule. This inception report will need to be approved by Concern before the start of the next step;First draft report to Concern Zambia for discussion and comments to include an analysis of the baseline data, a presentation of tools and methodologies for monitoring, an outline Terms of Reference for the Stories of Change Longitudinal study.Final report incorporating feedbacks from Concern and other stakeholders The tools and questionnaires used for the data collection Duration The overall consultancy work will commence in early May 2015 and will be completed within 8 weeks (with a total number of 30 days)Required Qualification Education: The consultant should have post graduate degree in a related field (nutrition, development studies, public health, gender, monitoring and evaluation) with a strong research and evaluation component. Experience:Practical, demonstrable and relevant experience in conducing baseline surveys with multidisciplinary indicators (related to agriculture, nutrition and gender). Data analysis and interpretation skills.Lines of CommunicationThe Consultant(s) will report to the Country Director and will work closely with the National Nutrition Coordinator, Equality Advisor and District Programme Coordinator. Submission details Interested applicants should send financial and technical proposals including a CV and three references to HR.Zambia@ by 27th April, 2015. Requests for further information and questions can also be submitted through this e-mail address.PROTECTION OF BENEFICIAIRES AND OTHER PROGRAMME PARTICPANTSConcern has a Staff Code of Conduct and a Programme Participant Protection Policy which have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organization, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context staff have a responsibility to the organization to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a job with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct as an appendix to their contract of employment. By signing the Programme Participant Protection Policy and the Concern Staff Code of Conduct candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents of both the Concern Staff Code of Conduct and the Programme Participant Protection Policy and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these two documents. ................

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