DIVERSITY & EQUALITY POLICY AND PROCEDURESContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0STATEMENT OF POLICY AND INTENT PAGEREF _Toc313625281 \h 31.1Aims of the policy PAGEREF _Toc313625282 \h 32.0RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DIVERSITY & EQUALITY POLICY PAGEREF _Toc313625283 \h 32.1Individual Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc313625284 \h 32.2Manager and Supervisor Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc313625285 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_2.3_Overall_Responsibility" 2.3Overall Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc313625286 \h 43.0THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK PAGEREF _Toc313625287 \h 43.1Direct Discrimination PAGEREF _Toc313625288 \h 43.2Perceptive discrimination53.3Associative discrimination53.4Indirect discrimination PAGEREF _Toc313625291 \h 53.5Harassment PAGEREF _Toc313625292 \h 53.6Victimisation PAGEREF _Toc313625294 \h 54.0ACTION, IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT PAGEREF _Toc313625295 \h 54.1Availability of the policy64.2Reporting and Resolution / Grievance and Discipline PAGEREF _Toc313625297 \h 65.0Further information and getting involved PAGEREF _Toc313625298 \h 61.0STATEMENT OF POLICY AND INTENTTheatre Royal (Plymouth) Ltd. (TRP), through its Board of Trustees, recognises that our success depends on people. Capitalising on what is unique about individuals and drawing on their different perspectives and experiences will add value to TRP.TRP is committed to creating a culture that is free from discrimination, victimisation, harassment and bullying and to ensuring that all those who engage with us are treated with fairness, dignity and respect.We want TRP to be a place where people feel included, supported and valued for their contribution and have the confidence to challenge discrimination wherever they encounter it.TRP celebrates the diversity of the community it represents and recognises the significant importance and benefits of developing a workforce which reflects this diversity. Aims of the policyThe aims of this policy are:To create a culture of fairness, dignity and respect in our theatre which celebrates difference and engenders collaboration and cooperation. A culture where people are valued for who they are and the contribution they make. To ensure active opposition to any and all instances of discrimination, bullying and harassment and victimisation. 2.0RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DIVERSITY & EQUALITY POLICY2.1Individual Responsibility Every individual within the theatre has a responsibility to not behave in a way that could be offensive to others and to ensure that everyone who engages with the theatre is treated with fairness, dignity and respect. We must all make sure that we: Are actively supportive of the Diversity and Equality Policy and any initiatives to promote a culture that celebrates diversity, equality and fairness. Do not discriminate against, harass, bully, abuse or intimidate our colleagues, audiences, suppliers or other stakeholders.Do not encourage, instruct or pressurise other people to discriminate, harass, bully or abuse anyone.Have the confidence to appropriately challenge any incidents of discrimination, victimisation, harassment or bullying carried out by colleagues, audiences, suppliers or other stakeholders and bring such incidents to the attention of management. 2.2Manager and Supervisor Responsibility In addition to their responsibility as individuals under this policy, managers and supervisors also have a responsibility to monitor and moderate the behaviour within their teams and ensure that no acts of discrimination, victimisation, harassment or bullying are carried out by any employee. If they witness or become aware of activities or behaviour that is in breach of this policy, they must take immediate steps to stop it. Managers and supervisors are also responsible for communicating this policy; ensuring that it is understood within their teams and for giving employees the confidence and authority to appropriately challenge behaviour which is in breach of the policy. Managers and supervisors have specific responsibilities to ensure that their decisions do not discriminate against anyone who engages with the theatre. 2.3Overall ResponsibilityOur commitment to diversity and equality is an essential part of our culture and how we treat one another. The policy and accompanying action plan are developed and managed by the Equality Project, a non-hierarchical representation of our workforce. The overall responsibility for this policy rests with the Chief Executive and the Senior Management Team.The Chief Executive, Senior Management Team and the DEG will:Demonstrate their commitment to diversity and equality through active support for the policy Ensure that all employees, managers and supervisors are aware of this policy and receive appropriate training to enable them to meet their responsibilities within itEnsure that the policy is clearly communicated to and understood by everyone who engages with the theatre as appropriate for their level of involvement with us Empower and support individuals to appropriately challenge behaviour which is in breach of the policy Review the policy and plan at least annually to ensure that it remains legally compliant, incorporates best practice and initiatives from other relevant organisations and remains true to the stated aims and objectives of TRP. 3.0THE LEGAL FRAMEWORKIt is important to understand the legal context of equality and diversity practice in the UK and Europe and to remain compliant with all relevant legislation. The legal framework of this policy is therefore set our below.The Equality Act 2010 is legislation that offers protection against discrimination to individuals with specific ‘protected characteristics’. These ‘Protected Characteristics’ are: AgeDisabilityGender ReassignmentMarriage and Civil PartnershipPregnancy and MaternityRaceReligion or BeliefSexSexual OrientationThere are different types of discrimination and discriminatory practices that are covered by the Equality Act and these are defined below. The Act offers protection against all these types of discrimination in relation to all the protected characteristics with the exception of Marriage and Civil Partnership and Pregnancy and Maternity which are excluded from protection from Associative and Perceptive Discrimination and Harassment. Pregnancy and Maternity is also excluded from protection from Indirect Discrimination. However, as stated above, TRP is opposed to discriminatory practice of any kind and this policy seeks to protect the dignity of all employees and everyone who engages with our theatre. 3.1Direct DiscriminationThis occurs when someone with a protected characteristic is treated less favourably than someone without it and the reason for the less favourable treatment is the protected characteristic. Examples include deciding not to employ someone, refusing them training or promotion, subjecting them to inferior conditions, or denying them access to services or facilities simply because they have a protected characteristic.3.2Perceptive discriminationA person can be directly discriminated against even if they do not have a protected characteristic. If they are treated less favourably because it is believed that they have a characteristic, then this is direct discrimination by perception. 3.3Associative discriminationSimilarly, if a person is treated less favourably because they have a partner, family member, colleague or friend with a protected characteristic, then this is direct discrimination by association. 3.4Indirect discriminationThis occurs when there is a condition, rule, policy or practice imposed by an organisation that places people with a protected characteristic at a particular disadvantage. 3.5HarassmentHarassment is unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual. TRP is committed to the creation of an environment that protects the dignity of all and will not tolerate harassment of any kind. Anyone can report behaviour that they find offensive, even if it is not directed at them. Some examples of harassment are:Unwanted physical contact such as unnecessary touching, gestures, physical threats or assaultUnwanted verbal conduct such as remarks, suggestions, propositions, innuendos, lewd comments, jokes or banter based on the protected characteristicsUnwanted non-verbal conduct such as offensive pictures, graffiti, display of pornographic or suggestive literature or inappropriate use of visual display units (VDU’s) or network systems for this purpose3.6VictimisationVictimisation occurs when an employee is treated poorly because they have made or supported a complaint or raised a grievance in relation to breaches of this policy; or because they are suspected of doing so. 4.0ACTION, IMPLEMENTATION AND ENFORCEMENT TRP has appointed a dedicated Senior Manager who will directly support the chair of the Equality Project. The responsibilities and objectives of the Equality Group are:To act as ambassadors for this vital area of work in their own departments and beyondTo ensure the Theatre and its work is inclusive and accessible to all members of the communityTo review the Diversity and Equality Policy and The Equality Action Plan on an annual basisTo understand, monitor and address key issues regarding the protected characteristics in relation to our audiences and staffTo ensure diversity and equality are considered within any new or updated company policiesTo maintain an up to date awareness of diversity legislation and local and national issues To monitor reported incidents where the Diversity and Equality Policy has been breached and take action as appropriate To ensure appropriate standards of behaviour are adopted throughout the TheatreTo receive minutes and updates from the access group escalating issues as appropriate4.1Availability of the policyA copy of this policy and the annual Equality Action Plan will be made available to everyone via the following means: Internally: As part of staff induction packOn Staff Notice BoardsOn the Shared Admin Drive. Externally: A copy of this policy will also be published on our website. 4.2Reporting and Resolution / Grievance and Discipline It is a stated objective within this policy that every individual ought to feel confident and empowered to appropriately challenge behaviour which is in breach of our Diversity and Equality Policy. Therefore, it is hoped that most minor incidents or misunderstandings can be dealt with promptly and effectively directly with individuals concerned. However, we recognise that in some cases people may not feel able to resolve concerns themselves and in the case of more serious breaches of the policy, a more formal approach will be required. It is also important that the Equality Project have an awareness of all incidents and breaches of the policy and therefore all incidents and breaches must be reported to the Equality Project, even if they have been resolved. If you witness behaviour which you believe to be in breach of this Diversity and Equality Policy and you feel confident to do so, you should speak to the person(s) concerned directly. Politely explain that you feel their behaviour might cause offence and is contrary to the stated aims of our Diversity and Equality Policy. You should then also report the matter to your line manager who will in turn inform the Chair of the Equality Project. If you are not an employee of TRP and do not have a line manager, please inform the Chair of the Equality Project directly. If you do not feel confident or able to challenge the behaviour directly, or if the behaviour continues after you have spoken with the person(s) involved, then you should speak to your line manager who will in turn discuss your concern with the HR Manager to agree an appropriate course of action. If your concern is about the behaviour of your line manager, then speak with the Head of HR directly. Where appropriate, your line manager and / or the Head of HR will seek to resolve your concern informally in the first instance. However, in cases of serious breaches of this policy, or should your concern not be resolved to your satisfaction, then the matter may be dealt with in line with the theatre’s formal grievance procedure. If you are a line manager and a concern is brought to your attention by a member of your team, you must ensure that it is reported to the Head of HR and the Chair of the Equality Project. All complaints or concerns should be fully investigated regardless of whether they are raised formally or informally and the originator of the complaint must be kept informed about the outcome of the investigation. Should the investigation identify serious breaches of the policy on the part of any TRP employee, the matter may be dealt with in line with the Theatre’s formal disciplinary procedure. 5.0Further information and getting involvedThis policy has been developed by the Equality Project which is made up of representatives from across the theatre. It has been approved by the Senior Management Team and the Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematography and Theatre Union (BECTU) who will also agree any significant changes to the policy. The Equality Project regularly reviews its membership to ensure that it continues to represent all aspects of the theatre and we welcome contributions from outside the group. If you would like to find out more about the work of the Equality Project, or if you have an opinion or a suggestion about diversity within TRP, please feel free to contact any member of the current working group: Name DepartmentContactMandy Precious (Chair)Engagement and Learning DirectorMandy.precious@ 01752230578Debbie ClintonHead of HRDeborah.Clinton@ 01752 230491Sara BaldwinEngagement managersara.baldwin@ 01752 230378Holly VivianHR AdviserHolly.Vivian@ 01752 230490Steve FoggStage Doorsteve.fogg@ 01752 230503Alan FoxGeneral manageralan.fox@ 01752 230318Sandy WormleightonHead of Box Officersandy.wormleighton@ 01752 230326 Anne-Marie ClarkMedia and CommunicationsAnne-marie.clark@01752 230479 Hugh BorthwickProduction ManagerHugh.borthwick@01752 230345Nick SoperProduction Managernick.soper@ 01752 230344 ................

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