Universities’ Strategies and Approaches towards

Universities' Strategies and Approaches towards

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Examples from across Europe

Edited by Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik and Thomas Ekman J?rgensen

MAY 2018

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Universities' Strategies and Approaches towards

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Examples from across Europe

Edited by Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik and Thomas Ekman J?rgensen


Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................... 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2 Socio-economic developments and their impact on universities ........................................... 2 Public policy responses and regulatory frameworks ..............................................................3 Universities' responses ........................................................................................................... 5 Defining the terms .................................................................................................................. 5 One issue ? various approaches ............................................................................................. 6 Governing for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at University College Dublin ..................... 7 Social Responsibility as Part of the Core Mission of the University of Lille 3 Human & Social Sciences .................................................................................................................. 14 Integration and Opportunities through Education in a Metropolitan University: The Diversity Strategy of Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences ................................... 19 Diversity for Excellence and Innovation in Science, Engineering and Design at the Technical University of Delft .............................................................................................. 25 eLearning to Promote Quality Education for All at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ... 31 Gender Equality and Integration of Refugees: Two Initiatives of the University of Strasbourg for Inclusiveness and Diversity ....................................................................... 38 Targets Ensure Intentions Become Actions: Coventry University's Aspirations to Inclusiveness ................................................................................................................. 45 Figures ................................................................................................................................... 51 Tables .................................................................................................................................... 51 Annex ..................................................................................................................................... 52


The present edited volume is a contribution to a European exchange on the role of higher education in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion and the responses of universities to related issues and challenges. Most of the seven case studies come from EUA member universities that participated in a focus group on the topic hosted by the University of Lille 3 ? Human and Social Sciences in France in November 2017 and are particularly engaged in this area. The aim is to show how universities approach the topic from a strategic point of view, bringing together various smaller scale projects focused on different aspects and dimensions into a comprehensive strategy that becomes an integral part of the institution's mission.

On behalf of the European University Association (EUA), we herewith thank all the participants of the focus group, the contributors to this publication, and the colleagues at EUA who helped with their guidance and expertise. We hope that this collection of examples may inspire others on how to take this forward in the context of their own institution and system.

Thomas Ekman J?rgensen

Senior Policy Coordinator



Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik Policy Coordinator EUA



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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