Introduction - TMC Business




BUA321: Business Finance


May 2012

Lawrence Byerly, Ph.D.

Professor, Finance

Thomas More College

© 2011

Thomas More College

Crestview Hills, Kentucky

Course Description

Business Finance is an examination of the principles, theory and techniques of modern corporate financial management. The course works to develop a valuation model for securities and other assets using the basics of time value, risk, and return. The question of financing the firm both long- and short-term is also developed. Personal financial management is implemented where appropriate.

Course Topics:

• Financial Markets

• The Scope and Nature of the Finance Function and Financial Decision Making

• The Time Value of Money

• Financial Analysis

• Risk and Investment Analysis

• Capital Budgeting Analysis and the Cost of Capital

• Capital Structure and Dividend Policy

• Short-term Financial Management

Course Objectives

• Explain the financial marketplace and the corporate financial goal of maximizing shareholder value.

• Relate the managerial finance function and the time value of money to maximizing shareholder value.

• Critique how investors, especially common stock investors, make "Buy" - "Hold" - "Sell" investment decisions.

• Discuss the risk return trade-off and the implications for investor value.

• Develop and apply the capital budgeting analysis framework and related investment decision criteria used by financial managers to maximize shareholder value.

• Determine the corporation's cost of capital. Describe how it is utilized by financial managers to maximize shareholder wealth.

• Discuss the capital structure and dividend policies of the firm. Discuss how policies of management impact shareholder value.

• Analyze the financial statements of a company.

• Describe the basics of short term money management in a corporation


Gitman, Lawrence J. (2011) Principles of Managerial Finance (13th ed.) Addison-Wesley, Reading MA.

Supplemental Materials

• Notes and homework documents can be accessed from the website . All materials must be downloaded. If you are utilizing the college’s laptop notes, etc. you must download materials onto a flash drive.

Computing / Software

• It is assumed that all students have a basic understanding of the use of Excel spreadsheet.

• It is preferable that all students bring a laptop to class. There may be some available to “borrow” from computer services. It is your responsibility to fulfill this requirement.

• There is an Excel spreadsheet to download from the notes sites.

• Quizzes and some homework assignments will be completed using the Course Management System (CMS) “PearsonMyLab”.

o You will be provided with a class ID the first night of class.

Overview of Assignments for BUA321

Individual Assignments:

• Chapters may have two types of assignments to be completed by the individual.

o Chapters may have homework assigned from the CMS

o Chapters may have web based research assignments (Web Exercises).

▪ A Word document is provided to use as a template for the web exercises

▪ Rename each file prior to emailing


• Quizzes will be completed for each chapter. When the instructor completes a chapter, the quiz is due the next class period. The quizzes are completed on the CMS.

Study Group Assignments

• Chapters may have group assignments.

• It is assumed that students will work on the group assignments prior to attempting the individual assignments.

• Group assignments can be found in the Word documents provided on the “weebly” site.

All group and web exercises will be emailed to the instructor. Please use the same format for each file name. For group assignments place group members names in the header. Also enter cohort and assignment in the email subject line. The files must be renamed.


Attendance and Participation

• Attendance is mandatory of all sessions, including study group meetings. Although there are excused absences for illness, death in the family, and work related commitments, the maximum number of class meetings that can be missed is ONE.

• Missing a meeting can affect not only the participation component of the final grade, but also the grade for the group component.

• See the enclosed appendix for an explanation of the grading impact from attendance.

• Class participation will be judged in the classroom by answering questions from the CPA document. Students will be called randomly. However, each student should make sure that they answer questions in each class.

Evaluation Criteria / Grading Policy

(90 - 100%) = A Distinguished work demonstrating superior analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills. Completeness and complexity of thought is evident and communicated in a clear, organized, professional manner.

(87 - 90%) = B+

(80 - 87%) = B Strong work demonstrating commendable analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills. Completeness and complexity of thought is evident though work indicates significant but non-critical gaps. Ideas are communicated in a clear, organized, professional manner.

(77 - 80%) = C+

(70 - 77%) = C Adequate work demonstrating fair analysis, synthesis and evaluation skills. Some complexity of thought is present but the work is flawed by critical gaps. Findings are presented in a clear, organized, professional manner.

(67 - 70%) = D+


(60 - 67%) = D Poor quality work that fails to adequately demonstrate understanding and application

of course content. Presentation of work may be flawed or inconsistent

| | |

(60% or less)= F Work of unsatisfactory nature not worthy of professional graduate credit

If you have a documented physical or learning disability for which you require special

Accommodations, please see;

Coordinator for Academic Student Support Services,

Administration Building Rm.3325,

(513) 344-3521

This includes students who have had accommodations from TMC in the past.

Grade Composition (approx. see note below)

Exams 48%

Individual Homework 13%

Group Homework 11%

Individual Web Exercises 17%

Attendance and Participation 11%

Grades are based on the total number of correct points achieved out of the total possible.

The above schedule is an approximate weighting.

Pre-Session Assignment


1. Read Chapter 1, 2, 3

2. Watch the Financial Analysis video.

3. Watch the video about the finance spreadsheet.

4. Read the concentration handout enclosed at the end of the module.

5. Watch the concentration video on the “weebly” site.


Be sure to bring a laptop to class. There are laptops that can be “borrowed” if necessary. Bring a flashdrive with necessary files to use in class. It is up to the student to arrange for a “laptop loaner”.

I have provided you with PowerPoint slides that relate to the session lectures.

Some chapters will also have videos.

These additional tools are provided to reduce the amount of note taking in class.

It is assumed that you will have the lecture notes downloaded from the notes sites and that you will bring them with a laptop to class. At the very least, print out the notes for the session.

Concentration Selection

The actual selection will take place the last night of class.

When choosing your concentration, choose what you want.

Videos to assist with most web exercises are provided at the “weebly” site. These videos demonstrate how to complete the assignments.

Videos may also be provided for certain chapters. The purpose of these videos is for review. They are repetitions of major components of the chapter lecture. If you feel you need to go back, they are there for your use.

Workshop One Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 1 are to:

• Discuss the course mechanics.

• Introduce the basic concepts of managerial finance.

• Discuss the use of financial statement analysis.

• Develop an understanding of the cash flow concept and how it is used in financial decision-making.

• Discuss basics of short-term financial planning.

Workshop One Assignments (Due Session Two)


1. Complete the web exercises, homework, and quizzes for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your name and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie. Byerly_BBA92_CH01.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line.

2. Read Chapter 4.

3. Read Chapter 5.

4. Read Chapter 15.

5. Watch video for Chapter 15.

Study Group

• Complete the Group Assignment for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your group name, group members last names, and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie.BestGroup_BBA92_CH02.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line. Submit only one assignment per group.

Several of the assignments do not utilize the spreadsheet. This is indicated in the Word


Workshop Two Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 2 are to:

• Complete the materials from the first session

• Evaluate the firm’s cash flow position.

• Discuss the basics of financial planning.

• Calculate basic time value problems.

Workshop Two Assignments (Due Session Three)


1. Complete the web exercises, homework, and quizzes for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your name and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie. Byerly_BBA92_CH01.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line.

2. Read Chapter 6, 7, 8

3. Complete Assignments for completed chapters

Study Group

Complete any group assignments from Session materials.

Workshop Three Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 3 are to:

• Continue previous session material

• Discuss the basic theory of asset valuation

• Calculate the values of stocks and bonds.

Workshop Three Assignments (Due Session Four)


1. Complete the web exercises, homework, and quizzes for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your name and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie. Byerly_BBA92_CH01.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line.

4. Read Chapter 9, 10, and 12

Study Group

Complete any group assignments from Session materials

Workshop Four Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 4 are to:

• Continue previous session materials

• Evaluate the risk of an asset in isolation.

• Explain basics of portfolio management.

• Describe the capital budgeting techniques, including their strengths and weaknesses

Workshop Four Assignments (Due Session Five)


1. Complete the web exercises, homework, and quizzes for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your name and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie. Byerly_BBA92_CH01.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line.

5. Read Chapter 13, and 14

Study Group

Complete any group assignments from Session materials

Workshop Five Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 5 are to:

• Use capital budgeting techniques to analyze the soundness of a project.

• Discuss the implications of risk in the capital project decision.

• Calculate the cost of capital for the corporation.

• Discuss the concepts underlying the financing decision of the company.

Workshop Five Assignments (Due Session SIX)


• Complete the web exercises, homework, and quizzes for completed chapters.

Submit the assignments via email with your name and the assignment printed in the header of the document. (ie. Byerly_BBA92_CH01.doc) Also place the cohort and assignment in the email subject line.

• Complete course materials

• Select concentration

Study Group

Complete any group assignments from Session materials

Workshop Six Objectives

The objectives of Workshop 6 are to:

• Explain the dividend policy implication on financing.

• Discuss dividend policy theories presented in the text.

Workshop Six Assignments (Due the night prior to the next course)


1. Complete assignments for completed chapters

2. Get materials for the next course.

3. Prepare pre-session assignment for the next course.

Attendance and Participation Grades

Attendance and participation are graded as follows:

• Attendance in course meetings is required. A missed class meeting for any reason will incur a 20 point penalty assessed to the absence. Missing a study group meeting will be assessed a penalty of 10 points.

• Incomplete or lack of preparation for the class will receive a 5 point penalty.

• There are a total of 120 points possible for attendance.

• Remember that a maximum of ONE class meeting is permissible. A second missed class meeting will result in administrative withdrawal from the course.

• Attendance is physical attendance.

Study Group Evaluations

At the end of the class, each member of your study group must turn in a confidential Study Group Evaluation (SGE) form. This form allows each member to rate the performance of the other members in the study group.

In response to your average SGE rating, the “Group Homework Assignment” component of your final grade will be adjusted as follows:

Rating Description % Penalty based on Individual Performance Toward Group Homework

5.0 – 4.0 Significant Contribution 0%

3.9 – 3.0 Moderate Contribution 20%

2.9 – 2.0 Some Contribution 30%

1.9 – 1.0 Little Contribution 40%

0.9 – 0.0 No Contribution 100%

Example: Your study group’s total grade for group homework assignments is 100. Your average SGE rating is 3. Your group assignment grade will be 90 (100% - (100 x .10)).

Concentration Selection Form


ID #____________________ SSN# _________________

Daytime phone_________________________________


Cohort #_______________________ Location - KY_________ OH___________

Indicate which concentration you would like to pursue. Rank order from one to three. One should be your first choice. For a concentration to be offered there must be a minimum of 5 students wishing to study in that area. You will be informed of your concentration via the e-mail address that you supplied in the above area. You will automatically be registered for your concentration once it has been selected by your cohort.

_________ Management


1) BUA 303 Human Resource Management

2) BUA 307 Leadership

3) BUA 313 Teams in Organizations

_________ Marketing


1) BUA 417 Marketing Management

2) BUA 416 Marketing Research

3) BUA 316 Consumer Behavior

_________ Finance


1) BUA 325 Investments

2) BUA 350 Portfolio Management

3) BUA 450 Financial Planning

***You are allowed to waive one course out of the concentration if previous college work is comparable. The CAPE office must receive the petition of waiver one week after this form is given to your cohort. Please attach a syllabus/description of the course for review by the Business Department.

I have read and understand the above information.

Signature_____________________________ Date_____________________

The Thomas More TAP program fulfills all the prerequisites listed below.

Management Concentration


Students will study the concepts of human behavior drawn from psychology and sociology applied to the business organization. Group behavior, similarities and differences, team building and structure are considered. Development of the participant's leadership style is addressed


This course will explore the emerging concept of leadership throughout history into present day. It will include coverage of some of the traits of leaders, various leadership style, sources of power, motivational effects and problems with dysfunctional leadership.


An interactive course that explores what makes a team effective and efficient. An organization's effectiveness is dependent on how well it works together. Understanding how to develop effect teams is a core competence of managers.

Marketing Concentration


This course will do an in-depth investigation of the problems confronted by the marketing manager, using the case study approach.


This course attempts to provide the student with an understanding of the research methods used in reaching marketing decisions. Casework and/or a project afford(s) an opportunity for application.


This course will examine the consumer from an economic and marketing viewpoint, with specific reference to motivation and decision-making aspects of that behavior.

Finance Concentration


Investment analysis is an examination of the principles and practices of investing in stocks and bonds, with emphasis on the analysis of corporate financial statements to arrive at investment decisions. A background is also provided on banking institutions, investment companies and brokerage operations. Cross-listed with ECO325


This course will explore the underlying theory of investments. The mean variance theory will be developed as a foundation for investment decision-making. Bond and derivative pricing models and strategies will be studied.


The financial planning process will be identified and explored. Retirement planning, estate planning, investment planning, protection analysis, and debt management issues are basic subject areas.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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