Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs

Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs

21 The Green

Dover, DE 19901

T: (302) 736-7400

Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Application


1. Local governments must submit this completed application along with the requested materials to be considered for Certified Local Government (CLG) status. For detailed information regarding the CLG Program’s benefits, requirements and procedures, please review Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Guidelines.

2. Typed responses are preferred.


Certified Local Government Coordinator

Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs

21 The Green

Dover, DE 19901

|Local Government: | |

|Primary CLG Contact |(Optional) Please specify who will be the local government’s primary point of contact for the CLG|

| |Program. |

|Name: | |

|Title: | |

|Phone: | |

|Email: | |

|Mailing Address: | |

| | |

|Application Prepared By |(Leave blank if same as Primary CLG Contact noted above) |

|Name: | |

|Title: | |

|Phone: | |

|Email: | |

|Mailing Address: | |

| | |

Request by Local Government’s Chief Elected Official

1. Attach a signed letter from the local government’s chief elected official requesting to participate in the CLG Program.

(check to confirm)

Historic Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance):

1. Attach a copy of the local government’s ordinance that allows for the designation and protection of historic properties.

(check to confirm)

2. Does the ordinance include each of the provisions outlined in Section III.A of Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Guidelines?

Yes / No

Local Historic Preservation Review Commission (Commission):

1. What is the name of the Commission assigned to carry out the provisions of the ordinance?


2. Is the Commission responsible for all of the duties outlined in Section III.B of Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Guidelines?

Yes / No

3. Does the Commission consist of at least five (5) members?

Yes / No

4. Attach resumes for all current members of the Commission that demonstrate their interest, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation.

(check to confirm)

5. Do any members of the Commission meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards outlined in Appendix A of Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Guidelines? If yes, specify the number of Commissioners meeting the applicable fields below:

Yes / No

______ History

______ Archaeology

______ Architectural History

______ Architecture

6. Attach a copy of the Commission’s by-laws or rules of procedure.

i. Are they publicly available? If so, describe:

Yes / No

ii. Do they include a section prohibiting conflict of interest? If so, describe:

Yes / No

iii. Does the Commission hold at least four (4) regularly scheduled meetings per year?

Yes / No

Survey and Inventory

1. Does the local government agree to maintain a publicly available list and map of locally-designated landmarks and local historic districts?

Yes / No

2. If undertaken, does the local government agree to conduct historic property surveys in accordance with the SHPO’s most recent survey guidelines and, upon completion, submit copies of all forms and reports?

Yes / No

Public Participation:

1. Are the Commission’s meetings announced by public notice with an agenda, open to the public, and conducted in accordance with the Delaware Freedom of Information Act (29 Del. C. §100)?

Yes / No

2. Does the local government maintain publicly-available minutes of the Commission’s decisions and actions, including applicable standards and criteria for reaching such determinations?

Yes / No

3. Are all of the Commission’s decisions and actions made in a public forum and all affected applicants notified of such determinations?

Yes / No

4. Does the local government agree to participate in the review of National Register nominations as outlined in Section III.D.5 of Delaware’s Certified Local Government (CLG) Program Guidelines?

Yes / No


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