Definition of Interior Design

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|Supplementary Readings |

|for |

|001 Interior Design Students |

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|By |

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|Dot MacKenzie |

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|July2006 |


The readings are designed to help build the students; critical thinking and vocabulary skills. It is suggested that they build up their own vocabulary lists for each topic.

The CALL work can be done in the students’ own time, if they do not have computer lab work scheduled for their class.

There are templates for other reading exercises at the end of the book.

Table of Contents

|Chapter |Topic |Page |

|1 |Definition of interior design | 4 |

|2 |A towering Arabian fantasy | 10 |

|3 |Great design is like great art | 19 |

|4 |Fabric choices |24 |

|5 |The meaning behind colors |31 |

|6 |How do designers charge for their services? |36 |

|7 |Ornamental stone in Saudi Arabia |43 |

|8 |What is a crystal? |55 |

|9 |The Haj Terminal |59 |

|10 |The Kingdom Tower |64 |

|11 |Interior decoration |72 |

|12 |How to find a focal point in a room |80 |

|13 |How to modernize and update the lighting in your home |84 |

|14 |How to choose the right paint color |89 |

|15 |Rules for decorating |93 |

|16 |More decorating rules – focus your project |98 |

|17 |Decorating don’ts |103 |

|18 |Peridot: a precious stone from a previous country |107 |

|19 |Some links |111 |

|20 |Templates for reading |112 |

Chapter 1 Definition of Interior Design

The professional interior designer is qualified by education, experience, and examination to enhance the function and quality of interior spaces for the purpose of improving the quality of life, increasing productivity, and protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

The professional interior designer:

• analyzes client's needs, goals, and life safety requirements

• integrates findings with knowledge of interior design

• formulates preliminary design concepts that are aesthetic, appropriate, and functional, and in accordance with codes and standards

• develops and presents final design recommendations through appropriate presentation media

• prepares working drawings and specifications for non-load bearing interior construction, reflected ceiling plans, lighting, interior detailing, materials, finishes, space planning, furnishings, fixtures, and equipment in compliance with universal accessibility guidelines and all applicable codes

• collaborates with professional services of other licensed practitioners in the technical areas of mechanical, electrical and load-bearing design as required for regulatory approval

• prepares and administers bids and contract documents as the client's agent

• reviews and evaluates design solutions during implementation and upon completion.

This definition is endorsed by FIDER, the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) and major interior design associations of North America.


1. Warm up

What do you know about interior designing?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Why do you want to study interior design? | |

|2 |What is the most beautiful interior you have seen? Why? Describe it to your| |

| |class. | |

|3 |How can the interior of our college be improved? | |

|4 |Do you prefer modern or traditional interiors? Why? | |

| |Explain how they are different. | |

|5 |What kind of materials do you like for interior designs, e.g. glass, plastic,| |

| |cotton or silk? Why? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What are the main tasks of an interior designer? | |

|2 |Who is more important, the client or the interior designer? | |

|3 |What are the five main points an interior designer should consider when | |

| |he/she is working on preliminary design concepts? | |

|4 |Does an interior designer always use the same design media to present his or | |

| |her plans? | |

|5 |What are some of the items an interior designer must think about when | |

| |designing an interior? | |

|6 |Does an interior designer work alone, or does he or she need to work with | |

| |other people? | |

|7 |What kind of finanial transactions does an interior designer need to | |

| |understand? | |

|8 |Does an interior designer need to review his or her work? | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Definitions

A definition consists of at least 3 parts – a term, a class word and at least one characteristic.

|# |Term |Class Word |Characteristic |

|1 |Living room |Room |People relax |

|2 |Cotton |Material |Used for making drapes |

|3 |Chair |Structure |People sit on |

|4 |Lamp |Device |Light a room |

1. A living room is a room that people relax in.

2. Cotton is a material that is used for making drapes.

3. A chair is a structure which people sit on.

4. A lamp is a device which is used to light a room.

8 Now complete the table and write definitions for the following terms:

|# |Term |Class Word |Characteristic |

|1 |Carpet | | |

|2 |Light | | |

|3 |Switch | | |

|4 |Settee | | |

|5 |Tile | | |

|6 |Sink | | |

|7 |Bed | | |

|8 |Cushion | | |

|9 |Basement | | |

|10 |Ceiling | | |

9 Tables

Tables are a very clear way to show information comparing and contrasting two items. Complete the following table by filling in the spaces with suitable notes.

|# |Topic |Living Room |Kitchen |

|1 |Location | | |

|2 |Furniture | | |

|3 |Size | | |

|4 |Electrical items | | |

|5 |Textiles | | |

|6 |Water outlets | | |

|7 |Windows | | |

|8 |Doors | | |

|9 |Seats | | |

|10 |Ornaments | | |

10. Tree Diagram

Now use your notes in exercise 8 to make up a tree diagram showing the information.

Chapter 2 A Towering Arabian Fantasy By Sona Mampilli

 Photographs courtesy of Burj Al Arab  

With its unique billowing sail-shaped structure and rich interior design, Burj Al Arab is rapidly  gaining icon status in Dubai, and the reason is not just because the  321-metre-high hotel, standing on a made-made  island, is the tallest hotel in the world. It is also  because of its interiors which have become a topic  of conversation among design people.

| |The interiors are evocative of a contemporary Arabian fantasy with all |

| |the modcons. "Maybe, it is not far from that description. While I do not |

| |expect everyone to love every area (some areas are more Arabic, while |

| |others are more contemporary), it is certainly a hotel that people will |

| |visit to have lots of fun," says Khuan Chew, design principal of KCA |

| |(Khuan Chew Associates) International. She was talking about the mixed |

| |reactions to Burj Al Arab's interiors created by KCA. "There is no |

| |specific colour theme running through the hotel. It's an explosion of |

| |colour. As I said, you either love it or hate it," she says. |

And what Chew loves is a controversy. "We (KCA) experiment a lot with design. I believe in Confucius's quote: 'Do not fear to progress slowly, fear only to stand still'. The design brief asked for lots of colour.  I agree with expressions like 'bring a little colour into your life', because colour is very important," says the maverick designer who has also  done the interiors of Jumeirah Beach Hotel.

|[pic] |

|The men's spa... the Ma' Sama' pool. ©GN picture by Joseph Capellan  |


"If you are in New York, Tokyo or Paris, all you see is people wearing black or grey. Everywhere, designers preach colour in either extremes or combinations. Some, like Gucci and Versace, are very brave about using it. Of course, at the opposite end of the spectrum, you have Prada and Armani. I would say Burj Al Arab is more Versace and Gucci than Prada simply because Dubai can take the colour." 

The interiors of Burj Al Arab evoke images of the historical and the artistic traditions of the region. Arab love for fine fabrics, their penchant for metals, their passion for gold and silver... all this is reflected in the interiors of the hotel. And it comes "with all the modcons and your own butler," adds Chew.

For a guest, the experience begins from the time a Rolls Royce picks you up from the airport to take you to the hotel in Jumeirah. (You also have the option of landing up at the hotel by helicopter. In this case, you can land on the helipad on the 28th floor of the hotel.)

Drive up the slender causeway and pull up at the entrance where there's a flame set in flowing water.

The reception area is quite spectacular. Stop to admire the gold shells which house the concierge and guest service staff sections, the mosaic on the walls and the rich colours of the carpeting, before walking across to the huge love seat in front of a waterfall.


Arches of illuminated water leap across in choreographed movements.  At times the tubes of water look like fish leaping out of a brook, at other times they appear to make beautiful geometric patterns. The sound effect the water creates is akin to the rhythmic clapping of the nationals to music.

Two glass-encased coral reefs, full of richly-hued fish, flank the waterfall. Look up and gasp at the 180-metre-high atrium, made more beautiful by golden columns. "The atrium is the tree of life," says Chew.

|[pic] |"All the colours are here. When you look up, you see this explosion of  colour. At|

| |the time of designing, my palette was full of rainbow colours.  I wanted to bring |

| |colour into the lives of everyone who walks into this  hotel... in short, create |

| |an unforgettable experience." And she seems to  have achieved her aim. |

| | "While the Jumeirah Beach Hotel used the concept of the four elements of water, |

| |wind, fire and air in the academic sense, here, we are being very literal," she |

| |explains. Inside the hotel, you can actually feel or see the four elements of |

| |wind, fire, earth and water. |

| |  |

Walk slowly across to Al Iwan coffee shop adjacent to the lobby which features a very traditional Arabic interior. It uses rich red, gold and black colours. Pieces of art dot the walls and traditional lamps (the flame effect is achieved by silk, clever lighting and a hidden fan) add drama to the area. 

Then there's Al Falak ballroom. Chew calls it the wedding cake "because it has a lot of gold and plaster mouldings. It is very Arabic, very rich". Gaze with wonder at the huge crystal chandelier, a central  gold dome, marble pillars, handwoven carpets that are so soft that you  sink inches with every step...

| |

| If you want something even more exciting, take the three-minute  'submarine voyage' from the hotel |

|lobby to Al Mahara seafood  restaurant. This is truly a mind-opening experience. The restaurant's |

| private dining rooms are adorned with mother-of pearl inlays, inspired  by Dubai's tradition of pearl|

|fishing. Its inner glass walls encase varied  sea life and coral reefs. |

The 202 suites are like mini palaces with every possible modern convenience, including a jacuzzi. Every one of them is equipped with facilities necessary for the modern businessman on the go. However, the best suites are the Grand Suites and Special Suites.

An ornate golden staircase leads up to the bedrooms of a Grand Suite. The living room features luxurious interiors. But it's the women's section upstairs which is the height of opulence and splendour. The colours? Schiaparelli pink, bright oranges, black and yellow. The upholstery and wall finishes are in stunning stripes and prints mixed with the animal print look. The suite is further divided into three areas - the living room the majlis and the bedroom.

Chew seeks to demystify the aura surrounding good interior design. "There is no great mystery in interior design. It is a fine balance of art and science. The formula lies in bringing them together in the right proportion and make it work.

"In a hotel, you need to show that the interior design addresses the needs of the operational and functional side of the hotel. You need the basic understanding of how the building works, the technology... You then add in the artistic side (interior design)," she says, underlining her belief in the credo that form follows function in all successful buildings.

Attention to detail is a KCA hallmark, she says. Take the Assawan Spa and Health Club whose interiors were inspired by the ruins of  Petra (Jordan). Mosaic columns flank the indoor swimming pools and jacuzzi baths. Marble, granite and richly-coloured tiles make the place look regal with even the corridors providing a visual treat of their own.

"The pools and jacuzzi baths) are truly Arabic in flavour. I am very proud to be a part of the progress of this country. This project is a celebration of the Emirate's people and what Dubai has achieved in  terms of progress. It has now become a world player," says Chew. "I would be really happy to hear that the Arabs identify with this building."

This article appeared in The Gulf News 


1. Warm up

What do you know about Dubai and its developments?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Have you been to Dubai? How is it different from Kuwait? | |

|2 |What is the most wonderful building in Kuwait? Describe it. | |

|3 |Would you like to spend enormous amounts of money to live in a hotel? Why or| |

| |why not? | |

|4 |What do you know about Burj Al Arab? | |

|5 |Do you agree with all the development that is going on in Dubai and/or | |

| |Kuwait? Why or why not? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Why is the Burj Al Arab talked about so much? | |

|2 |Do you agree with the quotation “Do not fear to progress slowly, fear only to| |

| |stand still”? Why or why not? | |

|3 |Is there any building that can be described as having “Versace interiors” in | |

| |Kuwait? | |

|4 |How is the Burj Al Arab different from most other buildings? | |

|5 |How have the designers used water inside the Burj Al Arab? | |

|6 |How do the Jumeirah Beach and Burj Al Arab hotels use the 4 elements | |

| |differently? | |

|7 |The interior of the Burj Al Arab hotel is described as being “very Arabic”. | |

| |Explain what the author means by using these words. | |

|8 |How is Dubai’s maritime past reflected in the design of the hotel? | |

|9 |What are some facilities that a modern businessperson needs? | |

|10 |How is interior designing “a balance of art and science”? | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

11. Burj Al Arab

Read the passage and complete the following table with notes about it. Then write a paragraph describing it.

|# |Question |Notes |

|1 |Height | |

|2 |Location | |

|3 |Description of interiors | |

| | | |

|4 |Transportation to hotel | |

| | | |

|5 |Description of reception area | |

| | | |

|6 |Description of lobby | |

| | | |

|7 |Description of ballroom | |

| | | |

|8 |Description of Al Mahara seafood restaurant | |

|9 |Description of suites | |

| | | |

|10 |Description of good interior design | |

|11 |Description of Assawan Spa and Health Club | |


12. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic. You may write notes and a paragraph about another building you are interested in.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

7 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 3 Great Design is Like Great Art

(ARA) - Great design is like great art -- you know it when you see it. However, an essential element of great design is that the form fits the function. In other words, even if it’s beautiful, an object isn’t well designed unless it accomplishes its intended purpose, and does it well.

Ever-increasing attention to products for the home is reflected in a growing trend of incorporating pleasing design into everything from showers to the kitchen sink. “Consumers are demanding more style in their homes,” says Mary Jo Peterson, a design consultant in Brookfield, Conn. “But they don’t want to sacrifice ease of use, either.” She points out that as baby boomers age, more companies are designing home products that look great while taking into account accessibility issues – a concept known as universal design.

A customizable shower tower is an example of a universally designed product, where an everyday product that is functional for everyone to use can also add a touch of style to the bathroom. For instance, the WaterHaven Shower Tower from Kohler, with two adjustable showerheads and easy-to-use, intuitive controls, is as eye-catching as it is practical. “Not only does the shower adjust to the user, sliding up for a tall person, down for a shorter person, or further down for a child or a person in a wheel chair, but it can serve as the centerpiece of the bathroom as well, thanks to its good looks,” says Peterson.

“When building or renovating a house, it pays to install products that add style to the home and that can also adapt universally to owners’ changing needs,” says Peterson. “Not only will it serve the current occupants, but it will add resale value.” For example, if you’re redoing your bathroom, project 10 or 15 years down the road -- will you be able to get in and out of your current bathtub? Tubs that are designed with plenty of space around the bath for sitting or for use as a transfer area make getting in and out easier. The Tea-For-Two tub from Kohler is an excellent option. It offers good depth, it has a flat bottom and is slip resistant for added safety and easy access.

While you’re working in the bathroom, other long-term design considerations include the height of the lavatory countertop, as well as space beneath the lavatory that allows legroom for a user in a wheelchair. Wall-mount lavatories or modern washbasins such as Kohler Vessels are perfect examples of stylish lavatories that are also functional.

Another room where universal design can pay off is in the kitchen. Planning for a variety of counter heights to add function is becoming more common. Many new kitchens feature two or even three heights: one working area for a shorter person or someone who is seated, one at a “normal” counter height and maybe a third at “bar height,” that would be a good working level for a taller person.

Appliances are also evolving to address universal design issues. Dishwashers that can be installed in drawers and under counter refrigerators add a contemporary design to the kitchen as well as make for easy access. Storage pantries with adjustable shelves make it easy to accommodate different needs. Another way to add universal design to the kitchen is with great-looking, ergonomic faucets. Faucets with integrated spray heads can be pulled out or down to provide a longer reach, allowing users to effortlessly deliver water where it’s needed and making sink cleanup easy. Another option to avoid having to lift heavy pots is Kohler’s Pro CookSink. It’s just what the name implies -- a cooking pot with a dedicated faucet and an integrated drain. The Pro CookSink allows you to boil, steam, poach and simmer foods with innovative water-based cooking, while no longer carrying heavy pots of water from the sink to the stove, and then back to the sink.

The bottom line is that universal design should not only add flair to your home, but also make your life easier, ultimately turning your home into a more comfortable place to live.

For more information on all of Kohler’s products, log onto or call (800) 4-KOHLER

Today‘s homes are far more than roofs over our heads; they are serving more and more as lifestyle centers full of activities, strong personal statements and luxuries that were unthinkable not much more than a decade ago. Witness what has happened to the utilitarian hearth in the North American home.

Today, the mark of a modern home might be a well-equipped exercise area, a fantastic home theatre, and a fireplace or stove in almost every room. There have been huge strides made in technological improvements to fireplaces and heating stoves, making it possible to put a fireplace almost anywhere as an outstanding design statement.

1. Warm up

What do you know about great designs?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Give some examples of great designs. | |

|2 |What elements does a design need to be great? | |

|3 |What does “to customize” mean? Give some examples of customized designs. | |

|4 |What is a “universally designed product”? Give some examples. | |

|5 |What long term design considerations do you need to think about when | |

| |designing rooms for disabled people? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. True/False

Read the passage and decide if the statements are true or false, according to the information in the passage. Correct the false statements.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Great design is exactly the same as great art. | |

|2 |Customers prefer style to ease of use in a home. | |

|3 |Every shower tower is the same. | |

|# |Question |Answer |

|4 |The needs of a user in a house may change over the years. | |

|5 |A bathroom can be stylish as well as functional. | |

|6 |All the counter heights in a kitchen should be the same height. | |

|7 |It is possible to cook in a sink in modern kitchens. | |

|8 |Homes are only roofs over our heads. | |

|9 |You can have a fireplace in any room in a house. | |

|10 |Homes built today are very different from homes built in the past. | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 4 Fabric Choices

(ARA) - In language as in decorating, fabric is more than "a material made from fibers or threads." That definition actually falls behind an older, deeper definition of the word. Webster first defines fabric as "the framework or basic structure of anything." Homes should reflect and express the overall framework of our lives. Fabric choices, even more quickly and certainly than an assemblage of furniture, establish the style of a room. At the same time, they provide insight to the taste, personality, and overriding spirit of the people who live in a particular space.

Through the selection of fabric, very disparate types of architecture and furniture can be unified. Geometric and abstract patterns can give furniture from any era a modern look. There are floral prints for every taste and style, elegant antique document prints, exotic ethnic patterns, checks and stripes to bridge designs within a room and from room to room, and, not least, novelty prints make a highly personal statement, usually with whimsy.

Interior designers often say their clients fall in love with a fabric pattern only to finally choose something "safe." Interior designers' greatest gift is giving clients the confidence to choose from the heart. When room design comes from the heart it becomes a true reflection of the "fabric" of a household. Selections from the Jaima Brown Home designer collections illustrate some of the versatile possibilities inherent in the use of fabric.


To give an informal sitting room a taste of the tropics, we coordinated exotic "island girls" wallpaper from the Sarong collection with "Key West palm" and "arbor" patterns from the same collection. The former is used for cushions on the bamboo furniture, which is accented with a throw pillow in arbor's lattice design, outlined with fun fringe.

A tent of the same arbor pattern turns this room's fifth wall -- the ceiling, into a designer's dream addition. It brings an unusually high ceiling down to appropriate scale for this space while also softening the room with graceful folds of fabric overhead.


Uncommon elegance can come from the generous use of a dominant pattern. Walls, cushioned and upholstered in an Oriental document design from Sarong, make a stunning backdrop for a handsome, intricately carved mahogany bed and also guard the room from intrusive sound. Cushioned, fabric-clad walls provide excellent sound-absorption in apartments and in today's media rooms.

Ribbon covers the fabric seams on the wall, adding the interest of an occasional stripe. The duvet cover and European pillow shams are of the same fabric, and the fringe on the pillows matches the seams on the wall. Even the family pooch, clad in a cape of matching fabric and fringe, takes on an air of elegance. If that's a little "too, too" for your pet's taste, use the fabric for a “pawsitively” glamorous puppy pillow or bed.


The ultimate fun with fabrics comes from mixing and matching pattern in unexpected places. Walls of sailboat-patterned fabric from the Sheridan Road collection create a nautical motif for a den. We upholstered only the back and seat of an old, beloved chair with the same fabric, then made it a singular success with a mix of three other fabric patterns. Mitering the stripes on a pillow, allowing the same stripes to peek from the underside of a red and white checkered skirt, and tying all the patterns together with piping of the checkered skirt pattern, achieves one-of-a-kind designer detailing.

Browse through all the Jaima Brown Home collections to see more ways that "material made from fibers or threads" can express the unique fabric of your life. Jaima Brown Home collections are available through interior designers and select designer showrooms. For more information or to locate a showroom near you, call 888-865-0200 or visit .

Courtesy of ARA Content

1. Warm up

What do you know about fabrics?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What are the names of some types of fabrics? | |

|2 |What is your favorite fabric? Why? | |

|3 |Where can you find the biggest selection of fabrics in Kuwait? | |

|4 |What are some of the adjectives used to describe fabrics? |Floral, plain, |

|5 |Would you use the same fabric for the sofas and drapes in a room? Why or why| |

| |not? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Definition for fabric | |

|2 |Importance of fabrics in rooms | |

|3 |Adjectives used in paragraph 2 to describe fabrics | |

|4 |Greatest gift of interior designers to clients | |

|5 |Describe the sitting room shown in the first picture | |

|6 |Reasons why you would or would not decorate a sitting room in this way | |

|7 |Describe the bedroom shown in the second picture | |

|8 |Reasons why you would or would not decorate a sitting room in this way | |

|9 |Describe the den shown in the third picture | |

|10 |Reasons why you would or would not decorate a sitting room in this way | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about fabrics.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about fabrics. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about fabrics. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 5 The Meaning behind Colors by Debbie Jensen

As we endure the mood of others for both good and bad, we also endure the mood deriving from colors for both good and bad. Colors are the visual manifestation of moods placed on objects. To bear this out, notice what Jason O’Connor observed in 2005 from the article "How to Choose Your Website Colors”:


Positive: Caution, brightness, intelligence, joy, organization, spring time

Negative: Criticism, laziness, or cynicism


Positive: Tranquility, love, acceptance, patience, understanding, cooperation, comfort, loyalty and security

Negative: Fear, coldness, passivity and depression


Positive: Steadfastness, courage, confidence, friendliness, and cheerfulness, warmth, excitement and energy

Negative: Ignorance, inferiority, sluggishness and superiority


Positive: Royalty, sophistication, religion

Negative: Bruised or foreboding


Positive: Money, health, food, nature, hope, growth, freshness, soothing, sharing, and responsiveness

Negative: Envy, greed, constriction, guilt, jealousy and disorder


Positive: Dramatic, classy, committed, serious

Negative: Evil, death, ignorance, coldness


Positive: Pure, fresh, easy, cleanliness or goodness

Negative: Blind, winter, cold, distant

From the above list of color associations, can you see how the descriptions for the colors would change according to where you live? The descriptions (associated with colors as illustrated above) are subjective to change and may differ for each culture and subculture across the world.

Even though red was not mentioned, studies have shown that it is the love-hate color. Even in the animal kingdom, studies show that bugs flash their red body parts to warn their enemies.

We react to colors and associate them to memories, objects, people, and places. In part, this may have something to do with how colors throw off wavelengths. Environmentally speaking, we can't see sound waves, but we can hear them. Normally, we can't see heat waves, but we feel them. With color waves, we don't hear or feel them, but we see them. There are other considerations we need to remember about colors too.

Colors have a voice. James Stockton, the author of Designer’s Guide to Color (1984) wrote: “The many psychological aspects of color often seen more emotional and personal than scientific and determining agreement in reactions to colors is sometimes difficult. . . The ‘voice’ of a color depends largely on the colors that are place next to it. . .” The expression of the “voice” of colors really appeals to me, because this is what I see too.

If the colors could speak, they would. Colors are wavelengths; we just can’t hear them. Again, colors do make sound and do have a voice, we just can’t hear them. This is why, our color choices for our home and décor, our cars, and clothing speak volumes about us. We are compatible with the sound waves emanating from our choice the colors that surround us.

Colors are used as non-verbal communication in every aspect of our lives whether we realize it or not. Sometimes the color expressions are so powerful that the influence of color can be louder than the spoken word. (Revised 2/16/2006)

[pic][pic]Debbie Jensen, Graphic Designer and Photographer Article Source:


1. Warm up

What do you know about colors?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Do you know any expressions that are related to colors, e.g. once in a blue | |

| |moon? What do they mean? | |

|2 |What do you think a positive color is? Give some examples. | |

|3 |What do think a negative color is? Give some examples. | |

|4 |Do you think the colors used in rooms affect people’s moods? Explain. | |

|5 |Would you use black and white to decorate a baby’s room? Why or why not? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and complete the table

|# |Color |Positive |Negative |

|1 |Yellow | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 |Red | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about colors and their uses in interior decorating.

|# |Color |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 6 How Do Designers Charge for Their Services?

The method by which interior designers work is as varied as the finished products they produce. They often use combinations of methods depending on the scope of the services required of them.

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation enables an interior designer to evaluate the project, present a portfolio, discuss terms and determine whether the project is a good fit of capabilities and services. It also may be possible to make valuable suggestions based on first impressions of the space. This gives a client time to evaluate the designer to determine capabilities, comfort level and compatibility. Initial consultations are handled in a variety of ways. Interior designers may or may not charge for this service. Much depends on the level of experience, their existing work load, the standard policies of the firm or the distance from their office to the site of the project. Travel time is valuable time and will add to the cost of the project.

While many designers offer their initial consultation at no charge, the client may not get the best overview by utilizing this method. The old adage, "You get what you pay for," may apply here. For those who offer free initial consultations, many may wait until an agreement is reached before sharing their thoughts completely. While some individuals will bid a job, a method typically reserved for commercial work, the majority of residential interior designers do not utilize this method. Much of the design work is achieved successfully by having time to fully understand clients, their needs, desires and lifestyles, which cannot be fully understood in one meeting or in a bid situation.


Often an interior designer will request a retainer fee be paid, in advance, once an agreement has been reached to hire the designer. This fee represents what the designer feels will adequately cover both designer's and employees' time to plan the project. Retainers are usually applied to the project.

Fee Based (set price)

The design firm reviews the project to establish a complete scope of services. Then a bid is submitted (a set price), typically based on the number of hours, square footage, or various other methods. The fee is paid in increments throughout the life of the project or as items are received and delivered or services are rendered. While this may seem advantageous, it may not be if the project is under-estimated. Going with the lowest price may result in sub-standard services. A rule of thumb often used is to discard the lowest and highest bids and then select from the rest.

Square Foot Based (set price)

With this method, pricing for the project is based on a square-footage basis for the spaces under consideration

Fee Based or Square Foot Based methods are difficult for many interior designers to utilize, because they do not relate to the client in any way. One client may require more services than another and one client may be more demanding than another, even if the house is on the same street, in the same neighborhood, by the same builder. It is a risk some professionals are willing to take and others are not.

By the Hour

The designer assists you on an hourly, as-needed basis, relaying ideas which you are free to implement as you see fit. Fees range from approximately $60-$300/hour depending on level of expertise, region and demand for services.

Cost Plus

The designer handles the design process and is paid to implement the purchase of goods on a cost-plus basis. These arrangements usually include mark-ups on all charges including freight and delivery.

We do not recommend this method for several reasons. Primarily, although it seems safer, it is misleading. "Costs" vary greatly from firm to firm. Much depends on volume and purchasing agreements made between the manufacturer and the design firm. Secondly, interior designers are offering more than simply products. Complete interior design services include custom designs, custom finishes, custom fabrication, delivery, freight, installation, liability, etc. And, the level of overhead for these services can vary greatly from one firm to another. Consumers do not expect a retailer to share cost information; rather they work from a retail price and receive discounts based on seasonal sales, volume purchases, etc.

Hourly & Cost Plus

The designer charges by the hour for meetings with the client, time preparing specifications and budgeting, but handles the purchase of goods on a cost-plus basis.


In this instance interior designers often make their living on a commission basis related to the volume of products sold and offered by specific manufacturers. While this method is common and may seem a safe approach for the consumer, it is not necessarily the best way to hire interior design services. Not all salespersons are created equally and motivations for the sale vary from salesperson to salesperson. Not all products are created equally and you may be limited by what a particular company has to offer. Commissions are figured into the price, whether or not the person is talented, educated, licensed or not. Therefore, should you choose an interior design working in a retail scenario, ask for references and credentials.

Keep in mind, IN ALL CASES, you are paying for any showroom space required to display merchandise so you are able to determine quality, utilities and overhead, a designer's time and experience, the labor and materials to fabricate products, packaging, freight, handling, delivery personnel and equipment, advertising and promotion, and tax.

Furniture is a major investment, one which should last you a minimum of 10 to 20 years, perhaps a lifetime. It may even become an antique? Classic proportions accompanied by durable finishes and fabrics will serve you best in the long run for your investment, no matter what style preferences you lean toward. By using interior designer services you receive the benefit of their expertise to help you refine your selections and to avoid costly mistakes. They guide you toward the best purchase and help unify your selections into a cohesive, well-functioning environment, be it private or public.

Magazine Content

May 2003 issue


1. Warm up

What do you know about working out costs for interior designers?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What do you need to charge for when you design something for a client? | |

|2 |How can you make sure that the client pays for your work? | |

|3 |What do you think the most expensive part of interior designing is? | |

|4 |What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of charging by the | |

| |hour are? | |

|5 |What other people will you have to pay if you are an interior designer? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What must an interior designer do when he/she is carrying out an initial | |

| |consultion? | |

|2 |Why may a free, initial consultion not be the best one for a client? | |

|3 |Write a definition for a retainer fee. | |

|4 |Write a defintion for a set price bid. | |

|5 |Which method of payment would you prefer – fee based, square foot based, or | |

| |by the hour? Why? | |

|# |Question |Answer |

|6 |If a designer uses the cost-plus method of payment, what must he/she include | |

| |in the cost? | |

|7 |What do complete interior design services include? | |

| | | |

|8 |What is a definition of the hourly and cost plus method of payment? | |

| | | |

|9 |What is a commission? | |

| | | |

|10 |Why is it important for an interior designer to help customers choose | |

| |furniture? | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

| | | |

|2 | | |

| | | |

|3 | | |

| | | |

|4 | | |

| | | |

|5 | | |

| | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

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6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 Invoice

Now design an invoice that you can use to bill a customer. Include as much information as possible.

Chapter 7 Ornamental Stone in Saudi Arabia

Ornamental stone is used widely within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and several varieties of granite are exported. Commercially exploitable deposits of plutonic igneous rocks, mostly granite but also quartz monzonite, anorthosite, and gabbro, occur in the Arabian Shield, mainly in the southern, western and eastern parts. Deposits of marble also occur in the Shield, notably in the western and east-central areas. Jurassic oolitic limestone (“Riyadh stone”) is worked extensively to the west of Riyadh. Deposits of Cenozoic coral-reef limestone are present along the Red Sea coast; they were exploited in the past for building stone but have a more restricted use today.



Evidence of an early use of natural stone for masonry can be seen in the defensive structures and ancient dams of the western and southern parts of the country. Notable examples are the watchtowers and fortified grain stores of the Asir mountains where roughly dressed dark-gray and greenish schists have been used with white quartz to create a distinctive local architecture. Near Khaybar, about 130 km north of Al Madinah, a large ancient dam (now breached) was constructed from blocks of columnar basalt. Coral-reef limestone, an excellent natural insulating material, was used extensively to build the large old houses of Jiddah, Yanbu‘ al Bahr, Umm Lajj, and Al Wajh.


Types of Ornamental Stone

Almost any kind of rock can be used as ornamental stone provided it possesses aesthetic and decorative appeal, can be polished, and is sufficiently resistant to weathering. In practice, the main Saudi Arabian rocks used as ornamental stone are igneous rocks, marble, and limestone.


Igneous Rock

In commercial terms, the name “granite” is applied to a wide range of igneous rocks extending from true granites (in a petrologic sense), through diorite, monzonite, and syenite, to gabbro and anorthosite. The granites have a visible crystalline texture but, whereas the true granites are composed essentially of feldspar and quartz plus mica or hornblende, the gabbro end of the range is darker in color and contains little or no quartz. Granites have properties that make them suitable for such applications as:

Curtain wall or facing stone for exteriors and interiors, floors and stairs.

Monument construction

The manufacture of curbstones and paving stones


The quality of granites are best shown by polishing, but all finishes, such as honed or flame-cut finishes, (which give a paler color) are suitable. Split surfaces can be given to steps, curbstones, and paving slabs. The finished products have a high resistance to weathering, particularly in the dry, hot, or humid climate of the Kingdom, and also resistance to acid pollution and frost action.



Massive granitic rock in Ranyah area


Saudi Arabia has abundant resources of igneous rock suitable for the production of high-quality ornamental stone. About 40 occurrences have been identified (all commercially called “granite”) that are suitable for exploitation by the ornamental stone industry. The most favorable areas are the Najran, Ranyah, southern Ar Rass, Ad Dawadimi, Jiddah-At Ta’if, and Yanbu‘ al Bahr-Al Madinah districts. Many sites have been investigated and some are being quarried commercially or on a pilot scale.


All the igneous rocks used as ornamental stone in the Kingdom are from the Proterozoic Arabian Shield. The true granites are commonly gray or pink, but range from red, through red-brown and brown, to black. In addition, red and brown quartz monzonites, black and blackish-brown anorthosites, and black gabbros occur. In general, the exploited igneous rocks are holocrystalline and medium to coarse grained but some, used for special effect, are fine grained.




Domestic use of ornamental stone is growing in Saudi Arabia and there is an international demand for certain types of Saudi granite. In an attempt to search for new areas and possibly new types of rocks for quarrying, a general reconnaissance was carried out in the northwestern part of the Arabian Shield, roughly from Duba in the north, to Umm Lajj in the south. The zone under investigation (about 85,000 km2) covers seven quadrangles (Umm Lajj, Wadi Al ‘Ays, Al Wajh, Sahl al Matran, Al Muwaylih, Shaghab, southern part of Al Bad) at 1:250,000 scale. The presence of port facilities in both Duba and Yanbu is a favorable factor for possible exports of commercial blocks or manufactured products.





Of the material referred to commercially as “marble” (true marble, limestone, onyx, and travertine) only true marble and limestone are worked in the Kingdom. True marbles are metamorphosed limestone or dolomite with a crystalline structure and a mosaic texture. The bedding of the original rock may, in places, be preserved as veining or banding. If very pure, a calcareous or dolomitic marble is white, but where the rock contains impurities it will be colored accordingly. Compared to granite, marble is softer and loses its polish more easily. However, Saudi marble is relatively hard due to its fine grain size.




Granite quarry, south of Saudi Arabia

Granite, northwest of Saudi Arabia


Marble at Jabal al Khor


True Saudi Arabian marble is of Proterozoic age and of variable metamorphic grades. The most important deposits are found in three broad areas of the Arabian Shield:

• in the east-central shield (Afif-Zalm area)

• in the south-central shield (At Ta’if-Ranyah-Bishah area)

• in the Jiddah-Al Madinah area



Saudi marble varies from white, through shades of gray, pink, purplish-beige, orange, yellow, and brown to black, several of which may occur in the same deposit to give a mottled appearance. The most common marbles in the Kingdom are gray and bluish-gray, variably toned rocks that constitute very large deposits marked by low fracturing characteristics, as at Jabal Ghizlan, the southern part of Jabal Khanuqah, and some sections of Jabal ash Shihbah. Large masses of easily exploitable pure-white marble are rare; most commonly, the white marble is of small lateral extent, or grades laterally to off-white or pale-gray marble as at Jabal Farasan, Madrakah, and Wadi Minsah. Black marble occurs at Jabal al Khuwar, Jabal Farasan, and Jabal Damkh. The degree of fracturing is important in assessing the economic potential of marble deposits. In general, marbles in the central shield region have low degrees of fracturing, whereas the Red Sea coastal deposits, such as at Jabal Farasan, are more fractured.





Limestone used as ornamental stone is found in the Phanerozoic rocks of Saudi Arabia in:

• Thick limestone sequences of the Arabian Platform flanking the Arabian Shield; and

• Raised coral reef deposits of the Red Sea coastal plain.

Both types have good resistance to the Kingdom’s climate but have low resistance to abrasion and acid pollution.

Several limestone formations of the Arabian Platform contain beds sufficiently thick, homogeneous in grain size and color, and with an optimum degree of jointing, as to make them potential deposits of ornamental stone. The most suitable units are of Jurassic age, namely the Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone, the Jubaila Limestone, and the Hanifa, Dhruma, and Marrat formations, that crop out to the west and south of Riyadh. The Dhruma Formation in particular is quarried to produce what is known as “Riyadh stone”.


The Middle Dhruma Formation of medium-hard, coarse-grained, oolitic, and pelletal calcarenite is extensively quarried along the foot of the Tuwayq escarpment, particularly near Darma and Al Barrah. Two facies are exploited, a cream-colored, uniform variety, and an orange-yellow limestone that has traces of cross-bedding. Split and sawn surfaces are the best finishes for the limestone, which is sold as small slabs for exterior use.


The Lower Dhruma Formation is also extensively quarried, particularly a pale-cream limestone about 10 km west of Hafirat Nasah. The limestone is fine grained, hard, and massive, and cut by stylolitic joints. Polished material suitable for use as floor and wall veneer, is reminiscent of Italian perlato.

Quarries in the Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone at the top of the Tuwayq escarpment north of Darma (for example the Al Hisyan area) work pale beige, coarse-grained, medium-hard calcarenite. The Jubaila Limestone in the Riyadh area is quarried to the northwest of Al Jubaylah and to the south of Al Hair, and the Hanifa Formation has been exploited near Al ‘Ammariyah west of the city.


Along the Red Sea coast, raised coral-reef limestone was much used in the past as a building stone, but now has a restricted use as wall facings. Relatively thick slabs are cut as the presence of numerous cavities makes the use of thin slabs impractical. The stone is easy to quarry and saw but deposits of commercial quality are of limited size both laterally and vertically due to the structure of a coral reef and the limiting factor of the water table. The mechanical resistance of the coral limestone is reduced by the restricted degree of diagenesis.


A deposit of coral limestone of moderate size has been identified near Wadi Jirbah about 30 km south of Rabigh, and opened as a pilot quarry. Other good quality, relatively small deposits occur between Rabigh and Jiddah.



The orange limestone in the foreground is quarried in the Darma area for

facing stone (Riyadh Stone) and is part of the Dhruma Formation, overlain

by the Tuwayq Mountain Limestone escarpment at Jabal Tuwayq



1. Warm up

What do you know about ornamental stones?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is an ornamental stone? Name some. | |

|2 |Where do people find ornamental stones in the KSA? | |

|3 |What is your favorite ornamental stone? Why? | |

|4 |How can we use ornamental stones for interior designs? | |

|5 |What is the most amazing example of the use of ornamental stones that you | |

| |have seen? Describe it. | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table – Skimming and Scanning

Read the passage and complete the table.

|# |Question |Igneous Rocks |Marble |Limestone |

|1 |Location | | | |

|2 |Types | | | |

|3 |Colour | | | |

|4 |Modern uses | | | |

|5 |Texture | | | |

|6 |Composition | | | |

|7 |Properties | | | |

|8 |Resistance | | | |

|9 |Ancient uses | | | |

|10 |Result of impurities | | | |

|11 |Hard or soft | | | |

|12 |Geologic period | | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about ornamental stones and their use in interior decorating.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now choose one type of ornamental stone and think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 8 What is a Crystal?

Crystals are solids that form by a regular repeated pattern of molecules connecting together. In some solids, the arrangements of the building blocks (atoms and molecules) can be random or very different throughout the material. In crystals, however, a collection of atoms called the Unit Cell is repeated in exactly the same arrangement over and over throughout the entire material.

Because of this repetitive nature, crystals can take on strange and interesting looking forms naturally. When we grow crystals we are separating all the building block molecules into individual units in water and letting them fall naturally into their appropriate place in the repetitive structure as the water evaporates.

Through these pages you can learn what types of crystals there are, why different crystals have different shapes and sizes,  find out how light affects the color of a crystal and how crystals form and how they grow. Making Crystal Gardens is fun and rewarding, so we've left you a few ideas along with other Crystal growing recipes you can try - such as growing Crystals on a String - that with a little patience and imagination you could suspend from the ceiling as a mobile!

This depends on 2 factors:

1. The internal symmetry of the crystal, and

2. The relative growth rates along the various directions in the crystal.

For example, suppose you have mutually perpendicular axes, a, b, and c. Suppose the crystal grows at equal rates along a, b, and c, then the crystal shape will be a cube. Now suppose a different crystal grows fast in the a and b direction, but very slowly in the c direction. The crystal will then grow as thin plates with the face of the plate being perpendicular to c. These are only simple examples.

More complicated cases (and shapes) happen when the crystal doesn't have mutually perpendicular axes, and when the fastest directions of growth correspond to face or body diagonals (or even other directions) in the crystal.

Why crystals grow at different rates in different directions is a very complicated question. If there is a highly attractive interaction (energetically speaking) along a certain direction of a crystal, then that direction will probably grow fast. However, it could also grow slowly, if that direction interacted strongly with the solvent; having strongly absorbed solvent on the surface of the crystal could block growth along that face.



1. Warm up

What do you know about crystals?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is a crystal? | |

|2 |How does a crystal form? | |

|3 |How can you use crystals in interior decorating? | |

|4 |Do you think crystals can affect a person’s mood? Why or why not? | |

|5 |Where can you buy crystals in Kuwait? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Definition for crystal | |

|2 |How are crystals similar to buildings? | |

|3 |How does light affect a crystal? | |

|4 |How does light affect a building? | |

|5 |How could you use a Crystal Garden to decorate a house? | |

|6 |Why are crystals different shapes? | |

|7 |Why do crystals grow at different rates? | |

|8 |How is growing a crystal like interior designing? | |

|9 |What mathematical terms can you find in the article? | |

|10 |Is this article useful for an interior designer? Why or why not? | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about crystals and their use in interior designing.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

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6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 9 The Haj Terminal

The Haj Terminal at the King Abdul Aziz International Airport in Jaddah is located approximately 43.5 miles west of the Holy City of Makkah. Since Jeddah is the only large commercial city in close proximity to Makkah, all air traffic bound for Makkah arrives in Jeddah and proceeds by land transportation from Jaddah to Makkah. Normal airport facilities are capable of handling this traffic during most of the year; however, approximately once a year, vast numbers of Moslem pilgrims from all over the world travel to Makkah to participate in the Haj pilgrimage. The Haj activity takes place within about a six week period resulting in unusually high air traffic for this rather short period of time. Since the public facilities at the new airport were designated to handle only the normal flow of domestic and international air traffic, a separate terminal facility was required to process the Haj pilgrims.

The Haj Terminal design program required the facility to handle a large volume of people with highly diversified needs over a short period of time. It is projected that this facility will process approximately 950,000 pilgrims during the Haj by the year 1985. It is estimated that the terminal complex will need to accommodate 50,000 pilgrims at one time for periods up to 18 hours during arrival and 80,000 pilgrims for periods up to 36 hours during departure. This time is required in order to transfer between air and land transportation. Therefore, appropriate space, determined to be approximately 5,400,000 square feet, must be created which is adaptable and flexible to the Hajiis' needs.

In response to these requirements, a scheme was developed which provided for a linear terminal building adjacent to the terminal building. This scheme provided for minimum walking distance for the pilgrims from the planes to the air-conditioned terminal where all formal processing and baggage handling is accomplished. The pilgrims them proceed into the naturally ventilated support area where they will organize for travel by land to Makkah. Because of the rather severe environment in Jeddah, the support complex must be protected from the sun by a roof covering.

As it may take as many as 18 hours for the pilgrim to conclude the necessary preparations for the Haj, great care has been taken in the design of the support area to make the pilgrim's time in the area as pleasant as possible. Under each module, facilities are located for the pilgrim to rest, sleep and acquire both prepared foods or food which the pilgrim himself may prepare. In addition, many washing and toilet facilities have been provided in each module as well as offices providing banking, postal, airline, bus and taxi, and general information support services.

There are 210 semi-conical Teflon-coated Fiberglass roof units contained within a total of ten modules. Five modules located on each side of the central spine entry road cover a total area of approximately 105 acres. A single module contains 21 semi-conical fabric roof units stretched and formed by 32 radial cables. The modules are supported by 45-meter-high steel pylons located on a square 45-meter grid. The columns taper from 2.50 meters at their base to 1.00 meter at the top. In each module, steel cables radiate from the top of the columns to a 3.96-meter diameter central steel tension ring to which are attached the steel radial cables. The inherent long-span characteristics of steel cable structures allow for the spacing of columns to be far enough apart to give not only a very open feeling to the large support area but to allow for maximum flexibility in planning for the various support buildings located within the support area.

The form and height of the fabric roof units promote circulation of air from the open side of the support area up to and through the open steel tension ring located at the top of the roof unit. Mechanical fan towers placed intermittently between the columns enhance air circulation. Acoustical problems created by the many thousands of pilgrims located beneath the fabric roof are also diminished due to roof height and material. The fabric roofs provide shelter from intense desert heat. Because the fabric has a low heat transmission, it allows the sun to cast a warm light over the support area; at night, it will become a great reflective surface as pylon-mounted uplights bounce light from the roof to the ground below. Located under the landscaped central mall, two large exhaust fans for each module draw off exhaust fumes of the buses.

from Oswald W. Grebe. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill: Architecture and Urbanism 1973-1983. p382.

Sources on Haj Terminal

Oswald W. Grube. Skimore, Owings & Merrill: Architecture and Urbanism 1973-1983. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1983. ISBN 0-442-21169-4. LC 83-16955. NA 737.S53B87 1984. Color photo of interior, f13, p388. Color photo of exterior, f6, p387. discussion, p382.

Kevin Matthews. The Great Buildings Collection on CD-ROM. Artifice, 2001. ISBN 0-9667098-4-5.— Available at


1. Warm up

What do you know about the Haj terminal?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |How many pilgrims visit Saudi Arabia each year? | |

|2 |What kind of services does the Kingdom have to provide for these pilgrims? | |

|3 |Do you think the number of pilgrims visiting should be limited each year? | |

| |Why or why not? | |

|4 |What are some of the problems involved in building in the Kingdom, e.g. heat?| |

|5 |How can architects and interior designers use old building methods when they | |

| |build modern buildings? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Definition of Haj Terminal | |

|2 |Location | |

|3 |Number of pilgrims in 1985 | |

|4 |Floor size | |

|5 |Services for pilgrims | |

|6 |Number of modules | |

|7 |Description of modules | |

|8 |Description of steel cables | |

|9 |Functions of fabric roof units | |

|10 |Functions ofmechanical fan towers and fans | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about the Haj Terminal.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

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|2 | | |

|3 | | |

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|8 | | |

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|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 10 The Kingdom Tower

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Kingdom Centre


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|(c) Chris Spillios |

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|(c) Daniel Kieckhefer |

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|(c) Daniel Kieckhefer |

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|(c) Daniel Kieckhefer |

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1 Search the internet to find information in order to complete the following table.

|Identification |

|Official name |Kingdom Centre | |

|Alternative names |* | |

|Emporis Building Number |100934 | |

|Location |

|Address |* | |

|Neighborhood |Al-Olaya | |

|City |Riyadh | |

|Country |Saudi Arabia | |

 Technical Data

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Height | |

|2 |Number of floors | |

|3 |Date construction ended | |

|4 |Date construction started | |

|5 |Number of elevators | |

|6 |Number of escalators | |

|7 |Maximum width | |

|8 |Maximum length | |

|9 |Number of parking spaces | |

|10 |Type of construction | |

|11 |Façade materials | |

|12 |Façade colors | |

|13 |Roof system | |

|14 |Materials used in interior | |

|15 |Functions | |

|16 |Architectural style | |

|Facts |

The building is the tallest in Saudi Arabia, and was topped out in January 2001. Kingdom Centre was planned from the beginning as an iconic symbol of Saudi Arabia, and the final design was selected after a 3-year process which included over 100 submissions by major architectural firms. The tower's unique shape culminates in a triangular opening spanned by a 56 meter skybridge with a public observation deck. Occupants include a five-star hotel, a major bank headquarters, a sports club, a wedding and conference center, and a luxury condominium and apartment complex. Kingdom Centre is the tallest skyscraper in the world below 50 floors. At its completion this was the 25th tallest building in the world, and the tallest of the 21st century. Kingdom Centre is the winning building of the Award 2002, selected as the "best new skyscraper of the year for design and functionality". The spaces to the left and right of the hole contain an enormous latticework of diagonal steel beams. On the restaurant level there is a conference room with a skylight looking up at this area. The hotel's ballroom is the largest in Riyadh, and the largest in the entire Four Seasons hotel chain. The observation deck has a steeply arched floor, and features diagonal cross-beams along the windows. The building has an entrance on each of its four sides, each one serving a different usage (hotel, shopping, ballroom, and apartments/offices). The tower is aligned in a direct axis with Al Faisaliyah Center, Riyadh's other major skyscraper. A three-level shopping center fills the east wing. The mall won a major design award. Landscaped courtyards filled with palm trees welcome visitors on the north and south sides of the tower. The lighting fixtures in the driveway mimic the shape of the tower, with a recessed arc in place of the hole. The inverted catenary arch at the top was described by the developer as a "necklace" for the city of Riyadh. The large opening is illuminated at night in continuously changing colors.

Almost all of the facade is reflective blue glass, but the opening is lined with aluminum to highlight the unique shape. The ellipse motif taken from the tower's footprint appears also in the light fixtures, ceiling panels, entrance canopy, wastebaskets, and furniture. The main lobby is a soaring elliptical space with ribbed vaulting, elevated walkways, a fountain, and rows of palm trees.

January 2003: Kingdom Centre was chosen as best new skyscraper of the year.

You are using the public version of Emporis. All data marked with * and additional tools are accessible through Emporis Research.




1. Warm up

What do you know about the Kingdom Tower?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |When was the Kingdom Tower completed? | |

|2 |How is it different from other buildings in Riyadh? | |

|3 |What materials were used in the interior of the building? | |

|4 |Do you think it is a beautiful building? Why or why not? | |

|5 |Have you been to the top of it? What can you see from the roof? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Conclusions

Read the passage and complete the table by drawing conclusions about each sentence.

|# |Statement |Conclusion |

|1 |The Kingdom Tower is an iconic symbol of Saudi Arabia. | |

|2 |There is a public observation deck at the top. | |

|3 |The Kingdom Tower is the tallest building in the world below 50 floors. | |

|4 |When this article was written, it was the tallest building of the twentieth | |

| |century. | |

|5 |The building won an award for its functionality. | |

|6 |The spaces to the left and right of the hole contain an enormous latticework | |

| |of diagonal steel beams. | |

|7 |The hotel’s ballroom is the largest in Riyadh. | |

|8 |The observation deck has diagonal cross-beams across the windows. | |

|9 |The building has entrances on each of its four sides. | |

|10 |The tower is aligned with Al Faisaliyah Center. | |

|11 |The mall won a major design award. | |

|12 |The arch at the top was designed as a ‘necklace’ for Riyadh. | |

|13 |The large opening is illuminated at night by changing colors. | |

|14 |The opening is lined with aluminum to highlight its unique shape. | |

|15 |The ellipse motif taken from the tower’s footprint appears in other parts of | |

| |the building, including its furniture. | |

|16 |The main lobby is a soaring elliptical space with a fountain and rows of palm| |

| |trees. | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

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6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 11 Interior Decoration

Top of Form


Bright plaids and flowers give a wonderful fresh look to this casual room.

Coral Nafie

The Focus is on Comfort

Do you long for a casual style room that is homey, warm, comfortable, and inviting? Who doesn't want to be comfortable in their own home? If you want to put together a casual style room, learn the basic elements that combine to create a truly casual room.

For starters, casual rooms have simple details, textured elements in fabrics and accessories, restful horizontal lines, soft upholstery, low-luster surfaces, and arrangements that avoid perfect symmetry.

Details are simple, and elements are rectangular or softly curved.

A room decorated in a casual style is the perfect place to have a touch of whimsey. Use an old or reconstructed birdhouse or wooden candlestick for a lamp base, stack pieces of old luggage for a side table, use a low vintage ironing board for a coffee table.

Casual decorating is easily incorporated into rustic, French Country, cottage, Shabby Chic, or American Country decorating styles. [pic]

With people enjoying more relaxed lifestyles, many homes today are totally decorated using the elements of casual decorating. But any home can incorporate the elements into a guest room, country kitchen, guest room, or bathroom. The elements of a casual style of decorating can sneak into almost any room and make it feel comfortable.

The elements of a casual style of decorating are discussed below. Use any or all of these tips to bring the casual decorating style to your rooms.

1. Furniture in a casual interior is soft and comfortable. Upholstered pieces are usually oversized and slipcovered.

2. Many pieces of upholstered furniture are covered in neutral colors, such as tan, gray, beige, or off-white. But other colors are used, too. Soft pastels give a peaceful feeling. Or try darker tones such as navy, rust, olive or forest green, wine, and cranberry for punch.

3. Fabrics on furniture and pillows are usually textured, rather than shiny. Interesting weaves of natural fibers like cotton, linen, wool are typical. New synthetic weaves give a natural look and add durability.

4. For special accents on upholstered pieces, add ruffles, pleats, buttons, ribbon, or cording. Contrasting colored details incorporate the full range of colors in the room.

5. To achieve a casual look, pieces are often long, large, and horizontal, rather than vertical and tall and petite. Tables are chunky and of a large scale, which gives a comfortable feeling, while providing space for storage and spreading out. This helps to create a restful look.

6. A room decorated in a casual style is the perfect place for found items of wicker, iron, and rattan, or flea market finds. Old antiques fit in well.

More Ways to Create a Casual Interior

It All Adds Up to Making Everyone Feel Comfortable

1. A room decorated in a causal style often has furniture arranged on the diagonal, cutting off sharp corners. Matched pieces are not required, as the focus is on easy.

2. An ottoman is essential for comfort. Add a large wooden or rattan tray to convert it to a coffee table.

3. Light woods are often used for furniture pieces and wood flooring. Oak and pine are the most popular, either painted or finished with a flat, low luster varnish to protect the grain.

4. Hammered iron, antiqued brass, wrough iron, porcelain, or carved wood are used for the hardware on doors and drawers.

5. Collections of treasured or found items are often arranged to add the casual look. The shelf of a bookcase or corner tabletop is the perfect place for an arrangement of treasures.

6. Bedrooms in a casual home would not be without a mountain of pillows and a comfortable quilt.

7. Window coverings in a casual room usually start with shutters, blinds or shades for privacy and light control. [pic]

They're enhanced with simple valances of fabrics, often layered over non-traditional drapery hardware. Add a touch of whimsey here using a tree branch or old iron pipe for a curtain rod. Drapery panels often hang at the sides, or use long iron nails or notched tree branches for tie-backs.

1. Details on window treatments are simple. Contrast lining fabric peeking out from the sides, cording or wide contrast banding, or tab tops with buttons or ribbon details dress up the window--but not too much! Add a simple swag of fabric or fabric tie-backs if you must.

2. Floors in a casual style room are hardwood, tile, stone, or stained concrete. If carpet is used, it should not be too plush. Rather chose sisal, berber, or long, shaggy styles or subtle geometric woven patterns.

3. Rooms decorated in a casual style have light fixtures made of wrought iron, tin, pewter, or wood. Simple chandeliers look old in wrought iron or antiqued metals. Or electrify a hanging pan rack or hang a rack of antlers. Add small fabric-covered lampshades on the small candle lights. Or select a chandelier that burns real candles for a really warm, homey feeling.

4. Almost anything you have around the house becomes a decorative accessory in a room decorated in a casual style. Gather pillows, books, boxes, candlesticks, bird houses, and flowers and put them everywhere. Easy-to-keep plants or silk plants add color and texture and candles give a warm, welcoming glow and fragrance.

5. Artwork of country, casual themes is simply framed using wooden frames, either painted or stained.

6. The dining table of a room decorated in a casual style would be set with rugged stoneware, textured woven or fabric placemats, coordinated napkins, heavy glasses, stainless flatware, wooden bowls, and accessories of iron or pewter. The colors of the table should enhance the theme of the room, using either bold floral patterns, plain pieces, or soft, comfortable pastels.

Keep in mind that a room decorated in a causal style should be:

1. Comfortable, homey, welcoming, and sturdy.

2. Fabrics should be soft and textured.

3. Furniture is long, overstuffed, and low.

4. Surfaces worn and rugged.

5. Accessories are old and rustic.

6. A touch of whimsey is in order.

Use a casual style wherever you want to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

1. Warm up

What do you know about interior decoration?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |How is decorating a bedroom different from decorating a living room? | |

|2 |How can you create a warm, inviting atmosphere in a home, even if you do not | |

| |have much money? | |

|3 |What do you think ‘casual decorating’ is? | |

|4 |How can you decorate a window? Be imaginative! | |

|5 |What kind of art would you like to have in your house? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What can you use to decorate a room in a casual style? | |

|2 |Give some examples of touches of whimsey. | |

|3 |Name four decorating styles. How are they different? | |

|4 |What tips are mentioned to create a casual style? | |

|5 |Why should furniture be arranged diagonally? | |

|6 |Why do you think light woods are used? | |

|7 |What should you use for the hardware on doors and drawers? | |

|8 |Where should you place your treasures? | |

|9 |How can you make a bedroom look casual? | |

|10 |What can you control light with? | |

|11 |What are some examples of non-traditional drapery hardware? | |

|12 |How can you decorate a window? | |

|13 |What materials can you use for floors? | |

|14 |What materials can be used for light fixtures? | |

|15 |What are some examples of decorative accessories? | |

|16 |What kind of frames should you use? | |

|17 |What can you use to decorate a dining table? | |

|18 |Write down some of the adjectives used to describe a casual style room and | |

| |its furniture and fittings. | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

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6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Designing a casual living room.

Draw a plan of your design for a casual living room. Then complete the tables with notes about the room.

1 Articles for Casual Living Room

|# |Article |Materials |Size |Colors |Cost |

|1 |Lights | | | | |

|2 |Settee | | | | |

|3 |Drapes | | | | |

|4 | | | | | |

|5 | | | | | |

|6 | | | | | |

|7 | | | | | |

|8 | | | | | |

|9 | | | | | |

|10 | | | | | |

2 Shops

|# |Article |Shop |Location |Hours of Opening |

|1 |Lights | | | |

|2 |Settee | | | |

|3 |Drapes | | | |

|4 | | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 | | | | |

|9 | | | | |

|10 | | | | |

Chapter 12 How To Find a Focal Point in a Room

Top of Form

[pic] This spectacular print becomes the focal point in this small living room.

Here's How:

Look around your room to determine the 'biggest' feature. It may be a fireplace, a picture window, or a built-in bookcase. This will generally be your focal point.

If your room has no distinguishing architectural features, identify the largest furniture pieces. These could become your focal point.

A focal point should be something interesting to look at, something colorful or texturally and visually appealing.

You can create a focal point for the room, by focusing on artwork, floral arrangements, paint color, or shelving. [pic]

The focal point should be the 'first thing' you see when entering a room. If possible, build your furniture arrangement around the focal point.

If an outdoor view is the focal point, orient the furniture inside and outside to take advantage of window areas.

You can create a focal point wall by painting one wall a different color from the rest and accessorizing with a wall arrangement, artwork, or display shelves.

Use lighting to enhance your focal point. For example, use a picture light, track light, or wall washer fixture on a painting or wall display.

If you've identified a mantle or shelf as the focal point, use plants and accessories to decorate them.

Use contrasting color to make the focal point stand out. For example, use a light wall color behind a dark wood armoire.

Focus on your room's best qualities by choosing a focal point you enjoy. Decorate and 'frame' a focal point with plants, curtains, and art. Remember to try choosing the 'first thing' you see, or the biggest item for a focal point.


1. Warm up

What do you know about a focal point in a room?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is a focal point in a room? | |

|2 |What is the focal point in your living room? | |

|3 |Does the focal point in a room have to be expensive? Explain your answer. | |

|4 |What might the focal point in a study be? | |

|5 |What is the focal point in this classroom? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table – Focal Points in a Room

Read the passage and complete the table about focal points.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Defintion of focal point | |

|2 |Examples of focal points | |

|3 |Examples of furniture pieces | |

|4 |Adjectives used to describe focal points | |

|5 |Example of outdoor focal point | |

|6 |Examples of using lighting for focal points | |

|7 |How to use color as a focal point | |

|8 |How you can decorate or frame a focal point | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 13 How to Modernize and Update the Lighting in Your Home

Top of Form


What's Hot

What's New for Kitchens and...Shabby Chic DecoratingCeiling Fan TipsFrench Style and Decorating BkSlipper Chair


Here's How:

1. Install dimmer switches on as many lamps and light fixtures as you can. In the bathroom, you can really create a soothing mood for bathing. A bedroom becomes more romantic. You'll have control over the intensity of light around your home and save energy at the same time.

2. For dark corners, use metal can up-lights. They can be purchased in a variety of styles and only need to be plugged in, with the light directed at the dark area. These are small and work great in a potted floor plant or on the top of a chest or armoire. Be sure to camouflage the fixture and just enjoy the light.

3. Install under-cabinet light strips in the kitchen, desk area, or workroom. The light will shine directly on the work area and make any task easier. Switch them off when you leave the job.

4. Add a decorative lamp to a bookshelf. It will not only break up the long line of books, but make it easier to find what you're looking for.

5. Place a small decorative lamp on the kitchen or bathroom, tucked into a corner. (Be sure to keep it away from any water!) It can serve as a night light but also be decorative.

6. Be sure that every room in your home has a light connected to a dimming wall switch at the entrance. You'll be able to turn it on when you walk into the room, then adjust the lighting as you find your way.

7. If your table space is limited, install a reading light on the wall near the bed or lounge chair. Reading will be a pleasure!

8. Remove boring ceiling fixtures and install can lights around the room. While you might need to bring in professional help for this one, it will be well worth it! You can direct the light to artwork, reading nooks, or work spaces.

9. Light your artwork with small fixtures attached on the top. There are many styles designed just for lighting art. Find them at a local home center, attatch it to the frame of the art, and plug in to the wall.

10. Install a dimming wall switch to control the light and fan on a ceiling fan. For even more convenience, purchase and program a remote control to turn the light or fan on and off.

11. Install a motion sensor on outdoor light fixtures to control the light when people walk too close to the house. Or, at a dark hallway or staircase, or in the garage or attic so that you never have to enter the space in the dark.

12. Add a light sensor to an outdoor light. You'll have light whenever it's dark outside, but the light will go off at daybreak.


1. Use a lamp, up-light, and ceiling fixture all in one room. The layers of light will add interest and provide numerous lighting options.

2. Be sure to keep the light bulbs clean with frequent dusting. The light will be cleaner, too.[pic]


1. Warm up

What do you know about lighting?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |How does lighting affect the atmosphere in a room? | |

| | | |

|2 |What are the names of some kinds of lights? | |

| | | |

|3 |How can you use lighting to make a room look bigger? | |

| | | |

|4 |How is the lighting used in a kitchen different from that used in a bedroom | |

| |or living room? | |

|5 |What is ‘natural light’? | |

| | | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Type of light or appliance |Location |Function |Notes |

|1 |Dimmer switch | | | |

|2 |Metal can up-lights | | | |

|3 |Under-cabinet light strips | | | |

|4 |Decorative lamp | | | |

|# |Type of light or appliance |Location |Function |Notes |

|5 |Reading lamp | | | |

|6 |Can lights | | | |

|7 | |artwork | | |

|8 | |Light and fan on ceiling| | |

|9 | | | |Goes on when people come near|

| | | | |house |

|10 |Lamp, up-light and ceiling fixture | | | |

|11 |Light bulb | | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with lighting that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

| | | |

|2 | | |

| | | |

|3 | | |

| | | |

|4 | | |

| | | |

|5 | | |

| | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about lighting. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about lighting. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 14 How to Choose the Right Paint Color

When it comes to decorating, choosing paint color can really be a challenge. While you may feel that there are so many choices you're bound to find the right one, you may end up feeling that there are so many choices you don't know where to start!

The tips here will really help you if you feel stumped by this important choice. After all, the paint color will set the tone for the room.

Be Patient

It's great to collect paint chips when planning a room, but hold off making final choices until you've developed an overall room scheme. Paint is available in literally an infinite array of colors and is the most versatile element of your room decor, the easiest to change, and the least expensive. Get ideas but make the final decision after rugs, wallpaper, and fabrics are finalized. [pic]

Coordinate Decorating Samples

When you go shopping, you'll need to refer to your fabric, carpet, tile, wallpaper, and trim samples constantly. Be sure to take everything with you wherever you go. There is no telling where you might see something wonderful.

Really Study the Colors

You'll find clues about the underlying tones of different shades of a color on a full sample strip of coordinated colors. Even if you're not even considering using a darker tone, look at all the colors carefully. Decide if the family of colors is the direction you're headed with your color selection.

Tried and True Formula for Colors

If you're working with a print fabric, you'll probably be happier if you select the coordinating wall paint color from the background of the print. Use the deeper or brighter tones for accents throughout the room or adjacent spaces.

Trim it Out

More often than not, you'll select a shade of white or off-white for the moldings, doors, and windows. If you're feeling brave, consider the palest shade of color to coordinate with the walls. For a really striking look, try lighter walls and dark tones or bright color for trim.

Choose the Paint Finish for the Job

Consider which paint finish might be best for your project. Matte or flat finishes hide wall imperfections, but glossier finishes will reflect more light.


1. Warm up

What do you know about paint?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Do you prefer paint or wallpaper to decorate the walls of a room? Why? | |

|2 |What are the names of some kinds of paint, e.g. emulsion? | |

|3 |Where can you buy paint in Riyadh? | |

|4 |Which is easier to use, gloss or emulsion paint? Why? | |

|5 |What do we use the different types of paint for? |Emulsion – walls |

| | | |

2 Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3 Table

Read the passage and answer the questions:

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Colors of paint | |

|2 |Advantages of paint | |

|3 |What you need to coordinate in a room | |

|4 |Use of sample strips of coordinated colors | |

|5 |Tried and true formula for colors | |

|6 |Color of trims | |

|7 |Types of paint finish | |

|8 |Importance of matte and flat finishes | |

|9 |Importance of gloss paint | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Choose one paint color and find out as much about it as possible. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Color | |

|2 |Shades | |

|3 |Source of color | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 15 Rules for Decorating

Part 1: Decorating rules can focus your planning


The rules of interior decorating can be as solid as a rock or as open to interpretation as the sky. But many experts agree that learning the rules can be the first step toward freely breaking those rules when necessary. Here are some of the decorating dos.

1 Do sketch your floorplan and record the room dimensions, window sizes and placement, and the location of special features, electrical outlets, and so on. [pic]

Take your floorplan with you when you shop.

2 Do take the time to discover your personal style by reading shelter magazines, attending showhouses, and browsing online and in stores to learn what styles and colors really appeal to you.

3 Do identify the focal point of the room (a fireplace, a view, a bed, an armoire).

4 Do define a room's style in writing , being specific. (Not just "country French", but "French Country with a rooster motif, chicken wire cupboard fronts, and a color scheme that includes black and gold.")

5 Do pick a signature piece to focus your decorating decisions. It could be a beautiful fabric, an area rug, a picture, a piece of pottery, dishes, or a postcard. The item should embody both the color scheme of the room as well as the style and mood you hope to create.

6 Do coordinate fabric and flooring choices before making any major purchases, and before choosing exact paint colors.

7 Do purchase large elements first (rugs, draperies, upholstered furniture) whenever possible, and use the exact colors and style of those major pieces to coordinate all other choices.

8 Do use a mix of patterns -- large-scale, small-scale, checks, stripes, geometrics, plain -- when coordinating a room.

9 Do allow for natural pathways in a room (such as from the door to the closet) and try to arrange furniture with those walkways in mind.

10 Do consider the uses and function of a room before deciding on furnishings and arrangements. For example, if your dining room will also be your study, then you'll need room for a desk, books, lighting, and files as well as the dining room table and chairs.

11 Do consider using unifying elements such as trim color, wood tone, flooring, motifs, fabrics, or materials.

12 Do use the principle of repetition when planning shapes, colors, fabrics, and patterns. One red accent in a room may look like an afterthought whereas several red accents here and there will contribute to the color scheme.

13 Do plan ahead for appropriate task, general, and dramatic lighting by using a mix of light fixtures on dimmers for maximum control.

14 Do purchase the best quality furniture you can afford . Learn more about quality construction and materials that can prolong the life of furniture and make it a better buy in the long run.

1. Warm up

What do you know about decorating?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is a floor plan? Why is it useful? | |

| | | |

|2 |Why do you need to have a focal point in a room? | |

| | | |

|3 |Can you mix different decorating styles in a room? Why or why not? | |

| | | |

|4 |Which should you buy first, the furniture or the paint for a room? Why? | |

| | | |

|5 |Do all rooms have the same functions? Why or why not? | |

| | | |

| | | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage, write down each rule, and give a reason why it is important.

|# |Rule |Reason it is important |

|1 |Make a floor plan |So you know where to place everything |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|No |Rule |Reason |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

|11 | | |

|12 | | |

|13 | | |

|14 | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 16 More Decorating Rules - Focus Your Project[pic]

Decorating "dos" continue on this page with more about fabrics, color, and accessories.

1 Do use contrast to add interest to a space. Placing furniture and accessories against a contrasting background will highlight each piece.

2 Do crosslink your rooms by repeating colors, fabrics, and themes in varying combinations.

3 Do balance a room's furnishings by paying attention to scale and visual weight. [pic]Balance a large stone fireplace with a large sofa or armoire placed opposite.

4 Do arrange conversational areas to be within an 8 to 14 feet square area.

5 Do anchor spaces in open floor plans with area rugs and furniture groupings to define each space.

6 Do pair seating in conversation areas with side tables and lamps so that there is a place to set drinks, books, etc. as well as adequate light for reading.

7 Do choose accessories that reinforce the color and style theme of a room.

8 Do use scale and pattern to create interesting focal points.

9 Do use pairs of items to underscore symmetry and balance.

10 Do use odd numbers of items (3, 5, 7) when grouping accents for tablescapes. Do place items (high, medium, and low) within an imaginary triangle to add interest.

11 Do use symmetrical arrangements in formal rooms. In more casual rooms go for asymmetrical arrangements of furniture and accessories.

12 Do emphasize the important elements of the room and play down the unattractive or unimportant elements.

13 Do use a variety of textures (smooth, rough, shiny, dull) when you want to add interest to a room.

14 Do use line to underscore a room's style. Horizontal lines emphasize length and underscore a calm mood. Vertical lines will emphasize height, and diagonal lines emphasize space and provide a dynamic and exciting feel.

15 Do reinforce the style and theme of a room with appropriate details and accessories.

16 Do install more details in a plain boxy room. Consider crown molding, wainscoting, and other applications to add interest and character.

17 Do consider the location of your home and the architectural style when planning interiors.

1. Warm up

What do you know about today’s topic for reading?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |How can you balance a room’s furnishings? | |

|2 |What are the unattractive or unimportant items in a room? | |

|3 |What is the architectural style of a room? | |

|4 |How can you balance the furnishings in a room? | |

|5 |How can you use different textures in a room? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage, write down each rule and give a reason why the rule is important.

|# |Rule |Reason it is important |

|1 |Use contrast to add interest |So people do not get bored with the room |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

|11 | | |

|12 | | |

|13 | | |

|14 | | |

|15 | | |

|16 | | |

|17 | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





Chapter 17 Decorating Don’ts

1 Don't fall in love with cheap furniture just because it has an appealing color or exciting fabric. Look for good lines, quality construction, and elegant details first. Then have those pieces covered in a fabric or finish that you love.

2 Don't choose colors standing in a store. [pic] Try to take samples (of paint, fabrics, and floorcoverings) back to your home and look at them in daylight and at night.

3 Don't spend a lot of money on expensive items that are "trendy". Try out trends that truly appeal to you by experimenting first with inexpensive accessories.

4 Don't live with a lot of mismatched furniture orphans. Unite pieces with color, either by painting everything one color (white, pale gold, or black for example) or by recovering everything using identical or a mix of coordinating fabrics.

5 Don't always choose backgrounds in your favorite color. Sometimes providing a softer background will make your favorite color stand out as the brightest accent color in the room.

6 Don't choose everything beige if you really love color. Remember, color doesn't cost more than white. Wouldn't a pretty mango, soft coral, or lovely green wall make a terrific backdrop for your white sofa?

7 Don't ignore the mood effects of color -- red is exciting, pale blue soothing, green calming, and yellow is happy -- so choose color schemes that underscore the feeling you want to create in your home.

8 Don't disregard the undertones of a color. Every color can be either light or dark, cool or warm, clear or muddy. Look for these color cues when choosing color.

9 Don't blow your entire budget on something that isn't functional, classic, or long-lasting, unless you're completely smitten and can't live without it. In general it's best to start with the basics and build from there.


1. Warm up

What should you not do when you are decorating a room?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is wrong with cheap furniture? | |

|2 |What is a ‘mismatched furniture orphan’? | |

|3 |How does color affect our mood? | |

|4 |Should you buy expensive, trendy objects? Why or why not? | |

|5 |Why should you take samples of fabrics, wallpaper or paint to your home | |

| |before buying them? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Write down each rule and give a reason why it is important.

|# |Rule |Reason it is important |

|1 |Don’t fall in love with cheap furniture. |It will not last. |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about a topic connected with today’s reading that you are interested in.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about this topic. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about your topic. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 18 Peridot: A Precious Stone from a Precious Country

A Jewel’s Tale

The peridot is an extraterrestrial gem with a brilliant green colour that symbolizes highness and life. It does not fade at night. It is called “the emerald of the evening”, although it is not an emerald – it is a peridot.

Peridot was born in molten volcanoes millions of years ago. This igneous blazing origin gave it the name “the jewel of lovers”.

Peridot through the Ages

Peridot is among the oldest of known gemstones. Ancient people called it “the jewel of the sun” and the Romans called it “the jewel of the evening”. Ancient Egyptians, thousands of years ago, created peridot beads. For Greeks and Romans, it was in popular use in jewelry. They were the most valuable gems in the Ottoman Caliphate state.

We extract it from the Holy Land

The story of how peridot was discovered in the kingdom extends over 11 years and ends up with the Saudi Geological Survey locating only one site – the volcanice crater of Jebel Assukhairah near Al Madinah Al Munawwarah. To assess the economic potential of this site, heavy equipment was needed to dig deep trenches and pits in the extinct volcano.

By our countryman’s hands we collect it

We have to examine the contents of all the pits, ensure that the purification process is complete for each pit, and collect each stone separately. It takes two working days per man to extract about 17 grams from each ton, working in direct sunlight and desert heat.

Skilfully we form it

The light shines and the beauty of the gemstones increases when they are cut by the hands of an expert jeweller, and this is exactly what we do with every gem we place in your hands.

A rare gift for you

Peridot is a gift of value, beauty, symbol and meaning. It comes to you from the Holy Land for the first time in history. You deserve it………… and it deserves you.

Source Advert in Saudi Airlines’ Inflight Magazine, April 2006

1. Warm up

What do you know about precious stones?

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |What is a precious stone? Name some examples. | |

|2 |What makes one stone more precious than another? | |

|3 |How can we use precious stones in interior decorating? | |

|4 |What is the most beautiful item you have seen that is covered with precious | |

| |stones? Describe it. | |

|5 |How can we use peridot stones in interior decorating? | |

2. Vocabulary

Make up your own vocabulary list of words you do not understand.

|# |Word |Meaning |# |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | |11 | | |

|2 | | |12 | | |

|3 | | |13 | | |

|4 | | |14 | | |

|5 | | |15 | | |

|6 | | |16 | | |

|7 | | |17 | | |

|8 | | |18 | | |

|9 | | |19 | | |

|10 | | |20 | | |

3. Table

Read the passage and complete the table with information about peridots.

|# |Topic |Answer |

|1 |Definition | |

|2 |Other names | |

|3 |Origin | |

|4 |History | |

|5 |Location in KSA | |

|6 |Information about extraction | |

|7 |Method of cutting | |

|8 |Uses | |

4. Now find 5 URLS that have information about precious or semi-precious stones.

|# |Topic |URL |

|1 | | |

|2 | | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

5. Your Research

Now think of some questions that you would like answers for about lapis lazuli. Search the web to find your answers. Then write a short paragraph about lapis lazuli. You must provide a title and thesis statement in the introduction, to introduce the reader to your topic.

|# |Question |Answer |

|1 |Definition | |

|2 |Location | |

|3 | | |

|4 | | |

|5 | | |

|6 | | |

|7 | | |

|8 | | |

|9 | | |

|10 | | |

6 Paragraph

Title: Lapis Lazuli ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 19 Some Links

|Colours | |

| | |

| |Spin the colour wheel |

| | |

| |Colours quiz |

| | |

| |Colours quiz |

| | |

| |Names of colours |

| | |

| |names of colours |

|Maths | |

|Minerals and | |

|crystals | |

| | |

|Shapes | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Quiz |

| | |

| | |

|Architecture | |

Chapter 20 Templates for Questions

1. Contextual Reference

What do the following words refer to?

|# |Paragraph |Line |Word |Meaning |

|1 | | | | |

|2 | | | | |

|3 | | | | |

|4 | | | | |

|5 | | | | |

|6 | | | | |

|7 | | | | |

|8 | | | | |

|9 | | | | |

|10 | | | | |

2 Comparison

Read the passage and complete the following table by comparing ___________ and ___________. Then write a paragraph comparing them.

|# |Topic |1 |2 |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | | | |

3 Comparison Paragraph


4 Tree Diagram

Make a tree diagram showing the information in the reading passage your teacher has given you. Then write a classification paragraph based on the tree diagram.

5 Classification Paragraph

Now use your notes in the tree diagram to write a paragraph classifying …………………………………………….


6. Reference

|# |Reference |Paragraph |Meaning |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | | | |

7. True/False

|# |Statement |True/False |Corrected Statement |

|1 | | | |

|2 | | | |

|3 | | | |

|4 | | | |

|5 | | | |

|6 | | | |

|7 | | | |

|8 | | | |

|9 | | | |

|10 | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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