Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-179

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-179

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-179 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-07-02 10:10 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-07-02 10:10 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |No sector clearly identified |

Proposal name:

Accessible Audiovisual Solutions for All


Proposal Outline:

Idea and reference framework

Between 10 and 20 % of the population have some kind of disability. The accessibility of audiovisual resources is not only an increasing demand from numerous users but a legal requirement that aims to include this group of people in the information society.

Sectors like education, leisure and tourism are attractive potential markets of the result of this project because nowadays they hardly use audiovisual resources. For example, educational institutions of languages would find it very useful to use audiovisual resources because they open a wide range of opportunities that enrich the educational process and it saves human and material resources. Therefore, the accessibility of audiovisual resources is not only an important social benefit but also an economic benefit for those companies that commercialize audiovisual productions that will be able to reach a new potential market of users.

Existing subtitling tools (ST) have very expensive licensing schemas for small and medium-size enterprises, apart from that they include a limited view of the whole group of potential users because they are not oriented to hearing impaired people, they are mainly designed to subtitle to a second language.

According to audio description (AD), it is a recent process and there is not a great variety of tools available. The process is usually made without making the most of existing technological improvements. None of existing commercial tools offer the possibility to integrate both ST and AD, neither dubbing. Another lack of this tools is the impossibility of authoring audiovisual “packaged” material like DVDs, videos for the Internet, for mobile devices, etc. and the accessibility of the material itself (navigation menu, control elements, etc.)


Already existing consortium:

The proposal is led by a Spanish company that pursues the so-called social technology, in order to develop new information and communication technologies that are of interest to the society.

The consortium is already formed by an RTD Centre focused on technological research, educational and training activities in favour of social technology development.

Partners sought and role in the project:


-Enterprises dedicated to the development of solutions for audiovisual accessibility and/or translation.

-Audiovisual production and information companies: newspapers, mass media, information agencies, film, TV, DVD production…

-Enterprises that facilitate a great amount of audiovisual material through the Web


-Associations of people with disabilities and elderly people

RTD Performers:

-RTD Centres interested in social technolgy


-Any kind of educational centres, including those dedicated to the education of subtitling and audio description professionals.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |María |Last name: |Quintans |

|Address: |Avda Los Castos s/n CDTUC (Escuela Ing.|Postal Code: |39005 |

| |Caminos) Planta 3 Módulo 3 | | |

|City: |Santander |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |34942277887 |Fax Number: |34942277880 |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Bantec |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-217

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-217 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-06-26 09:35 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-06-26 09:35 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

Proposal name:

Integrated e-system for fast growing trees’ value chain management_WOODGROW


Proposal Outline:

General objectives will be defined as following:

• Optimizing wood rotation times and improving availability by using fast growing species, monitoring services and forestry decision supporting software.

• Improving the assessment of wood quality at stand level through the development of soil moisture monitoring tools. The on-line information of the availability of water of trees will permit to detect future problems in the wood quality (abiotic stress – biotic stress).

• Improving the assessment of wood quality at stand level through the development or improvement of non destructive techniques (i.e. assess in a fast, cheap and accurate way the quality of pruning operations inducing the reduction of dimensions of knots, predict the formation of tension wood and heartwood, and its causes).

• Create a new management e-system for owners and costumers of poplar wood, with access to forest mapping and wood inventory. This will represent for potential customers, an attractive way to buy poplar wood with the desired quality.

The main working areas are the following ones:

1. A more precise understanding of the variables that affect the wood production and quality of poplar will be obtained, and a first orientation of the optimized management procedure will be reached. From this work, fix variables (i.e. type of clone, wood properties demanded by the industry according to the final wood products desired) will be defined (acting as inputs of the software tool).

2. Parallel work will be conducted in order to develop monitoring tools, consisting in on-line wireless tree growth devices and soil moisture meters at different depths, which will give other inputs for the management software system, and have to be obtained continually (i.e. on-line) since they are considered as depending input variables to obtain the forest management needs and information.

3. At the same time, non destructive tools for pruning assessment, wood density and presence of heartwood in standing trees will be developed, in order to act also as inputs of the system. While, non destructive devices will be validated in real trees (with destroying tests), monitoring devices will have to be validated in accelerated laboratory tests.

4. Finally, resulting system will be validated and tested in real cases (poplar forests) around all Europe.


Already existing consortium:

Industrias Monzon S.L. is located in Zaragoza (Spain). Its activity is focussed in the wood sector. Its product range has increased and has been dedicated to manufacture plywood panels made of poplar wood, for floor components, DiY, crafts and for both the furniture and industrial sectors.

Partners sought and role in the project:


It is requested:

1. Non-destructive technology for wood quality and quantity measurement.

2. Quantity and quality wood related to equipment developer.

The partner must have exploitation real interest. SME will be participated in the project as IPR owner and RTD will be subcontracted.

Both partners could come from any country other than Spain

RTD Performers:

It is requested :

1. Non-destructive technology for wood quality and quantity measurement.

2. Remote sensing technologies.

Both partners could come from any country other than Spain


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Alejandro |Last name: |Miranda |

|Address: |Donostia |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Donostia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 943314990         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 943314990 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Industrias Monzon |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME|

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-212

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-212 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-07-06 11:43 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-07-06 11:43 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

Proposal name:

Vth range vegetable dishes development using HPP technology _ VEGET-EVOL


Proposal Outline:

It is proposed as general objectives:

• Final product (dish) should have really good organoleptic characteristics: colour, homogeneity, texture.

• Good, healthy and competitive nutrition characteristics: nutrient preservation, use of the correct ingredients/additives to improve the nutritional profile, etc.

• Long product life. Dish should be useful taking into account the distribution time, storage, and end-user’s not-immediate product consume. A really interesting possibility would be to keep it in ambient temperature, and to develop monodose formats. (packaging must be flexible and vacuum).

This project’s R&D is basically to develop vegetal dishes and needed HPP technology to assure general objectives related to vegetable dishes are achieved using existing HPP technology. Thus, to reach the needed quality (both vegetable dish quality and HPP technology quality), it is necessary to specify the following technical objectives:

• Review and exchanges: revision and compilation of documentation. Interchange of technical knowledge in scientific-techcnological consultant's office and gastronomical technology.

• Study of conditions of treatment for different vegetal stuffs: Definition of the critical factors for the process and that allow to discriminate groups (ej. solid/liquid, pH,water activity, etc.). Division of vegetables in homogenous groups and election of a member of each group like representative model of the same one. Study of conditions of treatment (only or in combination with other treatments) for each model: study of microbial inactivación and effect on organoleptical and nutritious quality. Definition of basic conditions.

• Vth range product development: formulation and obtaining of prescriptions more adapted. Development of a concrete product range, according to the concrete necessities of the SME´s of the partnership, optimizing the processes of treatment previously obtained on the models. Accomplishment of studies of shelf life: adjustments of process and definition of the sell- by date.

• Development of specifications of the industrial machinery: elaboration of listing of requirements. Development and test of machinery proves. Validation on industrial scale of V range products developed to pilot scale.


Already existing consortium:

Project coordinator is Olus. This company is a private initiative of R&D focussed on food industry, whose ultimate goal is the generation of technological patents to create a high value-added processing and packaging of vegetables.Olus develops, patents, industrializes and commercializes technological capabilities for food business.

Partners sought and role in the project:


The requested for SME:

1.-Vegetable product’s supplier

2.-Foodstuff manufacturer with HPP treatment equipment.

3.-Vth range dishes business interest or approach.

4.- .Fresh food product manufacturer.

The SME must have exploitation real interest. SME will be presented as IPR owner and RTD will be subcontracted.

RTD Performers:

The expertise requested for RTD will be foodstuff manufacturer with HPP treatment equipment.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |David |Last name: |Puente |

|Address: |Donostia |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Donostia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 943314990         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 943314990 | | |

|Email: |olus@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Olus Tecnologia S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME|

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-209

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-209 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-06-15 11:34 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-06-15 11:34 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |No sector clearly identified |

Proposal name:

Multiobjective OPTIMization of Industrial processes for energy Savings and efficiency iMprovement - OPTIMISM


Proposal Outline:

A lot of real-life engineering problems can be formulated as multiobjective optimization problems (MOP). This technique has already success cases. However, the trade-off in many specifications (as performance, cost, efficiency, etc) makes difficult the selection of the final solution. In this project MOP will be brought into market with new developments related with algorithms and new techniques in MOP (such us real time optimizers, constraint management, decision support systems) applied to industrial processes are going to be researched. The project will try to develop new solutions to main problems related with industrial processes under four main topics: efficient use of raw materials, energy efficiency, emissions reduction and process operations.

Briefly, the multiobjective methodology can be described as follows: First, a set of valid solutions must be obtained – called Pareto Set. Notice that MOPs do not have a unique solution. This set represented in the objective space is called Pareto Front. The construction of this front is based on the dominance concept – no solution is better than others. After this front is generated the decision making phase is performed. At this stage, designer’s preferences play a key role. Therefore a mechanism for preference’s definition must be established.

By means of a mixing of computational intelligence techniques (multiobjective optimization, evolutionary computation, decision making systems) and engineering control techniques (multivariable control, model based predictive control, process identification, etc) the project will research new methodologies and procedures to define different objectives related to control performance, process economy, energy savings, environmental emissions, etc of industrial processes. These objectives will be taken into consideration in the process control algorithm itself or will be used to search the optimum operating point of the plant. Computational intelligence uses stochastic optimization methods avoiding gradient based methods. This fact will permit us to manage non linear models and non linear constraints to calculate, for example, the optimum plant operating point from a multiobjective optimization point of view.

Another important point is process knowledge. Process knowledge is required to translate the specifications of any industrial process related with its efficiency and operation into multiobjective optimization problems. Objectives can be from simple mathematical expressions to more complicated first principles models. Research and demonstration under this treatment of processes as MOP and how express preferences about process operation, translating them in objectives and constraints will be deeply done in the project too.


Already existing consortium:

Polytechnic University of Valencia - RTD-SPAIN

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for SMEs which need to optimize their processes, with restriction in the working variables, taking into account more than one variable at the same time.

The sectors could be glass, steel, foundry...

Research and development activities undertaken by the SMEs themselves with their own resources are essentially focussed on initial specifications and, later, on validation and testing of the acquired knowledge. In this context, the real investment or cost incurred by the SMEs includes the price they pay for the know-how they wish to acquire: the intellectual property rights and knowledge developed during the project.

RTD Performers:

We are looking RTDs working in sectors as glass, steel, foundry, etc. that knows perfectly the processes involved in the production, expecting from that the mathematic expressions which define the process to be optimized, it is, the model of the process. Furthermore, they could contribute to find correlation between different variables of the process.


Enterprises as final users.

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Alejandro |Last name: |Munduate |

|Address: |Camino de Vera, s/n |Postal Code: |46022 |

|City: |VALENCIA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |943 31 49 90 |Fax Number: |943 31 18 23 |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Polytechnic University of Valencia |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |ai2 |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME web portal | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-225

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-225 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 14:27 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 14:27 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

Proposal name:

POLYSENSE - System to improve use of recycled polymers in extrusion and injection processes through in-line ultrasonic measurement of polymer density and rheological properties


This project aims to develop an in-line, real-time, ultrasonic density and viscosity sensor for the improvement of recycled polymer processing.


Proposal Outline:

The use of blends in polymer extrusion and injection processes is currently widely extended. Knowing the density of the melt has a big importance in order to ensure correct properties of the resulting processed polymer.

Presently, gravimetric control is mainly used to establish the final density of the blend and this introduces high uncertainty when setting the density. The problem of density uncertainty becomes much more important when it comes to working with recycled polymers, since the density of the pellets of recycled polymers can vary considerably. This uncertainty often prevents plastic manufacturers to use recycled polymers when high quality in the resulting product is demanded.

In addition, rheological properties of the polymer - like viscosity - are involved in many critical factors in the final product and are used to discriminate between laminar flow, sharkskin, surging and melt fracture, thus optimising processing and ensuring uniform quality of the end product.

This project aims to develop an in-line, real-time, ultrasonic density and viscosity sensor for the improvement of recycled polymer processing.

The main objectives of the project will be:

• To develop a piezoelectric ultrasonic sensor suitable for integration in polymer processing lines.

• To achieve real-time, high accuracy density and viscosity measurements.

• To validate results with rheological and other off-line measurements.

• To offer different output possibilities in order to allow closed loop control.

The use of the resulting system will have a clear technical and economic impact on the users, as it will make possible the use recycled polymers in applications where accurate setting of the density is needed.

non-destructive test (NDT)

ultrasonic measurement

polymer processing


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Polymer Experts - UK

RTD - Ultrasound Expertes - LT

RTD - Electronic and Sensing Experts - ES

SME, Extruding machinery manufacturer, ES

SME, Injection moulding solutions, UK

Partners sought and role in the project:


End User in plastic extrusion. Preferably working with PE: LDPE and/or HDPE, but it is not a restriction.

It should have a set of certain extruders and other machinery for plastics manufacturing.

This partner could come from any eligible country other than the UK and Spain. 

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |Travessera de Gracia 108 |Postal Code: |080012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |IPE |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-228

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-228 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 14:38 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 14:38 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:



The proposed WATERPLASMA project aims at develop an innovative decontamination process based on atmospheric glow discharge plasma technology that makes it possible to eliminate organic molecules without the need for chemicals or filters or that results in residual materials. The project research will focus on different areas, including the water plasma configuration system, the appropriate electrodes and power electronics design, water and gases fluidics, analysis of water decontamination; in order to achieve plasma process optimization.


Proposal Outline:

For 1.5 to 2.5 billion people in the world, lack of clean water is a critical problem. Assuring good quality water supply is a major concern in many European countries in which extensive use of water in the agricultural and industrial sectors together with increasing periods of drought have jeopardized water availability. Waste water treatment is carried out in order to minimise environmental impact, as well as to provide an alternative source of potable water. Unfortunately, currently available treatments based on physico-chemical processes, chemical oxidizers and biological reactors still have several limitations. In particular, they are unable to efficiently remove some hazardous chemical substances (organohalogenated compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc) commonly present in wastewater. As a consequence of continuous contamination, EC legislation to further reduce acceptable limits of hazardous chemicals from effluents requires ever increasing investments in decontamination technology. In this context, it becomes necessary to develop new cost-efficient and time-efficient water decontamination methods to comply with forthcoming regulations.

The commercial objective of this project is to develop a reactor based on plasma technology to remove toxic/non-toxic organic molecules from water. The system would be applicable to any industry producing water mixed with organic substances that cannot be disposed of in effluents. Initial target industries for the current development will be focused on those industries using solvents and colorants, but the potential market of the system can extend to other contaminants and to water disinfection possibly including surfactants. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the proposed technology is able to efficiently remove hazardous molecules including BTEX, MTBE and THMs. Removal efficiencies for drinking water higher than 80% (chlorine solvents) have been accomplished after a processing time of one minute, demonstrating a much superior performance than traditional methods based on UV irradiation, ozone oxidation or photo catalysis. In addition, this process can also be used to simultaneously disinfect water.


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Water treatment experts - ES

RTD - Electronic experts - ES

End-user SME - Pharmaceutical company - ES

SME Tech - Water treatment plants- PT

Partners sought and role in the project:


1. Expert in plasma DBD

2. Fine chemical company (cosmetics, food additives, etc.)

3. Company which designs, develops, produces and tests water treatment systems

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |Travessera de Gracia 108 |Postal Code: |080012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |IPE |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-232

PS overview

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-232 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-21 09:28 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-21 09:28 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aeronautics / Aerospace |

|Sub Area 2: | |

Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

This project proposes as alternative a hybrid architecture composed by an ionic propulsion system (in the family domain of electric propulsion systems) and an electromagnetic attitude system, so reducing system mass and having an impact on global spacecraft mass budget.

The main objective of the project is to apply ion propulsion systems to microsatellites

The hybrid ionic and electromagnetic architecture shows impact on some other aspects besides mass budget reduction. First, using electromagnetic attitude system (AOCS, attitude and orbit control system) will reduce spacecraft fuel consumption for control and attitude manoeuvres so that satellites useful mission life will be lengthen. Moreover, the ionic-electromagnetic architecture looks forward to improving accuracy in propulsion and attitude manoeuvres.

The ionic-electromagnetic architecture will be tested in a simulation environment to analyse the system performance. Next, a system demonstrator will be used to evaluate the effective improvement in the overall spacecraft due to the hybrid architecture with respect to design specifications.

The proposal is a two-year project and it is structured in seven workpackages.


Already existing consortium:

Nájera Aerospace s.l. Spanish SME. Its role in the project will be SME.

JMP Ingenieros s.l. Spanish SME. Its role in the project will be RTD Performer.

Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion Magnetized Plasma Physics Dept - IPPLM (Poland) RTD Performer

Sunshine Technologies (Poland) SME

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME: "Clockmakers preferably"

Expertise on precision mechanics and mechatronics.

Their role in the project will be oriented to design and assembly of fine mechanics on ion propulsion system.

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Eduardo |Last name: |Remirez |

|Address: |Camino San Miguel s/n |Postal Code: |26371 |

|City: |Sotes |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34941441909         |Fax Number: |+34941441906 |

| |+34941441909 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |JMP INGENIEROS S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|about us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-238

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-238 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-06-29 09:12 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-06-29 09:12 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Medical / Biomedical equipment |

PS details


Proposal name:

Development of an innovative and cost-effective portable patient management system providing full access to quality health care services to people with physical disabilities


The project aim is to develop a new patient management system to facilitate the examination, treatment and rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities improving their accessibility to medical care and therefore improving their quality of life. The system will deal with four aspects related with physical disabilities: Adaptation to body shape (for patients with severe deformations), adaptation to body size (to fit people with particular morphometry), adaptation to the kinematics of their joints and facilitating patient transfer.


Proposal Outline:

The project aim is to develop a new patient management system to facilitate the examination, treatment and rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities improving their accessibility to medical care and therefore improving their quality of life. The system will deal with four aspects related with physical disabilities: Adaptation to body shape (for patients with severe deformations), adaptation to body size (to fit people with particular morphometry), adaptation to the kinematics of their joints and facilitating patient transfer. The project will be led by a Spanish SME carrying out distribution and design of medical equipment. Partners of the consortium will have complementary roles and will configure a full supply chain guaranteeing post-project exploitation of the developed product and partial results. Two European RTD performers will be outsourced to carry out most of the R&D work during the project. SMEs will mainly participate in the setting of product and components specifications and prototypes validation as well as collaborating in prototype manufacturing and in dissemination and exploitation actions during the project.


Already existing consortium:

1 Spanish SME dedicated to the design, marketing and distribution of surgical implants and medical devices (Coordinator).

2 RTDs giving support to the SMEs in relation with biomechanical aspects (IBV) and another European RTD, in relation with technology transfer about materials.

1 European Association of people with disability (end users validation)

1 Spanish Hospital (clinic users validation)

Partners sought and role in the project:


1 Non-Spanish SME with experience in robotics and able to manufacture the positioning components and the control of the positioning system.

1 Non-Spanish SME experienced in manufacturing of mattresses or other padding products able to provide a mattress meeting the requirements of the final product: optimum pressure distribution and adaptable to the surface configuration system.

1 Non-Spanish SME with experience in design and manufacturing of articulated beds, articulated medical furniture as examination tables, and/or other technical aids systems. This SME will be able to integrate the rest of functional components of the system to the mechanical structure.

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |MONTSERRAT |Last name: |BLANCO |

|Address: |UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA. |Postal Code: |46022 |


|City: |VALENCIA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              + 34 963879160         |Fax Number: |+ 34 963879169 |

| |+ 34 963879160 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |OTRI |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-235

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-235 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-06-30 14:10 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-06-30 14:10 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Security |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

Provisional: Successful FAlse aLArm Management. Real-Time 3-D Modeling for Intruder Detection System.


Current camera surveillance systems are essentially video recording systems used for post-event analysis. These systems are without any intelligence and hence are not able to provide sufficient security for the area under surveillance.

Typically, there are security personnel watching the videos to check for any unusual activities. For obvious reasons of inconsistent human attention, such monitoring is very unreliable. Therefore, it is important to incorporate intelligence into video surveillance such that the system can raise alarms on the occurrence of any suspicious events.

There are situations where visual surveillance proves ineffective in detecting changes, which may be either too small to be reliably detected or generated by inconsistent illumination. Further, illumination blackouts, prevent cameras from their surveillance function.


Proposal Outline:

High security installations need reliable, independent and effective sensors capable of maintaining continuity of knowledge. In the past, the SIR sector introduced the concept of laser surveillance (both in 2D and 3D) to complement existing video surveillance systems.

The main goal of the project is oriented to develop a Real time 3D images modelling system through the development of a self-learning expert system .

The proposed system will be aimed at detecting and classifying 3D moving objects for security control of industries and home security systems.

The developed system will decrease the amount of false alarms, significantly improve security systems performance, with an affordable cost.


Already existing consortium:

WAF Estructuras Digitales s.l. SME role (SME from Spain)

We have done preliminary contacts with:

a Spanish university (RTD performer) for Expert system development

a spanish SME: end-user partner. Security alarm company.

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME 1: SME with expertise in distance measurement systems. Their role in the project is focused on the integration of distance measurement systems within the image acquisition system.

SME 2: End user partner. Security Alarm Company.

RTD Performers:


RTD Performer 1: Research organisation with expertise on 3D modelling. They will work on the definition of 3D patterns based on real scenarios to feed the 3D Intrusion expert detection system.

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Miguel Angel |Last name: |Beriain |

|Address: |C/ Goya, 5 |Postal Code: |26500 |

|City: |Calahorra |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34941136660         |Fax Number: |+34941148634 |

| |+34941136660 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |WAF ESTRUCTURAS DIGITALES S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed| | |

|us?: |materials | | |

View Partner Search: PS-SME-IE-257

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IE-257 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-07-16 13:17 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-07-16 13:17 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

Platform for Advanced Content in Mobile and Ad hoc Networks (PACMAN)


 The aim of the project is to significantly advance the state of the art in cross-platform support for mobile content.

The current market in mobile devices is characterised by extreme heterogeneity, i.e., a multitude of devices with dramatically varying capabilities, including mobile handsets of several generations, PDAs, mobile game consoles, music and video players and digital cameras. Practically all of these devices can be considered media devices, i.e., devices whose primary functions are to process, share and present media content in one form or another. Despite the ubiquity of the devices, the mobile media substrate that they form has extremely poor support for cross-platform content. This has two undesirable consequences. First, mobile content developers spend a disproportionate amount of resources porting their content between platforms instead of developing new content. Second, lack of ad hoc interoperability between devices means mobile applications are typically confined to a single device and do not capitalise on the increasing simultaneous availability of multiple devices. The project aims to address both of these issues.


Proposal Outline:

 The lack of cross-platform support for mobile content leads to suboptimal use of the mobile media substrate and hence to reduced competitiveness of businesses in the mobile content space, especially when compared to content-providers that are mainly Internet-based. It is also likely that these problems can at least partially explain the simplistic nature of the majority of mobile content compared to that of content for fixed platforms. The objective of the project is to develop and prototype an approach to general-purpose middleware support that will allow media content on mobile devices to become significantly more portable and interoperable than the current generation of content. The consortium consists of three media partners (SMEs) and three technology partners (universities) for this purpose.


Content Porting for mobile platforms


Already existing consortium:

 1 SME in the gaming technology

1 RTD Partner with software middleware architectural expertise.

Partners sought and role in the project:


2 SME s with experience in the development od content for mobile platforms, in one or more of JavaME, Brew, Symbian and Windowsmobile.

RTD Performers:

2 RTDs with experience in software/firmware middleware research for mobile phone preferably in the platforms detailed above.


 End user with an International footprint for trials on the demontration platform.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Chris |Last name: |Lynch |

|Address: |Innovation Works, National Technology Park |Postal Code: |00000 |

|City: |Limerick |Country: |Ireland |

|Phone Number: |              +353874182073         |Fax Number: | |

| |+353874182073 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Gmedia |Type of Organisation: |Industry - |

| | | |SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

View Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-251

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-251 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-07-17 12:04 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-07-17 12:04 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Energy |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |

Proposal name:

Design and development of an optimized photovoltaic energy based greenhouse (OPTIGREENSE)


The aim of the present project is to develop an energy efficient greenhouse powered by photovoltaic panels. It requires a greenhouse control design, capable of making an efficient use of the energy, and the development of an efficient Photovoltaic device and its integration into the greenhouse.

This project execution is broken down as follow:

1. Definition and development of an advanced control

2. Development of the photovoltaic panel

Partner search, 3 SME profiles:

1. - Photovoltaic lamp manufacturer

2. - Control software/hardware developer.

3. - Farm with several kind of greenhouses (end-user)


Proposal Outline:

The aim of the present project is to develop an energy efficient greenhouse powered by photovoltaic panels. It requires a greenhouse control design, capable of making an efficient use of the energy, and the development of an efficient Photovoltaic device and its integration into the greenhouse.

This project execution is broken down as follow:

1. Definition and development of an advanced control

2. Development of the photovoltaic panel

1- Advanced Control

The first objective to reach is to define a climate computational model of the greenhouse. Model that predicts the temperature, velocity and humidity of the air inside the greenhouse as a function of the greenhouse architecture and farming. It requires of the knowledge and experience on VFM (Finite Volume Method) simulation tools, thermodynamic, fluid mechanics, radiation, materials and farming’s biology.

Once the model is created, a parametric analysis is carried out in order to define the most efficient greenhouse configuration (components: type and location, ventilation, constituent materials) according to the land orography. It is also used to define the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) of the greenhouse. The last will allow defining an advanced model to implement into the control strategy.

Finally, a control strategy that better meets the greenhouse behaviour is developed. At the same time, the necessary hardware for this control is defined and developed.

2- Panel photovoltaic

In this task, a work will be done at the photovoltaic material level in order to:

- Improve the photovoltaic cell’s efficiency.

- Develop photovoltaic modules adapted for the new greenhouse concept.

- Optimise the photovoltaic panel and its integration to the greenhouse.

- Manage the energy generated (electrical converters and accumulators,...).

The overall panel optimisation will allow making the best use of the room, occupied area and the transparent area or sunlight pass through, in order to reach high energy efficiencies.


Already existing consortium:

Identified members of the consortium:

• RTDs:

* climate control expert RTD, Spain

• SME:

* Greenhouse manufacturer , Spain

Partners sought and role in the project:


3 SME profiles:

1. - Photovoltaic lamp manufacturer

2. - Control software/hardware developer.

3. - Farm with several kind of greenhouses (end-user) 

RTD Performers:

1. RTD expert in Photovoltaic lamp. The aim is to develop flexible photovoltaic lamps that allow sun light pass through.

2. RTD expert in optimization multivariable control, to develop a general control of the greenhose, in order to optimize its working depending on some variables.



|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Alex |Last name: |Munduate |

|Address: |B.Garibai, 9 - P.O.Box.50 |Postal Code: |20560 |

|City: |OÑATI |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |943 034900 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ULMA Agrícola S.Coop. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME web portal | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-245

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-245 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-07-23 13:22 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-07-23 13:22 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Energy |

|Sub Area 2: |Measurements / Testing |


Proposal name:

Automated sensors network for process control in the agrifood industry (AD-SENSE)


AD-SENSE project aims to develop an automated sensors network to measure a series of parameters on-line for a specific process within the agrifood industry. This network will be comprised of temperature, gas, electrochemical and spectroscopic sensors. Sensors will be connected to a processing unit which will analyse the information and modify the process working conditions. The sensor network will be designed for a very concrete emerging business within the agrifood sector. 


Proposal Outline:

In today’s agrifood industry we can still find many “black box”-like processes. This project focuses on one of these processes where the control of the chemical and physical parameters is crucial.

With the aim of improving the control, some sensors have been introduced in this process. These sensors provide some basic information about pH and temperature. At present the rest of parameters (which provide the real valuable information) are analysed with chromatographic techniques. These analyses must be outsourced and turn around time can extend to several weeks. When results are received, appropriate measures are taken, if necessary. However, the process might fail in the meantime.

This project aims to bridge this gap and develop a decision-making support system for this process. This objective will be reached by developing an automated sensors network to measure a series of parameters on-line.


Already existing consortium:

RTD (Spain) - coordinator

RTD (Germany)

RTD (Sweden)

SME end-user (Spain)

SME end-user (Germany)

Partners sought and role in the project:


European SME with experience in the manufacture of Raman spectrometres. In the project, the company will be requested to participate in the building of a Raman spectrophotometric system and its optimisation for a specific application.

Activities will be related to:

1. Design and development of a sensor prototype (in cooperation with RTD).

2. Testing and validation of the prototype at lab scale (in cooperation with RTD).

3. Testing and validation of the prototype at industrial scale (in cooperation with SME-end user and RTD).

Besides SME will participate within the coordination bodies (steering committée, i.e.) and in the dissemination&exploitation activities.

By general rule, SMEs will retain the ownership and exploitation rights of the project final results (as it will be stated in the Consortium Agreement and after approval by the Consortium). 

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Sara |Last name: |Castelló |

|Address: |c/Benjamin Franklin 5-11 - Parque |Postal Code: |46980 |

| |Tecnológico | | |

|City: |Paterna |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34961366090         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34961366090 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |AINIA - Asociación de Investigación de la|Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

| |Industria Agroalimentaria | | |

|Department: |Technology Transfer |

|How did you find out about|TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-UK-307

|PS ID: |PS-SME-UK-307 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 10:12 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 10:12 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Agriculture / Forestry |


Proposal name:

RITA - Development and Application of a Ruminant Intestinal Tract Model to Serve Industry Needs



Proposal Outline:

The main project activities will either fall under the development of the system or its application. The general activities related to the development of the system are likely to include:

• Design and fabrication of a prototype rumen module to complement existing small and large intestine modules.

• Optimisation of the rumen, small intestine and large intestine modules to mimic the corresponding sections of the ruminant gut.

• Validation of the ruminant intestinal tract model system.

The activities relating to the application of the system will be tailored to the specific requirements of involved SMEs, which will have already been taken into account during the development of the system.

Expected results of the project:

In addition to any other SME specific requirements for the project deliverables, it is expected that the following outcomes will be achieved:

• Generation of a validated industry bench-mark system for ruminant gastrointestinal tract testing.

• Generation of robust and reproducible data.

• Development of novel products and/or their validation.

• Enhanced competitiveness of participating SMEs through the development of validated alternative niche products.

• Reduction in the need for animal experimentation.


Already existing consortium:

1) The Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University has 341 employees, including a dedicated FP7 Officer who can support the application submission process.  Leading international research is conducted aimed at improving the understanding of the interactions between ruminants and the microbes that live within them, in order to enhance the quality and sustainability of animal production systems and to promote human health.

Previous involvement in the Framework programme includes the following:

• HEALTHYBEEF “Enhancing the content of beneficial fatty acids in beef and improving meat quality for the consumer". (QLRT-2000-31423) involving partners in Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland and co-ordinated by Dr Scollan.

• BIOCLA “Production of CLA-enriched dairy products by natural means” (QLK1-2002-02362) involving partners in Ireland, Italy, France and Finland.

• ERCULE “The European rumen ciliate culture collection “(QLRI-CT-2000-01455) involving partners in France, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Poland and co-ordinated by Professor Newbold.

• CIMES. “Ciliates as Monitors for Environmental Safety of GMO”. (QLRT-2001-02151, involving partners in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Poland

• PROSAFE BEEF ‘Plant-based strategies to improve the nutritional value of beef for the consumer’ worth £1.1 million

•  REDNEX ‘Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants’ worth £550,000

2) TNO is an innovative Dutch knowledge institute developing, integrating and applying knowledge: to generate new products, services and processes that are fully customised for business and government. One of the core research areas of the institute is the development and application of world-leading in vitro gastrointestinal tract models. Experienced with Framework SME-AG, and Framework project management.

3) SME (Switzerland) that produces a feed additive.

4) 2 SME companies (Ireland, France) that offer complementary RTD activities

Partners sought and role in the project:


Crucial to the success of the project are at least 2 SMEs who can directly use the system for the development, validation and/or further exploitation of their products etc. The SMEs need to be able to participate in the consortium as an SME, rather than a research performing SME.

Does your company have limited or no capability to develop/test/validate new products aimed at the ruminant gut? If so we would like to complement your existing R&D.

Examples of potential SME product/technology profiles, although this list is by no means limited:

• Feed additives (probiotics, growth enhancers, etc.)

• Veterinary/Pharmacology (products which are orally administered and/or for studying GMOs in the gut, antibiotic resistance transfer etc)

• Legislative (involved with approval of feed additives/vet medicines) 


The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Joan |Last name: |Edwards |

|Address: |Gogerddan |Postal Code: |SY23 3EB |

|City: |Aberystwyth |Country: |United Kingdom |

|Phone Number: |              +44(0)1970 823064         |Fax Number: | |

| |+44(0)1970 823064 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Aberystwyth Universitty |Type of |University |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: |Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences |

|How did you find out|TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-260

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-260 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-13 09:33 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-13 09:33 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Transport |


Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

The aim of the project is to develop a low cost, accurate ship location system for harbors and ports based on a new approach for using GNSS with increasing accuracy down to less than 10 cm. This new technique will allow for the implementation of a system compatible with GPS and Galileo constellations, which will be low cost, and easy to install and maintain.

The commercial objective of the project is to offer a low cost ship positioning system for harbors in a relatively short time, less than 3 years. The consortium is opened to any SME interested on contributing during the development and exploitation of the results such as manufacturers of marine surveying instruments, positioning solutions supplier, and SMEs related to ship management in harbors.


Already existing consortium:

RTD: expert in System design, system integration, software management system

RTD: expert in implementation of GNSS

Partners sought and role in the project:


1: SME expert in management of harbours and ports

2: SME expert in marine sector: Manufacturers of marine surveying, monitoring instrumentation, and piloting and docking systems.

3: SME expert in developing port management system

4. SME expert in WIMAX technology

RTD Performers:

RTD: Expert in Wireless Telecommunications, especially in WIMAX.


Harbour or Port Authority

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-266

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-266 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-08-27 11:54 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-08-27 11:54 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |No sector clearly identified |


Proposal name:

(PR2.0) Integrated Reputation and Social Media Management Hub to Help Enterprises Manage Dispersed Online Public Information


Proposal Outline:

PR 2.0 will provide an expandable platform which will easily integrate for use with new social media applications as they become available, always taking into account that consumer technology in social media moves very quickly.

The PR 2.0 system will:

• Do the work of a traditional PR professional with regard to reputation management: it will track mentions of the client’s company and/or brand in real time, 24 hours a day. In addition to providing a picture of the company’s visibility in press, it will also alert the user (internal public relations person or any other company figure) to possible “bad press” in order to quickly respond to issues. This early detection of communications issues is key to the novelty of the system.

• Go beyond the work of what a PR professional or communications agency can do in reputation monitoring; through the use of novel search techniques, the system will deliver an organized view of user-generated content and other user activity as related to the user’s company or brand. An easy-to-use “dashboard” will organize videos, comments, message board messages, etc. by service (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.) and alert the user to possible “reputation emergencies”. On the flip side, the system will also return positive experiences shared by customers on social media sites or message boards, which will allow for the company to leverage them.

• Do the work of a Community Manager by effectively and easily managing social media campaigns. An “integrated hub” for all of the company’s social media actions will allow for easy management of brand channels, fan pages, etc. In addition, the hub will allow for centralized administration of company websites, blogs and other digital material. Automatic content syndication will allow for the company to post news and other content relevant to its users on social media sites without having to manually update.

• Track customer engagement: Identify “power users” or “brand loyalists” to identify trends in customer engagement, how the brand or product is perceived and how these users are influencing other users and potential customers. Track effectiveness of word-of-mouth from consumer to consumer in the social media environment.

The system will be highly customizable (with drag and drop modules) and user friendly so that even a small business owner with no marketing experience can configure the dashboard and easily use it (e.g. the owner of a bed and breakfast looking to track mentions of his or her establishment online)


Already existing consortium:

RTD: expert in multiagent system

RTD: expert in search engine

Partners sought and role in the project:


• Marketing consultancy expert in public persons

• Marketing consultancy expert in companies

• Search engine developer enterprise/ maintenance

• SME expert in usability

• SME expert in 2.0 integration that could offer us the know-how of it

RTD Performers:

• University expert in semantics


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-316

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-316 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-08-27 12:06 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-08-27 12:06 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |


Proposal name:



The objective is to process material with a high fibre content for the production of fed for fish


Proposal Outline:

It will be develop a process for the production of protein.

The process will transform by means of biological reaction materials of different origin with the following features:

- to present a high content in fibre in composition

- low cost of material

- simple accessibility to supply

The selected materials could be vegetable wastes from greenhouses, wastes from agrofood industries or crops such as grass. The final product obtained will be protein of microbiological origin. The biological transformation selected is based on the adaptation of traditional sake production process. This is due to the following reason mainly:

- It is a well know process

- It is simple enough to be implemented in the fed manufacturing

- The present directive 82/471/EEC and further dispositions allows the use of this kind of protein


Already existing consortium:

Development of the industrial process (CARTIF Foundation)

Partners sought and role in the project:


-Producer of the raw material: This partner could be a waste produces (i.e.greenhouse, fruit processor, grain processor, okara producer), a crop producer (i.e grass cultivation)

- Fed producer: This partner should be involved in the fed manufacturing since it will be required the manufacturing and supply of product to the aquaculture exploitation farms

-Aquaculture farms: It will be required the collaboration of “fish farms” to check theviability of the proposed solution and the use of the product. The expected number is about 3 farms.

RTD Performers:

Study of fish development and fed formulation

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Ainhoa |Last name: |Gonzalez |

|Address: |Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo |Postal Code: |47151 |

|City: |Valladolid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034983546504         |Fax Number: |0034983546521 |

| |0034983546504 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundación CARTIF |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |International Projects |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-310

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-310 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-08-27 14:09 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-08-27 14:09 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

Expected Results and Lead Users of Results:

The Project results will be the development and creation of a system to improve the new business models, offering prototypes and tools to be used by the participant SMEs first and to be commercialized later on. The products that will be delivered within the KMS 2.0 project will be:

o KMS 2.0 system methodology. Development and design of the working method which will regulate the production and development of tools and applications and will the design the strategy to achieve the proposed impact on SMEs.

o Know-how management tool. The tool will compile and offer to the network stakeholders the know-how generated throughout the lifetime of the network projects.

o Environment management tool. The objective of this tool will be the organization and filtering of data reception and interactions in order to facilitate the cooperation and to detect potentials within the network.

o Process management tool. This tool will be used to optimize knowledge management and project planning by detecting the critical points of the existing or in development product and services. These critical points generate costs to the network and to the customers because a bad definition of the systems and a lack of specific training.


Already existing consortium:

Project Coordinator:

Promoter: Consultancy in ICT - Spain participating as SME


Partners sought and role in the project:


SMEs Beneficiaries of the system: Technological SME working in networks, consultancies and SME with specialization in CMMI/ISO/IEC 15504.

Country: Any European country

Previous experience in Framework programme

RTD Performers:

R&D performers:

Two different profile are required, with previous participation in Framework Programme

1: Research groups or research institutions.

Expertise: collaborative networks, ICT, clusters 

2: Companies/ research group with R&D development capacities

• Certification ISO9001.

• Certification CMMI grade 2 or ISO/IEC 15504.

• Resources: 

     o Staff with Analyst/Programmer profile : 

     o Junior and senior programmers

     o Software After sales services with well defined services levels

     o Expertise:

JEE, knowledge in(         implementation of Framework , Hibernate, JPA, JSF (con APIs AJAX)

(         PowerBuilder

BBDD, MySQL, ASA, Oracle.(        

Expertise(         in design and implementation of application with SOA arquitecture


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Alejandro |Last name: |Barquero |

|Address: |Urbanización Añoreta Golf – Edificio Pueblo|Postal Code: |29738 |

| |Lago, Sector L7 | | |

|City: |Rincón de la Victoria, |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034652542490         |Fax Number: |0034952919878 |

| |0034652542490 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CONSOLTIC |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: |Research & Development |

|How did you find out |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|about us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-263

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-263 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 11:05 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 11:05 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |


Proposal name:






Proposal Outline:

The shortage of traditional energetic sources has brought efficiency in the use of energy as a prioritized concern in every energy consuming process. Besides that, sustainability, and more particularly, CO2 emission reduction, is a prioritized goal after Kyoto Protocol was signed up by all European countries.

One of the most important fields for these concerns is buildings design, construction and exploitation, since it is one of the sectors with highest CO2 emission and with highest energy consumption.

European normative (SAVE 76/93 CO2, for instance) and regional normative (Basic document HE for energy saving, technical code for buildings, March 2006) enforce the obligation for new building projects to be optimized in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. Public opinion is being more and more sensible about those issues.

Architects and engineers need integrated tools and expert support they don’t have right now. They use diverse software tools for geometry 3D design, structures computation, materials databases, illumination, acclimatization, renewable energy generation, and so on. Software is dispersed and neither communicates nor integrates. There’s a clear need for an integrated intelligent decision support software tool for energy efficiency optimization for buildings, which is the main objective to be achieve during this project.

Inputs for the system will include:

- Design of building project:

    o Geometry of the building in 3D: shape, volume, exits, windows, rooms, etc.

    o Choice of materials to use (embodied energy)

    o Climate conditions

    o Etc…

- Potential use of renewable energies:

    o Hours of light 

    o Temperature of the soil

    o Etc…

- Installations and exploitation needs:

    o Illumination

    o Acclimatization 

    o Etc…

The outputs should be:

- Expert set of alternatives for energy efficiency improvement, out of 300 possible categorized alternatives. Each alternative is a generic recommendation that has to be parameterized to the particular needs of the project of study.

- Multiple and flexible options to fix a number parameters of the set of selected alternatives and set up ranges for others to iteratively seek the optimal solution in terms of energy efficiency.

The incorporation of the suggested alternatives to the project will interact with the rest of factors, will affect the building and maintenance costs, and consumption of energy, all that quantified by the application to enable the decision making. For the development of the project some third party open source software components might be integrated which will solve issues which commercial standalone products already solve, and which architects and engineers currently use:

- 3D Geometry, CAD.

- Materials Databases.

- Structures computation.

- Installations of light and climate.

- Renewable energy sources.


Already existing consortium:

RTD: Coordinator

RTD: expert in energetic efficiency

RTD: expert in Open Source, 3D

SMEs: 3 architects studio.

Partners sought and role in the project:



SME profile: energy in buildings and renewable energies consultant and designers

SME profile: server side software technologies and artificial intelligence techniques

SME profile: technical expert in materials and tools


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-272

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-272 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-08-28 09:28 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-08-28 09:28 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |

|Sub Area 2: |Agriculture / Forestry |


Proposal name:



In field detection of Flavescence dorée, the most important and destructive phytoplasma disease of grapevines by means of an innovative, simple, rapid, accurate, sensitive and cost-effective nucleic acid amplification method.


Proposal Outline:


Flavescence dorée phytoplasma causes an epidemic disease in grapevines (Vitis vinifera) 6. This disease is characterized by its rapid spread within vineyards when appropriate control measures are not applied. Several studies have shown that the number of infected vines may increase steadily 10-fold every year and may reach 80–100% within a few years. An establishment of flavescence dorée could lead to farm closures, especially of small farms.

The flavescence dorée disease is listed in Annex II Part A Section 2 of EU2000/29 Council directive (Harmful organisms known to occur in the Community and relevant for the entire Community) and included in the EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) A2 quarantine list of pests recommended for regulation (meaning that is a pest present but not widely distributed in the EPPO region, with potential economic importance to the area endangered thereby).

Containment or even eradication is feasible, only if early detection of the phytoplasma and immediate initiation of phytosanitary measures are achieved. Otherwise, losses to vine growers increased production costs due to additional labour costs and costs for insecticide applications, follow-up costs for monitoring and eradication campaigns and additional efforts in the production of plants will be substantial. Primary economic losses due to lost investment have reached 3.2 million Euros. Reduction in producer profits due to decreased wine production is assumed to be even greater.

Pest occurrence depends on the simultaneous presence of both the vector, the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus and of the flavescence dorée phytoplasma. Currently the disease is widespread in many vine-growing regions of France and Italy, and outbreaks have been recorded in Spain, Switzerland, Slovenia, Serbia and Portugal in the last few years. In Croatia and Hungary the occurrence of both vector and pathogen are not confirmed, though grapevine yellow symptoms are widespread. This indicates that in spite of the mandatory national and European regulations for control, the disease is spreading actively representing a serious threat for European viticulture and winegrowers business.

The distribution of the vector is still much wider than the area affected by the disease and it is extending its range to the north and east, due to changing climate variables. Presence of this leafhopper has been verified in Germany, Austria, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. This situation is a severe threat to viticulture because introduction of single infected vines into an area inhabited by this vector implies high risk of new outbreaks of FD. This risk increases dangerously when the extensive and increasing trade of root stocks and importation of grape varieties to expand and establish new vineyards are considered.

Therefore, to prevent FD in countries that are completely free of this pest and to stop the spread of FD in countries where the distribution is still restricted, it is critical to have a reliable technique for assessing vine grafts and other planting material for FD phytoplasma before trading with it. Such a tool would also be highly useful in countries already affected by the disease to eradicate only contaminated grapevines and for the applicable authorities to monitor the evolution of the disease. Moreover, it has to be stressed that the success of the fight against this epidemic disease depends on implementing phytosanitary measures in a systemic and collective way.


The objective of this project is to develop a homogeneous hand-held device able to integrate in a platform the three required steps for performing sensitive and accurate detection of nucleic acids: Extraction, amplification and detection; for a platform cost below 1000 Euros This tool will also be quick, reliable and easy to use by non-technical staff allowing an early detection of the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma.


Phytoplasmas are non-culturable, wall-less, phloem limited prokaryotes. They are characterised by being present in low titre in the plant and for their heterogeneous distribution within it. Moreover the yearly as well as seasonally fluctuating titres of the pathogens make these organisms difficult to detect and identify. As result molecular methods, and in particular PCR, have become the methods of choice for detection and diagnosis in plants and insect vectors. However, visual inspection remains the routine practice for grapevine certification (OEPP/EPPO) even though it is insufficient to detect latent infections and is often misleading due to diverse symptomatology in different grapevine varieties. This, because currently available laboratory techniques (i.e. Indexing, ELISA, PCR, real-time PCR), amongst other drawbacks, are complex, expensive, time-consuming, and require trained personnel as well as expensive equipment. Therefore laboratory techniques are only used in some cases to confirm visual inspection or to obtain legal certification of propagated plant material in nurseries.

As an alternative to these techniques this project aims to use an innovative method for the detection of specific nucleic acid sequences amplified under isothermal conditions, the so-called loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), which has the potential to overcome the limitations of the available methods.

This amplification method has already been developed by a Japanese company Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. But the challenge in this project is not only to optimize and apply this method to the detection of the Flavescence dorée phytoplasma, but also to integrate the three steps (avoiding the risk of sample contamination) in a cost-effective hand held device.


Through European Commission funding, the technology developed in this project can directly benefit the European vine-growers and wine producers, not only in countries already affected by FD, but also in countries where the vector is present but not yet the disease. They will benefit from limiting the spread of the disease, limiting also the number of vines to be destroyed according to the national laws. They will improve their competitiveness by increasing the quality of their wines, and their crop yield, decreasing their production costs, the costs related with the systematic use of insecticides and the costs invested in the production of healthy vines.

Vine nurseries will also take great advantage of this detection system by having the possibility of issuing official quality certificates of planting material accomplishing and improving the certification scheme proposed by the EPPO.

National and transnational authorities will benefit from this technology when monitoring the evolution and occurrence of the disease.

Finally, sustainable producers (integrated or organic), which in some European countries have a share of approximately 72% of the cultivated grapevine area will benefit also indirectly as currently they need to use insecticides to fight the disease.

The technological SMEs involved in this project will also benefit not only from getting into the wine market allowing new income streams as well as new portfolio products, but also from its innovative character. This system could further be applied for the detection of many other pathogens or even human diseases such as the single nucleotide polymorphisms.


Already existing consortium:

3 RTDs, 2 from Spain and 1 from UK

2 SME techn: UK,France

Partners sought and role in the project:


1. SME-End User Winegrowers and wine producers in countries already affected by FD

Essential facilities needed: Vineyards.

2.SME-End User: Winegrowers and wine producers in countries where the vector is present but not yet the disease

Essential facilities needed: Vineyards.

3. SME-End User: Vine nursery

Essential facilities needed: Vineyards/greenhouses.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-269

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-269 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-08-28 09:31 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-08-28 09:31 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |


Proposal name:



Development of an electrical impedance-based system to monitor drying process in sausages


Proposal Outline:


The control of quality properties and in particular sensory ones can he carried out using reliable process control strategies. Nevertheless, classical control approaches can only rarely be used in food processes due, in particular, to the lack of real-time reliable instrumental sensors. This limits the available information on the product, and contributes to a poor understanding of the interactions between food and automated production process.

Complex biological and physical-chemical phenomena occur during the three stages of sausage processing, including growth of lactic bacteria, and decreased pH, moisture, lipolysis and proteolysis reactions. These reactions can significantly influence the final sensory properties of sausages, such as changes in texture and colour characteristics, as well as the formation of aroma precursors. The maturation stage (ripening and drying) is of particular importance for the final quality of the product.

Drying causes the sausage to loose much of its moisture and up to 40% of its original weight. The reduced availability of water prevents growth of spoilage bacteria. The temperature during this phase is generally 13-16 °C with a relative humidity of 70-80%. Maintenance of this high humidity is necessary to prevent case hardening that occurs when the outer circumference of the salami dries faster than the interior. Excessive superficial drying can also cause the formation of interior cavities within the sausage and a general loss of compactness of the meat. Therefore, a precise control of humidity and temperature is crucial for a successful final result.


DryCheck will utilize electrical impedance based measurements to provide information on the relative water content and water distribution of the sausage. The proposed system will also locally measure the temperature and the relative humidity close to the different sausages analysed, giving a picture of the variability of those parameters along the ripening/drying chamber. The system will be non-invasive to minimize the impact of the final product and can be used by meat processing and sausage manufacturers SMEs to optimize the temperature and humidity conditions in the drying chamber. The DryCheck sensor will permit an on-line control of these parameters, optimizing production capability and quality control of automated production systems. Objective measurements of the drying process would facilitate the application of corrective actions, assuring uniformity in production quality increasing productivity and consequently the competitiveness of end-user SMEs.


Already existing consortium:

1. RTD: Research Centre, Spain, wireless communication nodes, central unit control, T and RH sensors units, System integration, Validation, Dissemination, Management

2. RTD: University , Spain,  development of the EIT system including: multi-electrodes, instrumentation and algorithms for the treatment of the EIT data. System integration, validation, dissemination

3. RTD: university, Italy, Biochemical, microbiological and sensory analysis os sausages, Correlation studies, dissemination, validation

4. RTD: research centre, Hungary, User interface and system control software, system integration, vaidation

5. SME Technical: company, UK, wireless communication technology, zigbee wireless technology specialist company

6. SME Technical, France, development and distribution of industrial machinery for the meat sector including drying chambers

7. SME End User, Spain, meat producer

8. SME End User, Italy, meat producer

Partners sought and role in the project:


We look for partners willing to participate as Technological SME.

Industrial sector: Telemetric systems for temperature and relative humidity sensing in severe environments

Main activity: Development of telemetric systems for industrial applications

Essential product to be manufactured or distributed by this partner: Temperature and Relative Humidity sensors

Essential service to be given by this partner: R&D in sensor development and instrumentation

Type of tasks foreseen for this partner: Aid in the sensors development and validation of the prototype


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-263

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-263 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 11:05 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 11:05 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |

PS details


Proposal name:






Proposal Outline:

The shortage of traditional energetic sources has brought efficiency in the use of energy as a prioritized concern in every energy consuming process. Besides that, sustainability, and more particularly, CO2 emission reduction, is a prioritized goal after Kyoto Protocol was signed up by all European countries.

One of the most important fields for these concerns is buildings design, construction and exploitation, since it is one of the sectors with highest CO2 emission and with highest energy consumption.

European normative (SAVE 76/93 CO2, for instance) and regional normative (Basic document HE for energy saving, technical code for buildings, March 2006) enforce the obligation for new building projects to be optimized in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. Public opinion is being more and more sensible about those issues.

Architects and engineers need integrated tools and expert support they don’t have right now. They use diverse software tools for geometry 3D design, structures computation, materials databases, illumination, acclimatization, renewable energy generation, and so on. Software is dispersed and neither communicates nor integrates. There’s a clear need for an integrated intelligent decision support software tool for energy efficiency optimization for buildings, which is the main objective to be achieve during this project.

Inputs for the system will include:

- Design of building project:

    o Geometry of the building in 3D: shape, volume, exits, windows, rooms, etc.

    o Choice of materials to use (embodied energy)

    o Climate conditions

    o Etc…

- Potential use of renewable energies:

    o Hours of light 

    o Temperature of the soil

    o Etc…

- Installations and exploitation needs:

    o Illumination

    o Acclimatization 

    o Etc…

The outputs should be:

- Expert set of alternatives for energy efficiency improvement, out of 300 possible categorized alternatives. Each alternative is a generic recommendation that has to be parameterized to the particular needs of the project of study.

- Multiple and flexible options to fix a number parameters of the set of selected alternatives and set up ranges for others to iteratively seek the optimal solution in terms of energy efficiency.

The incorporation of the suggested alternatives to the project will interact with the rest of factors, will affect the building and maintenance costs, and consumption of energy, all that quantified by the application to enable the decision making. For the development of the project some third party open source software components might be integrated which will solve issues which commercial standalone products already solve, and which architects and engineers currently use:

- 3D Geometry, CAD.

- Materials Databases.

- Structures computation.

- Installations of light and climate.

- Renewable energy sources.


Already existing consortium:

RTD: Coordinator

RTD: expert in energetic efficiency

RTD: expert in Open Source, 3D

SMEs: 3 architects studio.

Partners sought and role in the project:



SME profile: energy in buildings and renewable energies consultant and designers

SME profile: server side software technologies and artificial intelligence techniques

SME profile: technical expert in materials and tools


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-278

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-278 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-26 16:59 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-26 16:59 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |


Proposal name:



Wine contamination with fungal aromas is currently recognized as one of the wine’s worst threat for the wineries all around the world. Traditionally, and erroneously, this phenomenon has been considered exclusively associated with the cork. From this point of view, the cork stopper would act as the source of wine contamination by chloroanisoles (specially 2,4,6-trichloroanisole or TCA). This organic compound is able to confer a very unpleasant fungal aroma to the wine, even at concentrations as low as 2 to 4 ng/L.

The fungal aroma of the wine is a consequence of the presence in the environment (air, water, wood, etc.) of microorganisms (especially filamentous fungi), which when getting into contact with halophenols (a kind of highly toxic pesticides), develop a defensive mechanism that leads to the production of haloanisoles. These pesticides are chlorophenols, fluorophenols, iodophenols and bromophenols.


Proposal Outline:

The main problem is the contamination of the stoppers in the winery, just the moment before the bottling, caused by “bad practices” of the operator. The idea is to implement a system to disinfect the stopper just before bottling one by one using possible methods like plasma.

Is it possible to implement a manual of good practices to show how to manipulate the stoppers correctly.

The high limitation is to find an economic disinfection method, to disinfect the stoppers one by one without increase the cost production. Recent studies have demonstrated the ability of this method for surface treatment. Such technology can be considered as cost-effective for industrial applications.

The aim of the project is to verify if the methods are able to reduce the TCA levels behind 2 ng/l and the time needed for the process.


Already existing consortium:

Centre de Recerca i Investigacio de Catalunya - systems integration and control system, Spain

RTD - Microbiology analisis of wines and corks, France

Partners sought and role in the project:


-Expert on Plasma

-Winery – bottling and distribution of red wine(IT)

-Champagne winery – bottling and distribution of champagne (FR)

SME: manufacturer/distributor of automatics machines in wineries. It will be in charge of the system distribution in the future.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |ALICJA |Last name: |GRZEGORZEK |

|Address: |C/ Travessera de Gràcia, 108 Entl. |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |BARCELONA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 93 204 99 22         +34 93 204 99 22 |Fax Number: | |


|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of |Research Center |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out|European Commission | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-275

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-275 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-01 13:47 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-01 13:47 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |


Proposal name:

Champi-on.Development of a new fully-automatic system for picking, handling and storing mushrooms for the fresh-market industry


Proposal Outline:

The overall goal of this project is to develop a new fully-automatic system for picking mushrooms for the fresh market sector.

The system will be comprised of three sub-systems:

- Automatic Picker: This picker will roll over the shelves, detecting the ready-to-pick mushrooms by image analysis and picking them with a robotic arm/s. The stem will be cut, if desired, by the client.

- External trolley: Once picked, mushrooms will be unloaded onto an external trolley that will accompany the picker throughout the shelves. The mushrooms will be placed into boxes and, when full, the trolley will automatically bring the boxes to the storeroom where mushrooms are conserved within the proper temperature conditions.

- Lift: The picker will automatically move from one shelf to another.


Already existing consortium:




Partners sought and role in the project:


-Computer vision SME - will take the role of image analisis during the project.

-Mechanical-Engineering SME - will take the role of mechanical designs during the project.

-Manufacturer/distributor of technical equipment in the agricultural sector - will make system specifications and plans for manufacturing and distributing the system.

-Mushroom grower from Poland and The Netherlands. Task foreseen for these partners will be system specifications and validation of the prototypes


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |ALICJA |Last name: |GRZEGORZEK |

|Address: |C/ Travessera de Gràcia, 108 Entl. |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |BARCELONA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 93 204 99 22         +34 93 204 99 22 |Fax Number: | |


|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of |Research Center |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out|European Commission | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-284

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-284 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-01 13:54 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-01 13:54 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Nanotechnologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Health care |


Proposal name:

WATERPULSE-Disinfection System For Cooling Towers Based On Pulsed Plasma discharges


Proposal Outline:

The consortium of SMEs has identified a need to develop a non-chemical and cost effective technology for removing Legionella from water circuits in cooling towers. The commercial objective of the project is to develop a corona streamer reactor for water treatment. Generation of streamer discharges leads to the synergetic combination of a number of mechanisms, including the formation of radical species and UV light, providing a high germicidal efficiency. The present project aims at overcoming practical limitations of this technology by means of introducing advanced wear protective coatings for extending the lifetime of the electrodes. Furthermore, by introducing Carbon Nanotube coatings, it will be possible to minimise the effective operation voltage of the system, leading to a reduction of the cost and complexity.


Already existing consortium:

Centre de recerca i investigacio de Catalunya, S.A., Project Coordination, SP

Microbilogical laboratory (UK)

Water treatment & Research (CZ)

High voltage electronics and plasma physics developer (NO)

Ionization equipment supplier (UK)

Technology and management of hydro resources(ES)

Partners sought and role in the project:


• (End user) company using small or medium cooling towers system in their daily business (Certain industries, Hospitals, big buildings, etc..)


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |ALICJA |Last name: |GRZEGORZEK |

|Address: |C/ Travessera de Gràcia, 108 Entl. |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |BARCELONA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 93 204 99 22         +34 93 204 99 22 |Fax Number: | |


|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of |Research Center |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out|European Commission | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-MT-322

|PS ID: |PS-SME-MT-322 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-02 09:14 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-02 09:14 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |


Proposal name:

NUTRI-STAT - Real-time, On-Site, Soil NPK analysis system using an ISFET based soil probe.


Proposal Outline:

The most prominent part of this research consists of the study, design and development of an in-situ NPK probe that is capable of measuring the levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium found in soil. Previous research in the field of soil analysis using Ion Selective Electrodes and ISFETs was mostly aimed at measuring NPK by extracting soil samples from the ground. This is due to the fact that Ion Selective Electrodes and ISFETs fail to work with solid materials such as soil. Soil being tested on site is not moist enough and NPK would have to be extracted using soil extractants for the Ion Selective electrodes and ISFET’s to provide accurate NKP readings. This proposed project aims at solving this problem by using the principles of a Tensiometer (simulating the roots of a plant) to acquire enough water content to make an accurate in-situ NPK analysis. Tensiometers, also known as irrometers, have long been used in agriculture to measure soil moisture. Tensiometers have a small ceramic (porous) cup at the bottom, a tube of a certain length and a pressure gauge. Vacuum is induced in the tube and water will flow in or out of the cup according to the soil moisture. The new probe (Figure 1) will use the same principle to suck water from the soil into the cup and a micro fluid pump will then pass this water into a lab-on-chip containing a series of ISFETs to measure NPK. Readings will be fed into a data logger which will provide recommendations based on a nutrient management software developed during this research. Nutri-STAT allows the farmer to obtain accurate data about their soil nutrient status using an in-situ sensor device for a combined analysis of N, P and K. The process is time efficient and compatible to the fast production cycles practiced nowadays in agriculture. NUTRI-STAT will also secure a better environment especially in rationing the use of fertilizer and in securing a fresh supply of surface and ground water that does not contain excessive levels of nitrogen and other polluting elements.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


farmers involved in crop production, preferably farmers who employ some type of soil nutrient management SMEs that produce or distribute any kind of agricultural equipment, preferably SMEs that carry some type of sensors such as Temperature, Humidity, EC and PH sensors.

RTD Performers:

Experts in soil nutrient management. Expertise to interpret soil analysis data and define plant requirements Expertise in soil physics Facilities to verify the prototype in practical condition


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Lorraine |Last name: |Caruana |

|Address: |UB, 5B industrial Estate |Postal Code: | |

|City: |San Gwann |Country: |Malta |

|Phone Number: |35621482144 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |MALTA INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION FOR SMEs |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-MT-301

|PS ID: |PS-SME-MT-301 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-02 09:18 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-02 09:18 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |


Proposal name:

KINGFISHER Low Stress In-water Sorting of Fish


Wild fish stocks in the seas around the European Union are in decline, partly due to decades of over-fishing and irresponsible fishing techniques. This problem has driven the European fishing industry into a crisis. The European Union has laws regulating the size of the fish caught, in a bid to combat the dwindling stock. Fish which are too small to have reproduced cannot be landed, and are discarded, after they have been hauled out of the water and into the vessel. Non-targeted species, including protected ones are also caught. This by-catch is discarded overboard, dead, thus unable to grow, and reproduce. As catch quotas and fishing days limits act as restraints on the industry, a more efficient yet sustainable method of hauling the target catch needs to be designed. This method needs to select the target species, at the optimum size, and discard all others, with minimal stress, so that they have a chance to reproduce. Such a system should also minimise the netting of protected species, reducing the chance of getting fined. All this should fall within the EU’s conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources regulations. The EU is now questioning the efficiency of the quota system and is searching for new strategies. The KingFisher system can be an option.


Proposal Outline:

Certain species of fish like sardines, herring and pilchards are aggregated by artificial methods like seines. The shoal is encircled by the seine net which is then closed. At this stage, the fish can be hauled from the net onto the vessel by means of fish pumps. It is proposed that the fish pump feeds fish and seawater into channels each containing an image aquisition device. The fish are imaged individually, their profiles are extracted and compared to data about the target fish species, including profile, legal and optimum size. If the individual fits these criteria, it is transferred to the hold, else, it is routed to the sea. This system selects the fish which the fisher wants, at the size which yields the best prices on the market. It also sorts the fish with minimal stress and enables the stocks to recuperate: fish which are too small are returned to the sea to be caught when they are larger, yielding more money and promoting sustainable fishing. The KingFisher system provides a win-win situation for both the environment and the almost 416,000 people employed in the fisheries sector in Europe.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Fisher/SME involved in fishing operations which employ aggregation strategies like purse seines to catch fish and haul the catch by fish pumps. Their target fish species should be able to be hauled live by fish pumps. SME which manufactures fish pumps, fish-moving, grading and overall live fish handling equipment mainly for marine use. Electronics company proficient in the programming of microcontrollers and preferably experienced in imaging technology.

RTD Performers:

Experts in marine biology, fisheries sciences and/or marine species identification


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Lorraine |Last name: |Caruana |

|Address: |UB 5B industrial estate |Postal Code: |SGN 3000 |

|City: |SAN GWANN |Country: |Malta |

|Phone Number: |35621482144 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Malta Industrial Innovation for SMEs |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |ICT |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-MT-298

|PS ID: |PS-SME-MT-298 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-02 09:20 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-02 09:20 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Security |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

WFITV - Video Streaming over a Multi-hop Ad-hoc Wireless Network using Image Fusion Techniques


Wireless sensor networks in combination with image sensors open up a multitude of previously unthinkable sensing applications. A fundamental application would be automated, remote and distributed video-based surveillance. CCTV systems that are currently available on the market require a well planned infrastructure. This entails large installation costs. Moreover, planning and installation require a lot of time and, in many cases expert consultancy, both of which significantly add up to the cost. Such systems become unfeasible to implement, especially when the subject is required to be monitored temporarily, for short periods of time (for example an Art exhibition, mass gathering etc). The WFITV system may be a solution that will be sought by event organizers that are interested to quickly install a low-cost and ad-hoc Video Sensor Network (VSN) which runs on battery power.


Proposal Outline:

Camera sensors collect visual data which are rich in information. This raises new challenges such as the transmission of real-time visual data that have high computational and bandwidth requirements in low-power visual sensor networks (VSNs). Without the use of image compression algorithms it would be impossible to communicate all this information on a low-power, wireless network. This proposal provides a solution that exploits the advantages of both Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Image Fusion techniques, in order to decrease the information bandwidth so that video can be reliably transmitted over a Radio Frequency (RF) channel without demanding large battery power. Multi-sensor Image Fusion is the process of combining relevant information from two or more images into a single image. The resulting image will be more informative than any of the input images. Therefore instead of each camera transmitting its own images to the Base Station, they collaboratively fuse their images together, and each cluster transmits a single image. This innovative solution will not only make possible the ad-hoc wireless transmission of video but will also allow VSNs to run on batteries for long periods of time with little human intervention. Surveillance is not the only business sector to benefit from this innovation. VSNs have a great commercial and societal potential especially in ambient assisted living and personal care applications


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Installers of video-based surveillance systems Manufacturers of video-based surveillance equipment that have invested in wireless video transmission

RTD Performers:

Experts in Wireless Sensor Networks and Image Processing


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Lorraine |Last name: |Caruana |

|Address: |UB 5B industrial estate |Postal Code: |SGN 3000 |

|City: |SAN GWANN |Country: |Malta |

|Phone Number: |35621482144 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Malta Industrial Innovation for SMEs |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |ICT |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-MT-295

|PS ID: |PS-SME-MT-295 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-02 09:21 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-02 09:21 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

ENVIRONMENTOR - Facilitating the Implementation of the IPPC Legislation through the use of a Web-Based Environmental Consultancy Toolkit


Proposal Outline:

RTDs together with IPPC experts within the consortium suggested that an expert system could be used to assist these environmental consultants in preparing an IPPC application. This technology could also offer guidance on the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS). Knowledge-base expert systems, or simply expert systems, use human knowledge to solve problems that normally would require human intelligence. Moreover, a multi-agent system will be specifically developed for the trading of greenhouse gases with other companies. The expert system together with the multi-agent trading system will be accessible via a rich client web interface which will allow the user to input data and view the results given. The proposed solution will enable environmental consultants to; • Keep up-to-date with the latest IPPC changes • Reduce the costs required to submit an IPPC application thus increasing their profit • Increase the success rate for each IPPC application submitted • Provide a platform to their clientele for the trading of greenhouse gases with other European companies • Provide better guidance on the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS)


Already existing consortium:

Partner #1: located in Poznan, Poland. The company provides consulting services in the field of environmental protection including water and natural resources management, environmental impact assessment and IPPC. The company has a team of well-educated specialists of various domains, occupied by the environment protection. Role in the Consortium: Partner #1 will provide their contribution during the system architecture, assistance in the analysis of the IPPC directive and in the validation of the final system. Expected Benefit: Partner #1, as an end-user of the proposed tool, will benefit directly from the project results. Due to their limited experience in offering consultancy services to the plastic sector, ENVIRONMENTOR will be ensured a smooth entry into the market by provision of the necessary expert knowledge on the plastic industry. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner #2: located in Ankara, Turkey. They specialize in the development of enterprise level for both local and international markets. Partner #2 team is a mixture of highly experienced IT developers, researchers and software engineers. The company has also participated in 2 EU funded projects under the FP6 IST programme Role in the Consortium: Having an extensive knowledge in the IT sector, the company will participate in the development of the system interface and will also lend a hand in the system architecture. Apart from that they will also help in the exploitation of the results. Expected Benefit: Partner #2, will gain knowledge on expert systems in a new sector (environmental legislation specifically for the plastic industry). They will also have an additional IT tool in their product portfolio.

Partners sought and role in the project:


Partner #3: An IT company specializing in the development of artificial intelligence systems (such as knowledge-base expert systems, multi-agent systems etc). Must be fluent both in JAVA and .NET technologies and preferably participated in other European projects. Their role in the project would be to assist RTDs in the design and development of a knowledge-base expert system and a greenhouse gases trading system. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner #4: An environmental consultancy firm specializing in IPPC consultancy services and environmental management systems. Ideally this company should have already prepared IPPC applications for companies in the plastic sector. Their role in the project would be to assist in the system specifications and provide their knowledge with the domain of the IPPC directive, enivornment management systems and EMAS.

RTD Performers:

RTD #1: An RTD specializing in environmental sustaintability, environment management systems and in environmental legislations (IPPC, EMAS, etc). Their role will be to convert expert knowledge into rules suitable for the expert system. They will also assist in the system specifications and validation.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Lorraine |Last name: |Caruana |

|Address: |UB 5B industrial estate |Postal Code: |SGN 3000 |

|City: |SAN GWANN |Country: |Malta |

|Phone Number: |35621482144 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Malta Industrial Innovation for SMEs |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |ICT |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-328

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-328 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-04 14:49 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-04 14:49 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |


Proposal name:



The project is an answer to a problem of:


- Shortage and high cost of skilled labour force for certain, not mechanised tasks within pork production lines

- Lack of commercial equipment available for certain production tasks within pork production lines


Proposal Outline:

The main objective is the creation of various prototypes of machines creating an enhanced pork meat production line.

In a slaughterhouse the pork at first is passed to the quartering room where it goes through:

1º) Separation of the backbone (spine)

2º) Cutting mantle, ribs and loins

3º) Separation of hams

4º) Separation of the rest of usable meat

Afterwards, different parts of meat from previous operations are channeled into the three different lines of activity

 1 ª ) Ham line

 2 ª ) Cold cut line

 3 ª ) Raw meat line


The prototype machines form a production line that covers the cold cut and the raw meat line.


Already existing consortium:

Spanish RTD - coordinator

Partners sought and role in the project:


- meat producers

- meat processing machinery producers / developers

RTD Performers:

- experience in the field of meat production machinery


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jakub |Last name: |Fiolna |

|Address: |Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo, 205 47151|Postal Code: |47151 |

| |Boecillo. Valladolid. Spain. | | |

|City: |Valladolid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34983546504         |Fax Number: |+34983546521 |

| |+34983546504 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundacion CARTIF |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |International Projects |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-337

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-337 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 17:02 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 17:02 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |

PS details


Proposal name:

Highly-sensitive low-cost lab-on-a-chip system for Lyme disease diagnosis


Proposal Outline:

The core of the project is a highly-sensitive lab-on-a-chip device built using a nanoimprinting technology to enable much faster production at minimal costs. An optical reader will also be developed to enable user-friendly readout and interpretation of results. The resulting tool can easily be adapted to a wider infectious disease market for other pleomorphic bacteria involved in other serious diseases.

To produce such a diagnostic tool, a synergistic effort by developers of molecular assays and miniaturisation and microfluidics manufacture experts is required. European industries in both sectors envisage a great business potential for the HILYSENS system in constantly increasing markets such as molecular diagnostics and BioMEMS.


Already existing consortium:

1 RTD-SME (Coordinator). Spanish biotech company performing research on molecular biology

2 RTD-University. Finnish university department performing research on the nano-imprinting lab-on-a-chip device

3 RTD-University. Finnish university department performing research on Borrelia biology

4 RTD-Research Center. Hungarian research center devoloping the optical reader

5 SME-end user. German private hospital validating the device

6 Technical SME. Swedish lab-on-a-chip producer company

7 Technical SME. Italian Optical reader manufacturer company

8 SME-end user. Portuguese clinical laboratory company for distributing the test

9 SME-end user. German clinical diagnostics company

Partners sought and role in the project:


1 Spanish SME Clinical diagnostics laboratory acting as end user.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Angel |Last name: |Honrado |

|Address: |Baldiri reixac 15-21 |Postal Code: |08028 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 934 407 302         |Fax Number: |(+34) 934 408 057 |

| |+34 934 407 302 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Applied Research using OMIC Sciences |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: |Project Management |

|How did you find out |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|about us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-334

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-334 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-10 10:26 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-10 10:26 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

PS details


Proposal name:





Proposal Outline:


The Drinking Water Directive (80/778/EEC) and its successor (98/83/EC which came in force in 2003), aim to ensure that water intended for human consumption is safe. In addition to microbiological and physicochemical parameters, a number of toxic substances are to be monitored. This is because the raw supply may be contaminated, for example, with pesticides from agricultural land which have leached into groundwater.

Some problems with pesticides in drinking water have been identified in national reports and by the European Union of National Associations of Water Suppliers and Waste Water Services (EUREAU). Pesticide pollution of drinking water has also been identified as a problem in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK (Eureau, 2001) where it is estimated that between 5 and 10 % of resources are regularly contaminated with pesticides in excess of 0.1 µg/l.

The monitoring of these hazardous substances is essential to obtain a representative assessment of the condition of water bodies and variations of human pressures. Thus, the monitoring networks established by the Member States under the Water Framework Directive must include analytical tools capable of providing information on the levels of these contaminants.


Standard methods for toxicity monitoring are based on observing the mortality ratio of certain organisms (ranging from fish to bacteria) in the presence of the contaminated water. Albeit sensitive, these methods are limited in that most require water samples to be manually obtained from testing sites and for analysis to be performed by a technician in a laboratory. Portable devices that can be brought to the river or lake exist, but are not autonomous (they require the presence of an operator to function).

Aware of the limitations of available water monitoring technology, coupled with a significant and timely European need to assure safe water, SME proposers of the current WATERTOX have recognized a business opportunity in developing an autonomous, water toxicity monitoring product, based on enzymatic inhibition and renewal of the biological material with magnetic beads. This device will provide continuous analysis and warning alarms when a determined acceptable threshold of contamination is exceeded.


Enzymatic inhibition assays can be applied in the monitoring of hazardous substances such as pesticides because their toxicity manly relies in their capacity of altering the enzymatic activity of specific enzymes. When an enzyme susceptible of being inhibited by a toxic substance is used to construct a biosensor, the presence of this toxic substance can be determined establishing a correlation between its concentration and the degree of inhibition. The practical application of inhibition measurements is limited by the large number of steps involved in the analytical procedure. The combination of biosensors with the Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) technique reduces this limitation, because it allows the control over all the steps.

The proposal is focused in the development of single-use (bio)sensors using screen-printed technology (allowing cost-effective mass-production) and selected immobilisation techniques, and in the development of the adequate instrumentation to allow toxicity determination in field with an autonomous station for continuous monitoring.


With more than 6000 monitoring stations distributed along the European river basins, the potential market for this technology is clear. The consortium will cover all the roles of the commercial route from design to distribution, including integration and manufacturing, in order to supply the European Water Agencies and Water Operators with a reliable tool for in-situ and on-line toxicity monitoring.

Through European Commission funding, the technology developed in this project will be shared by the partners of the project, who will licence it to the SME’s for the use of the system. With an "in-kind" participation only, this small group of companies will share the technology, thus accessing over 1.4 Million EURO’s worth of resources over the two-year work programme.


Already existing consortium:


- CRIC (ES), coordinator, potentiostat development, software.

- IMAGES (FR) (J-L Marty), inhibition assays and amperometric detection. 


- BIOSENSORES (ES), integration of components, sales and distribution.

- ECOBIO Services (IT), amperometric electrodes

- ESDL (MT), electronics, hardware


- STIEP (HU), regional water agency

Partners sought and role in the project:


- Looking for an SME with expertise in fluidics

- Looking for an SME that could provide enzymes and reagents

RTD Performers:

water analysis laboratory for validation or an electronics and mechanics expert for prototype development


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-340

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-340 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-10 10:43 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-10 10:43 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

PS details


Proposal name:





Proposal Outline:


The milk and dairy products industries are between the sectors most affected by the presence of antibiotic residues, not only because of the adverse effects caused to the public health and ecosystems but also because of the economical losses derived by the effect of these biocides in the fermentation processes. As every single Member State of the EU, without exception, produces milk, the transnational approach of this proposal is clear.

To prevent the negative impact of the antibiotic residues on human health and on the entire ecosystem, procedures for the establishment of maximum residue limits (MRLs) of veterinary drugs in foodstuffs of animal origin are regulated by European Council (EC) Regulation no. 2377/90.

Although the European Union has also dictated the frequency and number of analyses to be performed (Directive 96/23/CE), the analytical methods available today are insufficient to accomplish these requirements. Thus, unspecific and time-consuming microbiological tests based on cylinder plate methods are frequently used for screening. Chromatographic techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)–UV spectroscopy and/or HPLC–mass spectrometry (MS), normally used to confirm the results of samples suspected of being contaminated, show high specific and excellent detectability; however, their inherent sequential nature and the need to be preceded by sample preparation procedures limit their efficiency to ensure food safety.



Through the development of a multianalyte device for the simultaneous determination of different antibiotics in milk, the proposers SMEs aim to provide the dairy sector with a tool for rapid and accurate milk quality assessing. Interprofessional laboratories and milk processing industries will benefit from this tool by enhancing their analytical performance, ensuring their compliance with current regulations.



Impedance biosensors register changes in the electrical properties of the surface (either capacitance or resistance) affected by interactions of a target biomolecule with a probe-functionalized sensor surface and are promising for label-free, real-time, and in situ detection of various analytes. They have been used for immunochemical reactions as well as for direct measurements of DNA hybridization processes. To enhance the sensitivity of the measurements and to miniaturize the final sensor element impedimetric transducers with two planar interdigitated electrodes, called interdigitated electrode array (IDEA), have been developed. However, reported planar impedimetric sensors for direct measurements of biochemical interactions show low detectability in comparison with other conventional methods. Taking into consideration the distribution of the electric field between adjacent electrodes of an IDEA sensor it seems reasonable to separate the electrodes with an insulating barrier so that under applied electric potential difference the main portion of the current will not go through the surrounding solution but close to the surface of the barrier. This should permit to enhance the sensitivity of the device for biochemical reactions of biomolecules attached to the surface of the barrier.

Immunochemical techniques can offer important advantages as screening methods owing to their simplicity, highthroughput capabilities and low cost, and they are already being used by some food safety reference laboratories. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and enzyme-linked receptor assay (ELRA) tests are examples of the methods most commonly used to detect antibiotic contaminants in milk samples although they are limited sometimes by their high specificity. Hence, immunoassay techniques are often used to detect a single analyte. On the other hand, orthogonal hapten–antibody/receptor combinations seem to be ideal for creating array structures with different immunoreagents for different analytes. The combination of generic immunoassays for simultaneous detection of a wide range of sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones and ß-lactams below the MRLs on a single array could be an excellent tool for antibiotic residue screening.

The project will merge together both technologies, resulting in an analytical device combining the enhanced sensitivity of three-dimensional impedimetric electrodes and the multi-analyte capability of the combination of immunoassays. Specific tasks will be planned for matrix effect reduction, either by sample pre-treatment or, ideally, by electrode surface modification.

Furthermore, a liquid-handling system, instrumentation for impedimetric measurements and hardware and software for control and data processing will also be developed.


Through European Commission funding, the technology developed in this project can directly benefit the dairy industry by having access to a rapid and accurate multianalyte tool for the determination of antibiotic residues, as it is essential that producers do everything in their power to prevent contamination of their milk with antibiotics and comply with current EU Food Hygiene legislation. With an approximate annual production of 140.000.000 tones of milk in the EU-25 area and the obligation of analysing at least 1 sample per 15.000 tones produced, the minimum overall number of samples to be analysed overtakes 9000/year.

Thus, the proposers SMEs, covering every stage in the production and supply chain, as well as the resulting post-sale supply of reagents and consumables, have identified an appropriate business opportunity in the milk quality control sector.


Already existing consortium:

RTD: CRIC Research Centre : Instrumentation development, System integration, Validation , Dissemination , Management

 RTD: CNM-AMRg: Multidisciplinary Spanish research public body: development of impedimetric microelectrodes, development of abtibodies and protocols for immunoassays, sample pre-treatment

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME-TECH: Expert in fluidics for analytical systems


SME-TECH: Expert in microeletrodes production

 SME-End User: Interprofessional laboratory of the dairy sector

 SME- End user: Industrial milk processor

RTD Performers:




The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-UK-307

|PS ID: |PS-SME-UK-307 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 10:12 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 10:12 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Agriculture / Forestry |

PS details


Proposal name:

RITA - Development and Application of a Ruminant Intestinal Tract Model to Serve Industry Needs


Proposal Outline:

The main project activities will either fall under the development of the system or its application. The general activities related to the development of the system are likely to include:

• Design and fabrication of a prototype rumen module to complement existing small and large intestine modules.

• Optimisation of the rumen, small intestine and large intestine modules to mimic the corresponding sections of the ruminant gut.

• Validation of the ruminant intestinal tract model system.

The activities relating to the application of the system will be tailored to the specific requirements of involved SMEs, which will have already been taken into account during the development of the system.

Expected results of the project:

In addition to any other SME specific requirements for the project deliverables, it is expected that the following outcomes will be achieved:

• Generation of a validated industry bench-mark system for ruminant gastrointestinal tract testing.

• Generation of robust and reproducible data.

• Development of novel products and/or their validation.

• Enhanced competitiveness of participating SMEs through the development of validated alternative niche products.

• Reduction in the need for animal experimentation.


Already existing consortium:

1) The Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University has 341 employees, including a dedicated FP7 Officer who can support the application submission process.  Leading international research is conducted aimed at improving the understanding of the interactions between ruminants and the microbes that live within them, in order to enhance the quality and sustainability of animal production systems and to promote human health.

Previous involvement in the Framework programme includes the following:

• HEALTHYBEEF “Enhancing the content of beneficial fatty acids in beef and improving meat quality for the consumer". (QLRT-2000-31423) involving partners in Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland and co-ordinated by Dr Scollan.

• BIOCLA “Production of CLA-enriched dairy products by natural means” (QLK1-2002-02362) involving partners in Ireland, Italy, France and Finland.

• ERCULE “The European rumen ciliate culture collection “(QLRI-CT-2000-01455) involving partners in France, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Poland and co-ordinated by Professor Newbold.

• CIMES. “Ciliates as Monitors for Environmental Safety of GMO”. (QLRT-2001-02151, involving partners in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Poland

• PROSAFE BEEF ‘Plant-based strategies to improve the nutritional value of beef for the consumer’ worth £1.1 million

•  REDNEX ‘Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants’ worth £550,000

2) TNO is an innovative Dutch knowledge institute developing, integrating and applying knowledge: to generate new products, services and processes that are fully customised for business and government. One of the core research areas of the institute is the development and application of world-leading in vitro gastrointestinal tract models. Experienced with Framework SME-AG, and Framework project management.

3) SME (Switzerland) that produces a feed additive.

4) 2 SME companies (Ireland, France) that offer complementary RTD activities

Partners sought and role in the project:


Crucial to the success of the project are at least 2 SMEs who can directly use the system for the development, validation and/or further exploitation of their products etc. The SMEs need to be able to participate in the consortium as an SME, rather than a research performing SME.

Does your company have limited or no capability to develop/test/validate new products aimed at the ruminant gut? If so we would like to complement your existing R&D.

Examples of potential SME product/technology profiles, although this list is by no means limited:

• Feed additives (probiotics, growth enhancers, etc.)

• Veterinary/Pharmacology (products which are orally administered and/or for studying GMOs in the gut, antibiotic resistance transfer etc)

• Legislative (involved with approval of feed additives/vet medicines) 


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Joan |Last name: |Edwards |

|Address: |Gogerddan |Postal Code: |SY23 3EB |

|City: |Aberystwyth |Country: |United Kingdom |

|Phone Number: |              +44(0)1970 823064         |Fax Number: | |

| |+44(0)1970 823064 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Aberystwyth Universitty |Type of |University |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: |Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences |

|How did you find out|TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-225

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-225 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 14:27 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 14:27 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

PS details


Proposal name:

POLYSENSE - System to improve use of recycled polymers in extrusion and injection processes through in-line ultrasonic measurement of polymer density and rheological properties


This project aims to develop an in-line, real-time, ultrasonic density and viscosity sensor for the improvement of recycled polymer processing.


Proposal Outline:

The use of blends in polymer extrusion and injection processes is currently widely extended. Knowing the density of the melt has a big importance in order to ensure correct properties of the resulting processed polymer.

Presently, gravimetric control is mainly used to establish the final density of the blend and this introduces high uncertainty when setting the density. The problem of density uncertainty becomes much more important when it comes to working with recycled polymers, since the density of the pellets of recycled polymers can vary considerably. This uncertainty often prevents plastic manufacturers to use recycled polymers when high quality in the resulting product is demanded.

In addition, rheological properties of the polymer - like viscosity - are involved in many critical factors in the final product and are used to discriminate between laminar flow, sharkskin, surging and melt fracture, thus optimising processing and ensuring uniform quality of the end product.

This project aims to develop an in-line, real-time, ultrasonic density and viscosity sensor for the improvement of recycled polymer processing.

The main objectives of the project will be:

• To develop a piezoelectric ultrasonic sensor suitable for integration in polymer processing lines.

• To achieve real-time, high accuracy density and viscosity measurements.

• To validate results with rheological and other off-line measurements.

• To offer different output possibilities in order to allow closed loop control.

The use of the resulting system will have a clear technical and economic impact on the users, as it will make possible the use recycled polymers in applications where accurate setting of the density is needed.


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Polymer Experts - UK

RTD - Ultrasound Expertes - LT

RTD - Electronic and Sensing Experts - ES

SME, Extruding machinery manufacturer, ES

SME, Injection moulding solutions, UK

Partners sought and role in the project:


End User in plastic extrusion. Preferably working with PE: LDPE and/or HDPE, but it is not a restriction.

It should have a set of certain extruders and other machinery for plastics manufacturing.

This partner could come from any eligible country other than the UK and Spain. 


The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |Travessera de Gracia 108 |Postal Code: |080012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |IPE |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-228

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-228 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-15 14:38 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-15 14:38 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:



The proposed WATERPLASMA project aims at develop an innovative decontamination process based on atmospheric glow discharge plasma technology that makes it possible to eliminate organic molecules without the need for chemicals or filters or that results in residual materials. The project research will focus on different areas, including the water plasma configuration system, the appropriate electrodes and power electronics design, water and gases fluidics, analysis of water decontamination; in order to achieve plasma process optimization.


Proposal Outline:

For 1.5 to 2.5 billion people in the world, lack of clean water is a critical problem. Assuring good quality water supply is a major concern in many European countries in which extensive use of water in the agricultural and industrial sectors together with increasing periods of drought have jeopardized water availability. Waste water treatment is carried out in order to minimise environmental impact, as well as to provide an alternative source of potable water. Unfortunately, currently available treatments based on physico-chemical processes, chemical oxidizers and biological reactors still have several limitations. In particular, they are unable to efficiently remove some hazardous chemical substances (organohalogenated compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, etc) commonly present in wastewater. As a consequence of continuous contamination, EC legislation to further reduce acceptable limits of hazardous chemicals from effluents requires ever increasing investments in decontamination technology. In this context, it becomes necessary to develop new cost-efficient and time-efficient water decontamination methods to comply with forthcoming regulations.

The commercial objective of this project is to develop a reactor based on plasma technology to remove toxic/non-toxic organic molecules from water. The system would be applicable to any industry producing water mixed with organic substances that cannot be disposed of in effluents. Initial target industries for the current development will be focused on those industries using solvents and colorants, but the potential market of the system can extend to other contaminants and to water disinfection possibly including surfactants. Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that the proposed technology is able to efficiently remove hazardous molecules including BTEX, MTBE and THMs. Removal efficiencies for drinking water higher than 80% (chlorine solvents) have been accomplished after a processing time of one minute, demonstrating a much superior performance than traditional methods based on UV irradiation, ozone oxidation or photo catalysis. In addition, this process can also be used to simultaneously disinfect water.


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Water treatment experts - ES

RTD - Electronic experts - ES

End-user SME - Pharmaceutical company - ES

SME Tech - Water treatment plants- PT

Partners sought and role in the project:


1. Expert in plasma DBD

2. Fine chemical company (cosmetics, food additives, etc.)

3. Company which designs, develops, produces and tests water treatment systems

The Proposer is looking for a Coordinator:



|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |Travessera de Gracia 108 |Postal Code: |080012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |IPE |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-343

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-343 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-28 09:01 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-28 09:01 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Transport |

|Sub Area 2: |Construction / Building |

PS details


Proposal name:

ECO-SLEEPER: Study of Alternatives with New Sleepers Configurations of Recycled Concrete for High Speed Railway Track


The project belongs to the construction and transport sectors, and material treatments. The project will deal with the development of some new sleepers for railway tracks, using new materials and constructive configurations.


Proposal Outline:

This research project deals with rising new options of recycled concrete sleepers for high speed railway track (we refer to velocities > 200 km/h). This is intended to improve its structural and mechanical behaviour, through new shapes and geometry and some new constructive configurations of them, inside the track assembly or grid. Moreover, the materials that will constitute the prestressed concrete would basically come from solid wastes from constructions, demolition or other industries.

In some States of the European Union and other world countries, high speed railway materializes itself through the common ballast track (France, Spain, USA, etc.), because of the main reason that it is cheaper, and so, there are some incompatibilities between this traditional material and the operation conditions that this kind of lines requires.

The main work will consist of a complete and “feed-backed” State-of-the-Art of the sleepers and track grid existing systems, configurations that nowadays are used, characterization of the technical requirements of these elements for high speed track. Different options of sleepers and track assemblies will be designed, testing of all of them in laboratory and through virtual models. Multicriteria evaluation, to choose some of the alternatives analyzed to test them on a testing bench that will play the role of a real track structure. The main results would be the mechanical behaviour of the new sleepers and the track grid as a group of elements at short and mid term, and the final decision to choose the best option that optimizes the mechanical response of the track with the new environmental-friendly materials and disposition considered.

The three main objectives that we try to reach with this project are guided to get a new type of competitive sleeper. It would be totally adapted to the European standards for high speed tracks.

These objectives would be the next:

- To obtain an aggregate or a group of them that comes from recycled materials or wastes from other industries, which would be appropriately manipulated to be used as base for the concrete, that, at the same time, would be the constituent to fabricate the new sleepers, to construct the high speed railway network. If it is possible to get an aggregate that satisfies all the characteristics required, it would be got, at least, these second objectives:

o To reuse inert materials difficult to get rid of them.

o To minimize the exploitation of the open-sky quarries, reducing the environmental impact that it supposes.

o To make cheaper the costs of making the concrete sleepers.

- To design a new optimized superstructure for the high speed track in what refers to:

o Better distribution of loads.

o To try to minimize the phenomenon of “the flight of the ballast” at high velocities of vehicles.

- To obtain an optimized location of the sleepers in the track assembly, adapting the separation of them depending on the requirements of the high speed track and all the other ones in relation to the security and operativeness required. It is necessary bearing in mind that the increase on the separation (measured between axes of consecutive sleepers) of 5 cm suppose a saving of 14% in what refers to the number of sleepers that need to be located every kilometre of double track. This could become a great reduction of the costs if it is possible to adapt their collocation to the railway line.


Already existing consortium:

RTD Universidad Politécnica de Valencia


SME Grupo CIBO Hormigones

 Partners sought and role in the project:


At least two SME's in relation to the Railway Engineering and recycled concrete: consultings, concrete prefabricator enterprises, etc.

RTD Performers:

Technological Orgnization specialized in materials treatments and tests.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jorge |Last name: |Sánchez |

|Address: |Camino de Vera s/n |Postal Code: |46022 |

|City: |Valencia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034 963877372         |Fax Number: |0034 963877371 |

| |0034 963877372 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Universidad Politécnica de Valencia |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Engineering and Infrastructure of Transports |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-388

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-388 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-25 12:38 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-25 12:38 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Chemical / Petrochemical |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |


Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

Now-a-days the General Galvanizing Industry is facing a critical environmental problem, i.e. the detection of dangerous chemical compounds such as ZnCl2 which, together with NH4Cl, is an essential component of the flux solution. ZnCl2 is a so-called PTB substance (included into Table 3.1 of the European Community Regulation N. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament Dec. 16, 2008 dealing with the REACH substances), in other words a substance that it is not destroyed or does not diminish its power when it is dispersed into the environment, where tends to accumulate and may be adsorbed by plants or animals and may therefore pass into the alimentary chain, causing long terms sanitary damages to men or echo-problems.

This Project aims at the solution of this problem taking advantage, as a starting point, of the properties of a proprietary additive to be added to the flux solution which, among other things, greatly improves Zn-alloy wettability of fluxed surfaces and therefore should allow ZnCl2 reduction, within the permitted range.

The proprietary additive has been used for the set-up of a new galvanizing process, in which a Zn-0.05%Al-alloy is used as a molten bath, for the reduction of the coating thickness of the so-called reactive steels, for improving the Zn-alloy/steels wettability and for a better surface quality of coatings. The new technology belonging to Zimetal in Italy, is based on the Italian Patents RM 2002 A000589 e 2008 A000020, where it is stated that the additive into the flux solution, allows the use of a molten bath containing Al at the above level, which completely substitute Ni.

The new process was started in Italy in 2008 at Zimetal. Production data collected in the plant, show that the additive is very effective in improving surface properties of steel parts and therefore, Project partners are confident that these properties may be usefully exploited also for the ZnCl2 reduction, as said before.


Chemical compounds, environmental problem


Already existing consortium:

Two SME participant and 2 RTD performs have already joined the Project: one SME (Galvanizer) and one RTD performer (Coordinator) are located in Italy, while the second SME (Galvanizer) and RTD performer are in Spain.

We are looking for one or more additional SME participants in a third Country within the UE.

Partners sought and role in the project:


The Partner thought is a General Galvanizer able to perform demonstration trials in his plant aiming at testing the validity of innovation. His benefit would be to comply with the so-called Seveso law, which prescribe the reduction or elimination of ZnCl2 from the flux and in addition reduce production costs by alloying the molten bath ending to Ni elimination from the molten bath. They are looking for SMEs from EU members (FR - UK -DK) and from Associated countries (i.e. Israel)


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |MASSIMO |Last name: |MEMMI |

|Address: |VIA DEL MARE 32 |Postal Code: |00100 |

|City: |POMEZIA (ROME) |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +39 06 91608095         |Fax Number: | |

| |+39 06 91608095 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |SURFACE Srl |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME|

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-385

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-385 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-25 14:59 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-25 14:59 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Measurements / Testing |

PS details


Proposal name:



Nowadays, fermentation stuck is a serious problem for the wine industry and it happens more frequently than expected, in fact some methods to revive the stopped fermentations exists and are implemented at every cellar, however, sometimes these efforts do not get the expected results, regarding, above all, the wine quality, therefore this kind of failures sometimes can cause an important economic loss.

At the moment the exact conditions that favour the fermentation stuck have not been identified, but a set of parameters are the probable cause of these irregular fermentations.

Due to all these reasons, an early detection of the parameters that can provoke a stuck fermentation is necessary and also to set a contingency plan and an effective actuation protocol in case of this stoppage/shutdown (stuck) happens.


Proposal Outline:

The main objective of the project is to study in depth the factors that influence the fermentation conditions and to relate them with the fermentation stuck.

Advanced analytical methods will be applied (HPLC, GC) as well as another routine ones (physical, chemical or microbiological) that show the alcoholic fermentation quality.

Molecular techniques for the genetic identification of the microorganism groups involved in the fermentation will be used in order to establish a relationship between the yeast species in the several geographic locations of the cellars involved in the project.

Specific Objectives:

· Setting-up the proper methods to analyse all the fixed parameters.

· Microbiological control of the spoiling yeasts in the winery process.

· Molecular identification of the yeast groups involved in the winery process. Specific native yeast’s identification in every cellar all around the map of the project.

· Exhaustive monitoring of the must fermentation.

· Getting a group of quality markers to set an early detection of the fermentation stuck.

· Developing a useful and easy to handle tool so that the cellars control the alcoholic fermentation.


Already existing consortium:

A research center from Spain (coordinator)

A research center from Germany

A winery from Germany

A winery from Spain

A winery from Portugal

Partners sought and role in the project:


A winery from Italy or France

A software developer to:

Develop a program to obtain statistical conclusions with the data provided

Mathematical model based on the analysis made

To design a program to foresee the stops from the results of the analysis

RTD Performers:

An RTD (university or research center) either from Italy or France dedicated or interested in fermentation stucks. Ideally with contacts with wineries from the same region as them.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Ainhoa |Last name: |Gonzalez |

|Address: |Parque Tecnologico de Boecillo |Postal Code: |47151 |

|City: |Valladolid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034983546504         |Fax Number: |0034983546521 |

| |0034983546504 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundación CARTIF |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |International Projects |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-391

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-391 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-29 15:41 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-29 15:41 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Energy |


Proposal name:



Innovative dynamic insulation of an existing building by application of external prefabricated cladding made with dry construction techniques.


Proposal Outline:

The concept and validation

An innovative solution of active thermal insulation of air-conditioned spaces, scientifically validated in collaboration with a recognised university research department, with high technical effectiveness, consequent attractive cost savings, and good possibility of application of very low enthalpy energy sources.

The use of energy at these temperature levels (approximately equal to the desired temperature in the environment) considerably extends the direct exploitation of renewable energy sources and otherwise unused waste heat.

Project objectives

Carry out a full-scale validation test of the proposed innovative product through its application to an existing building, preferably of public use.


Availability of a suitable energy source at the site of the building is fundamental, for example:

- waste heat from processing, currently disposed of by water coolant.

- geothermal heat

- etc.

Such source must in winter conditions provide an adequate water flow with a minimum temperature of about 20 ° C.

Application procedure

The innovative, dynamic insulation can be used on existing buildings as a system that involves prefabricated dry construction wall partitions that lean against and cover the structures already in place.

Application is designed to be on the external surfaces of the outer perimeter walls, built into the prefabricated wall structure.


Already existing consortium:

SME : 1

RTD : 2

Partners sought and role in the project:


• company with experience in design and installation of ground heat exchangers

• company with experience in construction of prefabricated partitions with dry construction techniques

• technical office/studio with experience in low cost sustainable architectural planning and design


State or government body (preferable) or private body wishing to make available an existing building structure, with the necessary heat sources as indicated in the project description 


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |milva |Last name: |faraon |

|Address: |resera |Postal Code: | |

|City: |tarzo |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |0438587177 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: |milva.faraon@ |Web Address: |resera |

|Organisation: |venturini franco |Type of Organisation: |Others |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-400

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-400 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-09-29 17:33 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-09-29 17:33 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Energy |


Proposal name:



Innovative dynamic insulation of an existing building by application of façade /roofing cladding of façade /roofing cladding .


Proposal Outline:

The concept and validation

An innovative solution of active thermal insulation of air-conditioned spaces, scientifically validated in collaboration with a recognised university research department, with high technical effectiveness, consequent attractive cost savings, and good possibility of application of very low enthalpy energy sources.

The use of energy at these temperature levels (approximately equal to the desired temperature in the environment) considerably extends the direct exploitation of renewable energy sources and otherwise unused waste heat.

Project objectives

Carry out a full-scale validation test of the proposed innovative product through its application to an existing building, preferably of public use.


Availability of a suitable energy source at the site of the building is fundamental, for example:

- waste heat from processing, currently disposed of by water coolant.

- geothermal heat

- etc.

Such source must in winter conditions provide an adequate water flow with a minimum temperature of about 20 ° C.

Application procedure

The innovative, dynamic insulation can be used on existing buildings as a system that involves the installation of facade / roofing cladding to structures already in place.

Application is designed to be on the external surfaces of the outer perimeter walls, built into the prefabricated facade / roofing cladding.


Already existing consortium:

SME : 1

RTD : 2

Partners sought and role in the project:


• technical office/studio with experience in low cost sustainable architectural planning and design

• company with experience in design and installation of ground heat exchangers

• company with experience in construction of prefabricated facade / roofing cladding


• state or government body (preferable) or private body wishing to make available an existing building structure, with the necessary heat sources as indicated in the project description


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |milva |Last name: |faraon |

|Address: |resera |Postal Code: | |

|City: |tarzo |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |0438587177 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: |milva.faraon@ |Web Address: |resera |

|Organisation: |venturini franco |Type of Organisation: |Others |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-AT-394

|PS ID: |PS-SME-AT-394 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-01 10:47 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-01 10:47 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Textile / Leather / Wood |

|Sub Area 2: |Materials processing |


Proposal name:

IMCOWOOD - Innovative colouring of solid wood by means of carbon dioxide impregnation


The project aims at the development of a new innovative colouring process for solid wood by means of supercritical carbon dioxide impregnation.


Proposal Outline:

The charts of colour range for flooring production are subjected to changes due to new trends. Commonly the favoured colours were attained by the usage of tropical wood or surface treatments of the wood (e.g. staining, bating). Facile dyeing is disadvantageous in production and utilisation, because the colour will be lost by after-treatments, e.g. grinding.

Super critical processes have some big advantages compared to conventional methods, e.g. high permeability, low viscosity and surface tension. Due to these properties the penetration in the anatomic microscopic range is strongly increased und thus homogeneous coloration over the complete cross section of solid wood can be achieved.

The main objectives of the project will be:

• To develop a process for complete colouring of solid wood

• To achieve better colour stability and durability

The use of the resulting system will have a clear technical and economic impact on the users, as it will provide a process for entire wood dyeing.


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Wood materials technology - AT

SME - Flooring producer - AT

SME - Super critcal fluid plants producer - AT

SME - Engineer office - DE

IND - Manufacturer of coatings, paint, and wood preservatives - AT

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME in the area of dyeing natural materials, e.g. natural fibres or textiles. Preferably working with supercritical carbon dioxide, but it is not a restriction.

This partner could come from any eligible country other than Austria and Germany.

 SME in the area of wood processing and colouration, e.g.  flooring producer.

This partner could come from any eligible country other than Austria and Germany, preferably scandinavian country.

 RTD Performers:

Research institute with expert knowlegde in the development of new dyeing processes and dyestuffs.

This partner could come from any eligible country other than Austria and Germany.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Stefano |Last name: |DAmico |

|Address: |Peter-Jordan-Straße 82 |Postal Code: |1190 |

|City: |Wien |Country: |Austria |

|Phone Number: |              +43 (0)1 47654-4262        |Fax Number: |+43 (0)1 47654-4295|

| |+43 (0)1 47654-4262 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Solid wood and wood composites |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-406

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-406 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-01 11:01 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-01 11:01 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Energy |

PS details


Proposal name:



Construction of new building prefabricated in concrete, with dynamic innovative insulation.


Proposal Outline:

The concept and validation

An innovative solution of active thermal insulation of air-conditioned spaces, scientifically validated in collaboration with a recognised university research department, with high technical effectiveness, consequent attractive cost savings, and good possibility of application of very low enthalpy energy sources.

The use of energy at these temperature levels (approximately equal to the desired temperature in the environment) considerably extends the direct exploitation of renewable energy sources and otherwise unused waste heat.

Project objectives

Carry out a full-scale validation test of the proposed innovative product through its application to an existing building, preferably of public use.


Availability of a suitable energy source at the site of the building is fundamental, for example:

- waste heat from processing, currently disposed of by water coolant.

- geothermal heat

- etc.

Such source must in winter conditions provide an adequate water flow with a minimum temperature of about 20 ° C.

Application procedure

The innovative, dynamic insulation can be used for buildings designed in precast concrete.

Application is designed to be incorporated within the prefabricated concrete perimeter walls.


Already existing consortium:

SME : 1

RTD : 2

Partners sought and role in the project:


• technical office/studio with experience in low cost sustainable architectural planning and design

• company with experience in design and installation of ground heat exchangers

• company with experience in construction of precast structures in concrete


• state or government body (preferable) or private body wishing to make available a new building structure, with the necessary heat sources as indicated in the project description


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |milva |Last name: |faraon |

|Address: |resera |Postal Code: | |

|City: |tarzo |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |0438587177 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: |milva.faraon@ |Web Address: |resera |

|Organisation: |venturini franco |Type of Organisation: |Others |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-DK-397

|PS ID: |PS-SME-DK-397 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-02 08:20 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-02 08:20 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:



Development of new software and new organisational tools to assist producers of plastic injection moulds in making their daily work more effective, therewith improving their competitiveness vis-à-vis competitors from the Far East.


Proposal Outline:

The research will generate the following output:

1. A “LEAN order fulfilment concept for mould makers”, supported by software, and implemented during project execution in two or three of the participating industrial partner companies. Mould makers who implement the concept will experience significant savings in time spent along their order fulfilment process and increase quality and reliability of their productive (value added) and administrative (non-value added) work.

2. A CAM software module, which offers 

  - A 30 - 50 % reduction of time spent on CNC programming, including selection of technology, checking / editing of CAD files, defining machining strategies and selecting cutting tools and machining data 

  - A 30 - 50 % reduction on computer-internal processing time, when the tool path is calculated 

 -  A 30 - 50 % reduction on machining time for high speed milling (HSM) due to an innovative machining strategy included in the software


Already existing consortium:

The development work will be performed by two research partners in the group:

• Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, Stuttgart, Germany, who has specialized in applied research for optimisation of product realisation, particularly for SMEs.

• CAD/CAM specialist CIMCO Integration A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark, who is one of the leading developers and suppliers of CAM software for Mould & Die makers in Europe

In addition to the above RTD partners we have the following partners in the group

• Two large industrial companies (WOrld Market brands) who use and buy plastic injection moulds

• A handful of European Mold and Die makers (SMEs), who develop and supply plastic injection molds to the global market

We want to expand the consortium with two or three additional SME partners with the following profile:

They must be producers and/or developers of plastic injection moulds or similar (such as high pressure die cating moulds)

They should be located in other countries (eligible for FP7) than Denmark and Germany (from where we have partners already) 

Partners sought and role in the project:


We invite two or three European toolmakers to join the project as SME partners. New partners should feel that they can benefit from the results indicated above.

SME partners in the consortium will work together to define in details the requirements to the RTD performers and secure that the project results will fit the toolmakers needs for a more efficient production process and a streamlined business process, which is in line with modern best practice in production companies of all sizes - despite the very special nature of Mould and Die manufacture

In addition a selected number of the SMEs must be available as test sites for project deliverables as they emerge from the RTD performers

RTD Performers:

 RTD performers have been selected as explained above


 Two large companies will take part in the project, working together with each "their" RTD performer. The partners are open for a third large company (qualified in project terminology as "other partner"), if a new SME partner has arguments to that effect


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Ib |Last name: |Sejersen |

|Address: |Skovhusene 21 |Postal Code: |DK 5874 |

|City: |Hesselager |Country: |Denmark |

|Phone Number: |              +45 60679204         |Fax Number: | |

| |+45 60679204 | | |

|Email: |ib.sejersen@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |EU Consult |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-MT-417

|PS ID: |PS-SME-MT-417 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-07 09:19 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-07 09:19 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

LearnPLUS - providing a sound understanding of the individual needs and learning preferences of primary education students'


The project targets SMEs in the software industry who cater for the primary education market. The aim of the project is to promote a higher degree of personalisation in learning for young children by providing a tool to be integrated with existing and future LMSs.


Proposal Outline:

The project LEARNPLUS will be a software flash component product which focuses on the development of an innovative e-learning module. A major difference from current e-learning modules inherent in LEARNPLUS is that it will have the ability to provide feedback to the child. The system will obtain data using a webcam and microphone as means of HCI (Human Computer Interaction). Using special commands set by the educator, the module will provide feedback to the child such as assistance, examples, pictures or further information. The whole module will be incorporated inside a flash component which is interoperable with most computer programming languages and can be easily integrated with current and future e-learning systems. The module will record the child’s behaviour through which the module will also issue a detailed report to educators by interpreting data gathered from the child’s behaviour, attitudes and preferences whilst performing given tasks. As a result, the tool will create awareness on the learning needs of individual students in a classroom and promote the customisation of learning material, ensuring that each child benefits from personalised learning in an all inclusive environment.


Already existing consortium:

University of Southampton - RTD partner experts in the development of e-learning Malta Industrial Innovation for SMEs - RTD partner experts in the vision industry Vivid Interactive Software company specialising in the development of products for successful integration of ICT in primary education

Partners sought and role in the project:


Company specialising in computer vision and knowledgable in Face and Eye tracking. the partner would be sought to help in the development of a method for face/eye recognition and tracking to be integrated with the feedback tracking module oft the project Primary education schools who are avid users of Learning Management Systems and who would be willing to test the product in a real environment

RTD Performers:

University or institute specialising in educational psychology


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Lorraine |Last name: |Caruana |

|Address: |UB 5B industrial estate |Postal Code: |SGN 3000 |

|City: |SAN GWANN |Country: |Malta |

|Phone Number: |35621482144 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Malta Industrial Innovation for SMEs |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |ICT |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-423

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-423 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:02 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:02 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |

PS details


Proposal name:

Pathogens diagnostic kit


The main aim is to produce a set of diagnostic kit to detect pathogens bacteria and virus in shellfish for human consumption. We will focus on molecular techniques, with special effort for the development of a simplified microarray platform, as we have already developed a prototype based on LDR-Universal array technology to detect 6 Vibrio species in shellfish. This commercial product will be addressed to GDO and big retailers that often perform normal biochemical screening of lots in their labs, especially if they have to accomplish with quality standard requirements.


Proposal Outline:

The products we would like to develop and commercialize will not only be the microarray platform, but the idea is to commercialize also a series of standardized molecular diagnostic assay based on PCR Multiplex to detect Vibrio species, as they already exist for other bacteria as Listeria and Campylobacter. To our knowledge no similar test are already available for Vibrio, except single gene assay to be used in real time PCR test. Moreover we have evaluate the possibility to include also most common viruses as HAV and Norovirus to the panel of species detected.

We are aware that we have to develop a tool that needs to be very end user-friendly and therefore in this project we aim at implementing a label free microarray detection, using new technologies based on the detection of electrical micro currents that are produced during hybridization of nucleic acid bound to a specialized surface. There is a group in the engineering department at University of Bologna working on this topic with promising results ( and ).


Already existing consortium:

University of Bologna

Istituto Superiore di Sanità Italia

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are lookinf for biotech SME interested in developing prototype both for the microarray platform, but also for a series of standardized molecular diagnostic assay based on PCR Multiplex to detect pathogens species (bacteria and virus).


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alessia |Last name: |Cariani |

|Address: |via Sant'Alberto 163 |Postal Code: |48100 |

|City: |Ravenna |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +390544937408         |Fax Number: | |

| |+390544937408 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |University of Bologna |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Environmental Science |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-361

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-361 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:18 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:18 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |No sector clearly identified |


Proposal name:

DRYCLOSET-Supporting dry toilet SME to develop a new toilet with enhanced properties such as biocide and self cleaning surface, and 0 bad odour.


Proposal Outline:

Dry toilets are usual in Nordic countries but their rustic technology made them not acceptable in urban or large communities. By the moment dry toilets implies several factors, like unpleasant odours and the manual manipulation of the latrine waste, which made them unviable in most of urban environments. But this situation can be changed applying the technical innovations that will be developed in this project.

The project’s success will imply the possibility of save important drinking water (1875L/cap/year). This will be of essential importance in the Mediterranean countries, where the drought menace is each time more obvious. The use of dry toilets in rural areas with poor infrastructure for waste water treatment will have safe sanitation systems to citizens.

Furthermore, the use of the new dry toilet, not only in rural areas, also in urban areas, will allow a better human waste management and will avoid the ecological troubles that it implies (5% of the municipal waste is composted in France actually). DRYCLOSET project will develop a new dry toilet with improved features related to health safety disposing of a new biocide toilet, low bad odours emissions due to the new biofilter to be developed and low maintenance because of the struvite precipitation inhibition.

The solution will need the technical and scientific progress in:

1. New materials with improved features: we would need to increase the efficiency of the present approach by developing a new material (ex. Polymeric coating) which facilitates the slippery and biocide properties of the actual toilets.

2. New filter systems to prevent odours: we will develop a new biofilter membrane for odour control inside the toilet. This innovation will avoid the modification of in house infrastructures, such as roofs and chimneys.

3. Formation of Struvite precipitates in pipes conducting urines to septic tanks or wastewater systems: research preventing the formation of struvite precipitate by flushing a new cleaning liquid or disposing a pipe system with biocide properties that avoid the bacterial colony growth.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Plastic/ Manufacturer supplier

Activities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• In the development, integration of the plastic material with biocide and slippery properties by reactive extrusion process.

• In the development, integration of the plastic material with anti struvite precipitation.

• They will support of needed material to develop biocide/slippery toilet and pipes.

• Efficiency of biocide coating in the and efficiency of such plastics against struvite precipitation and bacteriae deactivation.

• Training, set up of the prototype and preferential supplier of the plastic material (seat, urine and faecal matter diverting

Plastic product manufacturer by injection moulding.

• Will participate in the toilet manufacturing process with the developed polymer with enhanced features.

• Activities relating with injection moulding of functionalizated polymer.


• Will participate in the distribution plan of the final product in countries such as Norway, Sweden or Finland.


Association /Organization which promotes sanitation in no developed countries

• This Association will act as End User.

• End user will collaborate in the dissemination of the product, features and associated health benefits for the people, using their communications channels.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-364

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-364 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:19 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:19 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

HAIFREE-A Novel Filtration Technology Targeted at Enhancing the European Healthcare System´s Efforts in Restraining the Spread of the Hospital Acquired Infection


There is a strong need demand for a new advanced air cleaning technology to prevent infectious diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which avoid the high costs related to healthcare and legal costs which increase every year the costs of sanitary systems in Europe and USA.

The integrated machine is intended in the air purification of hospital, operational rooms, ICU´s, isolation rooms, Laboratories and drug manufacturing, storage facilities. Also, the air sterilizing device would be applied in construction/renovation activities that occur in or around healthcare facilities.


Proposal Outline:

The project is directed to a design of a new method and device for purification of indoor pollutant (VOCs, microbes, spores, fungi). The purification unit will be able of sterilizing airborne biologic agents contained in a gaseous media in a moving air stream at high airflow rates. The device will also dispose of a first purification unit capable of retain and destroying Particulate Matters contained in the air prior to the sterilizing unit.

The concept is to design a previous stage for the plasma filter using combined Cyclone-electrostatic separators (CES). These are a device that utilize centrifugal forces by spinning motion to separate material of different density, size and shape and combines the electrostatic force to remove charged particles from the dirty air stream.

The second unit of the purifier device, sterilizing unit, will consists in a non-thermal plasma reaction vessel (n-TPRV) with a design that will enhance the airborne micro biological and VOCs destroying potential of plasma atmosphere created in a directed air or aerosol stream by synergism action with the nanometer TiO2 photo catalyst surface potential in the destruction of pathogens and VOCs, that will cover the inner part of the reactor vessel. Due to the expected synergism of both systems, it will be possible to collect dust and Particulate Matter in the first unit and sterilize the air stream in the second unit.

The Air filtration Unit will dispose of several control unit in order to modulate both units in accordance to the type and quality of the air to be treated.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:



Engineering works with expertise in the field of aluminium processing. Components for the aircraft, space frame parts for the automotive industry.

Components for the electronics, construction and design industry

Activities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• In the design and manufacture of the hybrid cyclonic-electrostatic precipitator and the plasma reaction vessel.

• Activities relating to design process which includes CFD simulation stage, material selection and definition of the manufacturing process by means of CAD-CAM techniques.

• Integration of the system and its validation according to the required safety standards.


Designing and manufacture of anti microbial solutions for medical products that meets the EPA and FDA standards. Manufacture of biocidal substances, coating of substrates by different application methods. Activities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• In the development, integration of the new biocide coating for the electrocyclone precipitator.

• They will participate in the development and integration of the photocatalyst for the plasma reaction vessel.

• They will support of needed material to develop biocide coating.

• Efficiency of biocide coating in the pathogen microbes and efficiency of TiO2 photocatalyst in the VOC and microbe abatement.


Synthesis and modification of zeolites, their incorporation into coating, photo catalyst formulation with actives substances such as TiO2.

Activities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• They will participate in the development and integration of the photocatalyst for the plasma reaction vessel.

• They will support of needed material to develop photocatalyst coating.

• Efficiency of biocide coating in the pathogen microbes and efficiency of TiO2 photocatalyst in the VOC and microbe abatement.

• They will supply for different types of suitable zeolite for such as applications.

• Integration and validation of the developed photocatalyst coating for ozone filter device.


Design and manufacturer of technical textile filter.

Activities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• They will participate in the development of the photocatalyst coating for the ozone abatement filtering system.

• They will support of needed material to develop ozone filter system.

• Efficiency of photocatalytic filter in the ozone abatement.

• They will supply for different types of suitable zeolite for such as applications.

• Integration and validation of ozone filter system according to national and European Standards.

Control system for automated and intelligence process

DesigActivities regarding Project Development, the company will act as adviser:

• They will help to develop the control system.

• They will help in building the control software and hardware components n of control systems real time


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-367

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-367 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:20 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:20 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: | |

PS details


Proposal name:

HEAVYCHANGE-Development of recycled and eco-friendly products for lead replacement in ammunition and fisher sinkers


Proposal Outline:

For one hand, the lead ammunition manufactures industries in Europe are concerned with this thematic and look for other solutions to maintain the market at a reasonable level. The total consumption of lead in ammunition is estimated at approximately 38,600 tonnes of lead early. Lead shot ammunition is estimated to account about 34,600 tonnes of lead while the consumption of pellets and bullets is about 4,000 tonnes per year however the total consumption of manufacturing is estimated about 53,000 tonnes per year.

For other hand the priority for EU fisheries industry (the third largest in the world) policy is to strike the right balance between having a competitive fishing industry and having both sustainable fish stocks and a sustainable marine eco-system. Since the EU legislation of lead restrictions, is urgent to substitute the lead sinkers of the seas with a heavy material without increase to much the price and make the EU fishing industry more competitiveness and environmental friendly. Based on data available, the total consumption of lead in Europe is estimated at 15,000 tones/year.

Ammunition industry: EU - €25M;

• Sinkers industry: EU - €10M;

• Metal recycling industry: EU - €4M

• Penetration on other markets with total ban of lead already implemented (e.g. USA)

Reduction of

Ammunition and sinkers industries will invest €25K and be the first’s suppliers to use the recycled material (from discarded tungsten carbide tools – actually sell to China and USA at low prices and recycled binders), expecting €8M extra Turnover (T/O). Sustainability benefits result from the reduction of lead consumption as raw material (higher price) reducing the prices of the production of the actual lead materials replacement totally controlled by the USA and China markets. SME’S can test the products and validate them and the role will be mainly advisory and trials in


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


SME ammunition manufacturers

SME sinkers manufacturers

SME recycle of metal


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-403

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-403 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:22 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:22 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Textile / Leather / Wood |

|Sub Area 2: |Chemical / Petrochemical |


Proposal name:

Coatings for the wood from seaweeds and seeds of grapes (ECOATING)


 Nowadays, the furniture sector continues using coatings with solvent base which produce volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere detrimental for the human health as for the environment.

The purpose of ECOATING is the development of coatings for wood and derived materials based on polyurethane from renewable sources. During the execution of this project the use of seaweed and residues of grape are foreseen as renewable sources with the purpose of reducing the consuption of petroleum, a non-renewable source. The coatings must display suitable phyisical-chemical, rheological and mechanical characteristis so being apt for their use in the furniture industry.



Proposal Outline:

 The main objective of the project is to develop coatings based on polyurethane from renewable sources (seaweed and seed of grape) sith physical, chemical, rheological and mechanical properties suitable for its use as a product for the finishing in the furniture industry, reducing the petroleum consumtion and eliminating the organic solvent use in its formulation.

As technical objectives:

To design and optimize the extraction process of essential components( (polysaccharides, vegetal oils) from seaweed and seed of grape like renewable sources useful for obtaining of polyols.

To design and optimize the( methodology for the synthesis of polyols from essential components coming from renewable sources and characterization of their properties.

To design and( optimize the methodology for the polyurethane synthesis from obtained polyols.

To formulate coatings.(

To analyze the influence of the incorporation( of additives to the formulation of coatings.

To characterize the( properties of coatings obtained and adjust its use as finished products in the industry of the furniture.

Actions foreseen:

1. To design and to optimize the process of extraction of essential components from renewable sources. Characterization of essential components (purity, mixes, etc.)

2. Synthesis of components for the polyurethane formulation (chemical modification, treatment of essential components) and characterization of polyols

3. Optimization of the method of polyurethane synthesis from essential components resulting from the extraction and characterization of obtained polyurethanes (physical-chemical and mechanical properties)

4. Formulation of coatings (influence of their chemical composition) and characterization of the formulations obtained (physical-chemical and mechanical properties and adjustment to the use according to effective regulations for coverings used in the sector of the furniture)


Already existing consortium:

A research center from Spain (coordinator)

A furniture SME from Spain

 Partners sought and role in the project:


SME 1:  One or more companies in the area of outer furniture or urban furniture not located in Spain. Benefits: Better finishing for the furniture and less polluting for the environment. In this case the companies dedicated to the manufacture of furniture will benefit from final products for wood coverings which will provide better properties and an added value to the furniture. Since nowadays all the echo-friendly products have an added value, these companies will be able to see an increase in their volume of sales when using coverings originating from natural sources for their

SME 2: A company dedicated to the production of coverings for wood. In this case the company will be the beneficiary of the commercial exploitation of final products developed throughout the project

SME 3 :  A company of intermediate products dedicated to the synthesis of polyols. This company will be beneficiary of an intermediate result that will be polyols originating from natural sources possessing the corresponding rights for exploitation.

RTD Performers:

RTD 1:  A university or research centre expert in extraction and characterization of essential elements from seaweed. If in addition they have experience in extraction and characterization of essential elements from grape seed this will be an extra. (In charge of action 1).

RTD 2:  University or research centre expert in the synthesis and characterization of components for the polyurethane formulation. It must have demonstrable experience in synthesis of polyols. Experience in synthesis and characterization of polyols of natural sources will be positively evaluated. (In charge of action 2).

RTD 3: University or research centre expert in synthesis and characterization of polyurethanes. (In charge of action 3).

 Note: In addition, if a University or research centre could implement two actions this will be positively evaluated.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Carlos |Last name: |Azorin |

|Address: |Perales s/n |Postal Code: |30510 |

|City: |Yecla |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034 968 752040         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034 968 752040 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CETEM |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |R&D |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-346

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-346 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 10:24 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 10:24 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |Transport |


Proposal name:

ELASTIC: Study of alternatives of new elastomeric materials to improve the maintenance of embedded rail systems


Proposal Outline:

With this project, we try to solve this problem through new materials, new constructive configurations, etc. after having studied all their properties and capacities. 

To reach this main aim it would be necessary to:

- Characterize the existing materials that are going to be used or studied to get this special property or properties. Probbably, they would be polimeric ones.

- Do the necessary laboratory tests to know these characteristics.

- Develop the possible prototype or prototypes.

- Test these prototypes on a test bench in a real scale. It would be necessary to have an empty open-sky space to do this.

- Evaluate the different prototypes to choose the best one, or the one that better accomplish the technical and economical requirements. 

- Test the final prototype in a real tram superstructure. Analysis of its behaviour with real tram operations.   



Already existing consortium:

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

CDM Soportes elásticos

GTP - Public Railway Administrator in Valencia 

Partners sought and role in the project:


We look for some SMEs related with railway engineering, polimeric materials, engineering consulting, from all the MS. And also constructors, to configurate the track.

RTD Performers:

We also look for a Research organization (Universities and/or technological organizations) specialized in the field of new materials.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jorge |Last name: |Sánchez |

|Address: |Camino de Vera s/n |Postal Code: |46022 |

|City: |Valencia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034 963877372         |Fax Number: |0034 963877371 |

| |0034 963877372 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Universidad Politécnica de Valencia |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Engineering and Infrastructure of Transports |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-370

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-370 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 16:27 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 16:27 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |


Proposal name:

CARMA-Treatment of Carpet Waste with Microwave Plasma to Produce a Synthetic Coal


The CARMA project aims to develop a new state of the art piece of technology which involves recycling waste carpet, into a synthetic coal, through the use of Microwave Plasma. This will significantly reduce the levels of used carpet which currently have a final destination of landfill. Textile waste accounts for 2-5% by weight of all waste that ends up in landfill, with carpets being the heaviest commodity in this sector. On average, a typical carpet manufacturer produces 15 tonnes of process waste per week and the estimated post-consumer disposal of carpets is in the region of 500,000 tonnes per year in the UK alone.

Currently, none of the technologies available solve the issue of carpet waste in terms of a relatively cheap process capable of producing a higher value end product. Only the insulation process provides a solution for the whole carpet product, while others focus on individual components, while the remainder of the waste would need to find an alternative disposal route.


Proposal Outline:

The recycling of waste carpet is currently an extremely scarce activity; it is thought that the new technology, produced through the CARMA project will be able to develop a high value end product.

It is estimated that there will be a market size of around 2.2 million tonnes of waste carpet in 2009 with an increase of 2.5% per annum. Each unit sold will be able to treat 500 tonnes of waste carpet per annum.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Carpet Manufacturer/Fitter

Levels of waste amongst carpet manufacturers is said to be very high.

This partner will supply waste carpet that shall then be treated through the use of the microwave technology. NON UK

Control System Company

To provide the control system and sensor equipment for the Microwave technology. NON UK

Shredding Machinery Manufacturer

To provide specific, bespoke designed shredding machinery designed to shred waste carpet to a set size material. NON UK


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-373

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-373 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 16:29 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 16:29 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

DairyFeed-Sustainable Dairy Farming through Development of Automated Feeding Systems Creating Improved Feeding Efficiencies


Proposal Outline:

In order to counter these problems, farmers need new ways to protect their margins. Our aim is to design and develop a new knowledge-based cattle feeding system that automatically generates feeding regimes for particular farming scenarios making use of different parameters including seasonal variation data. Added value comes in the form of integration of the system with an innovative mixer wagon, where feeding data is fed into the mixer for automated preparation of feed. After feeding, the system analyses feeding inputs and milk yield and quality outputs and compares this to expected outcomes. These data are then fed back to the system, and used as knowledge by other farmers in farms in different locations to use for feeding their own optimal feeds to their cattle.

We conservatively aim to target 5% of 1.8 Million dairy farms in EU within 5 years representing sales revenue of over €2 billion for consortium.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Software development company

With expertise in mobile software development, embedded software development and database development.  Spain, France or Italy


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-443

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-443 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-08 17:08 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-08 17:08 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |

PS details


Proposal name:

SWaCuMod - Sea Wave and Current Modeling validated by experimental measurements applied to the project and the recovery of tourist port infrastructure


to prevent in design phase and to diagnose the causes of problems of internal agitation of port waters, it seems desirable to use a the numerical  - experimental integration in hydrodynamic studies in order to better design the layout of the new structure or of the existing structure to be modified.


Proposal Outline:

in the design of new marinas, the procedure usually followed stipulates the use of numerical modeling with regard to the hydrodynamic profile in the portion of the coast where you can place the new port infrastructure. This model is based, in determining the wave-to-coast, on the data wave off. it happen, however, that, already in the process of carrying out the work according to design specifications so determined, or, more often, at more or less long distance from the realization and implementation of the structures, problems exhibit related to wave dynamics in the port area so that it is necessary a new  hydrodynamic study of the structure where integration of modeling with experimental measurements of waves and currents in the harbor area are requested.

It therefore seems desirable to review the procedures of designing the new port structure incorporating  at this stage the numerical integration - experimental hydrodynamic studies in order to better design the layout of the new structure.

Our company has decades of experience in the field of measurements for civil and environmental monitoring from the measurements protocol definition to data analysis and interpretation, in addition to designing and manufacturing measurement systems dedicated to specific applications. in the hydrodynamic coastal marine environment our company has designed and built a prototype of a wireless network wavemeters based on MEMS accelerometers, whose configuration flexibility and low cost makes it suitable for the purpose to combine the numerical modeling in the design of the port .


Already existing consortium:

STRAGO Ricerche, SME, Italia, waverider based on MEMS accelerometer

**, SME,  Italia, numerical modeling of wave and current

Partners sought and role in the project:


we are interested in SME with competence in the sector of problems of hydrodynamics of inland waters and coastal marine environment in quantitative and ecological terms

RTD Performers:

we are interested in RTD performers with competence in the sector of marine sciences, in particular of hydrodynamical problem in the costal marine environment.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |maddalena |Last name: |autiero |

|Address: |via campana, 233 |Postal Code: |80078 |

|City: |pozzuoli |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              00390815240611         |Fax Number: |00390815264583 |

| |00390815240611 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |strago ricerche |Type of Organisation: |SME-AG |

|Department: |RD |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-379

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-379 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-09 10:30 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-09 10:30 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Agriculture / Forestry |

PS details


Proposal name:

ESTAIN-Enhanced Sterility Test for the Agro-food Industry.


Proposal Outline:

The objective of ESTAIN is to develop a rapid, cheap and portable sterility test instrument for the agrofood industry, by means of a novel analyser/counter for the detection and quantification of yeasts and bacteria. The industrial applications of ESTAIN will be focused mainly in the oenological field and milk industry, although the need of an sterility test is common to most of the agrofood industry.

This new approach will result in less operating costs, increased safety, ease of use, quick results (with the consequent saving in production time), the replace the use of dangerous reagents and toxic dyers and less pollution while providing a portable and economical device.

Target Markets Penetrations & Values:

• Wine production: 176.000 million € with a forecasted growth of 3-4%.

• Biological research companies

• Other agro-alimentar fields (e.g. milk production)


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


SME 1 will be in charge of the supply of the optic system and lightning (using LED technology) that will be part of the prototype and future final product. They will benefit from being a preferential supplier for commercial exploitation.

SME 2 will be in charge of the supply of the fluorochromes as demanded by the R&D for the staining of bacteria (CNR). They will benefit from being a preferential supplier for commercial exploitation and holding IPR related to the staining methods in bacteria.

SME 3 will be in charge of the supply of the consumable reactives needed for the device as demanded by the R&D for the staining of bacteria (CNR). They will benefit from being a preferential supplier for commercial exploitation.

SME 4 will be in charge of the supply of the consumable cassettes needed for the device as demanded by the R&D for the staining of bacteria (CNR). They will benefit from being a preferential supplier for commercial exploitation.

SME 5 will be in charge of the delivery of the software developed by ITAV. They will benefit from being a preferential supplier for commercial exploitation and holding IPR in the image recognition technology developed by ITAV.

SMEs or SMEs-Ag 6 and 7 will be end users from the wine and/or milk industry


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-382

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-382 |

|Status: |closed - A consortium is being formed |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-09 10:30 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-09 10:30 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

RIGEX-Rigid Extruded Profiles with Full Recycling Capability


Proposal Outline:

Initial evaluation has demonstrated that there is a viable alternative to glass fibres in this application and we propose to develop processing routes that will permit the use of alternative polymeric materials. These will overcome the existing recycling difficulties. Processing parameters will need to be clearly defined and fibre drawing, tape creation, extrusion conditions and recycling opportunities will be fully explored within the project. Project duration will be 2 years and financial support will be requested from the European Commission to undertake the planned development work.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


Thermoset / thermoplastic profile distributor interested in stocking the next generation of lightweight reinforced profiles

Distribution and sales of existing and new profiles manufactured within the supply chain. The new products will be technically superior and marketing information will be generated by the consortium

Tape manufacturer

Conversion of drawn polymeric fibres (purchased on the open market) into a tape for use in our extrusion process.

Polymer compounder to take waste PVC from within the supply chain (and from other sources) to produce a recycled grade suitable for our process.

Manufacture and supply of blended and recycled PVC into the supply chin. This is likely to involve the compounding of additives to improve compatibility with the polymeric reinforcing tapes.


Preferably an LE (or large SME) PVC window manufacturer NOT manufacturing their own extruded profiles.

They will be the end user in the project, validate results, produce demonstration window assemblies and provide market demand for the new profiles via their customer base. Not UK or Italy


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |aleksandra |Last name: |gruszkiewicz |

|Address: |calle estrada 10B |Postal Code: |28034 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034670625258         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034670625258 | | |

|Email: |aleks.g@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Newsletters, on-line articles, or printed | | |

|us?: |materials | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-446

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-446 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-09 11:19 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-09 11:19 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Energy |


Proposal name:

EMSEC ("Design and Development of an Energy Management System for efficient Energy saving in Companies")


Europe continues waiting at least 20% of its energy because of energy efficiency. The EU can and should take the lead in reducing energy inefficiency, using all available policy tools at all different levels of government and society. The direct cost resulting from the inability to use energy efficiently amounts to more than 100 million per year until 2020. Improving security of energy supply, reducing carbon emissions, foster competitiveness and stimulate the development of a market advanced technologies and media to energy efficient are steps we need to take.

In the industry today there is much energy waste. The EMSEC project is born with the idea of contributing to the reduction of energy consumption in the European industry.


Proposal Outline:

The main objective of EMSEC project is to design and develop an Energy Management System (EMS) to save a 30% of energy in companies by monitoring and control systems in real-time conditions.

The software will improve the control and management of heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting and other energy-hungry devices; smart metering tools as well as the use of new lighting techniques and the integration of energy micro generation systems. The Energy Management Software will monitor and control the energy produced with the renewable energy sources implemented and will perform the energy balance (prediction of Energy/Consumption of energy).

EMSEC will design and develop a platform to control de system via Internet. EMSEC will validate the software and other tools for the Energy Saving in SME’s of different industrial sectors.  EMSEC will be validated to enable real-time monitoring of energy use and optimisation and achieve energy and CO2 emissions savings in each company


Already existing consortium:

- RTD: ARO TECNOLOGÍA S.L. (Developer of the Software)

Partners sought and role in the project:


- SME: Experts in ICT: Wireless Sensors, Wireless Conection Models (Communication, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, RFID, Zigbee...).

- SME: Interested in the Validation of the EMSEC (Not Spanish)

- SME: Renewable Energy Installer

RTD Performers:

- RTD: Implementation of the Software (Not Spanish)


- SME: End User: Interested in improve the energy saving of the company (Any Sector) (Any Country)


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |DAVID |Last name: |CANO ORTEGA |

|Address: |C/ Magallanes nº7-1ºD |Postal Code: |47006 |

|City: |Valladolid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 983230196        |Fax Number: |              +34 983230196        |

| |+34 983230196 | |+34 983230196 |

|Email: |dcano@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ARO TECNOLOGÍA S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: |R&D |

|How did you find out |Friends & colleagues | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-409

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-409 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-09 11:26 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-09 11:26 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

"PAINTROB" (Design and Development of a Painter Robot)


The aim of this Project is to take advantage of the progress in the fields of positioning and communications based on RFID and WIFI technologies, to develop a prototype of an autonomous painting robot, used for the demarcation of different places.


Proposal Outline:

The demarcation of places using paint is largely extended in different sectors, from industrial companies (delimitating safety zones), to sports facilities (where different sports could be played in the same place).

Up to now the employed media to carry out these tasks of painting have been mainly manual or semi-automated, being necessary the participation of at least two people for the execution of the works, with the consequent increment of time and costs that it supposes.

The overall goal of this project is to develop a painting robot prototype, through the use of positioning technologies. That robot will be able to paint different pre-programmed patterns, working autonomously, avoiding obstacles and without human intervention.

This will require construction works to obtain the robot’s body (mechanical, pneumatic and sensorization works), together with the development of positioning and communication systems, and programming tasks.


Already existing consortium:

RTD (Robotics Experts and Design of the Painter Robot) (Spanish SME)


Partners sought and role in the project:


• Robot manufacturers and distributors (from outside Spain)

• Paint manufacturers and distributors (from outside Spain)

RTD Performers:

• Experts in Positioning Systems, Communications, Programming, Sensors...


• Two SMEs (Paint Manufacters to develop the project results).


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |DAVID |Last name: |CANO ORTEGA |

|Address: |C/ MAGALLANES Nº7 1ºD |Postal Code: |47006 |

|City: |VALLADOLID |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |983 23 01 96 |Fax Number: |983 23 01 96 |

|Email: |dcano@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |INTEROB S.L. |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: |R&D |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-429

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-429 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-13 09:34 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-13 09:34 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

PERMEABILITY - Advanced Detection of Protective Gas Leaks in Food Packaging


Advanced Detection of Protective Gas Leaks in Food Packaging


Proposal Outline:

The sector of ready made meals packed in plastic bags has been growing for the last ten years. However, manufacturers have not so far provided satisfactory solutions regarding the systematic non destructive control of the trays permeability after thermical sealing. The study aims at:

• Leak characterisation of plastic containers for ready meals : Updating, bibliography.

• Selection of detector materials

• Effects of gas atmosphere including H2 on the shelf life of food

• Design and creation of the detector prototype for in line inspection

• Laboratory Tests

• Design and creation of the industrial equipment


Already existing consortium:

Various RTD performes from spain, france, sweden, UK, norway, and austria interested in the proposal.

 Partners sought and role in the project:


SMEs: Agrofood SMEs that manufactures ready made meals packed under protective atmosphere. It will mainly deal with plastic trays for ready-to-eat or pre-cooked dishes.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Amaia |Last name: |Fernandez |

|Address: |Pº Santxiki 3bis |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Mutilva Alta |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034948198000         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034948198000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |NATIONAL CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SAFETY|Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

| |- CNTA | | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Events attended / organised by TransCoSME | | |

|us?: |partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-426

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-426 |

|Status: |closed - The proposer decided not to go ahead |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-13 09:35 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-13 09:35 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: | |

PS details


Proposal name:



Feasibility study for the sterilisation of ready made meals packed in plastic materials and processed by microwave heating.


Proposal Outline:


The manufacturers of ready made meals look for technical solutions to improve the sensorial responses of their products which are increasingly competing with other technical productions. Indeed, nowadays, consumers of ready made meals have at their disposal a wide range of products which have many similarities with homemade products in terms of quality (deepfrozen, fresh and pasteurized foods…)


The study aims at determining the level of industrial feasibility of the thermal sterilisation by microwave processing of ready made meals packed in plastic bags.

Points to check out:

- The efficiency of the power of the waves penetration

- The efficiency of the conformation of the monomodal waves in comparison to the multimodal standard

- The advantage of new systems

Action plan:

1. Selection of ready made meals matrix “model” for the case studies

2. Conception and creation of microwave pilot applicator.

3. Creation of metrology systems in order to monitor the temperature inside the products

4. Conception of a system which will enable to:

- Obtain a monomodal microwave area within the application zone

- Obtain a pressure profile compatible with the tinning application

- Cool the product after the stage of thermal treatment

5. Research of protocols, in line with:

- The homogeneity criteria of intra and inter thermal treatment packaging

- Repeatability

These protocols should be compatible with an industrial treatment

6. Quantification of the responses regarding stability and sensorial performances/results

7. Definition of follow-up indicators for the control of the thermal treatment.


Already existing consortium:

- CNTA (RTD Performer) Spain

- CTIC- CTIC La Rioja (RTD performer) Spain

Partners sought and role in the project:


3 SMEs from 3 differente EU countries that manufacturers pre-cooked dishes and interested in new treatments that minimise the impact on food organoleptic characteristics.

Role: Technology validator


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Amaia |Last name: |Fernandez |

|Address: |Pº Santxiki 3bis |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Mutilva Alta |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034948198000         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034948198000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |NATIONAL CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD |Type of Organisation: |Research Center|

| |SAFETY - CNTA | | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Events attended / organised by TransCoSME | | |

|us?: |partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IE-459

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IE-459 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-14 16:41 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-14 16:41 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Nanotechnologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |

PS details


Proposal name:

Low Energy Sensor Networking


This project aims to research and develop a low power sensor network solution that provides both fixed site and in-transit, track and trace capability for the management of blood products, pharmaceuticals and other high value items.  The project addresses the key research challenges each of the associates SMEs face in the implementation of such a system.

A significant aspect of the project will address the R&D aspects of sensor enclosure (materials engineering) and optimal methods of achieving antibacterial surfaces (nano technology). Partners are required with expertiese in these areas.


Proposal Outline:

Project objectives will be achieved by partners operating independently in the initial stages of specification and development, but jointly progressing prototype trials.  Feedback mechanisms will exist to ensure that partners have an optimal input to R&D processes and that each partner is informed of changes to specification that may have knock on effects.

It is envisaged that nano technology or similar technologies will be utilised to provide near-sterile sensors that can be placed in pharmaceutical shipments. Partners (SME and RTD provider) are sought in this area. 

The expected result includes a complete prototypical solution that incorporates a technical solution (to be completed by the Irish RTD) and a solution to the sensor housing and antibacterial coating issue (to be completed by partners in countries other than the UK and Ireland).  An element of the project includes a series of clinical trials that will combine the developed solutions of consortium partners and subject the prototypical system to standard testing.


Already existing consortium:

Pharmaceutical distributor.  The partner company have a key role in the specification of track and trace in-transit solutions.  Country of Origin:  UK

Hospital - have a key role in the specification of track and trace solutions in a hospital environment.  Country of Origin:  Republic of Ireland.

Partner SME are a wireless sensor network provider.  Their equipment, in conjunction with a set of augmented communications protocols will form the core of the technical solution.  Country of Origin:  Republic of Ireland. 

Partners sought and role in the project:


A partner SME located in a country other than the UK or Ireland is required with the ability to research, design and develop a sensor enclosure and coat surfaces with antibacterial compounds.  IP developed as a result will remain with the SME.  This ensures that reusable sensors do not introduce alien matter into storage environments.


RTD Performers:

A RTD performer located in a country other than the UK or Ireland to (1) develop, implement and test optimal sensor housing and antibacterial soating of same to ensure minimal bacteria transfer to the pharmaceutical product in transit; (2) to determine whether or not chemical changes occur in pharmaceuticals when exposed to an intense radio frequency transmission from a sensor incorporated with products in long haul transit and (3) the RTD performer will take a role in clinical trials of developed solutions.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |William |Last name: |Farrelly |

|Address: |Port Road |Postal Code: |11111 |

|City: |Letterkenny |Country: |Ireland |

|Phone Number: |              +353749186000         |Fax Number: | |

| |+353749186000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Letterkenny Institute of Technology |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Computing |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IE-467

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IE-467 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-16 16:54 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-16 16:54 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Energy |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

VIPER - System for Management of Virtual Power Plant


Proposal Outline:

VIPER proposes to build an open architecture, Internet enabled management system that is interoperable with and can be used to manage and control all forms of VPP distributed energy resources and technologies. The management system will utilize a standards based approach in all aspects of its development.The VPP management software platform will be constructed using a service oriented architecture (SOA) and the project will investigate the feasibility of using web service based SOA approach down to the sensor/actuator controller level.

Specfication of the system and identified research problems will be carried out by all partners.  The overall system will be decomposed into a number of componet sub-systems withindividual research objectoves and development, so that each developing organisation can work as independly as possible. A prototypical system will be built based on the selection of a small susbet, possibly just one,  DER types.


Already existing consortium:


SME1 - Energy management solution provider. Building management systems for corporations and public enterprises. - Ireland

SME2 - wireless sensor networks manufacturer - Finland

RTD1 - Athlone Institute of Technology - Application system development - Ireland

RTD2 - Expert in M2M prorotcols - Serbia

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME3  - Energy Systems development and/or marketing. Utility business focus very helpful.

 RTD Performers:

 RTD3 - Research and software development expertise in automation/process control/wireless sensor networking development including protocol development or mediation.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Brian |Last name: |Lee |

|Address: |SRI, AIT, Dublin Road |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Athlone |Country: |Ireland |

|Phone Number: |              +353906483035         |Fax Number: | |

| |+353906483035 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Athlone Institute of Techology |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Research |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-464

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-464 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-19 11:06 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-19 11:06 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Materials processing |


Proposal name:

LACTO- An environmentllyfriendly lacquer obtainedfrom tomato wastes for innovative food cans


The aim of the  project is to develop a natural lacquer for application to the outside and inside of tinplate cans, in order both to confer greater recyclability to the packaging and to guarantee maximum consumer safety.

The said lacquer will originate from processing waste in the tomato industry, offering alternative strategies for waste utilisation, in accordance with EU Directive 1999/32/EC.


Proposal Outline:

The  proposers plan to develop an innovative lacquer of natural origin, to be applied to the surfaces of metal packagings coming into contact with food products, with two main results of significance for the environment and for the protection of consumer health:

1) The lacquer will be produced from tomato processing wastes, thus helping to lower the costs of waste disposal on the part of the food industry and exploiting the waste by reusing it. Metal cans coated with natural lacquers, will facilitate and promote further recycling, already higher than other materials.

2) The project will lead to a packaging metal which is safer for the consumer, with less risk of migration of dangerous synthesised substances and off-flavours.

After the extraction of the resin and the production of the lacquer pack tst with 2 type of food products will be perform.


Already existing consortium:

The  consortium incudes n° 4 SMEs, n° 3 Research Institutes  and n° 1 End-user . The role of co-ordinator has been entrusted to  a public research institut, on account of its considerable experience in the sector of packaging for foodstuffs and its multidisciplinary competence, which enables it to act as a go-between for packaging producers and users. In addition, it has taken part in various European projects, also as a scientific co-ordinator.

Partners sought and role in the project:

RTD Performers:

We search a RTD partner for the study and preparation of base natural resins for lacquers. It must have experience in the extraction, characterisation and production on a pilot scale of synthetic resins. In the project it will evaluate the possibility to obtain a resin which is completely natural or else combined with synthetic resins but with a high % of natural product.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Angela |Last name: |Montanari |

|Address: |V.le F. Tanara 31/A |Postal Code: |43121 |

|City: |Parma |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +390521795217         |Fax Number: |+390521795218 |

| |+390521795217 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Stazioe Sperimentale per l'industria delle |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

| |Conserve Alimentari | | |

|Department: |Packaging |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-485

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-485 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-20 15:10 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-20 15:10 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Nanotechnologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

Low temperature low adhesion bio-inspired nanomaterials


Proposal Outline:

Concerning the expected impact, ice and water low adhesion material will greatly simplify related system design and improvement of energetic efficiency for end users: aerodynamical surfaces for aircraft, ice sensitive devices in automotive, ships and trains (windscreens, ship pulleys, etc…) heat exchanger for house appliances, among others. The impact will be very high, not only in the European market but worldwide addressing one of the most difficult engineering challenges in the low temperature design of any solution. The return of investment for European industries having a solution able to alleviate the issue will be extremely important.

In aeronautics, ice adhesion on aerodynamical surfaces causes critical conditions up to vehicle loss. Current ice protection systems use hundreds of kW to prevent ice accretion with an increase of about 1% of fuel consumption. In house appliances and cooling systems, ice accretion on surfaces requires complex local heating systems and temperature control and set constraints energetic efficiency and cost. Reduction of ice adhesion on surfaces is extremely important in several other industries such as chemistry, transport (car windscreens) and textile (idrophobic matter).


Already existing consortium:

Politecnico di Torino - Italy - coordinator

Industries in the field of materials for aeronautics and materials for cooling systems - partner

other universities/research institutes - partner

Partners sought and role in the project:



Producer of components in polymer composites

AFM nanofabrication


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Presidio |Last name: |Nanotecnologie |

|Address: |corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 |Postal Code: |10129 |

|City: |Torino |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |+39 011 564 3306-3307 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Politecnico di Torino |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Administration |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-453

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-453 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-20 15:12 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-20 15:12 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |


Proposal name:

BIOKS - Biological Knowledge Extraction System


The project objective is to realize a prototype of a Knowledge Extraction System, based on Semantic Technologies and logic-inferential processes for Biomedical Databases querying. The project results will allow a substantial improvement in the field of Bioinformatics, particularly benefiting SMEs operating in the Biotech sector.


Proposal Outline:

Bioinformatics is an emerging discipline, with a special view on computational and informational sciences applied to biological problems. Its first purpose, in fact, was to provide both numerical and statistical descriptions of biological phenomena, which Biology consistently lacks, contrary to disciplines such as physics or chemistry. However, nowadays Bioinformatics is going beyond this approach, thanks to the support of innovative technologies and tools such as the ones proposed by BIOKS: symbolic representation of knowledge (namely ontologies) and logic-deductive inferential processes (automatic reasoning).

Thanks to these technologies new possibilities will be opened in the overall Biotech field, for example describing in a formal manner particles and phenomena with the final purpose of rebuilding all evolutionary steps of a particular species, or, more pragmatically, automatically obtaining (thanks to automatic reasoning), useful features of a bio-particle in order to design new compounds and drugs.

For the SMEs the possibility to use such integrated service for industrial research and development (e.g. drug discovery, pathway characterization, disease inducing agents..) is an outstanding opportunity.

The Knowledge Extractor to be developed is a data access middleware layer, which sits on top of existing databases and enables more powerful querying capabilities than the databases alone. It operates by combining five essential components:

• A Domain Ontology acts as a reference point for all other knowledge descriptions. It defines all terms used in the domain and the relationships between them.

• For each database storing raw information, a Database Ontology formally describes its structure and semantics.

• For each user of the system, a User Ontology is defined. This allows the user to formulate queries and obtain answers using the terminology they’re used to. This enables them to access remote databases without having to figure out their structure and what portion of their content might be useful: the KES abstracts this out and presents the user with the data they needs, using the formalism they wants.

• An Ontology Integration Architecture allows queries and data to be seamlessly translated between these different formalisms.

• Last but not least, Reasoner Services leverage description logic inference capabilities to allow the system to provide value-added query results, allowing the system to produce results implied by the collective database but not explicitly stored in it.

The project will focus on the following activities:

a) Requirements and constraints

b) Ontology building

c) Ontology mapping

d) Prototype implementation and demonstration


Already existing consortium:

RTD performer specialised in Ontology Development

RTD Performer specialised in Biotechnological Knolwdge Domain

Partners sought and role in the project:


• Coordinator:  focus could be either on competencies in ICT, semantic technologies, or in Biotechnologies (as end user of the system). Preferably an SME from Spain.

• Other interested SMEs/end-users active in biomedical, drug discovery, science field, biopharmaceutical research, pharma, biology. The utilisation of the system from the end-user side will have main benefits related to their internal usage of knolwdge for discovery and research, drug design, and clinical trials.

RTD Performers:

• RTD performers with competencies in semantic web and web related services to the area of bio-informatics, experienced in biophysics and bioinformatics.


• Other interested SMEs/end-users active in biomedical, drug discovery, science field, biopharmaceutical research, pharma, biology. The utilisation of the system from the end-user side will have main benefits related to their internal usage of knolwdge for discovery and research, drug design, and clinical trials.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Elena |Last name: |López |

|Address: |Via Ostiglia, 10 |Postal Code: |20133 |

|City: |Milano |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +34 915545657         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 915545657 ext.1025 | | |

|Email: |elena.lopez@econet- |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |epistematica |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out |Other National Contact Point | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-432

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-432 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 08:43 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 08:43 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Security |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

Project Title: ISIS - Intelligent Surveillance with Interacting Systems


The project objective is to develop a surveillance system based on a team of mobile robots and focuses on providing them with capacity of situation awareness and taking autonomous decisions, both individually and as a collective, coordinating themselves for optimal performances. Moreover, in case of emergency (e.g. intrusion, fire) the system shall evaluate the situation and help human-driven decision-making and situational awareness by means of information synthesis and presentation to the security personnel (in form, e.g. of meaningful alerts and warnings).

In summary, the duties of the systems are: survey, detect, assess and alert. In this context, the robots must be provided with the capacity to understand the situation (both in case of ordinary and unusual circumstances) in order to take the proper decisions and perform the proper actions.


Proposal Outline:

The security and surveillance activities that are sought are grouped in two types:

• Surveillance Patrol: The system will incorporate autonomous mobile robots that patrol and monitor the installations, realize identifications and evaluate activities. This includes the reconnaissance of any unusual or suspect circumstance, possibly in conjunction with other team-mates, explicitly called in support. The mobile robots will have to distribute in such a way to cover appropriately the controlled areas.

• Alert in case of incident: The system will have to be capable of detecting the incident, assessing the situation and evaluating its danger. Such information will be transmitted to human personnel in an expressive form. This will have the capacity of interacting with the system in order to command the robots specific actions in order to better assess the situation.

The project will focus on the following objectives:

a) Perception -  Vision-based scene analysis techniques

b) Cognition and learning - self-state diagnosis, perception and understanding of complex scenarios

c) Coordination. The step form single robot systems to a robot team, involves an increase on the complexity of the system as far as coordination is concerned.

d) Team situation awareness.

e) Meaningful Alerts. Information has to be aggregated and presented in a simple form. Moreover, the users should also be able to control the performance of the robots.

f) Context-aware navigation.


Already existing consortium:


 - RTD Performers: Department of Informatics of an Italian University; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

 - SMEs: IT company with competences in IT consulting, solutions design, implementation and testign, information management.

Partners sought and role in the project:


 SMEs active in the IT security field.

RTD Performers:

 RTD performers with competences in distributed intelligence, situation awareness, emergency management, data fusion from sensors, wireless sensor networks.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Elena |Last name: |López |

|Address: |Carretera de Valencia, Km 7 |Postal Code: |28031 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 915545657         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 915545657 ext.1025 | | |

|Email: |elena.lopez@econet- |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |Grupo de Robótica y Cibernética |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-456

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-456 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 08:45 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 08:45 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Measurements / Testing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

APMETS – Development of a new automated and portable metrological system specially designed for SMEs


Proposal Outline:

The proposal aims to provide a solution to the development of a highly accurate, portable, easy to use and flexible metrological system.

To achieve this solution, different tasks must be carried out, such as: optical design, machine vision algorithms development, electronic components integration and prototype generation. So, the project is divided into the following subtasks:

• Design of a proper telecentric system. In order to be sure of measurement accuracy, it is necessary the use of optical systems without perspective effect. The kind of telecentric systems that can be used today are just too big for the area to cover: 25 X 25 cm. A new optical design will be necessary so that image capture of, at least, 25 X 25 cm can be made without the perspective effect.

• Developing of Machine Vision Algorithms. Machine vision techniques will be used to take measurements. A group of algorithms will have to be developed and integrated with the system to allow all kind of measurements: distances, taper, angles, etc.

• Electronic components integration. In order to reduce costs, different commercial components will be used: cameras, LCD screens, micro boards, wifi aerials, etc. This makes the integration of elements necessary.

• Prototype generation. The system has to be tested and the best way is by building a functional prototype.


Already existing consortium:


• R&D Machine Vision Expert

• SMEs testers - users

• SME for distribution and commercialisation of the results

Partners sought and role in the project:


• Mechanical Engineering SME

• SME manufacturer from the aeronautic or auxiliary sector

• SME manufacturer from the automotive or auxiliary sector

• SME subcontractor or mechanichal parts manufacturer

RTD Performers:

 - R&D optical design expert that will carry out the design of the telecentric optical system needed to take exact metrological measures

• R&D with experience in electronic design and integration of electronic systems to make the prototype design.


Metrology bodies.

Metrology devices manufacturers and distributors.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Mariano |Last name: |Quesada |

|Address: |C/ Nobel 7 |Postal Code: |41927 |

|City: |Mairena del Aljarafe |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34955601225         |Fax Number: |+34954323407 |

| |+34955601225 | | |

|Email: |MQuesada@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |FAICO - Technology Centre |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Machine Vision |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME web portal | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-471

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-471 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 08:47 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 08:47 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

ORBITAL - Design, development and evaluation of an orbital laser welding head


The aim of this project is to design and develop a new laser welding head adapted to the specific requirements of the orbital welding process and tailored for tube-to-sheet joints used in the production of heat exchangers.


Proposal Outline:

There are numerous applications using orbital welding systems including tube-to-sheet and tube–to-tube joints. The welding processes mostly used for this type of applications are conventional arc processes, like TIG or MIG. Orbital welding is a specialised area whereby the arc is rotated mechanically through 360º around a static work piece in a continuous process.

It is a well established area used in different industrial sectors due to the high quality of the welded seams and the good repeatability of the process. This process is an alternative to manual welding, as it increases welding speed and ensures repeatability of the welded seams. The introduction of laser welding can improve some characteristics of the welding process. For the particular case of manufacturing of heat exchangers for a steam generator of nuclear plants, improvements would be the increase in welding speed and therefore a reduction of production time. Furthermore, due to the large number of welds, the time between each operation is a critical point. The automation of the process would reduce the time between the operations. These ameliorations would reduce the cycle of production time and as a consequence, improve productivity.

Implementation of the laser welding process in industrial applications where orbital moving is a condition, involves the development of a special laser welding head. This project aims to develop and manufacture the orbital laser welding head for tube-to-sheet applications.

The aim of this project is to design and develop a new laser welding head adapted to the specific requirements of the orbital welding process and tailored for tube-to-sheet joints used in the production of heat exchangers.

The design of the welding head implies the development of three lines of investigation:

- Design of optical elements: It will be necessary to define and design the whole optical path required for laser beam shaping. This will require the study and calculation of the optical lens specifications as well as the distance between the different optical elements.

- Design of the mechanical system: In order to obtain the orbital movement of the optical path, the mechanical design of the welding head will have to be carried out considering the optical path previously designed. In this case, it will be important to find a balance between a compact design and the high precision required by the optical path.

- Design of the control system: The electric and electronic systems will be designed allowing the programming and controlling of the orbital welding head. Facets including algorithms for speed calculation, precision and reliability will be of major importance.

To validate the system and the process, the final design concept will be constructed as a prototype as well as tested in laboratory conditions.


Already existing consortium:

Other participants - Manufacturer of nuclear equipment

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME, specialized in designing of optical elements: It will be necessary to define and design the whole optical path required for laser beam shaping. This will require the study and calculation of the optical lens specifications as well as the distance between the different optical elements.

SME, specialized in designing and manufacturing of the mechanical system: In order to obtain the orbital movement of the optical path, the mechanical design of the welding head will have to be carried out considering the optical path previously designed.

SME specialized in designing of the control system: The electric and electronic systems will be designed allowing the programming and controlling of the orbital welding head. Facets including algorithms for speed calculation, precision and reliability will be of major importance.

RTD Performers:

RTD specialized in designing of the control system: The electric and electronic systems will be designed allowing the programming and controlling of the orbital welding head. Facets including algorithms for speed calculation, precision and reliability will be of major importance.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Gala |Last name: |Perez |

|Address: |Relva 27A Torneiros |Postal Code: |36410 |

|City: |O Porriño |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 986364000         |Fax Number: |+34 986337302 |

| |+34 986364000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Technology Centre AIMEN |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Technology Transfer Office |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-477

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-477 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 09:01 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 09:01 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Transport |

|Sub Area 2: |Materials processing |


Proposal name:

DELICA- Development of new surface aluminium metal matrix composites light components using friction stir based techniques for automotive


The aim of this proposal is to develop new surface aluminium metal matrix composites as selective reinforcements for automotive light components using friction stir based techniques.


Proposal Outline:

Climate change is a subject of growing global concern. In the absence of any constraint or effective countermeasures, transportation energy use and CO2 emissions will continue to increase. EU must be at the forefront of the fight against the climate change bearing in mind the competitiveness of the transport sector. It accounts for 7% of GNP, 7% of jobs, and 40% of investments by member states.

The selection of cast iron for a wide spectrum of applications is obvious because of its properties. However there are drawbacks such as corrosion susceptibility and the weight implications among others.

Modern light cars could reduce both emissions and fuel consumption by applying lightweight materials, lightweight design, increasing specific performance and reducing wear and friction in moving parts. Aluminium Matrix Composites, AMCs, are lightweight alternative materials with markedly superior properties to corresponding monolithic alloys. However, AMCs are not well developed because of the insufficient process stability, reliability, and economic efficiency.

DELICA project is aimed at the development and demonstration of novel surface AMCs as selective reinforcements for automotive light components using modern Friction Stir Based Techniques (FSBTs). The technology to be developed would allow introducing light aluminium alloys in a cost-effective way not possible until now. Selectively reinforcement of aluminium alloys by means of FSBTs technologies is expected to increase their mechanical properties. With ceramic particles added to light metals like aluminium, mechanical properties such as hardness and wear resistance increase while thermal expansion coefficient decreases.

It promises to result in new products with wide applicability to critical components which will have low weight and enhanced performance, considering the complete life cycle. To demonstrate the applicability of the project results, will be focused on critical components of a car suffering of wear. Examples are cylinder liners, pistons, brake discs, connecting rods, etc.

The work to be developed will cover the definition of components and materials requirements, development of a robotized friction stir machine, development of AMCs as selective reinforcements using FSBTs in automotive components, characterisation of AMCs curfaces and testing the demonstrators.

Results achieved by DELICA project lead to the small and medium enterprises of the automotive industry to a privileged position offering knowledge based products. It will be attained by means FSBTs to manufacture components to achieve surface composites to reduce wear and friction in moving parts. Moreover, it will result immediately in an important reduction in vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 emissions because of weight reduction without any change of the functionality of the car


Already existing consortium:

AIMEN: RTD- Joining Technologies and Materials Expert-Spain

TWI: RTD- Joining Technologies Expert- UK

SME- Friction Stir Machine Manufacturer- Spain

SME- Automotive components manufacturer- Spain

SME- Friction Surfacing Company- UK

Partners sought and role in the project:


- Automotive components manufacturer. Preferably aluminium components such as brake discs, cylinder liners, pistons, connecting rods or another components in order to increase the wear resistance.

- AMCs components manufacturer.

- This partner could come from any eligible country other than the UK and Spain.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Heiko |Last name: |Unzalu |

|Address: |C/Relba 27A |Postal Code: |36410 |

|City: |Porrino |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 986 344000         |Fax Number: |+34 986 337302 |

| |+34 986 344000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |AIMEN |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |European Programmes |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-488

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-488 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 09:07 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 09:07 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Food |

PS details


Proposal name:

FROZYME-Improving the elaboration of salted fish products from frozen raw material.


The aim of this project is to study different endogenous enzymes of certain fish species and develop a final natural enzyme complex that will be applicable to the salted products at their ripening stage. The enzyme complex obtained will assure the acquisition of the typical flavour and taste of the final salted products elaborated from frozen raw materials and thus aid the storage and equal distribution of these materials throughout the different seasons.


Proposal Outline:

The proposers plan to study the naturally present proteases in fish raw materials used for the elaboration of salted products and develop a method for the biotechnological production of some of these enzymes. The effect of their addition to the products elaborated from frozen raw materials during the ripening process will be defined. The final outcome of the project will be to grant the use of frozen raw materials for preparation of different types of salted products with high sensorial properties.


Already existing consortium:

2 RTD (wide national and international projects experience):

ANFACO-CECOPESCA (Spain): National Association of Fish and Seafood Canning Manufactures, Technical Centre for the Preservation of Fish and Aquaculture Products.

1 Spanish University (Spain): Wide experience working with enzymes.

Partners sought and role in the project:


SMEs: Companies engaged in the canning and/or semi-preserved anchovy industry.

SMEs: Companies engaged in the production of Biomolecules (enzymes).


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Maria |Last name: |Gomez-Reino |

|Address: |Crta. Colexio Universitario, 16 |Postal Code: |36310 |

|City: |Vigo |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |986469303 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ANFACO-CECOPESCA |Type of Organisation: |Non Profit Organization |

|Department: |International Projects |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National | | |

|us?: |Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IE-491

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IE-491 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 11:23 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 11:23 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

ENCAP - Development of an industrial production process for cellulose sulphate encapsulation of living cells, for novel cell based therapeutic approaches


The main scope of ENCAP project will be the development of an industrial production process for encapsulated cell products utilized for cell-based therapies.

Cell microencapsulation technology has the clinical potential for long-term cell based treatment of multiple diseases without the need for immune-suppression medication. The basic principle is to develop an artificial, semi-permeable capsule with sufficient permeability that nutrients and oxygen can reach the transplanted cells, and appropriate cellular products can be released into the bloodstream or to adjacent tissues of the patient.


Proposal Outline:

Graft rejection, which is a major drawback in cell therapies, may be overcome by establishing a GMP compliant process for industrial scale production of microcapsules.

The microcapsule acts both to immunoprotect the immobilized cells within and to keep them on the site of application whilst allowing them excellent access to nutrients and other factors necessary for long-term survival in a patient. ENCAP uses a novel manufacturing process for cellulose sulphate resulting in polymer material with superior properties for microcapsule production. Based on the in-house encapsulation knowhow and knowledge gained with an encapsulation plant prototype the company

will define detailed user requirements and develop construction strategies for an encapsulation plant having the scale, performance, quality and potential for compliance

to regulatory requirements applicable for cell-based therapies.

To build such an encapsulation plant a synergistic effort by manufacture experts, IT specialists and developers of miniaturized sensor technology for sterile processes including flow rate, liquid level, pressure and positioning. The work will include prototyping and determination of relevant design spaces to guarantee optimal operational reliability of the sensor systems as well as their integration into the plant control. Detailed engineering and construction work will be performed in collaboration with a

partner having experience in building special purpose machines and plant engineering. A prototype encapsulation process with an established cell line provided by a

collaboration partner will be setup and validated to finalize the project and should result in cryopreserved preclinical material.

• Summary of project objectives:

• Development of an improved encapsulation plant design

• Detail engineering

• Construction and qualification of the encapsulation plant

• Establishment of a cell-based therapeutic approach

• Establishment and validation of encapsulation plant and process

• Production of pre-clinical material for validation of cell-based therapeutic approach


Already existing consortium:

• SME 1: SME dedicated to research and development of innovative cell therapeutic drugs against diseases with high clinical unmet need.  Expertise in living cell microencapsulation using Cellulose Sulphate, unique technology and patents around the encapsulation process.

• RTD 1: Research Institute with focus on exploiting the synergies between the technologies of gene delivery and stem cell biology to promote organ regeneration and repair.

• RTD 2: Institute focusing on the chemical modification of polysaccharides, in particular cellulose and starch

Partners sought and role in the project:


• SME 2: Developer and manufacturer for optical inline measurement systems for floating microcapsules (size, shape, turbidity/diffusion) required for inline monitoring during production and filling

• SME 3: Developer and manufacturer of sensor technology, specifically liquid level sensors, ultra sonic sensors, conductivity sensors, pressure sensors, flow rate sensors, piezo elements for sterile processes

• SME 4: Potential manufacturer of microcapsules with knowhow and infrastructure for implementation of a GMP compliant encapsulation process

• SME 5: Filling and cell cryopreservation specialists

RTD Performers:

• RTD 3: Polymer scientists for further optimization, up-scale and customization of biopolymer production

• RTD 4: Developer and manufacturer of cell lines for potential therapeutic use and optimization of procedures for fermentation, freezing, thawing and assay development for encapsulated cells


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Niamh |Last name: |Ni Aodha |

|Address: |Abbey House, 19 Grove Island, Corbally |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Limerick |Country: |Ireland |

|Phone Number: |              + 353 61 345 200         + 353 61 345 200 |Fax Number: |+ 353 61 345 250 |

|Email: |niamh.niaodha@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Ziel Biopharma Ltd |Type of |Industry - SME |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out|TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-474

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-474 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-23 12:11 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-23 12:11 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

Development of a New Semi-Solid Injection Process: Semi-Solid Slurry Production in the Shot Sleeve of a Conventional High Presure Die Casting Machine


Proposal Outline:

The semi-solid processing could be considerated to be in between of liquid casting and forging. For that reason is possible to obtain complex geometries with mechanical properties and metalurgical quality much higher than those obtained by casting. In addition, the final product has a much lower porosity than those obtained by high pressure die casting, allowing the heat treatment or anodyzing of the produced components. Those treatments are not possible in components obtained by high pressure die casting.

Nevertheless, the cost process of semi-solid processing is considerably higher due to the raw material, which should be a primary aluminium alloy (Al, Si 7, Mg 0,3/0,6), and specially because of the cost of the equipment required. For that reason, the semi-solid processing is not a competitor of high pressure die casting process. It should be a solution for high demanding components, that cannot be obtained by high presure die casting and that nowadays are produced by aluminium forging or iron casting.

The aim of the project is to obtain a shot sleeve able to generate the semi-solid slurry, and subsequently cast the component, in a conventional high pressure die casting machine.

In the first stage of the project the effect of each dispositive to generate the required solid structure will be evaluated in a labarotary scale. For that purpose different intensities would be applied to an aluminium alloy sample while solidifying. The specimen will be quenched from the semi-solid state and their microstructure would be characterized.

In a second stage, one or more shot sleeves would be design and ensambled with the diferent dispositive considered and tested on the previous stage: electromagnetic agitation system, ultrasounds generator and refrigerating circuit. Diferent tests with the prototipus of the shot sleeve would be performed to evaluate the eficiency of the different extern dispositive to generate the microstructure required for the semi-solid processing.

Simple components will be processed with the shot sleeves prototipes on conventional high pressure die casting machine with different processing parameters. Their microstructure and the mecanical properties will be determined.

The same components would be produced by comercial technologies, in order to compare the microstructure and the mechanical properties obtained by both routes, ideally in the same machine.


Already existing consortium:

Ascamm Foundation, ES, RTD performer, lab tests of the machine, microstructural and tensile characterization of the components

All SME partners needed are already in the consortium.     

Partners sought and role in the project:

RTD Performers:

RTD partner for Conceptual Machine Development.

Experience in industrial equipment design and development.

Experience with ultrasounds equipment.

Expeirence with electromagnetic field generators.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Joan |Last name: |Guasch |

|Address: |Av. Universitat Autonoma, 23 |Postal Code: |08290 |

|City: |Cerdanyola del Valles |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 93 594 47 00        |Fax Number: |+34 93 580 11 02 |

| |+34 93 594 47 00 | | |

|Email: |jguasch@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundacio Ascamm |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |International Projects Unit |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME web portal | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-PL-434

|PS ID: |PS-SME-PL-434 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-02 11:51 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-02 11:51 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

HEALTHYJUICE - Developing innovative device for preparation of fresh juice by deploying novel method for breaking cell membranes to maximise desired nutritional content


Proposal Outline:

To meet the identified need we are proposing an eco-friendly and safe solution that can be realistically developed within a medium term timeframe based on subsequently undertaken tests. The proposed solution is based on the idea of breaking cell membranes by deliberately and dynamically adjusted microvibrations precisely aligned with the type of fruit and vegetable. The proposed device in the form of an innovative juice extractor will be able to filter out unwanted fruit and vegetable components without loosing its nutritive content. It will deliver a final product (juice) with the clarity and taste expected and valued by most of end users. It is foreseen that the final device may be developed both for domestic as well as for professional use in public institutions such as hospitals and schools for instance.


Already existing consortium:


Partners sought and role in the project:


• Technological SME – small/medium scale manufacturer of dedicated digital electronic circuits and devices

• Technological SME – manufacturer/assembler of domestic kitchen appliances (such as multipurpose devices) with capacity to manufacture and assembly casings and chassis

• Technological SME – manufacturer and supplier of acoustic and ultrasonic devices circuits used in industrial applications

• End user SME – serving customer with fresh juice served instantly e.g. drink bar, restaurant,

• End user – institution offering therapies based on specific diet including i.e. hospital, sanatorium, spa centre

RTD Performers:

• RTD organization with skills and expertise in designing and prototyping of electromechanical systems for food processing applications.

• RTD organization with skills, experience and technological capabilities in designing, testing and prototyping of acoustic generators and/or ultrasonic systems including transducers and actuators

• RTD organization with skills and expertise in food related research focused on nutritive contents and its health impact, capable of identifying, analyzing and quantifying juice components.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |ul. Wadowicka 3 |Postal Code: |30-347 |

|City: |Kraków |Country: |Poland |

|Phone Number: |              0048 12 383 30 76         |Fax Number: | |

| |0048 12 383 30 76 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |KOBIT |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-PL-420

|PS ID: |PS-SME-PL-420 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-02 11:46 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-02 11:46 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

FURNITREUSE - Developing innovative method for recycling used particle board made furniture and plastics by producing new environmentally friendly multipurpose composite material


Each year thousands of tons of office and domestic furniture made of particle board end their lives being thrown away by their users. At present there is no effective method for utilising such industrial waste except for shredding and combustion. This however contributes to the global warming by generating carbon dioxide and multitudes of potentially harmful substances released while combusting plates painted with different lacquers and surface varnishes. Tens of thousands of new trees must be cut down every year to satisfy the demand for new wooden products while so much potentially recyclable material is simply being burnt at the same time. In parallel, plastics such as ABS used in computer screen casings and other peripherals such as photocopiers and printers pose another challenge for those willing to recycle them. As for the moment in most cases after being separated from metal and electronic parts they are crushed and milled locally, and then delivered for final recycling which commonly means sending this raw material to Far East locations. Needless to say, unlike with other plastics such polyethylene, this method only moves the problem away without solving it accordingly.


Proposal Outline:

To meet the need it is proposed to mix crushed particle boards and plastics such as ABS in strictly controlled environment and thus to obtain a new type of a composite material. The range of proposed application of the composite material is vast including first applications in construction and transportation sector. The proposed process is environmentally friendly as no chemical compounds needs to be added to activate and control it. The early experiments and testing of the composite material confirmed its expected physical and mechanical characteristics. It is further foreseen that objects made out of the new composite material will be further reused after being damaged or when they reach the end of their life time. Successful development of the proposed method along with prototype device can demonstrate a novel approach in recycling particle plates and plastics thus providing answer to two important problems. The use of proposed technology can inevitably change the recycling practices and can generate additional revenue streams for SMEs engaged in recycling sector.


Already existing consortium:

University from Poland

Kobit - Krakowski osrodek Badan i Technologii

Partners sought and role in the project:


• Technological SME – small/medium scale manufacturer of dedicated digital electronic circuits and devices for industrial applications

• Technological SME – manufacturer/assembler of waste processing devices (such as crushers, shredders, mills) with capacity to manufacture and assembly metal components including casings

• End user SME – active in collection, processing and disposing used computers, peripherals, photocopiers, fax machines.

• Technological SME – manufacturer and suppliers of microwave components and/or circuits (generators, waveguides etc) used in industrial applications

RTD Performers:

• RTD organization with skills, experience and technological capabilities in designing, testing and prototyping of microwave systems for heating dielectric materials (low and medium temperatures) in industrial applications.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Alicja |Last name: |Grzegorzek |

|Address: |ul. Wadowicka 3 |Postal Code: |30-347 |

|City: |Kraków |Country: |Poland |

|Phone Number: |              0048 12 383 30 76         |Fax Number: | |

| |0048 12 383 30 76 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |KOBIT |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-496

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-496 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-10-28 09:15 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-10-28 09:15 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Medical / Biomedical equipment |

|Sub Area 2: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |


Proposal name:

Viable Legionella portable micro device for on-site detection


Proposal Outline:

• Design and development of a portable filtration device for sample collection.

•  Design and development of a microfluidic cartridge for RNA isolation and NASBA amplification

•  Development of a NASBA-NALFIA-based readout system

•  System integration


Already existing consortium:

It has not been defined the consortium yet.

The SME leader will be a maintenance company of air, water and climate equipment.

The main RTD performer will be a biotechnological centre. Their Areas of Knowledge are Plastics and Composites, Sustainability and Environment Technology, Recycling and Recovery, and Biotechnology.

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME profile 1: (any country but Spain)

1.-Filtration of water samples and Portable filtration device knowledge. (laboratories material)

2.-Water pumping knowledge. (Optional expertise).

3.-Special plastic design knowledge.

SME  profile 2: (any country but Spain)

1.-Microfluidic chip design expertise.

2.-Design reaction chambers knowledge.

3.-Application in biological reaction knowledge, such as PCR systems.

RTD Performers:

For RTD it is requested:

1.-Microfluidic chip design expertise.

2.-Design reaction chambers knowledge.

3.-Application in biological reaction knowledge, such as PCR systems.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Alejandro |Last name: |Miranda |

|Address: |Donostia |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Donostia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 943314990         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 943314990 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Ondoan |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME|

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Other web sites | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-CY-524

|PS ID: |PS-SME-CY-524 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-02 13:49 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-02 13:49 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Environment / Waste |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

ICOSENEA: Use of RS/GIS to Develop an Incident COmmand System for Environmental and Emergency/Disaster Assessments


ICOSENEA is short for Incident Command System for Environmental and Emergency/Disaster Assessments and it will be a GIS based system and extension tool that will be designed, developed, and used to provide trained users and specialists in each Member State an easy way to generate maps and reports on issues and concerns relative to all phases of disasters.


Proposal Outline:

The ICOSENEA GIS tool is an ESRI Arc GIS extension that will be used to create data profiles specific to environmental, energy, and economic reviews when reviewing disaster response and recovery projects. It provides an easy-to-use interface for locating a project site or study area on a map using latitude and longitude coordinates and performing query-based environmental, energy, and economic assessments of facilities and resources locally, regionally and nationwide which may be impacted by preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation efforts in disaster incidents. By entering a latitude and longitude, then making a few choices, a user can create a customized map which displays datasets of concern. Users can select either a circular boundary range from 1/2 to 5 km in radius or draw a customized boundary. Datasets used in this application are updated on a regular basis from the appropriate national agencies in EU member states. Multiple feature classes are created based upon the following minimum and common categories for layers:

• Archaelogical_Cultural_Historic Sites

• Biological_Ecological Sites (all forest features/parameters)

• Environmental Protection Areas

• Environment_Conservation (NATURA 2000 Sites)

• Hydrography (all watershed features)

• Remote Sensing_Aerial Photography.


• Roads and Bridges

• Modes of Transportation,

• Locations of Facilities

• Energy and Power Grids

The ENEA will support the mission and objectives of the IMS/ICS by collecting, validating, and analyzing information critical to disaster operations, and developing and disseminating geospatial intelligence. However, the fulfillment or accomplishment of the objectives of IMS/ICS can be aided and expedited by ICOSENEA by means of the following: 1) practical application of GIS geo-coding and spatial overlay analysis relative to environmental laws, energy and sustainable development and dissemination of this geospatial intelligence in an environmental context; 2) sourcing, properly using and making decisions based on accurate geo-spatial data from different national agencies and levels of government; 3) robust, self-sufficient, quicker and comprehensive evaluation of assessment related regulatory checklist; 4) generation of reports that describe the results of all environmental, energy, economic assessments; 5) collection, integration, validation, and analysis of information relative and critical to disaster operations-- preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.


Already existing consortium:

1. Cosine Consultants Ltd (Cyprus - Coordinator) - RTD

Cosine Consultants Ltd is an Information Technology firm offering products and services that address an organization as a whole and serve as a solid foundation for growth.

Research and Development (R&D) is a crucial aspect for a technology-oriented company, as it is through R&D that new products will be developed. The function of our R&D department is to foresee the needs of tomorrow, and lay the groundwork for the development of products that will fulfill those needs.

Cosine Consultants Ltd has already participated in several National Research Projects.


2. Italian Research Institute - RTD

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are interested in developing SME business partners in EU Member States which work with Government fire, forest and flood services.

The partner needs to be able to collect, organize and systematize GIS data provided by the Government in the EU Member State. Contacts with individuals in the Government is essential to developing databeases with GIS data. The development of this GIS extension and the deliverables of the results of this project will enhance and improve early warning preparedeness, response, recovery and mitigation processes in each Member State. The SMEs will have the only access, training and use of the GIS extension in disaster management so that they protect themselves throughout the disaster cycle.

1. We want SMEs that have at least one individual that has experience and expertise in GIS and database development.

2. Their intended role will be to develop datasets which include environmental, energy, economic and development datasets which will be used in the GIS.

3. Their activity will be the application of this GIS extension in the disaster cycle and management. The SME selected will be entitled to training and use of application of this tool.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Kyriakos |Last name: |Gogakis |

|Address: |2A Elia Venezi Street, Stovolos |Postal Code: |2092 |

|City: |Nicosia |Country: |Cyprus |

|Phone Number: |              0035722441600         |Fax Number: |0035722441610 |

| |0035722441600 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: |.cy |

|Organisation: |Cosine Consultants Ltd |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: |Research and Development |

|How did you find out |Other National Contact Point | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-DE-506

|PS ID: |PS-SME-DE-506 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 10:57 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 10:57 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Management Sciences |


Proposal name:

CoSydihde Controlling System for distributed heterogenous devices


The basic idea is to create rich client applictaions to centralize the controlling of distributed heterogenous systems, such like satellite DVB-IP base-stations or wind/solar power plants , traffic control systems, large air-conditioning system, elevator systems, access-control ... .  The intention is that one person can see and control all the distributed used heterogenous devices, with just one program.  Not every SME which offers his customers distributed installations has the man power to offer such a system, so this project supports SME to upgrade and strength their products in the market with affordable system.


Proposal Outline:

The problem is that many distributed systems have no common user interface, and the operator must open many different programs which have different UIs for just one and the same operation. Apart from that some devices still do not even have a UI for remote operation. Therefore the controlling of distributed systems is very complex and there is a potential risk that the operate lose sight of severe error messages which can cause expensive damages to system itself or its area and people who use the devices. So there is need of a system which offers the operator just one view to enable him to control all the different devices from different producers. All this should be possible provide to operators which do not have the knowledge how to program and how to connect to remote systems. So he/she can easily concentrate to his/her main tasks.

Also one of the main aims of the program is to keep the system modular, so that it can simple extended and/or flexible adapted to the needs of the producer or the technical infrastructure, which also saves costs and shortens the time-to-market. Therefore the controlling platform ought to be realized with the remote computing environment (RCE - which offers already the base functionality regarding the requirements of distributed systems. The RCE can be easily extended by modules. These modules will offer a GUI, controlling, surveillance (watchdog), configuration, connection to databanks, planning and direct communication with the technical devices. Programming must be done in JAVA and the program must work under eclipse (RCP) with use of OSGI. The benefit of the modular design is that many partners can work independently together on the hole system. Which easy up the development and shortens the development time which results in affordable Software.


Already existing consortium:

Our Consortium has

1 SME (Germany) , which has the need of such a controlling system by itself and will sell it to customers.  Its role is to test and set some requirements of the system for the exemplary use as satellite-ip-connection control system.

1 RTD (Germany) , which do device driver, modular design, gui and connection to RCE, brings RCP and OSGI Know How. Project coordinator.

Partners sought and role in the project:


2 SME from other EU countrys

Their profiles should cover one of the following:

1.     Need of centralized controlling like in satellite connection operator or wind power plant operator or similar  For example producer of SAT-Modems or solar or wind power-plant (part) producer, traffic controlling system parts

2.     JAVA Programming, eclipse/osgi programming

3.     Everyone who wants to offer his customers a easy to use tool to control distributed devices.

4.     Expertises in Monitoring

The role can at first be an requirement setter for his kind of control system. Of course also sell his control-system.

Apart from that the SME can take the role java programmer, which build up or concretes his know in one of the programming points.


RTD Performers:

1 RTD Performer

His profile should cover one of the following

1.     JAVA Programming SWT-GUI-Design

2.     Expertises in Monitoring

The role of the RTD can be seen as an know how provider and programmer, which may profit from the usage of the RCE and the OSGI.


Enduser :

SME who provides or is operator of wind/solar power plants, traffic systems, environmental measurement like weather forecast networks, bureau facility system (air conditioning), satellite connection operators, cable TV provider ... .


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jens |Last name: |Muuss |

|Address: |Schloss Birlinghoven |Postal Code: |53754 |

|City: |Sankt Augustin |Country: |Germany |

|Phone Number: |02241-142700 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fraunhofer SCAI |Type of Organisation: |Research |

| | | |Center |

|Department: |SCAI-SIAN |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-533

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-533 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 12:52 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 12:52 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Nanotechnologies |


Proposal name:

NASLA-Nanostructured anti-septical coatings


The aim of this project is to provide three EU SMEs with a new silver/silica based coating material having anti-septical properties superior to those existing on the market: the coating is made of silica glass and of silver nanoclusters which are embedded in the silica glass. The coating is deposited by Radio Frequency co-sputtering on several substrates: polymers, metals, glasses, etc.

Anti-septical, and particularly anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungus products are mostly seeked in a period of H1N1 diffusion and bacteria-related side effects of influenza: results must be provided in a quick time and put on the market as soon as possible.


Proposal Outline:

Silver is well known for its anti-septical properties. The idea behind this project is to embed silver nanoparticles in a silica matrix to make the coating more resistant, but still able to release silver ions. Silver nanocluster doped silica thin films deposited by RF co-sputtering can provide anti-septical functionality to almost every surface: depositions on glass, polymers, metals and ceramics have been successfully obtained at "partecipant 1" labs. The idea has been experimentally verified: silver nanocluster doped silica thin films obtained by RF co-sputtering on a glass substrate proved their anti-bacterial activity towards Staphylococcus Aureus. Silver ions leaching have been observed for 28 days by dipping sample in different solution demonstrating the persistent Ag ions release .

The anti-septical properties can be tailored by operating on sputtering parameters with respect to the silver ions versus metal nanocluster concentration.

The main advantage of silver nanocluster doped silica thin films, as anti-septical coatings, is their unique (compared to the available commercial solutions) thermal (up to 450°C) and mechanical (resistant to scratches, good adhesion to substrate) stability even in harsh environment. Hence the possibility to satisfy the needs and requests of the SME entities converging in this project.

The methodologies will require the definition of the antibacterial layer specification, the activities will require the determination of deposition parameters versus film properties, production of coatings by sputtering, characterization processes and feedback analysis to enhance film quality and development of prototypes.

The expected results will have a clear and immediate exploitation potential to improve or develop new products currenly commercialized by the three SMEs


Already existing consortium:

Participant 1

Tipe of organization: High Education

Country:  Italy

Role in the project: one of the most well known technical universities in Italy provides education and research in engineering, with particular attention and links to their application in industry. The research unit where research is done for this project includes experts in physics, chemistry, biology, nano-, bio-, information-sciences and technologies, biomedical engineering, coming from three different departments, working in tight contact with medical doctors of the city hospitals. The presence of facilities as RF-sputtering, HT furnaces, thermo-mechanical analysis, electron microscopy, antibacterial and biomedical tests facilities, leaching test facilities, clean room and the know-how relevant to this project attract the interest of industries partner.  This kind of collaboration will present benefits in term of multidisciplinary and effort sharings, the possibility to introduce new antiseptical coatings on different materials in different application (biomedical, health care). In this project partner 1 acts also as coordinator.


Participant 2

Type of organisation: RTD. Partecipant 2 accounts for one-third of Sweden’s technical research and engineering education capacity at university level

Country - Sweden  

Role in the project: the research division involved in this project, The Department of Applied Physics, is primarily experimental and often multi-disciplinary. The activity in this project will include physical-chemical characterization of sputtered layers, giving a set of standard measurements for the evaluation of materials and processes, and morphological, mechanical and chemical characterization of the nanostructured film.


Partecipant 3

Type of organization: RTD performer -its activity is focused in reducing all device related hospital and care acquired infections.

Country  - Sweden

Role in the project: Anti-septic and biomedical characterization of sputtered layers

Partecipant 4

Type of organization: SME manufacturer of medical devices.

Country -  Italy

Role in the project:  It is the objective of Partecipant 4 to both innovate and market its products. The main activity will be to develop anti-septical coating prototypes


Partecipant 5

Type of organization SME

Country- Spain

Role in the project: Partecipant 5 possesses quality departments/units in charge of testing and validating products. Pilot areas will allow in this project to test antibacterial coated prototypes in operating conditions.

Partners sought and role in the project:


Country: Any EU Member State (except Italy and Spain) or any Associated country

Role in the project: end user of antiseptical products 


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Monica |Last name: |Ferraris |

|Address: |corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 |Postal Code: |10129 |

|City: |Torino |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +390115644706         |Fax Number: | |

| |+390115644706 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Politecnico di Torino |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |DISMIC - Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-503

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-503 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 13:18 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 13:18 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

PS details


Proposal name:

BRAZE HARD - Wear protection by hardfacing by brazing


The aim of this proposal is to develop an innovative wear resistant composite coating based on brazing technology to improve life-cycle of critical components exposed to extreme work conditions in the ceramic industry.


Proposal Outline:

Ceramic industry experiences high economic losses due to wear-out of critical components exposed to extreme work conditions. Among all elements that suffer major wear-out are the parts of extrusion molds including dies, extruder heads, strainer plates, etc. These components are responsible for providing the final shape of the products as bricks in several shapes and geometries used in the construction industry. In Galicia alone, an estimated 1 M € of losses are made in the ceramic industry due to this phenomena.

The strong degree of abrasion is the main cause of wear-out in these types of extrusion parts. The raw materials used to obtain the ceramic products contain an elevated amount of abrasive elements, including quartz and feldspars. Alloys with a strong degree of hardness are used to improve resistance to abrasion and therefore extend the life-cycle of the molds. At present, tool steels and tungsten carbide materials are being used in the molds. In the case of suffering wear-out, molds are repaired by a welding process, for instance FCAW, MIG/MAG or through Laser processing. In addition, coatings are applied to improve resistance to abrasion.

Nevertheless, these above mentioned processes have a number of shortcomings, originating from the elevated temperatures used during this processes. An undesirable dilution process takes place during the fusion on the surface of the base material. Furthermore, the elevated temperatures that are used during the deposition technique generate residual stresses and distortions within the material, originating from the fast cooling of the treated parts and the non-uniformity of the temperature field of the treated zone. Another issue is the high surface roughness that remain after the treatment and that prevents the raw material from flowing easily within the extrusion process.

Today, molds have despite of the technological advances that have been made in the last years, an unacceptable short life-cycle that result in high maintenance and components costs. Current studies focus on the application of brazing technologies for the deposition of hard coatings. The idea of this process is to use a metallic matrix of nickel base of low fusion temperature (binding alloy). This binding alloy is mixed with hard microparticles with the objective to reinforce the coating and hence, improve wear-out properties by an estimated 20%. In addition, these coatings improve corrosion resistance due to its high content in chrome. High vacuum furnaces are used to apply these hardfacing by brazing. Strong metallurgical bondings are formed between the base material and the hard layer, as well as between the binding alloy and the hard-phase, respectively, as a result of mutual diffusion of the alloying elements. This process has several advantages compared to existing surface alloying methods. Excellent resistance of the coating, surface finish (similar to the one of casting), the possibility of realizing coatings for difficult geometries, are among the advantages that need to be emphasized. Furthermore the brazing process has the advantage of being a simple technology and therefore low cost.

As mentioned above, current developments of the coating by brazing process is centred on the application of nickel based filler metals. Nevertheless, applying nickel increases the cost of the coating. Hence, the challenge is to develop a new low cost alloy with a low melting point able to substitute the expensive nickel.

Recently, new iron base alloys with phosphorus and boron as depressors to lower the melting point are being developed for the brazing process. Nevertheless, there are no studies on the use of these new alloys for coatings with hard particles. Hence, the main objective is to use a low cost iron based filler metal that have similar or even better properties than the nickel based filler metals. Composition, structure, and performance as well as thickness of the composite coating can be freely adjusted according to the specific requirements of the tool.


Already existing consortium:

AIMEN (Coordinator-RTD) -ES




Partners sought and role in the project:


End user (Ceramic industry or Glass industry)

SMEs specilised in the repair of tools and components of the ceramic industry

SMEs that manufacture tools and components for the ceramic industry.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Heiko |Last name: |Unzalu |

|Address: |C/Relba 27A |Postal Code: |36410 |

|City: |Porrino |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 986 344000         |Fax Number: |+34 986 337302 |

| |+34 986 344000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |AIMEN |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |European Programmes |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-530

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-530 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 13:26 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 13:26 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Agriculture / Forestry |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:



Development of a novel automated, wireless trap and monitoring system for integrated management and control of the population of fruit flies (Tephritidae)


Proposal Outline:

Project Idea:

The e-FlyWatch project seeks to solve a major problem that is faced by SME fruit grower companies throughout Europe, and is emphasized and acknowledged by numerous studies and European authorities. In particular, the project aims in monitoring, managing and supporting the control of two of the world’s most destructive fruit pests: Over 250 plant species have been listed as hosts to the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata, also called MedFly), while the Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae, formerly Dacus oleae) is the most damaging insect pest of olives.

The use of the project products will minimize the resulting damages in the fruit & vegetable (F&V) and olive production, as well as the use of insecticide agents. The above targets will be met with the development of a fully automated and autonomous novel Trap with integrated recognition, warning and monitoring modules, using wireless and other advanced technologies.

Background Information

EU is the world’s second largest producer of fruits, with 14% of the world’s production. Furthermore, the EU is the leading world producer, accounting for 80% and consuming 70% of the world’s olive oil.

The most important financial risk faced by the SMEs in this sector is the complete destruction of their crop by the MedFly and the Olive fruit fly, which can happen when spraying is not performed immediately when the flies are detected in a crop.


Commercial benefit:

More advanced systems for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of fruits are crucial to fulfil regulatory requirements for sustainable use of pesticides and reduce the current high financial risks for SME producers in the case of MedFly and Dacus Infestations. The use of the e-FlyWatch system will allow for Plant Protection Products (PPP) to be used quickly and adequately, minimizing the important risk of a crop catastrophe. This will enable the SMEs in the Fruit & Vegetable sector to improve their production, reduce the amount of insecticides/pesticides used and in effect the labour cost for spraying activities, and the labour cost for inspection of traps. This will result in the increase of both the quality and quantity of their products. A thorough study on the potential impact of the e-FlyWatch system shows that the project will significantly improve the competitiveness of the SMEs in this sector. For example, the Citrus sector in MED-8 is experiencing an average of 10-30% losses annually due to MedFly. With the use of the e-FlyWatch system, an estimated production improvement of 15% can be achieved.

Furthermore, this proposal addresses all the great challenges faced by the SMEs in the F&V sector: complying with today’s market demands and competition, high risks of Fruit Flies infestation due to global warming, obligations and regulatory requirements set by EU Thematic Strategy for Pesticides, as well as related directives which pose new challenges connected with maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on fruit plant (2005/396/EC), sustainable use of pesticides (2006/373/EC), setting of harmonised risk indicators (2006/778/EC) and reducing impact of pesticides on humans and the environment.

Given the very favorable economic outcomes expected for F&V producers, the positive environmental impact, and its usage capabilities in the research world, the e-FlyWatch product/service is expected to achieve commercial success on a world scale. The advantages for the participating SMEs are therefore numerous. Significant benefits -in the short and long run- are expected for the manufacturers of the novel trap, as well as for the partners that will be enrolled in the production & integration of the embedded electronics, the software and for the service providers. The participating commercial SMEs will own the project results and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) produced by the Research Organizations, who will be paid in full for their work. Furthermore, benefits are expected for pesticides producers, as the e-FlyWatch System can be used to evaluate their products, and to estimate their consumption rate & effectiveness in the long run.

At the same time, EU exports to some of the world’s most valuable markets, including the USA, Japan, China & Korea, are inhibited by the flies’ status as quarantine pests. One example is when USDA banned the importation of clementines from Spain in 2001, as several live Medflies were found in their larval stage. Spanish growers estimated that they lost $54 million as a result of the U.S. ban. The Olive fruit fly accounts for more than 30% destruction of all Mediterranean olive crops, while its devastating nature has not excluded the California State (U.S.). To overcome those restrictions and to ensure access to important markets, intensive measures must be taken, both pre- and post-harvest, in order to ensure that fruits are free of the pest.

However, current control methods have irreversible environmental impact, raise health issues and are not very effective: In the case of the simple biological approach, the MedFly population is too large to be eradicated by any other insect population, while ecosystem imbalances may occur; The Sterile male method is very expensive and cannot be applied to areas where the cultivation of fruit is organized in many small nuclei.

In the Olive trees case, problems encountered include mating of sterile males with sterile females instead of wild ones and fruit damage from laying of sterile eggs. In general, the olive fields are remotely located and monitoring activities can not be efficiently performed. In addition, the use of baited traps is not effective enough to eradicate the population of both flies during a full scale infestation, so after a certain population growth, the use of pesticides is necessary; The use of pesticides is a cheap and effective method, but pesticides have to be applied at the right time in order to maximize their effectiveness and to minimize their environmental impact. This is where the current project will play a major role.


The Project:

Due to lack of management, manpower and financial resources, SMEs are particularly dependent on affordable traps for monitoring and eradication, which is currently achieved by using substantial amounts of pesticides. The proposed system aims to offer European fruit growing SMEs a complete and advanced IPM solution for automated Fruit Flies Monitoring and Control, based on the development of an Innovative Automated, Autonomous and Wireless Trap. The system will alert the producers (e.g. via SMS / email) on the event of an infestation, in order to immediately take action. Such a solution revolves around the agricultural production model of the Small / Medium producer or a number of cooperating producers, for which the Sterile Male Method is not applicable because of the high costs involved and the non homogenous crop distribution. The system will, however, be beneficial in monitoring Fruit Flies population whichever the method of eradication is. Its competitive advantage is the fact that it uses conventional attractant, thus fruit growers will accept it more easily, since it is based on a concept that they currently use and consider successful.

The project will first focus on the establishment of scientific understanding of the e-FlyWatch system and the identification of F&V sector needs. The research team will then design and develop the whole system from the trap enclosure to the necessary hardware electronics and software required for recognition & processing, and the local & central monitoring stations with web-based interface. Next, the e-FlyWatch System will be integrated and validated though its demonstration at two fields. Participant’s training and other dissemination & innovation related activities are included.


Already existing consortium:

The project will include up to 3-4 different Research organization, 4-6 different SMEs and may also include Large Enterprise.

Partners sought and role in the project:


 We are searching for 1 SME Partner, an olive-tree grower from Spain


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |PATRICIA |Last name: |MASIP |

|Address: |Travessera 108 |Postal Code: |08012 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34932049922         |Fax Number: |+34932049866 |

| |+34932049922 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CRIC |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-512

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-512 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 13:47 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 13:47 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Construction / Building |

|Sub Area 2: |No sector clearly identified |


Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

The expected results of the project are:

- Selection of plant species that consume the least amount of water, provide extra insulation, require the least maintenance possible and that are applicable to architecture.

- Ad hoc design of the irrigation system that secures and optimizes the amount of water supplied to the vegetation.

- Construction support for the substrate and plant species composed primarily of natural and organic materials.

This will lead to the obtainment of 4 patents for construction and botanists systems. 2 systems for roofing and 2 for facades.

These patents enable SMEs in southern European countries to differentiate and to create a building system that will make them more competitive. This project will not only eliminate the oil as thermal insulation system but it will also lead to more healthy and ecological buildings, by fostering the establishment of vegetation in them. This evolution will lead to the creation of new SMEs in various sectors, such as botany production, manufacturing of supports for the vegetation and the construction sector, which will be the final consumer.



Already existing consortium:

Currently we are building the consortium

Partners sought and role in the project:



• Profile 1. Companies located in arid climates related to plant production and plant commercialization such as nurseries or gardening companies.

• Profile 2. Companies specialized in irrigation and insulation of buildings, with capacity to produce all the techniques in the market, mainly specialized in irrigation and waterproofing in arid areas.

• Profile 3. Construction companies located in arid zones with the ability to implement the results in efficient and bioclimatic buildings preferably.

RTD Performers:


• Universities, investigation and research groups or SMEs with capability for investigation specialized in:

- Research of botanical species and its application to construction.

- Climate modelling and simulations in buildings


• Universities, research groups, testing laboratories and SMEs with the capacity to test and certify materials and systems obtained in the process.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |BEATRIZ |Last name: |FERNANDEZ GARCIA |

|Address: |C/ ATLANTA, 2 |Postal Code: |18002 |

|City: |GRANADA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 958172820         +34 958172820|Fax Number: |+34 958172285 |

|Email: |b.fernandez@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |BONTERRA IBERICA, S.L. |Type of |Industry - SME |

| | |Organisation: | |

|Department: |R+D department |

|How did you find out|Friends & colleagues | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-518

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-518 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-03 13:56 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-03 13:56 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

DATMIN - Data Mining Useful for SMEs


Analysis and development of new modular software and new organisational tools to implement DATA MINING functions in order to extract useful information for SMES


Proposal Outline:

The research will generate the following output:

1. A Decision Support System Software based on Data Mining techniques will be implemented by RTD Performers during project development. These tools will be tested by the participating companies using real data sets. The developed software will provide:

- Pre-processed input data sets, where missing values are auto-completed and data errors are allocated and statistically corrected.

- Reduced and understandable prediction models in order to infer customer behaviour on different scenarios from Data Centre log files.

- Flexible and versatile system

2. New pre-processing and rule reduction algorithms with higher computational efficiency than existing ones. Those algorithms can be applied to industries on several frameworks that need to handle efficiently giant data sets.


Already existing consortium:

Two RTD Performers specialized in operational research for optimisation of product development, particularly for SMES and in DATA MINING implementation:

Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche will act as project coordinator

Other RTD performer have been contacted

In addition to the above RTD performers we have the following partners in the group


Partners sought and role in the project:


We want to expand the consortium with two or three additional SME partners (located in other countries eligible for FP7 than Spain) with the following profile:

Shopping internet portal companies(

Technology providers for( SMES

Final users of WEB services(

The results will belong to the SMES participating in the project.

New partners should feel that they can benefit from the results indicated above.

SME partners in the consortium will work together to define in details the requirements to the RTD performers and secure that the project results will fit their needs, for a more efficient production process and description or prediction of their customers behaviour, which is in line with modern best practice in the companies from the profiles previously described.

In addition a selected number of the SMES must be available as test sites for project deliverables as they emerge from the RTD performers.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Mariano |Last name: |Almela |

|Address: |Avda. Universidad s/n |Postal Code: |03202 |

|City: |ELCHE |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 966 658 733         |Fax Number: |+34 966 658 666 |

| |+34 966 658 733 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche |Type of Organisation: |University |

|Department: |OTRI |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National | | |

|us?: |Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-AT-556

|PS ID: |PS-SME-AT-556 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-06 13:54 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-06 13:54 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

|Sub Area 2: |Measurements / Testing |


Proposal name:



Proposal Outline:

Two different technologies will be investigated in the project. The first one - which will be used for full 3D inspection - will use a set of oblique images to create an arbitrary number of views of the object. The basic idea is similar to using stereo images, however, the method does not create a full 3D model but a set of 2D views. This saves a lot of computation time and makes the technology fast enough for in-line inspection.

The second technology will be based on the combined acquistion of depth and intensity information and will be suitable for objects that are essentially flat, but that require depth information for inspection.

The results of the project will be a setup for image acquisition and software for inspeciton of objects in 3D.


Already existing consortium:

SME: High-tech start up in 3D vision, Spain

SME: camera systems, Hungary

RTD: industrial inspection, Austria, Coordinator

RTD: 3D vision, Spain

RTD: camera technology, Hungary

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are searching for 1 or 2 SMEs, working in the field of machine vision (industrial inspection) that have the capability for doing software development.

The contribution will mainly be in specification, providing test case and test assemblies for inspection. Work will also include the evaluation of software. Depending on the SME's interest contributions to development are also encouraged.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Christian |Last name: |Eitzinger |

|Address: |Im Stadtgut A2 |Postal Code: |4407 |

|City: |Steyr-Gleink |Country: |Austria |

|Phone Number: |              +43 7252 885 250         |Fax Number: |+43 7252 885 101 |

| |+43 7252 885 250 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Profactor GmbH |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Machine Vision |

|How did you find out |Events attended / organised by TransCoSME | | |

|about us?: |partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-580

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-580 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 11:09 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 11:09 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Medical / Biomedical equipment |


Proposal name:



In recent decades, fear of blood-borne infections, especially Aids and hepatitis, has been the main driving force of transfusion safety measures developed, to ensure the quality of the transfusion process and reduce risks of adverse effects during transfusion of blood, blood components and blood products.

During this time, there has been a continuous search for new technologies and new knowledge to improve transfusion safety, with the ultimate aim to minimize transfusion risks, collecting all possible technology safeguards to certify that the blood transfusion to the patient is as compatible as possible.

The aim of TELE-HAEMATOLOGY project is to develop a telemedicine system for improve quality control and haemovigilance in blood supply process, to supply the local laboratory with an expert opinion form the central reference laboratory.


Proposal Outline:

The increasing demand for specialist care in rural and peri-urban localizations, the transformation of medical practice by technological development, and the need to rationalize health care spending, have led to the emergence of new care services, which brings the population certain specialty care services that traditionally, almost exclusively, have been provided in hospitals.

The development of this new specialized care level takes a special interest on certain European regions, where an aging population is displaced and dispersed massively to remote hospitals in the capitals, to receive medical services, although a high percentage of such assistance could be received in county-wide specialty medical centres.

The technology available today, allows the transmission over telephone lines, or using digitized radio signals, of high quality compressed audio-visual images, which can range from an X-ray scanner, ultrasound video, or an electrocardiogram to real consultation distance between two doctors, being able to transmit medical details ranging from cardio-pulmonary auscultation to a cavity organic percussion. This is the telemedicine.

The safety and effectiveness of blood transfusion have been improved by quality control and haemovigilance in blood supply process. Nowadays, before every blood transfusion is given to a patient, obligatory pre-transfusion test are performed by specially trained personnel to confirm donor-patient compatibility.

Some systems have been developed to allow full automation of pre-transfusion serological test (ABO blood grouping; coss-matching; antibody detection and specification – direct and indirect antiglobulin tests-). Normally, automated compatibility tests produce straightforward results. However, in approximately 1-5% of tests, various serological difficulties and ambiguities occur. In these cases, and expert opinion by a qualified immunohaematology expert is needed to interpret the results. The use of telemedicine should be helpful in such cases, especially if the expert is no available locally, and is located at a remote reference laboratory.

TELE-HAEMATOLOGY project will consist of a telemedicine system that provides automated image capture of the ID-cards (probably the most common agglutination method for pre-transfusional serological testing), teleconsultations and exchange of immunohaematological expertise between a central expert and distant laboratory personnel, enabling improved decision-making.


Already existing consortium:

Hemasoft is an IT Company with more than 22 years of experience. It is specialized in the development of software solutions for the health sector: Blood Banks, Hospital Transfusion Services, Tissue Banks, Tumor Banks, Human Milk Banks and Clinical Laboratories.

Hemasoft carries out consulting, software development, installation, integration and technical support projects for any health care entity, no matter its size and location.

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME provider of clinical material (ID-cards, auto-analyzer…) (not Spanish)

Private clinics and clinical laboratories (preferably SME) for the implementation and validation of the tele-haematology system

RTD Performers:

ICT expert in communications under e-health protocols (not Spanish)


Blood Banks and/or Hospital Transfusion Services: for qualified immunohaematological experts


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |VIRGINIA |Last name: |ALONSO SAN JOSE |

|Address: |C/ MAGALLANES 7 1 º Dº |Postal Code: |47006 |

|City: |VALLADOLID |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34983230196         |Fax Number: |+34983230196 |

| |+34983230196 | | |

|Email: |valonso@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |HEMASOFT TECHNOLOGIES |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: |R&D |

|How did you find out about|Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-553

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-553 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 11:17 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 11:17 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

New Intelligent Nanocomposites with Multi-functional sensors.


The use of nanocomposites is very clearly defined in literature. For example, the polymer composites incorporating nanoparticles as natural clay montmorillonite or bentonites has a natural nano-layer structure that limits the permeation of gases, and provides substantial improvements in gas barrier properties of nanocomposites. However there is a real lack industrial impact of the materials, especially in the achievement of the nano size in the fillers dispersion within the polymer. One of the project focus would be find new ways that can be easily industrialized to incorporate fillers with real nano size.


Proposal Outline:

This project would have three main areas of interest:

- The synthesis of new polymer alloys.

- The combination of these alloys with the nanofiller.

- The development of suitable manufacturing processes.

Expected Impacts

- Environmental and bioprocess control

- Food and organic packaging

- Medical applications

- Structural monitoring

- Decorative components

Research Lines

1. Taylorising and improving mechanical properties of composites with nanoproducts

2. Improving sensoring capacities

3. Developing and optimisation of functional nanocomposites manufacturing processes

4. Application of simulation and modelling methods


Already existing consortium:

2 Spanish University

1 Spanish RTD

1 French Industrial Company

1 German Industrial Company

Partners sought and role in the project:


(from outside of Spain) specialised in:

- sensors

- nanocomposites

- nanoproducts

- packaging

- simulation - modelling methods


Industrial companies (from outside of Spain) specialised in:

- sensors

- nanocomposites

- nanoproducts

- packaging

- simulation - modelling methods


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Adèle |Last name: |Peenaert |

|Address: |Llorenç i Artigas 12 |Postal Code: |08028 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |934017171 |Fax Number: |934017170 |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundació Privada Centre CIM |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-550

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-550 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 11:18 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 11:18 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

New Intelligent Packaging With A Multi-Functional Fibre For Organic Waste.


NIPAMOW project aims at developing a new generation of multi-functional fibre-based materials with specific properties designed to help cope with the urban waste problem. NIPAMOW will define the properties of the new materials, assess the proposed strategies for optimal management of the organic waste at local councils level and will evaluate different new and flexible manufacturing methodologies and tools to elaborate these new products. If successful, NIPAMOW methodologies will help transform the organic domestic waste (ODW) into a valuable resource at both family and community levels and it will also generate a huge dent in our greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions.


Proposal Outline:

- Provide an adequate storage system that would present no health hazards and other inconveniences, like foul smells, if food waste is to be kept in-house for several days;

- Design a treatment alternative oriented exclusively to ODW of uniform quality that targets positive cost-benefit results


Already existing consortium:

1 Spanish University

2 Spanish RTDs

1 French Industrial Company

1 Romanian RTD

Partners sought and role in the project:


(from outside of Spain) specialised in:

- organic waste

- domestic waste

- multi-functional fibre

- process materials

- sensors


(from outside of Spain) specialised in:

- organic waste

- domestic waste

- multi-functional fibre

- process materials

- sensors


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Adèle |Last name: |Peenaert |

|Address: |Llorenç i Artigas 12 |Postal Code: |08028 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |934017171 |Fax Number: |934017170 |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundació Privada Centre CIM |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-571

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-571 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 11:28 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 11:28 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:



 Up to now, fresh chicken has been commonly contained in rigid trays often based on expanded polystyrene or PET, materials based on petroleum-based materials.

During the last decade, high prices, limited sources of synthetic plastics and consumers and policy makers’ awareness of environment have induced the promotion of the use of biodegradable polymers coming from a renewable base. European Bioplastics estimates that in 2007, all bioplastics applications comprised approximately 75,000-100,000 tons of the total 48 million ton European plastics market, with an annual growth considerably higher than 20%.

1. Packaging manufacturers would like to obtain a new biodegradable packaging material, cheaper than the existing ones and based on a renewable source, in order to spread .

2l Poultry producers would like to have a more affordable packaging in order to replace their current petroleum-based packaging, to fulfil requirements of Waste Packaging Directive and to improve their image.


Proposal Outline:

Packaging manufacturers (SMEs) should develop a new biodegradable packaging material, cheaper than the existing ones and with the same or similar performance.

The new material would be based in a high percentage of natural fibers (up to 80%) and a low percentage of biopolymer (up to 20%, e.g PLA) and fulfilling poultry packaging requirements.

The new packaging material should:

- Be biodegradable

- Come from a natural source (agricultural subproduct).

- Be cheaper than the existing biodegradable ones.

- Be allowed for food contact

SME should adapt the new packaging process


Already existing consortium:

RTD 1 and RTD2

Tray manufacturer.

Blend developer.

Partners sought and role in the project:


Flexible film manufacturer.

Multilay foil manufacturer.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jordi |Last name: |Quiles Ruiz |

|Address: |Albert Einstein 1 |Postal Code: |46980 |

|City: |Paterna |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0032 474 371 678         |Fax Number: | |

| |0032 474 371 678 | | |

|Email: |jordi.quiles@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ITENE |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Corporate Development |

|How did you find out about|Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-576

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-576 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 11:39 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 11:39 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Energy |

|Sub Area 2: |Environment / Waste |


Proposal name:

SOLAIRCON; Small scale air conditioning using the H2O-LiBr absorption technology, driven by concentrated solar power


Usually, the absorption cooling machines can easily take advantage of the solar power, specifically of the solar heat, in order to run. However, these machines need a certain level of temperature for an optimal performance. Sometimes, the classical thermal solar panels fail to deliver these levels of temperature, due to specific climatic conditions and to its own efficiency. Concentrated solar power, potentially delivered by different types of mirrors, may significantly increase the absorption cooling machines' efficiency.


Proposal Outline:

The basic idea is about the solar cooling, based on the absorption technology H2O-LiBr, as a solution for energy efficiency in buildings' air conditioning. A small scale demonstration plant is considered. The technological innovation would be the use of higher temperature solar mirrors instead of classical thermal solar panels. An incresead overall efficiency is expected this way. An intermediate heat storage tank is also taken into consideration.


Already existing consortium:

University, thermal calculus and simulations;

Various Industrial cooling SME, mounting and installations;

Partners sought and role in the project:


An SME from the construction field, that might be interested in including this technology as a turnkey in its industrial process.

Italian or Slovenian SME are preferred. 


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Mihai |Last name: |Nicolescu |

|Address: |Área Anardi, 5 |Postal Code: |E-20730 |

|City: |Azpeitia |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34-943-816800         |Fax Number: |+34-943-816074 |

| |+34-943-816800 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundación CIDEMCO |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Energy & Environment |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-562

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-562 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 12:00 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 12:00 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:



Our solution to optimise emergency services consists in develop an innovative and expert emergency management system that interacts with emergency services (ambulances, fire fighters and police departments) and with the traffic control centre to plan the better route possible in real time. Also, the expert emergency system can interact with the traffic control centre to modify lights and variable signals to release a route in real time as well as using these signal modifications to generate a better route.


Proposal Outline:

Emergency management in the city is frequently limited by incidents caused in public roads that interact with the routes selected by the emergency vehicles, like road accidents, traffic jams or traffic diversions. Moreover, arriving to the emergency focus on time can be affected by other factors as pedestrian and restricted areas.

As a consequence, victims by serious accidents (road accidents, fires, collapses, etc.) don’t arrive on time to the hospital, suffering from health consequences that increase both mortality rates and health expenditure.

The aim of the project is to optimise emergency services, developing an innovative and expert emergency management system that interacts with emergency services (ambulances, fire fighters and police departments) and with the traffic control centre to plan the better route possible in real time


Already existing consortium:

  ITENE technological and scientific work Research and development activities related to:- Development of the emergency fleet management and tracking system. - Development of the onboard software navigation system, management activities.

RDT2 technological and scientific work Research and development activities related to:- Research on V2C “Vehicle to control” -Real-time communication systems by means of TETRA networks.

RDT3 technological and scientific work Research and development activities related to:Model the problem of the dynamic routing algorithm research on pattern recognition in traffic evolution.

Spanish SME: SME Consulting- Integrator and distributor.

Partners sought and role in the project:


(not Spanish) SME Software engineering Design and development of the required software.Maintenance services. Technical work related to:- Integrating routing algorithms- Positioning, location tasks- Real time systems- Simulations.

(not Spanish) SME Hardware engineering Design and manufacturer of the hardware required.Maintenance services Technical work related to:-embedded technology - human interface development- positioning systems- real time systems.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jordi |Last name: |Quiles Ruiz |

|Address: |Albert Einstein 1 |Postal Code: |46980 |

|City: |Paterna |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0032 474 371 678         |Fax Number: | |

| |0032 474 371 678 | | |

|Email: |jordi.quiles@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ITENE |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Corporate Development |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-568

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-568 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 12:17 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 12:17 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

Tic Tag


Proposal Outline:

AMS-ID: Automatic Management System able to know the exact location and quantity of any product in the warehouse using RFID technology minimizing the number of readers needed in the proportion 4 to 1. Delivered through the achievement of the following functionalities:

1. Cost effective size reduced antennas with extended coverage and uniform radiation pattern in only one hemisphere and with more ports.

2. Multiplexor to minimize the amount of readers needed (4:1 or more).

3. Amplifier to ensure that the signal is not going to be attenuated.

4. RFID reader with possibilities to be updated if RFID standards change.

5. Communication technology with similar equipment used in Ethernet networks (routers and switches).

6. RFID tags: passive and class 1 Gen2 EPC classification.

7. Communication Network: communication management system to identify RFID data, synchronise the information, translate the RFID information into product characteristics understandable for the company and transmit them to ERP of the company



Already existing consortium:

1 SME with experience in antennas development. Development in new small size antennas and without energy concentration in more amplitude angle.

2 RTD performers.

Partners sought and role in the project:


1. SME with experience in software development (ICT, electronics, computing …) EU (preferably non-spanish) Develop the new communication system to synchronized the RFID information and transmit this to the ERP of the company.

2. SME with experience in hardware development (ICT, electronics, …) EU (preferably non-spanish) Development of multiplexor and amplifier to do not attenuate the signal and do not distortion it.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Jordi |Last name: |Quiles Ruiz |

|Address: |Albert Einstein 1 |Postal Code: |46980 |

|City: |Paterna |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0032 474 371 678         |Fax Number: | |

| |0032 474 371 678 | | |

|Email: |jordi.quiles@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ITENE |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Corporate Development |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-583

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-583 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-12 15:37 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-12 15:37 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |

|Sub Area 2: |Nanotechnologies |


Proposal name:

New halogen free flame retardants based in nanotechnology for ABS compounds



The aim of this project is to improve the halogen free flame retardant behaviour (mechanical, rheological and fire properties) for the ABS compounds used in electric and electronic devices, by the employment of different nanoparticles


Proposal Outline:


1.- Selection of commercial/modificated nanoparticles. Characterization

2.- Halogen free flame retardant (HFFR) modification

3.- Dispersion of the new HFFR in ABS compounds

4.- ABS compounds fabrication

5.- End final product obtation  


Already existing consortium:



SME: flame retardant producer

SME: nanoclay producer and modification

SME: ABS compounder

RTD 1: Nanoparticles dispersion and polymer characterization

RTD 2: Fire behaviour characterization

 Partners sought and role in the project:


A SME that produces electric and/or electronic devices using ABS compounds from East Europe countries.

In the project, this SME should test the ABS compounds fabricated with the new halogen free flame retardant based in nanotechnology.

|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |SARA |Last name: |VILLANUEVA |

|Address: |AREA ANARDI, Nº5 APARTADO 134 |Postal Code: |20730 |

|City: |AZPEITIA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              + 34 943 81 68 00         |Fax Number: | |

| |+ 34 943 81 68 00 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |FUNDACIÓN CIEMCO |Type of Organisation: |Non Profit Organization |


|How did you find out about|Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-IT-536

|PS ID: |PS-SME-IT-536 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-13 10:25 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-13 10:25 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |

|Sub Area 2: |Measurements / Testing |

PS details


Proposal name:

LIVECaLIGHT - Enlighting in vivo Ca signalling for drug discovery.


The Mains Scope of LIVECaLIGHT project is to develop a suit of new tools (equipment, reagents, biological tools and experimental procedures) for in vivo and ex vivo bioluminescent Calcium imaging useful for preclinical drug development and biomedical research.


Proposal Outline:

Calcium is an important second messenger involved in the regulation of key mechanisms of all cells.

Intracellular Ca2+ is central to a multitude of physiological processes ranging from neuronal signaling and exocytosis to muscle contraction and bone formation. Abnormalities in Ca2+homeostasis and -signaling have severe pathological consequences and can result in neurodegeneration, disorders of the central nervous system, skeletal muscle defects, heart disease and skin disorders among others.

Also many drugs act as modulators of intracellular Ca2+ signaling through a variety of molecular targets. On the other side more recent experience demonstrates mitochondria calcium homeostasis to be unintended off targets of many drug therapies and new drugs in development and responsible, at least in part, for the dose-limiting adverse events associated with a large array of pharmaceuticals and on toxic adverse effects leading to drug development failures.

Therefore the study of intracellular Ca2+ signaling in live cells, tissues and animals is of fundamenta relevance for biomedical research and successful and safe drug development.

There are generally two classes of Ca2+ indicators: genetically encoded proteins and chemically engineered fluorophores.

The development of Ca2+ sensitive bioluminescent proteins and of optical imaging technologies, offers new approaches to study calcium signaling in live animals and tissues for the development of pharmaceuticals and the identification of undesired toxic effects of chemicals for use in human care or nutrition .

Specific aims of the LIVECaLIGHT project will be:

- develop biological and experimental systems for in vivo and ex vivo Ca2+ signaling

- develop hardware components suitable for measuring in vivo and ex vivo Ca2+ transients by means of optic imaging

- develop software for image processing and quantitative Ca2+ signaling measure

- develop chemical substrates for Ca2+ sensitive bioluminescent proteins, that have increased performance for in vivo and ex vivo applications


Already existing consortium:

•  SME1: developer and provider of life science industry research products and services. The company has generated and functionally validated a mouse line (Phototopo) constitutively expressing in every tissue the improved Ca2+ sensitive photoprotein mPhotina®. Here it is committed to the development of Ca2+ imaging biological systems (animal, tissue preparations, experimental protocols and procedure) derived form Phototopo to provide new research products for evaluation of candidate drugs, food components as well as other chemicals for animal or human use.

• RTD1: SME with focus on research and development of animal models for optic imaging, with applications in drug development and other life science industrial sectors.

Partners sought and role in the project:


• SME2: developer or manufacturer of laboratory hardware components/imaging systems

• SME3: developer or manufacturer of chemical components for bioluminescent imaging

RTD Performers:

• RTD2: laboratory engineering research group or SME for development of hardware components

• RTD3: chemistry group for development of improved substrate for in vivo bioluminescence.

• RTD4: software house for development software for image processing and quantitative measuring



• Final user: a provider of multimodality imaging services for life science industry


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Paola |Last name: |Tarroni |

|Address: |Via Olgettina, 58 |Postal Code: |20132 |

|City: |Milano |Country: |Italy |

|Phone Number: |              +39022105639         |Fax Number: |+39022105602 |

| |+39022105639 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Axxam spa |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: |Discovery Research |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-586

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-586 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-19 13:48 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-19 13:48 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Biotechnologies / Genomics |


Proposal name:



Inmunology, Novel biotechnological vaccines development


Proposal Outline:

Present project focuses on the development of a novel collection of vaccine delivery vectors to ease the generation process of new vaccines against a wide range of pathogen organisms. Such vectors will be designed by the manipulation of attenuated human pathogens, specifically through the modification of the bacterial nanoinjection system to allow the injection of heterologous molecules (antigens). These molecules will boost the CD8-T cell immune response to efficiently remove the infection causing pathogen. Furthermore, different constructs of these vaccine carriers will be specifically designed to appropriately modulate host inflammatory response in order to increase pathogen elimination.

In this sense, these delivery vectors will be highly flexible, to provide protection against different human pathogens, either for prevention or therapeutical strategies


Already existing consortium:

2 RTD from SPAIN

1 SME from SPAIN


Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for SMEs working on vaccines development, biotechnological vaccines, Inmunology and/or pharmaceutical/biomedical SMEs interested in the design and development of live vaccine carriers.

RTD Performers:

Research institutions and /or technological centers with expertise in the field of vaccines development and infectious biology, immunity, microbiology, biotechnology and molecular biology.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |ocio |Last name: |mercedes |

|Address: |parque tecnologico de alava |Postal Code: |01510 |

|City: |vitoria |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34945298144         |Fax Number: |+34945298217 |

| |+34945298144 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundacion LEIA, CDT |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-590

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-590 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-19 13:51 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-19 13:51 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

CLUE, Development of a new CLOUd-based system for Energy Efficiency in buildings


This project aims to introduce new technologies in this market, in order to make the systems more intelligent and more open. Intends to develop a system of control and monitoring: HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning), sanitary warm water, lighting and CO2 emissions control. In other words, it is meant to every company that wants gather information of the buildings.

By the accomplishment of the aims it is expected to save consumptions and to allow manage in real time.

More specifically, this means the adoption of techniques derived from the Artificial Intelligence field, and the use of Cloud Computing technologies.

The required knowledge are:

• Creation of Cloud-Based infrastructure

• Design and development of remote data-acquisition HW

• Knowledge of other engineering fields that need remote data of buildings (electrical energy use optimization in buildings, lightning, CO2 emissions control, etc.)


Proposal Outline:

The control and monitoring systems currently used in the industry have not evolved much in the last years. Nowadays the current situation in the market is:

• Each installation uses proprietary control systems.

• Each proprietary control system uses their own communication software, and storage technology/format.

• Even if it is possible to store data in a server, it is difficult to analyze data coming from different installations (the software is not normally designed for that).

• It is very difficult to use/integrate information coming from other vendor’s monitoring systems.

All those things causes information blockade.

The description of the system will be defined as following:

• Each installation uses some way to send data to the “cloud”.

• In the cloud, data is available for anyone interested in using it (with the right permissions)

• Data is independent of its source (avoiding vendor lock-in)

• Based on the cloud data, high added-value services can be created.

• Each “actor” uses the infrastructure and data to create new services/value.

• The cloud acts as data and software container.

• Data is open to (re)use.

• Multiple data from multiple installations can be analyzed /used.


Already existing consortium:

At the present there are some partners, but for the moment I can only comunicate two of them profiles:

• RTD (Spain) with experience in the application of A.I. techniques to automate data analysis, and create high added-value services based on that data.

• SME (Spain) with experience in the installation and remote monitoring of different kinds of heating systems for buildings. It is the leader of the project.

Partners sought and role in the project:



1. SME’s which are, installer and maintainer of: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning; sanitary warm water; lighting, CO2 emissions control.

2. End users, as: Organisations, associations, etc.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Maria |Last name: |Vitores |

|Address: |Sierra de Aloña, 7 |Postal Code: |20014 |

|City: |San Sebastian |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |34 943 314990 |Fax Number: |34 943 311823 |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Engineering |Type of Organisation: |Industry - SME |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |European Commission | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-596

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-596 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-19 13:53 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-19 13:53 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |

PS details


Proposal name:

ACOUSMONSYS: Integrated Wireless Energy Harvesting Acoustic Emissions Sensor with an Innovative Monitoring System


Even though there are a huge variety of systems for predictive maintenance of mechanical parts available on the market, a great number of them do not fulfil the needs of SMEs. Most condition monitoring systems are unnecessarily complex, in that they try to identify the nature of the failure, or they involve up-front costs that many SME's find difficult to amortise. Traditionally, these systems have been designed to carry out either continuous, or discontinuous monitoring (off-line or hand held). If indeed continuous monitoring systems offer better maintenance, sensors are either wired directly to a central data monitoring system or use a complex wired communication system, resulting in a high system cost (600-800 € for the vibration sensor unit only), which deters many companies from installing the technology. As an alternative to continuous monitoring systems, companies recur to discontinuous monitoring services, thus carrying out periodic revisions on the state of their machinery, with the risk of catastrophic failure during the period between readings. Moreover, the use of specific instruments and well-trained operators leads to a more expensive maintenance As an alternative to continuous monitoring systems, companies recur to discontinuous monitoring services, thus carrying out periodic revisions on the state of their machinery, with the risk of catastrophic failure during the period between readings. Moreover, the use of specific instruments and well-trained operators leads to a more expensive maintenance method. Hence the need for investigation and development in this area.


Proposal Outline:

Recent developments in sensing technology, microprocessors, and miniaturized radio transceivers has enabled a new generation of Wireless Sensors Networks . The dream of the future is that ubiquitous sensing nodes will autonomously report on operating conditions, and these data will be used to facilitate structural health monitoring, embedded test & evaluation, and condition based maintenance of critical industrial rotating machinery.

However, in order to provide sensing networks which are truly autonomous, chemical batteries must be eliminated from the sensor and some kind of energy harvesting have to be foreseen. Piezoelectric materials have demonstrated their ability to convert vibration energy from vibrating machinery and rotating structures into electrical energy for powering a wireless sensing node . Hence, an acoustic emissions self-powered wireless sensor is the objective to be achieved in this project.



Already existing consortium:

We already have 5 partners and are looking for 2 more partners.

The partners we currently have are aquaired include

Condition Based Monitoring Consultants from the UK and France that will exploit north and south of Europe respectively.

A company that undertakes non destructive testing for the diagnostic of the damage and the failure of materials and structures - France

A company that produces sensors - Spain

An RTD that has expertise in sensor research - Spain

An RTD that will be involved in the fault condition characterisation - Spain

An RTD involved in sensor prototype and Network communications - Hungary

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for:


A company with experience in one of or all of the following:

• Sensors and wireless sensors

• Condition based monitoring

• wireless communications

• control systems

• ZigBee® and IEEE 802.15.4 wireless communication experience.

• Energy harvesting



Ideally the SME would come from a new member state


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |David |Last name: |Smith |

|Address: |Av. Bases de Manresa, 1 |Postal Code: |08242 |

|City: |Barcelona |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              (+34) 618074753         |Fax Number: | |

| |(+34) 618074753 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CTM |Type of Organisation: |Research |

| | | |Center |

|Department: |International Projects Department |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-605

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-605 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-23 11:49 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-23 11:49 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: |Security |


Proposal name:



The project objective is to develop a Paper Based Document authentication system, making use of innovative Image Hashing Techniques and/or Watermarking techniques, to be integrated into a flexible IT tool usable in a stand alone way or integrated with organizations’ systems.


Proposal Outline:

The project objective is to develop a Paper Based Document authentication system, making use of innovative Image Hashing Techniques and/or Watermarking techniques, to be integrated into a flexible IT tool usable in a stand alone way or integrated with organizations’ systems.

The innovative system authentication and its IT solution, will face the need of a trustable information exchange through paper medium, permitting to avoid fraud and deception. The project results will in fact enable SMEs, Public Administration, Banks, Insurance Companies and citizens to verify the authenticity of sensible paper based documents, such as financial information, personal identity information, etc.

The identified solution will extend to paper based documents the same degree of trust in authentication, and the same security level, as the established Digital Signature (DSAS) technique:

- Authenticity. The receiver of the document is always able to authenticate the signer

- Integrity. The receiver of the document is always able to determine if any change in the document, introduced after the document has been signed, occurred.

- Non-repudiation. The signer cannot deny the production of the signed document

The project will focus on (one or more of) the following activities:

a) Analyse the changes that are introduced in the analogical-digital conversion process, and define a model of acceptable information data noise in the passage between paper to digital documents

b) Find a proper representation of the images of paper documents able to drop accidental changes (introduced during the analogical-digital conversion process) and exposing semantic changes (meaningful to the reader)

c) The development of a new algorithms less sensible to noise, able to detect any meaningful changes (semantic changes) from accidental ones

d) Find a non-invasive way to embed security information in the document using standard printing hardware.


Already existing consortium:

Partners in the consortium:

Italy: RTD University + SME specialized in secured document generation

Spain: RTD R&D Center + SME specialized in secured document generation

France: RTD SME specialized in crypgraphy.

Partners sought and role in the project:


Non Spanish / Non Italian SME willing to act as End User of the application.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Gautam |Last name: |Rao |

|Address: |Borox 26A |Postal Code: |28042 |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34 61 864 69 17         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34 61 864 69 17 | | |

|Email: |g.rao@econet- |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Econet |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Other web sites | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-611

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-611 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-23 11:50 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-23 11:50 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |


Proposal name:

Development of a new running shoe in order to avoid injuries of European runners, including the training control and with a real time feedback


Aim: to develop a new running shoe in order to avoid injuries and prevent fatigue effects of European runners, including the training control and with a real time feedback.


Proposal Outline:

Aim: to develop a new running shoe in order to avoid injuries and prevent fatigue effects of European runners, including the training control and with a real time feedback.


Already existing consortium:

Reseacrh centers in biomechanics, electronics and telecommunications (Spain, Estonia and UK)

Sports footwear SME (Spain)

Electronics integrator SME (Estonia)

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME 1: Sensor developer (Not from Spain or Estonia)

SME2: Microelectronics developer (Not from Spain or Estonia)

SME 3: Mobile phone application developer (Not from Spain or Estonia)


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |MONTSERRAT |Last name: |BLANCO |

|Address: |UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA. |Postal Code: |46022 |


|City: |VALENCIA |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              + 34 963879160         |Fax Number: |+ 34 963879169 |

| |+ 34 963879160 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |OTRI |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-608

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-608 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-23 12:23 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-23 12:23 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

MOSSAIC: MethOdologies for Smes for Saas Adoption and applIcation Customization


The main goal of the project is to provide SMEs with a SaaS methodology for the migration of non-SaaS applications (legacy applications, part or complete) to SaaS applications taking into account not only technical issues but also the implementation of the SaaS business model in order to guide SMEs in the transformation of their business processes into a whole SaaS concept adding value to their products and services. Thus, this project aims to enable the preparation of SMEs for Internet of Services through the SaaS business model which is a useful issue for enterprises, lowering the total cost of ownership and fostering economies of scale.

On one side, this project will provide an innovative way to customize rapidly the SaaS applications resulted by the proposed methodology and, on the other side, the necessary changes related to the adoption of SaaS business model will be considered. This will pave the way to SMES to easily face this challenge while taking into consideration that the business model transformation entails not only the way they are used to offer their software applications (especial attention to the Long Tail of SaaS will be drawn) but also the way they are used to host their own daily applications for working.

Therefore within this project, several subjects will be investigated such as: requirements for SaaS, methodologies for SaaS migration, SaaS business processes, SaaS application development and utilisation, best practices and recommendations for SaaS migration and provision.


Proposal Outline:

The major expected results for the project are:

1. SaaS methodology for SMEs

a. Technological Side: software development for migration non-SaaS applications to SaaS applications highlighting customization of SMEs’ customers

b. Business Side: transformation of the SMEs’ business model into SaaS (business processes transformation will be also tackled)

1. SaaS methodology for SMEs: Technological Side

The technological side of SaaS methodology for SMEs aims to approach methods and practices to support the transformation from non-SaaS applications to SaaS applications but focusing on the customization of the service in order to increase the added value with respect to other SaaS applications in the market as well as the old on-premise application.

Aspects like how to generate trust on their consumers (who will also need a change of mentality), will be treated by means of creating new migrated SaaS applications more secure, with the same Quality of Service (QoS) as before, with a signature of an SLA.

2. SaaS methodology for SMEs: Business Side

The business side of SaaS methodology for SMEs aims to transform the business structure towards SaaS taking into account the changeover form a product-oriented company to a service-oriented company , both in the way the SMEs offer services and in the way the SMEs daily work with their own applications.

Several Business Models will be studied in the course of the project and the result will be criteria to select the most adequate model depending on the type of SaaS application, the potential market and the size of the company. In line with this issue, the companies will be able also to know in an automatic way their ROI and payback, to decide whether it is convenient or not to migrate a certain product to SaaS. Criteria for this can be, for instance, low sale numbers or customers with this application.


Already existing consortium:

As RTD perfomers:

- Fundación European Software Institute (ESI-Tecnalia) - Spain

- Fraunhofer ISST - Germany


As SMEs:

- SME1 (Bulgaria)

- SME2 (Bulgaria)

- SME3 (Spain)

- SME4 (Bulgaria)

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for SMEs (outside Bulgaria) that develop "packaged" software that is later sold and installed in companies (an example of this kind of software would be MS Word) and want to migrate their product to offer it as a service over the Internet (like for example, Google Docs) but do not know how to do it, neither they know which business model they should use once the software is migrated and they want to sell it as a service (Should they offer it as "pay as you go", or "subscription"...?).


Role of the companies

SMEs focus on specifications (what are their needs and problems that they are facing in this topic), testing and validation of project results as well as in receiving training.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Leire |Last name: |Orue-Echevarria |

|Address: |Parque Tecnológico. Ed. #204 |Postal Code: |48170 |

|City: |Zamudio |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34944209519         |Fax Number: |+ 34944209420 |

| |+34944209519 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundación European Software Institute |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |R&D / Services for Digital Business |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact| | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-FI-614

|PS ID: |PS-SME-FI-614 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-20 16:09 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-20 16:09 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: |Aquaculture / Fisheries / Marine Technologies |

PS details


Proposal name:

SALTREDUCE - Novel means for salt reduction in seafood products


The intake of salt (NaCl) is far above recommendations given by the European health authorities. Currently consumers seek for health-beneficial foods, and fish has already a positive perception of being healthy. However, the high salt content of many seafood products counteracts this health image and affect consumers’ food choice. SALTREDUCE will generate healthier seafood products for consumers by developing means to reduce/replace salt (NaCl) in products without deteriorating the product quality and microbial stability.

Three seafood SMEs, one catering service company and three qualified RTD institutes from three countries will carry out the research and disseminate the results of the project. A technology provider is searched: a SME company which has experience in reducing salt from e.g. meat products, which can provide systems how to inject salt to products or a salt/ flavour company.


Proposal Outline:

In this project the aim is to develop novel techniques to reduce the salt content of seafood products. The objective is to determine the lowest level of salt required to obtain products with ensured microbiological safety and high sensory and technological quality. Various NaCl replacers, enhancers of salty taste and biotechnological processes will be applied to compensate the quality changes resulting from salt reduction. Different types of chilled seafood products will be studied in the project.

SALTREDUCE is expected to result in competitive advantage, increased demand of low-salted seafood products and significant increase in market shares, first to the participating SMEs, and subsequently to the whole seafood sector.


Already existing consortium:

Three seafood SMEs, one catering service company (OTHER) and three qualified RTD institutes from three countries (Finland, Germany, Norway) are participating the project. The coordinator of the project proposal is VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.

Partners sought and role in the project:


A technology provider is searched: a SME company which has experience in reducing salt from e.g. meat products, which can provide systems how to inject salt to products or a salt/ flavour company.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Raija-Liisa |Last name: |Heiniö |

|Address: |PO Box 1000 (TT2) |Postal Code: |02044 VTT |

|City: |Espoo |Country: |Finland |

|Phone Number: |              +358 20 722 5178         |Fax Number: |+358 20 722 7071|

| |+358 20 722 5178 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Biotechnology |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-617

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-617 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-23 16:28 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-23 16:28 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |

PS details


Proposal name:

P.E.C. (Personal Enhanced Coacher for mentally disabled labour force)


The aim of the P.E.C. Project is to design, develop, test and validate a novel system which will

facilitate the inclusion of mentally disabled labour force through adapted coaching.

P.E.C. will be based on customized ICT coaching services enabled by several assistive technologies

(i.e. empowering communication technologies), complementary technologies (i.e. geographical

location systems) and the use of portable devices.

The system will be developed fulfilling several features we consider critical for achieving our aim, such as accessibility1 and usability. Furthermore, P.E.C. will be an intelligent coaching system, allowing for different degrees of interactivity with the users and enhanced with automatic customisation functionalities. Finally, it will be developed as a modular, scalable/flexible system in order to facilitate the future exploitation of project results.


Proposal Outline:

Coaching is a method of directing, instructing and training a person with the aim to achieve some

goal or develop specific skills. The aim of P.E.C. will be to:

- Train target users in doing new things related to autonomy in life.

- Assist them in case they suddenly get lost in activities they have learnt to follow.

Working with the personal profiles we are targeting involves important human difficulties which

will impact directly scientific and technological developments. Participation of all roles in the

inclusion chain, including end-users and their assistance entities, will be critical, especially during

the design, testing and validation stages.

The overall S&T objective of the project is to design, develop, test and validate an ICT-based intelligent

coaching system for the inclusion of people within working age (16-65) showing different levels of

mental disability. P.E.C will be capable of giving just-in-time in-situ assistance to the targeted users

in critical day-to-day activities enhancing their independence in life.

The system will be based on the use of portable mainstream and adapted devices; usable coaching

contents and adapted and accessible interfaces. Other technologies such as GPS location based

services will also be deployed.

Coaching methodologies/patterns will have to be designed for the different users and activities, the

e-service and necessary contents and interfaces will have to be developed, as well intelligence functionalities. Hardware will have to be

selected and all will have to be integrated. Communications will have to be implemented also.


Already existing consortium:

SME for the integration of the system (Spain).

SME for the future distribution of the system (Italy).

SME focused in content generation (Hungary)

RTD for the integration of the system, design of coaching patterns and development of interfaces (Spain)

RTD for the intelligence/interactivity of the system (Irland)

RTD related to advanced content generation and SW/HW adaptation (Cyprus)

Other: 2 entities involved in giving assistance to mentally disabled people, representing end-users (Spain and Greece).

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for SMEs in the field of assistive/adapted devices, especially in the areas of voice recognition and speech out technologies (SW and HW) as well as accessible software.


We would be open to include further entities representing end-users.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Eva |Last name: |G |

|Address: |C/Mozart, 42 |Postal Code: |28008 |

|City: |madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34652863799         |Fax Number: |- |

| |+34652863799 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |RTDI |Type of Organisation: |Consultancy |

|Department: |- |

|How did you find out about |Other National Contact Point | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-DE-602

|PS ID: |PS-SME-DE-602 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-25 15:55 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-25 15:55 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:

Fluid systems / fluid production


Fluid Logistics is a dynamic, flexible, environment-friendly novel turn key technology which allows for the individual access to a highly adaptive, fully automated, on-demand, "just in time" material flow and production. It will intelligently adapt its technology to a wide range of ever-changing situations, processes and needs in real time. Furthermore, storage, handling, and production can take place at significantly increased speed; thus requiring considerably less space and resources. An mobil, modular, scalable, compatible, universal Technology free from mechanics and rails with individual and parallel processes.


Proposal Outline:

Delivery at the right amount, at the right time, at the right place. The "Fluid Logistics" provides an absolute revolutionary new technology in the logistics and productions industry. We utilize IT-controlled, highly adaptable products in domestic logistics which significantly increases the performance in storage, handling procedures and manufacturing.

Based on the large-scale contactless and gearless-drive of electro-magnetic fields it is possible to move a variety of different goods and transport units automatically and totally free in space. Also it will have the ability to be provided with power and electricity. The design of the magnetic fields can be varied in form, frequency and strength, so that the produced transport units or plant modules turn in all directions.

Any types and sizes of objects can be moved separately, whether it is shelved, small boxed, palletted or even containerized. The moving objects can also be passive, because engine, transmission, energy storage and sensor technology are outsourced. All goods can be moved either individually or simultaneously according to the users' demands. The system allows the fulfillment of "just-in-sequence" processes and dynamic structures. Key components are modular, scalable, combinable, mobile and universal configurations of „Plug & Play“ components for production platforms. With the mechanism-free technology, a disruption or a breakdown of the system is nearly eliminated.

Units and disruptive factors can be identified in their position and their behavior and automatically bounded through a combination of stator integrated sensors and RFID structures. The system manages and converts material flows and processes cognitively.

The environment friendly product does not produce any waste, noise or pollution. The cost-efficiency for the user ranges up to 70% savings; the initial cost savings are up to 60% in storage space.

This highly agile system enables an automatic adaptation for all infrastructures such as logistical processes, warehousing and production lines; constantly changing itself for any situation and demands in real time.

The project is set-up by German SMEs and universities. Other participant SMEs and universities are sought, as well as RDT performers. The expected project duration is 30 months.


Already existing consortium:


SME: Softwareengineering in Warehouse- and Productionsystems and Inhouselogistics - Germany


Research institution:

University: Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives - Germany

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME with expertise in following fields:

- Logistic Company´s (Preferably Intralogistics, material flow and conveyor techniques)!

- Softwareengineering in Warehouse and Productionsystems or Inhouselogistics

- Productionsystem Development

- Mechanical Engineering / Machine Construction

- Mathematic Optimization and Artificial Intelligence


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Nina |Last name: |Gibbert |

|Address: |Abraham-Lincoln-Strasse 38-42 |Postal Code: |65189 |

|City: |Wiesbaden |Country: |Germany |

|Phone Number: |              0611 774-8494         |Fax Number: | |

| |0611 774-8494 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |HA Hessen Agentur GmbH |Type of Organisation: |Others |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact Point| | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-632

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-632 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-25 17:29 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-25 17:29 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Food |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

Fish canning industry


The general stagnation of the fisheries and the regression of traditional fisheries of pelagic species such as anchovies, tuna and bonito, have meant large loses to the primary extractive sector and consequently to the canning industry. It is being harsh to the transforming fishing industry of the Cantabric coast due to its dedication during decades to tinned food (tuna and anchovies). On top of that, the majority of the companies of the agro-food sector of the Basque Country, and particularly the ones related to sea products manufacturing, are mostly SMEs with little human and economical resources for R&D.

On the other hand, changes in consumer’s lifestyles have caused changes in their consumption and eating habits. In this sense, new trends towards diet habits in addition to the big competition between canning industry and food industry have force companies to get involved in innovative processes to develop new fishing-derivative products.

Necessity of innovate in product and to differentiate from competitors in terms of high quality have demonstrate the necessity for canning industry of developing novel products based on fish that meet with new requirements of consumers.



Proposal Outline:

The general objective of the project is to recover fish canning industry in the Gulf of Biscay and in other regions of Europe with a similar problem by mean of research and development of new trout-based products of high organoleptic quality in combination with novel preservative technologies, aimed at helping SMEs from different EU countries to raise their competitiveness in global market.

The main processes that will be achieved in the project are:

- To utilize as a raw material trout coming from aquiculture that will allow to fishing processing industry to develop a competitive business, achieving a product that will be stable during the year and defeating that traditionally anchovies have been a seasonal product, very variable in quality, availability and consequently in price.

- To develop new preservative methodologies which allow lengthening the shelf-life of the product, considering that it is made of a very perishable matter such as trout.

- To develop new trout-based healthy products, enhancing their omega-3 fatty acid profile, being processed with natural raw materials, ingredients and additives to achieve high nutritional and organoleptic quality.

- To build up a quality management system for trout, studying the quality of the product from the breeding phase till the final product offered to consumers, both at nutritional and organoleptical level.

- To overcome and increase the competitiveness problem of anchovy processing SMEs, helping them to innovate in product.

The proposed project will contribute to:

1. To overcome a common problem that affect to anchovy manufacturing industry in the Bay of Biscay due to the scarcity of the product, that is directly affecting to the gradual decrease of productivity and competitiveness of this sector.

2. To avoid the seasonal character of anchovies, which makes it very variable in quality, availability and consequently in price.

3. To carry out a technological surveillance to identify new trends in food consumption that will help to meet a market niche as regards ready-to-eat dishes based on trout that are considered by consumers as healthy food.


Already existing consortium:


CNTA - RTD (Spain)

INRA - RTD (France)



Partners sought and role in the project:


- SME: To carry out the scale up of probiotics


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Amaia |Last name: |Fernandez |

|Address: |Pº Santxiki 3bis |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Mutilva Alta |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034948198000         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034948198000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |NATIONAL CENTRE FOR TECHNOLOGY AND FOOD |Type of Organisation: |Research Center|

| |SAFETY - CNTA | | |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Events attended / organised by TransCoSME | | |

|us?: |partner / SME National Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-629

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-629 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-25 17:35 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-25 17:35 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Health care |

|Sub Area 2: |Medical / Biomedical equipment |


Proposal name:

MARCH - Ambulatory Device for Foot Pressure Monitoring


The aim of the March project is to develop and validate a novel, price-competitive ambulatory device for monitoring the foot pressure, temperature and moisture during the gait of the patient during several days in a continuous way for applications in foot clinics and hospitals on people with foot problems as it could be patients who suffer from diabetic foot, aching or fragile foot, etc. who need ad-hoc insoles, shoes, socks or whatever footwear. The system will also be useful for monitoring activity in order to estimate energy expenditure or other activity/load profiles.

March project will fill a gap in the market and will attend the growing demand of giving solution and prevent from the foot ulcers apparition in patients with diabetic foot syndrome on being capable of monitoring during a long-term period. March will be based on an innovative wireless matrix of PTM sensors (pressure-temperature-moisture) over a soft comfort holding insole, which will send the data to an optimised mini-logger or storage unit. In order to optimise the battery to achieve an ergonomic device it will be included piezoelectric microgenerators or energy harvesters to charge partially the mini-battery allowing for the desired device autonomy (1 week), as well as an ad-hoc data analysing software for monitoring the data from patients.


Proposal Outline:

The aim of the March project is to develop and validate a novel, price-competitive ambulatory device for monitoring the foot pressure, temperature and moisture during the gait of the patient during several days in a continuous way for applications in foot clinics and hospitals on people with foot problems as it could be patients who suffer from diabetic foot, aching or fragile foot, etc. who need ad-hoc insoles, shoes, socks or whatever footwear. The system will also be useful for monitoring activity in order to estimate energy expenditure or other activity/load profiles.

March project will fill a gap in the market and will attend the growing demand of giving solution and prevent from the foot ulcers apparition in patients with diabetic foot syndrome on being capable of monitoring during a long-term period. March will be based on an innovative wireless matrix of PTM sensors (pressure-temperature-moisture) over a soft comfort holding insole, which will send the data to an optimised mini-logger or storage unit. In order to optimise the battery to achieve an ergonomic device it will be included piezoelectric microgenerators or energy harvesters to charge partially the mini-battery allowing for the desired device autonomy (1 week), as well as an ad-hoc data analysing software for monitoring the data from patients.

The objective of the project is to develop each of the components necessary for achieving the required ambulatory device for monitoring three variables (pressure, temperature and moisture) in the gait which influence on the apparition of ulcers in patients with diabetic foot syndrome (although it could be used also for other kind of patients). These components are:

- advanced matrix of sensors from which an instrumented insole will be developed

- autonomous, ergonomic and intelligent mini-datalogger using rechargeable and flexible batteries through piezoelectric energy harvesting

- ad-hoc visualization and analysis software


Already existing consortium:

End User. SME. Spain. Its role within the project will be the project management as well as the coordination and leader in the dissemination and exploitation of results. Moreover it will support most of WPs providing information due to its expertise in this field.

End user. SME. Spain. Foot clinic. Its role within the project will be to support in the definition of functional and technical MARCH requirements and the main role will be during the clinical validation.

RTD. Microelectronics. Spain. Its role within the project will be to lead the design and development of the matrix of sensors and support in design and development of the minidatalogger, in the development of the ad-hoc analysis software and during the integration of MARCH system.

RTD. Software. Spain. It will lead the development of the ergonomic, flexible and autonomous minidatalogger and in the development of the ad-hoc analysis software and due to previous experience in projects of this type , it will support strongly the rest of WPs.

RTD. UK. Its main role within the project will be leading the whole Integration and validation of MARCH product but focusing on the clinical validation being supported by one of the SMEs.

Partners sought and role in the project:


Sensor SME. This SME will support the WP2 “Sensor Matrix Design”, provide the sensors required for the prototype and provide information in the piezoelectric energy harvesting during the design and development of the datalogger.

Microelectronic SME.This SME will participate in the miniaturization of the datalogger, in the connection with the instrumented insole and in the design of the multifunctional alarm

Software SME.  It will participate in the design and development of the ad-hoc analysis and visualization software.


|Title: |Ms. |

|First name: |Irene |Last name: |Sanchez |

|Address: |Mozart 42 7º C |Postal Code: | |

|City: |Madrid |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34915485459         |Fax Number: | |

| |+34915485459 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Inspiralia Tecnologías Avanzadas |Type of Organisation: |Research Center|

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-UK-412

|PS ID: |PS-SME-UK-412 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-25 18:16 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-25 18:16 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Electronics / Electrical Industry |

|Sub Area 2: |Machinery / Instruments / Sensors |


Proposal name:

Stay Cool - novel, light weight, long endurance, personal cooling system


Personnel working in hot environments are at risk of heat exhaustion. This risk is reduced by limiting working times or by provision of cooling systems. Firefighters engaged in the control of wild land fires are at particular risk due to high temperatures, radiant heat levels and the logistical difficulties of reducing exposure to a high heat load environment. Current personal cooling systems have low efficiency or duration or both. The need is for an effective personal cooling system with sufficient duration (> 1 hour) and low ergonomic burden to the wearer.



Proposal Outline:

The project will take a proof of concept demonstrator heat pipe garment developed by us, and make it comfortable to wear, improve its shelf life, and to develop a concept for a miniature evaporative cooling technology with its electronic control system to build a personal cooling system to take to market.

The programme is well developed and an electro-mechanical SME is required.


Already existing consortium:

RTD - Development of the heat exchanger (UK)

SME - Project coordinator (UK)

SME - Personal protective clothing distributor and consultant on end user requirements (UK)

SME - Personal protective clothing manufacturer (Bulgaria)

RTD - Design for manufacture (Spain)

RTD - Textile test and evaluation centre (Italy)

Partners sought and role in the project:


SME - to fulfil supply chain role manufacturing and supplying of a novel design forced air heat exchanger coupled to the heat pipe garment to integrator of the system. (not Bulgaria). Will have skills to manufacture a small heat exchanger; research will have identified the best geometry for the heat exchanger and the nature of the control algorithm for a fan to control the rates of supply of evaporant, and volume flow of air through the exchanger


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Graham |Last name: |White |

|Address: |QinetiQ, Cody Technology Park |Postal Code: |GU14 0LX |

|City: |Farnborough |Country: |United Kingdom |

|Phone Number: |01252 296909 |Fax Number: | |

|Email: |gwhite@ |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |QinetiQ Ltd |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Human Protection and Performance Enhancement |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National | | |

|us?: |Contact Point | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-622

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-622 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-26 09:48 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-26 09:48 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Materials processing |

|Sub Area 2: |Information and Communication Technologies |


Proposal name:



Currently, the whole world is increasing its interest and concerns about Environmental topics such as Climate Change, CO2 and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, etc. These worries have caused a serious impact in public administrations, industries and final customers, which are more a more requiring efficient and eco-friendly aspects in the products they buy.

Regarding to this issues, Carbon Footprint concept was born as the total set of GHG emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, event, organisation or product. The aim of the project is the development of a software tool for carbon footprint calculation. The need from this kind of tools is born from retailers, which demand packing industries a way of measuring how eco-friendly products are when they arrive to final customers.



Proposal Outline:

Activities in this project involve different approaches:

• Research in procceses in packaging industries related to GHG emissions, CO2 emissions and different approaches in environmental topics regarding these kind of industries.

• Design and analysis of the tool to-be-developed. This will include different steps in software development as well as validation and approval of the tool.

The SMEs will have different roles in the proposals:

Final users: Describing its impacts in environmental issues as producers of different types of packaging

Exploiters: IT Services companies will assess in the development itself and have an importat role in future exploitation

Exploiters: Environmental Services companies will both collaborate in development (analysis, validation of methods used) and in definition of the problems found to measure carbon footprint.


Already existing consortium:

Plastic Packaging Manufacturers (from Spain) --> SMEs Final Users

IT Services companies which will exploit the tool developed (Spain and Italy) --> Exploiter SMEs

Environmental services companies which will exploit results of the project (Germany and Czech Republic) --> Exploiter SMEs

RTDs which will perform the research. (Germany, Spain and Czech Republic) --> RTDs

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are looking for an SME with following profile:

- raw materials provider for manufacturers of plastic pacackging -

We'd like to find a partner which could be a provider for final users SMEs in this project, in order to cover all steps in the value chain. This profile of SME is interesting as having the first stone in the creation of environmental impacts is thought to be an important step in the definition of methodologies to calculate the carbon footprint of packaging industries.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Antonio |Last name: |Dobón López |

|Address: |Calle Albert Einstein 1 |Postal Code: |46980 |

|City: |Paterna |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034948198000         |Fax Number: |0034948198000 |

| |0034948198000 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |ITENE |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |Sustainability Department |

|How did you find out |Friends & colleagues | | |

|about us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-635

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-635 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-26 15:39 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-26 15:39 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Information and Communication Technologies |

|Sub Area 2: | |


Proposal name:

Lean Process Management for IT SMEs (MASTERY)


Develop and deploy a framework for quantitative and value-driven management of processes that are critically important for the SME’s business.

The RTD providers develop the framework based on:

SMEs’s( needs and requirements

Six Sigma(

Lean Development(

The RTD providers also provide training on the developed framework to the SMEs.


Proposal Outline:

The key activities within the Mastery project are therefore:

- A needs assessment and requirements gathering stage: the purpose of these activities is to identify, characterise and prioritise the most pressing issues of participating SME’s and formalise a set of requirements for LeanFIT. An initial evaluation of the needs and problem areas for participating SME’ s has already been included in this proposal but this will be further expanded and formally detailed.

- A study of the best configurations of LeanFIT as a knowledge based system that generates an improvement road map tailored to the needs of the organisation. The improvement road map will result in a set of training modules, Lean Six Sigma tools and templates, economic models, references and best practices that will assist the SME in devising and implementing its own improvement programs

- The specification and development of the LeanFIT framework adapted to the objectives and improvement programmes defined by the SME’s

- The identification of appropriate knowledge transfer mechanisms within (and beyond) the consortium. These will include classroom training and coaching on the application of the Lean Six Sigma framework and on the use of LeanFIT as a support tool for managing improvement initiatives

- Assessment of the effectiveness of the framework (by means of user acceptance and feedback and verification of the initial business case) and definition of a longer term strategies for extending the framework to other problem areas.


Already existing consortium:

RTD performer1: Spain

RTD performer2: UK

SMEs: 2 from Spain

SMEs: 2 from Bulgaria

Partners sought and role in the project:


We are searching for an SME (except from Bulgaria and Spain) that is interested in applying Lean Six Sigma for improving quantitavely thier processes.

The role in the project will be as specified in the work programme.


|Title: |Mrs |

|First name: |Teodora |Last name: |Bozheva |

|Address: |Parque Tecnológico Edif. 204 |Postal Code: |48170 |

|City: |Zamudio (Bizkaia) |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              +34-944209519         |Fax Number: |++34-94-420 94 20 |

| |+34-944209519 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |Fundación European Software Institute |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: | |

|How did you find out about |Friends & colleagues | | |

|us?: | | | |

Partner Search: PS-SME-ES-403

|PS ID: |PS-SME-ES-403 |

|Status: |open |

|Date of last Modification: |2009-11-27 11:50 |

|Date of Publication: |2009-11-27 11:50 |

|Call Identifier: |Research for SME Call 2010 (FP7-SME-2010-1) |

|Activity Area: |Research for the benefit of SMEs |

|Funding Schemes: |Research for the benefit of specific groups (SME) |

|Evaluation Scheme: |Complete Proposal |

|Closure Date: |03/12/2009 |

|Sub Area 1: |Textile / Leather / Wood |

|Sub Area 2: |Chemical / Petrochemical |

PS details


Proposal name:

Coatings for the wood from seaweeds and seeds of grapes (ECOATING)


 The purpose of ECOATING is the development of coatings for wood and derived materials based on polyurethane from renewable sources. During the execution of this project the use of seaweed and residues of grape are foreseen as renewable sources with the purpose of reducing the consuption of petroleum, a non-renewable source. The coatings must display suitable phyisical-chemical, rheological and mechanical characteristis so being apt for their use in the furniture industry.



Proposal Outline:


The main objective of the project is to develop coatings based on polyurethane from renewable sources (seaweed and seed of grape) sith physical, chemical, rheological and mechanical properties suitable for its use as a product for the finishing in the furniture industry, reducing the petroleum consumtion and eliminating the organic solvent use in its formulation.

As technical objectives:

To design and optimize the extraction process of essential components( (polysaccharides, vegetal oils) from seaweed and seed of grape like renewable sources useful for obtaining of polyols.

To design and optimize the( methodology for the synthesis of polyols from essential components coming from renewable sources and characterization of their properties.

To design and( optimize the methodology for the polyurethane synthesis from obtained polyols.

To formulate coatings.(

To analyze the influence of the incorporation( of additives to the formulation of coatings.

To characterize the( properties of coatings obtained and adjust its use as finished products in the industry of the furniture.

Actions foreseen:

1. To design and to optimize the process of extraction of essential components from renewable sources. Characterization of essential components (purity, mixes, etc.)

2. Synthesis of components for the polyurethane formulation (chemical modification, treatment of essential components) and characterization of polyols

3. Optimization of the method of polyurethane synthesis from essential components resulting from the extraction and characterization of obtained polyurethanes (physical-chemical and mechanical properties)

4. Formulation of coatings (influence of their chemical composition) and characterization of the formulations obtained (physical-chemical and mechanical properties and adjustment to the use according to effective regulations for coverings used in the sector of the furniture)


Already existing consortium:

RTD performers are all selected.

An SME type 1 has already been selected in Spain 


Partners sought and role in the project:


SME 1: One or more companies in the area of outer furniture or urban furniture not located in Spain. Benefits: Better finishing for the furniture and less polluting for the environment. In this case the companies dedicated to the manufacture of furniture will benefit from final products for wood coverings which will provide better properties and an added value to the furniture. Since nowadays all the echo-friendly products have an added value, these companies will be able to see an increase in their volume of sales when using coverings originating from natural sources for their products.

SME 2: A company dedicated to the production of coverings for wood. In this case the company will be the beneficiary of the commercial exploitation of final products developed throughout the project

SME 3 : A company of intermediate products dedicated to the synthesis of polyols. This company will be beneficiary of an intermediate result that will be polyols originating from natural sources possessing the corresponding rights for exploitation.


|Title: |Mr. |

|First name: |Carlos |Last name: |Azorin |

|Address: |Perales s/n |Postal Code: |30510 |

|City: |Yecla |Country: |Spain |

|Phone Number: |              0034 968 752040         |Fax Number: | |

| |0034 968 752040 | | |

|Email: | |Web Address: | |

|Organisation: |CETEM |Type of Organisation: |Research Center |

|Department: |R&D |

|How did you find out about |TransCoSME Partner / SME National Contact | | |

|us?: |Point | | |


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