100 RV Tips And Tricks (Mack's RV Handbook) PDF

100 RV Tips And Tricks (Mack's RV



100 RV Tips and Tricks provides valuable information about RV's, ideas and tips that everyone who

owns a camper trailer can use. This BONUS editon offers extra tips to introduce this handbook


File Size: 468 KB

Print Length: 27 pages

Publication Date: October 21, 2014

Sold by:? Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled


Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #36,724 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in? Kindle

Store > Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > Sports & Outdoors #2 in? Kindle Store >

Kindle Short Reads > 45 minutes (22-32 pages) > Travel #8 in? Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks >

Nonfiction > Sports > Outdoors & Nature > Hiking & Camping > Camping

It is a great book for beginners. It gave me sooooo much information and we are total newbies to

rving. We have a 5th wheel for the first time. NO IDEA about it but soooooooo excited. This book

gave us a checklist of things to check before cruising. I feel so much better now. It is a lovely book

to have for reference and I think it will help us cut down on bad things that can happen. I totally

enjoyed reading it and it gave me the confidence I was looking for to BEGIN our Great Adventure


I'll be getting a travel trailer within the next year and was looking for information on how things

worked and what to expect. This little book had a lot of good tips on travel trailers that I didn't see in

other books.

Mixing one cup of Dawn dishwashing liquid with a gallon of water down the toilet to help wash out

the tank was a great tip!

Being a brand new travel trailer owner, I found this book very helpful. I keep it loaded on my kindle

and refer back to it often while camping.

Very good and basic information. And easy to understand instructions. Perfectly for the beginner

and a great refresher for the experience.

A very good resource and as a Springtime camping refresher. Written by a seasoned RV veteran

who was thoughtful enough to jot down many of the "little" things that are assumed as "common

knowledge". Many of the suggestions are golden nuggets of information that will go a long way in

enjoying my RV use from A-to-Z. I appreciate the details, important stuff I've forgotten. And this is a

great addition to my Kindle arsenal on RV life. Very easy reading, informative and succinct.


Downloaded this to my ipad. I found a few new tips in it I could use. You can't beat the price.

Good information. Quick and easy to read. For the beginner RV-er.

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