Copyright Notice

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Paleohacks, LLC retains 100% rights to this material and it may not be republished, repacked and/or redistributed for any purpose what so ever without the express written consent from the owners of Paleohacks, LLC


This guide is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. The use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this program. Before making any changes to your diet or undertaking an exercise program it is essential that you obtain clearance by your physician/doctor.

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1 The Makeup Myth .............................................................................................................................. 2 The 6 Worst Ingredients In Conventional Skincare Products ............................. 3 Basic Do's And Don'ts Of Natural Skincare ..................................................................... 5 Best Skin Care Routine For Your Skin Type .................................................................... 7 What To Eat For Clear Skin ......................................................................................................... 9



Natural Diy Foaming Hand Soap ............................................................................................ 15 3-Ingredient Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer ...................................................... 17 Coffee Coconut Oil Scrub Bars ................................................................................................ 19 Coconut Oil Bath Melts .................................................................................................................. 21 Muscle Relief Bath Bomb Recipe .......................................................................................... 23 3-Ingredient Berry Body Antioxidant Scrub ................................................................... 25 Homemade Water-Resistant Sunscreen ......................................................................... 27


Bentonite Clay Mud Mask ............................................................................................................ 30 Moisturizing Avocado Mask ........................................................................................................ 32

Strawberry Mask ................................................................................................................................. 34 Raw Honey Moisturizing Mask ................................................................................................. 36 DIY Anti-Aging Hibiscus Rose Facial Serum .................................................................. 38 DIY Serum To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally ........................................................... 40


Homemade Citrus Burst Facial Toner ................................................................................. 43 DIY Mineral Powder Foundation Recipe ........................................................................... 45


DIY Beetroot Blush Recipe .......................................................................................................... 47


Homemade Natural Eyeliner With Activated Charcoal & Coconut Oil ....... 49


Peppermint Lip Gloss With Coconut Oil ........................................................................... 51

Makeup Remover And Brush Cleaning:

Jojoba Carrot Seed Oil Homemade Makeup Remover ......................................... 53 3-Ingredient Makeup Brush Cleaner ................................................................................... 55


The skin is the body's largest organ, so taking care of your skin with healthy habits and nourishing food is crucial. Many conventional skincare products are toxic, but those toxins don't remain on the surface of the skin. Instead, we absorb numerous chemicals into our bodies. Choosing clean, natural skincare is a healthcare issue that is beyond skin deep. What we put on our bodies can affect our health from the inside out. Below, we'll show you how to choose the right natural products and food for your skin.

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The Makeup Myth

Sadly, many conventional cosmetics, skin, and body care products sold today are filled with toxic chemicals, dangerous ingredients, and fragrances that have hormone disrupting impacts on the body. (1) The chemical burden that is applied to the skin doesn't just stay there. Instead, when chemicals or toxins are absorbed through the skin, they circulate in the bloodstream and end up in the liver and other detox organs, creating a toxic burden. (2)

Shoppers have a common belief that companies can't sell something if it isn't safe, but this is a myth. Cosmetic, skincare, and body care companies frequently include ingredients in their products that are not thoroughly researched, or which have actually been proven to be unsafe.

Since women are the primary users of cosmetic and skincare products, the biggest concern comes in the form of endocrine disruption, or hormone imbalance. Using multiple products daily that contain plastics, parabens, and fragrances can create a body burden.

When you know how to read labels on makeup and cosmetic products, you will be better able to avoid the ingredients that have negative impacts on your body.

Tip: While we will cover the top offenders here, this is far from an exhaustive list of hormone-disrupting or otherwise nasty chemicals. The Environmental Working Group, or EWG, has an online database to help consumers make smart and clean choices for their cosmetics and skincare. It is called SkinDeep, and it is free to search.

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The 6 Worst Ingredients in Conventional Skincare Products

Parabens Parabens are used as preservatives, primarily in skincare and makeup products. They inhibit bacteria from growing, but when humans are exposed, they can also disrupt normal hormone production and mimic estrogen in the body, which can lead to problematic consequences like skin cancer and reproductive problems. (3)

Phthalates These ingredients are used to customize fragrances and scents. Nearly all cosmetic products, even those that don't have a strong smell, contain some form of fragrance. Because fragrances are considered trademarked by many companies, products don't always have to be labeled with "phthalates." So it's important to note that if something has a scent, unless natural ingredients are responsible for the fragrance, then phthalates are typically involved. These ingredients are also hormone disruptors; they can lead to reproductive toxicity and can even be problematic for breast cancer. (4)

Fragrance While phthalates can be associated with fragrance, a scent can be made of many other ingredients. Many labels will simply list "fragrance" or "parfum" as the ingredient, and not delve into what specifically was used to create the fragrance. Often, fragrances use a mixture of chemicals and natural scents to produce a signature smell. Fragranced products can be associated with reproductive toxicity, allergies, and topical skin irritation. (5)

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BHT Short for "butylated hydroxytoluene," BHT functions as a preservative in numerous skincare, cosmetic, and even food products. It is a common skin irritant and can also lead to organ toxicity and reproductive problems. (6,7) Lead Perhaps the oldest known offender, lead is still predominantly found in conventional makeup products like lipstick, eyeliner, nail polish, blush, and anything else that has a deep pigmentation. Lead contamination is associated with cancer, reproductive problems, developmental disorders, and an overall cumulative body toxic burden. While it's found in small amounts in most cosmetics, it easily absorbs through the skin. (8,9) DMDM Hydantoin Another preservative used to prevent mold growth, DMDM hydantoin is often found in makeup and hair products. It releases formaldehyde to stop the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. While the companies don't directly add formaldehyde, this product produces formaldehyde, so it can be just as harmful. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and can also irritate the eyes, skin, and lungs. (10)

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