Goddard Park Primary School

Suggestions for activities to support your child’s learning and development – Early YearsWeek 6 – 27th April – May 1st 2020Hungry Little Minds website has lots of activities that are in line with the current social distancing guidance and to give families some more inspiration for activities they can do whilst they are at home with their children.Fun ways to make marks Use a plastic cup as many pens as you like, tape them to the pot and watch them enjoy making their own patterns and develop mark making and pre-writing skills Kids will have fun making their own DIY Paintbrushes! With each creation children will be given the opportunity to discover the different textures, designs, and looks that they can achieve as they use each style of paint brush! Tracing numbers or letters using ear budsSorting – recognising numbers Use an old egg box and encourage your child to place the correct amount of corresponding buttons 2647950375285or dried beans, change up the numbers and add a pair of tweezers or kitchen tongs to challenge your child and develop their fine motor skills. 188595010795Get your child involved in making these simple Activities.Make a simple number line with some strawsOr string and some toilet rolls Number weave - attach cut up toilet rolls with numbersto some card (old cereal box), staple some string or ribbon to the bottom and ecourage your child to thread in number orderSimple number jigsaws – use some paper plates or circles of card from a cereal box, draw on the numbers and corresponding spots, or get the child to add stickers to make up the design. Use playdoh to engage children with numbers 2902585100965Number towers Using numbered cups young children love to stack and a simple way to learn the number sequence Window Number GamesUse white board marker (which wipe off easily) to guide your child to make a number line.? A fun game to play is to call out a number and have your child rub the number outHave an indoor picnic or tea partyLay out an outdoor tablecloth on the floor for lunch—kids think it’s a big treat to do the everyday in a special place, and have a little tea time in cups with saucers, alongside crackers or bread for an afternoon treat. Add some soft toys and encourage your child to share cups and plates, help prepare the snack – spreading the butter and practice their pouring skills. Shapes are everywhere, Learning shapes not only helps children identify and organize visual information, and it helps them learn skills including reading, math, and science. An early step in understanding numbers and letters is to recognize their shape. Learning shapes also helps children understand other signs and symbols. A fun way to help your child learn shapes is to make a shape hunt game. Cut a shape out of paper and have fun searching your house or garden for objects that match that shape. Or, gather a number of different objects, and help your toddler sort them into piles according to shape. Copying simple shapes ................

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