Design an Integer Board Game or Card Game

7___ Name:_________________________ Date:____________

7 MAT – Number Sense

Assignment: Design an Integer Board Game

Your task is to design a game to help practice integer skills. You will have to make a few decisions before designing your game:

• What skills do you want to practice in the game?

(choose at least 2 – add, subtract, multiply or divide, or all of them?)

• Do you want to work alone or with a partner? (partner must be in your class)

• What theme do you want your board game to be based on?

You may begin brainstorming your game once you have successfully made up your mind in answering the above questions. Please make sure that your game meets the following conditions:

• You must include a typed sheet of rules explaining how to play the game.

• You must explain how a player can win the game (include this in your typed direction page).

• You must create the game pieces (research some cool ideas for DIY game pieces – Pinterest is a great place to start!)

• You must package your game to sell! Design a box for your game with an advertisement on the cover.

• The board game MUST be no larger than 10”x10” (it can be square or rectangular and it MUST fit in your box).

• Have fun with this assignment!

Note: You will be given some time in class to start but you are expected to work on the rest of the assignment on your own time.

Please turn this sheet over and read over the rubric. You must turn in the rubric with the game and your work. Please be sure to use the assignment checklist, as this will help ensure that you have not missed any important game components.

DUE DATE: Wednesday, May 22nd , 2013

Before you hand in your assignment, be sure to include the following:

← Typed/Written sheet of rules of the game (include directions for how to win the game)

← Package the game (design your own) with advertisement on the cover

← Game pieces and materials to play (cards, dice, game pieces, game board)

← Include at least 2 of each type of problem: number line, pictures, real world situation

← Rubric with your name on it

← Neat, colorful design

Expectations: 7.1A: Compare and order integers, 7.2C Use models & number lines to add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers

Assignment Rubric

Criteria A: Knowledge and Understanding

|Level 1 |The student attempts to create an integer board game. Work is messy and incomplete. |

|(5-5.9 pts) |Written explanation is attempted but very difficult to follow. Math work and organization is hard to follow. |

|Level 2 |The student completes an integer board game. |

|(6-6.9 pts) |Student has difficulty using the appropriate operations and practice questions do not make sense. |

| |Written explanation is difficult to follow. Work is somewhat neat. |

|Level 3 |The student completes an integer board game. |

|(7-7.9 pts) |Student uses the appropriate operations most of the time. |

| |Written explanation is somewhat clear. Work is neat. |

|Level 4 |The student completes an integer board game. |

|(8-10 pts) |Computations are all correct. |

| |Student’s work and drawing is neat. |

| |Written explanation is clear and very easy to follow. |

Criteria C: Communication

|Achievement level |Level descriptor |

|1–2 |The student shows basic use of mathematical language and/or forms of mathematical representation regarding operations with integers. Board|

| |game questions are difficult to follow or do not make sense. |

|3–4 |The student shows sufficient use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation regarding operations with integers. The |

| |lines of reasoning are clear though not always logical or complete. |

| |The student moves between different forms of representation (number line, words, pictures) with some success. |

|5–6 |The student shows good use of mathematical language and forms of mathematical representation regarding operations with integers. The lines |

| |of reasoning are concise, logical and complete. |

| |The student moves effectively between different forms of representation (number line, words, pictures). |


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