Our Church Mailboxes are in place by the Family Life ...

lmmanuel Christian Reformed Church

December 3, 2017


We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will encounter God through prayer, worship, and his word.

Guest mailboxes are located after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries.

This morning we welcome Rev Scott Hoezee as he leads us in worship.

Offerings: General Fund & Building Fund

This evening our Sunday School will present their Christmas program, A Little Bit of Christmas.

Offering: Kids Hope



8:45AM Ruth Pohler

11:00AM Tammy Wolters, Michelle Gulker,

Grant Gulker, Evan Nieuwenhuis

5:30PM The nursery room will be open but unstaffed

Next Sunday:

8:45AM Tammi Victory

11:00AM Alicia Ter Keurst, Phyllis Wigger,

Monica Hoogeboom, Abby Dykstra

5:30PM The nursery room will be open but unstaffed


Today: The Prophets Show the Way

11:00AM Holly Vredevoogd, Colin Nieuwenhuis

Next Sunday:

11:00AM Amy Wigger, Analiese Vredevoogd


10:00AM Education Hour



6:30PM GEMS & Cadets


7:00PM Knitting Ministry


12:00PM Seasoned Citizens Christmas Lunch


8:45 & 11AM Guest Pastor Scott Hoezee

Luke 3:1-20 The Shrill One

Offerings: General Fund & Level Three Tuition Assistance

5:30PM Guest Pastor Jerry Van Groningen

1 Corinthians 12:14-26 The Red-Nosed Rudolph Reminder

Offering: Kids Hope


No Education Hour

12:15PM The In Gathering/Potluck - FLC

6:30PM Crossroads


Elder Brian Wigger

Lanenga, Laninga, Larsen families


The flowers in the sanctuary are in honor of the following birthdays:

Ron Rozema December 5

Mary Kremers December 6

Hazel Coy December 20


Mel Brink is now receiving hospice care at home. Please pray for God’s peace & strength for Mel, Elizabeth and their family.

Gladys Bosgraaf – Waterford Place, rehab

Marge De Boer - chemotherapy

Les Knot - immunotherapy

Agnes Koomen – Sheldon Meadows, hospice care

Joe Lems – severe back pain

Joan Miller - The Laurels of Hudsonville, hospice care

Sharon Ondersma – M.S.

Pete Van Rijs – durable cancer remission

Karla Veldink - chemotherapy


Corporal Josh Ter Keurst – Marines

Captain Ron Thenn – Army

Lance Corporal Trevor Vedders - Marines

Community Freedom Ministry



Remember in prayer and with a card this week:

Clara Timmer, Arie Verkaik, Adaline Lems


Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in United Arab Emirates.


Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Director of Children & Youth Education, Lisa Vander Veen.


Pray for Rev Joel & Marilyn Van Dyke and their work with Resonate Global Mission.


Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card: Rachael Hoekwater, Kati Pohler, Jenny Schout


Pray for God’s blessing on our Youth Ministries.


Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street.

Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY


Circle Letter A – Seasoned Citizens Christmas Lunch

Join us for a Christmas lunch this Friday, December 8, at 12PM, in the FLC. Music by Chuck Brower will follow. If you plan to attend, please circle Letter A in the Friendship Folder.


The In Gathering/Potluck

Join us next Sunday, December 10, for the In Gathering/Potluck in the FLC following the 11AM worship.

The idea is to GATHER as a community of believers to stay connected and to get to know each other better.  We can’t think of a better way to do this than to “break bread” together as they did in the early church.  We hope and pray that you will join us as we build this “community” during this time of transition.

We ask that those whose last names begin with:

A-M – bring a salad or dessert

N-Z – bring a hot dish

Also, please bring your own tableware.

Coffee & juice/water will be provided.

Questions?  Please contact Linda Schut (334-5875) or Marianne Postma (669-4055).


For the month of December, we will be collecting small boxes of gelatin and ramen noodles.

Crossroads Christmas Card Delivery – December 10

Our Crossroads and leaders will be delivering Christmas cards next Sunday afternoon, December 10. You may add your cards to the Christmas bags that are on the ledge by the north entrance. The bags are labeled with the following names:

Agnes Koomen Gladys Bosgraaf

Ralph Bosgraaf Bertha Brink

Fannie Roelofs Clara Timmer

Joan Miller Julie Capestany

Adaline Lems Hazel Coy

Sharon Ondersma Evelyn Vander Kooi

Mel & Betty Brink Arie Verkaik

Kay Alsum

Kids Hope Christmas

Please stop by the Giving Tree to make a donation to our Kids Hope Christmas bags!  Each year we like to give the kids a little gift, and it always makes them feel loved and special.  There are many donation options available and most of them can be purchased at a dollar store. Thanks for helping to put a smile on the faces of our Kids Hope students!  We will collect donations until December 13.

Guess What Time of Year It Is....Christmas For Cancer!

We will be collecting hats, socks, blankets, cups w/ straws, and hard candy again and delivering each bag to the Lacks Cancer Center. We would love for you to join in this giving project this year! All items will be collected from now until December 17.

There is a collection box for all items by the mailboxes. Feel free to contact Pete or Jane Van Rijs with additional questions.  Every year so many cancer patients are touched through these bags. Thanks for all your continued support!

Elective Teachers

I'm looking for some people to teach a 6-week class during the months of January and February.  Please consider teaching some fantastic middle school kids or amazing high schoolers.  In the time of transition, it is so important to keep educating our youth, and reminding each of them that they matter.  They are wanted here at church.  Please let me know if you are available and willing.  Lisa Vander Veen (danlisaveen@)

LIFE SKILLS Program: Local Mission Opportunity

Are you looking for a way to walk with someone who is seeking support and transformation?  Do you have an hour a week to be used by God to make a difference in someone's life?  Love INC offers a Thursday night Life Skills program right down the road at Hillcrest CRC and there is an immediate need for mentors. Join us in spreading God's love through this relational opportunity.

If you are interested in learning more please email Kaitlin at Kaitlinv@

Immanuel Mission Committee

Supper for Seven – February 17

We hope you all enjoyed your night of fellowship at our Suppers for Seven! Special thanks to all our host homes for providing the main dish & table for groups to gather.

Save the date for February 17 and join us again -- or if you missed it, then join us this time! Sign-up will come later, but mark your calendars!


November 26, 2017

General Fund $8,412

Benevolent Fund 909

Holland Rescue Mission 113

General Fund Year-to-Date

Received $245,054

Budget goal 274,494

Over (Under) (29,440)

Budget received – 89%

Fiscal year – July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018

To fulfill our General Fund budget,

an average weekly offering of $12,477 is necessary.

Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings.

December Corners Offering – Women at Risk Int’l

Contributions to Immanuel can be made in four ways:

• Weekly offerings during our worship service

• Online giving through PayPal

• Auto-giving through your bank

• Mailing a check to the church address

Thanksgiving Offering

Benevolent Fund $2,300

Bethany Christian Services 100

Bible League International 145

Building Fund 1,945

Calvin Seminary 10


General Fund 2,490

Holland Rescue Mission 20

Hudsonville Christian School 280

Immanuel Cadets 120

Immanuel Knitting Ministry 50

Kids Hope 8

Legacy Fund 1,170

Level 3 Tuition Assistance 1,180

Love INC 300

New City – Grand Rapids 500

Resonate Global Mission 465

Short-Term Missions 1,490

Unity Christian High School 230

World Renew 675

Zuni 50


Requested Announcements can be found on our website.


Revive Million-Dollar Moment Revive would like to pause a moment to recognize God’s abundant blessings. With a distribution of $150 per student this fall (the highest payout yet!), Revive has reached a total of $1.2 million given to our Christian schools since opening its doors in 2010! To the families of Allendale, Borculo, Hudsonville, Jenison, Lamont, and South Olive Christian Schools and Unity Christian High School, we hope you feel our support and prayers. And to the community that continues to donate, shop, and support Revive, we offer a million – make that 1.2 million! – thank yous!

To celebrate, shop Revive on Thursday, December 7, to receive 35-75% off storewide along with several other deals and giveaways! For more information, visit .

Love INC Opportunities

• The Spirit of Christmas This event will provide Christmas for local, eligible families in need, offering them a Christmas shopping experience. We are in need of donations - new gifts for ages newborn to adult, wrapping paper, bows, etc. - as well as volunteers for the event. To find out how you can get involved, email lindap@ or call 616.662.3300 x 114.

• Do you love Pinterest or DIY Projects? If you love woodworking, crafting or painting, we'd love for you to check out the Love Restored Ministry! This is a group of volunteers who donate their time and talent in our campus paint workshop to create items to sell in our resale store. Flexible days, flexible hours.

Facebook: loverestoredministry or call Kaitlin 616.662.3300x127 or 


Right to Life Holiday Auction will be held on Thursday, December 7, from 12-8PM (dinner at 5PM). If you would like to attend our auction and dinner, please RSVP to our office (616-396-1037 or rtlholland@) no later than November 23 by 3PM. Thank you!

The King’s Choraliers Christmas Concert – You are invited to take some time during your Christmas season to reflect and immerse yourself in the message of God’s love shown in the birth of Christ through song.  That “Good News” of God with us, Emmanuel, will be shared through the music of this 30+ voice male chorus!  It’s the same “Good News” that the shepherds heard, the same “Good News” that the magi responded to – the “Good News” that a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord.  Will you come and join us as we worship Him this Christmas season?  Please come!  Our special musical guests will be Strike, the percussion ensemble of Caledonia Middle and High Schools.

December 10, 2017 at 7:30 PM

LaGrave Christian Reformed Church

107 LaGrave Ave., SE

Grand Rapids, MI. 

A freewill offering will be received

We at Matthysse-Kuiper-DeGraaf Funeral Homes would like to make this a memorable Christmas for local children who have experienced the recent loss of a parent. We are partnering with the Jason Kinzler Family First Foundation to bless 50+ children in our community with a special gift. Please consider joining us in this effort by dropping off a new, unwrapped gift for a child (age 9 months to 18 years). We hope to "Fill The Fountain" at our 4145 Chicago Drive location with gifts to show care and compassion to those grieving families. We will accept gifts at our Kentwood (4646 Kalamazoo SE) and Wyoming (4031 Clyde Park SW) locations as well during business hours from December 1 to December 20. 

The Voices of Victory will be holding their annual Old Year’s concert on Sunday evening, December 31. Please note that the concert location has changed - instead of at Hudsonville Reformed Church, the concert will be held at Bethel United Reformed Church - 8360 Cottonwood Dr, Jenison, MI 49428 (formerly First Jenison CRC).

As in previous years, you are invited to come and go as you please at any time between 8 & 11PM. Refreshments will be served. A freewill offering will be taken for Georgetown Harmony Homes. Join the Voices of Victory and their guests, the Sacred Harmonies quartet, and participate in joyful audience singing throughout the evening!

City on a Hill in Zeeland is in need of a volunteer to clear sidewalks of snow this winter.  A snow blower is available to use.  We are hoping to have snow removed first thing in the morning but are open to other possibilities.  Please contact Gary Ellens at 748-6061 for questions or to volunteer.



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