DIY Gift Making Bulk - Frontier Co-op

DIY Gift Making




Table of Contents

Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Curry Spiced Mixed Nuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tandoori Spiced Gourmet Popcorn . . . . 5 Pumpkin Spice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rosemary Thyme Turkey Rub . . . . . . . . . . 7 Gogi Berry, Ginger & Dark Chocolate Trail Mix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cinnamon Orange Potpourri. . . . . . . . . . . 9 Choose a Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

For printable gift tags, visit: munity/how-to/diy-gift-making-with-bulk

Chai Spiced Hot Chocolate

Makes: 10 17-ounce jars


You'll need ? 10 cups Frontier Organic Dry Milk Powder ? 6? cups powdered sugar ? 3?/8 cups Frontier Organic Cocoa Powder ? 7 tsp Frontier Organic Ground Cinnamon ? 6 tsp Frontier Organic Ground Ginger

? 4 tsp Frontier Organic Ground Cardamom

? 3 tsp Frontier Organic Allspice

? ? tsp Frontier Sea Salt

? 10 17-ounce jars

To make 1. In a large bowl, combine dry milk powder, powdered sugar, cocoa

powder, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, allspice and salt. Whisk until well combined.

2. Divide into jars, seal and decorate.

Get creative To make spiced hot chocolate, omit the cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and allspice. Attach small bottles of Irish Cream, Kahlua or Peppermint Schnapps to the jars.

To make a hot chocolate with some heat, replace the cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and allspice with only ? tsp cinnamon and ? tsp cayenne pepper.

To make the gifts more visually appealing, layer the ingredients instead of mixing together.

To use Combine ? cup mixture with 1 cup boiling water and stir until well combined. Serve hot chocolate with whipped cream if desired.

Curry Spiced Mixed Nuts

Makes: 10 38-ounce jars

You'll need

? 2 tbsp + ? tsp Frontier Sea Salt ? 1? tsp Frontier Organic

? 1 tbsp + 2 tsp Frontier Organic Fenugreek Powder

Ground Cumin

? 5/8 tsp Frontier Organic

? 1 tbsp + 2 tsp Frontier Organic Ground Cinnamon

Ground Coriander

? 5/8 tsp Frontier Organic

? 2 tbsp + 1? tsp Frontier

Mustard Seed Powder

Organic Ground Turmeric

? 1? cups coconut oil

? 1? tsp Frontier Organic Ground Cardamom

? 1? tsp Frontier Organic Ground Ginger

? Just under 14 pounds mixed nuts (almonds, cashews and pecans)

? 10 38-ounce jars

? 1? tsp Frontier Organic Ground Cayenne

To make

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. In a small bowl, combine salt, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, ginger, cayenne, fenugreek, cinnamon and mustard seed powder.

3. In a pot over low heat, melt coconut oil. Stir in the spice mixture and turn off heat.

4. Working in batches as necessary, place nuts in a large bowl and coat with spice oil, then toss until well coated. Transfer to parchment paper-lined baking sheets. Place in oven and roast for 5 to 8 minutes, stirring every 2 to 3 minutes, until aromatic and toasted. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

5. Divide into jars, seal and decorate.

Get creative To make smoky spicy nuts, substitute 4 tbsp paprika, 4 tbsp smoked paprika, 1 tbsp cayenne and 1 tbsp mustard seed powder for the spice mixture.

To make sweet cinnamon nuts, prepare nuts without spice mixture. Once the oil-coated nuts are cool, dust with a mixture of 4 tbsp cinnamon and 10 tbsp sugar. Toss until well coated.

To use Simply eat up!


Tandoori Spiced Gourmet Popcorn

Makes: 10 17-ounce jars


You'll need

? 1 cup Frontier Organic Ground Coriander

? ? cup + 2 tbsp Frontier Organic Ground Ginger

? ? cup Frontier Sea Salt

? ? cup + 2 tbsp Frontier Organic Ground Cumin

? ? cup + 2 tbsp Frontier Organic Ground Turmeric

? ? cup Frontier Organic Smoked Paprika

? ? cup Frontier Organic Ground Cardamom

? 10 small baggies

? 162/3 cups (about 10 pounds) popcorn kernels

To make 1. In a small bowl, combine coriander, ginger, salt, cumin, turmeric,

smoked paprika and cardamom. Whisk until well combined.

2. Divide mixture into baggies, secure with twine and set aside.

3. Divide popcorn kernels into jars, tuck 1 baggie into each jar, seal and decorate.

Get creative To make sweet cinnamon gourmet popcorn, substitute 12 tablespoons salt, 26 tablespoons sugar and 12 tablespoons cinnamon for the spice mixture.

To use Combine 1 tbsp spice mixture with 3 tbsp vegetable oil. In a 3-quart or larger pot over medium-high heat, heat another 3 tbsp vegetable oil. Add 1/3 cup popcorn kernels and cover with lid. Shake pot gently and allow kernels to pop. Once popped, transfer to a serving bowl, drizzle spiced oil over the top and toss until well coated. Enjoy!

Pumpkin Spice

Makes: 10 pint jars

You'll need

? 11? cups Frontier Organic Ground Cinnamon

To make In a large mixing bowl, combine cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger,

allspice and ground cloves. Divide into jars and seal.

? 2? cups Frontier Organic Ground Nutmeg Get creative

? 2? cups Frontier Organic Ground Ginger ? 2 cups Frontier Organic Allspice

To make the gifts more visually appealing, layer the ingredients instead of mixing together.

? 1? cups Frontier Organic Ground Cloves

To use Use in pumpkin pies, fold into whipped cream, sprinkle on

lattes, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, granola and more!


Rosemary Thyme Turkey Rub

Makes: 10 pint jars

You'll need ? 6? cups Frontier Organic Ground Thyme

? 6? cups Frontier Organic Ground Rosemary

? 3 cups + 2 tbsp Frontier Organic Ground Sage

? 3 cups + 2 tbsp Frontier Organic Black Pepper

? 1? cups Frontier Organic Garlic Powder


To make 1. In a large bowl, combine thyme, rosemary, sage, black pepper and

garlic powder. Stir until well mixed.

2. Divide into jars, seal and decorate.

Get creative To make the gifts more visually appealing, layer the ingredients instead of mixing together.

To use Brush a turkey with olive oil, then season generously with turkey rub.


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