
centercenter00Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Task PAGEREF _Toc436913729 \h 2Background PAGEREF _Toc436913730 \h 3Previous Activities PAGEREF _Toc436913731 \h 5Situational Analysis PAGEREF _Toc436913732 \h 7Research Results PAGEREF _Toc436913733 \h 8Competitive Analysis PAGEREF _Toc436913734 \h 10Target Audiences PAGEREF _Toc436913735 \h 11Marketing Objectives PAGEREF _Toc436913739 \h 23Communications Objectives PAGEREF _Toc436913740 \h 25Positioning Statement PAGEREF _Toc436913741 \h 27Key Messages PAGEREF _Toc436913742 \h 29Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc436913743 \h 31Cautionary Points PAGEREF _Toc436913744 \h 32Spokespeople PAGEREF _Toc436913745 \h 33Strategies and Tactics PAGEREF _Toc436913746 \h 34Creative Execution PAGEREF _Toc436913747 \h 41Media Plan PAGEREF _Toc436913748 \h 47Budget PAGEREF _Toc436913749 \h 49Materials PAGEREF _Toc436913750 \h 50Distribution Plan PAGEREF _Toc436913751 \h 51Sustaining Activities PAGEREF _Toc436913752 \h 53Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc436913753 \h 55Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc436913754 \h 56Appendix PAGEREF _Toc436913755 \h 61Task Primary Task: Increase interest in purchasing Rumble from 25% to 40% among our target audiences aged 18-35 from the launch date of January 1st, 2016 to January 1st, 2017. BackgroundThe People Rumble was founded and created in 2008 by Paul Underhill, who was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic lung disease. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle was important for Paul throughout his life, but became more crucial as his condition worsened. Because Paul was unable to find a product that contained the healthy nutrition that he needed, he decided to develop his own nutritional shake. Using his household blender, Paul created a delicious supershake that combined hunger-fighting protein with thoughtful nutrition. During this time, Paul received a double lung transplant; throughout his recovery, he used this newly-developed product to help him regain his strength while on a limited diet. Upon recovery, Paul teamed up with Steve Hughes – a friend with experience in the food industry – to get the company started. Rumble was then joined by Dr. Kim McQueen, a naturopath who helped to refine the formula, and James McQueen, who provided the business savvy. Their aim was to produce a convenient and nutritious supershake that would cause a rumble throughout the health food industry. After many years of research and development, Rumble was officially launched in November 2012. The Victoria company set their sights on creating a brand that was as honest and authentic as the product itself.The Product Rumble is an all-natural, nutritional, protein-packed supershake that combines health with guiltless indulgence. It was developed through a goal to create a supershake that would not compromise taste for health. The product is based on the idea of “thoughtful nutrition:” every ingredient in the supershake is there for a purpose. 20 grams of protein and 3,100 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids are packed into the 355ml bottle. Additionally, Rumble is the only nutrition shake that contains organic flaxseed oil. Moreover, Rumble is gluten-free, soy-free, GMO-free, and 99.8% lactose-free. The product comes in three delicious flavours: Dutch Cocoa, Vanilla Maple, and Coffee Bean. Rumble is sold in a re-sealable aluminum bottle, which is both environmentally friendly and incredibly convenient for the consumer. Rumble is also the first official ‘nourishing drink’ in Canada.The Cause As a socially conscious company, Rumble is concerned with the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit. Fittingly, one of Rumble’s core aspects is their product integration with charity. Rumble is a member of One Percent for Hunger, a charity created by Paul. The aim of One Percent for Hunger is to make companies aware that humanitarianism is part of doing good business. As the name implies, One Percent for Hunger’s members donate 1% of every purchase to charities that fight hunger. These charities are regional, national, and international, and they include organizations such as The Mustard Seed, Food Banks Canada, and Grassroots International. Currently, there are twelve charities that benefit from One Percent for Hunger, and four member companies that contribute.The Distributors Rumble is currently sold in over 1,500 stores across Canada, including Whole Foods, Thrifty Foods and The Market. Additionally, Rumble is widely available in many specialty grocery stores, gyms – such as CARSA at the University of Victoria – and various coffee shops. It can also be purchased in bulk online through Amazon and YesWellness. Both of the target audiences included in this plan are most likely to purchase Rumble at their local Thrifty Foods, specifically at the Tuscany and James Bay locations in Victoria, BC. Rumble retails for approximately $4.16 per bottle, and can be bought in a bulk case of 12 for $49.97. However, prices can vary depending on the establishment.Previous ActivitiesRumble has a limited history of marketing activities. Upon our first meeting, it became apparent that marketing has not been a large priority for the company, as there was no team member specifically delegated as the communications specialist. Despite this, Rumble has made several attempts to create brand awareness among their consumers, including their appearance on CBC’s Dragons Den in 2014, which has been their most prominent event thus far. After Rumble had been pitched to the Dragons, every investor in the Den wanted to work with the company, which is quite rare. Each of the five Dragons made an offer, and the Rumble team decided to accept Arlene Dickinson’s proposal of $200,000 in exchange for a 20% equity stake in their company. Before the official deal was made, Rumble received a separate offer from an investor that had more experience in the beverage industry, and they decided to decline Dickinson’s offer in order to work with said investor. Moreover, Rumble hired a public relations firm to help them leverage their appearance on the show.Rumble has chosen to market their product to audiences that share their passion of living a healthy lifestyle. Paul Underhill is an avid cyclist, and has participated in myriad bike races as both a competitor and an event sponsor. The most widely-publicized race that Rumble has sponsored and Paul has ridden in is the annual GearUp4CF (Cystic Fibrosis) race, where participants cycle from Vancouver to Banff over a 9 day period. Additionally, Paul has participated in the annual Cross on the Rock cyclocross race series, mountain biking events – such as the Cross Country and Enduro – and Victoria Cycling League criteriums. As a sponsor, Rumble has played a role in events such as the Mind Over Mountain Adventure Race (MOMAR) and Stand Up Paddle (SUP) competitions, where they have provided their supershake to the podium finishers. In addition, a number of athlete ambassadors endorse Rumble, particularly through social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter; this has increased product awareness among athletes, many of whom have requested to become Rumble ambassadors. Presently, there has only been one event where Rumble has been the sole sponsor: the Rumble Time Trial. The event took place in May 2013, and was held on Dallas Road. The Rumble Time Trial was a portion of a three-day race that included the annual Bastion Square Grand Prix and the BC Provincial Road Race. Even though Rumble bought the naming rights to the competition, the company did not receive any recognition. Many participators and race observers had no idea what Rumble was or why the company was sponsoring the event. The Rumble team considers this event to be their most elaborate, yet largest failure in promotion.During our interview, Paul seemed unsure of the exact brand image that he wanted Rumble to convey to consumers. One of the most prevalent marketing issues that Rumble faces is the lack of clarity among consumers when it comes to understanding the product and its benefits. Due to its high protein content, Rumble can often be confused for a meal replacement or a medical nutrition drink, of which it is neither; this may lead to disappointment among consumers. Although Paul’s story credits Rumble for assisting with his recovery, the Rumble team is afraid of becoming categorized as a medical product, as this could render the product unattractive to other potential customers. Rumble is seeking to reposition their product as an all-natural protein supershake in order to appeal to a wider population and to clarify its purpose to consumers.Situational AnalysisCommunications ImplicationsStrengthsA fair percentage (~50%) of individuals in Rumble’s target audiences are aware of the productEasier for Rumble to get these individuals to buy the product because they have heard about it beforeWeaknessesHave very little marketing communications currentlyA lack of marketing communications mean fewer salesCommunications budget for Canada is quite low ($40,000) due to the high budget ($400,000) allocated to communications efforts in the United StatesRumble has to focus on lower-cost communications, rather than TV ads or ads in top magazinesThere is a decent level of brand awareness in the target audiences, but many of them aren’t buying RumbleRumble needs to effectively communicate the product qualities and benefits to their target audiences in order for them to make a purchaseOpportunitiesThere are many affordable communications options in Victoria, such as bus ads, newspaper ads, small magazine ads, etc.Rumble can afford to place their communications across multiple mediums, capitalizing on the multiplier effectThere is a big potential for partnerships with Cystic Fibrosis fundraisers, due to Paul’s connection with CF and the communityThis simultaneously works as advertisement and community involvement/support; people at the event are more likely to purchase Rumble after hearing Paul’s story and seeing/tasting the brand at the eventThere is an opportunity to sponsor athletic events in the community, such as organized runs (5ks, 10ks, etc.)Many members of Rumble’s target audience attend these events; therefore, Rumble can have a personal interaction with these individuals and create a relationshipThreatsCompetitors may have more capital to spend on marketing communicationsCompetitors can stifle Rumble’s communications efforts by outbidding them for paid spaceCompetitors may have more marketing communications expertise and abilityCompetitors may be able to overpower Rumble’s marketing communications through sophisticated and high-powered marketing expertiseResearch ResultsThe aim of the survey used for this plan (see appendix p.61) was to gain information about the target audiences of “Olivia” and “Sally.” This survey consisted of 15 questions, and 30 participants answered. Selected participants were between the ages of 18 and 31, and all identified as female. The data was collected from a combination of personal interviews and online survey responses (see appendix p.63 for graphs).Our results showed that 60% of participants had heard of Rumble before, but only 27% had purchased it previously.The majority of respondents stated that they would purchase Rumble if it was at their grocery store.When asked about what barriers would prevent consumers from buying Rumble, respondents felt that the price (the biggest barrier), not knowing the taste, and unknown ingredients would be the biggest issues.On the topic of nutritional science surrounding sports and staying active, 40% of participants felt they were ‘somewhat aware’ of information on the topic, while 37% claimed they were ‘very aware,’ and only 3% said that they were completely unaware.In terms of their interaction with city events, the majority of responses said they did not participate in any Victoria events; some mentioned that they did attend marathons, but they did not specify which ones.Participants were provided with three aspects of Rumble: charitable contribution, convenience, and health benefits. They were then asked which one they would rank as the most important to them. The majority of responders (63%) said that the health benefits was the most important aspect of Rumble, while 27% said convenience, and 10% said charitable contribution.Participants were asked which media platform (including both digital and traditional) would be best to reach them on. Facebook was the most popular, followed by Instagram. In terms of traditional advertising, TV, Radio, and Bus Stop Ads were tied for the top choice among responders.InterpretationThe data collected in this survey allowed us to create this plan with a better understanding of the beliefs and motivations of the target audiences. One of the key questions in this survey asked what aspect of Rumble was or would be the most important to them. Throughout the surveying process, it became clear from participants’ answers that the charitable feature – which the Rumble team had told us that they try and integrate into the brand – caused confusion and disinterest among responders. When discussing One Percent for Hunger, there was a common theme: participants wondered why the percentage contributed was only 1%, and what kind of impact this contribution would make towards fighting hunger. Consequently, a decision was made to not prominently feature the charity in advertising campaigns, and to instead focus on the health benefits and convenience of Rumble. In turn, it is recommended that Rumble reconsider their charitable strategy so that they explain the concept of their charitable contribution more clearly, and demonstrate what 1% from each purchase of Rumble can do to fight hunger.Regarding the AIDA process, the results of the survey focusing on interest and purchase behaviour towards Rumble indicated that these target audiences had only accomplished the Awareness and Interest portions of the process (see Strategies and Tactics p. 34). Moreover, this data revealed that these target audiences need assistance through the use of marketing communications to reach the final stages of the AIDA process and commit to purchasing Rumble. As evidenced throughout this plan, the achievement of these portions of the process became the central goal of the strategies and tactics aimed towards these target audiences. Finally, the information gained regarding media exposure will be crucial for carrying out the proposed strategies and tactics and for any future marketing communications campaigns that Rumble commits to. In a world where media constantly surrounds us, it is crucial to know the target audience and where you can catch their petitive AnalysisBrand NameEnsure OriginalBoostIsagenixVega One Price (355mL)$11.99 per pack of 6; approx $2 per bottle $12.49 per pack of 6; approx $2.08 per bottle $46.95 per box of 14; approx $3.35 per serving Single pack is $3.99 Location National NationalNational National Current Communications TacticsOnline, in grocery store sales Online, in stores sales OnlineOnline, in stores sales Can you buy singles or only in packages of multiple? Can buy in packs of 6Can buy in packs of 6Offered in large powder containers offering 14 servingsOffers single packets of powder, or small/large containers Key Messages Balanced nutrition Protein packed, meal replacement Many benefits and usagesClean nutrition PackagingWebsite Social MediaThey have a Facebook icon on their page but the link doesn’t go to any page, when searchedCould not find any social media for BoostTwitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube Target Audiences“Olivia” the outdoor, active enthusiast DemographicsOlivia is a young, determined woman between the ages of 25 and 35. She is a single and was born in Victoria to a middle-class family. After completing her primary education in Victoria, Olivia decided to move away to pursue her post-secondary studies. She graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Commerce from the Haskayne School of Business, and a minor in Computer Science. Currently, Olivia works as a Web Designer at Meade Design Group, located on Government Street in Victoria, BC. She works full time and earns an income between $40,000 and $60,000 per year. Her present work schedule is from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, with a one-hour lunch break that she normally takes at 1:00 pm. Olivia is renting her bachelor apartment, which she shares with her Scottish Terrier mix, Blue (named after Beyoncé’s daughter). We estimate that the market volume for Olivia is approximately 1,400 in Victoria, BC, Canada. GeographicOlivia lives in Villa Natalie, an apartment building in James Bay. Her home is next door to James Bay Square, which allows her to do her grocery shopping at the James Bay Thrifty Foods, and walk to work within 20 minutes. Villa Natalie is approximately 20 minutes from Dallas Road, and Olivia often goes on her daily run to and from Ogden Point with Blue after she returns home from work around 6:00 pm. In the summer, she frequently walks her dog to the Moss St. Market to buy fresh produce. During the weekend, Olivia enjoys spending time with her friends; they regularly eat dinner at one of their favourite restaurants downtown, such as Rebar, and then make their way to The Bent Mast for drinks. In addition to running, Olivia also enjoys yoga, which she practices at One Yoga on Menzies Street. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she often meets her work friend at the yoga studio, where they exercise from 7:00 am to 8:00 am before they go to the office. After they complete their workout, Olivia and her friend get tea or a tea latte at Discovery Coffee before they walk to work. With the exception of grocery shopping, Olivia prefers to do all of her shopping online. Typically, she finds shopping in stores to be inefficient and often disappointing. PsychographicsOlivia leads an active, youthful, and experiential lifestyle. Although she is always willing to try something new, Olivia is responsible enough to be aware of consequences and take calculated risks. As an achiever and experiencer, Oliva maintains a goal-oriented outlook on life and an enthusiastic, young vibe. Even though she is single, she is open to a relationship, and can see herself having children in the future. Because Olivia has chosen to live in James Bay, environmentally-conscious choices are convenient for her; however, she does not personally identify with environmental issues. Regarding food, Oliva holds a similar stance: if all-natural and organic products are at her Thrifty Foods, she will buy them. If they are not available at that location, Olivia will not go out of her way to find them, especially because she is usually on foot. Her desire to eat healthy and buy organic products stems from the social norms within her generation that suggest that doing so is the proper way to eat. She is not concerned about weight or body image, but is instead motivated to stay active and fuel her body with the proper nutrition so that she does not become limited by health issues. Olivia’s worry is not substantial enough to prevent her from eating fast food after a night out with her friends; she simply believes that it is important to make the nutritious choice more often than not. Reading Women’s Health online supplies Olivia with her health and nutrition knowledge. She knows enough to stay healthy and make the right choices, but she is not bothered with the science behind it. As a morning person, Olivia values the start of the day and likes to feel accomplished early on in her day. Because of this, Olivia prefers to run errands and go grocery shopping on Saturdays before noon. Blue does not frequently accompany Olivia on her errands unless they are going somewhere where Blue can run around. Since Olivia is incredibly conscious of being a responsible dog owner, she believes that it would be inconsiderate to bring her dog to places where people may not feel comfortable interacting with a pet, such as a grocery store. Olivia loves to stay active, and her favourite way to do so is by running. She likes to run outdoors, and often participates in local marathons that range from 5-10 kilometres. Although she prefers to run alone, Olivia will occasionally run with a group from work on the weekends. Instagram provides Olivia with a platform to chronicle her life and her fitness achievements. Photography is enjoyable for Olivia, as comes naturally to her through her artistic career, and she feels that her sense of accomplishment is reinforced through “likes” on her photos. Because she is alone most of the time, Olivia tends to feel slightly insecure about her social life; thus, she uses Instagram as a way to interact and keep up with her friends. Olivia is fairly introverted. Aside from spending time with her close friends and an occasional date on the weekends, she likes to read and stream her favourite shows online. Oliva’s enjoys watching The Mindy Project and Orange is the New Black, but her guilty pleasure is The Bachelor. Every Sunday, she takes the bus to her parents’ home in Gordon Head for a family dinner with her parents and 21-year-old brother, Tim. Because Olivia values her active lifestyle, and feels that enhancing her life through fitness will allow her to live a fuller, more authentic life, she is a strong believer in the ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ mentality. Additionally, Olivia values products that are transparent and honest in their promotion. As a millennial, she is aware of the potential manipulation that advertising can have on consumers; therefore, she has cautious buying habits, especially surrounding products that contribute to her healthy lifestyle. She appreciates companies that are honest about their products and demonstrate their authenticity by using ingredients that she can understand. Moreover, Olivia feels more comfortable purchasing products that are local, because their close proximity inherently makes her feel that the company is more genuine. Olivia likes to see producers taking part in the promotion of their product. BenefitRumble is the perfect product for Olivia, as it would provide her with convenient nutrition that fits perfectly into her lifestyle. As a self-identified animal lover, Olivia prefers to only eat fish; therefore, she has a difficult time incorporating protein into her daily diet, and believes that she needs more protein in her eating regimen. Olivia would love the ingredients in Rumble because she can understand the ingredients list and she values products with all-natural ingredients. The 20 grams of protein that Rumble provides would be a godsend, as she has been unable to get that much protein from nutrition drinks that she has tried in the past. Since she is a chocolate lover, Olivia is likely to enjoy at least one of Rumble’s flavours: Dutch Cocoa. Because Rumble does not require refrigeration or one-time consumption, Olivia will be able to enjoy the product throughout the day, which she appreciates. To Olivia, a product that is a perfect fit for her lifestyle has no price tag. She is willing to pay a price premium (within reason) for a product or service that she believes she would truly benefit from. She has tried do-it-yourself nutrition shakes in the past, but has found that the shaker cup and various types of powders have resulted in a messy process. Flavour and texture are key elements in Olivia’s nutrition shake selection, and she has currently been unable to find a shake that she loves; therefore, she is hesitant to try yet another shake, especially if it is premade. In addition, Olivia would love Rumble, not only because it is local, but also because it was created by and is promoted by Paul. She would love the story behind the product, because it was developed as a solution to a personal hardship, rather than as a way to make a profit. As a local product with clear ingredients and a convenient interface, Rumble would have a much greater appeal to Olivia than other nutrition shakes.Product UseIf Olivia was presented with more information and had the opportunity to try Rumble, she would become a frequent user. Olivia would likely purchase Rumble in a case of 12 from the James Bay Thrifty Foods, and would take one with her to work each day. Because of the nutritional benefits that Rumble provides, it would replace the snack that she would normally consume during these times; thus, she would be unconcerned about the caloric content. With the ability to be an on-the-go beverage, Rumble would be very attractive to Olivia. It would fit in well to her daily schedule as a nutritious snack after her yoga practice, a snack on her way home from work, or as an accompaniment to her lunch. Since Olivia strives to incorporate more protein into her diet, Rumble would be the perfect solution for her. As a chocolate lover, Olivia would purchase the Dutch Cocoa flavour. Although Olivia has seen Rumble at her local Thrifty Foods, she is unsure about buying the product without tasting it beforehand. Olivia is aware that finding a great nutrition shake would enhance her active lifestyle; however, she is hesitant to purchase new shakes, as she has been disappointed by similar products in the past and feels that she has wasted a great deal of money on those purchases. Ever since, Olivia has continued the search to find the perfect product to fit into her diet. But, Olivia would need to try Rumble before she would consider purchasing it. She is a Think-Feel-Do consumer. Olivia knows that she needs more protein in a nutritious, convenient way that fits into her busy and active lifestyle. Feeling good about her purchases is important to her, and she could do so when purchasing Rumble because it fits her needs and has the additional benefits of being a local and charitable product. Media HabitsDue to her profession, Olivia interacts with online media every day. She frequently spends time on the Internet, and often does her shopping online. Her favourite clothing websites are Lulu’s, American Eagle, and Daily Look. Olivia’s other favourite websites include Chapters – where she buys books and items for her home – and Amazon, where she enjoys finding deals on gifts and other assorted products. Although Olivia does not typically buy food online, she would consider doing so if it was an item that she loved and had tried before, and if the shipping fee was not overly expensive. On average, Olivia spends approximately 1 hour a week ‘window’ shopping online, and only purchases items about 2% of the time. Moreover, Olivia skims the Times Colonist online each morning, but she does not pay for a subscription. Instead, Olivia is simply looking to gain an overall idea of what is going on that day, and only reads the main headlines on the front page, the international news, and on Sundays, her horoscope. She prefers to spend more time reading her Buzzfeed and Cosmo apps, where she gets a mix of pop culture and current events. Her Pinterest app is always open, and she uses it for creative inspiration for her work, as well as food and fitness ideas. Approximately once a week, Olivia visits Women’s Health online to scan through the articles for interesting content. As active as she is, Olivia does not enjoy reading about health tips from magazines, because she finds it too overwhelming. Rather, she prefers personal accounts of someone’s fitness journey. A Beautiful Mess is her favourite blog, as she can learn about recipe ideas and various different DIY projects. Although she is unlikely to ever do these projects, she enjoys seeing how they are done. Olivia is fairly active on her social media, especially Instagram. Typically, she posts a photo roughly every 3 days, but she checks her feed a few times a day. Olivia mostly follows her friends’ accounts, but she also follows a few ‘Instagram Fitness Girls,’ such as Blogilates and Kayla Itsines, for fitness inspiration. Facebook is her second favourite social media platform, which she checks around the same time as Instagram to see what her friends and family are up to. Olivia has a Twitter account, but rarely checks it and never posts. In total, Olivia spends approximately 2 hours per day checking social media, news websites and apps on her phone. On a weekend, she may spend up to 3 hours per day on her phone due to an increase in her down time. Regarding traditional media, Olivia streams her favourite TV shows through . Since she does not own a TV, she watches everything online and does not feel the need for Netflix, as can find everything she needs on . Throughout the week, Olivia spends approximately 5-7 hours watching shows on her computer. Because Olivia walks to work, she is exposed to bus stop ads and outdoor promotions from her home on St. James Street, up Oswego Street, and up Government Street. During her commute, she likes to listen to her KoolFM app to stream the radio.“Sally” the Stressed Out, Busy StudentDemographicsSally is a young, extremely busy, female university student between the ages of 18 and 25. She is a single woman who was born and raised in Victoria and attends the University of Victoria. Currently in the process of completing her undergraduate English degree at UVic, Sally also works approximately 20 hours a week at the Tuscany Village Starbucks making minimum wage as a barista. Thus, she belongs to the lower-middle class income group. In an effort to be independent, Sally tries to pay for everything herself, although she does receive some money from her parents for her school tuition and for rent if money is tight. She lives in a rental house with three of her friends, which costs her $575 a month including utilities. We estimate that the size of the “Sally” segment is approximately 3,200 people. GeographicSally lives on Feltham Road in the Gordon Head area of Greater Victoria. Her parents live close by on San Juan Road in Gordon Head, but she decided to move out when she began university because she wanted some independence. She works at the Starbucks in Tuscany Village as a barista throughout the week. Because it is close to home and work, Sally does all of her grocery shopping at the Tuscany Village Thrifty Foods. Since Sally does not own a car due to the large cost of ownership, she uses the bus as her main mode of transportation, and tends to take it whenever her destination is not within walking distance. Sally’s work is only 10 minutes from UVic, so Sally usually walks from school to work, which she enjoys. Often, Sally walks home from work or school, as it is more convenient than taking the bus. If the weather is not ideal, she will take the #39 bus from the bus loop at the university. If she is going downtown, Sally either takes the #27 or the #28. When Sally is not studying, she spends her free time at the school attending Vikes’ games with her friends or downtown at a bar in the evenings, such as the Sticky Wicket or Darcy’s. On campus, you can usually find her in the library, at a Vikes’ game in the stadium, or at Felicitas – the campus pub. Psychographics Sally is an experiencer and an achiever – similar to Olivia – but is also a striver, as she is concerned about the opinion of others, such as her close peers and classmates. She has a tight group of girls whom she considers her closest friends, and she appreciates their relationship. Although Sally can sometimes be insecure, she enjoys being the group trendsetter, and often introduces new products to the girls; typically, this tends to be a fashion choice, but it is never something that is too outrageous, as she is afraid of being labelled as an outsider. Her insecurity mainly derives from her belief that when she was growing up, her parents would not let her have many fancy new toys, nor would they buy her the latest clothes. Obviously, her parents did so because they were being practical. However, since most of Sally’s friends were spoiled with the luxury of having parents with open wallets, she often feels the need to keep up with them. In order for Sally to consider trying something new, she needs social approval from her group of friends.Although it is important to Sally to keep up with her social life, she spends the majority of her time at school or at work. Her school schedule consists of four classes per term, which take up much of her day throughout the week. Sally’s courses take place on Mondays and Thursdays at 10 am and 1 pm, and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 9:30 am and 1:30 pm. Because Sally is majoring in English, she spends most of her class time in UVic’s Clearihue building. Due to the distractions at her house, Sally purposely spaced out her classes because it offers her more time to study at school, where she can better focus. Additionally, it prevents her from being called into work outside of her requested times. This is important to her because she tries incredibly hard to keep school as her top priority, even when she is hurting financially. After she is finished her classes for the day, Sally makes the 10-minute trek home by foot to prepare dinner before heading to work. Because Sally is very money conscious, she prefers to make most of her meals at home. Since she is a newcomer at Starbucks, her schedule tends to change each week. Unfortunately, Sally is unhappy with her sporadic schedule because she prefers to have structure in her life. However, Sally takes comfort in knowing that she will soon no longer be considered a “newbie” at work, and will thus be given more preferential hours. A typical workweek for Sally involves shifts from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Thursdays, with one eight-hour shift on either Saturday or Sunday. During her weekday shifts, Sally is given one 30-minute break, which she will often spend studying in the staffroom. On her weekend breaks – which involve two 15-minute breaks and one 30-minute break – Sally likes to walk outside while she eats. Occasionally, she will walk to the University Heights Mall in order to get some fresh air and exercise. When not at work or school, Sally can be found in downtown Victoria with her friends at the Sticky Wicket, shopping on Johnson St, or at a Vikes’ game in the UVic stadium. Although Sally often feels strapped for money, she never lets this affect her quality time with her friends. Despite her meager income, Sally is determined to ensure that she is gets the full university experience. However, when it comes to shopping, Sally has the opposite approach: she would much rather shop at a second-hand store, such as the upstairs of Flavour, than “waste” her money on something that is overpriced and of substandard quality. Because Sally has the patience to search through piles of previously-owned garments, she often is able to find the gems. To Sally, shopping is usually a social event, rather than a necessity. Thus, she often waits until her birthday or Christmas to ask for clothes or mall gift cards. Despite their separate living arrangements, Sally and her parents are very close, and her mother always knows exactly what Sally would like. Sally also has a younger sister, Jenna, who is 15 years old. Jenna looks up to her elder sister as a mentor, a role that Sally takes very seriously. Sally makes an effort to maintain a close relationship with her sister, and she is excited for Jenna to be old enough for them to go out or travel together. Regarding the environment, Sally tends to be very conscious. She feels personally connected to social and global issues, such as gender equality and climate change. Sally would be very interested in a product if the company also felt that these issues were important. Although Sally enjoys keeping up to date with current environmental research, her degree of knowledge does not match her level of involvement. She is quick to sign a petition, but she is less physically-involved in these communities. This is because she tends to spread herself too thin, due to her strong need to belong. Moreover, Sally cannot seem to fully commit to one activity or cause because she fears that she may not have time to get involved with something else if she does so. Sally handles relationships and physical activity in a similar manner. During her busy weeks, Sally tends to slack on her exercise routine. In the past, Sally would purchase a UVic gym membership at the beginning of each semester. Unfortunately, she would rarely use it and would thus become frustrated with herself for wasting money. After her failed attempts, has stopped investing in a gym membership. Instead, Sally has started following workouts on YouTube from channels such as Blogilates when she has the rare opportunity to do so. Because she rarely gets the proper amount of physical activity, Sally has become highly conscious of her diet, both in an effort to stay healthy, and to feel associated with her friends. Many of her friends frequent the gym, which often makes Sally jealous; she resents the fact that they can find the time to exercise during their busy schedules when she cannot seem to. Since Sally has researched proper meal planning, the meals that she brings from home are fairly healthy. Sally is unable to eat food in the UVic library, so her studying often gets interrupted. Snacking on a protein bar or smoothie will tide her over, but it does not keep her satiated for very long. Sally loves to drink smoothies because she believes that they are the healthiest drink option, but she is often disappointed with the high sugar content. She longs for a healthier and more nutritious option that would simultaneously provide her with many of the important components that she needs every day, such as protein, calcium, etc.BenefitsConvenience: the main benefit that Sally will get from Rumble. Sally wants a product that is easy to “grab and go” and fuels her studying with its high nutrition. Because Rumble does not need to be refrigerated before opening, Sally can store it in her backpack throughout the school day. If Sally is able to buy Rumble in larger quantities and store it on the shelf, she will be willing to purchase it. Rumble is also enticing to Sally because it comes in an attractive bottle that many users find appealing; thus, she can feel ‘cool’ about using it. Since Sally is overly concerned about the opinions of others, she wants to look trendy while drinking it. Striving to be a trendsetter rather than a trend follower, Sally has the perfect opportunity to show her friends her amazing new discovery when she purchases Rumble. The re-sealable lid is an enormous asset to Sally, as she can drink it throughout the day and does not have to consume it all at once. Furthermore, this allows Sally to bring it into the library while she is studying. Although Rumble is the perfect product for her, Sally has failed to adopt it thus far because of her insufficient understanding of the product. Often, there is a disconnect between what Sally believes (it is important to be healthy) and what she does (consumes unhealthy products), due to a lack of easy-accessible and convenient health-related products, especially on campus. In order to get Sally to understand that she can find health and convenience in one product, Rumble can explain and display the benefits of their product around the UVic campus. Sally has noticed Rumble around campus or at the grocery store, but she does not know the product’s benefits, and has thus not taken the time to try it. Rumble is not currently trendy with UVic students and few are aware of what it is; therefore, it is presently irrelevant to her. In order for Sally to consume Rumble, she would need to feel that her friends approve of her doing so. Product Use Because Sally does not have much knowledge of Rumble, she has not been significantly attracted to it. She is fairly unaware of the product because she spends most of her time in places where it is not sold; thus, she has not been exposed to it enough. In order for Sally to purchase Rumble, it needs to be easily accessible to her – she does not want to go out of her way to get it. Therefore, it has to be available for purchase in Mystic Market (on campus), the BiblioCafé (the coffee shop attached to the UVic library), or her Thrifty Foods. Sally prefers to purchase items in bulk if she knows that she will use it and that it will cost her less. This also allows her to have plenty of product on-hand in her pantry, and she can also place a few in the fridge each day if she so desires. Rumble is perfect for Sally because it is offered at her Thrifty Foods and multiple locations at UVic. She is fairly price sensitive, but she is willing to spend more on a product that she can take with her throughout the day. Rumble’s price is reasonable to Sally because she has already proven that she is willing to pay $6 for a smoothie with less health benefits. Sally believes that she often makes unhealthy choices, so she constantly tries to think of new ways that she can make more nutritious decisions. Currently, she buys smoothies from Mystic Market or Jugo Juice to fill her desire to be healthier. Unfortunately, the smoothies that she purchases contain a significant amount of refined sugar and are no healthier than a pop. But, in her naivety, Sally believes that these smoothies are healthy because they contain fruit. Once Sally becomes more aware of Rumble, she will begin to seek it out in store. Sally will also keep a stockpile of it around her house so that she can bring it to school each day. If Sally is able to taste Rumble and properly understand the many amazing benefits that it provides, she will adopt it into her lifestyle immediately. The key is to provide her with considerably more knowledge.Media HabitsAs an avid social media user, Sally is present on most social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.). She loves Buzzfeed, and is guilty of frequently using it as a procrastination tool when she should be studying. Additionally, Sally pays attention to fliers and posters around UVic, as well as bus stop ads and interior bus ads on her way to school. Typically, Sally will look at these advertisements when she is waiting and bored. Easily influenced by advertisements on social media, Sally also heavily considers the products that her friends and peers are purchasing. If her friends are loyal to a product, Sally will try it without question. Moreover, she loves to post on her various social media accounts, and would be even more willing to post about a healthy product, as it aligns with her idealistic lifestyle. Sally would post frequently about a product if she considered it to be ‘trendy’ and ‘cool.’ Because it is free and she is unwilling to purchase a news magazine or newspaper, Sally reads all of the news and current events online. Typically, she hears about news and current events by following CNN on Facebook or through the CNN app on her iPhone. As an individual without a vehicle, Sally is not regularly exposed to the radio. She reads Cosmopolitan online, and will sometimes purchase the physical magazine if she is bored while waiting in line at the grocery store and is willing to splurge.Potential Target AudiencesPregnant WomenPaul suggested this target market to us during our initial meeting. He indicated that women had told him that Rumble was helpful to them during their pregnancies. It provided them with nutrition that was important for their babies, and kept them feeling good throughout the day. We decided against selecting this target audience because we felt that we would be unable to gather enough data from this population for our research purposes.Student Athletes/Competitive AthletesThis target audience was perfectly in line with what Paul had suggested as Rumble’s primary consumer. This was a strong contender in our decision, but we ultimately decided to chose target audiences that Paul hadn’t considered. Since we wanted to expand Rumble’s vision of their consumer, we decided to choose audiences that were less obvious. Individuals with Cystic Fibrosis and Patients with similar needsWe were very interested in creating a closer connection with Rumble and the health-challenged community. Paul mentioned that when Rumble initially launched, he was afraid of positioning it as a medical drink – such as Ensure or Boost – but has since reconsidered. Although we believed that a connection with this community would further enhance Rumble’s image and create buzz around the product, we ultimately decided to choose broader communities. Instead, we wanted to find a way to incorporate this cause into the product and to make it important to our chosen target audiences. We believe that using Rumble to raise awareness about Cystic Fibrosis could benefit the community more than directly marketing the product to them could. Families with ChildrenDuring our first meeting, Paul mentioned that they hoped to eventually market Rumble as a drink for the entire family; it is not just a product for adults. However, we felt that since Rumble was not yet ready to go down this route, we would we refrain from targeting this audience. Hopefully, Rumble will be able to expand into a family product in the future; but, we decided that we would currently focus on target audiences that the product was intended for. Marketing ObjectivesIncrease sales in Victoria-based retailers from 27% to 37% from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017Increase market share of the Victoria nutrition drink market from 10% to 20% from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2017Communications Objectives“Olivia” the Active, Outdoor Enthusiast1. To increase desire to purchase Rumble from 10% to 30% among the “Olivia” target audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016Rationale: Because Olivia is aware of Rumble and is interested in it, but has not yet bought the product; we need to increase her desire to purchase Rumble. By further developing her desire for the product, the likelihood of her purchasing Rumble will increase. 2. To position Rumble as the healthiest choice in nutrition shakes among the “Olivia” audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016.Rationale: Although Olivia is aware of Rumble, it is important to provide her with more information on Rumble’s nutritional benefits and list of all-natural ingredients.3. To position Rumble as a convenient nutrition shake that fits well into an active lifestyle among the “Olivia” audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016.Rationale: If Olivia is provided with information on how Rumble is ready to use and easy to take with you to work or yoga classes, it may increase the chance that she will try it. “Sally” the Stressed Out, Busy Student1. To increase interest in Rumble from 10% to 30% among the “Sally” audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016.Rationale: Sally is aware of the product because she has seen it on campus and in her grocery store; therefore, we need to increase her interest in order to get her to try Rumble.2. To position Rumble as the most convenient nutrition drink, due to its re-sealable bottle, from 5%-20% among the “Sally” audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016.Rationale: We want Sally to be aware that Rumble is the most convenient product in its category. It is a drink that is packed with protein and has a shelf life of approximately one year! Additionally, it has a re-sealable bottle, so it does not need to be consumed in one sitting. This feature is incredibly unique, as very few competitors offer the same health benefits and ability to keep the product unrefrigerated for long periods of time.3. To position Rumble as a trendy nutrition shake among the “Sally” audience within 1 year, starting from January 1, 2016.Rationale: Since Sally is easily influenced by her fellow peers and is overly concerned about the opinion of others, positioning Rumble as a trendy product will increase her interest in the product. Positioning StatementOlivia Positioning Statement: Rumble is the only all-natural nutrition supershake for people who need to feed their bodies with a fuel for their daily life.Rationale:For the “Olivia” demographic, it is important to position Rumble as a ‘nutrition supershake,’ rather than a ‘protein supershake,’ because we believe that it is more inclusive term for our female audience. ‘Protein’ is stereotypically associated with macho men, and it might scare off female consumers and lead them to believe that the product is not for them. While the amount of protein in Rumble is important and is still an attractive feature to a female consumer, it cannot take centre stage in the positioning statement. The all-natural quality of Rumble is the feature that will be the most intriguing to Olivia; therefore, we decided to focus on this particular element of Rumble in her positioning statement. Furthermore, the idea of a ‘fuel’ is a unique term that encapsulates Rumble’s purpose, and allows the product to be applied more broadly to someone’s lifestyle. Just like a car, you need fuel before you can go anywhere. Olivia will be using this product as a fuel after her yoga class, before and after work, and before her run. Another important aspect to Olivia is the connection to trust, as she appreciates when a brand wants her to trust them, rather than simply purchase from them. The authenticity of this product is evident from the moment you taste it, and Olivia will not be able to resist it.Olivia’s Tagline: Feed your body, Fuel your life.Sally Positioning StatementRumble is the only nutritious supershake for busy students who need to fuel their minds.Rationale:For the Sally demographic, it is important to position Rumble as a product that can help her throughout the school day, as school is her main focus and consumes the majority of her time. As a health-conscious individual, Sally needs to be able to recognize that Rumble is a truly healthy option. By defining Rumble as ‘student-life proof,’ we are positioning it as a product that a student can take anywhere throughout their day. It is library-safe due to the screw-on cap, it is packed with protein to sustain students during those long study sessions, and because the product doesn’t need to be refrigerated before opening, it can be thrown into a backpack and enjoyed throughout the day. Through positioning Rumble as a product that can move with a student’s life, we are creating a personal connection with these individuals, which will aid in gaining their trust. Many products targeted at students do not necessarily have features that will actually help them in their daily lives; Rumble is an exception, and it is crucial that they understand that.Sally’s Tagline Feed your body, Fuel your mind.Key MessagesOliviaPrimary:Rumble tastes great, and even comes in Dutch Cocoa flavour!Rumble contains 20 grams of protein in each bottleRumble is made with all-natural and familiar ingredientsRumble is convenient: it doesn’t need to be refrigerated before openingRumble comes in a re-sealable bottle – perfect to carry with you throughout your busy day!Secondary:Rumble is the first official supershake in Canada for people on the goNo mess necessary – just shake gently and enjoyWhen you purchase Rumble, part of the proceeds are donated to the charity 1% for HungerTertiary:Rumble is available online and in-store at your local Thrifty FoodsWebsite: Instagram: @drinkrumbleFacebook: is convenient: it doesn’t need to be refrigerated before openingRumble comes in a re-sealable bottle – perfect for throwing in your backpack!Rumble is library-safe, so you can enjoy it while studyingRumble assists in maintaining a healthy lifestyleSecondary:Rumble is Canada’s first official supershake for busy studentsTertiary:Rumble is available online and at UVic in Mystic Market and CARSAWebsite: Instagram: @drinkrumbleFacebook: completed for “Olivia” and “Sally” produce data that are representative of each respective population.A budget of $15,000 is sufficient to cover the cost of the suggestions outlined in the IMC plan in Victoria, BC.Cautionary Points The following includes some of the possible incidents that could negatively impact the implementation of this plan:A large increase in production costs for Rumble’s product.A recession, which will impact the spending habits of our target audiences.The launch of an identical product by a competitor.Movement of a similar USA competitor into the Canadian market.It is advised that Rumble reconsider the launch of the proposed campaign if one of these incidents should occur.Spokespeople It is very important for Rumble to have a spokesperson who can speak on behalf of the company. The spokesperson should have sufficient knowledge about Rumble’s products so that he or she will be able to answer all questions asked by stakeholders – specifically local, national, and international media. Additionally, possessing a genuine interest and passion for the product will increase the spokesperson’s credibility in the eyes of the public. Currently, Paul is Rumble’s spokesperson; considering that Rumble is still in their start-up phase, we recommend that Paul continue as the spokesperson for the company. As the founder and CEO of Rumble, Paul has extensive knowledge about the company and products, and his passion and dedication will add value to any marketing communication efforts implemented by the company. Because it is likely that Paul does not have significant experience as spokesperson, it is important that Rumble invests in proper media training for him. Since body language, tone and pitch of the voice, and clothing all send powerful messages, media training helps to ensure that those messages are consistent with the strategic messages that marketing communications is attempting to convey. Moreover, media training is crucial, as the costs of mishandling an interview in this social-media age are enormous. If a media interview is handled correctly, however, it could potentially prevent a crisis for the company. Thus, the media can be a powerful public relations tool for Rumble, and officially designating a properly-trained spokesperson will ensure that messages are delivered consistently and in an appropriate manner.Strategies and TacticsConsidering the AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action) platform, the research results for “Olivia” and “Sally” showed that the target audiences had a strong awareness of the Rumble product, and an interest in purchasing it (see Research Results p.8). However, there was a lack of conviction among these consumers when it came to actually purchasing the product. The majority of this concern was regarding questions about taste and price point. Therefore, our goal with “Olivia” and “Sally” is to move the target audiences through the AIDA process, concentrating on the ‘Desire’ component, and encouraging the ‘Action’ component. OliviaTactic #1: Thrifty Foods SamplingExecution: This tactic will be the first among a two-part campaign for the “Olivia” audience. To accomplish the objective mentioned above, the Rumble team will provide samples of the product at the James Bay Thrifty Foods. The tastings will occur on alternating Saturdays throughout the month of March 2016, beginning on the 5th and ending on the 2nd of April. In total, there will be three sampling dates, occurring between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm. Inside Thrifty Foods, the Rumble tent will be set up inside the store next to a display of Rumble by the deli. Outfitted in Rumble t-shirts, the Rumble team will distribute samples in custom Rumble 4oz paper cups (see Creative Execution p.41) to customers in the store. While handing out samples, the Rumble team will inform customers about the product with a strong emphasis on the all-natural ingredients of Rumble, and its nutritional benefits. With the focus on the “Olivia” target, it is important that the product be positioned as a ‘nutritional supershake,’ rather than a ‘protein supershake’ (see positioning statement p. 27).Supplies Needed:Rumble tent4oz paper cups (approximately 500 per Saturday)Product for the samples Rationale: Through gathering information from our target audiences and our correspondence with the Rumble team, we know that consumers are most likely to purchase Rumble if they have tasted it. The main barrier preventing “Olivia” from purchasing Rumble is not knowing whether or not the product has an unfavourable texture, like many of the nutritional shakes that she has tried in the past. Allowing “Olivia” to taste the product before she commits to buying it will ensure that she has an increased desire to purchase the product. The sampling sessions occur at the same Thrifty Foods where “Olivia” currently does her weekly grocery shopping. Rumble already has a presence in Thrifty Foods locations, which may make it easier for them to have their request for sampling sessions approved. Timing of the event also plays an important factor; because “Olivia” completes grocery shops on Saturday mornings, there is a strong chance that she will encounter the sampling. Moreover, the continued exposure of the Rumble team could promote a positive reaction from the target audience. de Zilva et al. (2013) performed a study that found that continued exposure to familiar faces in a the same context will elicit the mere exposure effect. This means that by seeing the Rumble team in the same location over several weekends, “Olivia” will become familiar with them, and the Rumble team will become more liked by the target audience. Furthermore, “Olivia” appreciates seeing the person behind the product; the personal connection that results from the Rumble team directly promoting the product to her will fulfill that desire.Tactic #2: Rumble Coupon Execution: This tactic will be the second section of the two-part “Olivia” campaign. To accomplish this objective, the “Olivia” target audience will be mailed a coupon for Rumble in the first week after the final sampling session. The coupon will be valid for a four-week period beginning April 16th until May 7th, 2016, and will be the same size and shape as the Rumble bottle. The front of the coupon will look the same as a bottle of Dutch Cocoa Rumble, which is a favourite among the “Olivia” target audience. The back of the coupon will offer $1 off a bottle of Rumble, redeemable at Victoria Thrifty Foods locations (see Creative Execution p.43). Additionally, it will invite the target audience to participate in an Instagram contest (see below). Supplies Needed:Rumble CouponsPostal Codes for the “Olivia” target audience Rationale: There are two main goals behind the coupon: 1) to remind the target audience that they enjoyed Rumble when they tried the sample at Thrifty Foods, and 2) to create a sense of urgency to encourage them to purchase the product. By creating a coupon that looks like the product, it removes the guessing game when the target audience goes into the store; they know exactly what to look for and what it looks like. Moreover, the shape of the coupon will stand out amongst other coupons they may receive in the mail, and will cause them to look at it. The date that the coupon will be sent to the target audience will ensure that they have not forgotten about the product, and that their familiarity of the brand does not fade. The importance of the specific location where the coupon can be redeemed (their local Thrifty Foods) speaks again to the mere exposure effect: something familiar in a familiar context evokes a positive response. Sally Tactic #3: UVic Sampling Execution: This is the first tactic in a two-part campaign, with a goal to plant “Sally’s” desire to purchase Rumble, and then giving her the opportunity to complete the purchase action. This first tactic focuses on providing Sally with an opportunity to taste the product so that she understands that she can consume a healthy beverage that still tastes delicious. Sampling sessions for “Sally” will occur during UVic Rush Week – the first week of classes in September 2016. Although it is unclear how many days the vendors will be allowed to participate in Rush Week, it is encouraged that Rumble participate for as many days as possible, within the budget and time constraints. There will be myriad other vendors present, so it is imperative that Rumble stands out. It is recommended that the Rumble tent providing samples be placed outside of the SUB building near the UVic bus loop or outside of Mystic Market. Thus, “Sally” will be given an opportunity to taste Rumble, and will be convinced that it is a healthy product that can move with her throughout her busy student life. For this event, it is encouraged that Rumble be promoted as “student-life proof” (see positioning statement p.28). In addition to the tent and the samples, there will be a sign (see Creative Execution p.45 and 46) that outlines how Rumble is “student-life” proof.Rationale: As previously mentioned, this tactic provides Sally with the opportunity to taste Rumble, which will hopefully create a desire for her to purchase the product. The sampling session at UVic will greatly improve the chances of interacting with the “Sally” target audience, and and gives this audience the opportunity to taste the product. As a busy student, “Sally” needs Rumble to come to her. UVic provides a safe and familiar location for “Sally,” which will allow her to feel more comfortable and open towards a new product. In addition, the face-to-face interaction between the Rumble team and “Sally” will convey the authenticity that Rumble seeks to portray in their brand. Social acceptance is important to Sally, so it is important that she sees that Rumble is recognized by her peers as something “cool” to drink. It is recommended that the Rumble tent and samples be located outside of the Student Union Building (SUB) building at UVic, which Sally must pass on her way to catch the 26 bus to go home, or outside Mystic Market – another interception point as she walks to the bus. By locating the Rumble samples in “Sally-friendly” areas, the convenience of the product may be reinforced and may create a personal connection between “Sally” and the brand. Supplies Needed:Rumble tent4oz paper cups (approximately 10,000)Product for samples Tactic #4: Interior Bus Ad and CouponExecution: The Bus Coupon is the second portion of the “Sally” campaign. This tactic will encourage “Sally” to get to the action point in the AIDA process. Occurring over a four-week period, this tactic will take place from September 15th 2016 to October 13th 2016. It will consist of 100 total advertisements on the interior of 50 BC Transit Buses; one will be strictly promoting Rumble, and the other will be a photographable coupon (e-coupon) (see Creative Execution p. 42). The general Rumble advertisement will be placed towards the back of the bus, and will promote Rumble’s social media and website, while the Rumble coupon ad will be placed above the back exit door of the bus. The coupon will be for $1 off, and will be redeemable at Thrifty Foods locations in Victoria, BC. These coupons will only be available for use within the four-week period that the coupon ad is displayed on the buses.Please Note: The logistics of the coupon will need to be discussed with Rumble’s legal team regarding the use of the coupon. We have determined two options for controlling coupon usage, but these are open to changes, depending on the legal team’s guidelines. A first option is to allow consumers to take a photo of the bus ad and present the photo in-store at the till when they purchase Rumble. The second option is to create a Quick Response (QR) code on the bus ad that will direct consumers to a website where they can download the e-coupon with the legal details added. The goal of the coupon is to be simple, quick, and easy to use.Rationale: A young consumer like “Sally” needs to be caught off-guard when it comes to marketing tactics. The general Rumble ad will serve as an introduction to “Sally” to follow Rumble on social media so that they can create a relationship with her. Hopefully, after “Sally” falls in love with the product, she will become a follower of Rumble’s social media. As a relatively unique advertisement, the coupon will be nearly impossible for “Sally” to miss, as she takes the bus almost every day. The double exposure from the two ads will reinforce her awareness of Rumble, and will hopefully keep her engaged with the campaign to develop her into a regular Rumble consumer. Moreover, the coupon allows “Sally” to make the final step to the “action” stage in AIDA, with a small incentive that requires minimal work from her. Ad placement inside of the bus is crucial. Ideally, the general Rumble ad will be at the very back of the bus, so it will be noticed when passengers are seated or are walking to find their seats. Additionally, the exit door is a high point of traffic; placing the coupon ad above the door exit will increase the number of people who see it and take a picture of it. The limited time of the campaign will create a sense of urgency; it will also decrease the amount of people outside of the target market that are using the coupon, and thus hurting profit.Supplies Needed:Rumble bus advertisements Olivia & SallyTactic #5: Rumble Stickers Execution: This tactic is an additional element of the first portion for both the “Olivia” and “Sally” campaign. At the sampling sessions, customers will have the opportunity to take home a Rumble sticker (see Creative Execution p. 41).Rationale: Giving consumers a gift without requiring them to make a purchase will reinforce their positive experience with the Rumble product and team. Hopefully, these individuals will use the sticker and put it in a place that they frequently see; thus, they will be reminded of the product. We predict that locations for the stickers may include laptops, car bumpers, or the front covers of notebooks. This sticker will serve as a reminder, and will increase familiarity with the brand, which, in turn, may increase purchasing behaviour.Supplies needed:Rumble stickersTactic #6: Instagram Contest Execution: The Rumble Instagram contest entitled “#FuelYourLife” will encourage participants to share photos of themselves demonstrating how Rumble fuels their life. By uploading the photo with the contest hashtag, participants enter to win a case of Rumble (12 bottles). “Olivia” will be invited to participate in the contest through the Rumble coupon that she is mailed (see Creative Execution p.43). Therefore, the contest will be available during the four-week period between April 16th to May 7th, 2016. The benefit of this contest for “Olivia” is that it allows her to exercise her love of photography and maintain an authentic outlook on Rumble. The relationship between “Olivia” and the brand will increase her trust in the product. “Sally” will be invited to the contest via the signage at the UVic Rumble tasting. For “Sally,” the contest will run for a four-week period starting October 15th. “Sally” will benefit from the contest because she will have the opportunity to receive positive reinforcement of her purchase choice through the “likes” that she receives on her photo.Rationale: The goal of the Instagram contest is to create an online relationship the “Olivia” and “Sally” target audiences. In turn, this will allow Rumble to maintain an authentic and honest relationship with their consumers, while also accumulating more user generated content (UGC). The contest is a cost-effective way to interact with consumers and share information with them through an online portal. It will also allow Rumble to gain a better understanding of when contest entrants are posting, which will give Rumble an indication of the best times to post content in order to receive the most views. Please Note: As discussed in the initial interview, Rumble would like to maintain an authentic and honest relationship with their online audience, and therefore prefer to do their online interactions themselves. Keeping this in mind along with the company’s desire to expand their digital marketing through a contest, it is recommended that Rumble increase the time designated for social media responses during the two four-week periods that the contests will be running. It is imperative to many consumers that they receive feedback and see that the company is listening to them when they post photos with the hashtag.Creative ExecutionFigure 1. The Rumble sticker for both the “Olivia” and “Sally” target audiencesPlease Note: Tagline font change is a creative liberty, but may be subject to change.Figure 2. The general and coupon Rumble bus ads for the “Sally” target audienceFigure 3. The Rumble coupon for the “Olivia” target audience-74295198056500257365520186650036576002755900BACK020000BACK9144002755900FRONT020000FRONTFigure 4. The cups used for the sampling sessions for both the “Olivia” and “Sally”Figure 5a. 1 of 2 posters for the “Sally” audience sampling sessions Figure 5b. 2 of 2 posters for the “Sally” audience sampling sessionsMedia PlanPaid mediaAs mentioned in our target audience profile, “Sally” pays attention to bus ads inside the bus and at the bus stops on her way to and from the university. Therefore, we have decided to place two advertisements in the interior of 50 of Victoria’s BC Transit busses in order to catch the attention of our “Sally” target audience. These two advertisements will run from September 15th, 2016 until October 15th, 2016.Media selectionSeptember 2016October 2016Cost/insert#TotalVehicleSize length181522296132027Interior bus ads35”w x 11”h $29.00 per insert per 4 weeks 100$2,900.00 + $1,500.00 (one time production charge)= $4,400.00 Owned mediaFrom our target audience analysis, it is that both our “Sally” and “Olivia” target audiences spend plenty of time on social media; therefore, it is essential for Rumble to focus on maintaining their social media presence. Not only will this create a bond with the followers, but it will also give insights into their behaviours, and it can present a great PR tool in times of company crisis. Since both “Sally” and “Olivia” spend most of their social media time on Instagram and Facebook, we will focus on these two platforms.InstagramAs of December 2, 2015, Rumble only has 1173 followers and 114 posts. Typically, the company makes 1 or 2 posts per week, the majority of which are pictures that radiate an active and athletic atmosphere. We recommend that the company increase their posts to 3 or 4 times a week, and to include pictures that would appeal to both of our target audiences. For example, pictures could include a Rumble bottle on a desk with an open book and highlighters, which would appeal to “Sally,” or a Rumble bottle in a briefcase, which would appeal to “Olivia.”In order to increase their followers, we created the Instagram contest, as described in our strategies and tactics. This contest will run from April 16th, 2016 until May 7th, 2016 for “Olivia,” and from October 15th, 2016 until November 12th, 2016 for “Sally.” In addition to the relationship creation with consumers in the target audiences, it also generates word of mouth advertising, as followers of “Sally” and “Olivia” will see their entry into the Instagram contest and may become interested in the brand and product.FacebookAs of December 2, 2015, Rumble has 7,068 page likes and generally posts once a week. Typically, their Facebook posts have more varying themes than those on Instagram. However, they are still missing posts that would appeal to our target audiences; thus, we suggest that they add posts about student life and fitness (other than running and cycling). These posts could include pictures, tips, the followers’ stories, or Rumble company announcements. Since we recommended that Rumble place the most focus on Instagram, we suggest that they post on Facebook once or twice a week. BudgetSummary: Budget$15,000Total Expenses$11,320.60 + UVic vendor costExpenses:Interior Bus AdvertisementsCostOne-Time Production Charge$1,500100 Interior Bus Ads for First 4-Week Billing Period$2,900Total$4,400Sampling CupsCostSet-up for 2-Colour Imprint$12012,000 4oz White Cups with 2-Colour Imprint$271.40Total$391.40StickersCost10,000 4”x2” Stickers$800Total$800Mailing List for Olivia’s Postal CodeCostHigh-Quality Specific Mailing List$5,000Total$5,000Mailed CouponsCostCoupon Printing: 20 cents each$280Mailing Expense (says cost per item on site): 15.8c per coupon$221.20Transportation: 1c per coupon$14Specified Delivery Date: 1c per coupon$14Total$529.20Space for UVic Sampling PromotionSpace RentalUNSURETotalSignage for SamplingSign$200Total$200Total Expenses: $11,320.60 + Uvic vendor costMaterialsThese are the physical materials that will be required to execute the strategies and tactics:Mailed couponsSampling cupsSignageStickersRumble (for samples)Rumble tentDistribution PlanThe employees of Rumble will be in charge of distributing all unpaid communications. On consecutive Sundays during the month of March 2016, Rumble employees will be chosen to participate in the sampling at the James Bay Thrifty Foods for the “Olivia” audience. These employees will be in charge of setting up the tent and getting the sampling cups prepared. The team will be dressed in Rumble attire and must be ready to give important product information to the target audience. Additionally, they must ensure that they have a sufficient number of stickers to distribute to the “Olivia’s”. During the period from April 16 to May 7, 2016 Rumble employees will focus on preparing the “Olivia” coupons for distribution, which will prompt the consumer to participate in an Instagram contest. This contest will require constant monitoring, which will be discussed at the end of this section. For the “Sally” target audience, Rumble employees will be involved in a sampling at the University of Victoria. This event will occur during UVic Rush Week in September 2016. Similar to the James Bay Thrifty Foods tasting, the employees will set up the tent and the sampling cups. However, these students will receive a slightly different pitch than the customers at the Thrifty Foods sampling. Signs promoting Rumble’s “student life proof” feature will be placed near the sampling area. Like many vendor stands during Rush Week, employees will offer a free product to the students: a Rumble sticker.The final, and arguably most time-consuming section of the distribution plan will be the social media portion, specifically Instagram. “Olivia” and “Sally” will both be invited through different coupon avenues, and will submit their photos with the hashtag #FuelYourLife to enter to win a free case of Rumble. Rumble employees will have to integrate this into their everyday tasks, as the account must be monitored consistently. The contest will run during a four-week period starting on October 15, 2016. It is crucial that Rumble staff stay attentive to Instagram during this time in order to build a deeper relationship with the customer. Social media, in general, will require a significant amount of attention on a day-to-day basis. It will be crucial to have employees consistently monitoring all social media avenues to ensure that the customers understand that the company holds their customer relationships with the utmost importance. We recommend that Rumble’s Instagram and Facebook are updated at least three times a week to ensure sufficient engagement. It is important for Rumble to incorporate various types of posts that will appeal to the target audiences. Good social media will turn customers into promoters, which will create more Rumble fans.Sustaining ActivitiesFollowing the completion of the marketing communications plan, it is recommended that Rumble implement sustaining activities in order to pursue even greater success and capitalize on the momentum generated by the campaign. There are a number of activities that will be beneficial for the company including ads in CARSA, sponsoring runs/marathons, getting involved in Cystic Fibrosis month, hiring an ad agency, social media advertising and contests, and a change in tagline. First, we recommend that Rumble consider placing ads on the television screens in the UVic athletics complex, CARSA. The target audience of “Sally” occasionally spends time there and has the potential to spend more time there in the future. Advertising on TV screens will introduce Rumble to a target audience similar to “Sally,” and will continue to bring more awareness and interest to the product. Sponsoring and distributing samples at marathons and fun runs is not new to Rumble; however, we recommend that the company continue their involvement in the community in order to bring more attention to their brand, especially at runs like the Victoria Goddess Run, Times Colonist 10K, and fun runs such as Run or Dye. These events will attract the “Olivia” target audience. Due to frequent Facebook usage among our two target audiences, we believe that it is worthwhile to focus on Facebook ads. An animated Rumble would attract plenty of attention on a Facebook page. We believe that a Rumble bottle being shaken with the tagline “Shake, Rumble, and Roll” would attract a high amount of positive attention. Because an important aspect of Rumble’s incredible beginning heavily involves Cystic Fibrosis, we believe that it would be beneficial for Rumble to get involved in the CF community, especially during CF awareness month in May. During this month, there is a CF walk along Dallas Road; we believe that this would be an incredible opportunity because it takes place in Olivia’s neighbourhood, and she is greatly interested in similar events. She will also be increasingly willing to purchase and advocate for a product that has such an incredible and inspiring backstory. Moreover, we suggest that Rumble gets involved with a local ad agency to accommodate the purchase of any online advertisements. We believe that this would be a wise investment for Rumble, as it allows them to focus their time and effort on other tactics and strategies.Another suggestion is for Rumble to promote their social media platforms more heavily. For instance, a fun interactive idea could involve having a ‘Rumbler’ of the month: a user who posts a unique, fun, or inspiring photo of themselves with a Rumble product will have said picture featured on the Rumble page. Because the Rumble team stated that they were unhappy with their current tagline, we suggest that they change it from “Feed the Good” to “Feed Your Body, Fuel Your Life.” We believe that this new tagline better embodies how Rumble wants to represent their brand. Overall, if Rumble continues to apply our recommendations and further engages with their target audiences, they will see positive results. To grow the brand through the use of these sustaining activities will require more money and more time, but if Rumble is willing to do so, these communications will be significantly more beneficial. Action PlanMonthActivity that has to be implementedDeadlineJanuary- Ask Thrifty Foods to sample in-store01-31-16February- Order 1,500 4oz cups- Order stickers for samplings in March & September02-14-1602-14-16March- Thrifty Foods sampling #1 - Thrifty Foods sampling #2 - Obtain direct mailing list for “Olivia” target audience- Order direct mailing coupons03-05-16(09am-12pm)03-19-16(09am-12pm)03-11-16 03-11-16April- Thrifty Foods sampling #3 - Send out direct mailing coupons to “Olivia” target audience- Start: extra presence on Instagram for the Instagram contest04-02-16(09am-12pm)04-10-16 04-16-16May- Finish: extra presence on Instagram for the Instagram contest05-07-16June July- Ask UVic to sample on university grounds07-31-16August- Order 10,000 4oz cups- Order special sign for UVic sampling- Order interior Transit BC bus ads08-15-1608-15-1608-15-16September- UVic Rush Week samplingFirst week of schoolOctober November December EvaluationIn order to measure the effectiveness of this marketing communications plan, testing must take place prior to, during, and after the strategies have been executed.Pre-testingPre-testing is extremely important, as it provides the company with the chance to alter strategies before they are executed and thus saves the company from costs that would have otherwise been incurred. To test whether our strategies will help reach the communication objectives mentioned near the beginning of this plan, we recommend using focus groups for each of our target audiences. We suggest using at least two focus groups for each target audience with a maximum of 15 members. The more focus groups are used, the more reliable the answers will be; however, it should be noted that this will increase costs. By ensuring that the groups have a maximum of 15 members, the issue of overcrowded groups is avoided, and everyone is given an opportunity to speak. For both target audiences, we suggest that the following questions on the next page should be asked.“Olivia” target audience“Sally” target audience On which days are you often found in Thrifty Foods? If answer significantly varies from the Saturday we proposed to do the sample testing, consider picking another day of the week in tactic 1On those days on which days are you found in Thrifty Foods?If answer significantly various from the 09:00am – 12:00am we proposed, considering picking another time of the day in tactic 1Does the coupon we intend to direct mail to potential consumers appeal to you? Why (not)?If it does not appeal, creative changes to the coupon of tactic 2 can be made using the newly gathered opinions of the focus groupsDo the Rumble stickers appeal to you and would you like to have one? Why (not)?If not appealing, consider making creative changes in tactic 5 using the opinions of the focus groupsWhat would motivate you to participate in an Instagram contest? Answers can be used to adapt tactic 6Does the sign we intend to use for UVic rush weeks appeal to you? Why (not)? If sign does not appeal, creative changes can be made in tactic 3 using the opinions of the focus groupsWould the bus advertisements we created attract your attention in the bus? Why (not)? If advertisements do not attract their attention, creative changes can be made in tactic 4 using the opinions of the focus groupsDo the Rumble stickers appeal to you and would you like to have one? Why (not)?If not appealing, consider making creative changes in tactic 5 using the opinions of the focus groupsWhat would motivate you to participate in an Instagram contest? Answers can be used to adapt tactic 6This list of questions is not exhaustive and we encourage Rumble to develop further questions to ask.Concurrent testingConcurrent testing provides the opportunity to test whether or not the tactics have the desired response while the strategies are being executed; changes can be made if necessary.For the “Olivia” audience, we recommend that the Thrifty Foods sampling team ask “Olivias” what they think of the brand and the product, if they like the sample, and whether they would purchase the product if they were given a coupon. The purpose of these questions is to determine whether the sample has increased “Olivia’s” interest in purchasing Rumble, and if a coupon will increase this further. After information on the product is given, it is also important to gauge whether “Olivia” considers this product to be the healthiest shake among all nutrition shakes that she has tried, and if she would position it as a convenient product that fits her lifestyle.For the “Sally” audience, we suggest the same idea. During the tastings at the UVic Rush Week, the Rumble team should ask “Sally’s” opinion on the brand and product, whether she likes the sample, and if a coupon would encourage her to purchase it. Furthermore, it should be determined whether or not she believes that Rumble is a convenient product – given its long shelf-life and re-sealable cap – and whether she sees the supershake as a “trendy” product that she would want to share with her friends.Post-testingFinally, when the campaign is complete, it is important to test whether the marketing and communications objectives were accomplished.First, quantitative measures, such as the amount of samples given out, coupons redeemed, entries to the Instagram contests, stickers given out, and sales in the campaign period can be analyzed to determine whether the strategies have accomplished the overall marketing and communications objectives.Second, we suggest distributing a survey to the target audiences, including the following questions:1. Do you know what Rumble is? This question provides insight into whether the marketing objective of improving brand recognition has been achieved when comparing it to our survey results in this marketing communications plan.2. Do you know what benefits Rumble provides? This question should give Rumble an answer to whether or not product understanding has increased within the target audiences when compared to our survey results before the campaign.3. Are you interested in buying Rumble? The answer tells Rumble whether the communication objectives of increasing interest in both the “Olivia” and “Sally” audiences have been reached.4. Given Rumble and its competing products, which one would you position as being most healthy? For the “Olivia” target audience, this gives Rumble an idea of whether or not they have reached their communications objective of being considered the healthiest among nutrition shakes.5. Would you see Rumble as a convenient product that fits into an active lifestyle?This question provides insight into whether “Olivia’s” communication objective of positioning Rumble as a convenient product that fits into an active lifestyle has been accomplished.6. Given Rumble and its competitors, would you see Rumble as a convenient product due to its re-sealable cap and the fact that it does not need to be refrigerated before opening?The answer tells the company whether our communications objective to position Rumble as most convenient in the mind of “Sally” has been achieved.7. Do you consider Rumble to be a trendy product, and would you share it with your friends?This question provides insight into whether Rumble has been positioned as a trendy nutrition supershake that is worth sharing in the mind of the “Sally” audience. Appendix 1. Rumble SurveyIntroduction to Participants:Hi, we are 4th year UVic Business Students and we are conducting market research for our Marketing Communications course. Do you have a few minutes to participate in our survey?Your answers will only be used for educational purposes and treated confidentially. 1. How do you like to spend your free time? Where do you like to spend it?a) (If they mention being active) Do you normally consume an energy drink or protein shake pre- or post-workout?b) (If they don’t mention being active) Do you ever consume energy drinks or protein shakes during the day? 2. (If they are consuming a protein shake) What do you like using about this product?a)(If they are not currently using a protein shake) If you were to consume this kind of product, what benefits would you be looking for from it?3. Have you heard about Rumble?a)(If yes) Have you bought it before? How would you explain Rumble to others?b) (If they haven’t) We introduce Rumble to them (we will have bottle on hand to show them) and we ask if they would be interested in this product4. (If they have purchased the product before) When would you buy it? Where would you buy it?a)(If they have never bought it) What would prevent you from buying it? 5. (If they are aware of the product, but have never bought it) Is there a reason that you haven’t purchased this product?6. How aware are you of nutritional science around sports and staying active?7. What type of events do you attend in the city? 8. Do you volunteer anywhere?9. This product has a ton of fantastic qualities, but we would like to know which you would rank as the most important to you personally: (a) Charity (we will explain 1% for Hunger), (b) Convenience (we will highlight the convenience of the product), or (c) Health Benefits. 10. If we want to reach more people like you what media platform would you suggest we use? 11. On average, how often would you say that you check (insert the media platform they suggested) in a day?Demographic:12. Gender:13. Age:14. How would you classify your income?Lower ClassLower-Middle ClassMiddle ClassUpper-Middle ClassUpper Class 15. How many years of education do you have? (High School counts as 12)1213141516+2. Graphs Research Results ................

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