1 新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材

新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材

4+1 口语语汇


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 行动 (group action 团队行动)

Now it’s time to take action. (现在是该行动的时候了。)

n. [U] 情节

The action is set in Paris. (事情发生在巴黎。)

n. 战斗

The action lasted five hours. (战斗持续了5 个)

n. 诉讼

She decided to take a legal action against him. (她决定起诉他。)


active (积极的);

actionless (没有行动的, 不行动的);

activate (v.激活)


action movie (动作片; kongfu movie)

常见搭配 Useful Phrase

军事行动 --- military action

民事诉讼 --- a civil action

刑事诉讼 --- a criminal action

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Action! --- 开拍(导演用语)

man of action --- 注重行动的人,实干家

生活用语 Street Talks

If you guys are going to bet on the basketball game, I want a piece of the action. (算我 一份)

Action stations, everyone!

The president has arrived! (各就各位)

电影对白 Transcripts

Linus: What does it tell you?

Sabrina: That’s between you and the river.

Linus: You know it’s funny listening to your talk. Makes

me…. Makes me wonder if I should…

Sabrina: What?

Linus: I don’t know, something is different. I feel different. At work I don’t… I love the action, but, sometimes I wonder, lately especially, been wondering what it would be like, to spend some time in a place that I love like that, not just a few days, but for a real change.

Actually, I think I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I just, um, I just didn’t know it until, till you, uh… 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Actions speak louder than words.


Don’t judge a man’s actions at first sight; give them asecond look.




Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 动物 (野兽 wild animal)

We should protect animals.

n. 兽性的人,衣冠禽兽

Drinking alcohol releases the animal in man. (喝酒使人兽行大发。)


animalism (兽性; 活力充沛);

animate (v. 赋予…以生命,使活泼);

常见搭配 Useful Phrase

兽性 --- animal instincts

动物界 --- the animal kingdom

诱捕动物 --- trap animals

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

animal desire --- 肉欲

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Rebecca, I got a D in maths this term. What do I do?

B: Sorry about that, Freddie. Cheer up! You can make it next term.But frankly speaking, if you weren’t such a party animal, you’d have more time for studying. (喜欢参加聚会的人)

A: Joanna usually talks to animals and toys.

B: Poor Jo. If only she had a healthy family!

Youth is/are full of animal spirits. (精力十分旺盛)

That fighter is really an animal when he steps in the (boxing)ring. (当这个拳击手开始比赛的 时候,他立刻变成了一个真正的野兽。)

电影对白 Transcripts

Newsman: Sir, why are you running?

Newswoman: Are you doing this for world peace?

Newsman: Are you doing this for the homeless?

Newsman: Are you running for woman’s rights?

Newsman: Or for the environment? Or for animals?

Forrest: They just couldn’t believe that someone would do all that running for no particular reason.

名言 Quotations

Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts.



Basic need

音形义 Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 婴儿

She is expecting a baby. (她怀孕了。)

注:baby的性别不明时,通常用 it 来指代。

n. 孩子气的人

Don’t be such a baby! (不要这样孩子气!)

n. 宝贝(亲爱的)口语体为babe

Hey babe, you’d like another drink?


babyhood (婴儿时代);

babyish (幼稚的);


baby-sitter/baby-minder (保姆);

babyfaced (娃娃脸的);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

小儿语 --- baby talk

乳齿 --- baby tooth

嫩萝卜--- baby carrots(very small,tender carrots,not fullygrown)

生育高峰 --- baby boom

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

baby kisser --- [美俚] 为拉选票而到处拉拢人心的人

babes and sucklings --- 乳臭未干的孩子

sleep like a baby --- 睡得香

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Rosemary, will you go to the movies with me tonight?

B: I wish I could, Jo. But my baby’s taking me out to dinnertonight. (情人)

A: Tom, I need your help. It’s out of control here.

B: Come on, dear. You can make it. Come on! Give the talk. Thewhole plan is your baby. (由你 负责)

A: That wasn’t hard at all.

B: No, like stealing candy from a baby.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Now when I was a baby, Mama named me after the great CivilWar hero, General Nathan Bedford Forrest. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Lenora: Who’s your friend?

Gump: My name’s Forrest. Forrest Gump.

Dan: This is cunning Carla and Long-Limbs Lenora.

Lenora: Where you been Baby cakes? Huh? I haven’t seen you around lately. You know you should have been here for Christmas because Tommy bought a round on the house and gave everybody a turkey sandwich. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

The rich get richer and the poor get babies.




Basic need

音形义 Everyday Expressions

n. [c] 美丽的人或事物

She was a famous beauty in her youth.

n. [u] 美

We shall never forget the beauty of the old Beijing.

n. 优点,极具魅力的特色

The beauty of this machine is its simplicity. (这机器的优点在于简单。)


beautify (美化);

beautiful (美丽的);


beauty contest (选美比赛);

beauty salon (美容院);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

美容师 --- beauty aid

风景点 --- beauty spot

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

beauty sleep --- 美容觉(午夜前的睡眠)

the beauty of sth --- 有优势的方面

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Mom it hurts.

B: This black eye you got in the fight is a real beauty,huh?!

A: Please! Mom!

Saving petrol, you know, that’s the beauty of buying a smallcar.

The beauty of his new job is that he works his own hours. (flexible hours)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And now for your listening and viewing pleasure, direct from Hollywood, California, our very own beatnik beauty, let’s give a big round of applause to the luscious Bobby Dylan. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Jesse Jackson: It’s beautiful to be black, but beauty is not enough.

Crowd Leader: What do you want?

Crowd Response: Black power! 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Beauty is but skin-deep.


Beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. / Beauty lies in lover's eyes.


名言 Quotations

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty,”—that is all Ya know on earth, and all ya need to know.John Keats (1795-1821), English poet. Ode on a Grecian Urn.

It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But … it isbetter to be good than to be ugly.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Anglo-Irish author. Lord Henry, in The Picture of Dorian Gray, ch. 17 (1891).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 鸟

She killed two birds with one stone by shopping and visiting the museum on the same trip. (她 出门一次,既买了东西又参观了博物馆,真是一举两得。)

n. 家伙,人

She is a strange bird.


birdy (小鸟球,高尔夫两杆进洞球。一杆进洞球---eagle。

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

益鸟 --- a useful bird

害鸟 --- a pernicious bird

候鸟 --- a bird of passage

不死鸟(长生鸟) --- the bird of wonder (phoenix)

鸟瞰图,要点 --- bird’s eye view

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

bird in the bush --- 没把握的事

bird in the hand --- 有把握的事

the birds and the bees --- (对孩子解释的)有关两性关系的基本常识

early bird---最早的人,早起的人

flip/ give somebody the bird --- 骂人的话(give somebody the finger)

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I’ll never be a telephone operator! That job is for the birds(毫无价值的/无聊 的)

B: That’s you! Personally, I think it’s an interesting job.

A: Gee, you are one strange bird. (古怪的人)

A: Hi Rick,guess what, Wallace’s twenty years old and doesn’t Know about the birds and the bees.

B: You’re kidding!

C: Hey guys, what’re you talking about?

A: We’re talking about Wallace.

C: What about him?

B: Jack says Wallace doesn’t know about the birds and the bees!!!

C: That explains why he’s a bird-watcher! (喜欢盯着女人看的男人)

A: What are you doing up here?

B: I want to get a bird’s eye view of the campus. I don’t think I’ll ever be an early bird.

A: Do you see that?

B: What?

A: That guy just gave you the bird!

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Little Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far away from here. Dear God, make me a bird...

Forrest: Mama always said that God is mysterious. He didn’t turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead, he had the police say that Jenny didn’t have to stay in that house no more. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜于两鸟在林。[明天得一百不如今天得五十/到手的东西才是可靠的]

Birds of the same feather flock together. 羽毛相同的鸟会结群在一起。[物以类聚]

The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟有虫吃。[捷足先登。]

Kill two birds with one stone. 用一个石头打死两只鸟。[一箭双雕,一举两得]



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 身体

Swimming is the best way to tone your body. (增强体质。)

n. 躯体 The mind governs the body. (精神支配肉体。)

n. 机构 Congress is a legislative body. (国会是立法机关。)

n. 主要部分 (of) There’s something wrong with the body of a letter.


bodily (身体的,肉体的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

体形 --- body shape

健美 --- body building

肢体语言--- body language

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

body and soul --- 全心全意

hard body --- 身材不错的人 (person of good figure)

keep body and soul together --- 维持生命

生活用语 Street Talks

You’ve got the body and I’ve got the brains. (You’re good-looking,I’m smart.)

A: Where did you bury his body? (尸体)

B: On the the back hill.

A: Dad, I found a dealer!

B: Over my dead body will you sell this house. (除非我死了)

A: It’s illegal to write this kind of article. You see?

B: I’ll write whatever I want to!

A: But they’ll put you in prison,dear?!

B: They can imprison my body, but not my mind.

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Joe: But he’s not here.

Kathleen: Well, if he’s not here, he has a reason. Because there is not a cruel or careless bone in his body, but I wouldn’t expect you to understand anybody like that… You’ve deluded yourself into thinking that you’re some sort of benefactor bringing books to masses. But no one will ever remember you, Joe Fox. And maybe no one will remember me either, but, plenty of people remember my mother, and they think she was fine and they think her store was something special. You’re nothing, but a suit. 《网上情缘》

谚语 Proverbs

A little body often harbours a great soul. 莫道身躯小,伟人寓其间。

名言 Quotations

Your body is the church where Nature asks to bereverenced.

Marquis de Sade (1740-1814), French author. Mme Delbène, in L’’Histoire de Juliette, ou les Prospérités du Vice, pt. 1 (1797).



Basic need

音形义 Everyday Expressions

n. 男孩

Put out that troublesome boy. (把那个捣蛋的男孩赶出去。)

n. 孩子

Cheer up, my boy!

n. 服务员

The bell boy is very responsible.

intej (美国口语中)表示惊奇的感叹词

Oh, boy ,what a beautiful girl!


boyhood (少年时代);

boyish (孩子气的)


boyfriend (男朋友 );

playboy (花花公子);

the Boy Scouts (童子军);

busboy (餐馆中打扫桌子的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

农场工人 --- a farm boy

报童 --- a newspaper boy

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

page boy --- 听差的男孩

party boy --- 善交际的男子

home boy --- 老乡

the boys --- 哥儿们

活用语 Street Talks

The cowboys in that movie are mostly nature boys.(男性味十足的男人)

A: Oh, boy! Look at that! (哎!哇!)

B: What’s up? A: That house is on fire!

A: Mr. Smith, your son saved his classmate from drowning thismorning!

B: That’s my boy! (好小子)

A: Boy, you’re in trouble!

B: Why?

A: Mom found out you’ve been skipping school.

I went to the bar with the boys last night.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I like to know what my boys are up to. 《毕业生》

That boy sure is a running fool. 《阿甘正传》

So, you boys from Arkansas, huh? 《阿甘正传》

对话 Mr.Braddock: Listen. Now I'm going to ask for a big round ofapplause to bring this boy out here—All right.Now wait a minute—Oh, let me amendthat—to bring this young man out here—because today he is twenty-one years old—

Mr. Arnold: Yeah. Let's get on with the show! 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

As the boy is, so is the man.三岁看老。

名言 Quotations

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boy’s life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.Mark Twain (1835-1910), U.S. author. Tom Sawyer, ch. 26 (1876).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 职务,职责

It’s your business to take care of the kids. (你的职责是照顾孩子。)

n. 职业 What line of business are you in? (你从事那一行?)

n. 商业

John wants to go into business when he leaves university.


businessman/ businesswoman (商人(男/女));

businesslike (公事化的);

business hours (营业时间,办公时间)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

娱乐圈 --- show biz (business)

开始办正事,言归正传 ---to get (down) to business

别管闲事 --- mind one’s own business

与…无关,没有权力… --- have no business to (do)

忙自己的事情 --- go about one’s business

破产,倒闭 --- go out of business

习语与俗语Idioms & Slangs

business is business --- 公事公办

It’s none of your business. --- 不关你的事

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Hi Bob, how’s business? (情况如何)

B: Just okay.

A: Okay, enough small talk. Let’s get down to business/ talk business. (谈正题吧)

B: Good idea.

A: Since we’re good friends, you don't have to pay me.

B: No, I can’t accept it. Business is business.

A: Joanna, will you go out with me tonight?

B: I’d like to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have another date tonight.

A: With who?

B: David! C’mon! It’s none of your business. (你就别管了)

A: Why are you so happy?

B: Well, the bank just called and agreed to finance us. So we are in business now, buddy!

A: Hi Jane where’s your husband?

B: He’s away on business.

I majored in bookkeeping in business school.

Be careful, these guys mean business.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 1 You went to business school, I can’t get you anywhere near the office. 《情归巴黎》

2 Cash, stock, and they don’t want to tell me how to run the business. 《情归巴黎》

3 In all these years, you’ve never once seen the face of somebody the day after we’ve taken over their business, have you? 《情归巴黎》

Didn’t you once say “Everything is business”? 《情归巴黎》

Don’t mention the IRS or the federal business system. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Well this is your business, I don't want to play games with you. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Business makes a man as well as tries him. 事业既会考验人,也会造就人。

Business is the salt of life. 事业是人生之盐,不可缺少。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 小汽车 (美语中也用 automobile)

He goes to school by car.

n. 车厢 (美语中也用carriage)

Cafe cars are operated on trains by the Railways. (列车上有吸烟休息室的餐车由铁道部门经营。)

n. 其他车辆

I go to work by street car every day. (有轨电车)

车身--- body

轮胎--- tire(British English: tyre)

前灯--- headlight

方向灯--- turn signal

保险杠--- bumper

引擎盖--- hood

方向盘--- steering wheel

后视镜--- rearview mirror

行李箱--- trunk

挡风玻璃--- windshield

发动机;引擎 --- engine

变速箱--- transmission

离合器 --- clutch

仪表盘 --- dash board

跑车--- coupe(2 door sporty car)

轿车--- sedan(4 door family car)

三排以上座位的豪华车--- limonsine

敞篷车--- convertible

吉普类车---SUV (sport utility vehicle)

刹车--- brake

防死刹车系统--- ABS (Anti-lock brake system)

车牌--- license plate

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

晕车 --- car sickness

缆车 --- a cable car

车祸 --- car accident (短时间的)

停车场 --- car park

车费 --- car fare

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

car pool(ing) --- 为了节省parking space, 几人共同使用一辆车

car jack --- 在车中强行抢车

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Can I borrow your car tonight?

B: Just make sure you don’t wreck it.

A: Nancy, you want to go to a movie now?

B: Sorry, I can’t leave now. I’m car pooling today

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? 《毕业生》

Did the dry cleaners have your car? 《情归巴黎》

I was just taking her hand, to help her out of a car. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The car is down this way. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Please do not leave your car unattended. 《毕业生》

对话 Mr. Carlson: Is that the new car out there? The little red Wop job?

Mr. Braddock: That's Ben's graduation present. 《毕业生》

Mrs. Robinson: We'd go to his car.

Ben: Oh no. In the car you did it?

Mrs. Robinson: I don't think we were the first.

Ben: What kind of car was it?

Mrs. Robinson: What?

Ben: Do you remember the make of the car?

Mrs. Robinson: Oh my God.

Ben: Really. I want to know.

Mrs. Robinson: It was a Ford, Benjamin. 《毕业生》.

名言 Quotations

I don’t even like old cars … I’d rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God’s sake.

J. D. Salinger (b. 1919), U.S. author. Holden Caulfield, in The Catcher in the Rye, ch. 17 (1951).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 偶然性,运气

Bill left everything to chance. (每件事都听其自然。)

n. [C] 机会

John wants to go abroad when he gets a chance.

n. 可能

This ideal stands a good chance of realization.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

邂逅 --- chance meeting

私生子 --- chance child

偶然地 --- by chance

碰碰运气 --- take a chance

听天由命,顺其自然 --- leave…to chance

机会/可能性很大 --- stand a good chance

可能性很小 --- slim chance

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Fat chance! --- 没戏!(Not a chance. No way.)

Chinaman’s chance --- 机会渺茫(美国社会中种族歧视严重,中国人的命运可想而知)

chance of a lifetime --- 千载难逢的机会

by any chance --- 或许,可能

the chance are that --- 很可能

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Sally, I was wondering if I, I could borrow…Well I mean…Imean borrow…

B: Money? Me lend you money! Not a chance! (全无机会)

A: Well Mr. Black, I appreciate your interest in our company, but I doubt you can do this job properly.

B: I’m sure I can do it well. I’ve always wanted to be the best in whatever I did. Give me a chance. (给我一次机会吧)

A: Well, the debate was fair.

B: Yeah, you said it. Each opponent had a chance to speak.

A: As chance would have it, I ran into Ron today. (很凑巧)

B: Do you have a cigarette by chance? (凑巧)

A: VV, would you lend me 50,000?

B: Fat chance!

What about my chances to got this job?

Are you from China by any chance?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The only chance they’ll ever have is a half way house, that’ll help them get their feet under them again. 《情归巴黎》

But, I’d go and visit her every chance I got. 《阿甘正传》

Everybody gets a second chance. 《阿甘正传》

Give it a chance. 《情归巴黎》

对话 David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert.

Linus: I don’t have time for dessert. I’m too busy with thiscompany. You’re a grown man, David. Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson’s the best things that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.人生际遇,难得平等。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 孩子

Tom’s first child died two days after he got divorced.

n. 无经验的人,行动像小孩子的人

My wife is a child in financial matters. (我的妻子不善于理财。)

n. 产儿,产物

His books were the children of his brain.


childish (幼稚的,孩子气的);

childlike (天真的,特指大人的言行);

childhood (童年);

childless (无子女的);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

临产胎儿 --- child about-to-be-born

淘气的孩子 --- naughty child

任性的孩子 --- wilful child

彬彬有礼的孩子 --- a well-behaved child

有天赋的孩子 --- a gifted child

独生子 --- the only child

抚养孩子 --- raise a child

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

wild child --- 舞会狂 (party animal)

child's play --- 极易做的事,小菜一碟;不重要的行为

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Daddy, uncle Willie is too fat.

B: Huh! He’ll be angry when he hears that.

C: Let it be, honey. He’s only a child. Children and fools speak the truth.

A: That’s not fair!

B: Stop acting like such a child! (别这么幼稚。)

A: Was the test difficult?

B: Child’s play. (小儿科。)

I’m a real wild child. I like to drink, chase women, and smoke weed. (大麻)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The doctors had begged me to take drugs, but I kept saying Iwouldn’t do anything to hurt my child. 《情归巴黎》

All children are hideous at the age of eight. 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Sabrina: What was he like as a child? Mr. Fairchild: Shorter. 《情归巴黎》

Forrest: I liked that guitar. It sounded good. I started moving around to the music, swingin’ my hips. This night, me and mama was out shoppin’ and we walked right by Pitsey’s Furnature and Appliance store, Guess what... (Elvis was on TV dancing the way that Forrest taught him)

Mrs.Gump: This is not for children’s eyes. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Children and fools cannot lie.孩子和傻子,不会说谎。

The child is father of the man 童年的经历可决定成年以后的性格(三岁看大)。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] (时)钟

I set my alarm clock for 6.30. (我把闹钟拨到6点半响。)

v. 计时;记录

This old car has clocked up another 50,000 kilometers. (这部老爷车已经行驶了5万公里)

v. 达到(速度)

He clocked 9.6 seconds for the 100 meters. (他用9.6秒跑完100米)


clockwise (顺时针);

clock tower (钟楼);

clock watcher (总看钟点等着下班的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

把钟拨准 --- put the clock right

把钟拨慢 --- turn back the clock

把钟拨快 --- set a clock ahead

争分夺秒 --- race work against the clock

给钟上发条 --- wind a clock

抢时间 --- fight the clock

连轴转 --- work around the clock

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

clock in/ clock out ---(上班/ 下班)签到;打卡

stay the clock --- 不介意时间 (forget about time)

around the clock --- 夜以继日

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Damn George, he’s trying to kill the clock. (为保持分数而拿着球拖延比赛时间)

B: We’ve got to stop him. Come on!

If you don’t shut up, buster, I’m gonna clean your clock! (狠揍你一顿)

A: All staff in the company are required to clock in. (记录上班时间)

B: Clock in? You mean punch in? (同样表示记录上班时间)

A: Yes!

B: Do we have staff who usually clock in late?

A: Sometimes, yes.

B: Well I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 o’clock a.m. I’m sure I won’t be late for work.

Let’s stay the clock babygirl, and enjoy ourselves. (忘记时间)



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 同伴

I don’t feel at home in Alice’s company. (觉得不自在。)

n. 陪伴

George keeps his own company. (独来独往)

n. 公司

This company laid off 100 hands. (人)公司名通常简写为: Co.例:史密斯公司--- Smith Co.


companion (伙伴);

companionship (友谊,伴侣关系);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

出版社 --- a publishing company

陪伴 --- for company

和某人一道 --- keep sb. company

和…交往,与…为友--- keep company with

和…一起 --- be in company with

断绝来往 --- part company

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

company man --- (白领阶层的)受雇者

Two is company, three is crowd. --- 两人为伴,三人添乱.

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Jack doesn’ t enjoy the company of the opposite sex!(不喜欢与异性作伴)

B: What a queer bird! (多奇怪的人啊!)

C: No, I don’t think so. I think he’s glad of Joanna’s company!

A: See, they’re over there!!!

A: What does your son do for a living?

B: He works for a shipping company.

A: John and Kate are keeping company. (谈恋爱)

B: Well I don’t think they are serious. Parents usually remind their kids to avoid the company of strangers. (避免与陌生人交往)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company. 《阿甘正传》

He graduated from Yale at 19 and took his mother and company for a ride on the fiber-optic highway, and turned a one hundred million dollar family business into some serious money. 《情归巴黎》

I’m too busy with this company. 《情归巴黎》

It’s like what happens when I watch those phone company ads.《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Better go it alone than to be in bad company.宁可一人独往,莫与坏人为伴。

You may know a man by the company he keeps.只见其友则知其人。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 下面这些人们常见的 actions 到底指什么呢,请填空说明(有可能有多种含义)。

1. People often smile when …………………………………………………………………………

2. They often breathe quickly after…………………………………………………………………..

3. They laugh when…………………………………………………………………………………..

4. They blow their noses……………………………………………………………………………..

5.They shake their heads……………………………………………………………………………..

6. They cry…………………………………………………………………………………………

7. They yawn when…………………………………………………………………………………..

Possible Answer: 1. they’re happy or being polite

2. running

3. they’re happy or when there is something very funny

4. when they have a cold

5. when they want to say “no”

6. when they’re sad

7. when they’re tired or bored

II. 人通常被形容成为某种动物。下列这些与动物有关的形容词是描写人的状态,请划线对应。

sheepish: malicious-tongued

cocky bad-tempered

Mousy: dull, uninteresting, shy, quiet

dogged: stubborn

catty awkwardly self-conscious

ratty arrogant

III. 下列一对单词中的黑体字母发音是否相同? 请分辨并注明音标。

Examples: whale water (different) cat camel (same)

1. lion tiger 2. leopard mosquito

3. bear eagle 4. gorilla giraffe

5. spider wild 6. monkey mosquito

7. camel snake 8. leopard shark

9. dog wasp 10 mouse cow

keys: 1 same /ai/ 2 different /e/, /?/ 3 different /??/ /?:/ 4 different /g/ /??/

5 same /ai/ 6 different /?/ /?/ 7 different /? / /ei/ 8 different/?:/ /?:/

9 same /?/ 10 same /au/

IV. 下面有十四个单词分别对应人体的部位,请从横向或纵向排列中找出来。








Keys: chin, elbow, toe, neck, lip, eye, cheek, chest, ankle, arm, heel, nail, back, knee,

VI. 有些名词叫集合名词,即描述一个群体的名词,不需要加 s或 es,如 people, gang等。请用下列的集合名词填空。 company team crew staff cast

1. A ……………of rescue-workers arrived at the scene of disaster.

2. The …………..were all saved when the ship sank.

3. The …………….are rehearsing a new production.

4. The ………………were all amateurs.

5. The ………………are on strike.

Keys: 1. team 2. crew 3. company(指一群演员) 4. cast (指演员阵容) 5. staff

V. 把下列英文谚语翻译成中文,注意核心名词的用法。

1. Don’t judge a man’s actions at first sight; give them a second look.

2. The rich get richer and the poor get babies.

3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

4. The early bird catches the worm.

5. A little body often harbors a great soul.

6. As the boy is, so is the man.

7. Business neglected is business lost.

8. A clock that stands still is better than one that goes wrong.

9. Two is company, three is a crowd.

第三部分 流行语汇

movie buff 电影谜

animated cartoon(animation) 卡通片

documentary movie 记录片

newsreel 新闻片

comedy 喜剧片

tragedy 悲剧片

action movie 动作片

romance 爱情片

sci-fi movie 科幻片

detective movie 侦探片

western movie 西部片

horror/scary movie 恐怖片

thriller 惊悚片

nomination 提名奖

Academy Award 学院奖

smash hit 巨大的成功

movie theater/house 电影院

drive-in 露天电影院

premier show/first run 首映

producer 制片人

director 导演

movie star 电影明星

actor/actress 男/女演员

leading actor 主角

supporting actor 配角

full house 客满

box office 票房


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 天,日子

He goes on a walk every day.

n. 白天

Most people work during the day.

n. 工作日

I got a day off work.


payday (发薪日);

dayjob (主要工作);

daybreak (拂晓);

daydream (白日梦);

daylight (黎明);

daytime (白天的时间);

day-boy/girl (走读生);

daycare (日托,父母白天上班,把小孩子交给托儿所);

day shift (白班工人)(night shift 夜班)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

日复一日 --- day after day

日日夜夜 --- day and night

鼎盛时期 --- in one’s day

使某人非常高兴 --- make sb’s day

有朝一日 --- one day

最近 --- the other day

会议议程 --- the order of the day

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

dog days --- 三伏天

take it day by day --- 慢慢来 (go slowly)

call it a day --- 今天就到这儿

those were the days --- 那是过去的好时光

It’s not sb’s day --- 倒霉的一天

for a rainy day --- 未雨绸缪

生活用语 Street Talks

A: You know what? They lengthened the working day from eight to nine hours.

B: That’s ridiculous!

A: Here’s your change, sir.

B: Thank you. Bye.

A: Have a nice day. Come again. (再见/ 祝你愉快)

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Mr. Robinson: Hi, Ben. What are you doing with yourself these days?

Ben: Oh—not too much. Take it easy. 《毕业生》

Mrs. Braddock: Well, you don't drive around from midnight until noonthe next day, Benjamin.

Ben: Oh, no. 《毕业生》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n 狗

I walk my dog every morning. (溜狗)

n. 人,家伙

You lucky dog!


hot dog (热狗);

dog-earned (书翻旧而页角折卷的);

dog fight (混战);

dog-paddle (游泳动作的狗刨式);

dog-tired (极度疲倦的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

警犬/ 猎犬/ 看门狗/ 疯狗 --- a police dog/ a hunting dog/ a watch dog/ a mad dog

三伏天 --- dog days

书页的折角 --- dog ears

忧烦的日子 --- to lead a dog’s life

不当人看待 --- to treat sb like a dog

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

top dog --- 大人物 (hot shot)

dog eat dog --- 残酷无情的竞争

dog’s chance --- 机会渺茫

rain cats and dogs --- 瓢泼大雨

fight like cat and dog --- 打得很厉害

o to the dogs --- (指组织、机构)大不如从前,不再有往日之盛

put on the dog --- 炫耀,摆排场

生活用语 Street Talks

That dirty dog tried to cheat me! (卑鄙的家伙)

Victoria is the top dog in this company.

Would you quit dogging me about the assignment?

We’ll have two hot dogs and two beers.

What have you done to my girl? You dog! (你这混蛋)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 But came back because Irene threatened to put the dog tosleep if he didn’t. 《西雅图夜 未眠》

I don’t know, but I think it was her grandma’s dog. He was a mean dog. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。

Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日。

You can not teach an old dog new tricks.老人旧习难改。

Let sleeping dogs lie.莫惹是生非。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 眼睛

Tom is a boy with blue eyes.

n. 视力

She is slowly losing her eyesight.

眉毛 --- eyebrow

眼皮,眼睑 --- eyelid

眼睫毛 --- eyelash

眼球 --- eyeball


eyewitness (目击者);

eyesore (眼中钉);

eye-appealing (漂亮的);

eye-catching (引人注目的);

eyesight (视力);

eye-opener (令人开眼界的事物);

eye-strain (眼睛疲劳)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

遭到白眼 --- to get the eye

引起注意 --- to catch sb’s eye

挤眉弄眼 --- to make eyes at

留意某人/某事--- to keep an eye on sb/sth

目不转睛地看 --- be all eyes

在某人看来 --- in sb’s eyes

直视某人 --- to look sb in the eyes

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth) --- 以眼还眼(以牙还牙)一报还一报

only have eyes for --- 只对…感兴趣

see eye to eye with sb --- 完全一致,看法相同

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Scot! You know what? Anna gave me the eye. It really surprised me. (暗送秋波)

B: She makes goo-goo eyes at everybody! (媚眼)

A: No! It’s different! Like magic! You know? She hit me between the eyes the moment I saw her. (发生深刻印象)

Let’s just put on my eyes before we go outside. (墨镜 sunglasses)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 This is not for children’s eyes. 《阿甘正传》

Good morning, blue eyes. 《情归巴黎》

Can you keep an eye on things at front until I get back? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

All evil eye can see no good.恶人眼里无好人。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 食物

I have not touched food today.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

绿色/健康食品 --- health food

冷冻食品 --- frozen food

加工食品 --- processed food

快餐 --- fast food

海产品 --- seafood

包装食品 --- packed food

熟食 --- cooked food

中餐/ 意大利餐 --- Chinese/ Italian food

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

junk food --- 垃圾食品

food for thought --- 值得深思的事

生活用语 Street Talks

A: How’s the food?

B: It’s pretty good.

A: Well I don’t think so. I don’t like it at all!

B: I’m afraid you’re being too particular about your food.

A: I eat dog food when my parents are out. (乱七八糟的食物)

B: We’re in the same boat! I’ve eaten fast food the whole week. I hate it now. (我俩彼此彼 此)

A: Poor us! All this junk food lacks nutrition! (垃圾食品)

B: Caul, let’s dine out tonight for a change!(下馆子)

A: Good idea!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’d rather die than eat airplane food. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Now the really good thing about meeting the president of the United States is the food. 《阿甘正传》

It was my favorite food in France. 《情归巴黎》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 脚

Rose hurt her foot.

脚背 --- instep

脚趾 --- toe

脚弓 --- arch

脚后跟 --- heel

n. 英尺

Tom is six feet tall.


football (橄榄球);

footnote (脚注 );

footprint (脚印);

footwear (鞋类);

footstep (脚步);

bare-footed (光脚的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

步行 --- on foot

光脚 --- naked/ bare foot

笨手笨脚 --- to have two left feet

自力更生 --- to stand on one’s own feet

到达 --- set feet on sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

have a foot in both camps --- 脚踏两只船

have a foot in the door --- 初入行业

have both feet on the gound --- 脚踏实地

drag one’s feet --- 拖延不走

get somebody’s foot wet --- 尝试做某事

get the cold feet --- 畏缩不前;紧张

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I’ve never bungee jumped. (蹦极)

B: C’mon get your feet wet. (try)

A: Jean, could you lend me your bicycle please?

B: Oh, Tom, I’m afraid not. Its tyres are worn!

C: Shit! Ok, never mind. I’ll foot it over to the drug store. See you! (快走)

A: Jenny, please believe me. You are my only love! Honey!

B: I’m not stupid, Jack! You have a foot in both camps.

A: I’ve told you, never ever do that again!

B: I’m sorry Dad.

A: If you try it again, I’ll give you the foot. See? (踢某人)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’ve been following in foot steps all my life. 《情归巴黎》

t’s just cold feet isn’t it? 《西雅图夜未眠》

This is Captain Browning and we’re at our cruising altitude of approximately 35,000 《西雅图夜未眠》

Try and keep your feet dry. 《阿甘正传》

The Mekong will eat a grunt’s feet right off his legs. 《阿甘正传》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 朋友

A friend of mine gave me a bunch of flower on my birthday.

n. 支持者

He was a friend of the poor.


buddy (哥们姐们)

pal (伙伴)

dude (哥们,男性之间互相称呼)


friendly (友好的)


friendship (友谊);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

好朋友 --- best friend

笔友 --- a pen friend (a pen pal)

酒肉朋友 --- a fair-weather friend

忠实的朋友 --- a devoted friend

交朋友 --- to make friends (with)

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I need something more than a fair-weather friend. (不能共患难的朋友)

B: I agree.

What is a friend for? (朋友不就是做这个的吗?)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 She was my most special friend... My only friend. 《阿甘正传》

You mean to tell me I can’t have a drink and a dance with an old friend? 《情归巴黎》

She said she was having a drink in the hotel with a friend. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

A good friend is my nearest relation.良友如近亲。

A friend is easier lost than found.朋友易失不易得。

A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友。

A friend is best found in adversity.患难见真友。

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.广交友,无深交。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 未来

What will be the future of China?

n. 前途

Andy has a bright future.


futuristic (新潮的,非传统的);

futures (期货);

futurism (未来派)


future tense (将来时)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

政治前程 --- political future

前途光明 --- a promising future

前途黯淡 --- a dark future

从今以后 --- in the future

不久将来 --- in the near future

供以后参考 --- for future reference

放眼未来 --- to look to the future

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

have a great/bright future --- 前途远大

have no future/ to have a dull future --- 没有前途

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I’m sorry I was late.

B: Be on time in the future.

A: Angela, I heard you gave up your job?

B: Yeah, because there’s no future in it. (前途)

A: Alice is for sure a good student.

B: Yeah! I see a bright future before her.

A: We’re trying to plan our future.

B: If you knew what the future was going to be like, life would be boring.

A: Alice is for sure a good student.

B: Yeah! I see a bright future before her.

A: We’re trying to plan our future.

B: If you knew what the future was going to be like, life would be boring.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And to myfuture son-in-law, David Larrabee, lucky S.O.B. Just kidding, David, just kidding. 《情归巴黎》

We enjoyed having you on board and look forward to seeing you again in the near future.《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

When all else is lost the future still remains.一切全失,未来仍存。

The future becomes the present if we fight for it.只要肯奋斗,远景变现实。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 女孩

There are more girls than boys in our class.

n. 女儿

My little girl is ill.

n. 女朋友

John and his girl came to lunch.


girlish (少女般的);

girlhood (少女时代)


the Girl Scouts (女童军);

Spice Girls (辣妹组合 a band)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

女职员 --- an office girl

女话务员 --- a hello girl (or telephone operator)

(杂志等)封面女郎 --- a cover girl

堕落的女子 --- a fallen girl (or a fallen angel)

和女友约会 --- to date a girl

泡妞 --- to chase girls

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

girl Friday --- 得力的女助手

bar girl --- 吧女(指酒吧) bus girl --- 餐馆里的女杂工

call girl --- 妓女 (whore with telephone)

party girl --- 热衷于社交聚会的女子

get a girl into trouble --- 使女子怀孕

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Jean and Joan are unbelievably different girls. And you’ll never believe they are cousins.

B: You said it! Jean’s so excellent that her boss praised her as his girl Friday; Joan, on the other hand is a party girl and spends little time on study.

A: Did you meet Wallace’s girlfriend? She’s gorgeous!

B: I only heard recently that Wally got her into trouble!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Listen, this girl is smart, she’s really smart. 《情归巴黎》

I could have sworn I knew every pretty girl on the North Shore. 《情归巴黎》

You’re the only girl I danced with only once. 《情归巴黎》

Mrs. Robinson: Is it a girl?

Ben: Is what a girl? 《毕业生》

名言 Quotations

Girls are so queer you never know what they mean. They say No when they mean Yes, and drive a man out of his wits for the fun of it.

Louisa May Alcott (1832-8), U.S. author. Laurie, in Little Women, pt. 2, ch. 12 (1869).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 玻璃

A mirror is made of glass.

n. 玻璃杯

I drink a glass of milk every day!

饮料杯 --- a beverage glass

啤酒杯 --- a beer glass (or a jar mug)

雪利酒杯 --- a sherry glass

威士忌酒杯 --- a whisky glass

白兰地酒杯 --- a Brandy glass (or snifter)

红葡萄酒酒杯 --- a wine glass

n. 眼镜 (pl) (也为 spectackes)

In two weeks, I broke three pairs of glasses! Can you believe it?

墨镜 --- sun glasses

花镜 --- reading glasses

度数深的眼镜 --- strong glasses

隐形眼镜 --- contact lenses

近视镜 --- glasses for near-sighted persons (在英语中没有确切的近视镜或远视镜的表达法。

e.g. A: I wear glasses.

B: Why?

A: ‘cause I am near-sighted.


glassful (一杯的容量);

glassy (像玻璃那样的);

glaze (v. 给…镶嵌玻璃/给某物覆盖上薄而亮的表面)


glass house (温室);

glassware (总称:玻璃器皿);

glassworks (玻璃制造厂);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

梳妆小镜(妇女手提包中) --- a vanity glass

斟满一杯 --- to fill up a glass

碰杯(祝酒) --- to touch glasses

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Could I have a glass of water please?

B: Sure, make yourself at home.

A: I’d like to raise my glass to our host! (干杯)

B: Cheers.

A: Take another glass, everybody. (再喝一杯; or take another drink)

B: Let’s drain the glass to the bottom. (让我们一饮而尽。Or Bottoms up!)

A: Please pour this milk into that glass.

B: Ok. My pleasure.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It means seeing life through rose colored glasses. 《情归巴黎》

I could probably scare us up some champagne a couple of Dixie cups, I’m through withglasses. 《情归巴黎》

If you’re having trouble sleeping you might want to try to drink a glass of water from the other side. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Women and glass are always in danger. 女人和玻璃,总在危险中。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 毛发(不可数)

My hair used to be very long.

n. (人或物)毛发(指单根)(可数)

There’s a hair in my soup.


hairy (多毛的);

hairless (无毛发的)


hairbrush (发刷);

hairpin (发夹);

haircut (理发);

hair oil (发油);

hairdo (发式;the style or manner of arranging or combing);

hairstyle (发型;the design of coiffure);

hairdresser (美发师);

hairdryer (吹风机)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

梳头 --- to brush/ comb hair

做头发 --- to set/ do one’s hair

吹干头发 --- to blow-dry hair

卷烫头发 --- to curl hair

留长发 --- to wear/ keep one’s hair long

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

make hair stand on end --- 毛骨悚然

tear out one’s hair --- 气恼,焦急

get grey hair from --- 发愁;被什么…把头发弄白

by a hair’s breath --- 以极短的数量/极短的距离

get in sb’s hair --- 给某人惹麻烦

hang by a hair --- 千钧一发

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I wish I hadn’t married Harry.

B: Why? A: Well, he’s always getting in my hair. (惹恼某人)

A: I have been fearing my hair out over this math problem.

B: Don’t worry about it,it’s no big deal.

A: My daughter gets me grey hair. She does drug a lot; sleeps with many men.

B: A typical fallen angel.

When I heard the strange cry, my hair stood on end.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I make sure he combs his hair and brushes his teeth everyday. 《阿甘正传》

I don’t care what she did to her hair. 《情归巴黎》

In twisted braids of lilies knitting the loose train of thine amber dropping hair. 《情归 巴黎》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 心,心脏

His heart stopped heating and he died soon afternards

n. 勇气

I want to argue with my boss, but I didn’t have the heart.

n. 关键,中心部位

Your article doesn’t touch on the heart of the subject.

n. 内心、心灵 He has a kind heart.


heartless (无情的);

hearten (v.鼓动;振奋);

heartening (adj.令人振奋的)


heartbroken (心碎的);

heart-warming (温馨感人的);

heartache (心痛,悲叹);

wholehearted (全心全意的);

heartattack (心脏病发作);

heartbeat (心搏);

heart-failure (心力衰竭);

heart land (中心地带);

heart-to-heart (谈心)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

市中心 (喻) --- the heart of the city (or hotspot)

全心全意的 --- heart and soul

冷心肠/热心肠 --- cold-hearted/warm-hearted

灰心泄气 --- to lose heart

使人心碎 --- to break one’s heart

习语与俗语Idioms & Slangs

Follow your heart. --- 跟着感觉走。

be after one’s own heart --- 正合己意

have a heart of gold --- 心地善良

have a heart of stone --- 铁石心肠

from the bottom of one’s heart --- 打心眼里

have one’s heart in one’s mouth --- 非常惊恐

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Leo is a good-natured man at heart. (从根本上、内在的)

B: That’s why it came home to my heart. (那感动了我)

A: Frankly, I’m jealous of you. I wish I could marry a man of heart like your husband. (心肠 好的人)

B: You will.

A: Do you really want this job?

B: From the bottom of heart… (确实很愿意;or deep down)

A: You were speeding. I have to give you a ticket.

B: Have a heart, officer. I wasn’t going all that fast. (发发善心吧)

A: I’m sorry to hear about your Dad’s accident. How’s your mom?

B: Mom broke her heart over his death.

My heart skips a beat when he kisses me.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’ll just grow a new heart. 《西雅图夜未眠》

He had himself a heart attack or something. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Sabrina: Well, that you’re the world’s only living heart donor.

Linus: Oh, that.

谚语 Proverbs

What comes from the heart goes to the heart.肺腑之言感人心。

The heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. 愚者的心长在嘴里,智者的嘴长在心里。

Hearts may agree, though heads differ.见解纵不同,感情可一致。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 家

I made my home in the country. (我搬到乡下住了。)

n. 产地

India is the home of tigers.

n. 住宅

I hope to set up my own little home.

adv. 回家;在家

I went home to my mother.


homeless (无家的);

homeward (归途的);

homely (相貌平平的,朴素的)


homesick (想家的);

hometown (老家;家乡);

homemade (家里做的,自制的);

homecoming (adj. 回家的);

homemaker (管家; or housewife);

homeland (祖国; or homecountry);

homework (作业);

Home Secretary (英)(内政大臣);

home economics (家政学)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

国内市场 --- home market

国内事务 --- home affairs

国内贸易 --- home trade

独自在家 --- home alone

主场球队 --- home team

无拘束 --- to feel at home

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

home free --- 自由自在

a home bird --- 喜欢呆在家里的人

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Happy birthday, Jenny.

B: Wow, thanks! Come on in. Make yourself at home. (请不要拘束)

A: What’s your home/goal in college? (目标)

B: To study law and become a lawyer in the future.

A: Good. As you’ve set your goal, what you need to do now is to home in/target on it. (朝着 目标走)

B: I see, sir.

He is at home in American literature. (精通)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I may even be home before you get it. 《情归巴黎》

But I’ll have it in my pocket when I get home, and I’ll take it with me wherever I go from now on. 《情归巴黎》

It’s like going home. Only to no home I’d ever known.《西雅图夜未眠》

Hey, maybe when we get home, we’ll get a dog. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Will you take me home? 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,那里就是家。

An Englishman’s home is his castle. 英国人的家就是城堡。(为随心所欲的天地。)

There’s no place like home.金窝银窝不如自己的土窝。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 我们可以用一系列的形容词来修饰 friend,请根据下列的形容词解释意义。

1. an old-----friend is someone ………………………………………………………………

2. a---close----friend is someone ………………………………………………………………

3. your –best/ bosom -friend is the one friend …………………………………………………

keys: you have known for a long time

you like and trust

you feel closest to

II. 你能写出以下列字母起首的某种食物吗?至少列举两个。

1.Beginning with the letter “p” …………………………………………

2.Beginning with the letter “b”………………………………………….

3.Beginning with the letter “m” ……………………………………….

4.Beginning with the letter “c”………………………………………….

5.Beginning with the letter “a”………………………………………….

III. 请回答下列关于家的问句,并把它们连成一段话。

1. Do you live in a house or flat?

2. If you live in a flat, what floor is it on?

3. If you live in a house, do you have a garden?

4. Does the house/flat belong to you (or your family), or do you rent it?

5. Would you describe your house/flat as dark or light?

6. Is it noisy or quiet?

IV. 请写出:

1. five games where you can hit the ball( with various kinds of equipment).

2. four games where you can pass the ball.

3. three games where you can catch the ball.

4. two games where you can kick the ball.

5. one game where you can head the ball.

Possible Answers:

1. tennis, table tennis, badminton, cricket, baseball, hockey

2. soccer, rugby, American football, hockey, basketball

3. rugby, American football, cricket, baseball, basketball

4. soccer, rugby

5. soccer

V. 请把下列谚语译成英文。

1. 爱屋及乌。

2. 凡人皆有得意日。

3. 有得必有失。

4. 别久情疏。

5. 广交友,无深交。

6. 一切全失,未来仍存。

7. 旁观者清。

8. 愚者的心长在嘴里,智者的嘴长在心里。

9. 心在哪里,哪里就是家。

第三部分 流行语汇

get-together 聚会

at-home party 家庭宴会

tea party 茶会

dinner party 晚餐会

garden party 游园会

dance; ball 舞会

birthday party 生日宴会

Christmas party 圣诞派对

luncheon party 午餐会

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

welcome party 欢迎会

farewell party 告别会

year-end dinner party 年终聚餐会

New Year’s banquet 新年宴会

Invitation card/letter of invitation 请贴

Birthday greetings 生日贺辞

party dress 宴会服装


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 工作

The repair job will cost $300.

n. 职业

I got a job with Siemens.

n. 工作,任务

You’ve done a good job.

n 责任,职责

It’s not my job to do this !


jobless (失业中的);

part-time job (兼职);

full-time job (全职);

job site (施工的地方);

job-creation (就业机会)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

劳务市场 --- job market

面试 --- job interview

工作 --- job offer

长期工作 --- permanent job

零活 --- odd jobs

美差 --- a fat job

麻烦的工作 --- a troublesome job

棘手的工作 --- a tough job

费力不讨好的工作 --- a thankless job

指挥工作 --- to boss the job

辞职 --- to quit one’s job

失业 --- to lose one’s job/ be out of a job

好好干 --- to do a good job

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

jobs for the boys --- 为亲信安排的工作

make a bad /good job of sth --- 把某事做坏/好

do the job --- 起作用,奏效

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I’m going to call the employment agency for a job.

B: What kind of job do you prefer?

A: An office job. As long as it’s highly-paid. (报酬优厚的工作)

B: But a desk job doesn’t usually pay that much. (文书工作)

A: Did you hear they fired Sam?

B: Yeah, he was caught drinking on the job. (drinking while working)

A: He deserved it. Sometimes he was sleeping on the job.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And I did a hell of a job. 《情归巴黎》

That decorator on the Bennett job. 《西雅图夜未眠》

She’s on her sixth painter and we’re never going to finish this job. 《西雅图夜未眠》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 生

It’s a matter of life and death.

n. 生命

Many lives were lost in the accident.

n. 生物

Is there life on Mars? (火星上有生物吗?)

n. 人生;生活

“Enjoy life” is my view of life.

n. 过日子

We lead a happy life.

n. 活力;生气

The young people were full of life.


lifeless (无生命的)


life expectancy (预期寿命);

life jacket (救生衣);

lifetime (一生);

lifelong (终生的);

lifesaver (救星);

lifeboat (救生艇);

lifeguard (救生员);

lifestyle (生活方式);

life-span (寿命,生命的期限);

life-and-death (生死攸关的,关系重大的);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

人寿保险 --- life insurance

生命周期 --- life cycle

特别高兴时刻 --- the time of one’s life

一辈子 --- all one’s life

恢复生气 --- to come to life

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

life and death --- 生死攸关

the life of the party --- 中心人物

life for life --- 以命偿命

bet one’s life on sth. --- 拿生命打赌

take one’s life in one’s hand --- 冒生命危险

frighten the life out of sb --- 惊吓某人

生活用语 Street Talks

Victoria’s my life saver. Without her I don’t know what to do with my visa.

This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. (边境生活)

Get a life Jane! You’ve been studying all the time.

Don’t be so serious. Go out or have fun or drink a beer! Just get a life!

A: I was short-changed ten dollars. Do you think I should go back to the store and ask for it?

B: Not on your life. You’ll pay more than that for the taxi. (千万不要)

A: I’ve been working hard, but they don’t give me a promotion.

B: That’s life. Anyway you work for yourself. (生活就是这样)

A: I feel very happy when I’m with you.

B: Me too. Where have you been all my life? (怎么没能早认识你)


句型 It was the happiest moment of my life. 《阿甘正传》

And just that that, she was gone. Out of my life again. 《阿甘正传》

I pay for your life, David. My life makes your life possible.《情归巴黎》

I’ve loved him all my life. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Life is not all beer and skittles.人生非尽乐事。

Life is subject to ups and downs.人生沉浮。

Life is a comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels. 对于善思者,人生是喜剧;对于善感者,人生是悲剧。

名言 Quotations

Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.

Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), British comic actor, filmmaker. Quoted in his obituary: Guardian (London, 28 Dec. 1977).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 男人

Man is stronger than woman.

n. 人类

Man is mortal.

n. 人(包括男女)

Growing old is something a man has to accept.

n. (口语) 伙计

Hey man, how’s it going?

interjection 天啊!

Oh man, it’s unbelievable.


manly (有男子气概的);

manhood (成年);

manmade (人造的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

文学家 --- man of letters

实业家 --- man of business

行动主义者 --- man of action (not of words)

喜怒无常的人 --- man of moods

沉默寡言的人 --- man of few words

足智多谋的人 --- man of ideas

有审美力的人 --- man of taste

知名人士 --- man of mark (distinction)

牧师,圣徒 --- man of God

法律界人士 --- man of law

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

a man (woman) in a thousand --- 千里挑一的男人(女人)

the man in the street --- 普通老百姓

man of the hour --- (who everyone’s talking about)热门人物

make a man out of sb --- 使某人长大或成人

be man enough to do sth --- 有足够勇气

be one’s own man --- 能独立自主

生活用语 Street Talks

A: What are you doing here? Who’s manning the machine? (保护)

B: Charelie is.

Mr.John is a man of his word. (信守诺言的人)

Ok,ok, you’re Mr. Know it all. You’re the man! (你牛!)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Just shrimp all the time, man. 《阿甘正传》

Man, I’ll tell you what. 《阿甘正传》

Hey, you’re a good man for doing this. Do it! 《阿甘正传》

He’s a lovely man, Annie. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 金钱;财富

Money doesn’t always bring happiness.

纸币(美钞) --- a bill

硬币 --- a coin/ hard money

外币 --- foreign currency

假币 --- bogus money/ counterfeit money


moneybags (富翁);

moneylender (放债者);

money-maker (赚大钱的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

赚钱 --- to make/earn money

为了钱而结婚 --- to marry into money

乱花钱 --- to throw one’s money away

投资于 --- to put money into sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

fun money --- 节省或保存下来的用于个人享受的钱

have money to burn --- 有的是钱

marry money --- 和有钱人结婚

生活用语 Street Talks

Marian saves a small part of her salary as fun money every month.

A: If I have enough money, I’m going to take a trip abroad.

B: But you do earn a lot!

A: Well, I spend half my money on clothes. (把一半钱花在…)

B: Icy, if I were you, I’d lay out my money more carefully.

A: If I buy that car, I’ll have to borrow some money.

B: Where is your money?

A: I ventured my money on the stocks. (拿钱买股票投机)

A: Gosh! We’re in the money! (发财了)

B: Yeah! Thank God! We won a thousand dollars at the races today!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you know how much money it costs to go to New York? 《西雅图夜未眠》

That’s how we and mama got money. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Joanna: All those years, you made all that money and you never told any of us to do it.

Mr. Fairchild: I’ll tell you now, Joanna, marry me. Marry me for my money. People do it everyday. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。

Money talks.金钱万能。

名言 Quotations

Christianity is art & not money. Money is its curse.

William Blake (1757-1827), English poet, painter, engraver. Notes on The Laoco?n (engraved c. 1820; repr. in Complete Writings, ed. by Geoffrey Keynes, 1957)



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 口;嘴

Don’t talk with your mouth full.

n. 河口

The town is situated at the mouth of a river.

n. 出口

A rockslide blocked mouth of the cave.

n. 需要供养的人

she’s got five mouths to feed.

噘嘴 --- to pout (one’s mouth)


mouthful (满口)


mouthpiece (口状物;代言人);

mouth to mouth (口对口人工呼吸);

mouth watering (令人垂涎的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

袋口 --- the mouth of a bag

口服 --- by mouth

口头 --- by word of mouth

闭嘴 --- to shut one’s mouth

使流口水 --- to make one’s mouth water

嘴不稳,话多 --- to have a big mouth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

zip one’s mouth --- 守秘

keep one’s mouth shut --- 保守秘密

open one’s mouth wide --- 信口开河

live from hand to mouth --- 勉强糊口

be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth --- 生来就富

shoot one’s mouth off --- 夸张,吹牛

all mouth and no action --- 只说不做

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I have informed Jerry by word of mouth. (口头上的)

B: That’s good.

A: The doctor says that he’s suffering from cancer.

B: Keep your mouth shut. He couldn’t stand it. (嘴严点;要密)

A: Look over there!

B: Oh, your mouth watered for ice cream. (口水直流)

A: What did you say?

B: I said at 6 tonight.

A: Please put the receiver closer to your mouth. I can’t hear you.

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Jonah: I thought that was for hiccups?

Post-man: For hiccups.

Jonah: Yeah, for hiccups.

Post-man: ...take a spoonful of sugar and hold it in your mouth for a minute. 《西雅 图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Good medicine is bitter in the mouth.良药苦口。

Wisdom may come out of the mouths of babies.智慧可能出自婴孩之口。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 自然

You must know the laws of nature.

n. 本性;性格

She has a gentle nature.

n. 种类

That is a book of the same nature.


natural (自然的);

naturally (本身地);

naturalism (自然主义)


natural gas (天然气);

natural-born (天生的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

天生地 --- by nature

按…的本性--- in the nature of

脾气坏的 --- ill-natured

天性善良的 --- good-natured

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

nature calls --- 上厕所

mother nature --- 自然的力量

against nature --- 不合情理的,违反自然的

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Peter has a happy nature.

B: Yeah, he is a good-natured boy.

A: Victoria’s happy by nature.

B: You said it. She’s nice by nature as well.

I’m sorry I naturally say dirty words. It’s my nature

We have to do to protect nature.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 We saw the potential of this merger, and I don’t think anybody doubts it would have been an enormously successful nature. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Mr. Tyson: What are we waiting for? And what’s with Sigfreud and Roy?

Linus: Just a minute, Patrick. OK. We’ve known each other for a long time. We have played hard ball on occasion, but I think we have a healthy respect for our… our ndividual business abilities. We saw the potential of this merger, and I don’t think anybody doubts it would have been an enormously successful nature. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.

天赋我们两耳,两眼,一张嘴巴,归根到底该多听,多看,少说话。 Nature will have its course. 天行其道。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 新闻

I like reading foreign news.

n. 消息

I’ll send you further news in a day or two.

n. 新闻报道;新闻节目

We watch the news on television every night.

n. (可做新闻的)人/物

Pop starts are always news.

头版新闻 --- front-page news

头条新闻 --- headline news

国际新闻 --- world news

国内新闻 --- home/ domestic news

政治新闻 –-- political news

新闻时事 --- current news

官方消息 --- official news


newspaper (报纸);

newsmagazine (新闻杂志)


news agency (通讯社);

newsboy (送报生);

newsreel/newsfilm (新闻短片);

newsstand (报摊);

news media (新闻媒介);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

晚报 --- The Evening News

每日新闻 --- The Daily News

轰动一时的新闻 --- sensational news

爆炸式新闻 --- breaking news

出乎意料的新闻 --- unexpected news

把不好的消息透漏给某人 --- to break the news to sb

生活用语 Street Talks

There wasn’t much news in the paper today.

Oh! That’s old news. Everybody knows.

I’ve good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?

What’s on following the news and weather? Do you have a TV guide?

A: Have you heard the news about Sally? She’s getting married.

B: That’s news to me!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I mean, you can’t even turn on the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy’s butt was cute. 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Workmate2: Things are a little different now. First you have to be friends. You have to like each other. Then you neck . This could go on for years. Then you have tests. Then you get to do it with a condom . The good news is you split the check. Sam: I don’t think I could let a woman pay for dinner. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Bad/ ill news travels fast.好事不出门,坏事传千里。

No news is good news.没消息就是好消息。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 夜;晚

The boys and girls at the dance made a night of it. (一通宵)

in the night (在夜间) ? in the daytime (白昼时光)

during the night (整个夜间) ? during the day (在白天)

by night (在夜晚) ? by day (在白天)

at night (夜里;日落到半夜零时)→ in the morning (半夜零时到正午)→ in the afternoon (正午 到日落)→ in the evening (正午到就寝之间的时间)

n. 进行某项活动的夜晚

This is the first night of the play.


nightclub (夜总会);

nightlife (夜生活);

nightmare (噩梦);

nighttime (夜间);

nightfall (黄昏);

nightdress (晚礼服)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

夜盲 --- night blind

夜校 --- night school

留下过夜 --- to stay the night

昼夜颠倒 --- turn night into day

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

night owl night person --- 夜猫子

Call it a night. --- 今晚就到这儿吧!

an early/a late night --- 比平时睡得早或晚的夜晚

生活用语 Street Talks

Mother sat up all night long. (整夜没睡)Victoria stayed up the whole night. (熬夜)

We slept by day and traveled by night.

We worked night and day. (日以继夜)

A: Would you like to stay the night?

B: Sure thing!

A: I really get going.

B: Night’s still young! (时间还早。)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Well, good night. 《毕业生》

Some nights, Jenny would sneak out and come on over to my house, just cause she said she was scared of what? 《阿甘正传》

Night time in the army is a lonely time. 《阿甘正传》

It was a very special night for the two of us. 《阿甘正传》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 痛苦

I feel a pain in my chest.

n. 苦恼

Peter’s words eased my pain.

n. 辛劳;努力

No pain, no gain.

胸痛 --- chest pain

关节痛 --- joint pains

(分娩)产痛 --- labour pains

局部疼痛 --- a local pain

精神上的疼痛 --- mental pain

断断续续的疼痛 --- an off-and-on pain

成长的烦恼 --- growing pains (pains from growing up, physical and psychological )


painful (痛苦的);

painless (无痛的)


pain-killer (镇痛剂);


常见搭配 Useful Phrases

疼痛 --- be in pain

辛苦工作 --- to take pains

减轻痛苦 --- to relieve/ease/reduce pain

解除痛苦 --- to remove pain

忍受痛苦 --- to stand/bear pain

加剧痛苦 --- to aggravate pain

同甘共苦 --- to share pleasures and pains

努力做事情 --- be at pains to do sth/spare no pains doing sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

pain in the neck --- 讨厌的人或情况

go to great pains to do sth --- 努力,下功夫做某事

no pains, no gains --- 没有付出,就没有收获。/不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Victor spares no pains. (不辞辛劳)

B: Yeah, he’s a good guy.

Alex is just experiencing growing pains. He’ll be alright.

Victoria is addicted to pain-killers.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 OK, listen, um, David can’t stand pain. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Sabrina: Are you in a lot of pain?

David: Am I in a lot of pain? Look at your little hand. Guess what happened tome? 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Pain past is pleasure.苦尽甘来。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 和平

The Chinese love peace.

n. 和睦;和好

Have you made your peace with your wife yet?

n. 宁静

Grandparents love the peace of the countryside.

n. 安心

Little Tom is sleeping in peace.


peaceful (爱好和平的);

peaceless (不宁静的;

or no peace);


peacetime (和平时期);

peacemaker (调停人);

peacing-keeping force (联合国维和部队)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

处于和平局面 --- at peace

心里安宁 --- peace of mind

保持沉默 --- to hold one’s peace

与…和解 --- to make peace (with)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

be at peace with sb --- 与某人和睦

keep the peace --- 维持治安

生活用语 Street Talks

War started again after eight years of peace.

All I want is some peace and quiet.

Do let me have a little peace.

Speak now or forever hold your peace. (if you have anything to say, say it now.)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Somebody said world peace is in our hands. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Dan: Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.

Forrest: He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Peace with sword in hand, ‘tis safest making.居安思危,此乃万全之策。

Better keep peace than make peace.保持和睦胜过讲和。

名言 Quotations

It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

John F. Kennedy (1917-63), U.S. Democratic politician, president. Speech, 6 Sept. 1960, while campaigning for presidency, Seattle, Wash.



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 人

The concert hall seats 500 persons.

n. 人称

I’ is the first person singular.

n. 本人;自己

You had better go in person.

常人 --- the average person

完人 --- a perfect person/ a faultless person

聪明人 --- an intellectual person

热心人 --- a warm-hearted person

文雅的人 --- a gentle person

正直的人 --- a right-minded person

坦率的人 --- a frank person

可靠的人 --- a credible person

随和的人 --- an easy-going person

话多的人 --- a talkative person

讨厌的人 --- an obnoxious person

自负的人 --- a pretentious person

有教养的人 --- a well-bred person

脾气好的人 --- a good-natured person

天资高的人 --- a talented person

天资聪慧的人 --- a highly-gifted person

体格强壮的人 --- a(n) robust/ able-bodied person

可敬的有抱负的人 --- a worthy, ambitious person

孤独的没有朋友的人 --- a forlorn and friendless person


personal (私人的);

personality (个性);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

每人 --- per person

亲自 --- in person

私人物品 --- personal belongings

私人财产 --- personal property

面对面的 --- person-to-person

习语与俗语Idioms & Slangs

be no respecter of persons --- 不分贫富贵贱,一视同仁

I like Bill. He’s a very nice person.

Peter keeps his person neat and trim.

Harry, there’s a strange person to see you.

I want to see him in person.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I mean whatever they think or say, I know the truth, that you’re a wonderful person—kind and generous. 《情归巴黎》

Maybe it’s better if you pick up your messages in person. 《情归巴黎》

What kind of a person would write to someone they heard on the radio? 《西雅图夜未眠》

名言 Quotations

In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while thelivingperson is dependent and has no individuality.

Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95), German social philosophers, revolutionaries. The Communist Manifesto, sct. 2 (1848).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 图画

Who painted the picture on the wall

n. 照片

I took a picture of my family.

n. 电影

I’ve seen that picture before.

n. 美丽的物;美人

The park is a picture when the roses are in bloom.


picturesque (生动如画的);

motion picture (动作片);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

明白 --- to get the picture

照相(拍静止照) --- to take a picture

不了解情况 --- be out of the picture

了解情况 --- be in the picture

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

be the picture of one’s mother/father --- 长的极像他妈妈/爸爸

生活用语 Street Talks

I don’t get a good picture on my TV set. There’s something wrong.

In the picture, you’re standing with a guy with long blond hair.

Jane always wants to be in the picture. (受到注意)

Do you get the picture? (明白了吗?)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Is gonna have a few pictures taken, ya know, the kind that make it look bigger than it is. 《情归巴黎》

Could you take a picture of us? 《情归巴黎》

I’ll show you a picture of her. 《西雅图夜未眠》

ctly the right word. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

A room hung with pictures is a room hung with thoughts.房间挂的画反映主人的思想。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 下列动词是与 money 有关的动作,请选择恰当的动词填空,注意动词的正确形式。

buy spend lose pay cost charge save

sell win waste find give afford

1. My car was five years old, so I …….it and ………..a new one.

2. I ………….over $2,000 for my computer, but it isn't worth very much now.

3. My father………me $50 last week but I ……………….most of it on a ticket for a concert on Friday.

4. Last week somebody…………….$ 1 million in a game on television. It was incredibly exciting.

5. I’m afraid I ……….my money on those CDs because I never play them.

6. I can’t………………to go on holiday this year.

7. Parents often think that children……..their money

8. I’m ……….for a new bike. I should have enough by the end of the year.

9. The mechanic ………me $100 for the service he provided.

Keys: 1. sold, bought 2. paid 3. gave, spent 4. won 5. have wasted 6. afford 7. waste 8. saving 9. charged

II. 下列名词是单数还是复数,或是单数和复数兼而有之,只是意思不同。请查字典判断,如果其中的名词既可单数,也可复数,请造句说明它们的区别。

butter cup housework hair insurance coffee grape money television coin work travel Countable: ……………………………………………………


Countable and uncountable:……………………………………………………

Keys: Countable: cup, grape, coin

Uncountable: butter, travel, housework, money, spaghetti, insurance

Countable and Uncountable:

Television U eg. Television is bad for your eyes.

C eg. We bought a television yesterday.

Work U eg. Most people enjoy their work.

C eg. The Mona Lisa is a famous work of art.

Coffee U eg I love coffee.

C eg. I sat down and ordered a coffee (即a cup of coffee).

Hair U eg. My hair is getting very long and untidy. I need to have it cut.

C eg. There is a hair on my dinner plate.


1. It was so foggy that when order breeds habit.

2. Man is a creation of desire, for nature is the art of God.

3. Chaos often breeds life, made a night of it.

4. Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

5. All things are artificial, that we had a job finding our way home.

6. The boys and girls at the dance not a creation of need.

7. It is an unfortunate fact that gets a grant to study in Sao Paulo.

8. The person who wins but a comedy in long-shot.

IV. 请用本课单词来填写下列句子。

1. If you have no courage you must have fast ……….

2. …………is comedy to him who thinks and a tragedy to him who feels.

3. …………proposes, God disposes.

4. ………..makes the mare go.

5. Wisdom may come out of the ………….of babies.

6. …………….teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies.

7.Bad ……….travels fast.

8.……….with sword in hand, it is safest making.

第三部分 流行语汇

WWW (World Wide Web) 全球信息网

BBS(Bulletin Board System) 网络留言版系统

Post 张贴文章

ICQ (I seek you) home page 主页

hook up to the Internet 上网

modem “猫”, 调制解调器

electronic account 帐户

software 软件

on-line talking 在线聊天

on-line shopping 网上购物

chat room 聊天室

E-mail 电子邮件

e-commerce 电子商务

protocol 协议

web site 网站

search engine 搜索引擎

link 链接

register 注册

network 网络

Netizen 网民

The Internet industry 网络产业

Broadband 宽带

Download 下载

Web-surfing 网上冲浪

Cybercafe 网吧

Hacker 黑客


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 乐趣,快乐(不可数)

Reading gives me great pleasure.

n. 乐事,快事(可数)

she has few pleasures left in life.

n. 娱乐

“Are you here on business?”“No, for pleasure—this is my holiday.”


pleasurable (令人快乐的);

pleasant (使人愉快的,合意的);

pleasure-seeking (寻欢作乐的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

随意/听便 --- be at one’s pleasure

享受的乐趣 --- to enjoy the pleasure of...

以为乐 --- to take great pleasure in

寻欢作乐 --- to seek/look for pleasure

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

pleasure seeker --- 寻找快乐的人(someone who always looks for fun)

For business or for pleasure? --- 是来办公还是来旅游?

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Bill, have you met Joan before?

B: No. Don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. (不曾有此幸运)

A: Thank you for your help.

B: My pleasure. (不客气)

A: Hi, Bill, nice to see you again.

B: My pleasure. (我也很高兴见到你)

A: Bill, would you please pass me the tomato sauce?

B: With pleasure. (可以)

How do you do, Mr. Smith? It’s a pleasure to meet you.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Well, it’s all about pleasure. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Mrs. Larrabee: I’m Maude.

Elizabeth: Pleasure. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Pleasure has a sting in its tail.乐极生悲。

Pleasure is a source of pain; pain is the source of pleasure.苦中有乐,乐中有苦。

名言 Quotations

Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), U.S. president. Letter, 12 Oct. 1786.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Jane Austen (1775-1817), English novelist. Emma, in Emma, ch. 9 (1816).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 价格

Prices are rising.

n. 代价

Loneliness was the price of Victoria’s success.

零售价 --- retail price

批发价 --- wholesale price

全/半价 --- full/ half price

最高价 --- ceiling price

最低价 --- floor price

最优价格 --- best price

低于成本的价格 --- below-cost price

拍卖价格 --- auction price

黑市价格 --- black-market price


priceless (无价的);

pricey (昂贵的)


pricetag (价码牌);

price-list (价目表)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

价格战 --- price war

明码售货 --- sell at marked prices

报价 --- quote price

为所得付出代价 --- pay the price for

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

be at any price --- 不惜任何代价

cheap at the price --- 物有所值

beyond/above price --- 极其珍贵的,无价的

生活用语 Street Talks

How much is this rug? Do you know the price?

A: You pay a heavy price if you drink too much.

B: Why is that? A: You may lose your wallet or something.

A: Name your price! (你说个价吧!)

B: Ok, I’ll give you my best price. Let’s see, 600 dollars.

A: No. I can’t accept it. The market price is 620 dollars. Let’s make it 580. (价格随质量而异)

B: Oh no! Sir! The price varies according to the quality. Look at my stuff! I don’t understand how come you can’t accept such a popular price?!

A: 580 dollars! That’s it.

B: No. 590 dollars! The floor price. I can assure you that you’regetting a good bargain. Ok? Low prices and fine wares! (物美价廉)

A: Ok.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And we’re the price clubonly instead of a 10 gallon vatof olive oilfor 3 .99, that won’t even fit under your Kitchen cabinet. 《网上对话》

Kathleen: Fox Books makes no apologies. I have met Joe Fox and I’ve heard him compare his store to a price club and the books in it to cans of olive oil.

Joe: DOOH. Ow.(drop dead) 《网上情缘》

谚语 Proverbs

Virtue is beyond price.美德乃无价之宝。

Everyone has his price.人皆有价值(都能以某种方式加以购买)。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 问题

We must discuss the problem of how to protect the environment.

n. 难题

What they did produced new problems with us.

n. 习题

It took me an hour and a half to work out this problem in mathematics.


problematic (有问题的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

社会问题 --- social problems

日常问题 --- day-by-day problems

问题儿童 --- a problem child (a child who causes trouble)

澄清问题 --- to clear up problems

提出问题 --- to present a problem

惹麻烦 --- to cause problems

解决问题 --- to solve the problem

生活用语 Street Talks

According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.

What’s the problem? Do you know?

Johnny is a real problem child.

A: What should I do?

B: You figure it out yourself. It’s not my problem.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 What’s your problem? 《阿甘正传》

No problem. 《阿甘正传》

If there is any problem, here’s the number of the pediatrician. 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Dr.Marsha: You don’t like the one he has now?

Jonah: He doesn’t have one now. That’s the problem. 《西雅图夜未眠》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 道路

Where does this road lead?

n. [C] 手段;方法

There is no royal road to learning.

n. [C] 途中

Andy is on the road to Shanghai.

road --- 车辆通过的大马路

street --- 两侧有建筑物、商店的市内道路

sidewalk --- 和车辆相对的人行道

path --- 仅供人走的小路 (公园)

way --- 抽象意义的路

highway --- 高速公路


railroad (铁路);

road-block (路障);

road tax (公路税)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

交通路标 --- a road sign

死胡同 --- a dead-end road

关大道 --- a straight and easy road

乡间道路 --- a country road

平坦的道路 --- a level road

崎岖的道路 --- a rough road

迂回的路 --- a round-about road

交通规则 --- rule of the road

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

hit the road ---上路 (get going)

on the road --- 在路上奔波(由于职业的原因,如演员、运动员、销售员等。)

生活用语 Street Talks

The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road.

There are dangerous drivers like that one on the road.

Smoking too much is a dead end road. (bad result)

A: Hi Victor, you’ll fly to New York next Tuesday?

B: Yeah, but I really hate this life of being onthe road all he time.

A: Well, it’s time to go.

B: OK. But Let’s have one for the first. (以此杯送行)

A: It’s getting late.

B: Yeah I suppose it’s time to hit the road

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I decided to go for a little run so I ran to the end of the road. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Ben: Where is Elaine?

Mrs. Robinson: I'll be with you in a moment, Benjamin. Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? Good. We have a burglar here. Just a second. I'll ask him. Are you armed? No—I don't believe he is. Thank you. Ben: What have you done to her? 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。

There is a road from heart to heart.心心相印。

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.只有良好的动机而不付诸实践,徒遭埋怨或惩罚。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 鞋

I put on / took off my shoes.

n. 马蹄铁

The horse has cast a shoe.

皮鞋 --- leather shoes

正式皮鞋 --- dress shoes

雨鞋 --- rain shoes

帆布鞋 --- canvas shoes

高跟鞋 --- high-heeled shoes

厚底鞋 --- platform shoes

轻便鞋 --- walking shoes

运动鞋 --- gym shoes (sneaker)


shoemaker (鞋匠);

shoestring/shoelace (鞋带);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

穿鞋 ---to put on/wear one’s shoes

脱鞋 --- to take off one’s shoes

补鞋 --- to repair shoes

刷鞋 --- to brush up one’s shoes

擦鞋 --- to polish shoes (or shoe shine)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

put oneself in somebody’s shoes --- 站在别人的角度/立场上

have a shoe in sth --- 先占上一席之地(在某行业中)

fill sb’s shoes --- 出色地接替某人的工作、职务

step into sb’s shoes --- 接替某人

生活用语 Street Talks

If you could just put yourself in my shoes for a minute, you’d understand. (站在我的角度)

A: Olive, there’s a shoe store over there. Let’s get in and take a look.

B: I’d rather not. You know I got ripped off last time I shopped there. (被宰了: to rip somebody off)

A: Sam, keep your shoes on. I can’t stand the odor.

B: But you’re the one asking me to take them off.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Look, the heels on these shoes are grotesque. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Put your shoes on. 《毕业生》

Those must be comfortable shoes.

I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. 《阿甘正传》

I wish I had shoes like that. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Every shoe fits not every foot.一鞋难合百人足。

The fairest looking shoe may pinch the foot.样子好看的鞋有可能会夹脚,外表好看的东西未必

No one knows better where the shoe pinches than he who wears it.各人甘苦各自知。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 故事

I really cannot swallow such a curious story.

n. 经历

Would you write the story of your life?

n. 假话(口语)

Don’t tell stories, Tom!

n. 新闻报道,文章

That’ll make a good story. (新闻报道的好题材)


story-book (故事书);

story-teller (讲故事的人/说谎的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

冒险故事 --- an adventure story

可靠的说法 --- an authentic story

黄色故事 --- a blue story

迷人的故事 --- a charming story

连载小说 --- a day-to-day story

故事情节 --- story line

写故事的人 --- story writer

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

The story does not lose in the telling. --- 这故事讲起来照样有趣。

the story goes that --- 据说

make/cut long story short --- 长话短说

never-ending story --- 麻烦的事情

the same old story --- 老生常谈的事

a tall story --- 难以置信的

生活用语 Street Talks

Don’t tell the same old story.(不要老生常谈。)

They say the new film is an adventure story.

Every night he tells a story to his children.

A: How did you get to know her?

B: It’s a long story.

A: I love long story. /I have time./Try me.

I could tell in his face that he was just telling a story.

He beats her all the time. It’s a never-ending story.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Well, I thought it was a very lovely story and you tell it so well, with such enthusiasm. 《阿甘正传》

Why retell the story? 《阿甘正传》

It’s a long story. 《情归巴黎》

I thought I would look into doing a story on those radio shows. 《西雅图夜未眠》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 成功

The race ended in success for the Chinese athlete.

n. 成就

Steven tried several lines of business with no great success.


successful (成功的);

successfully (成功地);

successor (继任者)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

接近胜利 --- to approach success

获得成功 --- to get/obtain success

赢得成功 --- to win success

成功 --- to meet with success

习语俗语 Idioms & slangs

a roaring success --- 巨大的成功

生活用语 Street Talks

The conference was a success.

Failure is the mother of success.

If you want to be a success, you have to work hard.

The new movie is a success.

电影对白 Transcripts

Del: You know, the finest line a man will walk is between success at work and success at home. I got a motto. Like your work. Love your wife.

Neil: Well, I’ll remember that. What’s the flight situation? 《旅行冒险记》

谚语 Proverbs

Nothing succeeds like success.一顺百顺。

Success is the child of audacity.成功是冒险的产物。

To know how to wait is the great secret of success. 懂得怎样等待是成功的最大秘诀。

名言 Quotations

God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.

Mother Teresa (1910-97), Roman Catholic missionary in India. Quoted by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in: Rolling Stone (New York, Dec. 1992).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 糖

Please put some sugar into my coffee.

蔗糖 --- cane sugar

冰糖 --- crystal sugar

乳糖 --- milk sugar

葡萄糖 --- grape sugar

棉花糖 --- spun sugar ( or cotton candy)

方糖 --- cube/ block/ cut sugar

vt. 使好受些

He tried to sugar the bad news.


sugarless (无糖的)


sugarless food (无糖的食物);

sugarless gum (无糖的口香糖);

sugar-coated (巧为粉饰的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

从甘蔗中提取糖 --- extract sugar from canes

糖衣 --- sugar coat

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Sugar or cream? --- 要糖还是奶油? (点咖啡时的问语)

sugar daddy --- 老色鬼;老荒唐(a wealthy older man who gives expensive gifts to a young person in return for sexual favors or companionship)

sugar --- 甜心(nickname, you might call your lover)

sugar the pill --- 降低某事物令人厌恶的程度

生活用语 Street Talks

Would you please pass the sugar?

Welcome home, sugar!(to your lover/spouse)

This new drink is sugar-free. (无糖的)

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Post-man: For hiccups..

Jonah: Yeah, for hiccups.

Post-man: Take a spoonful of sugar and hold it in your mouth for a minute. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

When it’s bitter in the heart no sugar in the mouth helps.口中之糖无补于心中之痛。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 时间;时

I can’t afford time to visit all those places.

n. 作某种工作的时间

I don’t have much time for rest.

n. 期限(加 a )

Would you please wait here for a time?

n. 时代;时势

Science makes progress with the times.

n. 次数

I met that foreign guy at least 4 times.

n. 倍

This is five times as long as that.


timely (适时发生的);

timer (定时器);

timeless (永远的)


timetable (时间表;时刻表);

time-honored (历史悠久的);

time-consuming (耗费时间的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

时空--- time & space

首次 --- for the first time

最后一次 --- for the last time

暂时 --- for the time being

有时 --- from time to time

长时间 --- for a long time

一次又一次 --- time and time again

从前 --- once upon a time/long time ago

过得很快乐 --- to have a good time

钟表走得准时/不准时 --- to keep good/bad time

一直 --- all the time

依次、逐一 --- be at a time

曾经、一度 --- at one time

来得及 --- be in time for...

准时 --- be on time

提前 --- ahead of times

具有超前意识 --- ahead of one’s time

随时 --- at all time

与此同时 --- at the same time


Idioms & Slangs time flies --- 光阴似箭

the time is ripe --- 时机成熟

time on one’s hands --- 闲暇

time limit --- 时限

good timing --- 正是时候

ine times out of ten --- 十之八九,几乎总是

take one’s time --- 不着急

have a rough/hard time --- 吃苦

have time to kill --- 没事可做

it’s high time to do --- 该做什么

it’s only a matter of time --- 迟早会发生

behind the times --- 过时,落后的

longtime no see---好久不见

生活用语 Street Talks

Excuse me. Can you tell me what time is it?

(几点了?= Do you have the time?)

The judges, as you can imagine, had a very difficult time choosing a winner.

The teacher kept talking all the time.

Do one thing at a time. Haste makes waste.

At one time they were in love.

Don’t worry, you may be in time for the bus.

I waited for you for a long time.

For the first time, I tried to give some serials thoughts about my life.

This money will do for the time being.

Victor buys me flowers from time to time.

My watch keeps good time.

A: Victoria is a good teacher.

B: I agree. But should she improve her timing, she would be a better one.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Night time in the army is a lonely time. 《阿甘正传》

You can’t keep trying to rescue me all the time. 《阿甘正传》

It’s time for your bath lieutenant. 《阿甘正传》

The time in Paris will be so good for you. 《情归巴黎》

When was the last time I came here? 《情 归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Time waits for no man.岁月不待人。

Other times,other names.此一时也,彼一时也。

Time is money.时间就是金钱。

There is no time like the present .现在就是做事的最佳时机。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 道;道路

Excuse me, will you tell me the way to the station?

n. 距离;路程

Tian’an Men Square is a little/short way to the Museum.

n. 方向

This way, please.

n. 方式;方法

Do it (in) this way. (这样做)

n. 习惯

It’s just his way. Don’t mind his teasing.

n. 风俗

the American way of living


wayword (任性的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

前进 --- make one’s way

迷路 --- lose one’s way

用手摸索前进 --- feel one’s way/grope one’s way

勉强前进 --- force one’s way/push one’s way

用肩推着前进 --- shoulder one’s way

有利也有弊 --- cut both ways

断裂,倒塌 --- give way

让步,妥协 --- give way to sb/sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

No way! --- 没门!

no way out --- 没出去的路

way back home --- 回家的路上

work one’s way up --- 向上爬

by the way --- 顺便说一句

be born /made that way --- 天生就是这种人

be set in one’s way --- 固执,不变通

go/get one’s own way --- 为所欲为

be in the family way --- 怀孕

in a way --- 在某种程度上

in the way --- 阻碍,挡路

under way --- 正在进行

生活用语 Street Talks

It’s a long way from here.

We walked all the way to the station. (一路上)

BTW/By the way, where are you going? (对了;随便 incidentally)

We went to America by way of Hawaii. (经由 via)

My Grandparents always let me have my own way. (随心所欲)

In a way you are right. (在某一方面上)

Don’t stand in my way. (挡我的路)

Get out of my way! (让开;让路)

You are way out of line. (你太出格了。)

Don’t go anywhere, I’m on my way. (别走,我在路上。等等我。)

My son finally found his way back home. One way or round trip? (单程还是双程?)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 How she discovered ways to expand her mind and learn how to live in harmony, which must be out west somewhere ‘cause she made it all the way to California. 《阿甘正传》

I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight the communists was to play ping pong. 《阿甘正传》

Mama always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them. 《阿甘正传》

Down that way? 《阿甘正传》

But someone is in the way. 《情归巴黎》

I’ll always feel that way about Paris. 《情归巴黎》

No way! He’d kill me! 《西雅图夜未眠》

Did anybody read that book all the way through? 《西雅图夜未眠》

No-we're just on our way downstairs! 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竞成。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

n. 字;单字

Don’t use difficult words.

n. 简短的话

Oliver gave me a word of advice.

n. 诺言

David is a man of his word.

n. 通知(不加冠词)

No word has come from David. (大卫一点消息也没有。)


wording (措词);

wordless (沉默的);

wordy (唠叨的)


wordplay (俏皮话);

wordperfect (一字不差地熟记的;

or letterperfect in AmE);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

脏话 --- dirty word

简言之 --- in a word

换句话说 --- in other words

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

stick to one’s word --- 信守诺言(do what you said you would)

give one’s word --- 许诺 (promise)

eat one’s word --- 说出的话又不承认

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Jerry I want to have a word with you. (说几句话)

B: Shoot! (go ahead)

A: I’ve something to tell you guys. You know, I’m going to quit smoking, drinking, gambling and womanishing, and starting from tomorrow! (追女人)

B: Famous last words! (鬼才信!)

A: Please! I’m pretty serious about that. I’ll not eat my words this time.

B: We don’t believe a word of that.

John didn’t say a word about it.

In a word, I don’t trust Jack.

In other words, Jack betrayed us.

I don’t remember his exact words, but you got the point.

I’ll take your word for it. (我接受你的许诺。)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I am a man of my word. 《阿甘正传》

I believe those were her words. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Words are the wings of the actions.语言是行动的翅膀。

Enough words, little wisdom.话多智慧少。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 请把下列具体的时间替换成更模糊的时间状语。

1. I went to the library three days ago.

2. This dictionary isn’t great but it’ll be OK until I’m more advanced.

3. I haven’t been to the cinema for the last three weeks.

4. And I haven’t been to a concert for three or four years.

5. I went to Egypt with my parents but that was ten years ago.

Keys: 1. a few days ago 2. for the time being 3. recently/lately 4. for ages 5. a long time ago

II. 把下列句子中正确的单词划出。

1. The teacher told us to finish our homework by/until Monday.

2. We can’t leave by/until the others get back.

3. I’ve been in the army for/since I was eighteen.

4. They’ve worked here for/since/during six months

5. I visit my uncle every week for/since/during the winter.

6. I was at university for/since/during four years.

7. She’s going back to France in/after three months’ time.

8. He left the office during/throughout the lunch break.

9. It was hot during/throughout August; we didn’t have one day under 30 degrees.

10 I booked a table in the restaurant by/for next Saturday.

Keys: 1. by 2. until 3. since 4. for 5. during 6. for 7. in 8. during 9. throughout 10. for


|noun |adjective |verb |adverb |

|Pleasure |………………. |………………… |…………………. |

|……………… |………………… |succeed |…………………….. |

|……………….. |Contented |………………… |…………………… personally |

|………………… |………………… |……………… |………………… |

|beauty |…………………… |………………… | |

IV. 请把下列谚语翻译成中文。

1. Pleasure has a sting in its tail.

2. Virtue is beyond price.

3. The nearer the inn, the longer the road.

4. No one knows better where the shoe pinches than he who wears it.

5. Success is the child of audacity.

6. When it is bitter in the heart no sugar in the mouth helps.

7. Other time, other name.

8. Time and tide wait for no man.

第三部分 流行语汇

be faithful to sb. 对人忠诚

a fickle lover 水性扬花的情人

love affairs 绯闻

love sick 相思病

be obsessed by 对……着迷

court 奉承,追求

get dumped 被甩

unworthy of your love 不值得付出爱的

love at first sight 一见钟情

feel attracted to sb. 被……吸引

be spell bound for 着迷

fall in love with sb. 爱上某人

adore 爱慕

have a crush on sb. 迷恋某人

fall head over heels in love 神魂颠倒

love triangle 三角恋

be jealous of 嫉妒

split up/break up 分手

happy ending love 圆满结局的爱情

make up/reunion 言归于好

feel at home with sb. 跟他/她在一起很有安全感


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 接受

Would you please accept my invitation?

vt. 答应

I received John’s offer but didn’t accept it.

vt. 承认

I cannot accept my defeat.


acceptable (可接受的);

acceptance (接受;允许)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

完全同意/接受 --- accept fully

勉强接受 --- accept reluctantly

热切地接受 --- accept eagerly

彬彬有礼地接受 --- accept graciously

被大学录取 --- be accepted to

生活用语 Street Talks

Will you accept my advice?

David accepted the present with hearty thanks.

We’re willing to accept your plan.

A: Did you hear? John’s been accepted to the college of his choice!

B: I know—I read his letter of acceptance.

I think it’s time for you to accept the truth.

Your behavior is unacceptable.

电影对白 Transcripts

Now if I accept Jesus into my heart, I’ll get to walk beside him in the kingdom of heave《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

When you accept a benefit,you sell your freedom. 接受恩惠就是出卖你的自由。

A nurse’s fairy-tales are accepted as the gospel truth. 保姆的神话故事被当作福音书中的真理而接受。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 同意

We all agree on the plan.

vi. 合适

Milk doesn’t agree with me.

vi. 相一致

Your story agreed with what I had already heard.


agreeable (令人愉快的、宜人的);

agreeably (愉快地);

agreement (协议)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

赞成(提案之类) --- agree to sth

赞成(别人的意见)--- agree with sb on sth

意见一致 --- agree on/upon

同意 --- be in agreement with

达成一致协议 --- strike/reach an agreement

与某事相符合 --- agree with sth

合得来,相投 --- agree together

习语与俗语Idioms and slangs

agree to differ --- 保留不同意见/求同存异

couldn’t agree (with sb ) more --- 与某人意见完全一致

生活用语 Street Talks

I must know your opinion. Do you agree with me?

They couldn’t agree upon a price.

A: What’s wrong?

B: That food didn’t agree with me.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It’s important that you agree with me on that because I am from Baltimore. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

No two on earth in all things can agree.世上没有事事一致的两个人。

Two dogs over one bone seldom agree.两狗争一骨,相处难好和。

They agree like cats and dogs.相处如猫狗,难以安宁。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 出现

The sun appeared from behind the clouds.

vi. 似乎;看起来

Things are not always as they appear.

vi. 出版

This work appears in parts.

vi. 来到;面露

My grandma appeared to me in a dream.

vi. 觉得

It appears to me that you are all mistaken.


appearance (出现;外貌)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

出庭作证 --- appear as a witness

匿名发表 --- appear anonymously

在雾中显现 --- appear through the mist

似乎如此 --- So it appears.

看起来并非如此 --- It appears not as if

生活用语 Street Talks

The sun appeared on the horizon.

The idea appears in many books.

The pop star made an appearance at the gathering.

It appears that things are going to work out.

He appeared to be sick.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It appears I have a previous engagement. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Linus: Elizabeth is a doctor and a millionaire, David. She won’t be a burden. You don’t deserve her, but she appears to love you.

David: Yeah, see, doesn’t that worry you a little bit? I mean about her mental health? 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Be what you appear to be.要表里如一。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 问;询问

vt. 邀请

We asked President Yu to our party.

vi. 问

I asked about the book.

vi. 请求

Paul asked for more food.

vi. 问候

Carl asked after his teacher.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

请求…做某事 --- ask sb. to do sth.

请求,要求 --- ask for

询问,打听 --- ask sb about sth/ask sth of sb

问候,问安 --- ask after sb

邀请,请某人 --- ask sb (to sth)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

ask for it/ask for trouble --- 自找(麻烦)

ask out --- 邀请某人外出约会

if you ask (someone) --- 依某人之见

for the asking --- 只需开口就行

生活用语 Street Talks

What did you ask him?

A: Why do you slap me?

B: You ask for it. If you ask me, it’ll never work.

John’d like to ask Mary out, but he’s afraid she’ll turn him down.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Can I ask you a personal question? 《毕业生》

She must have asked for an actual wedding date. 《情归巴黎》

You asked her to marry you. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.你不问我,我就不说谎。

Better ask twice than lose your way once.宁肯问路两次,不要迷路一次。

Asking costs nothing.问人不费分文。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 敲打

Boys beat drums.

vt. 击败

We beat them by a score of 5 to 3.

vi. (心脏) 跳动

Her heart was beating furiously.


beater (破旧汽车);

beating (击败/美容)


heartbeat (心跳)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

心跳急促 --- sb’s heart beats high

压价到2美元 --- beat down the price to 2 bucks

痛打某人 --- beat sb. up

把某人打死 --- beat sb. to death

在某方面击败某人 --- beat sb at sth

(按音乐)打拍子 --- beat time (to sth)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Beats me! --- 难倒我了!

Beat it! --- 走开!

beat one’s head against a wall --- 徒劳无功

beat about the bush --- 拐弯抹角,东拉西扯

beat sb to it --- 抢先一步,捷足先登

生活用语 Street Talks

Let’s go to have a beating. (massage or facial)

My heart beat high. (心跳得急)

South Korea beat Spain in the quarterfinals. (半决赛)

Bet I can beat you to the end of the street! (in a race)

Running there beats walking there. (running is better than walking)

A: Hey Sam what’s going on?

B: I’m think about Victoria.

A: About what?

B: She beats me. Some days she’s very nice to me and other days she won’t even give me the time of the day.

A: Hey VV I called you several times last night. Where were you? Hey, wait wait.

B: Beat it! I’ve had it with you. (我受够你了。)

A: I’m beat! Let’s go home. (I’m tired.)

B: Yeah! Let’s cruise. (Let’s go.)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 If you make it, you just might beat her there. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

If you beat spice, it will smell the sweeter.香料越打越香。

If you can’t beat them, join them.打不过他们,就加入到他们中去。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 破坏,损坏

She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.

vt. 打破(记录)

Who broke his record?

vt. 违背

I’ve never broken my word.

vt. 中断;停止

Doctors keep trying to break David of smoking.

vi. 破晓

Day was breaking.

n. 工作或课间的休息

Let’s have 10 minutes’ break.


outbreak (疾病的发作);

daybreak (破晓);

heartbreaking (令人心碎的);

broken (破碎的);

breakdown (机械故障/破裂);

breakaway (脱离,退出);

breakthrough (突破/重大发现);

breakup (决裂)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

出故障 --- break down

闯入 --- break into ...

绝交 --- break with sb ..

分手, 解放 --- break up

发生 (战争地震等) --- break out

突然爆发 --- break out

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

break the news to sb --- 告诉 … 消息 (give bad news)

break the ice --- 打破沉默

break the law --- 违法

have a break --- 交好运

a big /lucky break --- 难得的机会,幸运

give sb a break --- 给某人一次机会

生活用语 Street Talks

A: You know David broke the news of his girlfriend’s death to Robert.

B: It’ll be hard on Robert.

A: Mike has promised to go to the theater with me tonight.

B: He always breaks his promise. (违背,食言)

My car broke down on the way back home.

Two burglurs broke into grandpa’s house.

They broke off talking when Ann came in.

A fire broke out last night.

Give me a break! (Don’t be so tough on me)

Could you break it down over there?! (调低音量: turn down the music)

A: Could you lend me 100 bucks?

B: Sorry, I’m broke.

A: say ‘hi’ to your boyfriend for me.

B: We broke up last week.

A: Oh, I’m sorry.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 We had a pretty tough time there at first, but we’re dealing with it and Jonah and I will get a long just fine again, as soon as I break his radio. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I don’t want him trying to break off the engagement. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Dennis: I got married because Betsy said we had to break up or get married, so we married.

Annie: But when you first met her, did you believe that she was the only person for you, that in some mystical, cosmic way, it was fated? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Never give a sucker an ever break.不要给傻瓜自新的机会。

Want and necessity break faiths and oaths.匮乏和需要可以打破信仰和誓言。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 拿来;带来

Bring me the sugar please.

vt. 提出

The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.

vi. 导致,引起

The revolution brought many changes.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

抚养/提出 --- bring up

引起;惹起 --- bring about

提交讨论 --- bring forward

说服,使恢复知觉 --- bring sb around

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

What has brought you here? --- 哪阵风把你吹来了?

bring home --- 鲜明阐述

bring home the groceries --- 养家糊口

bring A and B together --- 促使(双方)和解

bring sth to light --- 暴露,揭露

生活用语 Street Talks

Please bring me those magazines.

A: I like Prof. Lee so much.

B: You said it. His lecture brought home several important points.

A: Oh, boy, Victor’s carelessness brought about this accident.

B: Poor Victor, I can’t bring myself to help him then.

He brought up a good point.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Hey, Jonah, bring some of that stuff around, allright? 《西雅图夜未眠》

Will you bring up my purse before you go? 《毕业生》

Now I'm going to ask for a big round of applause to bring this boy out here—All right. 《毕 业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Whoever brings finds the door wide open for his reception—except when he brings trouble.只 要不带麻烦,带礼进门的人是受欢迎的



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 买,购买

I bought this dictionary cheap, for only 2 Yuan.

vi. 收买

He can’t be bought.

vt. 赢得,换得

George bought fame at the expense of his health and happiness.

vt. 相信

No one will buy that story.


buyer (购买者);

buying (购买)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

合算 --- a good buy

用钱收买警察 --- buy off the police

整批买 --- buy wholesale

零买 --- buy retail

买方市场 --- buyer market

拖延时间 --- buy time

将…全部买下 --- buy up


buy a white elephant --- 很贵;花销很大 (pay too much)

buy (a story) --- 相信

buy sb out --- 买下某人公司的股份(把他挤出去)

生活用语 Street Talks

The firm bought out all its partners.

I assume you’ve decided against buying a new car.

Victory was dearly bought. (胜利是以很高的代价换来的)

We bought up all the beer in the store.

Don’t buy his story. He’s lying.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You’ll never have to buy another present. 《情归巴黎》

Harrey, buy up chunks of Tyson stock. 《情归巴黎》

I’m Gunna, buy me one of them shrimp in boats as soon as I have some money. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Mrs. Robinson’s voice: Where are you?

Ben: and I was wondering if I could buy you a drink or something. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Don’t buy a pig in a poke.不要口袋里买猪。(购买物品要看货色)

If you buy what you don’t need you will sell what you need.如买不需,将卖所需。

You can’t buy peace of mind.内心的平静是买不到的。



Basic need


vt. 喊,叫

Call a taxi for me, thanks.

vt. 称呼,叫做

My friends call me VV.

vt. 打电话

I’ll call him at about five o’clock.

vi. 呼;喊;叫

Alice called me for help.

vi. 打电话

Jack called at three.

vi. 访问

A lady called while you were out this afternoon.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

召回 --- call back

需要 --- call for

拜访--- call in

取消 --- call off

访问 --- call on

大叫 --- call out

打电话 ---o call up(give sb a ring)

回电话 --- call sb back

所谓的 --- what is called/so called

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

call it a day/night --- 停止做了一天或一夜的活动

call of nature --- 需要上洗手间

call someone on the carpet --- 被叫去接受训斥

call the shots --- 作决定

wake-up call --- 旅馆里叫醒客人

call-in radio show --- 打电话节目

call sb names --- 嘲弄、辱骂某人

call sb down --- 严厉责骂某人

feel called to do sth --- 被感召做某事

call sb/sth to mind --- 想起,记起

call a spade a spade --- 直言不讳

生活用语 Street Talks

What were you doing when I called you?

I’ll call as soon as I can.

This task calls for a lot of time.

We’re going to call in a specialist.

If you like her, call her up and talk to her.

Mozart is what is called a genius.

I was called on the carpet for screwing up the business.

David is the boss and calls the shots.

Michael took his cold feet and called off his own wedding.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Call me Bo Jangles at the office. 《情归巴黎》

Call David’s secretary, it’s the only thing she ever does. 《情归巴黎》

Well, call her anyway. 《情归巴黎》

No no, tell him I’ll call him back as soon as I can. 《情归巴黎》

I want you to call her up this time. 《毕业生》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 抓住,捕

The cat caught a mouse.

vt. 握住,拉住

Alice tried so hard to catch David’s arm.

vt. 赶上(火车等)

We’d better get up early so that we can catch the first train.

vt. 生病,感染

Both of us have caught a cold.

vt. 发现(某人正做某事),突然抓住

John was caught cheating on the exam.

vt. 挂住,绊住

I caught my skirt on a nail.

vt. 听见,理解

Sorry,I didn’t quite catch your meaning.

n. 潜在的困难或不利因素

The house is very cheap, there must be a catch somewhere.


catching (传染性的);

catchy (容易记住的,欺骗性的);

catcher ((棒球)接球手)


catch phrase (时髦话;引人注意的标语);

catchy tone (好上口的歌);

catch-all (装零星物品的东西)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

容易感冒 --- catch cold easily

被雨淋湿 --- be caught in the shower

领悟笑话的含义 --- catch on to a joke

(因吃惊,害怕)屏住呼吸 --- catch one’s breath

追上;赶上 --- catch up with

门夹住手指 --- catch one’s finger in a door

引人注目的 --- eye-catching

被卷入某事 --- be caught up in sth

吸引某人注意 --- catch sb’s attention

看见 --- catch sight of

变得流行/理解 --- catch on


to be caught in a trap/net --- 落入陷阱/圈套

You’ll catch it for this. --- 你这样会受到惩罚责备的。

caught up in the meet --- 开会不能脱身

Catch! --- 接着

catch sb on the wrong foot --- 乘人不备

catch sb red-handed --- 当场发现某人做某事

catch-22 --- 进退为难的境地(出自美国作家约瑟夫·海勒《第二十二条条规》)

生活用语 Street Talks

The cat catches mice.

Do you always catch such an early train?

Run fast, or you won’t catch up with Jack.

Being a foreigner, George didn’t catch on to the joke.

Catch you later. (一会儿见)

Could you slow down a bit? I can’t quite catch what you said.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 On a good day, you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp. 《阿甘正传》

I only caught five. 《阿甘正传》

对话 Dan: Yeah, well you better tuck that in. You’re going to get that caught on a tripwire. Where are you boys from in the world?

Gump and Bubba: Alabama, sir! 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

The cat that catches no mice does not earn his keep.不捉老鼠的猫不值得养。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 到自己这边来

I showed Bob my study and let him come in.

vi. 来…方向

Come this way, please.

v. 变成

The handle has come loose.

vi. 到达;拖到

Her evening dress comes to the floor.

v. 达到(对事物的认识、理解)

He finally came to love her.


comely (标志的,好看的);

coming (到来)


come-on ((试图吸引异性的)姿势,言语)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

偶然遇到 --- come across sb

得到 --- come by...

来自… --- come from...

结果,出版 --- come out

攻击某人 --- come at sb

干预,介入 --- come between

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

come to oneself --- 恢复知觉

come to terms --- 达成协议

come to nothing --- 毫无结果,失败

how come? --- 怎么发生的?

when it comes to sth --- 当涉及到这个阶段

生活用语 Street Talks

Rose fainted, but soon came to herself.

Come on! We’ll be late for the train.

How did you come by such a large amount of money?

Why don’t you come over for a drink?

oh, come on! I was just joking!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And sometimes rain seemed to come up from underneath. 《阿甘正传》

Come on, man. Get up there. 《阿甘正传》

You can come home with me, Jenny. 《阿甘正传》

Don’t come out! 《情归巴黎》

Come with me, for a little while. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

First come, first served.先到先买。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 割, 切

Tom cut himself while shaving.

This knife cuts well.

vt. 雕刻

They cut their names into the wall.

vt. 缩减

My husband and I are trying to cut the expenses.

vi. (寒风)猛击

The wind cut through my coat.


cutting (剪报;插枝);

cutlery (刀、叉等餐具)


cut-back (减少);

cut glass (雕花玻璃);

cut-price (减价出售);

shortcut (捷径)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

插嘴 --- cut in on one’s conversation

缩减费用 --- cut down on expenses

大量削减 --- cut back

打断,打搅 --- cut in sb

停止向某人供应 --- cut sb off

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

to cut a long story short --- 长话短说

sb. is cut out to be a teacher --- 天生做老师

Cut! --- 停止!(导演用语)

cut to the chase --- 直说吧

cut and run --- 急忙逃走

生活用语 Street Talks

I’m not cut out to be a business man.

Joanna’s loud voice cut across our conversation. (打断某人的谈话)

A: Where are you?

B: I had my hair cut at the barber’s.

Let’s cut to the chase, what do you want from me?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And I wrote in my stupid journal and I cut my stupid hair and I came back stupider than ever 《情归巴黎》

She didn’t have to work in nobody’s kitchen no more and ‘cause I was a gozillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Measure your coat twice since you can only cut once.谨慎办事。

Fish, or cut bait.要么全力以赴,要么索性放弃。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 做

Do whatever you like.

vt. (根据不同的受词,意义不同)

do the dishes (刷盘子)

do one’s hair (做头发)

do a puzzle (解谜)

do 40 miles (走40里路)

do sb honor (对某人恭敬)

do sb a favor (帮某人一个忙)

do sb harm (对某人有害)

vi. 做,实行

Do as you wish.

vi. 可用,适合

Will this hat do? If not, try that one for the size.

vt. 学习或解决问题

Do you do economics at school?

vt. 做出、制作

I’ll do a translation for him.

vt. 完成、走完

How many miles did you do during your walk?

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

除去 --- do away with...

与…有关 --- have ...to do with...

不用…也行 --- do without...

处理;与相处 --- do with...

经过良好,生意兴隆 --- be doing well

清扫 --- do sth out

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

that will never/won’t do --- 这可不行

that will do ---(制止某人)够了,行了

can’t do with sb/sth --- (忍受不了)

DIY(do it yourself) --- (自便)

生活用语 Street Talks

Do you understand?

We’re for doing away with the law. (我们支持废除该法律)

I have nothing to do with Kite. (我与kite无关)

We can’t do without this mini-dictionary.

David is easy to do with.

The patient is doing well.

Father is doing well in business.

Do her justice!

A: Apple,apple. You know I hate eating an apple every day, but mom…

B: come on Liz, Might do you good. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 How could you do what you did to me and her? 《情归巴黎》

We always dreamed of what it could be like to do this for you. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Dr.Marsha: and I don’t want to invade your privacy. Sam and Annie: Sure you do. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Do unto others as you would be done unto.己所欲施于人。

When in Rome do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。

Do as I say ,not as I do.按我说的做,不是按我做的做。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 驾驶

Can you drive a car?

vt. 驱使,迫使

Despair drove him to suicide.


drive-in (免下车的影院,餐厅等);

driving school (驾校);

drive-through restaurant (可以将饭菜买到车上吃的饭馆);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

驾车回去 --- drive back in a car

把钉子敲进去 --- drive in a nail

驱车越过荒野 --- drive across the wilderness

把…逼疯了 --- drive somebody crazy/nuts

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

drive somebody round the bend --- 让人受不了

sth drives sb up the wall --- 某事使某人大为恼火

What are you driving at --- 你是什么意思?

drive sth home to sb --- 使某人充分理解

生活用语 Street Talks

You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m driving everyone crazy.

You two will drive me round the bend soon.

Erry’s constant complaints drove him to desperation.

The tragedy drove Ann out of the mind. (精神错乱)

A: Ahead again? Oh, Gee! When shall we arrive?

B: In two more hours. Jerry, I know you’re tired but please drive with caution! (小心开车)

A: Tom, which direction should we take?

B: Drive straight ahead!

A: what did you do when you want off at night?

B: Drove around. (开车兜风)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you always drive like this? 《毕业生》

Drive down the block. 《毕业生》 I’ll drive you home. 《情归巴黎》

You’re sure you don’t want to drive with me? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Drive your business, don’t let your business drive.宁叫人赶事,不叫事赶人。

It’s very ill driving black hogs in the dark.在黑夜中赶黑猪是件非常倒霉的事。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 落下(东西)

There’s a coin dropping out of Jean’s pocket.

vi. 下降(程度;量)

The temperature has suddenly dropped.

vt. 失落

I dropped my wallet in the station.

vt. 使(人/物)离开船车

Drop me at the corner please.

n. 点滴

Put the water in drops into the mixture.

n. 下降

there is a big drop in price


raindrop (雨滴);

eye drops (眼药水);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

一滴一滴地落下 --- fall in drops

入睡 --- drop asleep

一滴一滴地 --- drop by drop

给某人写信(短信)--- drop sb a line

偶然落伍 --- drop by

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

drop out --- 中途退出

school drop-out --- 辍学生

drop me a note --- 给我个信儿

only a drop in the bucket --- 杯水车薪

生活用语 Street Talks

I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner.

I emptied the glass to the last drop.

For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money.

The water leaks from the tap drop by drop.

I dropped across a friend at the theater.

I drop out high school when I was 17.

Could you drop me at the bank? I need some cash.

Tom Hanks drops his kids off school.

A: Please, tell me when you met your wife.

B: Drop it. (免谈)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Listen, I gotta drop something off in David’s room. 《情归巴黎》

You expect me to just drop everything and walk out of here? 《情归巴黎》

对话 Linus: Could you drop them by the office?

Sabrina: Sure. 《情归巴黎》

Ben: I'm not good enough for her to associate with, am I? I'm not good enough to even talk about her, am I?

Mrs. Robinson: Let's drop it.

谚语 Proverbs

Petty cares wear the soul out,drop by drop.小的忧虑会一点一滴的损伤心灵。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 用不同的表达来替换划线部分词组,注意意义的一致。

1. In my opinion you can’t learn a language in three months.


2. I think the club needs to buy new players.


3. Yes, I think you’re right.


4. According to the newspaper, terrorists started the fire.


5. I agree with her to some extent.


Possible Answers:

1. Personally I don't think you can learn a language in three months.

2. In my opinion the club needs to buy new players.

3. Yes, I agree with you.

4. The newspaper says that terrorists started the fire.

5. I partly agree with her.

II.用 come, go, bring take的适当形式填空。.

A: What time are you……………………to Jim’s party this evening?

B: I’m not sure because Christopher is……………here first, and then we’ll……………together.

A: Right. Do you know what’s happening about the music?

B: Yeah. I’m going to……………some CDs, and Sue is…………….her guitar. I’ll probably lave quite early though, so do you think you could…………….my CDs back here tomorrow?

A: Yeah sure. What time?

B: Well, I want to…………….to the shops in the morning. Could you…………..before ten?

A: No problem.

Keys: 1. going 2. coming 3. go 4. take 5. taking 6. bring 7. go 8. come

I I I.把下面一段话的空格处填上适当的介词或冠词,注意它们与动词 do, make的搭配。

Last weekend we decided to start doing……….(1) our bedroom. We agreed that we could do……..(2) the old fireplace in the corner. As we began to remove it from the wall we found some old pictures done………….(3) in a bundle behind a loose brick. At first we could not make……………(4) what was in the pictures but we wiped them clean and realized they all depicted the same young man. We spent an enjoyable evening making …………..(5) stories to explain why the picture had been hidden.

Keys: 1. up 2. without 3. up 4. out 5. up

IV.请把下面句子中的划线部分用含有 break的动词代替。

1. The car stopped working again this morning.

2. There isn’t going to be a wedding—they have stopped their engagement.

3. Burglars forcibly entered our house while we were on holiday.

4. He has made her deeply sad.

5. The athlete created a new record for the 100 meters.

Keys: 1. broke down 2. broken off 3. broke into 4. broken her heart 5. broke the record


1. When you ………a benefit, you sell your freedom.

2. Two dogs over one bone seldom …………

3. Be what you ………..to be.

4. Better……..twice than lose your way once.

5. If you …….spice, it will smell the sweeter.

6. Never give a sucker an ever …………….

7. Don’t ……….pig in a poke.

8. He who …..the Piper calls the tune.

9. The end of fishing is not angling but ……………..

10. First ……….., first served.

11. When in Rome………as the Romans do.

12. ……….your business, don’t let your business drive.

第三部分 流行语汇

pop music 流行音乐

electronic music 电子音乐

Latin 拉丁乐

Continental 欧洲大陆音乐

rock ’ n’ roll 摇滚

heavy metal 重金属

jazz 爵士乐

blues 蓝调

R&B(rhythm and blues) 节奏蓝调

Soul 灵魂乐

folk/country music 乡村乐

rap 说唱

alternatives 另类音乐

album 唱片

record on a disc 灌入唱片

composer 作曲家

classic music 古典音乐

symphony 交响乐

opera 歌剧

concerto 协奏曲

serenade 小夜曲

waltz 圆舞曲

chorus 合唱

chamber music 室内乐

orchestra 管弦乐团


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt/vi. 吃,食

I eat two apples every day.

vi. 吃;食

I eat to live, but you live to eat.

vt. 腐蚀

The acid ate holes in the material.


eatable(edible) (可食的);

eatables (食物);

eater (贪嘴的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

腐蚀掉 --- eat away

吃得很多 --- eat heavily

狼吞虎咽 --- eat hungrily

在外面吃饭 --- eat out (to dine out)

抓紧时间吃 --- eat against time

收回自己的话 --- eat one’s words

吃光 --- eat up

习语与习俗 Idoms & slangs

eat a hole in one’s pocket --- 花钱如流水

eat like a horse --- 吃得很多

生活用语 Street Talks

How about we eat out tonight? I don’t feel like cooking.

Damn it! ATM ate my card.

My answering machine ate my message.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’d rather die than eat airplane food. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Supper’s ready if y’all want to eat. 《阿甘正传》

Eat fast! You are a princess. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Eat well, drink well—and do your duty well.吃好、喝好,还要工作好。

Eat at pleasure, drink by measure.尽情吃饭,适量饮酒。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 欣赏

The play was over before we could fully enjoy it.

vt. 喜爱

We heartily enjoy that game.

vt. 享有

Dad enjoys good health.


enjoyment (乐事;愉乐);

enjoyable (令人愉快的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

玩得愉快,感到快乐 --- to enjoy oneself doing sth

喜欢做某事 --- to enjoy doing

尽情享乐 --- to enjoy to the full

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

enjoy oneself over one’s wine --- 饮酒作乐

生活用语 Street Talks

The new play was good—everybody enjoyed it.

Enjoy yourself.

If there were no clouds,we should not enjoy the sun. (有苦方知乐。)

I enjoy speaking English.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 They work as hard as anyone, they just know when to quit and enjoy themselves. 《情归巴黎》

We enjoyed having you on board and look forward to seeing you again in the near future. 《毕业生》

I've enjoyed meeting you, Mr.Braniff. 《毕业生》

I enjoy it! 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Prudent men enjoy more conquests than passionate ones.深谋远虑者比狂热冲动者获得更多的爱情。

Rise with the sun and enjoy the day.黎明即起,快乐无比。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 等待,期待

I’m expecting a letter from Rocky.

vt. 想要,希望

I expect to take a vacation in June.

vt. 要求

Mom expects me to obey.

vt. 认为,猜想

We expect that it will be all right.


expectation (期待;前途);

expectant (预期的);

unexpected (没料到);

expectancy (预料,预计)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

期望某人回家 --- expect sb. Home

盼望某人来吃饭 --- expect sb. for dinner

对某人寄予过大希望 --- expect too much of sb.

不出所料 --- as was expected

习语与习俗 Idioms & Slangs

be expecting a baby --- 怀孕

生活用语Street Talks

Don’t expect too much of me, George.

You can’t expect that something may escape the teacher's attention.

A: Hey Jane, how was your trip?

B: It was great.

A: I expect you’ll want to freshen up after your trip, huh? (休息)

B: I guess you’re right.

The class wasn’t what I had expected.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You expect me to just drop everything and walk out of here? 《情归巴黎》

The weather looks clear to the West and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule. 《西雅图 夜未眠》

We expect to make our four hour and eighteen minute flight on schedule. 《毕业生》

Don't you expect me to be a little hurt? 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Expect to be treated as you have treated others.想要别人怎么对待你,你就要怎么对待别人。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 说明,讲解

Please explain the meaning of this poem.

vt. 解释,讲解

John explained his delay.


explanation (说明,辩明);

explanatory (说明的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

扼要说明 --- briefly explain

充分解释 --- fully explain

粗略说明自己的想法 --- roughly explain one’s idea

为…找理由,开拓 --- explain away

生活用语 Street Talks

Will it be convenient for you to explain your plans to him?

I’m attempting to explain that the modern artist is trying to get across his personal feelings about the world around him.

You needn't explain. (你无须解释。)

It’s really not easy to explain in words.

Son, you’ve got some explanation to do.

Please let me explain.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. 《阿甘正传》

Then how do you explain that you both ordered exactly the same Sandwich, except for the bread? 《西雅图夜未眠》

How am I going to explain this to Walter? 《西雅图夜未眠》

名言 Quotations

Science has “explained” nothing; the more we know the more fantastic the world becomes and the profounder the surrounding darkness.

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), British author. Along the Road, pt. 2, “Views of Holland”(1925).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 战斗

Do stop fighting boys!

vt. 斗争

The old man is fighting against the disease.

n. 斗志

Tracy has a lot of fight in her.


fighter (斗士);

firefighter (消防员)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

忍住眼泪 --- to fight back one’s tears

克服睡意 --- to fight down a desire to sleep

向前/ 外打开一条路 --- to fight one’s way forward/ out

与疾病做斗争 --- to fight a disease

争吵,争论 --- fight over sth

回击,反抗 --- fight back

争取 --- fight for

习语与习俗 Idioms & Slangs

fight like a tiger --- 极力攻击某人

生活用语 Street Talks

He gave up without even a fight. (他都不拼一拼,就放弃了)

You have to fight back the urge to go to sleep.

Don’t pick a fight with me, man!

I’m a kongfu master. Today you leave or I leave!

But yourself together and fight back! (振作起来,反击他们!)

You are supposed to fight your way out of trouble.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Sorry ,I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther Party. 《阿甘正传》

You look to me like the kind of guy who has to fight them off .《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

No man can fight his own doom.无人能和自己的命运搏斗。

名言 Quotations

The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), U.S. author. Robert Jordan, in For Whom the Bell Tolls, ch. 43 (1940).



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 得到

How did you get this amount of money?!

vt. 取来

I went back school to get my book.

vt. 收到

Did you get my letter?

vt. (使役用法)使,令

I got my leg broken.

vt. 生病

Wallace got a cold.

vi. 到达

Oliver got home at night.

vi. link 表示动向

I got tired.

vt. 抓住某人,某物

He ran away before the police could get him.

vt. 理解

I don’t get your meaning.


get-together (聚会)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

外出 --- get out (of)

出发 --- get off

搭乘 --- get on

下车 --- get off

克服 --- get over

到达 --- get to

非不可 --- have got to do

被抓住 --- get caught

与某人相处 --- get along with sb

流传,传播 --- get around

使…为人理解 --- get sth across

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

get a little on the side --- 有婚外情

have got out of bed on the wrong side --- 整天情绪不好

got you --- 问住你了吧!抓住你了吧!

you got me --- 你难住我了,我不知道

there is no getting away from sth --- 只好承认,无法逃避

get down to business --- 谈正事

生活用语 Street Talks

Ah! Now I get what you mean.

Carl said he’d been getting a little on the side when his wife was out of town.

A: What a bad mood you’re in, Oliver.

B: Yeah, you said it. I’d say I got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.

A: Mom, I’d like...

B: I’ve had enough of you kids—now, get away! (走开)

We got caught by the rain. (被雨淋了)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Get away from that door. 《毕业生》

Don't get up. 《毕业生》

Let's get on with the show! 《毕业生》

Did you get a room? 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

It’s easy to get, but hard to keep what you get.得之容易,守之难。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 去;前进

I’m going to the station

vi. 去做

go swimming

go hunting

go fishing

go shopping

vi. 离去;出发

I think I must be going now.

vi. 变成

I will go mad! (go blind/ go bad)

vi. 进行

How are things going?

vi. 消失、不再存在

Has your headache gone yet?

vi. 指时间过去,流逝

There are only two days to go before the meeting.


go-between (媒人);

go-ahead (许可)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

追求,追逐 --- go after...

回去,追溯 --- go back

(时间)流逝,通过 --- go by

出去(散步等) --- go for(a walk)

讨论 --- go into

继续 --- go on

查看,重做一次 --- go over...

通过,经历 --- go through

相配;合适 --- to go with...

甚至说 --- to go so far as to do

全力以赴做某事 --- go all out to do sth

着手做某事 --- go about sth

对某人不利 --- go against sb

喜欢 --- go for

生活用语 Street Talks

Should I go this way, or that way?

Betty went after fame.

Many hours went by.

Let’s go for a walk./Let’s go for a drive. (兜风)

Let’s not go into this matter now.

He went over the document carefully.

Grandpa went through two wars.

This tie goes with this suit.

Jerry went so far as to say that his girlfriend was stupid.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I mean I'd—rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in. I just have a toothbrush. 《毕业生》

I want to go home. 《毕业生》

We'll go for a drive or something. 《毕业生》

I got to go to college too. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

By going gains the mill ,and not by standing still.磨房要赢利靠转动,而不是靠停滞。

Go easy,go slow;if you go fast you may go to hell.别着急,慢慢来,假如走得快,你会进地狱。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vi. 发生; 事故起源

How did it happen?

vi. 碰巧; 偶然

I happened to meet him.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

碰巧,偶然发生 --- happen to do

降临到某人头上 --- sth happens to sb

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

What’s happening? --- 怎么了?(What’s going on?)

accident happens --- 事故注定发生的,无法避免

生活用语 Street Talks

A strange thing happened to me this morning.

What’s happening, Tom?

It so happened that I was in HongKong then.

I happened to overhear their conversation.

Something terrible has happened.

Don’t touch her, she happens to be my girlfriend.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Shit happens! 《阿甘正传》

Benjamin, when you came up here, what did you think was going to happen between us? 《毕业生》

I happen to have this book with me. 《毕业生》

I remember when that happened, when Wallace got shot, I was in college. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

What must happen will happen regardless.该发生的一定会发生。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 打,揍

Father often hit me on the head.

vt. (台风、地震)侵袭

The typhoon will hit Taipei.

vi. 撞

The car terriblly hit against the wall.

vt. (不良的事)影响,殃极

Rural areas have been hit by the strike.

vt. 到达(口语)

The Yen hit a record high in trading today.

n. 成功

The play(this song) was quite a hit.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

勾引某人 --- hit on sb.

大获成功 --- make a hit

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

smash hit --- 轰动一时的事物(表演、歌曲、畅销书)

hit the jackpot --- 意外得到一笔钱

hit the road --- 上路,出发

make a hit(with sb)--- 给某人极好的印象

hit the deck --- 落到地上

hit sb hard --- 对某人不利

hit the hay --- 上床睡觉

hit home --- 击中要害

生活用语 Street Talks

I hit on a good idea/A good idea occurs to me.

John has been hitting on Jackie all night.

A great idea hit me all of a sudden. (不俗的,奇特的)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Where were you hit? 《阿甘正传》

I’m just going to hit her with one of those fireplace bricks. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Because I just think you two would hit it off real well together. 《毕业生》

对话 Victoria: I know her pretty well.

I could give her a call.

Sam: No. I’ve got it solved. I’m just going to hit her with one of those fireplace bricks.



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 持着;拿着

The mother is holding her baby in her arms.

vt. 占有(地位),担任

Peter held the office of president util 2001.

vt. 容量

This bottle holds two pints.

vt. 抑止,约束

I held my breath.

vt. 举行

They will hold a meeting tomorrow.

vi. 持续,维持

How long will this fine weather hold?

vt. 拘留,囚禁

He was held prisoner during the war.

vt. 认为,相信

I hold that he is a fool.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

抑制;隐瞒;退缩 --- hold back

等一下 --- hold on

握住 --- hold on to...

举起 --- hold up

限制,控制 --- hold sth/in oneself

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

hold all the cards --- 控制全局

hold it down --- 安静下来

hold it --- 稍等片刻

生活用语 Street Talks

Would you please hold the door open for me?

Ok, here we go. Hold on to your hat!

I couldn’t hold him back.

Our oil supplies will not hold out a year.

She put her career on hold, and married John.

I don’t like calling customer service. They always put me on hold. And force me to listen some stupid music.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Please hold handrail and stand to the right. 《毕业生》

I can't hold them much longer, Ben. 《毕业生》

It feels so good to hold you. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Prove all things;hold fast that which is good.验证每样事,好的就坚持。

Teach your child to hold his tongue;he’ll learn fast enough to speak.教孩子保持沉默,他很快 就能学会说话。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 伤;使痛

I hurt my foot by jumping over a fence.

vt. 伤感情

Her words hurt me.

vi. 痛(指手足等)

My foot still hurts.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

使受重伤 --- badly hurt

感情上受到严重伤害 --- be hurt greatly

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

It would hurt sb to do sth --- 不会有什么意外

生活用语 Street Talks

Which foot hurts? Is it the left one?

Quit flicking me! It hurts!

A: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, VV.

B: But I was very much hurt at your words.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The doctors had begged me to take drugs, but I kept saying I wouldn’t do anything to hurt my child. 《情归巴黎》



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 维持

You can keep the book.

vt. 保存

Where do you keep your jewels?

vt. 饲养

Mother keeps a dog.

vt. 经营

Father keeps a bookstore.

vt. 守(诺言)

Keep your word.

vt. 写(日记)

Teacher suggests us to keep a diary in English.

vi. 保持(食物)

The meat won’t keep long.

vi. 维持很久;保持

I kept standing in the train all the way.


goalie/goalkeeper (守门员);

keepsake (纪念品)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

远离 --- keep away from...

阻止 --- keep...from

继续 --- keep on doing

赶上 --- keep up with...

不与人交往 --- keep to oneself

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

keep something under one’s hat --- 保守秘密

keep up with the Joneses --- 在物质上或社会地位上不落后与邻居或同事

keep an eye on --- 留意观察

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Do you wanna know some real juicy gossip about Robert?

B: don’t you need to get to keep it under your hat?

Keep the aspirin away from the children.

We must study to keep up with the times.

Keep in touch. (保持联系)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Why does he keep saying that? 《情归巴黎》

It’s not good to keep your feelings inside you. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Should she use a baret to keep the hair out of her face? 《西雅图夜未眠》

Can you keep an eye on things at front until I get back? 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Gump: I want you to have this.

Jenny: Forrest, I can’t keep this. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

A shut mouth keeps one from strife.闭口不语使人避开争斗。



Basic need


vt. 知道

I don’t know what to do next.

vt. 承认;认知

How did you know him to be the headmaster?

vi. 知道

How should I know?

vi. 闻知;知道

I know of it, but I don’t know it well.

vt 认识(某人)

Do you know him?


knowing (心照不宣的);

knowledge (知识,学问);

well-known (知名的)


Mr-know-all (无所不知先生);

Know-how (技术,本事)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

为…所熟知 --- be known to...

没有人知道 --- God knows...

明白事理而不至于 --- know better than to do

据我所知 --- As far as I know

以…得名 --- be known as

面熟 --- know sb by sight

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

know a thing or two about… --- 对…略知一二,有所了解

you never know --- 很难说

know one’s own mind --- 有自己的想法

know sb through and through --- 完全了解某人

you know --- 用于提醒益所在某人的语气词

生活用语 Street Talks

I didn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.

He is known to everybody.

God knows where he has gone.

I have to wear more. It’s very cold, you know. (不是吗?插入语)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 How do you know? 《西雅图夜未眠》

Do you know how to work a foreign shift? 《毕业生》

Now if you won't do me a simple favor I don't know what. 《毕业生》

Don’t you know we are in a war here. 《阿甘正传》

对话Jessica: Do you want a food plate?

Jonah: I don’t know. Do I? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

All that we know is that we know nothing.我们只知道我们什么都不知道。

No one knows what will happen to him the next moment.没人知道呆会儿自己会出什么事。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 杀死

The lion killed a zebra.

vt. 摧毁

A long drought killed all the crops.

vt. 消磨

How can we kill these three hours?

vt. (口语,用于进行时态)使…痛苦

My feet are killing me. (我的脚疼极了)

vt. 终止,结束

Illness killed her appetite.

vt. 使…失败,扼杀

The play was killed by bad revieas.


Kill a light /radio


killer (杀人犯);

killing (令人精疲力竭的;极为有趣的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

使…筋疲力尽 --- to kill off all of one’s energy

消磨时间 --- to kill time

花容易枯死 --- flowers kill easily

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

would kill (for sth. ) --- 不惜任何代价

sb or sth kills me --- 逗死我了/累死我了

Kill it! --- 干杯(Bottom up!)

kill or cure --- 非胜即败

生活用语 Street Talks

It killed me to pay that much, but I had no choice.

A: I haven’t drunk anything all day long.

B: Me too. I’d kill for a Coke now.

Don’t do that. You’re gonna get yourself killed.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You screw up with Elizabeth and I swear I’ll kill you. 《情归巴黎》

No way! He’d kill me! 《西雅图夜未眠》

You know it’s easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to get married over the age of forty. 《西雅图夜未眠》

You scream like that again and I’ll kill you. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕,一举两得

Curiosity killed the cat.不可过于好奇。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 丢失

I’ve lost my wallet.

vt. 无法控制

Father constantly lost his temper.

vt. 浪费(时间)

There is no time to lose.

vi. 输;失败

The candidate lost by 200 votes.


loser (失败者);

loss (损失)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

埋头读书 --- lose oneself in a book

陷入沉思 --- be lost in thought

为…而失去理智 --- to lose one’s head over

倾心于某人 --- lose one’s heart to sb.

思路被打断 --- lose the train of thought

忘了时间 --- lose track of time

减肥 --- lose weight

上气不接下气 --- lose one’s breath

丢脸 --- lose face

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

lose out --- 失败,竞争不过

lose it --- 发脾气

lose touch with sb --- 失去联系

生活用语 Street Talks

We shouldn't lose heart. We may get another chance.

I always lose at cards, with my bad luck.

The doctor lost no time in getting the sick woman to hospital.

A: Tom’s out of it! Out of it! Oh, Gee!

B: He can’t be serious! Has he lost all his marbles?

He lost it when he heard the bad news. (发脾气)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Everything else is what happens when you watch too many movies and you completely lose sight of what counts. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I don’t like to think of anyone as a lost cause. 《情归巴黎》

I lost my focus. 《情归巴黎》

Don’t mind him, he’s just a guy who’s lost his wife. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

We don’t know a good thing till we’ve lost it.失去后才知珍贵。

The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 用 I’m getting+adjective或 or It’s getting+adjective 造句。

1. A:…………………………….

B: Yes it is. I’ll turn on the heating.

2. A: …………………………….

B: Ok, let’s have something to eat.

3. A:…………………………….

B: Yes, me too. I’ll open the window.

4. A:……………………………..

B: Yes, it is. I think I’ll go to bed.

5. A:………………………………

B: yes, I’ll put the lights on.

6. A:……………………………………

B: No, you’re not. You’re getting much better. You understand a lot now.

Keys: 1. It’s getting cold in here. 2. I’m getting hungry 3. I’m getting hot.

4. It’s getting late. 5. It’s getting dark 6. I’m getting worse at English.

II. 用含有 get的动词词组来替换已有的表达,注意保持意义的一致。

1. They’re preparing to go out.


2. I had to put on my clothes very quickly.

I had to …………………………………………

3. How do you meet people and make friends in this country?

How do you………………………………………………………..?

4. I am on good terms with my boss…………………………

I …………………………………………………………

5. We’re going to throw away most of these chairs.

We’re going to …………………………………………………………?

6. Someone told me you’re doing a new course. How’s it going?

Someone told me you’re doing a new course………………………………..?

Keys: 1. getting ready to go out 2. get dressed very quickly 3. get to know people in this country 4. get on very well with my boss 5. get rid of most of these chairs 6. How are you getting on

III. 替换下列带有 go的表达,注意保持意义的一致。

1. It’s hard to say exactly but I think the lorry was going about 60 kph.

2. Some people aren’t interested in pungee jumping but I’ve always wanted to have a go.

3. Come on John, it’s your go.

4. Hi Sue. How’s it going?

5. Excuse me. Does this road go to the bus station?

Keys: 1. doing 2. try 3. turn 4. How are you? 5. lead to

IV. 把下列的英文谚语翻译成中文。

1. petty cares wear the soul, drop by drop.

2. Prudent men enjoy more conquest than passionate one.

3. Expect to be treated as you have treated others.

4. No man can fight his own doom.

5. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.

6. It’s easy to get, but hard to keep what you get.

7. By going gains the mill, and not by standing still.

8. You can put a man to a better use than hanging him.

9. What must happen will happen regardless.

10. Never hit a man below the belt.

11. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.

12. A shut mouth keeps one from strife.

13. All that we know is that we know nothing.

14. Kill two birds with one stone.

15. Facts never lie.

16. The shepherd would rather lose the wool than the sheep.

第三部分 流行语汇

diet craze 节食热潮

go on a diet 节食

fitness craze 健美潮

overweight 超重

obese 过度肥胖

gym 健身房

be in excellent shape 很健康

keep fit 保持体形

go in for 从事,参加(运动)

work out/ take exercise 锻炼

physical training 运动训练

lose weight 减肥

put on weight 发胖


第一部分 核心语汇



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 做

Grandma always made cakes for me.

vt. 使…变成

Professor Lee’s lecture makes us sleepy.

vt. 使…做(有命令的意思)

The teacher made me repeat it. (I was made to repeat it.)

vt. 带来,使…发生

Please don’t make a noise.

vt. 整理,准备

I make my bed every morning.

vt. 做,实行

The kids are making progress in English.

vt. 等于(数目)

Two and three make five.

vt 演变成,结果是

She can make an excellent teacher.


He made a forture on the stock market


We have made 80 miles today.


make-belicve (假象);

make–up (化妆品,构成)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

用…做成的 --- to make...from

(看不出原材料) 用…做成的 --- to make...of

(看得出原材料) 补偿;化妆;与…和好 --- to make up

开玩笑 --- to make fun of

充分利用 --- make the most of

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

make way (give room for an approaching person) --- 让开些

make believe --- 假装

make a fool out of oneself --- 丢丑

make it! --- 成功做成事了

half make it! --- 成功一半

make do with sth --- 将就,凑合

生活用语 Street Talks

The judges are making up their minds.

The conference made for better understanding between the two countries.

Wine is made from grapes.

The table is made of wood.

I want to make a teacher of myself.

Miao made up her face and went to a party.

We shook hands and made up. (握手言和)

I’m afraid this guy can’t make it. (医生说:“没救了”)

A: Honey, can you come back home before 9 o’clock?

B: I’m afraid I can’t make it. But I’ll try.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You make a million decisions that means nothing and then one day, you order take-out and it changes your life. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Please don’t make me write it. 《西雅图夜未眠》

That doesn’t make any sense. 《西雅图夜未眠》

We expect to make our four hour and eighteen minute flight on schedule. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

What man has made man can destroy.人能制造的,人也能毁掉。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 遇见

I met my ex-wife on the way back home.

vt. 迎接

My parents met me at the airport.

vt. 结识;引见

I’d like you to meet my husband David.

vt. 面对

Jerry met the misfortunes with courage.

vt. 接触

My hand accidentally met hers.

vt. 满足;接受

I wish I could meet your wishes.

vi. 相识

David and Victoria met in New Oriental School.

vi. 接触;碰触

Our eyes met.


meeting (聚会;集会)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

偶然遇到 --- to meet up with

正面相遇 --- to meet sb. face to face

交厄运 --- to meet with bad fortune

相互妥协 --- to meet each other half way

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

meet someone’s eyes --- 直视某人

meet one’s waterloo --- 惨败(来源于拿破仑的滑铁卢战役)

make ends meet --- 使收支相抵

生活用语 Street Talks

I met up with David in the train in London.

This belt won’t meet round my waist. (腰带太短)

How did the two of you meet?

We met with some difficulty, but we overcame it.

Did you meet a girl?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Now the really good thing about meeting the president of the United States is the food. 《阿甘正传》

How did you meet her? 《情归巴黎》

I was wondering if you could meet me here this afternoon. 《情归巴黎》

You’ll meet someone. 《西雅图夜未眠》

What if I never meet him? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Extremes meet.物极必反。

When friends meet,hearts warm.朋友相见心里热。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 比赛

I like playing tennis.

vt. 演奏(乐器)

Anna plays the piano very well.

vt. 演(角色)

We let Tom play Hamlet.

vi. 玩;耍

The kids were playing in the playground.

n. 剧

They asked me to play Cinderella in our class play.


player (选手);

broadway play (百老汇戏剧);

playboy (花花公子);

play ground (运动场);

play time (游戏、娱乐时间)


playmate (玩伴);

playwright (剧作家);

creenplay (电影剧本)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

开始起作用 --- to come into play

在中起作用 --- to play a role in…

扮演…的角色/担当…的任务 --- to play the part of…

玩弄某人 --- to play around with sb

使事情显得没有实际那么重要 --- to play sth down

轻率地对待某事 --- to play with sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

play it by ear --- 即兴做某事

play fast and loose --- 拿…当儿戏

play game(games) with sb play the game --- 遵守规则,光明正大

bring sth into play --- 使…发生作用

child’s play --- 容易做的事

生活用语 Street Talks

I like to play tennis, but I’m not very good at it.

Ellis played fast and loose with the company’s good name.

It’s wrong for a man to play with a woman’s affection.

They didn’t play fair in this matter.

Now, now, stop playing around and get this job finished.

A: Do you play a musical instrument?

B: Yes, I’ve played the piano for over fifteen years.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 College ran by real fast ‘cause I played so much football. 《阿甘正传》

After only five years of playing football, I got a college degree. 《阿甘正传》

Instruments, you don’t play. 《情归巴黎》

And he played a song for her. 《情归巴黎》

I watched him play with his son at the beach. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

If you play with a cat,you must not mind her scratch.与猫一起玩耍,切勿嫌猫爪。

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.工作时工作, 游戏时游戏.



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 放;置

Robert put his hand in his pocket.

vt. (表某状态)使之

Mother put the baby to sleep.

Mother’s words put father into a rage.

vt. 表达

I can’t put it into words.

vt. 翻译

Would you please put this article into English?

vt. 提出

Lily put a question to the professor about the environment.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

置于一旁 --- to put aside

储存 --- to put away

放回原处 --- to put back

写下 --- to put down

延期 --- to put off

打开,演出 --- to put on

忍受 --- to put up with

插话 --- ut in

向某人提供食宿 --- put sb up

扑灭/关掉 --- put out

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

put something over on someone --- 愚弄某人

生活用语 Street Talks

Why don’t you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car?

Put your money aside for a rainy day. (储蓄金钱以防急需)

My parents put their money away for a tour of Europe.

Put down your name and address.

The author put off a new book.

Don’t put off writing to me. I miss you so much.

I put on my clothes in a hurry.

I can’t put up with the insult.

I’ve put up with it long enough. (I take it long enough. 我已经忍了好久了。)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Who put glasses on the chair? 《情归巴黎》

I want to put it on the market. 《情归巴黎》

I swear, when we’re old and gray you’re going to have to remind me to put my teeth in. 《西 雅图夜未眠》

You put on music, now you start opening up your personal life to me and tell me your husband won't be home for hours. 《毕业生》

I really don't want to put this on again? 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Put up with small annoyances to gain great results.忍小愤而就大谋。

Don’t put the cart before the horse.勿本末倒置。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 到达

I can reach home before dark.

vt. 达到

Can you reach the ceiling?

vt. 伸手拿

He reached for his gun.

vi. 达到

My income reaches a considerable sum.

vt 与某人取得联系,打电话

I can’t reach him by phone.

vt. 达成,获得

They’ve just reached a conclusion.

n. (手) 伸展

Peter got a book on the shelf by a long reach.


reachable (可接触到的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

超出某人能力之外 --- beyond one’s reach

伸出,伸展 --- to reach out

力所能及 --- within one's reach

习语与俗语Idioms and slangs

reach for the stars --- 野心勃勃

reach the headlines --- 成为重大新闻

生活用语 Street Talks

The two sides were unable to reach an agreement.

The ladder won't reach the window.

I can’t be reached by telephone.

The sound reached the back of the hall.

It’s altogether beyond the reach of possibility.

A: George, pass me an umbrella.

B: Oh boy, I can’t reach so high.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It's hard for me to reach. 《毕业生》

And I want to reach people on a personal level. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

From life to death is man’s reach.生与死只有一墙之隔。



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 想起

I can’t remember his number.

vt. 记得;记住

I remember that I wrote to him yesterday.

vt. 牢记

Remember to lock the door when you go out.

vt. 致意;问候

Remember me to your parents.

vi. 记忆

If I remember correctly, Rocky is in Canada now.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

请代我向…致意 --- to remember me to

清晰记得 --- to remember clearly

突然想起 --- to suddenly remember

依稀记得 --- to remember vaguely

记忆犹新 --- to remember vividly

生活用语 Street Talks

I simply can’t remember his name.

Remember your appointment this afternoon!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you remember the rainy afternoon we spent together? 《情归巴黎》

I don't remember her as having brown eyes. 《毕业生》

对话 Walter: I don’t see how I’m going to remember all this.

Annie: Oh, well, Walter, you will. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

When befriended,remember it;when you befriend,forget it.受恩要记住,施恩要忘掉。



Basic needs


Everyday Expressions

vi. 奔跑

The car ran 60 miles an hour.

vi. 逃跑

Let’s run for our lives.

vt. 经营

Father runs a restaurant.

vt. 冒着(危险)

Peter ran the risk of losing his life.

vi. 流下;流动

Tears ran down the teacher’s cheeks.

vi. 开行(交通工具等)

Buses run every five minutes.


runway (飞机的跑道)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

邂逅 --- to run across

追赶/造就 --- to run after

撞上 --- to run against

逃跑 --- to run away

耗尽 --- to run out of

连续不断 --- to run on

私奔 --- to run off with sb

竞选 --- to run for

习语与习俗 Idioms & Slangs

run for one’s life --- 逃命

come running --- 巴不得这样做

生活用语 Street Talks

It’s getting late. Run home at once.

You’d better run, or you’re going to be left behind.

You’re early. Did you run all the way here?

The car ran against the wall.

The professional thief ran away.

We’ve run out of sugar.

He’s got again! Run for your lives!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’m running out of time here. 《情归巴黎》

Cash, stock, and they don’t want to tell me how to run the business. 《情归巴黎》

Running would be better. 《情归巴黎》

Time to run for it. 《情归巴黎》

I am going to run back to Walter’s arms, if he’ll still have me. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Still waters run deep.静水深流。

Honesty will pay in the long run.诚实终究会得到报偿。



Basic needs


Everyday Expressions

vt. 据说(被动)

he was said to be rich.

vt. (指书、符号)表示(信息)

The paper says that there was an accident on the highway.

vi. 表达

This poem doesn’t say much to me.

vt. 表明意见

I can’t say you are right.

vi. 假定,比如说

You could learn to play chess in ,say ,three months.

n. 决定权

Let her have her say.


saying (谚语;陈述)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

拒绝 --- say no to sb/sth

有话要说,自我辩解 --- have something to say for oneself..

自言自语 --- to say to oneself

就…而言 --- to say that...

换言之 --- that is to say

你的想法如何 --- What do you say to ...?

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

easier said than done --- 说起来容易做起来难

You can say that again! --- 太对了

u said it! --- 你说对了

You don’t say?! --- 真的?!(表示惊讶)

I would say no --- 表示想要、接受

the least said the best --- 少说为妙

生活用语 Street Talks

I’ll say Tom’s rich! He’s got load of dough.

I won 100,000 RMB? You don’t say?!

What do you have to say about that?

The clock says five minute after twelve.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 What did you hear me just say? 《西雅图夜未眠》

I’m not leaving until you say “yes”. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I just want to say one word to you—just one word. 《毕业生》

I would never say you weren't as good as a person as she is. 《毕业生》

If you love someone, say it, say it out loud, right then, or the moment just passes you by. 《朋友的婚礼》

对话 Mrs. Robinson: You don't have to say that.

Ben: Well I wouldn't. I would never say it if it wasn't true. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Between saying and doing there is a long road.说与做之间有一段长距离。

No sooner said than done.说干就干。

A great man’s foolish sayings pass for wise ones.一个大人物的傻话会被当作明智的格言。



Basic needs


Everyday Expressions

vt. 救;救助

You saved my life. What can I do in return?

vt. 储蓄

I’ve saved a lot of money.

vt. 保护;守护

God saves the Queen.

vi. 储蓄

I saved for the future.


savings (储蓄);

savior (救济者);

the Saviour (救世主)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

保全面子 --- to save one's face

不浪费力气 --- to save one's pains

抢救某人,脱离危险 --- to save sb. from danger

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

save one’s breath --- 不必白费口舌

save one’s skin/ neck --- 从危险或麻烦中摆脱出来

save for the rainy day --- 未雨绸缪

save it to yourself --- 留着给自己吧

生活用语 Street Talks

If you save now, you’ll be able to buy a car soon.

I saved the animals from the flood.

Victor doesn’t care who gets hurt, as long as he saves his own neck.

Save your breath! I’m not interested. (别说了,我不感兴趣。)

We’re trying to save up for a vacation.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Hug yourself. Hug a friend, hug a shrink or work, work hard, work will save you. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Tell them to save a piece for me. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

He who would save should begin with his mouth.想节省必须从嘴开始。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 放置

I set the lamp on the table.

vt. 配置

They set a guard on the minister.

vt. 使从事

David set me to do teaching.

vt. 指定某人工作

David set us a hard job.

vi. (太阳、月亮等)落下

The sun sets in the west.

vt. 调整

She set the watch by the time-signal on the TV.


setting (背景;底座)


setback (倒退;挫折);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

开始;着手 --- to set about doing...

保留 --- to set aside

出发 --- to set out/set off

建立 --- to set up

习语与习俗 Idioms and Slangs

be (all) set --- 准备好(手续完毕)

set (oneself )up as sb --- 当上(某人职业的人)

生活用语 Street Talks

My boyfriend gave me a ring set with three diamonds. (嵌有3颗钻石的戒指)

Mom set aside part of the money.

Harry set about washing his car.

I used to set my alarm clock for exactly 7 a.m.

I set the flowers on the table.

He was set on going to New York.

I accomplished what I had set out to do.

Are you all set? Let’s go fishing!

Set your mind to your work. (fix your attention)

He set this house on fire.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And set up the vineyard cottage. 《情归巴黎》

I’m not asking you to set me up. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

If the devil catches a man idle,he’ll set him to work.魔鬼抓住懒汉就会使他工作。

Those who are fond of setting things right, have no great objection to seeing them wrong.喜欢纠正错误的人,看到事情错了并不坚决反对。




Everyday Expressions

vi. 留下

Father left for business, but mother stayed.

vi. 住宿

I stayed with my brother for a few days.

vi. 停留

William is staying in Paris now.

vi. 一如原样

The door stayed open all night.

n. 停留

I visited lots of friends during my stay in Guangzhou.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

熬夜 --- to stay up

离某人远些 --- to stay away from sb.

过夜 --- to stay over (spend the night)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

have come to stay --- 固定下来,普遍认可

生活用语 Street Talks

Don't stay up so late! (不要熬夜!)

I’ll probably stay home and watch television.

John and Jerry stayed away from school yesterday.

A: How long was your stay in England?

B: Only two weeks.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Stay away from me, Ben! 《毕业生》

One time a young man was staying with us and he had him a guitar case. 《阿甘正传》

Just stay a little longer. 《阿甘正传》

Might as well stay over. 《情归巴黎》




Everyday Expressions

vt. 谈论

I don’t like to talk politics.

vi. 说;谈

I was talking with the neighbors.

n. 谈话;商量

Harry had a long talk with Sally.


talkative (多话的);

talker (说话人,空谈者)


walky-talky (步话机)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

商量 --- to talk over...

自言自语 --- to talk to oneself

胡言乱语 --- to talk nonsense

说服某人做某事 --- to talk sb into doing sth

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

talk big --- 吹牛

talk sense --- 说的有理

生活用语 Street Talks

Talking of Paris, have you ever been there in summer?

What are you talking about?

I have a habit of talking to myself.

No money, no talk.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 We’re talking about 5 little points here. 《阿甘正传》

Next to mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions. 《阿甘正传》

It was nice talking to you. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Talk of the devil and he shows up.说曹操,曹操到。

It’s no use talking.空谈无济于事。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 告诉;说话

I have something important to tell you.

vt. 命令某人做某事

Mother told him not to go to church.

vt. 区分了解

I can’t tell the sheep from the goat.

vi. 影响

Age is beginning to tell on me.

vi. 了解(与 can 连用)

How can I tell which one is better?

vi. 起作用

The government’s policies are beginning to tell.


teller (出纳员)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

分辨出 --- to tell…apart

责骂 --- to tell off

没法预料 --- you can never tell.

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

I tell you. --- 我要强调.

tell it like it is --- 直言不韪

tell you what --- 听听这个建议

to tell the truth --- 老实说

生活用语 Street Talks

I could tell by his face that he was lying.

Sleeplessness is sure to tell on your health. (发生影响)

When you testify in court, you’d better tell it like it is.

Tell ya what—buy four of them, and I’ll knock ten dollars off the total.

Why did you have to tell on me to mom?

The boss really told John off today.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Drill Seargent: Gump! What’s your sole purpose in this army?

Forrest: To do what ever you tell me, Drill Seargent? 《阿甘正传》

Man, I’ll tell you what. 《阿甘正传》

Split everything right down the middle. Man, I’m telling you, 50-50. 《阿甘正传》

Sam, tell me what was so special about your wife. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Don’t tell all you know nor do all you can.知道的不要全说,能做的不要全做。

The wise man doesn’t tell what he does,but never does what can’t be told.聪明人不说他做的事,也从不做不可告人之事。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 想;思考

Are animals able to think?

vt. 打算,计划

I think I will leave Beijing next month.

vt. 预期;预料

I never thought of meeting Michael here.

vt. 想到(用于疑问句中)

Who would have thought we’d see Michael here?

vi. 考虑

Let me think for a moment.

vt. 认为,以为

I think it’s going to rain.


thinkable (能想的);

thinking (思考的;有思想力的);

unthinkable (意外的);

thinker (思想家);

thought (思想)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

想到 --- to think about...

敬重 --- to think highly (much) of...

轻蔑 --- to think lightly (little) of...

想到;想做 --- to think of...

想出 --- to think out(figure out)...

仔细考虑 --- to think over...

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

think someone is hot shit --- 错误地认为某人是非凡的

tink highly of oneself--- 自负,狂妄自大

don’t even think about it --- 想都不要想

think twice --- 三思

生活用语 Street Talks

We think nothing of his advice.

Please give me a few days to think it over.

A: Take these crop away

B: I thought you liked it.

That’s the only way that I can think of for now. You’re thinking too much, retard! (idiot IQ 低,脑子迟钝的人)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Well I think I’m getting married, Dennis, I really do. 《西雅图夜未眠》

What do you think? 《西雅图夜未眠》

I think Ben has gotten beyond the teeny bopper stage, haven't you, Ben? 《毕业生》

What do you think of me? 《毕业生》

对话 Mr. Mcquire: There is a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?

Ben: Yes, I will. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Those who dare to think by themselves can make others think with them. 敢于独立思考的人能使别人和他们一同思考。]

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 把下列句子中正确的单词划出。

1. I couldn’t do/make the homework last night.

2. She’s going to make/have a party for her birthday.

3. Did he do/make many mistakes?

4. I often make/do the housework.

5. Did you make/take many photos?

6. I want to do/make a course in English.

7. We must take/make a decision soon.

8. He is doing/making research in chemistry.

9. They did/made a lot of noise during the party.

Keys: 1. do 2. have 3. make 4. do 5. take 6. do 7. make 8. doing 9. made

II. 在下列带有 put 的词组后加上至少三个名词, 注意词组意思的变化。

例如: put in money/ a comment/ a telephone system

1. put out 2. put forward 3. put off 4. put across

5. put up 6. put on 7. put away 8. put up with

keys: 1. a bonfire / your host/ mice 2. an idea/ a proposal/ a suggestion

3. a basketball match/ an appointment/ customers 4. your feelings/ ideas/ opinions

5. an umbrella/ prices/ a picture 6. a concert/ a limp/ clothes

7. papers/ books/ files 8. someone’s behavior/ bad manners/ temper

III. 把下列句子的划线部分用非正式的 set词组代替,需保持句意一致。

1. They have recently established a committee on teenage smoking.

2. We try to reserve some money for our holiday every week.

3. Ignore all your negative feelings and listen with an open mind.

4. If we hadn’t left home so late, we would have arrived on time.

5. The government’s unpopular proposals caused a wave of protests.

Keys: 1. set up 2. set aside 3. set aside 4. set off 5. set off

IV. 请把下面句子中的划线部分用含有run的动词词组代替。

1. I met an old friend unexpectedly yesterday.

2. Her patience has come to an end.

3. Let’s review the plans again.

4. The children have kept me so busy that I’m exhausted today.

5. She manages the business while he looks after the children.

6. How often does the train go?

Keys: 1. ran into 2. run out 3. run over 4. run me off my feet 5. runs 6. run

V. 请把下列的中文翻译成英文谚语。

1. 吝啬的人羡慕财富,伟大的人羡慕荣誉。

2. 物极必反。

3. 对事物总是找茬,它就永远好不了。

4. 与猫一起玩耍,切勿嫌猫爪。

5. 忍小愤而就大谋。

6. 生与死只有一墙之隔。

7. 受恩要记住,施恩要忘掉。

8. 静水深流。

9. 说与做之间有一段长距离。

10. 想节省必须从嘴开始。

11. 聪明人不说他做的事,也从不做不可告人之事。

12. 不可揭人隐私。

第三部分 流行语汇

About Food and Drink

appetizer…………………………………………………..….. 开胃品

cereal ……………………………………………………..….. 麦片粥

cheese …………………………………………………….…… 奶酪

chips, French fries …………………………………………… 炸薯条

cookie…………………………………………………….……. 小甜饼

dessert …………………………………………………….……. 餐后甜点

doughnut ………………………………………………… 油炸圈饼

dressing ……………………………………………………调味品

ham ………………………………………………………. 火腿

hamburger …………………………………………………汉堡包

oatmeal …………………………………………………… 燕麦粥

omelette …………………………………………………… 煎蛋卷

pasta………………………………………………………… 意大利面条

pizza ……………………………………………………… 比萨饼

salad ……………………………………………………… 色拉

snack ……………………………………………………… 小吃

steak………………………………………………………… 牛排

sundae……………………………………………………… 圣代冰淇淋

coca cola …………………………………………………… 可口可乐

mineral waters ……………………………………………… 矿泉水

yogurt ……………………………………………………… 酸奶

soda water ………………………………………………… 苏打水

lemonade …………………………………………………… 柠檬汁

brandy……………………………………………………… 白兰地

gin ………………………………………………………… 杜松子酒

sherry ……………………………………………………… 雪利酒

cocktail …………………………………………………… 鸡尾酒

shampagne ………………………………………………… 香槟


第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 年龄;年老

Children enter school at the age of six, don’t they?

n. [C](常用大写)时代

the Stone Age/the space age/in the age of Shakespeare (石器时代/太空时代/莎士比亚时期)

vt./vi. 成熟,变老

Her son’s accident aged her quite noticeably. (她儿子的事故使她明显地衰老了。)


aged (年老的);

ageless (不老的,永恒的);

ageism (美)(年龄歧视:尤指对老年人的歧视)


age-group (某个年龄段);

常见搭配Useful Phrase

中年 --- middle age

十几岁的女孩 --- teenage girls

法定选民年龄 --- voting age

法定可以喝酒的年龄 --- drinking age

成年 --- to be of age/to come of age

未成年 --- to be under age

超龄 --- to be over age

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

age before beauty --- 老人优先

Act your age. --- 别耍孩子气 (Don’t be a baby.)

look one’s age --- 容貌与年龄相称

生活用语 Street Talks

A: I want that teddy bear. It’s lovely. (玩具熊)

B: Simba, you’re 29 years old. Act your age. Don’t be sucha baby.

A: There’s one seat here. You take it, Tom.

B: No, no, no, please. Age before beauty, professor. (老人优先)

A: Oops, sorry I’m late, Jean.

B: So you’re finally here, David? I waited (for) ages, you know? (很久了)

A: Come on, let me make up for it.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You know it’s easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to getmarried over the age of forty. 《西雅图夜未眠》

All children are hideous at the age of eight. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Do you want me to say that you’re really really short foryour age and that they shouldn’t say anything becauseit would hurt your feelings? 《西雅图夜未眠》

对话 Mr. Robinson: Ben—how old are you now?

Ben: Twenty. I'll be twenty-one next week.

Mr. Robinson: That's a hell of a good age to be.

Ben: Thank you. Thank you very much. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.二十意志支配,三十智慧做主,四十判断当家。

名言 Quotations

A lady of a “certain age”, which means Certainly aged.

Lord Byron (1788-1824), English poet. Don Juan, cto. 6, st. 69.




n. [C] 回答(to)

I have gotten no answer from him (to my email).

n. 答案

I have no ready answer to the question.( 我没有现成的答案。)

n. 答复

I’ll give you an answer after mature consideration.( 我考虑成熟后再给你答复。)

vt. 回答

Why didn’t you answer me?

vt. 适合,符合,满意

answer sb’s needs/requiements


answerable (to the people) 可回答的(对人民负责);

answer back (回答);


answering machine (录音电话);

answer phone (电话录音机)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

直截了当的回答 --- a direct answer

模棱两可的回答 ---an evasive answer

应声开门 --- to answer the door (bell)

接电话 --- to answer the phone

负…责任,保证 --- to answer for

迅速应对,明白地说 --- to answer up

回答,响应 --- to answer up to

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

answer the call of nature --- 上厕所

answer sb back --- 顶嘴

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Did you call Tom last night?

B: Yeah, I called but nobody answered. I’ll try again later.

How come you didn’t answer the door, Bill?

He thinks he has all the answers. (什么都懂)

If you come home late, do you have to answer to your wife?

Robert, I can lend you my car, but you’re gonna answer to me if you wreck it.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Here’s someone who has the answer. 《阿甘正传》

And always, answer every question with “Yes, Drill Seargent.” 《阿甘正传》

对话 Drill Seargent: Gump! What’s your sole purpose in this army?

Forrest: To do what ever you tell me, Drill Seargent?

Drill Seargent: God dammit, Gump. You’re a God damngenius. That is the most outstanding answer I’ve ever heard. You must have a God damn IQ of 160. You are God damn gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people... 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

A soft answer turns away wrath.婉言可以息怒。

Answer a fool according to his folly.以其人之道,还治其人之身。




Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 手臂

He always carries his child in his arms.

vt. 武装,装备

The United States armed itself in preparation for the war. (美国已武装起来,准备打仗。)


armament (武器装备);

army (陆军);

arms (武器);


arm-in-arm (手腕手的);

arm shop ((美)兵工厂);

arm-rest (扶手);

arm chair (单人沙发)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

备战 --- a call to arms(pick weapon,cheer/to be ready for the war)

举起双臂 --- to raise one’ s arms

双手叉腰 --- to set the arms akimbo

保持距离 --- to keep at an arm’s length

热情地接待 --- to receive with open arms

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

(an) arm and a leg --- [美俚] 昂贵的价格

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Jack and Rose had quite a quarrel last night.

B: Well they must have made up, because I just saw them walking along the river arm in arm.

A: Wow, Jean. What a cute car you’ve got!

B: Oh yeah, it cost me an arm and a leg. (一大笔钱)

My mother is an unhappy woman. She keeps everybody at anarm’s length. (保持距离)

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Ben: Where is Elaine?

Mrs. Robinson: I'll be with you in a moment, Benjamin. Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred Glenview Road? Good. We have a burglar here.Just a second. I'll ask him. Are you armed? No--I don't believe he is. Thank you.

Ben: What have you done to her?

Mrs. Robinson: I think we have everything quite under control now, Benjamin. Would you like a quick drink before you go?

Ben: You can't stop me from seeing her, Mrs.Robinson. I'll find her. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Justice have long arms.法律的制裁是无边的。




Everyday Expressions

n. 后背,背部

He lay on his back for three months. (他已卧床三个月了。)

vt. vi. 后退

Mary backed her car a little into the parking space. (玛利把车倒出一点儿并驶入停车位。)

vt. 支持

The bank refused to back the plan.

adj. 后面的

The kids entered through the back door.

adv. 后面;回来

I’ll be back in a minute.


backer (赞助者);

backing (流行音乐的和声)


backbone (脊椎,支柱);

background (背景);

backstroke (仰泳);

backbiter (背后诽谤者);

backyard (后院);

backstage (在舞台的幕后);

backseat (汽车的后坐);

backspace (电脑的推格键)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

来回地 --- back and forth

后备计划 --- a back up plan (in case the present plan fails)

支持某人 --- to back someone up

支持某人 --- be at sb’s back

生病卧床 --- be on one’s back

背着某人说坏话 --- be behind one’s back

不理,看不起,背弃 --- to turn one’s back on

后退 --- to back away

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

back and belly --- 浑身上下

Back off! --- 闪开!

back the wrong horse --- 下错了注

through the back door --- 走后门

break one’s back to do sth --- 拼命工作

get off one’s back --- 不再烦某人

behind one’s back --- 背着某人

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Tom, it’s 11:00 pm now. Where is your graduate thesis? It’s supposed to be handed in tomorrow morning.

B: Yeah,yeah, please Jean! I know the deadline is tomorrow, but if you don’ t get off my back, I’ll never get it done. (让我安静一会儿)

A: Move on VV, I’ll always be here backing you up!

B: You’re so sweet Fredy! Thanks. I’ve got a pain in my back.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Welcome back to “ You and Your Emotions”. 《西雅图夜未眠》

We’ll be right back, after this break, with your listener response. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Let’s take a call before we get back to “Sleepless” Knoxville, Tennessee, you’re on the air, talk to me. 《西雅图夜未眠》

My husband will be back quite late. 《毕业生》




Everyday Expressions

vt. 吹;吹到

The wind blew the ship toward the island.

vt. 用气吹

Kids blow trumpets.

vi. (风)吹

It was blowing hard.

vi. (物体)随风飘动

The red flag was blowing in the wind.

vi. (喇叭)鸣叫

I like to hear a siren blowing.

n. 痛打;殴打

Father struck me a blow on the ass.

n. 精神上的打击

The bad news was a blow to Ann.


blower (吹风机)


blow-dry (吹风机把头吹干);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

吹熄 --- to blow out

爆炸/放大(照片)--- to blow up

伤害某人 --- to deal a blow

擤鼻涕 --- to blow my nose

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

to blow smoke (to talk nonsense) --- 胡说八道

blow the test --- 把考试考砸了

come to blows over sth --- 为某事打起来

生活用语 Street Talks

The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.

I knocked him down at a blow.

The attack dealt a heavy blow to the enemy’s army.

They came to blows over the argument—cry into a fight.

I got a once in a life time opportunity. But I blew it.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Mother, go outside and blow out your candles. 《情归巴黎》

You’d blow a billion dollars for this? 《情归巴黎》

对话 David: What about Patrick and the merger? You’d blow a billion dollars for this? I see.

Linus: Get going. Go on. Don’t miss the plane. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Strike the first blow: it’s as good as two.先发制人,其效加倍。

Blow your own soup ,not mine.各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜。




Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 书,书籍

Please give me two copies of the reference book.

n. [C] 帐簿

an account book/ a telephone book(帐簿/电话号码簿)

vt.vi. 登记,预约

All the seats in the restaurant are booked.


bookish (书生气的);


bookcase (书箱);

bookshelf (书橱);

bookstore (书店);

bookworm (书虫);

bookkeeper (计账员);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

说明书 --- book of words

订票 --- to book the ticket

做假帐 --- to cook the book

咬文嚼字 --- to speak like a book

已经注册登记,已入会员名单 --- be on the books

除名,退会 --- be off the books

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

go by the book --- 严格遵守规则制度

hit the books --- 努力学习;扎书堆

bury myself with text books --- 认真开始学习

生活用语 Street Talks

A: What do you mean we have no place to stay?

B: All the hotels in town are booked up.

The accountant comes in once a month and goes over the books. (查帐)

We don’t have to go by the book here.

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Linus: Did we have an appointment?

Mack: It’s not in my book. They showed up. I put them in David’s Office.《情归巴黎》

Becky: There is practically a whole book about how thatstatistic is not true.

Wyatt: Goddamn. You brought it up.

Annie: I did not, Wyatt. Do you even read that book?

Wyatt: Did anybody read that book all the way through? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书籍如朋友,应该少而精。

We can’t learn men from books.不能从书中了解人。




Everyday Expressions

vi. 顾虑

I only cared for your safety.

vi. 在乎;介意

I failed but I don’t care.

vi. 愿意(用于否定句和疑问句中)

Would you care to go to the movies with me?

n. 注意;小心

Give more care to the work.

n. 照顾;管理

Mama left the baby in the care of the nurse.

n. 忧郁;操心

I have a lot of cares.


careful (谨慎的);

careless (粗心的);


carefree (无忧无虑);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

照顾… --- to care for...

当心 --- to take care

喜爱某人 --- to care for sb

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

not careless --- 一点也不在乎

daycare/childcare --- 幼儿园

health care system --- 医疗系统

Who cares? --- 没人关心

生活用语 Street Talks

This poetry is realistic. I don’t care for it very much.

I don’t care for fishing.

I don’t care much for a car.

Take care! You may get lost.

Please handle this package with care.

I miss those carefree days when we were hanging out on campus.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’ll take care of him. 《毕业生》

Your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 《阿甘正传》

I don’t care what she did to her hair. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Driver: Where are you going?

Jenny: I don’t care. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Want of care does more harm than want of knowledge.缺乏谨慎比缺乏知识危害更大。

Many cares make the head white.忧虑多了白了头。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 变化;改变

Heat changes water into steam.

vt. 换衣;换车

Angela always changed her clothes.

vt. 交换

Let’s change seats.

vi. 改变

Peter has changed since then.

vi. 换衣

Mellisa changed for the party.

n. 零钱

Do you have change for a 20 dollar bill?

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

人事变动 --- a personnel change

物理变化 --- physical changes

天气突变 --- a sudden change in the weather

可喜的变化 --- a welcome change

实行改革 --- to carry out changes

换气 --- to take a change of air

转手 --- to change hands

改话题 --- to change the subject

生活用语 Street Talks

I want to persuade you to change your mind.

Let’s take a taxi for a change. I’m sick of bus.

It’s always good to have some spare change with you.

I’m a changed man. (我是个改过自新的人)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 She changes the station and then decides to change it back. 《西雅图夜未眠》

It changes practically everyday. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Listen, next week my schedule changes《阿甘正传》

I’ve changed my mind. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Wise man change their minds,fools never.智者改变主意,愚者从不改变。

We don’t always gain by changing.变动并不是总有好处。




Everyday Expressions

n. 圆

We danced in a circle. (大家围成圆圈跳舞。)

n. 圈子;集团

Successful people can easily win a brilliant circle of friends.

n. 范围

This article touches on a wide circle of subjects.

vt. 环绕;盘旋

The happy news soon circled around.


circular (圆形的);

circulation (血液循环,流动,流通)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

交际圈 --- circle of friends

学术界 --- academic circles

商界 --- business circles

家庭圈子 --- a family circle

政界 --- political circles

转了一整圈,周而复始 --- to come full circle

站成一圈 --- to stand in a circle

兜圈子 --- to circle around

围成一圈 --- be in a circle

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

go around in circles --- 瞎忙(无进展)

talk in circles --- 兜圈子(not get to the point)

生活用语 Street Talks

If you bet on the race, bet on Bill——he can run circles aroundthe others. (肯定赢)

I swam circles around Mark, even though he thought he was a good swimmer. (游得快)

Circle around, everyone! I have something important to ell you! (快过来,围成圈)

A: It’s really cold outside.

B: Come over here, boy! Let’s sit in a circle around the fire.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And I do have the finest coterie in Vienna, and the most glittering circle of friends, and I do give some rather gay parties.《音乐之声》

Because I could circle the block. 《谎言大师》

对话 Kenneth: Hey, how you doing?

Fletcher: I’ve slipped into the seventh circle of Hell! Thank you, and you?《谎言大师》

谚语 Proverbs

Circles, though small, are yet complete.圆圈虽小,但他们是完整的。




Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 班级

He is first in English in his class.

n. 社会阶级

ruling class/the upper class/the middle class/the lower class(统治阶级/上层阶级/中层阶级/下层 阶级)

n. 等级,种类

He is a top-class actor.

n. [C] 课

Do you enjoy the computer class in New Oriental school?

v. 分类;归类

It may be conveniently classed under A, B, and C.


classify (分类);

classy (有品位的);

classic (经典的)


first class (头等舱);

business class (公务舱);

economy calss (经济舱);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

高级旅馆 --- classy hotel

一流运动员 --- top class athlete

上课 --- to take a class

旁听课 --- to sit in on a class

旷课 --- to cut out a class

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

class act --- 值得称赞的行为

classis-classis --- (女人)美丽的身段

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Your helping out that old woman was a class act.

B: No, it’s nothing special. Age before Beauty.

A: Hey, man. Look over there!

B: At what? A: There! Victoria is coming to her car.

B: Wow, such a classis-classis I’ve never seen.

A: Please! John.

Her answer to that angry guest was a classy way to handle the situation. (高雅的方式)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I sit next to them in my Home Economics class all the time《阿甘正传》

对话 Jenny: He’s very smart. He’s one of the smartest in his class. Yeah, it’s OK. Go talk to him...Forrest, I’m sick.

Forrest: What, do you have a cough or a cold? 《阿甘正传》

Linus: Is he a world class philanthropist, or what?

Louie: Just a squeeze. 《情归巴黎》

名言 Quotations

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95), German social philosophers, revolutionaries.

The Communist Manifesto, sct. 1 (1848; repr. in Karl Marx: Selected Works, vol. 1, 1942).




Everyday Expressions

n. [C,U] 云

Large, black clouds signaled a coming storm.

n. 阴影

Steven sat on the bench, while clouds of black despair settledover him.

n. 飞过的一大群

A cloud of insects fly into the bathroom.

v. (使)脸色变阴沉

When Jerry heard the news of his wife’s accident, his face clouded over.


cloudless (晴朗的);

cloudy (多云的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

乌云 --- dark clouds

厚云 --- heavy clouds

暴风云/雷雨云 --- storm clouds

蒙蒙的尘埃 --- a cloud of dust

心不在焉;空想,不现实 --- to be in clouds

处于困境,失意 --- to be under the cloud

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

cloud nine --- 极乐境地;飘飘然

cloudy memory --- 记忆不清晰

cast a cloud over sb --- 给某人心里蒙上阴影

have one’s head in the clouds --- 做白日梦 (be dreaming)

生活用语 Street Talks

A: What’s up with Sally? She’s on cloud nine! (高兴的坐不住)

B: Well, her favorite rock star spoke to her!

A: That explains it! I hope she’s not floating in the clouds. (想入非非)

A: What’s wrong?

B: My mind feels all cloudy after getting hit on the head. (头晕)

A: When was your first kiss, Sam?

B: Well my memory is a little cloudy. Let me think a sec, uh…Oh I got it. It’s 5.

The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt road.

Get your head out of the clouds and get down to work! (别做白日梦了)

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Dr.Marsha: But something must be missing if Jonah still feels you’re under a cloud. Now just a few questions: Are you sleeping at night?

Jonah: He doesn’t sleep at all. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Black clouds thunder a great deal, but rain little.乌云雷声大,雨点小。

第二部分 语汇练习


Age Stage

0-1 an adult

1-2 a teenager (14 early teens)

2-12 old age( you can also use elderly)

13-17 a baby

18+ in your thirties (38—late thirties)

20-30 a toddler

30-40 retirement (when people stop work)

40+ a child----this period is your childhood

60or 65 people are middle-age; in middle age

75+ in your twenties(24-26 mid twenties)

Ⅱ. 请把下列左右两边的短语按照逻辑顺序连线。

1. A lady of a “certain age”, She keeps everyone at an arm’s length.

2. If one does something wrong, when we were hanging out on campus.

3. My mother is an unhappy woman. it is necessary not to change.

4. The world is a beautiful book, the person has the authority to blame him.

5. I miss those carefree days, his face clouded over.

6. When it is not necessary to change but of little use to him who cannot read it.

7. My mind feels all cloudy which means certainly aged.

8. When Jerry heard the news, after getting hit on the head.

Ⅲ. 请把下面的英语谚语填写完整。

1.He who ………………..himself.


2.A………..turns away wrath.


3.Answer ………………….to his folly.


4.Life isn’t …………………


5.Strike………………….: it’s as good as two.


6.Books, like friend, …………………………….


7.………………..does more harm than want of knowledge.


8.Chance dispenses life…………………


9.Every man is ………………whose circumference……………………


10. Black clouds thunders………………but……………


第三部分 流行语汇

About Clothing Fashion

cardigan………………………………………………………… 开衫毛衣

jumper ………………………………………………………… 针织套头外衣

sport suit ……………………………………………………….. 运动套装

tights ……………………………………………………. 紧身衣

bell-bottom trousers ………………………………………… 喇叭裤

bikini ……………………………………………………………. 比基尼

career woman’s wear ………………………………………… 职业女装

casual wear …………………………………………………… 休闲装

cashmere ……………………………………………………… 开司米,羊绒

denim …………………………………………………………... 丁尼布(牛仔服的布料)

lace …………………………………………………………….. 蕾丝

linen ……………………………………………………………. 亚麻布

logo …………………………………………………………….. 商标图案

new arrival …………………………………………………… 新款

pajamas ……………………………………………………… 睡衣

pantyhose …………………………………………………… 连裤袜

scarf ………………………………………………………… 围巾

shorts ………………………………………………………… 短裤

slip dress ……………………………………………………… 吊带裙


第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

adj. 凉的;凉爽的

The room was cool after the sun had gone down. (太阳落山后这房子里很凉爽。)

adj. 冷静的;沉着的

Don't get excited about the examination; keep cool. (不要对考试太激动,沉着点。)

adj. 冷淡的;冷酷的;不动感情的

Michael seemed very cool towards us today. I wonder whether we've offended him. (迈克尔今天对 我们十分冷淡,不知我们是否冒犯了他。)

adj. 棒极了的

It’s cool!

n. 凉爽;凉爽的东西

n. 平静;冷静;镇静

Try and keep your cool.

vt/vi. (常与down, off连用) 使变冷;使冷却;冷一冷

We cooled down by swimming in the river. (我们在河里游泳,好凉快凉快。)


cool-headed (冷静的, 沉着的);

cooler (冷却器);

cooling (冷却)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

cool down --- 变凉, 平静下来

that’s cool --- 很棒(amazing, interesting, great)

stay cool --- 保持冷静

生活用语 Street Talks

There’s a cool breeze this evening, isn’t there?

Tom thinks he’s really cool, doesn’t he? (hip, popular…)

Would you cool it with your complaining?

I needed to cool down after that long run.

A: Hey tell ya what, let me get us a nice cool drink from the freezer.

B: Cool, sounds like a great idea.

电影对白 Transcripts

对话 Jenny: He’s cool. He’s cool. He’s one of us.

Black Panther: Let me tell you about “us”. Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from the racial onslaught of the pig who used to brutalize our black leaders, rape our women and destroy our black communities. 《阿甘正传》




Everyday Expressions

n. [C] 价值,费用

Living costs are mostly higher in cities than in the country.

n. 代价

Feminists are determined to obtain their rights at all costs.

vt. 使失去, 值, 需要, 使花费

This vase cost me thirty dollars.


costly (昂贵的);

cost-effective (合算的,节约成本的);

cost–price (成本价格)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

生活费用 --- the cost of living

使某人丧失生命 --- to cost sb his life

不惜任何代价 --- be at all costs

以…为代价 --- be at the cost of

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

cost a bomb/cost a fortune/cost a pretty penny --- 花掉一大笔钱

cost an arm and a leg --- 花掉一大笔钱

cost somebody --- 某人要付出代价

cost sb dear --- 使某人付出沉重的代价

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Your car’s cute, York.

B: Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a leg.

A: I like that bag, what did it cost you?

B: Ten bucks.

A: Diving can be very dangerous, as I found to my cost. (吃了苦头后才知道)

B: Yeah, your careless driving almost cost your life.

A: Please, could you do me this last favor?

B: Ok, but it’s gonna cost you! I’ll get a new job at any cost!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The last time you found someone sensational it cost the family amillion and a half dollars. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Linus: What did that cost me?

David: I don’t know. So who’s the new bidder on Tyson? Unisat? 《情归巴黎》

Jonah: Do you know how much money it costs to go to New York?

Jessica: Nobody knows. It changes practically everyday. How much money do you have?

Jonah: 80$. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost.愚人只追求享乐,而不顾代价。

Courtesy costs little and means much.讲礼貌并不费事,却有很大的意义。




Everyday Expressions

n. 人群

There is a large crowd of people in the hall.

n. 群众;大众

Advertisements seek to appeal to the crowd.

vt. 拥挤,挤满

Shoppers crowded Wangfujing Street yesterday.

v. 涌上

Many past memories crowded in upon Andy’s mind.

v. 装满

Her mind was crowded with whys.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

密密麻麻的人群 --- dense crowds of people

随大流 --- to move with the crowd/to follow the crowd

驱散人群 --- to break up the crowd

推开人群 --- to push aside the crowd

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

the “in” crowd --- 非常受欢迎的人群(most popular group of people)

Don’t crowd me! --- 别烦我! (move away from me)

crowd-pleaser --- 很能调动大家情绪的人

be in with the right crowd --- 物以类聚,人以群分

生活用语 Street Talks

A: What can we do? There’s a big crowd waiting in front of the gate.

B: I don’t know neither. We had difficulty getting a taxi.

A: Let’s see what Bob would say about it.

B: Don’t expect anything original from him, he just follows the crowd. (新名堂)

A: Did you enjoy the concert?

B: Yeah,but it was too crowded

A: Dan cares too much about being part of the “in” crowd.

B: No kidding.

This DJ is a good crowd-pleaser. (be good at pleasing crowd)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It’s a good thing mama was restin’ ‘cause the streets were awfully crowded with people looking at all the statues and monuments and some of them people were loud and pushy. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

A crowd is not company.人群不成友伴。

The man who follows the crowd often follows his doom.人云亦云者,常遭厄运。

Two’s company, three’s a crowd.两人为欢,三人为患。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 叫;喊

The injured girl cried for help.

vt. 要求

The workers cried for a raise in pay.

vt. 哭(出声)

Don’t cry! vt. 大叫;大喊

I cried, “Watch out!”

n. 叫声

Sally gave a loud cry at the sight of the wolf.

n. 哭声

Leslie raised a hysterical cry.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

哭着睡着了 --- to cry oneself to sleep

恳求,请求,急需,呼吁 --- to cry for

大喊大叫 --- to cry out

夸奖,称赞 --- to cry up

cry one’s eyes (heart) out --- 痛哭

crybaby --- 爱发牢骚、爱哭的人

crying baby --- 受不了打击的人

生活用语 Street Talks

The boy cried for help.

Icy’s been crying her heart out over that bum that left her. (一无是处的家伙)

: Frank and Jane broke up!

B: Yeah, and he cried his eyes out but finally got over her.

We heard loud cries coming from inside the building.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 And you didn’t cry. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Ben: Listen—could you just stop crying, please?

Elaine: No, I couldn't. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

there is no use crying over spilt milk.后悔是没有用的。




Everyday Expressions

n. 日期

What’s the date of your birthday?

n. 约会

I have a date with Tom tonight.

n. 约会的伴

She is my date.

vt. 约会

They’ve been dating for months.

v. 追溯到

The traditional friendship between our two peoples dates back to ancient days.


dateless (年代或时期不详的);

dating (约会)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

与某人约会 --- to make a date with sb.

不遵守约会 --- to break a date

跟上时代 --- be up to date

过时 --- be out of date

有约会了 --- be on a date

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

dating bar --- 约会酒吧(单身男女相识的地方)

blind date --- 由人安排的男女初次会面

double date --- 两对男女

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Scott! So tell me, How was your “big date” last night? (重要的约会)

B: Oh, Gosh! That blind date was so ugly that I wished for a moment that I were blind, too.

A: Did you hear Fred and Jenny are dating?

B: No way!

A: Victoria,you got time tonight?

B: Don’t bother me, I’m on a date.

Next time I buy tickets for the theater, I’ll be sure to look at the date.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Mrs. Robinson, Elaine and I have a date. 《毕业生》

She must have asked for an actual wedding date. 《情归巴黎》

Your idea of a long—term relationship is giving your date a chance to order dessert. 《情归巴黎》

Well--I guess I'll have to ask her out on a date and find out what the big deal is. 《毕业生》




Everyday Expressions

n. 交易

They made a deal with a Chinese firm.

n. 发牌;所发的牌

We played four deals in 30 minutes.

vi. 处理,应付

Do you know how to deal with the kids?

vt. 分配

Grandma dealt out the fruit to kids.( 祖母给孩子们分发水果。)


dealer (商人);

car dealership (车行)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

易货;物物交换 --- a barter deal

肮脏交易 --- a dirty deal

公平交易 --- a fair deal

经营,从事 --- to deal in

发牌 --- to deal cards

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

deal sb/sth a blow --- 给某人某事以打击

make a big deal --- 大惊小怪;小题大做

生活用语 Street Talks

A: The boss is going to give us a twenty-cent-an-hour raise.

B: Big deal! (讽刺口气)

A: I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. Six o’clock. I’ll pick up you then.

B: It’s a deal! (一言为定)

A: I heard a big noise down the hall last night. What’s the deal? (怎么了)

B: Nothing special. Forget it.

A: Ouch! That hurts!

B: Sorry!

A: Only sorry? Are you blind?

B: Oh, come on. I only stepped on your toe. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

A: What do you think of Victor?

B: I like talking with him. He has a great deal of experience. (很多)

A: I’ll give you the money tomorrow.

B: Eh, no big deal. (No problem.)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 They’ve sent you to deal with me, haven’t they? 《情归巴黎》

It would mean a great deal to me if you could. 《情归巴黎》

Big deal. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I guess I'll have to ask her out on a date and find out what the big deal is. 《毕业生》




Everyday Expressions

n. 怀疑,疑惑

I have no doubt of his coming.我相信他一定会来。

vt.vi. 怀疑

I doubted whether the story was true.我怀疑这故事是否真实。


doubtful (可疑的);

doubtless (无疑地,确定地);

undoubtedly (无疑地)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

无疑,很可能 --- no doubt

怀疑 --- in doubt

毫无疑问地 --- without/beyond (a) doubt

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Liz will be fired if she’s late again.

B: Without a doubt. (毫无疑问)

A: Do you think the manager will come to the morning briefing?

B: He’ll come, no doubt. (毫无疑问)

A: Think he’ll win first place in the race?

B: I doubt it. (我想不会)

I doubt his intentions. (distrust)

It is doubtful whether Ronaldo will play tomorrow.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I doubt every single person in Paris thinks you’re an idiot. 《情归巴黎》

We saw the potential of this merger, and I don’t think anybody doubts it would have been an enormously successful nature. 《情归巴黎》

I have no doubt that you’re a wonderful father. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Doubt the worst and hope for the best.担心最坏的,希望最好的。

Where doubt ends peace of mind begins.没有怀疑,心里平静。




Everyday Expressions

n. 梦

I had a terrible dream last night.我昨晚做了一个可怕的梦。

vt. 梦见

I dreamed a sweet dream last night.我昨晚做了一个甜美的梦。

vi. 梦,梦想

I dreamed of/about my grandma.我梦到我奶奶。

vi. 想象 (用于否定句)

I never dreamed of seeing you here.我从没想到会在这儿遇见你。


dreamer (梦想者);

dreamy (空幻的);


dreamland (梦境,梦乡);

dreamworld (理想世界;

daydream (白日梦);

dreamtalk (说梦话;

dreamwalk (梦游)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

抱有---的梦想 --- to cherish the dream of

实现梦想 --- to fulfil one's dream

夙愿 --- a cherished dream

恶梦 --- a evil dream

黄粱美梦 --- a fond dream

追梦 --- to chase one’s dream

想得美,没门儿 --- in your dream

梦中情人 --- dream man/girl

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Dream on --- 做梦吧!没门儿!

dream up --- 凭空虚构,设想,设计,发明

dream of --- 渴望,梦想,梦到

follow your dreams --- 努力实现梦想

生活用语 Street Talks

Tom has started dreaming up a story.

I dream of being the best footballer in town.

A: What’s your dream, Apple?

B: I dream of marrying a French.

A: You’re kidding, Apple.

B: No, I know it’s just a pipe dream, but it’s true. (白日梦)

Stop daydreaming and get back to work.

I never dream of hurting a lady.

It is good to have dreams, they keep you going.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 We always dreamed of what it could be like to do this for you. 《情归巴黎》

Do you ever dream, Forrest, of who you’re going to be? 《阿甘正传》

对话 Annie: You know that dream where you’re walking down the

Becky: I love that dream. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Dreams go by contraries.梦每每和现实相反。

名言 Quotations

I dream, therefore I exist.

J. August Strindberg (1849-1912), Swedish dramatist, novelist, poet. A Madman’s Defense, pt. 1, ch. 7 (1968).




Everyday Expressions

n. 服装,男女的正装

Please try on this evening dress.

vt. 给---穿衣

Betty was dressed in black.

vi. 穿着

Alice got dressed up for dinner.艾利丝盛装赴晚宴。

v. 梳理头发

Victoria dressed her hair with taste.


dresser (穿衣者,化妆台,化装师,碗柜);

dressing (调味品);

dressy (穿着入时的)


dressmaking (裁缝);

dressmaker (裁缝师);

hairdresser (美发师)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

化妆盒 --- dressing case

梳妆台 --- dressing table

色拉调味品 --- salad dressing

换衣服 --- to change one’s dress

整理头发 --- to dress one’s hair

着正装 --- be in full dress

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

dress rehearsal --- 彩排

dressed up like a dog’s dinner --- 穿得特别艳丽

dressed (up) to the nines --- 衣饰华丽(奢侈)

dressed (up) to kill --- 着意打扮一番(旨在引人注目)

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Poor Susan! What does she do? She was so sure Jack was going to marry her that she arranged everything!

B: And now she’s left all dressed up with nowhere to go.(计划全部落空)

A: I don’t understand how come Jack’s just run away!

B: God bless Susan!

Hi Victoria, you’re dressed to kill/impress tonight! (你今晚打扮得好漂亮)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Did Elizabeth pick out her dress? 《情归巴黎》

She didn’t have that dress when she was 2 years old. 《情归巴黎》

对话 Mrs. Robinson: Will you unzip my dress? I think I'll go to bed.

Ben: Oh. Well, goodnight. 《毕业生》

名言 Quotations

Nothing goes out of fashion sooner than a long dress with a very low neck.

Coco Chanel (1883-1971), French couturière. Quoted in: Marcel Haedrich, Coco Chanel: Her Life, Her Secrets, ch. 21 (1971).




Everyday Expressions

n. 秋天

The leaves fall in fall. (秋天树叶凋落。)

n. 落下,下降

The snow is falling fast.

v. 跌倒

Be careful on the ice or you will fall.

vi. 温度下降

The temperature fell.

vi. 变成(表状态的)

to fall sick to fall in love with sb.

vi. 被攻陷

The city fell to the enemy.

vi. 降临

Night has fallen.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

缺少 --- to fall short

入睡 --- to fall asleep

落在后面 --- to fall behind

落入某人手中 --- to fall into the hands of

遭到不幸 --- to fall on evil days

依靠 --- to fall back on

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

fall into a depression--- 意气消沉

fall in place --- 有条不紊

fall into a trap --- 落入圈套

fall into bad habits --- 养成坏习惯

fall into disfavor --- 失宠

fall into sb’s arms --- 扑倒在某人的怀抱里

fall flat on one’s ass --- 一败涂地

生活用语 Street Talks

He suffered a fall from his horse.

There has been a fall in the price of food.

A: Once I saw Mark, I fell. (I fell under the spell of Mark.) (爱上他了)

B: You’re kidding, Acy. I’ll never believe you fall for that old trick! (对?信以为真)

Oliver fell behind in the race. Father thought he could make a go of it (赚一笔钱)in business, but he fell flat on his ass/face the first year. (一败涂地)

A: You expect me to take the fall for what you did? (背黑锅)

B: Tommy, I could pay you for it.

A: Kiss my ass! I’m not stupid!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I know this sounds crazy, but I really think that I’m falling in love with her. 《情归巴黎》

A day or two of that, she’d fall for Noriega. 《情归巴黎》

Have you fallen down? Are you bleeding? 《西雅图夜未眠》

If your finger falls off, it’s staying off. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

The higher you climb the greater will be your fall.爬得越高,跌得越重。




Everyday Expressions

n. 鱼

He caught two fishes.

vt.vi. 捕鱼,钓鱼

My uncle went fishing in the river.

vt. 捞,掏出

Why are you fishing around in your pockets?

渔夫 --- fisherman

钓鱼者 --- angler

鱼杆 --- fishing rod

鱼线 --- fishing line

鱼钩 --- fishhook

鱼饵 --- bait


fishery (渔业);

fishy (可疑的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

冻鱼 --- frozen fish

鲜鱼 --- fresh fish

熏鱼 --- smoked fish

煮鱼 --- boiled fish

炸鱼 --- fried fish

烤鱼 --- grilled fish

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

fish in troubled waters --- 浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫

a fish out of water --- 离水之鱼,感到生疏不适应的人

neither fish nor fowl--- 不伦不类

fishy(suspicious) --- 怀疑

fish into his pocket --- 在兜里摸

生活用语 Street Talks

Andy is just a fish, don’t be too critical! (新手)

We had fish for dinner. How about you? There’s something fishy about this situation. (怀疑)

He’s drinking like a fish. (他嗜酒成性)

A: No one knows Marine is a writer; she’s a cold fish. (不大与人来往的人)

B: Yeah, a queer fish too—you know, she hasn’t never been out of her house for years. (古怪 的人)

A: Didn’t you close the door before you went shopping,Jane?

B: I bet I did. I don’t know what’s going on.

9 A: Oh, no! Something fishy going on.

B: Yeah, Let’s call the police.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Uh, ocean, ocean, ocean, quaint little fishing village. 《情归巴黎》

Take Jonah fishing. 《西雅图夜未眠》

We fish a lot, and every night we read a book. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Never fish in troubled waters.不要浑水摸鱼。

名言 Quotations

No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish.

John Ruskin (1819-1900), English art critic, author. The Two Paths, lecture 5 (1859).




Everyday Expressions

n. 手

Professor Lee always has a book in his hand.

n. (时钟的)针

There are the hour hand, the minute hand and the second hand on the face of a clock. (钟表表 面上有时针、分针和秒针。)

n. 侧

You’ll find the hospital on your left hand.

n. 鼓掌喝彩

The audience gave a big hand to the singer.

n. 婚约

Elizabeth gave me her hand.

give sb. a hand --- 帮助某人

give sb. one’s hand --- (女子)答应和某人结婚

vt. 传递

After you have read this, kindly hand it on to your friends.

vt. 提交

The murder case was handed over to the police.


handy (很顺手的;

e.g. I keep my dictionary in my bag; it comes very handy.)


handbag (手提包);

handout (发的材料);

handbill (传单;or flyer);

handbook (指南, 手册);

handwriting (笔迹);

second-hand (二手);

right-handed (右撇子; or righty);

left-handed (左撇子; or lefty)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

手工做的 --- by hand

二手店 --- second-hand store

握手 --- to shake hands

鼓掌 --- to give sb. a big hand

分发;散发 --- to hand around/ hand out

转手 --- to change hands

上交(作业)--- to hand in (such as an assignment for class)

手牵手地 --- hand in hand

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

free handout --- 免费的东西 (It could be everything, hamburger or five dimes.)

ask for one’s hand --- 向某人求婚

give one’s hand --- 接受某人求婚

live from hand to mouth --- 勉强维持生活

生活用语 Street Talks

When the actress came onto the stage, everyone gave her a big hand.

A: Hands up! Give me all your valuables. (举起手来)

B: Please don’t hurt me. Here’s what you want. Money...

A: Does Marina still live here?

B: No, this house has changed hands.

A: I was wondering who’s available to give me a hand. (帮我一个忙)

B: Go to Caul. He’s always willing to extend a helping hand. (伸出援助之手)

A: Paul asked Rebecca’s hand in marriage. (向某人求婚)

B: I don’t think Rebecca will give her hand to him. (女子答应和某人结婚)

A: I know, everybody expected Rebecca to decline his hand. But... (拒决求婚)

B: But what? Don’t tell me Paul won Rebecca’s hand. (求得某女子同意)

A: Sorry it happened!

B: Oh no!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I'll hand it to you. 《毕业生》

We might just as well have been shaking hands. 《毕业生》

Give her a big hand, guys. Good job, Amber. 《阿甘正传》

Get your hands down. 《阿甘正传》

Things got a little out of hand. 《阿甘正传》

Somebody said would peace is in our hands. 《阿甘正传》

We believe that peace is at hand. 《阿甘正传》

All three were suffering sharp reverses at the hands of the Communist troops as the year ended and 1972 began. 《阿甘正传》

You have my hand print on your face. 《情归巴黎》

David, on the other hand, believes in the tooth fairy. 《情归巴黎》

Destiny takes a hand! 《西雅图夜未眠》




Everyday Expressions

vt. 帮助

I helped Ben to find his lost watch.

vt. 取食品,饮料

Please help yourself to wine.

vt. 促进,促成

It is the drugs that help to fight pain.

n. 求助;帮助

I cried for help.


helper (助手);

helpful (有帮助的);

helpless (无力的);

helping (饭菜的一份,一客)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

帮某人做某事 --- help somebody with something

禁不住做某事 --- can't help doing

有帮助,有用 --- be of help

在…的帮助下 --- with the help of


beyond help --- 毫无希望

give sb a helping hand --- 帮助

生活用语 Street Talks

We may be able to help you in some way.

Can I help you with something?

A: Why don’t you help Jim?

B: He’s beyond help.

A: Was Rick of any help?

B: Sure. He was great.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 God is listening, but I have to help myself. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 希望;期望

We hope to see you again.

vt. 想;盼望

I hope it will be fine next week.

vi. 希望;期待

Everyone hopes for success.

n. 希望;期待

There’s no hope of his success.

n. 期望的人

Steven is the hope of his school.


hopeful (充满希望的);

hopeless (没有希望的);

hopefully (充满希望地);

hopelessly (没有希望地)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

没有希望 --- beyond/past all hope

抱乐观 --- hope for the best

怀着---的希望,期待着 --- in hopes of

生活用语 Street Talks

I hope so.

He is beyond all hope.

I hope we’re not interrupting anything.

We hope to see you soon.

Let's hope for the best.

I went there in hopes of seeing you again.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I hope they don’t tear it down. 《情归巴黎》

I certainly hope so. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I sincerely hope you’re not marrying Jessica. 《西雅图夜未眠》

So I hope you won't mind my giving you a friendly piece of advice. 《毕业生》

Sabrina: I did. I hope this hangs out before tomorrow night.

Mr. Fairchild Tomorrow night is Mrs. Larrabee’s birthday party. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

While there’s life,there’s hope. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

Don’t feed yourself on false hopes. 不要靠虚幻的希望生活。

Hope is the poor man’s bread. 困苦的人生存的唯一理由是他还有希望。

名言 Quotations

The miserable have no other medicine But only hope.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616), English dramatist, poet. Claudio, in Measure for Measure, act 3, sc. 1.

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 动词可加上后缀–er/-or, -ee and ist变成名词。请把下列的动词加上后缀。.

Example: A person who plays jazz on the piano. a jazz pianist

1. A person who always have fanciful day dreams.

2. A person who plays classical violin.

3. A person to whom a check is made out.

4. Another name for barber.

5. A person who drinks a lot.

6. A person who is fishing in a river.

7. A person to whom a letter is addressed.

Keys: 1. daydreamer 2. violinist 3. payee 4. hair dresser 5. drunker 6. fisher 7. addressee


1. Would you like something to drink?


2. We cooled down by swimming in the river.


3. He decided to do it even if it would cost him his life.


4. Many people crowded in front of the hall.


5. Sally cried loudly at the sight of the wolf.


6. May I dance with you for the next song?


7. I have been dating with her recently.


8. They are dealing with a Chinese company now.


9. I doubted whether the story was true.


keys: 1. Would you like to have a drink? 2. We kept us cool by swimming in the river.

3. He decided to do it at the cost of his life. 4. There is a large crowd of people in front of the hall.

5. Sally gave a loud cry at the sight of the wolf. 6. May I have your next dance?

7. She is my date. 8. They are carrying out deal with a Chinese company now.

9. I was in doubt about the story.

Ⅲ. 用下列的核心词汇的正确形式填空。

fish cry dance cool deal dream fall cost date crowd

1. Don’t get excited about the examination; keep ………………

2. This vase ……….me thirty dollars.

3. Many past memories……………..in upon Andy’s mind.

4. …………is the refuge of plain women but the ruin of pretty ones.

5. When the crane attempts to ……….with the horse, she gets broken bones.

6. The traditional friendship between our two peoples ……….back to ancient days.

7. I’m going to cut you a good …….on this car.

8. I ……….a sweet …………..last night.

9. Once I saw Mark, I ………….under the spell of him.

10. There is something ………about this situation.

Keys: 1. cool 2. costs 3. clouded 4. Crying 5. dance 6. dates

7. deal 8.dreamed, dream 9. fell 10. fishy

Ⅳ. 把下列汉语翻译成英文。

1. 自助者天助。

2. 不要浑水摸鱼。

3. 爬得越高,跌得越重。

4. 酒后吐真言。

5. 笨鸟先飞。

6. 宁愿孩子啼哭,不愿母亲叹息。

7. 两人为欢,三人为患。


第三部分 流行语汇

About Beauty Fashion


beauty salon ………………………………………………..… 美容院

cosmetic surgery …………………………………………..… 美容手术

dry skin …………………………………………………………. 干性皮肤

normal skin ………………………………………………..…… 中性皮肤

combination skin …………………………………………… 混合性皮肤

haircut ………………………………………………………… 理发

perm ……………………………………………………………. 烫发

bob …………………………………………………….…….... 齐耳短发

braid …………………………………………………………….. 辫子

pony tail …………………………………………………. 尾辫

crew cut ……………………………………………………….平头

cosmetics ……………………………………………….………化妆品

make-up …………………………………………………………化妆

blusher ………………………………………………………… 腮红

eyeshadow ………………………………………………. …… 眼影

mascara ………………………………………………………… 睫毛膏

eyeliner …………………………………………………………. 眼线笔

eyebrow pencil ………………………………………………… 眉笔

false eyelash …………………………………………………… 假睫毛

foundation ………………………………………………………粉底

lip stick ………………………………………………………… 唇膏

lotion ……………………………………………………………. 乳液

mask …………………………………………………….. …… 面膜

cleansing foam …………………………………………. …… 洁面泡沫

cream ………………………………………………….. ………. 面霜

sun block lotion ……………………………………….. ……… 防晒乳液


第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

vi. 看

Girls often look at themselves in the mirror.

vi. 看起来

You look terrible, Jane! Are you ok? What’s up?

vi. 面对

The window looks to the north.

n. 表情

Angel had a confused look on her face.

n. 容貌

Tom’s secretary has good look.

n. 外观

From the look of the sky it’s going to rain.


onlooker (旁观者);

good-looking (好看)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

照顾 --- to look after

看不起 --- to look down on sb.

寻找 --- to look for

盼望… --- to look forward to sth.

调查 --- to look into

把…看作 --- to look on... as ...

生活用语 Street Talks

The grandparents looked after the baby boy.

Jane looks as if she’s been ill.

Don’t look down on African Americans.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

David looked on me as his best teacher.

Look it up in the dictionary on your own.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Why does it always look dirty? 《情归巴黎》

Look, it just doesn’t happen twice. 《西雅图夜未眠》

You’ll recognize her by the disappointed look on her face. 《西雅图夜未眠》

At one point I looked down and I couldn’t tell which fingers were his and which were mine, and I knew... 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Don’t look for the perfume in the dog-house.别在狗窝里找香水。




Everyday Expressions

n. 爱;挚爱

a mother’s love for her children

n. 爱好

a love of fame a love of learning

n. 恋爱

Susan is in love with Paul.

vt. 爱

We should love our parents.

vt. 恋爱

I love you.

vt. 很喜爱

Sally loves music very much.


lovable (可爱的);

lovely (美丽可爱的);

lover(爱人;情人;爱好者. e.g. music lover)


lovebird (热恋中的人);

lovesick (相思的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

风流韵事--- love affair

一见钟情 --- to love at first sight

在恋爱 --- be in love

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

love begets love --- 情爱相生

love is blind --- 爱情是盲目的

love sb and leave sb --- 与某人短暂相好便分手

love me, love my dog --- 爱屋及乌

生活用语 Street Talks

A: What do you think of this film?

B: I love it! The music is very beautiful. (太棒了)

A: Don’t you want to take part in the race?

B: I’d love to but I’ve made other plans already!

Send my love to John. (请向…问好)

David is my one and only love. (唯一的心上人)

He did it all for the love of money.

John had many love affairs, but he never married.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Oh, God, I loved that movie. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The point is—I don't love your wife. 《毕业生》

I can’t help it. I love you. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

Love me little, (and) love me long.无妨爱我淡薄,但求爱我长久。

Love can not be compelled/forced.爱情不能强求;捆绑不成夫妻。

Love is a sweet torment. 爱情是甜蜜的折磨。

Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.爱情可使茅屋成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。




Everyday Expressions

n. 智力;头脑

We should turn the problem over in our mind.

vt. 留神;小心

Mind your behaviour.

vt. 在乎

I don’t mind cold and windy weather.

vt. 留心;照顾

I’ll mind your store while you are out.

vt. 介意

Never mind the expense.

vi. 在意;介意

Do you mind if I smoke?

vi. 顾虑;介意

Never mind about that.


mindful (留意,关心);

mindless (不顾及,不在注意)


narrow-minded (心胸狭窄的);

absent-minded (心不在焉的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

用心读书 --- to apply the mind to books

使某人心情黯然 --- to cloud sb.’s mind

分散某人的思想 --- to distract sb.’s mind

打定主意 --- to make up one’s mind

看出某人的心思 --- to read one’s mind

一心想 --- to set one’s mind on

使身心疲惫 --- to wear the body and the mind

为某事担心 --- have sth on one’s mind

发疯 --- be out of one’s mind

记住 --- keep/bear in mind

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Never mind. --- 没关系

Mind (you )! --- 小心

Mind your own business. --- 少管闲事

bend one’s mind to sth. --- 一心一意致力于某事

not to know one’s own mind --- 充满疑虑; 犹疑不决

presence of mind --- 急中生智

speak one’s mind --- 说出心里话

to my mind --- 在我看来

生活用语 Street Talks

Would you mind mailing this letter for me?

It’s very dangerous, mind you.

We are both of the same mind.

I haven’t made up my mind yet.

Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

It has slipped my mind entirely. (忘得干干净净的)

A: Why are you doing me such a big favor? Do you want a raise?

B: No, that never cross my mind.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You sure you wouldn’t mind. 《情归巴黎》

Do you mind? 《情归巴黎》

Listen, would you mind another trip into the city? 《情归巴黎》

Don’t mind him, he’s just a guy who’s lost his wife. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Would you mind walking ahead of me to the sun porch? 《毕业生》

对话 Annie: My father has electric trains.

Walter: Really? Am I what they had in mind? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Out of sight,out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。

So many heads,so many minds.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 命令

The doctor ordered my mother to stay in bed.

vt. 订购

I ordered some new books from the internet.

n. 命令;指令

Everyone must obey the officer’s order.

n. 订购

I, on behalf of my company, placed an order with the lumber company for the lumber.

n. 顺序

The books are arranged in order of size.

n. 制度;秩序

There is no peace and order in this small city.


orderly (整齐的);

ordered (有安排的)


order-form (定货单)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

为了 --- in order to do

故障 --- to be out of order

整齐的 --- to be in order

下达命令 --- to issue an order (give command )

下订单 --- to place an order (order goods)

遵守命令 --- to follow orders (obey command)

指手画脚 --- to order around ( be bossy with)

生活用语 Street Talks

They ordered him to stop.

If you make any more noise I shall order you out of the hall!

Please put the books in order.

I worked very hard in order to succeed.

The car is out of order.

I placed an order for some books several weeks ago.

A: You’d better follow my orders!

B: I won’t let you order me around! You’re not my boss!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Those are my orders. 《毕业生》

Goddammit, where is that swing rope I told you to order? 《阿甘正传》

Then how do you explain that you both ordered exactly the same Sandwich, except for the bread? 《西雅图夜未眠》




Everyday Expressions

n. 场所;地方

Keep it in a cool place.

n. 土地;地方

n. 立场

I’d take the job, if I were in your place.

n. 地位;职务

Jean got a place in the Bank of China.

v. 将…置于某处

He placed the money on the desk.

v. 凭记忆辨认某人

I’ve seen his face but I can’t place him.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

搁置 --- to place aside

强调 --- to place emphasis on

让位给 --- to give place to

发生 --- to take place

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

put somebody in his or her place --- 帮某人清醒认识自己

put oneself in other’s place/boots/shoes --- 为别人考虑

place one’s head in the lion’s mouth --- 置身于极其危险之中

take the place of sb --- 代替某人

生活用语 Street Talks

My brother and I used to go a lot of places together.

I know a place where I can get one on sale.

I try to put myself in the customer’s place; ’cause I know how I wanna be treated. I don’t wanna be pushed.

Film director: Places, everyone! (各就各位)

This is no place for a young woman. (不适合)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I'm trying to think of where there's a place to have a drink around here. 《毕业生》

The good thing about Vietnam is there was always some place to go. 《阿甘正传》

It’s only a place to start. 《情归巴黎》

How can you have a place like this and never come here? 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Everything is good in its place.各得其所时,凡事皆好。

There is no place like home.哪里也不如家好。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 答应

Sally promised her assistance.

vi. 答应

David promised to come.

n. 诺言

David always keeps his promise.


promising (有希望的;有前途的);

prominent (显著的,杰出的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

信守诺言 --- to keep/carry out one's promise

食言 --- to break one's promise

发誓要… --- to promise oneself

食言 --- to eat one's promise

过分的许诺 --- to promise (sb) the world

违背诺言 --- to break one’s promise

习语俗语Idioms & Slangs

I promise you --- 我保证

Promise well --- 大有希望

生活用语 Street Talks

The news brings little promise of peace.

Give me your promise that you’ll never do that again.

The day opened with a slight promise of rain, the sky being hung with clouds.Life is sweet and full of golden promises. (生活甜蜜,前程似锦)

A: Teacher, is there any promise for my English?

B: Of course, as long as you put efforts into it. I strongly believe that you are a youth of great promise.

A: If you make a promise, you should keep it.

B: Yeah, I sometimes make empty promises. Believe me, it won’t happen any more.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 A promise is a promise. 《阿甘正传》

Do you promise? 《西雅图夜未眠》

Listen, You promise me something, OK? 《阿甘正传》

I promised myself years ago, all those years, hundreds of times, thousands of times, and now I’m invited. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

A promise is a debt.许诺就是欠债。

He that promises too much,means nothing.轻诺者寡信。




Everyday Expressions

n. 理由

Vicky brought forward reasons in favour of her view.

n. 原因

The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.

n. 理智;理性

Only man has reason; beasts don’t.

n. 道理

There is some reason in what you say.

vi. 思考

You must learn to reason.

vt. 评理

Let’s go and reason things out with the professor.

vi. 劝说

Victoria reasoned with John for an hour about the folly of his plans.


reasonable (合理的);

reasoning (推理)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

由于;基于…理由 --- by reason of...

全无理由 --- to be out of all reason

无缘无故 --- for no (particular) reason

明摆着的事情 --- it stands to reason that

习语俗语Idioms & Slangs

以理说服某人做/不做某事 --- reason sb into/out of doing sth

使某人停止愚蠢的行为 --- bring sb to reason

生活用语 Street Talks

It’s not within reason to make her go alone.

This cost is out of all reason.

Little Tom was excused by reason of his age.

David reasoned Leo into accepting the idea. (说服使接受)

There was no reason to stay in Barcelona.

I came to China for no (particular) reason at all.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 So, this is the onlyreasonfor this phone call. 《西雅图夜未眠》

And if you think I come here for any reason besides pure boredom, then you're all wrong. 《毕业生》

For some reason, Jenny didn’t ever want to go home. 《阿甘正传》

There’s no reason and if we start asking “why?”, we’ll go crazy. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Don’t marry without love, but don’t love without reason.没有爱情就不要结婚,没有正当理由就不要爱。

A man without reason is a beast in season.人如无理智,即是发情期的禽兽。

名言 Quotations

Everything that is beautiful and noble is the product of reason and calculation.

Charles Baudelaire (1821-67), French poet. "The Painter of Modern life," sct. 11, in L’Art Romantique (1869; repr. in Selected Writings on Art and Artists, ed. by P. E. Charvet, 1972).




Everyday Expressions

n. 室;房间

I’ll have her sweep the room clean.

n. 场所;空间

Will you make room for me?

n. 空间;可能性

There is much room to improve in this plan.

vt. 住宿;居住

The two students roomed together.

餐厅 --- a dining room

起居室--- a living room, or family room

卧室 --- a bed room

双人房间 --- a double room

朝南的房间 --- a southward room


roomy (宽敞的);

roomate (同住在一起的人);

roomie (roomate);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

室内温度 --- R.T. = room temperature

急诊室 --- E.R. = emergency room

旅馆房间 --- hotel room

hotel 里的客房服务 --- room service

使房间通气 --- to air a room

预定房间 --- to book rooms

预定房间 --- to reserve a room

占用房间 --- to occupy a room

打扫房间 --- to dust a room

整理房间 --- to tidy up/clean a room

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

room and board --- 膳宿

room to spare --- 很大的余地

legroom --- 汽车里座前面的空间

no room to swing a cat --- 没有足够的空间

生活用语 Street Talks

They had to cut down a lot of trees to make room for farms.

We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set.

We were roommates in college.

We’re doing okay, but there’s plenty of room for improvement.

Johnnie, go clean your room!

My kitchen is quite roomy.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Everyday, I’d pick pretty flowers and put them in her room forher. 《阿甘正传》

He’s in the emergency room. 《情归巴黎》

Do you have room for one more? 《西雅图夜未眠》




Everyday Expressions

n. 规定;规则

We must obey the rules at school.

n. 世间的通则

Failure is the rule, success the exception. (失败是正常的,成功是例外的。)

n. 统治;支配

His rule over the country lasted for fifty years.

vt. 统治

The queen ruled the country.

vt. (被动式)顺从

Don’t be ruled by your passions.

vt. 抑制感情

Robert’s reason ruled his anger.

vt. 画线

Jerry ruled lines on the paper.


ruler (尺子;统治者);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

大概 --- as a rule

条条框框 --- rules and regulations

守规则 --- follow the rule

经常做… --- to make it a rule to

执政党 --- ruling party

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

It rules! --- 这件事说了算!

You rule! --- 你很牛!

Disco rules! --- 迪斯科太棒了。(用于表达对迪斯科的狂热)

rule out --- 排除

rule with a rod of iron --- 铁腕统治

生活用语 Street Talks

Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.

We were discussing the rules of the competition.

He ruled the country for many years.

A: I don’t understand Sam’s behavior.

B: e was ruled by his addiction to drugs.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 It's like I've been playing some kind of—game—but the rules don't make any sense to me. 《毕业生》

You rule, Anna! You really rule! 《亲亲小妈》

谚语 Proverbs

There is no rule without an exception.有规矩必有例外。

Rule youth well and age will rule itself.年轻时教养好,年老时坏不了。




Everyday Expressions

n. 式样;形状

That cloud has a strange shape.

n. 外形

Victoria is an angel in human shape.

n. 具体;定性

Victor gave shape to his ideas.

n. 情况;状态

The athletes tried to keep themselves in good shape.

vt. 形成

The little boy shaped clay into a ball.

圆形 --- a round shape

正方形 --- a square shape

螺旋形 --- a spiral shape


shapely (形状美好的);

shapless (没形的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

成形;具体化 --- to take shape

处于良好状态 --- be in good shape

处于不佳状态 --- be in bad shape (be out of shape)

使…有条理 --- get sth into shape

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

the shape of things to come --- 未来将发生的事情

get oneself into shape --- 为健美而锻炼

in any shape --- 任何形式

in shape --- 健康

生活用语 Street Talks

He has nothing in the shape of money. (身无分文)

I like the shape of that table.

You’d better shape up, young man, or expect to be punished. (规矩些)

A society shapes its members. (环境塑造人。)

I like the way my life is taking shape. You know I got a well-paid job, I got a wonderful wife.

I’ve nothing to complain about.

电影对白 Transcripts

GARETH: A toast before we go into battle. True love—in whatever shape or form it may come—may we all in our dotage be proud to say ‘ I was adored once too’.

ALL: True love! 《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》




Everyday Expressions

vt. 分配;均分

We shared the cake equally.

vt. 共享;共用

The two families share a bathroom.

vi. 分享

Vicky shared in my happiness.

n. 部分

David had his share in the profits.

n. 分担

I did my share of work.

n. 股份

My boyfriend owns two thousand shares of his company.


share holder (股东);

share index (股系指数)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

分享,参与 --- share in

和某人分担 --- take a share in sth.

最大最好的一分 --- he lion’s share

生活用语 Street Talks

They share their joys and sorrows.

Bill and Bob shared the work equally between them.

I’ll bear my share of the expenses.

Bob divided the money among the six men, giving an equal share to each.

We shared a wonderful evening together.

I’m looking for a roommate to share a two bedroom apt with me.

Don’t fight! Could you share your bike with your brother?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I gave Bubba’s mama Bubba’s share. 《阿甘正传》

Just never had anybody to share it with, I guess. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Without a friend to share them,no goods we possess are enjoyable.东西有朋友分享,我们才会觉 得快乐。

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 请将下列句子中的 look 词组补充完整。

1. I look………………that summer with some regrets.

2. He has a great respect for his colleagues but he doesn’t really look…………………..his boss.

3. You’re going to London? Do look…….. my sister when you’re there.

4. A government inquiry is looking………..the cause of the accident.

5. We are looking………….you to bring the company successfully out of the recession.

6. I’m sorry to hear you lost your job. I do hope that things will look ………….for you soon.

7. Six nurses look………..the patients in this ward.

Keys: 1. back on 2. up to 3. up 4. into 5. to 6. up 7. after

II. 为下列的名词或动词加上后缀,使之成为形容词。

Pain love mind order promise rain reason shape

Keys:painful, lovely, mindless,orderly,promising,rainy,reasonable,shapely

III. 请把下列句子中正确的单词划出。

1. We decided to work/working during our holiday.

2. She promised to help/helping us.

3. don’t feel like to go/going for a walk at the moment.

4. Do you really love to swim/swimming when it is freezing?

5. I don’t mind to help/helping you if I’m not busy.

6. The doctor ordered my mother to stay/staying in bed.

Keys: 1. to work 2. to help 3. going 4. to swim 5. helping 6. to stay

IV. 猜字谜。在下列字母中横向或纵向找出单词,这些单词都是在 living room放置的东西。

t e n b w o

a c h a I r

b a x b n r

l r c o d a

e p v o o d

m e s k w i

h t v s u o

Keys:table, carpet, books, window, radio,chair,TV

V. 把下面的英文翻译成汉语,注意核心词汇的意义。

1. Don’t kiss and tell: honor in lover is silence.

2. Don’t look for the perfume in the dog-house.

3. Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace.

4. Out of sight, out of mind.

5. Never order a man to do what you are afraid to do yourself.

6. Pain wastes the body; pleasure the understanding.

7. Everything is good in its place.

8. He that promises too much, means nothing.

9. When it rains, it pours.

10. A man without reason is a beast in season.

11. There is no rule without an exception.

12. Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.

第三部分 流行语汇

About Recreation

bridge ……………………………………………………………桥牌

chess ……………………………………………………………. 国际象棋

Chinese chess ………………………………………………… 中国象棋

dance hall ………………………………………………………. 舞厅

night club ……………………………………………………… 夜总会

aquarium ……………………………………………………… 水族馆

hot spring ……………………………………………………… 温泉

recreation ground ……………………………………………… 游乐场

DDR ……………………………………………………………..跳舞机

Kara OK ………………………………………………………… 卡拉 OK

billiards …………………………………………………………. 台球

mahjong …………………………………………………………麻将

bungee jumping ……………………………………………… 蹦极

golf …………………………………………………………….. 高尔夫

rafting ………………………………………………………….. 漂流


第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

vt. 给看

Show me your pictures.

vt. 上映(演)

Are they showing the film at the theater?

vt. 说明; 带路

Peter showed me the way to the Summer Palace.

vt. 引导

A beautiful lady showed me to my seat.

vt. 指示

The thermometer shows 39 degrees.

n. 展览

They have a flower show in the park tomorrow.

n. 娱乐,节目

Dad is in show business.

n. 假装

Joan’s sympathy was a mere show.


showy (炫耀的);



comedy show (喜剧表演);

showcase (陈列橱);


常见搭配 Useful Phrases

炫耀 --- show off

出现 --- show up

观光 --- show around (give a tour to)

表演时刻 --- show time

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

put up a show --- 装模样

show sb. the door --- 逐出某人

show one’s teeth --- 吓唬某人

生活用语 Street Talks

The usher showed us to our seats.

Mary showed off her diamond ring.

Sally always showed up late.

Jerry is always making a show of his knowledge.

It goes to show that you can’t trust a used car salesman.

A: What’s the matter with Roger? He’s acting kind of silly today.

B: Nothing special. That bigmouth is showing off again.

A: Gee, what this time?

B: For his new girlfriend.

They showed us around town. (观光)

It’s a good show.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’m going to show you something, Mrs.Gump. 《阿甘正传》

I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here. 《阿甘正传》

She knows you’re gonna show up with a bottle of champagne. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

The barber shows you the mirror but it’s too late to raise a squawk.理发师给你照镜子时,抗议已经太迟了——生米已成熟饭。

Narrowness of waist shows narrowness of mind.腰的狭小显示了思想的狭隘。




Everyday Expressions

n. 符号;记号

加号 --- plus sign

减号 --- minus sign

乘号 --- multiplication sign

除号 --- algebraic sign

n. 手势;动作(手做的)

The deaf and dumb sometimes speak using sign language/signs.

n. 标记;招牌(商店的)

Did you see the traffic sign?

n. 预兆

Dark clouds are a sign of rain.

n. 痕迹;迹象

Grandpa’s face bore signs of many years’ sufferings.

vt. 签名

I signed my name on the cheque.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

路标 --- road sign

不许吸烟的标牌 --- non-smoking sign

手语 --- sign language

签约 --- sign a deal

加上,登入 --- sign up (a tour group; a course; a camp; an internet; )

开始做某事/入住登记 --- sign in

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

a sign of the times --- 时尚

sign one’s own death warrant --- 自我毁灭

生活用语 Street Talks

There are no signs of life about the house.

He made a sign for me to follow him.

Can you give me a sign of what you’re thinking?

A: What’s your star sign?

B: Cancer. (巨蟹座)

Signs of the Zodiac

宝瓶座 --- cloth shoes

双鱼座 --- leather shoes

白羊座 --- Aries

金牛座 --- Taurus

双子座 --- Gemini

巨蟹座 --- Cancer

狮子座 --- Leo

处女座 --- Virgo

天秤座 --- Libra

天蝎座 --- Scorpio

人马座 --- Sagittarius

摩蝎座 --- Capricorn

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Look! It’s a sign. 《西雅图夜未眠》

Will you sign the register, please? 《毕业生》

I’ll come back from Paris to sign the papers, the merger will close. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.感恩是高尚灵魂的标志。

Speaking much is a sign of vanity, for he that is lavish in words is a niggard in deed.话多是虚荣的迹象,因为在用词上过分大方的人在做事上往往是个小气鬼。




veryday Expressions

vi. 站立

My house stands on a hill.

vt. 使站立

Can you stand an egg on end?

vt. 忍耐

I can’t stand that guy!

vi. 有(温度;高度)

The thermometer stands at 39?C.

n. 观众席

The ball went into the stands.

n. 小卖店

a hotdog stand/a newspaper stand


standout (突出,显眼)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

支持 --- stand by

代表 --- stand for

起立 --- stand up

谱架 --- a music stand

伞架 --- an umbrella stand

语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

stand (somebody) up --- 失约;放某人鸽子

stand by --- 袖手旁观

生活用语 Street Talks

I will stand by David to the last.

“B.A.” stands for “Bachelor of Arts”.

A: Victoria, I got something to say.

B: Shoot.

A: You got to learn to stand on your own two feet,’cause your daddy’s not always going to be there to help.

B: What do you mean?...

Hey Eugene, you should have been here an hour ago. You stood me up again, bastard!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 OK, listen, um, David can’t stand pain. 《情归巴黎》

How long have you been standing there? 《西雅图夜未眠》

The first person I could stand to be with. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

An empty bag cannot stand upright.人不吃饭心发慌。




veryday Expressions

vi. 走;踏

Please step this way.

n. 阶梯一阶

I went up to the top step of a ladder.

n. 步

I’m too tired to walk a step further.

n. 脚步声

I heard somebody’s steps approaching.

n. 脚印

I found several strange and big steps in the mud.

n. 步伐;步调

Mike went home with heavy steps.

n. 手段

We should take steps to prevent war.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

逐步地 --- step by step

步人后尘,仿效某人 --- follow in one's steps

进入,介入,干预 --- step in

采取行动 --- take steps

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

step on one’s toes --- 冒犯某人

step out on --- 对…不忠诚

step down --- 下台

step aside --- 站开

生活用语 Street Talks

We are improving our English step by step.

Time’s up. We’d better step on it.

I didn’t realize I was stepping on Ann’s toes by talking to her husband.

Alice doesn’t know that her boyfriend’s been stepping out on her.

Watch your step! (脚下留神!)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I’ve been following in foot steps all my life. 《情归巴黎》

That’s one small step for man, a giant leap for mankind... 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

The first step to virtue is to love virtue in another.爱慕别人的美德是自己具有美德的开端。

The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice.不做坏事是学好的第一步。




veryday Expressions

n. 眼泪

Mother’s eyes were wet with tears.

v. 飞跑

The children were tearing about in the garden.

v. 拆掉

The old houses have been torn down.

v. 撕;撕裂

Two pages had been torn out of the book.

v. 扯

Paul flew into a rage and tore at my hair.


tearful (含泪的;软心肠的)


teardrop (泪珠);

teargas (催泪瓦斯);

tearjerker (催人泪下的东西,如电影);

tearsheet (期刊杂志中可撕下的广告页)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

东奔西跑 --- tear around

撕碎 --- tear up

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

tear at sb’s heart --- 使某人心碎

tear one’s hair --- 扯自己的头发

wear and tear --- 磨损

heart torn in two --- 心碎了;伤心

生活用语 Street Talks

The sad story moved us to tears. (催人泪下)

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

The little boy burst into tears.

We had to tear down that old building. (拆掉)

You have a tear in your pants. (你裤子裂了)

Tom’s girlfriend dumped him last week, so his heart is torn in two.

I am kind of torn in between movie and dinner. (在…与…上无法选择; be undecided)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I hope they don’t tear it down. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Tears are the silent language of grief.眼泪是悲痛无声的语言。

Tears are natural penalties of pleasure.乐极生悲。




veryday Expressions

n. 麻烦,费事

I’m sorry for the trouble I’m giving you.

n. 担忧

What’s your trouble?

n. 故障

My new car got engine trouble.

n. 疾病

Bob’s father has trouble with his eyesight.

vi. (通常在否定句)烦恼

Don’ vt. 烦恼,担忧

Learning foreign languages doesn’t trouble me so much.

trouble to write me.

vt. 麻烦

I am sorry to trouble you.


troublesome (麻烦的;困难的)


troublemaker (惹麻烦的人);

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

为…担心 --- trouble about/over …

麻烦某人 --- trouble somebody for

惹麻烦 --- cause trouble

找麻烦 --- look/ask for trouble

有困难做某事 --- have trouble in doing something

有麻烦 --- be in (deep) trouble (or be in hot water)

习语与俗语Idioms & Slangs

bridge over troubled water --- 克服麻烦 (or get over it)

go all that trouble for doing something --- 费尽心思做…

生活用语 Street Talks

You’re very kind to take the trouble to help me.

The trouble with photography is that it’s an expensive hobby.

May I trouble you for the salt?

A: That kid is always getting into trouble.

B: Yeah. He’s such a troublemaker.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You went to all that troublejust for me? 《情归巴黎》

It was no trouble. 《情归巴黎》

Won't have much trouble picking them up in that, will you? 《毕业生》

I mean I'd—rather not go to the trouble of bringing it all in. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Never trouble troubles till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦




veryday Expressions

vt. 用,使用

In studying English we have to use dictionaries.

vt. 利用

He felt used by her.

vt. 花费;消费

How much of it do you use in a month?

n. 使用

the proper use of the internet

n. 效果,用途

What is the use of going abroad?


used (二手的/习惯的);


常见搭配 Useful Phrases

用尽 --- use up

使用中 --- be in use

很大的功用 --- be of great use

利用… --- to make use of...

使用… --- put... to use

习惯做某事 --- be used to doing sth.

过去常常 --- used to do sth.

生活用语 Street Talks

What time did you used to get up last year?

This year I won’t be able to use that excuse.

Make good use of this chance.

We need to learn how to put what we have learned to practical use.

Books will be of great use to you.

Mom, I used up all the money.

I bought a used car.

Can I use your pen?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you know what its like not to be able to use your legs? 《阿甘正传》

We thought we’d use recycled paper. 《情归巴黎》

We had some champagne and what did we use it for? 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收.




veryday Expressions

n. 水

Bring me some hot water please.

n. 大片的水(复)

the upper waters of the Yangtse the blue waters of the Atlantic Mexican waters

n. 表示有水的地方(与 the 连用)

Fish live in the water.

v. 浇水

Mother waters the garden every morning.

v. 在…中掺水

This milk has been watered down.


watery (多水的)


watermelon (西瓜);

waterproof (防水的);

waterfall (瀑布)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

凉水 --- cold water

温水 --- warm water

热水 --- hot water

开水 --- boiled water

冷却水 --- cooling water

饮用水 --- drinking water

淡水 --- fresh water

胶水 --- glue water

口水 --- mouth water

让人流口水的 --- mouth watering

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

be in hot water --- 某人在麻烦中

water on the brain --- 脑积水;傻里傻气

water over the dam --- 已成定局

生活用语 Street Talks

I like travel by water.

Remember to water the flowers before you leave.

This juice tastes really watery.

A: Look what I bought, blueberry cheesecake!

B: My mouth is watering.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The hospital people said, it makes me look like a duck in water, whatever that means. 《阿甘正传》

There were over a million sparkles on the water. 《阿甘正传》

There was water coming in all the windows. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

Still waters run deep.静水流深,大智若愚。

Water cannot be divided by a stroke.抽刀断水,水更流。




Everyday Expressions

n. 天气,气候

The farmers are complaining about the weather.

n. 处境

Rick remained a good friend in all weathers.

v. 使经受风吹雨打

We weather along in spite of the storm.

v. 平安度过

She has weathered a crisis.

多云 --- cloudy weather

晴朗的天气 --- clear and fine weather

潮湿的天气 --- damp weather

有风的天气 --- windy weather

干燥的天气 --- dry weather

沉闷的天气 --- depressing weather

闷热的天气 --- close weather

乌云密布的阴天 --- dull and overcast weather


weather forecast (天气预报);

weatherman (天气报道员);

weather-beaten (皮肤受损,粗糙,饱受风霜);

weather proof (不受气候影响的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

坏天气 --- bad weather/tough weather

雨天 --- rainy weather

不舒服 --- be under the weather

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

weather the storm --- 安然渡过逆境

weather through --- 安然渡过

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Are you ok? You look tired today.

B: Just a bit under the weather.

How’s the weather today?

He weathered that storm quite well.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The weather looks clear to the West and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The Los Angeles weather is clear and the temperature is 72. 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

Winter weather and women’s thoughts change often.冬天的气候和女人的思想无常变化




Everyday Expressions

n. 风

The wind has changed from north to east.

n. 呼吸

The runner soon lost her wind.

vt. (钟表)上发条

Wind (up) your watch every day.

vt. 旋转

She wound the handle.

vi. 曲折,蜿蜒

This path winds through the woods.

vi. 缠绕,绕

The man’s arm is wound with bandages.

风 --- wind

微风 --- breeze

强风 --- gale

阵风 --- gust

飓风(大西洋西部的) --- hurrican

龙卷风 --- tornado (twister)


windy (多风的);

windless (无风的)


windshield (挡风玻璃);

windmill (风车;磨房);

windbreaker (风衣);

windbreak (防风林/墙);

wind instrument (管乐器)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

逆风地 --- be against the wind

随风飘逝 --- be gone with the wind

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

talk wind/ talk hot air --- 吹牛

wind one’s way into sb’s affection --- 逐渐赢得某人的钟爱

wind up nowhere --- 未获成功

生活用语 Street Talks

I think it’s time to wind up/wrap up this meeting. (结束)

Victoria’s a nice girl; if you wind up without her, you’ll be sorry. (后悔的)

A cold wind blew from northwest.

I don’t want to wind up like you. (我可不想落成你那样。)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 But I can run like the wind blows. 《阿甘正传》

谚语 Proverbs

God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.上帝同情不幸的人。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 觉得好奇

I wonder if Tom will succeed.

vt. 惊讶;觉得不可思议

I wonder that he was not caught by the police.

vi. 惊讶于

I wondered at Tom’s learning.

n. 惊异

The baby girl looked with wonder at the Christmas tree.

n. 不可思议的东西

The pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

难怪 --- it is no wonder that...

奇景 --- scenic wonders

世界奇观 --- a world wonder

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

a nine days’ wonder --- 轰动一时的事情

be in open-eyed wonder --- 惊讶得目瞪口呆

for a wonder --- 说来奇怪;意想不到

no wonder --- 原来如此

生活用语 Street Talks

It’s no wonder that Frank has failed.

I wonder if this is a local broadcast.

I don’t wonder at Rose refusing to marry Jack.

For a wonder he got here in time.

I wonder what Nick is up to.

No wonder you haven’t called me lately.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 I wonder if I could request you to turn that down a little? 《毕业生》

I wonder if it still works this way. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I started to wonder if we were the human equivalent of two rights making a wrong. 《西雅图夜未眠》

I’ll always wonder about it. 《西雅图夜未眠》

谚语 Proverbs

No wonder is greater than any other wonder, and if once explained, ceases to be a wonder. 奇怪的事一经解释就不再奇怪。




Everyday Expressions

vt. 运用;开动

Do you know how to work this machine?

vi. 工作;用功

We work from morning till night.

vi. 服务于

Peter works for an IT company.

vi. 产生效应

That medicine worked like magic.

n. 工作;功课

I have a lot of work to do this evening.

n. 职业

I found work at the bank.

n. 作品

I like the works of Shakespeare.


worker (工人);

workmanship (手艺;工艺)


workshop (实际技能讲座);

workout (健身)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

为谋生而工作 --- work for a living

加班 --- work overtime

抢时间完成工作 --- work against time

从事体力劳动/脑力劳动 --- work with one’s hands/head

努力工作以偿还债务 --- work off a debt (work to pay back)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

work in with sb. --- 与…合作

work around the clock --- 连轴转

keep up the good work --- 继续努力

生活用语 Street Talks

I get to work at nine o’clock every morning.

Everything is working smoothly.

My plans will not work in with yours very well.

I hope everything works out well for you. (祝你事事如意!)

Don’t get all worked up about it. (不要兴师动众。)

Have you been working out lately?

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Do you know how to work a foreign shift? 《毕业生》

What was the point of all that hard work? 《毕业生》

Welcome to work, Sabrina. 《情归巴黎》

I know you work in the real world, and you’re awfully good at it. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

Long talk makes short work.话说得越多,干工作就越少。

名言 Quotations

It is too difficult to think nobly when one thinks only of earning a living.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78), Swiss-born French philosopher, political theorist.Confessions, bk. 2, ch. 9 (written 1766-70; published 1781-88).

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 请描述你家乡的天气情况,用下面列举的一些表示天气的词汇。

Sunny, cloudy, foggy, icy, hot, windy, showery, humid, dry, warm,

boiling, cold, chilly, freezing, breeze, thunder,,gale, hurricane, snow,storm.


Example: I’m a banker.

work in a bank.

1. what do you do?

What's ………..

2. I earn $ 50, 000 dollars.

My ……………………………………………………..

3. I get $20,000 from my teaching job and another $10,000 from writing.

My total…………………………………………………………

4. I am a chemist.

I work for ………………………..

5. In my job I have to look after and maintain all the computers in the building.

My job involves………………………………………………………….

6. I’m responsible for one of the smaller departments.

I’m in ……………………………………………………………………

Keys: 1. What’s your job?

2. My salary is $ 50,000.

3. My total income is $ 30,000.

4. I work for a pharmaceutical company

5. My job involves looking after and maintaining all the hardware.

6. I’m in charge of one of the smaller departments.


tear trouble use water wind wonder word

Keys: tearful troublesome useful watery windy wonderful wordless


weather trip step show trouble stand tear

1. They have a flower …………….in the park tomorrow.

2. There is a newspaper……………near my house.

3. I found several strange and big…………….in the mud.

4. The old house has been ………..down

5. Grandpa ………frequently to Shanghai.

6. Learning foreign language doesn’t ……….me so much.

7. Mother ………….the garden everyday.

8. Rick remained a good friend in all…………….

Keys: 1. show 2. stand 3. steps 4. torn 5. tripped 6. trouble 7. waters 8.weathers


1. The barber shows you the mirror but it’s too late to raise a squawk.

2. Every tub must stand on its own bottom.

3. The first step to virtue is to love virtue in another.

4. Tears are the silent language of grief.

5. Shoes too large trip one up.

6. Never trouble troubles till trouble troubles you.

7. It is no use crying over the spilt milk.

8. Still waters run deep.

9. Winter weather and women’s thoughts change often.

10. No wonder is greater than any other wonder, and if once explained, ceased to be a wonder.

第三部分 流行语汇

About TV

educational television station ………………………………… 教育电视台

commercial television station …………………………………..…… 商业电视台

cable station …………………………………………………..……… 有线电视台

pay TV ……………………………………………………………………..收费电视

closed-circuit television ………………………………………..……… .闭路电视

studio audience ……………………………………………….………… 播音室观众

television viewer …………………………………………………………. 电视观众

television reporter ……………………………………………………… 电视台记者

television producer …………………………………………….…………. 电视片监制人

packager ………………………………………………………..…………. 电视节目制作人

TV director …………………………………………………….………….. 电视台长

sponsor …………………………………………………………………….节目赞助人

telescript …………………………………………………………………...电视剧本

TV host/ hostess ………………………………………………………… 电视节目主持人

Television tower ………………………………………………………… 电视塔

game show ……………………………………………………. ………… 电视游戏节目

TV sketch ………………………………………………………. ………… 电视小品

Interview show …………………………………………………. ……… 访谈节目

live show ……………………………………………………….. ………现场直播的节目

MC (Master of ceremony ) ……………………………………………… 主持人

prime time ……………………………………………………….. …… 黄金时段

talk show ………………………………………………………………… 脱口秀

teleplay ……………………………………………………………………电视剧

TV series ………………………………………………………….. ……电视连续剧

Variety show ……………………………………………………………… 综艺节目


第一部分 核心语汇




Everyday Expressions

adj. 坏的,不好的

He's bad at chess.

adj. 有害的

Smoking is bad for your health.

adj. 腐烂的

bad fish

adj. 不适宜的

That's not a bad idea.

adj. 令人不愉快的

bad news adj. 病痛的,不舒服的

She has felt bad all week.

adj. 严重的

a bad cold Janet had a bad cough all last week.

adj. 不正确的

bad grammar

adv. 非常

I want it bad(ly).


badly (不好的,非常的)


bad-mouth (诽谤);

bad-tempered (脾气坏的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

奸诈, 不守信用 --- bad faith

骂人的话 --- bad language

没礼貌的 --- bad-mannered

不法之徒 --- bad man

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

feel bad about --- 感到抱歉或羞愧

not bad --- 不错

go bad --- 变质不能食用

have a bad name --- 名声不佳 (= get a bad name)

go from bad to worse --- 每况愈下

not bad --- 不错 (quite good)

生活用语 Street Talks

I think I have to rest a while --- I have a bad headache.

That’s not a bad song you’re written! (quite good)

I feel bad that I wasn’t able to be there.

He’s not a bad person, he just has some bad habits.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 But that wasn’t a bad thing, because a man who own a theater in Memphis, Tennesee saw those photos and offered Jenny a job singing in a show. 《阿甘正传》

I ran so far so fast, they pretty soon, I was all by myself, which was a bad thing. 《阿甘正传》

It’s bad luck to have a boat without a name. 《阿甘正传》




Everyday Expressions

adj. (good最高级) 最好的

Strive for the best, prepare for the worst. (作最坏的打算,争取最好的结果。)

adj. 主要的, 最大的

the best part of a journey(大部分旅程)

adv. 最好地

adv. 最;极

We had best call for the doctor at once.

n. 最佳状态或部分

He did his best to finish the task.

n. 最佳者

Even the best of us make mistakes.

n. (某人的)最上乘的作为、状况或表现

I’ll give my best to the working-class movement.

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

最好的办法 --- best bet

男傧相 --- best man

畅销书, 金唱片 --- best-seller

买得最合算的东西 --- best buy

至多,最好 --- at best

居第二的 --- second-best

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

get the best of (sb.) --- 击败(某人)

make the best of --- 尽量利用;善用

do one’s best --- 尽最大努力

at one’s best --- 极盛时期

the best of the best --- 出类拔萃

give it one’s best shot --- 尽最大的努力

生活用语 Street Talks

What did you like best about the movie?

Don’t worry. At least you know you tried your best.

I think it’s in your best interest to leave now.

Traffic like this, your best bet is to take the subway.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Please forgive me because I know what I am doing is the best thing for you. 《毕业生》

Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends all the way up through high school. 《阿甘正传》

David, you are the best. 《情归巴黎》

This is the best movie I’ve seen in my whole life. 《西雅图夜未眠》




Everyday Expressions

adj. 大,大的(具体)

He lives near a big river.

adj. 大的(抽象)

You made a big mistake.

adj. 重要的

The big moment has come at last. (重大时刻终于到来了.)

adj. (常与with连用)怀孕的(女人)

big with child (怀有身孕)

adj. 夸口的, 摆架子的

No one likes his big talk. (没人喜欢听他吹牛.)

adj. 与人名连用,表亲热

Big Joe (老乔)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

说大话 --- talk big

有抱负 --- think big

多嘴者,长舌妇 --- big mouth

头条新闻 --- big news

大人物 --- big shot/big wig/big fish

重要的一个晚上 --- big night

重要的事或人 --- bid deal

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

too big for one’s boots --- 高傲自大

No biggy! --- 没问题(No problem!)

big time --- 大程度,多了

生活用语 Street Talks

A: Why did you have to tell her? You have such a big mouth! (漏风的嘴)

B: Come on, it’s not such a big deal!

Michael Jackson is really big in Asia. (popular)

Think big, but start small.

You are a big girl now. (长大)

You owe me big time.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Now I'm going to ask for a big round of applause to bring this boy out here—All right. 《毕业生》

I guess I'll have to ask her out on a date and find out what the big deal is. 《毕业生》

No, but I’ve been on a real big boat. 《阿甘正传》




Everyday Expressions


That shirt is dirty, here’s a clean one.


a clean copy of the report (一份准确无误的报告)


She has a clean record. She is clean. (她历史清白。)


Keep your language clean! (不要出口污言!)


Lee has clean facial features. (李五官端正.)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

老实, 清白 --- clean hands

无菌室 --- clean room

纯血种的 --- cleanbred

轮廓鲜明的 --- clean-cut

廉洁的;熟练的 --- clean-fingered

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

come clean --- 完全招供,说出真相

do a clean job --- 干得出色

clean off --- 扫除

clean out --- 清除, 打扫干净

clean up one’s act --- 检点自己的行为 (start doing thing correctly)

生活用语 Street Talks

This knife is dirty. Would you bring me a clean one, please?

I can clean up later. He came clean about his past.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 If it’s not clean air then it’s clean water like it’s not good enough that I’m on the cover of People Magacine. 《白宫奇缘》




veryday Expressions

adj. 明朗的;清澈的

clear eyes adj. 清楚的;易懂的

a clear photograph (一张清晰的照片)

adj. 头脑清楚的;明确的

a clear thinker (头脑清楚的思想家)

adj. 明白的;有信心的

She seems quite clear about her plans. (她似乎对自己的计划很有信心。)

adj. 无罪的;无忧虑的;无愧疚的

He had a clear conscience. (他问心无愧。)

adj. 开通的;无障碍的;无危险的;畅通无阻的

The highways are clear of snow now. (高速公路上已无积雪。)

adj. 没有疤痕的;颜色纯而 均匀的;无瑕疵的

a clear complexion (无瑕的肤色)

adj. 清楚的;明显的

It was clear that he wanted to be alone. (很清楚,他想一个人待着。)

adj. 完全的;无限的

a clear victory (彻底的胜利)

adj. 清理

clear your desk

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

头脑清楚的 --- clear-headed

目明的;精明的 --- clear-sighted

一清二楚的 --- clear as day

避开 --- steer clear

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

clear the air --- 使空气清洁;消除误解

clear up --- 天气晴朗起来

clear sb’s skirt --- 为某人洗去耻辱, 表明某人清白

in the clear --- 安全,没危险

生活用语 Street Talks

It’ll probably clear up this afternoon.

Clear out, everybody! It’s time to go home!

He remained clear-headed even durning the fire.

He spent the rest of his life trying to clear his name.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 The weather looks clear to the West and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule. 《西雅图夜未眠》

The Los Angeles weather is clear and the temperature is 72. 《毕业生》

Is that perfectly clear to you? 《毕业生》




Everyday Expressions

adj. 热的,炎热的,灼热的

Here is some hot tea for you. (请喝点热茶。)

adj. 辣的 Pepper is hot. (胡椒是辣的。)

adj. 最新的(新闻)

books hot off the press. (最新出版的书)

adj. 激动的;急躁的

Hot words were exchanged between the two young men. (两个年青人相互激烈争吵起来。)

adj. 兴趣浓厚的;见闻广博的,博识的

He is hot in mathematics and chemistry. (他数学和化学极好。)


hot bed (温床);

hot house (温室)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

吹牛 --- hot air

热狗 --- hot dog

最新消息 --- hot news

棘手的事 --- hot potato

温泉 --- hot spring

急躁 --- hot temper

热点话题 --- hot topic(what everyone’s talking about)

热点 --- hot spot

热线 --- hot line

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

get hot ---(猜谜游戏中)几乎猜中

be hot on sb --- 迷恋某人

get into hot water --- 惹来麻烦

sell like hot cakes --- 畅销

生活用语 Street Talks

Wow! That girl is really hot! (attractive). (性感)

That style is really hot this year. (流行)

Gun Control—a political hot potato. (烫手的山药)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 Draw you a hot bath, whip us up a superb omelet. 《情归巴黎》

Linus: Patrica is sitting on hottest technology in town and every one in wallstreet knowsit. 《情归巴黎》

You’re a dirty girl. You make me so hot.




Everyday Expressions

adj. 直的,不弯的

a straight line (一条直线)

adj. 平直的;直立的

The picture is not straight, you must move the left side up. (这张画儿不正,你必须把左边往上 移。)

adj. 干净的;整洁的;井井有条的

His desk is always straight.

adj. 正直的;诚实的

a straight man of business (正派的生意人)

adj. 正确的

a straight answer to the question

adj. 严肃的,正统的(戏剧)

a straight play

adj. 不带笑容的,表情严肃的

a straight face

adj. (指酒精饮料)不搀水的,纯的

Two straight whiskies please.

adj. 异性恋的 He is straight.

adv. 直接地;立即地

He went straight to his friend to ask for help. (他直接到朋友那儿请求帮助。)


straighten (使…变直);

straightness (诚实的)


straightforward (诚实的)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

马上 --- straight away

直发 --- straight hair

纠正某人的错误 --- put sb straight

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

go straight --- 改邪归正,悔过自新

straight or on the rock --- 纯的或加冰块

play straight with sb --- 诚实公平

生活用语 Street Talks

I told him straight to his face he was a liar.

I went straight to bed after I got home.

Just be straight with me, ok? I can take the truth.

Get your facts straight!

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 You go straight to hell, Mrs. Robinson. 《毕业生》

第二部分 语汇练习

I. 请把下列两边的短语根据逻辑关系连线。

1. He’s not a bad person, here is a clean one.

2. Think big, trying to clear his name.

3. That shirt is dirty, in mathematics and chemistry.

4. He spent the rest of his life he was a liar.

5. He is hot you wouldn’t have broken your leg.

6. I told him straight to his face he just has some bad habits.

7. If you hadn’t fallen, but start small.

II. 请把下列的核心形容词填入句子的空格处。

straight clean bad clear best big

1. Smoking is……….for your health.

2. Strive for the ………….., prepare for the worst.

3. No one likes his ………….talk.

4. Lee has …………..facial features.

5. It was …………that he wanted to be alone.

6. I went……….to bed after I got home.

Keys: 1. bad 2. best 3. big 4. clean 5. clear 6. straight


1. Linus: I thought I’d take my first step towards, what is all that French stuff? A good life, knowing when to quit. Maybe it’s a bad idea.

Sabrina: No, it’s a good idea. 《情归巴黎》

2. The best is the enemy of the good.

3. Mrs. Robinson: There is nothing to tell.

Ben: well, why is she a big taboo subject all of a sudden? 《毕业生》

4. Do you expect me to take the fall for what you did?

5. Just be straight with me, OK? I can face the truth.

6. Mrs.Robinson: Benjamin—I thought I made myself perfectly clear about this.

Ben: Look, we’ll go out to dinner and have a drink and I’ll bring her right back. Because it was either that or a dinner party for the two families. And I’m afraid I couldn’t quite handle that, if you don't mind. Look, I have no intention of ever taking your precious daughter out again in her life. So don’t get upset about it. 《毕业生》

第三部分 流行语汇

About High-tech

antibiotics …………………………………………………………………… 抗生素

black box …………………………………………………………. ………… 黑匣子

bug ……………………………………………………………………………. 窃听器

chip ……………………………………………………………………………. 芯片

clone ………………………………………………………………… 克隆

DNA …………………………………………………………………………. 脱氧核糖核酸

gene ………………………………………………………………………… 基因

genetically modified food …………………………………………………… 转基因食品

laser …………………………………………………………………………… 激光

mobile phone, cell phone ………………………………………. ………… 手机

PC (Personal computer) ………………………………………….. ………… 个人电脑

spacecraft ………………………………………………………………… 航天飞机

test tube baby ……………………………………………………………… 试管婴儿

virus ……………………………………………………………..…………… 病毒

virtual ………………………………………………………………………… 虚拟的

Viagra …………………………………………………………………………. 伟哥


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