The following range of questions have ... - Keep Your Head

The following range of questions have been structured to assist staff when undertaking an EHA in the contact of a child or young person’s emotional health and wellbeing needs Questions to consider about mental health needs: Low Mood Question YP ResponseDo you often feel sad or irritable?Have you lost enjoyment in activities you used to enjoy?Has there been any change n your diet or appetite? Are you experiencing difficulties in sleeping?Are having difficulties in concentrating, remembering things or making decisions?Are you unusually over tired?Do you often feel restless?Questions to consider: Anxious feelingsDo you ever feel any of the following Physical Symptoms?Difficulty breathingFeeling dizzy or light-headedRacing or pounding heartA churning stomachChest pain or tightnessHot or cold flashes; tingling sensationsTrembling or shakingSweatingDifficulty relaxing Or any of the following emotional feelings ????Feeling of overwhelming anxiety or panicFear of losing controlFeeling intense need to escapeFeeling like you’re going to die or pass outFeeling “unreal” or detached from yourself Knowing that you’re overreacting, but feeling powerless to control fearQuestions to consider: Social interactionDo you ever have difficulty in……Getting along with friends?Getting along with family members?Attending school?Keeping out of trouble, fights, arguments?Being part of groups/ prefer to be alone? Questions to consider: BehaviourDo you ever have difficulty in……Destroys possessions or property Stealing from others Being overactive Hurts self or others Threatens to or harms other children and/ or animals Has experienced / perpetrated sexual abuse/ activityQuestions to consider: perception/ thinkingDo you ever ……Feeling confusedDaydreamBecome distracted easily/ paying attentionOften forget things Blames others for actions / thoughts Sees things or people who are not there Talks about death/ dying/ suicide ................

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