Crawford Perspectives

October 27, 2008 Arch Crawford, publisher of Crawford Perspectives, has been referred to in BARRON’s as “Wall Street’s best known astrologer”. His 45 years of painstaking astronomical research has proven to him beyond any doubt that planetary movementsexert an important influence on people asthey do on the ocean tides, and that thechanges they cause in behavior are reflectedin the stock and commodities markets.Prior to his work with astro-cycles,Crawford practiced technical market analysisat Merrill Lynch under top-ranked technicianRobert Farrell. Today, Crawford createsa unique blending of astronomic cyclesand technical research in Crawford Perspectives.Crawford studied market timing for23 years, from 1954 to 1977, before hestarted Crawford Perspectives in May1977. From that beginning to early 1981,he was correct on Buy and Sell points 9times out of 10, as reported by DanDorfman’s syndicated column.Many people ask WHY astronomiccycles and harmonic events should have aneffect on stock and commodity markets.The reasons are partially understood. Researchby John Nelson (a radio propagationspecialist for the RCA Corporation) inthe late 40’s proved that the planetary alignmentrelative to the Sun could help him timesunspot activity and solar flares and therebyassist his employer in rerouting shortwaveradio transmissions efficiently. John wouldcall Arch with information that a flare wasin progress and radio communicationsacross the North Atlantic were totallyblocked. Arch would then call a broker andfind that typically, the stock market wasdropping sharply and Gold was risingmeaningfully in the geomagnetically disturbedperiod. In concert with new and fullmoons, where the tidal forces brought theatmospheric disturbances closer to theearth, extreme volatility would ensue inmarkets where a significant emotional componentwas already in progress. For instance,the highest sustained period of ionosphericelectrons measured by geosynchronoussatellite took place the week beforeand during the CRASH in 1987, & droppedback on the day of the stock market LOW!!Recent studies by physicists, biologists andcosmologists point to strong scientific evidencethat gravitational and electromagneticare in a dynamic causal relationshipto many natural growth patterns and cycleson earth. Much of this data is collectedand correlated by the Foundation for theStudy of Cycles, 2929 Coors Blvd NWSuite 307, Albuquerque, NM.In August 1982, Arch published aBuy signal one day after the low and threedays prior to the famous speech by Henry(Dr. Doom) Kaufman, who suddenly reversedhis opinion that interest rates wouldcontinue to rise through 1982, whereuponthe market began an impressive rise witha record 35 point advance on the day ofthe speech. Arch was actually a monthahead, giving the initial Buy on the Julylow, on the largest bank failure in our historyto that date (Penn Square Bank) on aLunar Eclipse forming the angle of a “T”with a conjunction of Mars and Saturn –a really nasty configuration. The Augustretest went -13 Dow Jones points lower.As he began to watch for these largeand important alignment dates, Crawfordnoted that 6 out of the 8 largest down daysin history coincided with these periods ofalignment. Even when the day was unspectacular,it was later seen to have beena “quiet” intermediate Low or High. Fourdates mentioned in his letter as particularly“hostile” did not have much of aneffect on the stock market: one was theexact day that the space craft “Challenger”exploded; another was a Lunar Eclipsethree days prior to the “Chernobyl” disaster;a third was the Solar Eclipse on whichday Princess Diana died; and fourth wasthe Solar Eclipse associated with the destructionby earthquake of Bam, Turkey,where 17,000 died. The Solar Eclipse ofAugust 11, 1999 had passed directly overheadthe week before. More recently, theAugust 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse culminatedover Russia, and five days later, Russiaattacked Georgia on the predicted “violenceday” of the Mars-Uranus opposition,August 6. DISASTER, by the way, means“Crossed Stars”! The tightest 5-body conjunctionin at least 800 years occurred onthe 1987 high close of August 24, and wasfollowed by the Crash of that year. Archwarned that a “severe decline would follow”.The low of the first leg down andsharp reversal was the Solar Eclipse onthe Fall Equinox and was the largest DJIApoint advance to that date. The LunarEclipse two weeks later, coming off therally high was the largest DJIA point lossto that date, and began the slide into theCrash of October 19. In 1990 both the July23 Solar Eclipse and the August 6 LunarEclipse resulted in 107-point down hours!!Over the last few years, many intermediateand long term turning points in differentmarkets, commodities and currencies haveoccurred on the day of, or within one day ofEclipses of both Sun and Moon. These othermarkets tend to have even greater sensitivityto the eclipse series than the stock market. Wealready mentioned the July 1982 low on theLunar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse on the SummerSolstice two weeks earlier was the lowfor many commodities, and the Exact low dayfor the Metals complex.In the June 2001 TIMER DIGEST wefind: “June 21 (solstice) this year (2001) hasa repeat performance with another SolarEclipse. This is the third such exact eventover the past century. Arch is projecting anotherinflationary rise in commodities in generaland Metals in particular!” Although positiveon Inflation-hedge commodities for mostof the last seven years, he has been negativeon them since last January, and most are offover 50% from their recent bullish peaks!When Mars advanced to the opposition of that2001 solstice eclipse, Arch wrote: “The U.S.will be At War around the 7-8 of September”missing the tragic events of 9/11 by only threedays! The FBI in Phoenix AZ interviewedArch concerning that prediction on the adviceof Tom Demark, well known author of severalbooks on technical market analysis.Crawford Perspectives has been 200%short using full margin since October 19, 2007in DJIA although the S&P500 position wasstopped and re-entered in the November 5,2007 CP. Our markets may be approachingat least a temporary low within days (October24-November 4) but Crawford projectsmuch lower prices in 2009-10 coincident witha world-wide Great Depression indicated bythe several repetitions of the Saturn-Uranusopposition, beginning on the U.S. electionday!Crawford Perspectives6890 E Sunrise Drive #70Tucson, AZ 85750520-577-1158Email:CrawfordPerspectives@Web:1 Year, 12 Issues, $250; 2 Years, $400HOTLINES available on Index Futures,Gold etc. ................

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