Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments
|EYFS Medium Term Planning Enhancing & Extending Spaces for Play |
|Term: Spring 3 2014 |PLC: Journeys and Transport: What journeys have you made and how did you get there? |
|Prime Area: Communication and Language |Specific Area Literacy |
|Learning & Development Focus/Objective: |
|Aspect |
|Make books in the shape of different forms of transport such as buses, trains, cars and lorries. Invite the children to choose a book and help them to fill each page with a repetitive phrase for them to complete such as: ‘In my car I |
|can see…’. Encourage the children to try writing the final word(s) in the phrase on each page. Challenge older children to try writing the high-frequency words in the repeated phrases. |
| |
|Week Beg/ Learning|Possible experiences, opportunities, activities inside and outside |Resources |Evaluation & Next Steps |
|Challenge | | | |
|6.1.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Fiction - Using Mr Gumpy’s Outing and other stories chn will listen to stories with increasing attention and recall; describe main story settings, | |
| |events and principal characters; begin to be aware of the way stories are structured; suggest how a story might end and answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their |.uk/library/books/mrgumpyso| |
|What journeys can |experiences and in response to stories or events. |uting.htm | |
|you make on foot? |Continuous Enhanced Provision: | | |
| |Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, | | |
| |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets | | |
| |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions | | |
| |Make a class book of ‘Journeys the children have made… beginning this week with ‘on foot’ and add to it throughout the PLC. Ask chn to draw pictures of themselves on a | | |
| |favourite walk. Help them to write or scribe descriptions of what they might see as part of emergent opportunities in the writing area e.g. ‘On my walk I can see….’ | | |
| |(LA30-50a; ELGi, ii; R30-50a, d, f, i, n; 40-60e, h; S40-60a; W40-60a, b, d, e, g, h, i; ELGi) | | |
| |Put together a story bag containing toys of all the characters and a plastic boat from Mr Gumpy’s Outing. In the water tray, ask chn to take turns to carefully add | | |
| |characters to the boat until it capsizes. Encourage chn to draw pictures to illustrate the sequence of the story events. (LA40-60a; ELGi, i,iii; R30-50d, e, f, g, h, i; | | |
| |40-60f, g; EGiiii | | |
| |Make books in the shape of different forms of transport such as buses, trains, cars and lorries. Invite the children to choose a book and help them to fill each page with | | |
| |a repetitive phrase for them to complete such as: ‘In my car I can see…’. Encourage the children to try writing the final word(s) in the phrase on each page. Challenge | | |
| |older children to try writing the high-frequency words in the repeated phrases. (LA30-50a; ELGi, ii; R30-50a, d, f, i, n; 40-60e, h; S40-60a; W40-60a, b, d, e, g, h, i; |Mr Gumpy’s Outing Story | |
| |ELGi) |Sack | |
|13.1.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Fiction, Fantasy and Reality: Chn talk about journeys they’ve made, local & long-distance. Using books by Anthony Browne & John Burningham they explore|On the way Home by Jill Murphy. |
| |& write about fantasy journeys. An Animated Tale about a swallow leads on to work on animal journeys & migration. |The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. |
|What kinds of |Continuous Enhanced Provision: |Through the Magic Mirror by Anthony Browne. |
|transport might we|Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, |The Magic Bed by John Burningham. |
|find on the road? |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets |Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett |
| |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions | |
| |On a large piece of paper draw the outline of a double-decker bus with four windows on each level. Ask chn to draw/paint/collage different faces in each window. Support |Relevant stories to read:- |
| |them to make up stories explaining the reason why each passenger is making the bus journey. Scribe stories for the chn into a group book. (LA30-50a; ELGi, ii; S40-60b; |Mr Gumpy’s Motor Car |
| |R30-50a, f, i, n; 40-60b, c, h; W40-60d) |Duck’s Truck |
| |Support the children in developing a role play area from the following examples: travel agency, bus or train station, garage, airport. Make tickets, booking forms. Provide| |
| |a desk, telephones and laptop. Display posters and brochures from travel agencies. Play alongside chn in using the created role play area to explore a variety of roles and|Large display paper |
| |experiences. Where would the chn like to visit? How will they get there? Talk about the sort of writing that the children might see in a ticket office, for example, | |
| |posters, leaflets, tickets, timetables and signs. Set up your role-play area as a ticket office and provide examples of posters, leaflets and timetables. Place blank |Relevant resources for creating role play areas. |
| |tickets, postcards, paper and writing materials in the office for the children to use in their play. Go into role with the children, asking for a ticket, or to see one of | |
| |their leaflets, encouraging them to write or make marks on card or paper. MA: Provide templates for the children to fill out and make marks on. HA: Challenge the children |Group size: up to six children. |
| |by suggesting that they write up special deals on a whiteboard, or fill out a blank timetable. LA: Encourage the children to use stamps and ink pads to make marks on |‘Car book’ activity sheet; card templates of holiday |
| |tickets in the office. (LA30-50a links with PSED MR30-50a, c, d; 40-60a; ELGi, ii; PSED SCSA30-50a, e; ELGii; R30-50d, f, i, n; 40-60h; S40-60a, b; W40-60h, i; ELGiii |items that the children might pack in the car, such |
| |links also with EA&D BI30-50f, g, i; 40-60d, e, f; ELGii) |as a bag, hat, ball, spade and so on; paper; writing |
| |Make a car-shaped book of holiday items. AIA: Create a car-shaped book cover for each child. Copy the activity sheet on to card, cut out the car shape and fold it in half.|materials; card; child scissors; stapler (adult use).|
| |Talk with the children about items that they might pack in the car to go on holiday. Invite the children to choose a card template of a holiday item, draw around it on a | |
| |piece of paper and cut it out. Ask them to write some simple words on the shape, such as ‘I packed a hat’ or ‘I packed a ball’. When the children have chosen three or four| |
| |items, help them to collate them in their car-shaped book, then staple the pages together. MA: Let the children draw pictures of the items, then scribe the words for them.| |
| |HA: Encourage the children to attempt longer sentences and provide objects that will require them to spell more difficult words. LA: Provide some holiday objects, and bags| |
| |and suitcases for the children to play with. (W30-50a; 40-60a, b, f, g, h, I; ELGi, ii) | |
|20.1.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Fiction, Fantasy and Reality: Chn talk about journeys they’ve made, local & long-distance. Using books by Anthony Browne & John Burningham they explore|On the way Home by Jill Murphy. |
| |& write about fantasy journeys. An Animated Tale about a swallow leads on to work on animal journeys & migration. |The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. |
|Where might we |Continuous Enhanced Provision: |Through the Magic Mirror by Anthony Browne. |
|visit by rail? |Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, |The Magic Bed by John Burningham. |
| |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets |Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett |
| |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions | |
| |To listen to stories with sustained concentration and be able to recite repetitive phrases. |Relevant stories to read:- |
| |To be able to identify the main characters and setting for stories. |Oi! Get off our Train |
| |Enhance or adapt the role play area to ensure it includes a train station; alternatively create this in the EYFS outdoor area. Support the chn to make tickets, timetables,|The Train Ride |
| |signs showing departures and arrivals, lost property office. Organise a ticket office for chn to buy and sell tickets. Provide dressing up clothes and props for the train |Rattle and Rap by Susan Steggall |
| |driver and guard. Use a row of chairs/ cushions for the train carriage. (LA30-50a; ELGi, ii; links with PSED MR30-50a, c, d; 40-60a; ELGi, ii; PSED SCSA30-50a, e; | |
| |S40-60a, b, d, e) | |
| |Give each child as many pre-cut train carriages as there are letters in their name. Help them to find an engine with their initial letter written on. Show them how to |Relevant resources for creating role play areas. |
| |arrange the name trains by adding subsequent letters to the carriages. Allow them to write independently or copy. Thread the carriages together and display them. (W40-60g,| |
| |h; ELGi, ii,iii) |Pre-cut train carriages. |
|27.1.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Fiction, Fantasy and Reality: Chn talk about journeys they’ve made, local & long-distance. Using books by Anthony Browne & John Burningham they explore|On the way Home by Jill Murphy. |
| |& write about fantasy journeys. An Animated Tale about a swallow leads on to work on animal journeys & migration. |The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. |
|How can we travel |Continuous Enhanced Provision: |Through the Magic Mirror by Anthony Browne. |
|on or under water?|Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, |The Magic Bed by John Burningham. |
| |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets |Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett |
| |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions | |
| |To listen to stories with sustained concentration and be able to recite repetitive phrases. | |
| |To be able to identify the main characters and setting for stories. |Large display paper |
| |Introduce the idea of keeping a daily diary about our journeys. As a group, write an imaginary diary entry about a long trip on a boat. (LA30-50a, b, d; 40-60a; ELGi, |raindrop shapes cut from silver/ blue paper |
| |i,iii; W40-60b, d, e; ELGi, ii; S30-50h; 40-60b, d) |large sealed plastic bottle containing a small amount|
| |Make a collection of watery words. AIA – WALT: Use descriptive words and sounds to build up a picture of the word ‘water.’ Explain to the chn that you are going to think |of coloured water |
| |about watery words. In the middle of a large piece of paper writ the word ‘water’. Cut the paper into the shape of a cloud. Ask chn to identify the initial sound in water |percussion instruments |
| |and to suggest other words which begin with the sound ‘w’. Ask chn to help you make a list of words that describe water or the sound it makes. Support the chn by allowing | |
| |them to explore through touch and listening to water in the water tray. Show chn a bottle of water and let them explore turning it upside down to hear the sound. Let them |Access to the water play area. |
| |experiment and make different sounds. Write any words suggested by the chn onto silver raindrops made by the children. Finally help chn to make vocal, percussion or body | |
| |sounds that sound like water. What instruments could they use? Ask chn to take turns to make their sound or suggest a word to create a watery sound collage or journey. Key| |
| |Vocab: Water, drop, drip, splash, puddle, gush, wet, soggy (S40-60a; R40-60b, c; W40-60d,h) | |
|3.2.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Chn look at aeroplanes, rockets, kites & flight & explore differences between fiction & factual writing & study the features of information texts. They|Information books on flying objects e.g. Planes & |
| |write instructions & design a aeroplane & make & fly planes. |Helicopters by Clive Gifford. |
| |Continuous Enhanced Provision: |DK Big Book of Airplanes by Caroline Bingham & Anne |
|How can we travel |Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, |Millard. Hekicopters by Emily Bone. |
|through the air? |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets | |
| |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions |Alternatively Big Book Wings, Wheels and Other Things|
| |To listen to stories with sustained concentration and be able to recite repetitive phrases. | |
| |To be able to identify the main characters and setting for stories. | |
| |Introduce passports and help children to make their own as part of role play activities. AIA – WALT: Use drawing and writing to make own passport. Show chn a real | |
| |passport. Explain that everyone has to take their passport with them when travelling on a journey to another country. Support chn making a list of what is needed in a |Paper folded into passport sized books, writing |
| |passport e.g. photograph, date of birth, signature. Provide mirrors and ask chn to draw small colour self portraits for their passport or incorporate ICT through using the|materials, digital camera |
| |digital camera and helping chn to print out their own photograph. Do chn know their DoB? Talk about the difference between writing their name and their signature. Show | |
| |them some examples and support them writing their signature in their passports. Encourage chn to design a front cover for their passports. Can they include the name of the|Relevant stories to read:- |
| |school in the design? Let chn enjoy using their passports as part of role play. (R30-50f, i, n; 40-60h; W40-60h, i links with PD MH40-60k) |Whatever Next? Jill Murphy |
| |Talk with chn about packing a suitcase to fly on holiday to another country. Ask chn to think of different places they would like to go and what they would need to pack |
| |for their chosen destination. Help them to think about how the contents would change according to the climate and activities they will participate in whilst there. Play |next.htm |
| |‘When I pack to go away I need …’ with each child adding a new item. (S30-50h; 40-60a, b, c, d; ELGi) | |
| |Read ‘Whatever Next?’ by Jill Murphy. Make a collection of props from the story e.g. colander, willies, teddy, chocolate biscuits, apple, jar of honey, toy owl. Put all of| |
| |these in a large cardboard box and encourage the chn to enjoy retelling and acting out the story. (LA30-50a; 40-60a; ELGi, ii, iii; R30-50d; 40-60b, c; W40-60d; links with|Amazing Aeroplanes by Tony Mitton & Ant Parker. Topsy|
| |EA&D BI30-50g, i, j; 40-60d, f; ELGii) |& Tim go on an Aeroplane by Jean Adamson & Belinda |
| | |Wormsley. Fantastical Flying Machines by Timothy |
| | |Knapman & Simon wild. I Wonder Why Planes Have Wings |
| | |& Other Questions About Transport by Christopher |
| | |Maynard. Roaring Rockets by Tony Mitton & Ant |
| | |Parkter. Kite flying by Grace Lin. |
| | | |
|10.2.2014 |Focus Text for CLL: Chn look at aeroplanes, rockets, kites & flight & explore differences between fiction & factual writing & study the features of information texts. They| |
| |write instructions & design a aeroplane & make & fly planes. | |
| |Continuous Enhanced Provision: | |
|Where in the world|Retelling stories, language development through role-play and small world play, recognising rhyming words, | |
|would you like to |Sequencing Stories using props, pictures, puppets | |
|go and how would |Writing speech bubbles for characters – writing in different genres: letters, menus, diaries, captions | |
|you get there? |To listen to stories with sustained concentration and be able to recite repetitive phrases. | |
| |To be able to identify the main characters and setting for stories. | |
| |Prepare cards showing a variety of vehicles (words and pictures). As you tell a story, chn listen for their vehicle, holding up the card and making an appropriate sound or| |
| |action whenever it is mentioned. Invite HA chn to make up a story for the others to listen to. (LA30-50a; 40-60a; ELGi, ii, iii inks with PSED MR30-50c, d; 40-60a; ELGi, | |
| |ii; SCSA30-50e; ELGii) | |
| |Invite chn to think about a journey they are going to make. Play a game using question words: where/ why/ when are you going> How are you getting there/ What will you do | |
| |there? Display the question words on five cards face down and take turns to choose a question. (S40-60a; U30-50d; 40-60d; ELGii) | |
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