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Middlefield Board of Selectmen

Regular meeting

August 4, 2014


(Approved September 16, 2014)

1. Call to order

Jon Brayshaw called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:05pm. Present are Jon Brayshaw, Dave Burgess and Ed Bailey.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Approval of Minutes and Agenda

A motion was made to approve the April 7, 2014 meeting minutes; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.

A motion was made to approve the June 2, 2014 meeting minutes; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.

A motion was made to approve the July 7, 2014 meeting minutes; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.

A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to approve the agenda with the addition of the adoption of the Rivercog Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan under #6 New Business. Motion was seconded by Ed Bailey and approved by all voting members.

4. Public Comment

Marianne Corona stated she got the meeting agenda online and she is pleased the website is looking very good. Marianne stated that she encourages people to have knowledgeable Wetland Commissioners. Jon Brayshaw stated they have not appointed two people; they are vacancies. Marianne recommends filling the vacancies with Linda Li and Irene Angiletta. Jon Brayshaw stated that Irene came in to speak to him and expressed how important Linda Li was.

Marianne also offered her assistance with the Conservation Commission.

5. Old Business

• Lake Beseck – Update

Ed Bailey explained that we are being told the dam should be finished by the end of the month. The lake is filling, but rain permitting, we probably won’t see it fill up until the fall. Ed Bailey read a letter from Ecologist Mark June-Wells on the progress of Lake Beseck. The letter is available on the town website.

Jon Brayshaw stated that the work at the north end of the lake and the beach is done. Ed Bailey stated that the State finished the work at the boat launch. All of the work the town has been contracted for is complete.

• Miller Road Bridge – STEAP GRANT Acceptance

A motion was made to authorize the First Selectman to accept and confirm the STEAP Grant for $131,000, from the office of OPM as per the OPM letter dated July 21, 2014; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.

6. New Business

• Assessor David Stannard – Welcome

Jon Brayshaw stated that today was the new assessor’s first day. We all wish Steve Hodgetts well on his retirement. Jon Brayshaw wanted to emphasize the appreciation from the Board of Selectmen and Middlefield and Rockfall of Steve’s effort. Jon suggested a motion to thank Steve for his years of service. Ed Bailey suggested a proclamation. Jon agreed and decided it will be done at the next meeting.

• Resolution – CT. State Library for Historic Documents Preservation Grant

A motion was made by Jon Brayshaw to approve to enter in a contract with the CT State Library for a Historic Documents Preservation Grant. This motion was moved and seconded.

• Delinquent Motor Vehicle Fees

Anne Olszewski explained the motives to encourage residents to pay real estate and business taxes on time. She stated there is nothing on motor vehicle regular and motor vehicle supplement. Anne explained that the town pays the DMV to monitor motor vehicle taxes. She stated that we have 900 delinquent just for the grand list right now. By adding a $2.00 fee to each motor vehicle bill reported to the DMV as being delinquent, the town can cover this year’s fee.

A motion was made to instruct the Tax Collector to charge and collect a $2.00 fee to be added to each motor vehicle bill reported to the DMV as being delinquent; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.

• Sesquicentennial

Jon Brayshaw mentioned the second planning meeting and explained how volunteers are adding up. He discussed how they are trying to lay out a calendar to mark dates in 2016. Chris Hurlburt has been co-chairing the committee. Work will be done every month with sub-committees from each group for the sesquicentennial.

Jon stated that they are planning on having a weekend, a week, and another weekend as the celebration dates. Ed Bailey explained that they are looking at dates around June 2nd or 3rd and ending around June 12th.

• Economic Development

Jon Brayshaw stated there is not much going on.

• Charter Revision

Jon Brayshaw handed out copies of his copy of the Charter with his notes on it. He also made and provided the members with a copy of the end product of what was produced in 2007. Dave Burgess stated his concern about making sure fundamental topics in the Charter stay as they are. Jon Brayshaw recommended a pledge to make sure they do not do that. Ed Bailey stated the Board of Selectmen can charge the Charter Commission and if they exceed that, it can simply be rejected. Dave Burgess stated he does not want to get rid of Board of Finance nor does he want a Town Manager or anything of that nature. Ed Bailey stated that Jon Brayshaw’s intentions are to simply clean up some procedures and grammar in the Charter. Jon discussed the flow chart from Bruno Morasutti from the previous meeting and suggested taking the three documents home, which consist of; the flow chart, a copy of Jon’s Charter and the original Charter. Jon stated that the Charter has not been looked at since 1994 and it’s time to look at it.

7. Passing of Rich DeLauro

• Rich DeLauro, a resident of the lake and part of the Inland Wetlands Commission, recently passed away. Jon Brayshaw wanted it to be noted that when Powder Ridge was being vandalized, Rich was up there day after day for months guarding the place voluntarily. Rich loved Middlefield and unfortunately passed away at the height of his participation with the town, but his work surely did not go unnoticed.

• Two vacancies - Inland Wetlands Commission – 2 vacancies – ZBA & Conservation

8. Appointment – Peter Tyc – Deputy Fire Marshall

A motion was made to appoint Peter Tyc as Deputy Fire Marshall. Stan Atwell approved. Motion was seconded and approved.

9. Mail

Jon Brayshaw shared mail with all members including a print out regarding Building Permit Stats, The Storm Warning Program and an Act assessing farm animals for tax purposes.

10. Adjourn

A motion was made to adjourn; this motion was seconded and approved by all voting members.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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